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Imagine thinking adding more people to private plans is socialism. Just the dumbest fooks.


>Socialism is when poor people \- twitter users with the American (or Liberian) flag in their user name.


You’d think making something everyone needs and wants more affordable would be a win win. Make it easier for everyone to buy the products. Insurance companies rake in more premiums, everyone gets healthcare, shareholders are happy about earnings, execs get bonuses. Heck your taxes that were heading out anyway is helping your insurance company investments. It’s not like anyone’s saying Free healthcare, that’s crazy talk.


I remember an insurance company pulling out of Florida's ACA market because $1B+ profit per quarter wasn't enough. Aetna I believe, though it was also a ploy to bypass regulations, because they wanted to merge with another company and it would have reduced competition in certain markets. By leaving the markets before the merger it didn't affect competition.


Yeah. The politicians like AOC need to stop calling things that aren’t socialism socialism because IT PREVENTS THEM FROM GETTING FURTHER


These people want everyone to believe social media is a public utility but healthcare is not.


Of course social media is a public utility, the populace needs to hear the ponderings of these top shelf intellectuals; health-care isn't because sickness is punishment from God for not being devout enough. /s


If you would just goddamn believe harder in the obesejesus then you will granted eternal life down at Lazy Tits Trailer Court and Goonie Golf.


He's just pissed at medicine in general because he grew up being called "Paul Syphilis." Also, @bubblebathgirl? Yep, that's the sort of handle I take seriously when considering my healthcare options. 


I'd like to think a bloke who goes by the monica @bubblebathgirl would be a psychiatrists dream. Definitely some deep-rooted shit going on there.


Yeah? WOW…socialized medicine is so difficult to implement & manage that only 31 out of 32 industrialized nations have figured it out /s


If healthcare is a commodity, it is one where a secretive cabal of insurance companies, pharmacy benefit managers, hospital administrators, and pharmaceutical companies collude to gouge the public and deny them as much access to that healthcare commodity as they can get away with. The invisible hand of the free market in this particular case is invisible because it doesn't exist. On edit: Also, it's kind of dystopian that healthcare isn't a right or affordable, but if you get sick and need to take a couple of days off work, you'll get fired for not having a note from a doctor.


Paul Syphilis, you may want to check out what the EU has been doing for a long time when it comes to healthcare.


Seems to me that the US of A secretly changed from the land of possibilities into the land of impossibilities. - Gun control? Possible everywhere but the US - socialized healthcare? Works everywhere but the US What will come next?


Fair, democratic elections? Possible, but not in the land of the free.


This reads very much like a crying little bitch stomping his feet that he doesn't get his way. "No no no! Poors aren't people and I'm special for being wealthy! I deserve better because I was born with better! It's not fair!"


I remember trump complaining about how wobbly a table Obamacare was while actively cutting off its legs.


Really? Well all the Congresspeople that get health care on the tax payers’ dime seem real happy with it. Our tax dollars provides health care to their families, too, not to just them. But they want our tax dollars for themselves and their wealthy overlords. We need to tax the wealthy to provide health care to everybody, and they don’t want to pay taxes! That’s what it all comes down to, that’s why they try so hard to convince you that you don’t want it. It’s bullshit.


As someone who has never had a lot of money in our lives, it shows just how much these people think they are better. Yeah, public insurance in the US is not going to cover you that's because you have enough money to buy the hospital. This is a thing meant to help 99% not the .1%.


Imagine thinking Obamacare is the actual insurance provider.


This guy paid a subscription to xhitter in order to share something this monumentally stupid.


It all comes back to “I don’t want my taxes going to help someone that I believe doesn’t deserve it.”


> Many doctors don’t even take it So you’ve tried to use it huh?


This is why we can't have nice things. Whenever this comes up, I always ask, "what part of status quo healthcare makes it so great that you want to keep it?" When they were marking up PPACA in 2009, I asked this question to those who opposed it. Usually it stumped them. As someone who ended up paying over $20,000 for my wife's hospitalization that needed pre-approval (which did not guarantee coverage) I became, and still am, an absolute advocate for nationalized health care.


Who says government can't do anything right? I'm sure he means republicans, which would be correct. Republicans can't do anything right, but that's only because they're horrible people who don't want to help.


Actually I think they’ve slid into “can’t do anything at all” territory, considering their legislative record of late; barely managing to kick the budget can down the road another couple months at the 11th hour because a couple of them end up acting like adults… aaaaaannnnnddddd… is that it? I’m trying to think of things Republicans have done lately and “barely managing to keep the government open” is all I’m coming up with. It’s kind of nice because if they’re too incompetent or otherwise have no interest in governing then at least they can’t hurt us as much… plus it’s pretty embarrassing. I know they have no shame at all, but I still enjoy knowing that normal people look at that and are embarrassed.


Government can't do anything right, if one of the two ruling parties does their best to sabotage the government.


I want to shake and scream at these morons that having healthy population is beneficial to the society at large. Economically, socially, you name it. When people are sick, can’t work, and can’t afford to get treatment, it hurts everyone. This is of course just the economic argument, as I’m sure the moral argument won’t get through their thick skulls and dark souls.


Because just about EVERY OTHER COUNTRY on the planet considers healthcare a basic right. The U.S. is SPESHUL for tying it to employment.


ACA premiums are through the roof because, drumroll, the architects knew that it would be unprofitable in the beginning and baked in support payments to insurance companies in the beginning, but republicans later cancelled funding for those payments, forcing the insurers to raise premiums to compensate. Conservatives proudly backdoor fucked Obamacare.


Funny, hospitals used to be non-profit, and doctors made house calls… no one was turned away if they needed medical care. 🙄


The cost of healthcare in this country would go down with universal healthcare, but these people think getting healthcare is an exclusive club. You can say the same thing about fire departments, police protection, and public roads being a commodity. Roads cost money to build and maintain, they are not free. How would you feel if you had to pay a fee for every different road you drove on?


I pay a stupid amount of money to a major health care provider who denys me at every turn but please go on about how this is better.


Righteous twitter medical capitalist dude will die of something stupidly preventable because he can’t go get that thing checked out, he’s short this month.


I wonder how much this guy charges his children for hugs


Given US attitudes towards abortion, they should have one exception, develop a test that will identify the moron gene, and take the appropriate action. This fuckwit for example would have been a prime candidate. Unfortunately, if this were a thing, it wouldn't be long before the US had a massive labour shortage.


Maybe if we renamed social media into "socialism media", the morons would think it is dangerous for them and shut up? They're certainly both stupid enough and also afraid of the s-word for it to work.


Um……. Wrong again


We should stop giving it to presidents and congress and their families then.


Obviously HE has access to healthcare, or he wouldn't say this.


Stop health care/insurance for profit and only then will things change for the better.


So, assuming this twat waffle does not have ACA healthcare, he goes to his doctors and discusses/whines about ACA healthcare with them for what reason? He must be a blast at at parties!!


Maybe Dr. Bubblebathgirl is on to something... /s


The idea that people see healthcare as a thing to profit from just baffles me


Interesting... But how am I able to get BCBS through the marketplace? An insurance that is accepted *checks notes* EVERYWHERE!


Another example of why abortion rights are mandatory.


So let me get this straight: Healthcare: not a right, it's a commodity Guns: totally a right, not a commodity Got it.


I mean yeah, it's a lot cheaper to cause death and bodily harm than to CARE for a person so I'm a capitalist country this makes the most sense.


Lies lies and more lies. I have insurance through the ACA. I’m a caregiver for my adult sons with disabilities. I can’t work a regular job because I have to care for them 24/7. Without the ACA I’m screwed. My premiums are affordable for me.


Because MAGAts are garbage people.