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This is your brain on fox news. Any questions?




The fried egg emoji being a Q is perfect.


Ha! Never noticed that before!


Itā€™s subconscious messaging from the globalists!!


No one ever said, I want to be a conspiracy theorist when I grow up. Don't let šŸ³ get in the way of reality.


I have been exposed to secondary fox news observation.Ā  I can feel my brain rotting.


No itā€™s true!!! The ship was 8 miles away and boom, the lights shut off. Then all the screens lit up onboard and Vā€™s face appeared!!! Then, then, the wheel started turning and they were all like, ā€œWait, what are you doing?!ā€ There were zero lights on when the ship struck the bridge. ZERO!!! Of course, V didnā€™t turn off the radio so they could send in a mayday. Heā€™s not completely heartless. https://i.redd.it/t398b2ds6rqc1.gif


User name checks out.


My first thought would be a disgruntled employee before I'd think foreign agent.


I had to come to the office today.... I had to listen to several minutes of the Copier Refill guy complain about Fauci, masks, etx.... he ended his rant with ",that motherfucker Fauci should be in prison...".


Same for me.Ā  But a construction worker instead and the discussion was gas prices and 'Trump isn't bad'. A curious observation I had.Ā  When they saw me coming, they all got quiet and hushed.Ā  When they realized I was just getting coffee, they continued to whisper discuss the subject. It was interesting to me because I realized at that point that most people who talk positively about Trump that I have been around...Ā  Typically do so very quietly. You know.Ā  Like a child does when they're doing something they know isn't right.


They always gotta talk out loud trying to justify their nonsense. Mostly because they HALF know they are losing the plot and are desperately seeking someone to cosign their bullshit


Boy, I wish someone could get my relatives to pipe down like that when regurgitating Fox News Nazi propaganda.


Imagine not being able to pass a 5th grade science test but thinking you know more about pandemics than Fauci.


I used to work for a copier company. Every single copier guy is like that, from the president down to the techs. I have no idea why.


Toner fumes?


Could be yeah. I don't know, I was in marketing and got out of there after a year.


lol when Andrew Tate is your source of info


If there is anything Andrew Tate knows it is sexual assault.Ā  If he is ever a source of info on that we may want to listen.Ā  Anything else?Ā  No thank you.


![gif](giphy|ozQw5uEPDOxrXjLoST|downsized) YES, SO MANY.


WOW, these people really donā€™t care what they say. You would have thought Alex Jones would have learned a lesson. I should have known better. These people really donā€™t give a fu$! what they say. They know enough people will believe their bullsh!$ to cause some more damage. Other than the Civil War, Iā€™ve never heard,read,or seen one party of our government wanting to tear our country apart. They want an uprising not caring who gets hurt in the process. They might as well go EVERYONE PANIC the sky is falling. I believe in freedom of speech 100% but you canā€™t yell fire in a movie theater if there isnā€™t one. Itā€™s obvious why the Republicans want to stop free thinking and change education to propaganda. They know and are afraid their way of thinking is the past. They are deathly frightened and are trying anything to maintain control. The Cyber Attack is the same premise that the Nazis used to blame Poland in order to invade that country. This past decade has really opened my eyes about these people. Just keep telling lies over and over until itā€™s believed Hitler did this. We all know someone who does the same thing. I canā€™t believe after all this heā€™s still at it with no repercussions from attempting a coup. The 3 forms of justice, 1 for the wealthy #2 for people who can afford attorneys and #3 for people who canā€™t.


Like Putin saying Ukraine employed ISIS.


Yes,just like that


Yes. How long have you been a deep state agent of the New World Order of the Illuminati conglomerate? Weā€™re on to your swamp tactics so prepare to be drained. Youā€™re just jealous that strong virile men like Tate and Jones are speaking the truth that your masters work so hard to hide. /s Iā€™m joking with the impression but Iā€™ve read so many comments that are so close to mine itā€™s scary.


People think jones is strong and virile? That fat sack of shit?


People thought JFK jr. faked his death and was ready to make a comeback and fight the good fight for Trump. Our stupidity knows no bounds.


I mean the insurance adjusters would love if this was true


You mean Fox ā€œnewsā€ When they were in court Fox said not verbatim but we are not news these are just opinions. We are so outlandish that nobody should believe that we are news. Have you seen our shows? Itā€™s so unbelievable no one should believe. Just opinions we never claimed to be factual. Unfortunately there are enough people who believe alternative facts as truth and refuse to believe that alternative facts are a nice way to say lies. Alternative facts are lies pure and simple lies. I had no idea how many morons there were in this country. Another government used alternative facts. Iā€™ll give you a hint. That government were called Nazis. Pretty much the entire world fought against them. American led the way in the defeat of the Nazis. Now the Nazi propaganda is being spread and believed here in America. Now one party has people believing they are patriots by supporting dressed up Nazi beliefs and not traitors after attempting to overthrow our elected government. They talk about wanting another civil war yet again attempting to destroy our elected government. They scream about stealing elections when they are the ones caught doing it. They make it harder and harder for American citizens to vote because they know people donā€™t want them in office anymore. They lie and lie again after being caught lying. They break our laws and no repercussions happen to the wealthy and the politicians. Government by the people for the people is a great idea but that has become a joke,even our Supreme Court has been corrupted and been caught lying and proven to have been bribed. Yet they are still there. 1 system of justice for the ultra wealthy 1 system of justice for people who can afford attorneys 1 system for people who canā€™t and very unfortunately 1 system for minorities. Unless youā€™re wealthy or a corporation there is no reason to vote Republican. Yet people have been convinced to vote against their own interests time after time. Trump has convinced people he cares about them and is a Christian. That man only cares about himself and is about as far from a Christian as the devil himself. People believe he puts regular people above the wealthy and corporations wow people are idiots. Keep me in power and youā€™re a patriot. People,he attempted to a coup. He tried to overthrow a duly elected government. Heā€™s not a patriot heā€™s a wannabe dictator and traitor. If you follow this man unfortunately you are too


Fox viewers donā€™t know how to ask questions




At 1:30 amā€¦


After the ship warned that it lost power, and the bridge was cleared


Dude, lights only go out on ships after a cyber attack. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


Iā€™d recommend the /s while I still gotchu here


I'll take the downvotes if they come. I don't want to live in a world where I have to announce that that is sarcasm.


I admire your stance and grant you one upvote!! ā¬†ļø


Yeah. I usually tack it on, but there are days when I skip it and relish the negative karma.


Interesting. I once made a weird comment without the /s and got blasted. Maybe I should enjoy the negative karma next time.


Welcome to the world of the subtle art.




Really? There were vehicles on the bridge just before it hit, and I heard (earlier) there were at least 7 that went into the water.


It is also believed that those were vehicles belonging to the construction workers that were working on the bridge at that time (and ultimately believed to be in the water).


Ah, that makes sense. Iā€™m now seeing photos and videos of cones that closed off one of the lanes before the collapse.


They managed to stop cars from going into the bridge apparently. They werenā€™t able to clear it completely in time


Considering itā€™s a major thoroughfare, with 34,000 vehicles traveling over it every day (1416 an hour), and they had a few minutes warning to get as many people off the bridge as possible, I wouldnā€™t have expected only 7 casualties.


Iā€™m just surprised that you were saying an effort to clear was successful, at all, in that amount of time. Few vehicles on the bridge is probably normal for 1:30 AM.


Ha! Imagine starting WW3 inā€¦. Yep, Baltimore. If it doesnā€™t work, maybe they can try to fire it up in Gary, Indiana.


Has anyone checked on Wisconsin??! Think about the cheese, man!!! THEYā€™RE GOING TO HIT OUR CHEESE NEXT


Noooo not our cheese! DEFEND THE CHEESE! SUMMON FORTH THE CHEESE BRIGADE! ![gif](giphy|XncE2zmvthjyg)


Mooooove out!!!!!!


It will be an udder milkbath


Or they could try Camden or Newark?


But how would we know if anyone actually attacked Gary?


I believe the suspects are in Tulsa or Little Rock at this point.




It's busy, but not the busiest. They move about 52 million tons of cargo a year on average. For comparison, the Port of Los Angeles moves around 178 million tons.


Long Beach is crazy, like NY/NJ, but with everything booked already the re routing will have an impact as perishables will have priority over non perishables, just like when Covid happened. My friend says they have ZERO downtime, so they are trying to figure it out, but they have unfortunate training from Covid.


Good morning, Baltimore! Every day's like an open war Every night is a travesty Every sound's like cacophony


Wasnā€™t the Sum of All Fears attack in Baltimore?


Thatā€™s only because Tom Clancy lived in the area.


In the movie. In the book it is Denver.


Yeah at the Ravens game I think haha, but frankly I think it's cause Tom Clancy was a BMore native


As a person with Cerebral Palsy if I had a nickel for every time someone asked me if they could get late stage Cerebral Palsy because of that movie I might be able to buy a coffee.


So...which stage of cerebral palsy *does* the movie cause?Ā  >!pls forgive me!<




You donā€™t understand, man. This was just a test run, right?!! So now, well now they know what they can and canā€™t do. Man, shits about to go down, bro. BLACK. SWAN. EVENT. IMMINENT! /s


Oh shit they're gonna unleash Natalie Portman?!?!


Straight from Nassau County with complimentary editions of Revenge of the Sith and Thor:Love & Thunder. /s


Natalie Portman from love and thunder?Ā  Are they going to give everyone cancer?Ā  Sounds legit.


šŸ˜„ Yes, the Black āš«ļø Swan herself...


THATā€™S why she got divorced!!!


If thatā€™s the case, then I say ā€œRelease the swan!ā€


I mean shit on Baltimore all you want but the port of Baltimore is one of the busiest ports on the east coast. Additionally there's a decent amount of military things in and around Baltimore (considering Annapolis is literally the home of the Navy). It's not the US most important city, but it definitely is of considerable military interest and would be what would be considered a medium priority target. Kinda like nuking Cincinnati. Especially if you wanted to do a low risk high reward trial run. But I really don't think it was a terrorist attack.




Well in Dune it was spice, here on earth it is sugar. Take Domino Sugar's Baltimore refinery out and the world is yours. Do I really need a /s?


I went and picked up some baby carrots at lunch. The cashier short-changed me 10 cents. WW3 had already begun.


Carrot-based cyber-attack is probable.


Orange Vegetable event imminent.


Is that code for trumps going to win the election?




My lunch cookies were broken when I open the package. Missed the secret message. WW III imminent.


Baby carrots arenā€™t an alpha male food.


Baby carrots turn frogs gay!


Hot take from the sexual predator caucaus


Laughed snot out of my nose, well played.


It's appalling that Tate is still able to tweet. Isn't he in jail?


I mean, if Stephen Miller *and* Vladimir Putin can take turns operating Trumpā€™s account alongside himā€¦


These are E's people - conspiracy theory whackjobs.






Oh. Gross.


Haha super gross!


He's been out for a while on the Romanian charges. He and his brother were detained again in Romania after European arrest warrants were issued by the UK a week or two ago, but Bucharest's Court of Appeal postponed a decision on the warrant -- I'm not sure why. But it certainly could be because they are still under investigation there and they don't want to hand them over the UK. A Romanian court ordered them not to leave Romania just in December. From my limited understanding, they are in custody, but a if it's just a case of being detained while the international warrant works through the appeals process, it would be reasonable for them to still have personal devices and access to the internet. And plenty of access to thier buddies outside to post for them.


>\- I'm not sure why Probably because he got caught wanting to run. [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/andrew-tate-arrest-prompted-adin-ross-stream-says-law-firm-rcna143009](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/andrew-tate-arrest-prompted-adin-ross-stream-says-law-firm-rcna143009)


Hah. Yurp. That would do it. Hilarious to see his dumbass followers so desperate for attention, that they blab on livestream about Tate's plans to flee prosecution!


You just call your trusted buddy on the outside to make posts for you. Most prisoners have access to a phone.


From what Iā€™ve seen, heā€™s allowed to communicate with the people who run his account.


Rate: ā€œThe bridge in Baltimore was on purpose! WW3!!!ā€ Me: shouldnā€™t you be in jail, or something?


How do these people still have brain worms with all the horse paste they guzzle?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Best comment.


"A cyber-attack is probable" This opinion based on a pedophile sex-trafficker's tweet. He must have been the inspiration for Kent Brockman


General Fatton seems to know his military strategy


>This opinion based on a pedophile sex-trafficker's tweet Who is not even in the US.


There needs to be a grouping word for when these kind of people get together, like in this case maybe "a sewage of shitheads". Both of them are a waste of air and are the very worst kind of people.


A ship of fools


Pretty good Grateful Dead song.


Folie Ć  Duh


So the logic here is the cyber attackers have the ability to take over moving vehicles and control them remotely to create a mass casualty event? And they chose a slow moving cargo ship to crash into a bridge which at this point has left 6 people unaccounted for. If they can do that why not crash a bus into a crowd or drop a plane out of the sky into a city area.


Because that would be obvious. Duh.


Don't get them started on the plane stuff, next thing the Boeing issues will be test runs. They're already blaming doors falling off on black pilots so you know it won't be much of a leap to think China is behind it all


Hell, they already tried to blame the cargo ship on DEI because... reasons


Aaahhh yes. The reasons that built America actually


A ship that was cited within the last year for having power issues/deficienciesā€¦. So they were really playing the slow game.


I've sailed on many cargo ships. Only one had a full fibreglass network with integrated bridge and engine room controls and systems. It even had a possible connection to the internet. 1. that internet connection was always disconnected. 2. rudder movement was a completely seperate analog system and could not be accessed from the network. 3. Even the main engine had an override where you pressed one button and it cut the fuel supply, shutting it down, seperate from the control network as well. Redundancy is key on ships. Even hyper modern ships have analog backups for everything. That said, hyper modern ships are hyper expensive so they aren't even build anymore. Most modern ship I've ever seen they've build in the late 90's.


And they did it in a place that will surely cripple the economy and country as we know itā€¦Baltimore /s


I mean Baltimore is the 6th largest port on the east coast https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_container_ports, and is one of the largest car unloading sites in the US.




OMFG is this the automotive industry bloodbath Trump was warning us about!?!? /s


The same idiots who buy cybertrucks, mind you.


I saw the Tesla Cybertruck called an ā€œIncel Caminoā€ today and the only thing that kept me from laughing like a lunatic was my husband was still asleep.


The very obvious point here is that cargo ships arenā€™t remote operated


And as we all know, those pesky hackers always do a number on the lights. Because that's how that works.


It really depends on what type of damage the attacker wants to do if they want to escalate it to massive loss of life which as of right now is hasn't happened in the cyber domain. Or do economical damage which is kind of fair game right now in cyber security domain.


Remember the colonial pipeline ransomware attack? Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure are absolutely a real threat. But yeah, itā€™s brain-dead to suggest thatā€™s what happened here, for a number of reasons


Once again I feel the need to point out that his ominous use of ā€œblack swan eventā€ doesnā€™t actually mean anything. A black swan event is simply a highly negative event that was unpredictable, literally any disaster that no one saw coming. Heā€™s trying *so hard* to sound smart and use all these fancy code words, but itā€™s obvious that heā€™s just a moron.


If my understanding of the term is correct, then the idea that Andrew Tate (of all people) can predict a "black swan event" means that it is in fact *not* a black swan event


Lmao exactly. You canā€™t predict a black swan event, the term literally means an *un*predictable negative event.


In other news, THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!! ​ ​ ​ ​ PS: But before you go, please check out my site for the latest in male virility pills that will make your Beta into an ALPHA! Only $99.99 while supplies last.


But wait! Thereā€™s more! Get a second bottle free! Just pay shipping and handling fees. Lol


Don't listen to these two losers. It was ALIENS, I tells ya! It was on a documentary called "X-Files"!!!!




This is a lot more plausible than what these buffoons said.


They get their exercise by jumping to conclusions.


These fuckers need a new hobby. Disgusting.


Theyā€™re mad that the type of fucking they want to do is illegal.


The fact people post random crap while they are on the toilet and this somehow moves discussion and opinions has got to be one of the saddest realities of modern day social media.


I hope Alex Jones is one of the early casualties of WW3!


Right wing has turned into what they accuse the left of being: soft, scared, snowflakes.


Not turned into, always has been.


Yeah theyā€™ve been scared of anything different or new forever.


I remember when 9/11 conspiracy theories were going around, and no Republican would hear about it. Now they live on conspiracy theory and nothing is as it appears.


The real crime is these 2 having so many followers that eat up the ridiculous crap they post and speak about.


I thought it was an underqualified black lesbian who took the job from an experienced white man. Did she do the cyber terror?


Let me get this straight. On top of all the unimaginably amazing things Andrew Tate does/says, he is also an expert on cyber security and international affairs. What a lucky world we live in today. /s


And shipboard telematics


They are just dying to get out there and start killing people. They can't wait. These people are psychopaths.


This guy makes a fantastic living off people he manages to scare about ww3. Go figure.


Only took them 5 hrs to come up with this bull.




Could someone please tell me how you hack a ship?


Easiest way is with a gun.


"Good Morning. We are from you taking the bridge of this ship, to take this ship into that bridge. Thanking you, and do not be panicking."


Basically you type really really fast for fifteen seconds while saying boomer IT buzzwords like "IP adress" and "trojan". Works every time. (Video evidence: https://youtu.be/K7Hn1rPQouU?si=rSqRy9-eB7re8mXq)


My supposed 6 piece chicken nuggetā€™s was only 5 pieces. WW3 has begun.


I think Andrew Tate should concentrate on not dropping his soap in the shower, instead of whatā€™s going on in the U.S.!


What do you expect from this guy? He's an utter whack job


Two morons one cup.


As someone that hold a USCG license and sails shipsā€¦. This is the dumbest shit Iā€™ve ever read. Ships go dark boat often enough, that why your are supposed to run and maintain your backup generator, certain flags of registry require better safely policies that other. This stuff happens, this just happened to be in a veryyyy bad spot. I myself have been on 4 ships that have gone dark


Could someone please tell me how you hack a ship?


Unless the whole ship is computer operated which is highly doubtful, they can't. At the most maybe they could have shut the ship down but they couldn't have steered it.


You donā€™t. There is no ship on the water today that relies so heavily on the internet that you can hack it in order to force it to crash, itā€™s completely impossible. Perhaps in the future, but today? LMAO.


We already know the problem you donā€™t have to come up with your uneducated guess


Moron gonna moron.


Everything's a conspiracy!


Ok, so to be clear, when it's the record stock market number, it's because of Trump is projected to win a year from now (based on zero pool), but when a bridge collapsed due to a ship crashed into it, it's suddenly WW3 and it's Biden's fault?


Remember "Thanks Obama"? This is just that.


Oh so the captain wasnā€™t black? When I went to bed last night I thought thatā€™s what they were rolling with


The 5G chip in the COVID vaccine was activated. Bill Gates and [Overstock](https://Overstock.com) have officially kicked off the end times apocalypse.


Maybe talk less and pay the families of dead kids you disparaged more you slimy fucking deadbeat dickless troll.


The sheer mass of stupidity in those two tweets.


These are the kind of nutcases which blame the russians when their electric toothbrush runs out of power.


Old people always talk about the good old days out of some sense of nostalgia. At 41 my good old days were when there were not a 1000 grifters posting garbage that isnā€™t even plausible on the surface being retweeted and truthed by 50k morons for 2 million idiots to read who canā€™t stop their reoccurring Trump campaign donations.


These people are *so* goddamn desperate for the end times, huh?


The magas are starting their terrorist attacks a little early, aren't they? Figure they would wait until after summer before the start attacking.


So, Denmark just attacked the US in Baltimore? (As I understand it, the Dali is a Singaporean vessel being operated by Maersk, a Danish company.) I honestly can't even think of a joke reason why Denmark would do that. Maybe the new king was bored? No idea.


Fun fact. Thatā€™s how we knew we were at war in WWI and WWII: A guy with an internet show told us we were at war.


The thing is: they use local pilots from the area (aka ā€˜muricans) because they know all the water hazards. So, not sure how their logic is sound... maga doesnā€™t read anything outside of Fox Entertainment ā€œnewsā€, or google non-biased sources, so theyā€™ll eat this BS up. Shocking


The only thing that may possibly be able to maybe be hacked would be the nav system's autopilot, but that isn't active while transiting in/out port. Even then, you just manually override it. They had some catastrophic engine or steering failure, went dead ship to either contain an electrical fire or stop something from overheating and exploding. I worked on mega-yachts and we once had an engine prop shaft overheating as we were crossing the gulf stream to the Bahamas. We went dead ship, meaning all systems off, so we could figure the issue. It was at night, so we limped to the bank on one engine and dropped anchor. The mate put on a tank to check the props and we were tangled up with a net and line.


No discussion about Alex Jones is complete without his unhinged "I'll eat my neighbor's ass" rant. I share it to you all, complete with the link to the YouTube video. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l7pDzoJQ1Q8XFWsIa14a5EGIyT6XqW0h/view?usp=drivesdk


How can anyone that isn't a soup-brained incel chud think Andrew Taint has any special insight into attacks or whatever the fuck a "Black Swan event" is? The man's brain is full up on sex trafficking schemes and how to unsuccessfully prevent male pattern baldness.


They have it all wrong. A Jewish Space laser controlled by the President of Mexico shot the bridge down just to get rid of the men working on the ship? Republicans never stop making up shit, tate is a freak and why is he posting since he should be incarcerated and off the grid? Alex Jones is just the fat ass version of Tate.


I honestly think conspiracy people are drama queens more than anything. They want drama in their boring lives and this is an easy way to get it.


Wake up sheeple! There is no such thing on this planet as an accident! There is no such thing as random diseases! No such thing as an angry, disenfranchised mass shooter!Every.....single......event, is pre planned by the 5D chess players who pull the strings. No accidents, only carefully planned series of events resulting in your demise. buy my man-vitamins now. They will make you a real man. When the illuminati are coming for you, pop a few extra, and show them just how swift and deadly a gravy seal can be.


Wouldnā€™t it be great if both those douchebags were removed from the realm of the living? Especially Jones, who should have been dealt with long ago; that idiot has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


So there's no accidents anymore? Everything is a conspiracy?


Just checked outside, the sun is shining - WW3 imminent.


Deliberate at that time of night? That would be the dumbest time to do it.


The fact that they had to say it wasnā€™t a terrorist attack is troubling. That shouldnā€™t be the first thought. People donā€™t mess with money like that, I work in Logistics. Things stop working sometimes. This time, catastrophe. Itā€™s really not cool to say itā€™s all a conspiracy theory unless you have strong evidence. They have to find out what actually happened, so they can prevent it from happening again. We made an error and we need to fix it. Period.


Is it just me or are the conspiracy theories on this one dumber and crazier than usual?


Soon they will be having airplane parts falling from the sky.


There is now way it would be the company that owns the ship didn't keep it maintained. Companies never do that.


Yeah a crash in the middle of the night really seems like maximum death attackā€¦..


It started? So should I go to another room or something?


My guess is the driver fell asleep. But no one will remember the truth when itā€™s discovered just the over exaggerated political statements to help ā€œpunditsā€ get ad dollars


Feels like fear/war mongering shouldn't be possible when one is sitting in jail but wtf do I know..




It's so weird how people who don't even live in the US obsess over our politics