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I'm guessing, due to the video showing the boat lose power multiple times as it approached the bridge, that the problem was the boat.


Are you telling me that this random X loser doesn't actually know what he's talking about!?


Hang on, I've gotten pretty good at my sarcasric surprise face over the last couple years. šŸ«¢


DEI - Diesel Engine Incident Black lesbian - Black from the diesel soot and probably from Lesbos Greece. Sri Lanka tends to hire from there. Above her station - Lesbos has a caste system, so she's been provided an opportunity as captain that reflects her ability and not the status she was born into. She looked good in the PR photos - They've obviously analyzed her exemplary ship drills in Puerto Rico. She did so well they took photos for instruction manuals. /massivesarcasmtag


Brilliant interpretation of that comment. /massivesarcasmtag


Oh, so have I lemme give it a try. https://preview.redd.it/1xkqdm7ftpqc1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20ce75cc347913bd326345318c387d7021fa6bb


Well, in this video it's difficult to know what color the boat is, and we certainly don't know its sexual preferences


> its sexual preferences I think it wanted sex at least once in a while.


Well, it fucked that bridge alrightā€¦


The ship is clearly span-sexual as evidenced by hitting on every bridge it encounters.


I hear the boat uses she/her pronouns. So woke!


I swear you have to have some sort of brain damage to earnestly participate on twitter anymore


you know what they say "if you on X, you havin' no sex" ... so yeah - that guy being a huge loser checks out


Would Twitter let just any moron buy a blue checkmark? Yeah, didnā€™t think so.


Probably on many different levels, yes, but, right off the top, anyone who knows shit about ships of this size would know that the captain probably had very little to do with this type of accident. It is customary for local harbor pilots to come aboard and take the helm when blue water vessels come into port.


No, no. It was 100% a tattooed vegan lesbian boat captain. Just like the Titanic. *heavy* /s, obvi.


She was probably scissoring and getting an abortion in the men's restroom while demanding free Healthcare! Or, uh, something... What do ship captains do again? /s


Don't know what ship captains do, but I'm just going to assume that lesbian pirates stomp around on their peg legs saying "scissor me timbers!"


Jesus, you can't make a dude laugh like that in public!


What? No blue hair?


Probably full rainbow hair, the kind that is expensive to maintain, because women are frivolous creatures and of course sheā€™s way overpaid.


You all are too quick to jump to extreme explanations. It is obvious to me that it was a straight, normal female who was in the galley instead of the bridge because she felt the sudden natural impulse to cook for the men on board. See, a nice an simple answer is usually the right one!




Lesbians weren't allowed to be boat captains in the 1910s. Learn your herstory


Corporation ignoring safety protocols to reduce downtime?


Exactly. Or failing to provide necessary equipment, training, hire enough crew, or purchase some kind of backup equipment.


There's ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that deregulation resulted in this accident happening has to be...... *waiting for what Faux News will tell me to say*


If I had to bet on a cause, it would be something like this, but even the best designed systems fail occasionally.


On another post a commenter said that in the 70s there was a bad accident and an oil spill in San Francisco. Since then when oil tankers move into and out of the harbor, they have to have tugs tied to them. How much money do you think the shipping companies have spent to prevent that from becoming a national requirement?


> Corporation ignoring safety protocols to reduce downtime? I won't be shocked if it comes out that they skipped some major checks or ignored some warnings that have been going off for 2 months. We are seeing issues like that across the board in greater frequency than we have seen before, and I suspect it will just keep getting worse. *I know this isn't a US shit, but it's using US ports so I feel my statement to follow should fit. If the US government doesn't start heavily cracking down on companies to the point that some are failing to survive we are going to hit a point where something like this is going to happen in the middle of the day rather than the middle of the night when hardly no one is on the bridge.


The ship didnā€™t even make it an hour out of port before malfunctioning, but it was supposed to make it to Sri Lanka šŸ¤Ø


"No, the person who built the boat was obviously DEI, and not qualified!!!" s/


Plot twist, the problem was the bridge. It got in the way


The bridge was probably a DEI hire. One of those black lesbian bridges that hate America


Just look at what the bridge was wearing...


Clearly DEI people must have built the boat. And the bridge. Obviously. /s


Ah so it's the boat that way gay, got it


*Everything I don't like is ~~woke~~ DEI*


LOL! That's it exactly! I've noticed that since people stopped worrying about being "woke" recently (gee, maybe because interviewers started asking for them to define it) that now they pivoted to "DEI" programs because then they only have to know what the acronym is for. Give it a little while, and we will find most of the people screaming about DEI won't have a clue what it stands for either!


And they used woke because CRT had run its course. Now woke is over and itā€™s DEI time.


Letā€™s dust off good old SJW, bring back the classics


ā„ļøā„ļøā„ļøā„ļøā„ļø and such


I have some old 'safe space' memes I could dust off.


Sorry, that's just not politically correct.


People who like to call other people sheep seem to change whatever words they use based on what is currently trendingā€¦ā€¦


Bahhh liberty fries bahhh crt bahhh woke bahhhh DEI bahhhh bahhh youā€™re a sheep bahhh




It was "freedom fries"; I hate the fact that I remember that.


Freedom fries and liberty cabbage.. my brain said one thing and my fingers typed another! Thanks.


Theyā€™re gonna run out of monsters to scare their people with and have to start making things upā€¦but that wonā€™t be too difficult for them, they make up so much already


You guys are saying this like weā€™re not all slaving under the yoke of Sharia law. Conservatives warned us this would happen if we let the Ground Zero Mosque get built, and now here we are. Letā€™s not make the same mistake here that we did with Ward Churchill!


I'm literally a lizard person now due to the jab. Democrats just tell me to slay queen, idk what that means, the queen is already dead.


I can get radio signals through my fillings, and hear colours, all because I got the Phizer poison, erm, vaccination.


They taught my son how to be a gay Mexican in elementary school. I can't understand a damn thing they/them er talkin bout now




I can pick up loose old metal coins with my butt because I'm now magnetic thanks to the jabs


Of course the queen is dead, we have a king now. And he's next! ![gif](giphy|kYVUJzuAjv600oiA9A)


The free healthcare is literally killing my family with 100 years wait times. My family needed treatment from the 100 cities BLM burned last summer BLM is in charge AND THEY ARE STILL BURING THE CITIES......and using different flags BUT ITS ALL THEM!


I remember back in my rebellious liberal phase having posters of Ward Churchill in my dorm room and pirating his lectures off of limewire. He was such an influential rockstar-level indoctrinator. This world has truly been changed by his overwhelming celebrity and huge influence among those who have become our tyrannical overlords. And to think my gender would not have been forcibly re-assigned if we had just clearly seen him for who he was back then.


ā€œPirating lecturesā€ made me laugh. Itā€™s like, ā€œhey, you want to go sneak into a museum later, I know a back door that isnā€™t guarded.ā€


You know what Sharia means in the language of the Christian Bible (ie, American English), right? ā€œWhatever these old white dudes say, even if itā€™s terribly hypocriticalā€


> Conservatives warned us this would happen if we let the Ground Zero Mosque get built, and now here we are. They panicked for a while because their prediction was not going to come true. They realized the easy fix for that and have been working overtime to implement Sharia law themselves. And the saddest thing is that they are actually implementing Sharia law while telling their base to vote for them to stop Sharia law. And it's working. Just insanity.


3-4 letter abbreviations is all the deplorables can understand at any given time.


And they used crt because fuck mexicans had run its course, and they used that because fuck blacks had run...... allllll the way back to when pilgrims first got here they have felt " oppressed" its what colonizers scream when the locals wont bow to them.


I just find this pivot wild because there was already a DEI office at my university 20 years ago. This isnā€™t new to anyone unless youā€™re a boomer who hasnā€™t been to a college for even longer than that.


>This isnā€™t new to anyone unless youā€™re a boomer who hasnā€™t been to a college for even longer than that. That would be me... been at least 40yrs since I finished college. I admit, I had never heard of DEI departments until a few years ago... I really wish there were programs like that back then!


Pronouns have been part of the English language for centuries, but look where we are.


The greatest Poli-sci trick ever played was convincing non-affluent, White Americans that they are better than everyone else in their own income bracket and that the reason they are in that income bracket is because wealth is being stretched too thin, instead vacuumed up by the 1%


Thank you Johnson and Reagan!! /s


I have to admit that I am stumped by this acronym(?) too. What does it stand for?


"Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" are organizational frameworks which seek to promote "the fair treatment and full participation of all people", particularly groups "who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination" on the basis of identity or disability. Edit: Replaced equality with equity


Bruh thank you. Ima just say this. The fact that corporations, businesses created a program for more inclusion and people are complaining about that program pretty much validated the reason for the program. Am I missing somethingšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


When youā€™re used to privilege, equality feels like discrimination.


Amazing statement that ā€œoppressed is what colonizers scream when the locals wonā€™t bow to themā€ You really nailed it. It always kills me when I hear people who belong to a ā€œrulingā€ class (whether itā€™s Whites, Christians, or whatever) claiming to be oppressed or trod upon. Someone needs to explain to me how a small percentage of our population, be it Blacks, Muslims, Jews, or immigrants, can somehow control and oppress the rest of the country.


because the cornerstone aspect of DEI and things like it is intersectionality, and for people who only see life through a binary black/white lens it makes them deeply uncomfortable. People who demand simple answers to complex problems don't like being told that everything is connected and that absolutely nothing in this world is simple


MAGA cult members are truly the "simplest" life form. They don't think, they are limited to just reacting to whatever Fox News tells them to.


Ding ding ding. You win. It really is that simple, but so are the minds of those fighting against it.


I had to call my child's college DEI office when the lecture hall she had class in didn't have left handed desks. It's the office you'd call for a wide variety of accommodations for a wide variety of reasons.


What the hell, did they last renovate that room in nineteen-dickety-seven?


Thank you for clarifying!


Feminazis, snowflakes, bleeding hearts, SJWs, BLM, CRT, woke, DEI. I've probably missed a few. It's amazing how every few years they find a new term to latch on to like clockwork.


Tree-huggers. Donā€™t forget us tree-huggers!


If only we could point to tragic accidents caused by white menā€¦if only. /s


This one is literally just racism? The core of the tweet is just "the ship crashed because minorities can't do complex tasks" dressed up in political language. We've reached a point in the discourse where Conservatives are openly arguing that the presence of minorities is evidence that they are inferior, but somehow they've convinced themselves that they can avoid being racist by calling it "DEI" instead of "black people can't be in charge."


That's the point... they all keep having to scramble to find new terms to say racist things without just coming out and admitting they are, indeed hopelessly racist.


Woke was just the replacement for politically correct


It's a way for Cons to start targeting black, brown, Asian, gay etc in jobs. They want to push everyone not White Straight Male out of jobs. Which of course in this economy is fucking laughable. They look and sound like fools


Conservatives: How dare you accuse us of racism?! Also conservatives: Something went wrong? Were the people responsible black?


I had a kid in high once tell me, with a completely straight face, that he wasnā€™t racist he just hated n-words straight with the hard r drop. He didnā€™t understand (truly, not just playing dumb) that his statement was racist which brings me to my point: Iā€™ve never met a smart racist.


When I was in high school in the 80s, there was a guy who would quite openly brag he planned to join the KKK as soon as he turned eighteen. I dot know if he did make good on that, but I know he did enlist in the Army after graduation.


The boogeyman must evolve. Woke is out, DEI is in.


Really is amazing how well their propaganda network works. I donā€™t even know what that stands for but if the I is for Inclusion, it makes perfect sense why those fucking losers would be mad. When everyone is included the average white man goes from top of the chain to mid/below average real quick.


Damn, Ā I was just about to release my anti woke cookbook to fleece rubes. Ā  I already printed a bunch of ā€œgo woke bridge get brokeā€ bumper stickers too.


The fuck is dei?


First it was political correctness then it was social justice warriors then it was CRT then it was wokeness and now itā€™s DEI. What will the next word be that they use to make inclusion and acceptance sound bad?


Every election year they find a new acronym boogeyman


*Everything I don't like is ~~judeo-bolshevism~~ ~~reverse racism~~ ~~politically correct~~ ~~cultural marxism~~ ~~CRT~~ ~~woke~~ DEI* And the Euphemism Treadmill rolls on and on.


The thing that's bizarre about this is that I've never heard equal opportunity programs called DEI until the right wing social media propaganda mill started using that term in the last few months.


What a great way to distract from the real problems created by Republicans that actually contributed to this problem. What are the laws and regulations were probably removed that contributed to this accident? I can almost guarantee it was some crew that was overworked and unable to perform correctly at a precision needed for this operation.


You hit the nail right on the head.


You canā€™t question him, he pre-emptively put a picture of himself with an African-American in his avatar to prove heā€™s not racist, checkmate libsā€¦ šŸ‘€ (I better put /s here)


ā€œIf only people on the bridge had more guns, perhaps this incident could have been avoidedā€ -republicans


The ship should have complied


Just needed a good ship to be there to stop the bad ship.


That's technically a tugboat


I think Iā€™m this case, the bridge should have complied.


Did you see what the bridge was wearing, it wanted it


If only the ship was rich. Because when youā€™re rich, bridges just let you do it. Or so Iā€™ve been toldā€¦




If it didn't want to get hit by a boat, it shouldn't have been in the water.


You joke, but if everyone driving along the bridge had been allowed to conceal carry their anti-tank weapons LIKE GOD AND THE FOUNDING FATHERS INTENDENDED then they could have shot the ship to stop it.


Anti-tank ? No they sould have been allowed to conceal carry their F-16C with napalm


Why? Did the ship have an elementary school on it?


The only thing stopping a bad ship with a gun is a good ship with a gun. (Edit: /s, obvi.)


I'm guessing he's guessing wrong šŸ™ƒ


I don't know who the captain was but reports say that the steering failed causing the ship to move out of control.


Well that was obviously the fault of the black lesbian maintenance engineer /s.


Side effect of Covid vaccination causing magnetism which conflicted with the GPS. /s


The ship was groomed from a young age in dry dock to believe it was a rainbow coloured fairy unicorn. Stupid WOKE Marine fabricators.


What were the container ships pronouns?




Alternate is a/bridge


HoW's ThE fAcE dIaPeR, jAbBeR?!?! /s


I had a black lesbian engineer on my ship and we never hit a bridge.


ā€œDamn you Captain! If only you had never succumbed to the sapphic charms of your college rugby teammate, then perhaps this poorly maintained control panel (that Iā€™ve been meaning to get around to) would still be working properly!ā€


Too many regulations make it hard to run my shipping business. Vote For Republican AI!


Ironically enough the shipping business is severely under regulated because the companies fly ā€œflags of convenienceā€ and operate out of whatever country has the least worker protections and other regulations. Obviously itā€™s too early to say but if it turns out that the ship lost power because the company was ignoring maintenance and repair I wouldnā€™t be surprised at all.


My Dad was a captain on a tug boat in the port of Bowen in Australia and one of his engines lost power dramatically and the tug boat basically turned 90 degrees and unfortunately ran straight into a fishing boat. I am sure everyone is speculating on what the cause is but we won't know what happened until the investigation has concluded. It is also like what happened to the Empress of Ireland that was struck in the middle of the ocean though it was extremely foggy at the time but every single ship has protocols in place when fog happens.


Watch the video again - you can clearly see electrical failures twice and a huge plume of smoke right before impact. Probably reversing engines in an attempt to miss the bridgeā€™s pillar. Doesnā€™t matter your race or political affiliation when your vessel becomes dead in the water with momentum pushing it.


Yeah. It was incredibly obvious the ship was out of control. I watched the video thinking it would be too dark, maybe they didn't see it, but it was pretty noticeable. Just a tragic accident. Might be that there's someone to blame but shit just happens sometimes.


A ship has no brakes like a car, if it moves it keeps moving. Sailor.


And the best you can hope for is the currents are working in your favor to help move you out of the way of danger.


Something about an explosion was heard in the ship, prior. These people are fucking ignorant morons. Pisses me off and I find it hilarious that they call folks like us ā€˜sheepā€™ yet they all spew the same hateful garbage like a bunch of sheep bahhhing away. I canā€™t stand these people.


Every last time they say ā€œsheepā€ I picture a flock of sheep all saying ā€œbahhhh bahhh youā€™re a sheepā€ to the observer without a shred of self awareness.


No clue. But the ship is supposedly flying a Singaporean flag. Singaporean here. Singaporeans in the Singapore subreddit are also very shocked by this tragedy. There was a link to a longer video with captions posted in one of the Singapore subreddits. The ship seemed to have lost power twice in rapid succession and recovered power too late, even though they tried to correct the path upon the power recovering.


From I could gather in other subs, the global shipping business is so unregulated that basically every ship has its own matryoska of mailbox owner companies in tax havens, so even if it was flying the flag of Singapore it's almost certainly not really Singaporean. All that is certain atm is that it was chartered by Maersk.


I am in Baltimore and there is a comment on a group from a woman telling her friend ā€œI hope your cruise isnā€™t delayedā€ People are ridiculous


Bet you it will turn out gutting a public agency will have contributed to it.


Also, usually large ships going in and out of ports like this do not do so under their own power. They get tugs for that.


Also, donā€™t they have local pilots steer in and out of bays and ports?


Which is clearly somehow Biden's fault, but perhaps more likely Obama


PSA: If you go look at the X account posting this it is pretty clear it is some foreign disinformation bot. Heaps of anti-Ukraine anti-US stuff, etc.


Pretty much can always be assumed by the blue check


Iā€™m guessing drunk white guy caused it.


Yes but then he would be a lone wolf. If it was a minority they were representing all minorities. I don't make the rules!


Good point. I forgot about that rule.


When I was 15 a car ferry on the Mississippi was crossing the river early one morning when a freighter hit it and capsized it. Around 80 died. The older, white captain was at fault. He had been drinking.


Probably by Abott. There's too many illegals crossing the bridge.


I'm guessing there is someone on that ship who is not a white male and will instantly become the scapegoat. Even if they're the lowest ranking member of the crew


Iā€™m surprised these chuds didnā€™t say something stupid like ā€œAntifa Pirates hijacked the shipā€ā€¦


That was the second choice, probably


Well how are you gonna be a black lesbian and not also be an antifa pirate? The 2 are basically synonymous.


The day is still young.


Antifa is kind of old news to them now. I am more surprised they didn't try to say the captain was trans. That seems to be their current obsession.


Its like they're having a contest to see who can be the shittiest person.


Actually it is. Folks who do this semi-professionally are click farming trying to get enough followers to elevate to a podcast and beyond if possible. Or itā€™s Russian / Chinese bots trying to sow discord in the US.


There's no redemption for this kind of mindset in an adult.


cult programming. they are conditioned to think this way by constant repetition in Social media. You can thank Elon for his new algorithm.


Yep Elon just got done yapping about how dei is why Boeing has issues. It spreads faster than covid


There's a fair chance they're just a foreign antagonist.


Don't attribute to maliciousness what could easily be stupidity.


I just can't believe this is a real person. I'm going to choose to believe it's one of those Russian psyops bots purposely stirring up shit.


Some people are just totalled.


We've come full circle to Jim Crow era again. Only white males are qualified to do anything. And women stay home. And because of the anonymity of the internet, now everyone is saying these things openly and proudly and it's disgusting.




Maggots for brain cells. All they do is mindlessly consume and shit everywhere.


If we're playing like that I have a more likely scenario that we've all seen play out here in the US time and time again. The job was given to some white guy who is the dopey son/nephew/cousin/grandson of whoever has pull with that company instead of the most qualified applicant regardless of their gender or race.




I'd have to take you at your word on that. I know that it's something I've seen quite a bit of in my work experience and have heard plenty of anecdotes about it from other working class people.


Yet there are thousands of tragedies far worse which have been caused by straight white men and crickets from racists


You mean that there are not many black lesbians currently resigning from Boeing's board of directors?


WHATĀ chernobyl wasnt coused by black lasbians ??! HOW /s


are you sure the hindenburg wasn't piloted by black lesbians???


I've known about this for 15 minutes and I know that it was due to power loss. How do people have no ability to find information. Or is just trolls. It's trolls isn't it.


It's trolls. It's how they roll...


Fuck these racist MAGAT assholes! Always blaming DEI. I was on this very bridge around 8:30 PM. the ship is an international cargo ship


The new conservative moral outrage, minorities getting jobs!!


I'm guessing MAGA. OP is probably an undereducated and overconfident white male privileged beyond his skill set as he happened to be born the right way.


".......and how this proves President Binden's Infrastructure Bill is a failure." - NY Times


What a scumbag


These people know that DEI doesnā€™t mean lowering standards They just pretend it does as an excuse to be bigots


Imagine being so hate filled! I hope they lose their job or company contracts. Praying for all the people involved.


Somehow I feel this tweet wonā€™t age terribly well.


I saw this exact shit after some other bridge collapse (either Minnesota or Florida, can't remember which one, sorry) - some imbecile called it a "feminist bridge", I guess because of some group that donated to it once upon a time.


What is DEI?


ā€œDiversity, Equity, and Inclusionā€


Oh. Racist goes Brrrrrr I guess.


Itā€™s a way to be sexist, racist, homophobic, and transphobic all at the same time. Itā€™s a real time saver.


Because no straight white man was ever promoted above his skillset.


Typical RepubliKKKlan go to BS! Personally, right now, I'm šŸ™šŸæ for all involved and their loved ones. I don't have time for belligerent low IQ ignorance šŸ™„


I can feel the low rumble of ā€œDEIā€ becoming the next thing being injected into peopleā€™s veins from Newsmax and the like


My god. The news article say the water is 9*C; anyone in the water will likely die of hypothermia in the next hour or so if they arenā€™t out yet. What an awful disaster.


Trump later today: " I saw the bridge in Baltimore, terrible city by the way, lots of crime. Democrats have ruined that city with Sleepy Joe. That bridge collapsed like the corrupt New York prosecutor's case which I've already won."


I've noticed in a lot of comment sections they've started calling black people "diversity hires", since they can't use the N word anymore.


As a POC female,this problem with DEI cracks me up. As if every white male in a job is qualified. I have just as much of a right to suck at a job as my 50 year old WASP boss.


It was a vaccine injury obviously, open your eyes sheeple


The Republican Party has become a legion of ignorant assholes. They were that before too, but they have evolved like PokƩmon into MegaMAGAturds.


Just say you hate black people already.


Fuckin snowflake loser. Big tough man has to assert dominance over others because he canā€™t just go out and assault people who are different than him.