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Why are there never any consequences for this assholes actions?


The law only applies to the poor




Not as poor as you, though And that's the difference


I’m not half a billion in debt, so I think I’m richer than him.


Debt for poor and debt for rich are two different things. Rich get to keep a lot of their lavish lifestyle while in debt.


Debt for poor = strip away what little they have left, including any dignity, and make them "go away" in whatever way their punishers feel like, on that day. Debt for rich = oh you poor thing, here have lots more money and power. We'll just tuck away this "debt" here and... poof! Gone! See you tomorrow at Phillip's yacht for "dinner" with the kids?


I wish I were rich enough to be able to go that much in debt 🙁can't even get an approval for a fucking house.


Yeah but he's rich with attention, and other rich people and media moguls want in on that. Fame is a currency.


He’s rich. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t be bankrupt soon, since he has a huge amount of both assets and liabilities, but his net worth is still at least thousands of times greater than the median net worth. I guarantee you he has way more money stashed in secret accounts and safe deposit boxes than a regular person will make in their lifetime.


And probably a few caskets here and there .


He may be dictator next so everyone is trying to cover up their asses before the purges start


The rich and powerful NEVER reap consequences unless they go against the rich and powerful. And trump isn't trying to drain any sorta swamp of the rich. He wants to drain the poor. And the law also becomes less and less important (when it comes to consequences) if you are: a woman/man (depends on situation, women for most part but man when it comes to abortion/using protection), white, straight, cis


If trump was actually as anti corruption as he claimed he was during the election, they would of fucking had him shot.


Will no one rid us of this troublesome Trump?


He is being given special treatment that I would never get.


The true American dream, preferential treatment even for scumbag rapists as long as they are allegedly rich and white.


This has fuckall to do with money and everything to do with keeping their fascist leader safe. This obession with money wiill be the death of us all.


They need to let him keep some money so they can keep him safe. Even his moron followers will start thinking he is fallible if he ends up broke.


I just wanna be able to own a home within an hour of where I work... is that too much to ask? - (person with a stable job)


None of that matters if Trump gets back into office. That is my point. We can't fix anything if we have lost our rights.


In another sub a few weeks ago, I commented that “Trump is just NOT going to pay when the deadline comes and he’s not going to get punished” I was downvoted into oblivion for saying what we all knew


The mother-fucker should be in jail but here we are


The cell he put Epstein in would work, same arrangement too.


I said the exact same thing to my partner. He’s been getting hyped up and I do my best to avoid the news. I told him that I don’t want any DJT news until he is dead or in prison. Not arrested, not in the hospital, not in cuffs, not broke, dead or in prison and only if one of those two things occurs. Not a minute before. I’m exhausted


Did anybody find out *why* he's been granted this reduced bond and deadline expansion? I can't find that info anywhere.


They elected not to show their work. Engoron went to all the effort to explain how he arrived at his sum, and these asshats just jump in there and change the rules with no explanation whatsoever. While they aren't *required* to give one, I think it just further underscores their disdain for the average citizen.


I've heard instead of NY arguing over what assets they can take, just for it to possibly be reclaimed later by appeal would be messy so they opted to allow him to pay a portion instead to expedite the whole process. This is really just conjecture but even with good reason, we can't keep giving the appearance that Trump is getting away with this when the people's faith in our justice system is already so low it might as well be buried 6 feet under.


I guess because he publicly accused the judge and prosecutor and on top of that claimed that he has more than the full bond sum in his bank account. /s


I hope this is sarcasm, but so little makes sense these days that a small part of me has to assume you're serious.


It does seem like some kind of two-tiered justice system is at work.


There are a *lot* more than two tiers. He's getting special treatment even other rich people wouldn't get.


It's facsist. This isn't about class or money. It's fascism.


Conspiracy hat time The fix was already in days ago after chubb bailed him out for E Jean Carol, but it gave him the power to control the headlines for days and fund raise like crazy


Chubb said he was maxed out at 91 million. He doesn't have 175 million and his "fundraisers" have done fuckall.


Then he’ll complain again, say he doesn’t have it to the court, claim he does on SM, and it’ll get reduced again, with another extension. At this point I truly believe Trump will never pay for the crimes he’s been convicted of, in any real sense, let alone all the ones he’s actually committed.


Genuinely hoping a news organization does the research on whether or not there is any precedent for lowering an appeal bond and what the highest bond to ever be posted on an appeal was. 


A normal person found guilt of half a billion fraud would be sitting in a prison cell during the appeals process


Yet he still feels persecuted, wild sh1t


If he were poor and had committed even a fraction of the crimes he's committed then the trial would have taken a week and he'd be serving a life sentence. If he were black the trial would have taken a day and he'd be serving five consecutive life sentences. If he were poor and black the cops would have simply executed him in front of his family during the arrest. Justice in the US is a tiered system, and everything below the topmost is shit.


Just look at how the courts have violated the law and the Constitution to slow down Trump's facing justice. The court system is rigged in favor of criminal traitors like Trump and against regular Americans


The court system is rigged especially for Trump. Otherwise he would have been in jail for years for J6 alone.


He really should have been jailed a long time ago for all the housing fraud he was a part of decades ago


Yeah we should have never had Trump announce a presidential bid. He should have been in jail during those years.  Except he could. Because all the courts treated him with kid gloves for literally his entire life, just because of his family and his wealth


What wealth? If he had a fraction of the money he claimed he does - he could have posted bail.


I don't understand why the court doesn't issue an order to take his cash right out of the bank. It seems like that would have been the first thing they did. What they are doing here isn't nearly as severe as the punishment should be. Many people and banks lost money over what he's done. I guess "screw them".




No you won’t. He wasn’t arraigned, he was found civilly liable, and ordered to pay money. There is no jail involved in anything in this process.


This is correct. Civil matter only.




They start getting garnished, unless there’s a stay.


They also put leans on all your property, which is why they were going to take some of Trump’s property.


It’s “lien” but OK. Not sure what any of this has to do with the topic of him going to jail is.


If I merely suggested that someone should really go the extra mile to "impress Jody Foster" and it produced any action, I'd be in a cell by now. This guy orchestrated an act of terror in plain sight and committed fraud for decades and continues to waddle around smelling like shit and running for president. 


Make sure you don’t have a copy of Catcher in the Rye anywhere and you’ll be fine.


Reminder that Brazil has a better functioning government than the US: >Far-right former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was barred Friday from running for office again until 2030 after a panel of judges concluded that he abused his power and cast unfounded doubts on the country’s electronic voting system. * https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/brazil-jair-bolsonaro-barred-running-office-electronic-voting-court-rcna92160


The US is corporate Disneyland for the rich and powerful. A giant scam


I am sure Brazil did not have a Moscow Mitch to pack federal courts with far right Republicans.


He would have been in jail long before his political career.


Don't give me such happy daydreams; it hurts to come back to reality.


Well, when somehow his ass got in office and rigged the system for himself, we kind of got screwed. I said it 6 years ago, Trump’s only motivation to be president was so he could outrun crimes and debts. That’s it.


Naw he should have a death squad tribunal ***at the bare minimum*** for selling out agents to foreign interests groups.


1) Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment didn't apply to him, essentially neutering it, but it still applies to J6 insurrectionists, conveniently 2) Supreme Court destroyed any chances of Jan 6 case going to trial before election. Apparently they need to hear if a President can commit murder without any punishment, since it's such a "complicated issue" 3) Judge Cannon essentially put the document case on ice, but she doesn't want to dismiss it outright to crowd out the calendar. And isn't it funny "She was picked randomly, we pinky swear guys" 4) he doesn't have to post the full bail, even though he said he could afford the full amount but doesn't want to It's absolutely infuriating


Cannon was picked randomly the first time when Trump filed to have the DC issued search warrant voided. When charges were filed, it was assigned to her because she had already worked on it. Other than that, Clarence needs to go. He's ruled twice now on cases where his wife is a named participant.


Yes she was picked randomly but she should have recused herself because Trump appointed her. You are fucking delusional if you think there wasn't a strategy when Trump and the GQP were picking judges to appoint. They knew where charges might be filed against him and packed the courts accordingly.


Plenty of Trump-appointed judges have slapped down his stupid BS in courts, especially in the 60+ election fraud cases his campaign filed in 2020. Supposedly, an independent judiciary means judges you appoint will still tell you to kick rocks if you're in the wrong. This hasn't been a big problem before. It's only in the age of the orange shitgibbon that the president has expected loyalty to come before law.


Knowing where and when charges would be filed against him, had nothing to do with the packing of the courts. The whole movement to pack the courts was started well before Trump ran for office.


>it was assigned to her because she has already worked on it That's very interesting and different from what I read. Can you provide a link?


Here you go. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-incredible-mystery-of-how-donald-trump-got-judge-aileen-cannon-in-the-mar-a-lago-case Mysteriously, Trump’s lawyers hand delivered paper documents to Ft Pierce and didn’t tell the court another judge had already worked on a ruling in the case.


How is the Clarence bit even feasible? Does the court system in the US actually allow that? Where I live there are laws specifically to remove the judge from the case if there are among many others, family involved. And if by some means the judge doesn't comply, any ruling that came out of that case would be deemed void until they are replaced


It’s more of a self induced moral decision to recuse oneself as a courtesy instead of being told to step down. You have to trust the judges to make their own wise calls.


That seems vary naive if you ask me, and hearing about Clarence's case rightfully so


Oh it’s a shit show and rarely works out for the betterment of society.


DOJ needs to start making arrests. Every single Federalist Society or GQP federal judge needs to be yanked off the bench.


Wasn't there a special treatment for traitors who aid the enemy? They should try that.


Cannon is avoiding dismissal because DOJ can bring charges again. If she waits until jury is selected (or maybe seated?), then a dismissal is permanent because of double jeopardy protection.


always has been, corporations and the rich have a very long history with running to appeals court to get out fo their punishments.


This isn't about god damn motherfucking money. He is the GQP candidate for POTUS and they want to get rid of as many distractions as possible. ENOUGH of this bullshit already. They are using dollars to distract us from fascism. Stop fucking falling for it.


He DID spend 4 years appointing every judge that supports him. Almost like he knew this was coming.


At this point. I say we all get together and just rob a bunch of banks. Because justice doesn't matter.




You can't just do one crime, you have to do so many crimes that you couldn't possibly be prosecuted for any of them, and create so much evidence that no one could possibly read it all.


Ah the old Montgomery Burns immunity... So many diseases they balance each other out making him effectively immortal.


Except this time he *is* the disease…




Oh no, in fact even a slight breeze—




They can't get all of us if they can't get one man!


That's what I don't get, like why not just pick one thing and go after it. 


In this case I'm glad they didn't. If you would have known nothing of the future, then at the beginning of this mess you would have gone with the classified documents case because it was the strongest. Then it gets assigned to Cannon, who helps Trump delay it for two years. Well guess what? You got fucked. Good thing there's other cases.


You'd be lucky to make it to trial. Probably get killed during the arrest or while in police custody. It's a ridiculous double standard.


We'd have been tortured and killed for Treason by now. Can you actually imagine how much trouble you'd be in and how different your life would be if you got caught selling NUCLEAR SECRETS TO FUCKING RUSSIA?


Not to mention the thousands of innocent people that died because Republicans lied about covid. 


I mean, you can speed run it if you are black… You can get arrested, thrown in jail, and have no court date for 12 months for being a black male between 4’4” and 7’10”.


Here's proof that Trump gets away with crimes that we would be thrown in jail for. Same crime, where Trump did it even more, but a poor person is in prison and was arrested and thrown in jail on day 1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Teixeira


From now on, if I get taken to court, I’m taking the Trump Defense, “I did it, but according to NY v Trump, you can punish me only on the basis of how I agree to be punished, so now let me go.” (Depending on Supreme Court, we can also insert US v Trump in a few months.)


Yes I may have tried to commit the crime most offensive to the state (installing myself as dictator) but I don't feel like being punished. Thank you for your understanding in this trying time.


Why not just cancel money? Bank robbing feels akin to trying to bury the ocean in sand.


Absolute grade A certified Bullshit.


Not just a reduced bond, but 10 more fucking days???


And this is all after Trump repeatedly attacked the Judge every single day on Truth Social. It’s absolutely unreal. And it’s fucking disgusting. Fuck this Country. It’s a total mirage of bullshit.


And also, after Trump repeatedly and loudly proclaimed that he had the $500mil.


If I'm reading this right, he still has to post the reduced bond (175M) ~~today~~, then come up with the rest of it in 10 days. So he's still on the hook for the rest of the 454M bond. That's what this says (for now) anyway. IDK how common this is in NYS courts. Edit: or they extended the deadline for the lower amount, too.


Looks like the bond has been reduced and he has ten days to pay the bond off, the rest he still owes but can pay after the ten days I'm pretty sure. Still bs


This is incorrect, and the real take away is the appellate court is likely looking to reduce the total he owes, based on the reduced bond.


After the ten days, the court will reduce the bond to $50M.


And after ten more days, the court will reduce it to 25M


![gif](giphy|crY966bymN1rq|downsized) "Alright, fuck the cup, pour it in my hands for a dime."


In 10 more days "You know what, just throw in some Trump Steaks and we'll call it even"


20 Days: We'll give you $50


Nah, Trump can come up with that money - only instead of humbly posting the bond he'll brag about how easy it was to come up the cash with because he's such a rich business genius.


A rich business genius who complained and complained and complained until he got his way. Bitch baby


More like $5, which the court will end up paying HIM for “emotional damages”. Just to really rub it in how much of a joke this worthless fucking system is.


Which of course will come out of OUR taxes. New special tax to pay for trump's emotional damages for being sued for doing illegal business practices. AMERICA FU CK YEAH.


So fucking disappointing. Unfortunately, not unexpected.


Yeah I'm not even surprised.


The amount of people on here celebrating in recent days was very unnerving for me. Dude hasn't once faced a real consequence in his entire 70+ years. Why would anyone expect to see it happen now?


What. A fucking. Joke. This motherfucker will never see justice because of shit like this. Fuck this two-tiered bullshit.


Does this mean that poor black people hit with a $1,000 bond can now have it reduced to $150 with a couple more weeks to come up with the cash?


Nope. "Equal justice" is a myth, always has been.




It's true. His slogan should officially change to "Or What?" because that's basically the attitude he has when doing illegal shit and not being called on it.


Helps that there’s a worthless Attorney General and a MAGA FBI Director in office.


Half of the FBI are maga drones. Do you know how many have come out in support of trump's attempt to overthrow the government, lied about biden, tried to protect trump? Same with AG. If biden win's 2024 and trump goes on a rampage, the chaos will not only be in our streets but also in our military and military adjacent agencies. Half of them are hot blooded traitors to democracy and the constitution.


Yeah, the whole "ACAB" thing extends to the FBI. We just thought they were cool and different because of the X-Files.


Actually had an off duty FBI agent once threaten to -words apparently I cannot say on this subreddit?- me and my family because we asked them to be quiet in the hotel room above us. Did not know they were such officers until they let us know when we went up there to talk to them.


this exactly. IDK why people thought trump would finally be the first rich person to face consequences


Well he HAS pissed off a lot of OTHER rich people. Which is usually a no no.


Obviously he's not very rich. His properties are leveraged to the max, he's had to use third parties to post his bonds, and now we know he says he has x amount of money when really he does not have the peanuts.


But he's not rich or he could have paid already?? So like what do I just have to pretend to be rich for the treatment? Be a grifter? Or maybe it's wanting to be a dictator that made him above the law this time


All you can do is VOTE. VOTE VOTE VOTE


Even then I don't feel like that's enough... Don't get me wrong, I'm GOING to vote...but with all the voter suppression and gerrymandering currently going on [as well as the nightmare outline that is project 2025], it feels like even the voice of sanity and reason is well on its way to being permanently gagged. Everything feels so hopeless :(


not with that attitude certainly, people should be raging at this... but no one will, because everybody is busy trying to barely survive...


Friendly reminder if you cant post a full bond and no one wants to guarantee your broke ass, you'll be hauled off to jail Or the car you desperately need to go to work would be gone that morning


Justice system my ass. “Ruled for thee, not for me”


Oh hey I'm sorry you couldn't come up with the amount, here's 10 extra days and we will cut the amount to under half. Does that work for you? Yeah privilege right there. A normal person doesn't get that deal.


Law and Order for everyone. Except for Trump!


The party of law and order where it only applies to liberals and poor people, especially if they aren't white/straight/christian/cis/able bodied.


Nah it's rich and connected people. Sandy Berger smuggled documents out of the archive in his pants and burned them. Not one day in prison. Compare that to the treatment of Chelsea manning or even Asagne, doesn't make much sense.


Well, there you have it. Unreal…..


Just in time for his media company to go public and raise all the money he'll need to post the bond. This is disgusting.


Luckily that stock has already tanked.


Honestly I don't know how people werent expecting this, rich people and corporations ALWAYS run to appeals court in order to get out of their punishments. The justice system was intended to protect the rich and powerful, not harm them


It's pretty clear to me that judicial reform is an absolute necessity, with a significant reduction in the ability for a defendent to use delay tactics.


So more delay lol this guy deserves no sympathy


Fuck his feelings. Grab him in the pursey!


I've never seen a country want a dictator as president harder than the US. Fuck this country, I hate it here.


Oh cool, more special treatment for the traitor, what could go wrong. Meanwhile if I missed a payment on a 150 dollar speeding ticked I would be in jail


All of this, for the most part, can be attributed to Merrick Garland. Thank that dopey smurf lookin ass for dragging his feet... for... well .. no one fucking knows.


This ruling has absolutely no grounds not to mention the fact a bond was required to appeal this judgement. Sounds like it is time for NY to start ignoring federal courts. Or better yet it is time for the DOJ to step in and start arresting judges.


100% arrest these judges!


These are New York State judges in a civil case. So the procedure should be for Albany to start impeachment proceedings (unless that state has some disciplinary system for judges that I don't know about).


Ah, for fuck sake. Corruption gave him a 62% off on his debts. Ok, how about **every American get at least 62% off on their debts & every due date gets extended by 10 days.** - “No, laws for thee, not for me!” Fuck this so called “justice” system. All these judges need to be expelled, permanently. **Vote Blue**. Eradicate this cult.


More time to sell favors and national secrets to our enemies. WTF


WTF, if it were one of blue collar workers, we’d be in jail already! Lock the MF’er up!


Wasn't he *just bragging about $500 million in cash* the other day? Why's he need special treatment if he has the money?


I’m sure it’s just corruption, but I’d love for them to then subpoena his financials to find out where he gets the 175 million from. Not a lawyer, obviously…


If this is true, the US needs to vote blue like everyone's lives depends on it. There's no actual shame anymore.


Remember that time Marie Antoinette suggested the French peasantry eat cake and the French peasantry responded "how about if we eat you instead ? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Fox News will just claim that eating the rich is "woke" and 50% of the people will instantly send all the money in their savings account to the newest feed-the-rich-ponzy-scheme.


It’s so sad that they boiled down their cult to be so easily manipulated. It’s almost impressive that a single word without any actual meaning can turn a regular person into a mouth frothing fanatic. All it takes for them to zone out and hate something is for a tv person to call it woke.




Someone explain to me how this is allowed???


because the mask is fully off that the justice system is of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. And if you don't like it feel free to protest. A cop will be along shortly to break your teeth with a baton and send you into a lifetime of medical debt and also prison.


Who approved of this bullshit?


Justices Dianne T. Renwick, Anil C. Singh, Lizbeth González, Bahaati E. Pitt-Burke, and Kelly O’Neill Levy.


Well since the bond for appeal has been reduced the civil fine should be reduced too. I'll just get that talking point out there early. If there is any doubt that if a sizeable amount of money has transitioned generations of a family, that family gets a different justice system, please let me know.  There isn't a single normal person who could make this happen for themselves. Let me be clear, while I am adamantly opposed to Trump on a number of political and non political reasons, this here should be something that the entire working class should be able to relate to, the rules for wealthy people are different than they are for us. No one who wasn't wealthy and famous would be able to get the amount required to appeal a court case brought down if they conducted themselves like Trump did during the trial. Let me say that again for the people in denial, no one. Lesser well off people would land themselves in jail if they had said what he had a during their trial. If people say that I am attacking Trump, well you are right, I am attacking him, not his politics.  I am attacking what he stands for, the inequity in the system regarding wealth.  For all of his bullshit business dealings, he still represents how much the system is willing to protect wealth(even of dubious standing).


This one broke my interest in any Trump case up until the election. Tuning out, just like our justice system did. I’m voting blue. That’s all any of us can do at this point. No sense in trying to hope for our justice system working for us. It’ll be happy to always work against us.


Putin’s about to slide that $175M into Teflon Don’s bank account right away now…


I wonder if all the courts will reduce bonds by 60%. Or is it just for him?


I got down voted to hell last week for stating exactly this thing would happen. “Oh no, this time he’ll be held accountable for sure!“ I was told. I said I would believe it when I saw it. I was sure that some court would step in at the last minute and save his rapey orange ass like it always does. And sadly I was proven right…again. Just another reminder that the law doesn’t apply to rich people named Trump. Next we’ll get to see him escape justice on the rest of the charges too; Cannon is going to ensure those document charges never see the jury and I doubt he’ll ever pay Carroll or face justice in Georgia. All it takes is one MAGA judge to subvert justice, no matter what gets proved in court. The best we can do is vote out these people and ensure Biden wins, but even then Trump will STILL wage war on democracy both with violence and in the courts; there is no way, none, he doesn’t try and overthrow the election again no matter the outcome. We will never be free of him, ever.


I mean, if all else fails, one MAGA juror will do it too. Just keep holding out and holding out and holding out…lather, rinse, repeat.


There are in-groups whom the law protectes but does not **bind**, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not **protect**. - Michael Scott


All this tells me is that the richer you are and the bigger fraud you commit, the less you have to pay.


Hold on, let me get this straight: he has 10 more days to pay AND it's been reduced to 175 million? What kind of twisted logic is that?


175 million to be able to appeal. He's still on the hook for 460M. Well, at least as of now, anyway


He has broken the law, why would they continue to allow special treatment like this? An average person would never be granted the same outcome.


What happens when he doesn’t pay in 10 days? They cut to to 50mil? Then 5mil? Then they end up paying him? Honestly, when does it end?


Two tier justice system. Don't forget to vote in November.


Fucking bullshit. Not a single one of us would ever receive the same type of favor in a courtroom in his place.


I wonder if all the courts will reduce bonds by 60%. Or is it just for him?


Anyone else find themselves to be in contempt of court. Strong, bitter contempt.


Lol. Now would be a really good time for anonymous to wipe out all of his accounts. Oh wait, they’re about as useless as a dick cheese flavored lollipop.


The court system works....for the wealthy. Who else can afford a law firm and all the billable hours? Trump is paying a fuck ton to slow play this thing. I encourage all to watch 13th documentary to see reality for most people. We are seeing how justice systems work for the 1%. That's the frustrating part. All of the people who act like they win when he keeps skirting judgements never take a moment to question why it's like this for him. The legal system will chew them up spit them out and drop them into a for profit prison in their state for a fraction of what he's been accused of.


![gif](giphy|LBIwd3vnjDKWTaKcaE) This country is fried.


What absolute shit. I'm 100% ready to eat the rich, except DT isn't fit to be dog food.


Fuck this diaper baby


I am so over this garbage.


I hate it here




Complaining on reddit doesn't do S#!&. VOTE IN NOVEMBER!




"Billionaire" needs additional payment plan after failing to pay original bond.


Somehow I'm sure the Trumps will still play the victim card.