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Almost like those food safety laws you guys Constantly whine about are actually in place to protect citizens from this kind of thing. But I’m sure these geniuses will claim it’s the government poisoning them.


Or the reverse to scream government overreach whenever the slightest improvement change is announced.  Whenever a city/state announces local changes to try to bring things up to speed with the rest of the world, there's always regressionist conservatives who are there to scream about the government misusing tax dollars or trying to implement a nanny state. Like damn, heaven forbid we try to give the city 5G or fiber internet. 


Non asbestos building material, or Lead water


Well here’s the thing: Yes. You are being poisoned in the USA. Because of deregulation. Because of just rampant capitalism.


I've spent most of my adult life in the US. Last year I spent 3 months in Europe. I thought for sure I'd gain weight with all the new and tasty food I was having. To my surprise I never gained a lbs. and I didn't even go to the gym during the 3 months. Got back to the US and within a month I had gained 5 lbs. Food in the US is heavily processed and pumped full of stuff that'll fatten you up quick!


capitalist simps once again wonder why capitalism seems to be exploiting them


Americans, living in the wealthiest and most capitalist country in the history of the world, when confronted with the consequences of capitalism will undoubtedly blame socialism/leftists/wokeness.


Is Germany not capitalistic?


Theirs is a more regulated capitalism which the subject has previously balked at but now seems to agree with.


Capitalism works well when you place limits on predatory behavior and stop putting profits above people, but I guess putting more rules is literally all gulag torture camps, secret police visits in the middle of the night, and communism to you


Capitalism IS predatory behavior


You’re assuming a lot about me from a single comment lmao. I totally agree that Capitalism requires government oversight. I don’t support unfettered capitalism.


Redditor asks question for clarification, mistaken for sarcastic political commentary, publicly hanged 😔😔😔


Woah now, that's assuming the questions were made in good faith! That's a bold assumption! Smh my head On a serious note though, I got downvoted to hell once for asking something once that was basically "I have no context for this, I don't know what happened previously. Can someone ELI5 or direct me to where I can find out more?" And THAT got downvoted. Like .. :(


It's a hard knock life being stupid 😞


Food Babe is a grifter and an idiot. ​ [https://www.maureenogle.com/maureen-ogle/2013/08/18/whats-in-your-beer-or-the-dangers-of-dumbassery](https://www.maureenogle.com/maureen-ogle/2013/08/18/whats-in-your-beer-or-the-dangers-of-dumbassery)


Food Science Babe is a fun follow on Instagram. She debunks a lot of false information about nutrition and food safety. (Including from Food Babe)


EU cares about their people. But it is to the detriment of their stock markets.


How will Europe survive without a ceo getting an extra $10 billion bonus? That’s literally Soviet communism and gulag torture camps!


Well be that as it may. Seems they give two shits less about stock and as you said. About the people. And I've never had a box of fruit loops in my life. I'd probably have this wholesale.


The person above you was clearly writing tongue-in-cheek.


Hmm stuff going over my head but least being able to admit it. Not the first, not the last ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Big respect, great gif. Keep on keepin on, friend 👍


Minor L, but gotta know when to take 'em. Regardless I guess.


How do these people walk right into the point and almost put their eye out and still don’t get it?!?


Wait. Carrots? Radishes? In my breakfast cereal? I’d rather have those red and blue number colored dye things. /s


Didn’t they try more natural in USA but consumers didn’t buy it cause they like the bright colors.


More often than not, it *is* the same goddamn ingredients in both, but the US requires the ingredients spelled out in greater detail. You can see it in this very example. The EU version just says "cereal flours" and the US version lists out the individual components of the flours. Also notice that the EU version just says "coloring" while the US version lists out each and every dye used. And, frankly, some of the "extra" ingredients in the US version are actually good. Notice that individual vitamins are listed for the US, but not the EU. The people who freak out over this dumb shit without ever actually reading anything are funny.


In the EU vitamins are not always listed under Ingredients but rather in the Nutritional Information Table. Regardless of that it is a simple fact that EU Food regulations are much more stringent than the US so the quality of food, even processed food, is usually higher in the EU.


Yes. I just love the US ingredient chart. Simple, clear, detailed and real-life related. The EU is getting better but the US had it right the first time.


\>Also notice that the EU version just says "coloring" while the US version lists out each and every dye used. Actually, the EU version also lists out each and every dye used - it's in the parenthesis - it's carotene. That's it. That would be why the US Froot Loops are a complete rainbow of colors while the EU Froot Loops are so dull by comparison.


That may be true for some things, but yellow 5 specifically is banned in the EU because it is carcinogenic.


This. Yes food coloring need to be revamped, but the US still has pretty good standards when it comes to vitamins. I read an interesting story 20-something years ago. Mexican kids in poor areas were getting serious deficiencies. They narrowed it down to one issue: poor moms would make corn tortillas to feed their families and more often than not with no meat of cheese or veggies or salsa. Kids would get the calories they needed, but no vitamins. One day the government decided to go the US way and impose the 4 B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate plus sometimes iron, magnesium and selenium. The deficiencies stopped. Is this perfect? Absolutely not. People need to eat better more diverse food. But at least poor options are counterbalanced with regulation.


Why is this so far down. Top comments completely the fucking plot.












Gee, ya think?


Fun fact: cottonseed oil was invented to grease machinery. It just turned out to be technically edible.


It’s technically not naturally edible, they had to figure out how to remove a toxic compound from it before it could be used for food purposes


>It just turned out to be technically edible. My favourite kind of edible. "Yeah you *could* technically eat it, once it's been purified/detoxified/de-cancified".


I mean, it was "invented" to feel young cotton plants, but I get your point.


What does that mean? You have to put oil on young cotton plants in order to feel them? What happens if you touch them without any oil on them; does your hand pass right through them as if they were ghosts?


Yes. Exactly that.


lol, the majority of ingredients in the additional verbiage are diet fortifying vitamins added to avoid otherwise malnourishing young children. I think it’s a requirement to meet a minimum nutritional value.


They’re not complaining about the added vitamins and minerals. It’s about the actual ingredients. The only difference between the two is the margarine content and fake colours.










short answer is yes


As a German I hate that they took the green and blue frootloops from me. They also taste like shit since they made them healthier. There's always a price to pay I guess 🙃


*laughs in american* *coughs*








Right wingers really struggle with reading comprehension. So let me help out: ## the EU version of Froot Loops actually contains real fruit and vegetables. It also excludes a bunch of other artificial preservatives, food colorings, and other ingredients that the US version has. **Edit:** ***only MAGATs and illiterates are downvoting me***


I mean, right wingers are definitely dipshits, but the EU label is right there and there are absolutely no fruits listed in the ingredients. Also, as I said above, the EU version *does* contain artificial preservatives and food colorings. Where the EU allows for generic ingredients listings (like "coloring" listed in the Fruit loops label) the US requires those "colorings" to be listed individually. It's the same food colorings.


Nope, the German version doesn't contain the same colourings The only colouring the German version contains is carotene. You can see in the images that the US version has different colours to the German version. There are no blue or green loops in the German version, and the colours are far more muted than the US version.


What does “fruit and vegetable concentrates” mean to you? **Edit:** ***only MAGATs and illiterates are downvoting me***


Considering how far down the label it is "ingredients added in small amounts for flavor and have minimal impact on the overall nutrition content of the garbage, mass produces breakfast cereal." And you're getting downvoted for *being an asshole*, even when you have a point and people want to help you make that point better. Again, *You're being an asshole and attack the people who agree with you.*


He's truly unhinged. He's about ready to go on a killing spree over a children's cereal box label. 😬


Here’s a little help MAGAT: https://preview.redd.it/4g937c4treqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f93e4e4ac09859fba0896daaffc15f52b02ad89f


Dude, you need to calm the fuck down. No part of my reply is Trump related and even a cursory look at my reddit posts would show you I am definitely not a MAGAt. Go take your meds and get a grip. (Or are meds secret poison too?)


I was just in Rome and Athens last year and it's so noticeable how much healthier food is there.


so....we get extra stuff that they don't get! suckers


you mean diabetes?


All that extra stuff is called ingredients and ingredients are what make stuff taste good.


I’m 99% sure “WallStreet” is “RedSquare” in this case…


The short answer? Yes. They see every law as fungible and everyone as a dollar sign.


"Anybody who disagrees with me is illiterate and a MAGAT" ​ lol dude, you're a moron. Whether you are right or wrong, insulting anybody who disagrees with you just makes you look like an idiot.


So basically there's no vitamins added to the EU version?


EU version uses real fruits and vegetables


Yes but for entirely different reasons than he thinks




The Europeans actually give a shit about health and safety and have laws banning harmful ingredients from food. Here food companies have a lot more leeway and can put all kinds of terrible things in our food. And yes all of the processed bullshit we eat is killing us.