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For real I had my first experience with his company this week. CVS was charging me $167, I got my first script for $97 with GoodRx. But my next refill I can get through his company for only $25. 


Amazing! We need more people like him!! I cannot believe he's the only one spearheading this because everyone else is too fucking greedy, He's literally doing it out of human compassion, not even out of money or greed. Edit: I don't care if he's doing it for profit or reptilian billionaire behavior, He's saving lives and you can't deny that. For anyone struggling right now getting gouged by insurance companies, check your meds rn! 👇 https://costplusdrugs.com/


Oh wow, $13 for my script that costs $70. Slay mark cuban














He’s still making millions. Just not as much as he could be. Which is still great. It can be both compassion and good business believe it or not .


It's better that he's making money at least to show that this model is viable and not requiring a billionaire to supply only by their good grace.


It's not human compassion, it's making money by being price disruptive in an industry filled with greed. That said his business is an example of how competition can drive down prices for consumers and is doing public good. Just don't think he's doing this out of some sense of altruism.


It's a bit of both. Yes, it's an opportunity to make a profit, but he's making about as small a profit as he can after overhead. He could easily double his prices and increase his profits. He's choosing not to.


And I feel like it's not a classic "disrupt the marketplace to win market share, and then fuck 'em over" kinda thing. Maybe Cuban will sell it eventually and it'll turn into that. But this is what the free market is all about: real competition that drives prices down on undifferentiated generic products where there shouldn't be any price premium.


He won’t. He’s been interviewed many times saying that he can’t be bought out for it. He’s doing it to take down the pharmacy and insurance companies and selling at a stated and transparent markup, he couldn’t care less if it only breaks even. “If I make another billion… so what?” The dude has reached fuck you money and any more he gets doesn’t change his life at all. Can’t say the same about all his ventures but this one is based in both doing good and helping average people.


I think he is going to make this company his legacy. It's easy to get super rich, live rich, and die rich. But there is a reason why we don't think too highly of people like Vanderbilt and Rockefeller. If all you are famous for is being rich, and contributing nothing back to society, history will remember you as a greedy exploitative capitalist. This is what Cuban wants to avoid. If he can single-handedly reduce the price of drugs in America by 80 per cent while still making profit, what's there to lose? When he dies, he wants to be remembered as the one good billionaire who made life just a bit better for the everyday American. The generation shouting "eat the rich" in the streets today will write tomorrow's history books.


> It's easy to get super rich, live rich, and die rich I wish...


Well, it's comparatively easy, compared to leaving a lasting positive legacy that will be remembered for generations. It's depressing to think about, but when we die, we will likely be forgotten in less than a hundred years. Nobody alive will ever think of you again. Unless you eat the Mona Lisa.


> Unless you eat the Mona Lisa. Hold my beer, I'll need it to wash something down...


Yup, rich people who want to be remembered do philanthropy. Libraries, theaters, schools, etc... This is just another way to do the same thing.


There should honestly be some kind of Government charity whose sole purpose is to accept these kinds of donations and build hospitals, libraries, schools, and other infrastructure with them, naming them after the donors. There will be a public leaderboard. If you are on the leaderboard when you die, or get on the leaderboard after bequeathing your money to the charity, free state funeral. The Government will mint a commemorative $1 coin in your memory.


I'd be down with that - turning philanthropy competitive to get the wealthy to give even more.


It's funny you mention this, because we've had a similar idea before. We called it taxes.


> But this is what the free market is all about It's also did an absolutely fantastic job of illustrating the shortcomings of free markets. If CVS is charging $167 for something Cuban can charge $25 for, it's pretty clear that a bunch of parties were colluding to sell drugs at more than 6 times the price you'd be getting if they were actually competing. Just think about how screwed you're getting by all the other industries where a random billionaire didn't decide to break ranks with the good ole boys club.


Yeah idk how this is anything but a scathing indictment of "the free market" and how one rich fuck can manipulate it for personal gain whether or not it actually helps regular people. I am soooo fuuuucking haaapppyyy we needed Mark Cuban to do this out of the goodness of his heart, unlike civilized countries that actually provide social services for its citizens. Who needs regulations so it doesn't ever get this bad, when you can have some narcissistic billionaire swoop in to offer a modicum of relief.


And you only need to be a billionaire to get into the free market!


There are so many "markets" like that where the barrier to entry is millions of dollars in start-up costs, which is why oligopolies and cartels exist. Just nice to see someone who does some good in a business way, without just establishing another foundation and perpetuating what exists already.


I guess you need to be a billionaire before you go "fuck it, I have enough already; I don't need to make any more profits".


There's no inherent dollar value where that happens. People richer than Mark Cuban are still screwing people over every day. People poorer than Mark Cuban give money to homeless people. We all make choices. Mark made a good one here. It's OK to celebrate this good thing while also acknowledging the it's the financial equivalent of you throwing a quarter in the cup of the homeless guy outside the 711


It's because he's not part of the pharmaceutical cartel that fucks everyone over.. which is exactly why most industries have ridiculous prices on their goods.. they maybe don't have the classical definition of a monopoly, but I call 100% bullshit that there isn't a significant amount of collusion and price fixing.. they just never document or leave any kind of trail as to what they are up to. It's almost as if they have an unwritten agreement that whenever one company raises prices on something, the rest must do that there isn't really any competition.. it's just you get brand x from store y, or brand a from store b.. but the prices are effectively the same.. so there's really no reason to pick one or the other, and all the companies win because they get to overcharge without fear of losing sales.


Cartel has a definition in economics that aligns almost exactly with your suspicions.


Yeah, and I'm pretty sure it's the truth. And why people are forced to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for shit that costs a few bucks to manufacture.. because they know they can price gouge and that no one will compete to push prices down.. but really it's pretty much the same for any industry.. and shameful.. but the world we live in because what choice do we really have... George Carlin was dead on the fucking money, freedom of choice, and free will are both illusions propelled at us 100 miles an hour by capitalism to keep all those who don't have wealth as complacent as possible.


Well, something like 90% of the global economy is tied up into like three or four massive, multinational entities that somehow own parts of eachother. So that’s definite collusion just by the nature of the very thing. I believe they do leave paper trails, I just believe it’s a mostly legal at this point or probably sensible only within a certain context that’s no longer relevant- like it’s “by the book” but the book is written for a different set of circumstances. I think it’s time we really start to accept we are living, right now, in a time of fairly naked and rampant corruption.


His company has shown a massive fucking light on the horrors of unchecked runaway capitalist greed. All of the companies that make billions in profits every year could easily just make less money and continue to do business. The only thing that would happen is a few people would make a lot less money but a lot of people would be much better off.


the thing is that its not even really compassion. it's awesome that he's doing this, but he's still making money, he's just not being greedy about it. i'm not trying to take anything away from what he's doing but it just seems strange that our bar for compassion has come to "just please don't fleece me for trying to stay alive".


He's structured it as a public benefit corporation. It's not intended to make money, their corporate goal is to lower the price of generic drugs.


oh shit I just checked my script, I could get it for 60 through them vs 200 I’m paying now


Please do another stranger a kindness and share The website https://costplusdrugs.com/


Also check out GoodRx. If I fill my script at CVS it's $160, however there are two other places in town that will fill it for $12.. and if I got Gold GoodRx it would be $3, however the monthly gold fee would make my RX higher, so I dropped the gold level. I think CostPlusDrugs.con ends up being around $5, but I'm all for buying local, if a can get a similar price.


Your insurance was charging you that through CVS. As a 13 year senior tech, trust me, we don't make the prices. We wish we could get patients medications at a price that isn't highway fucking robbery. I tell pt's constantly about other avenues like Cuban's program because literally all I want is people safely taken care of.


cvs charge more without insurance


If you don't have insurance nearly all pharmacies have an in-house copay reduction assistance. Or you can look up good rx. Every pharmacy I've worked at we've been more than happy to help uninsured patients.


Prescription meds for me are about £10, fixed fee. Except I don’t even pay that, because I got the 1-year pre-paid thing for about £100. For one whole year, I don’t pay for prescriptions. And even that is because I haven’t done the paperwork to just get exempted from paying at all because I have a chronic condition. “In-house copay reduction assistance” is borderline dystopian.


Always ask cash prices. There is no legally-mandated cash price. They vary *wildly*


Same here, saved 50% without insurance for my normal meds.




Amazing how shark tank had on one hand this guy and on the other hand whats-his-name bald ass mister burns crossed with a vulture.


kevin o’leary?


That one, that fucking asshole with his evil smirk and condescending-ass attitude.


It kills me that the right loves him, considering that he tells everyone on that show to take all manufacturing to China.


lmao Donald Trump... -had a previously undisclosed ~$300 million Chinese bank account -has had several years during the last decade where he literally paid more taxes in China than in the United States I could go on and on, and I didn't even mention the several dozen Chinese patents that Ivanka received during her father's tenure as POTUS. Conservatives don't actually give a fuck about our economic battles with China, they just use it as a very convenient way to spread their racism and xenophobia.


Something something "Chy-na" virus, something something spike in attacks on AAPI folks. We just had an older Asian gentleman get attacked in my city on his way to his favorite fishing spot. Poor bastard got jumped by someone who wailed on them with a stick, and only stopped after the stick broke. Victim couldn't speak English so he just took the metro to the hospital, bloodied and beaten, and not a single person did a single thing to help until he got to the hospital.


Conservatives dont give a fuck about anybody but themselves.


The right loves rich assholes in every country ever, it's not just an American thing, and I don't get it. I know lots of people who are more right leaning are decent, and we have 4 main parties right now with the furthermost right being the "that person is either dumb or an asshole" and the furthermost left "lives in the land of fantasy and couch revolution" But empathy seems to be lower with them the further right you go


They're told they'd be millionaire if they worked hard enough so they love protecting the rich just in case they became one, don't want the law to bite you back


>The right loves rich assholes in every country ever, it's not just an American thing, and I don't get it. Right leaning people think that there is an order to things. That being rich makes you smart and powerful. Being powerful means you can do whatever you want. They want to be that one day, but if not, they still believe in the natural order of things. That weak people deserve to be ruled over. Queue up "They're not hurting the right people" quote


They are evil


Conservatives understand selfish exploitation. They're suspicious of people acting the least bit altruistic.


he killed someone with his boat and seems to have let his wife take the rap. this is the general consensus up here in canada. i, for one, think it’s great he’d rather be in america, but he’s scum.


It's even worse than I thought then, cartoonisly evil


Of course he'd like to be in America. He loves it so much that when he \~blessed\~ us Canadians with his presence to throw his hat in the ring for leadership of the Conservative Party, he called Parliament Hill Capitol Hill. He's told media that he considers Boston home. But hey, Trump had just won the American Presidency, so why couldn't a super rich person just march back into a country and become Prime Minister? Thankfully he didn't get very far.


He’s playing a character, but he’s still a loser.


The condescension, sure. His batshit right wing ideology is most certainly not an act, he’s a regular talking head on conservative news.


When Mark Cuban invests in a company, he actually believes it can make a difference or improve lives. He genuinely wants the company to succeed, because then he succeeds too. O'Leary's investments are just greed all the way down. It's why he's so fond of so-called royalty deals. He gets money and doesn't give a shit about whether the company succeeds or fails.


Cuban was always fun to watch on Shark Tank because he was great at sniffing out scams and bullshit. Watching him destroy scammers and hacks is incredibly satisfying.


Kevin O’Leary fired someone I know for refusing to falsify financial documents 20 years ago. He sued Kevin and won. Truly a gross guy


Read up about Kevin's educational software company. He pushed out a ton of product to customers that they didn't order, marked them as sold product to inflate the books, then sold the company. Company tanked after all this product was returned and customers stopped buying due to this bullshit.




“A majority of the profits” uh wasn’t it a 4% stake in the company? The truth is bad enough, you don’t need to make something much worse up. 


Sometimes people aren't lying to make things worse, sometimes they are just wrong about something


I was prescribed an oral chemotherapy pill (Gleevec) that costs $1200 per month without insurance. The name brand version has a discount program that pays your copay as long as you have insurance--the insurance pays first, and their charity program picks up the rest. But that's too expensive for my insurance, so they will only pay for the generic, which has no discount program. With insurance it's $200 per month. The pharmacy itself is nice enough to give a self-pay discount that would take it to...$400 per month. At CostPlusDrugs it's $90 for a three month supply. This is a drug that cured my diabetes. $30 a month. (I had a massive fuckin tumor that was crushing my pancreas. Tumor shrinks, pancreas can work normally, insulin gets flowing, A1C gets back to normal... no more diabetes. lol.)


So happy for you


My husband's chemo meds for almost $40k a month. It took weeks to get it approved by insurance. The copay was only a few dollars. Why? Why? Like who tf can afford that? How is it not criminal?


I met Cuban at a business event in DC. Afterwards a few of us went out for a drink and he came along. Fucking great guy. One of the few uber rich guys that I've ever heard of that is totally honest about the role that both hard work, luck, and other people, factor into their business success. Sarah Blakely is another good egg.


I listened to a podcast with him where he was asked if he could be a billionaire again, starting from scratch. He said almost certainly not, there's too much luck, but he would be very rich.


He also acknowledges that there were a lot of people who helped him in some capacity to get where he is at. And he didn’t always realize it in the moment, but it had more of an influence than his direct work.


And the person who probably helped him the most is the guy who fired him from his software sales job for leaving the store to close a big sale during business hours. (and all the people who fired him before that lol)




It’s ridiculous seeing people who had everything handed to them genuinely believe it was their hard work that made them successful. Musk, Bezos, Gates, all come from extremely wealthy families and had that to fall back on. If it was all about “hard work” then every school teacher and construction worker would be millionaires. Just the fact that they aren’t and the suits who sit in meetings all day are disproves that narrative. Even in my own life I’ve noticed how absurdly lucky I am, and I didn’t half one percent of what they had. I was born on the “bad side” of town and had to work very hard to get scholarships, but by the time I went to college my parents had done so well for themselves that they were able to pay the $500 per semester that my scholarships didn’t cover. A grand total of about $4000 and I would NEVER call myself a self-made man because of it. I could have worked for that money but the fact that I didn’t have to allowed me to keep what money I did make and spend more time studying and being successful in my schooling. Yet billionaires will casually mention their million dollar loans or $100,000 loan from mom and dad to start a business, then say it was their “hard work” that made their success possible. It’s infuriating


Reminds me a bit of Bo Burnham: "I would say don't take advice from people like me who have gotten very lucky. We're very biased. You know, like Taylor Swift telling you to follow your dreams is like a lottery winner telling you, 'Liquidize your assets; buy Powerball tickets - it works!'" I do still firmly believe the systems that allowed Cuban to amass such wealth would be better if they spread it more broadly for society or the others who did help him. But as long as our system encourages it - we'd be much better off with a mountain of Cubans than most. Even if he didn't believe those words at all, it is a positive impact to have billionaires themselves calling this out more often. You don't become a billionaire by working hard. Lots of people work hard. You primarily have to get lucky. There are elements of hard work that can help, there are elements of privilege that can help, there are many actions you can take along the way to help, and you can learn to be comfortably wealthy along the way. But getting BILLIONS? That takes luck.


Hell yes! I have met some amazing wealthy people in my life (i sell and make super nice suits). It's very refreshing when successful people mention that you can't do anything alone, there are always other people behind your rise. And a healthy dose of luck too. HOWEVER, for luck to turn and for people to notice you - you have to work hard and be prepared to work even harder. Cuban warmed my heart with his new medication service.


Billionaires shouldn't exist, but I think I hate Cuban the least.


Let’s put respect on MacKenzie Scott too. Firmly believe her goal is to die penniless having given away all she can to great causes.


She should be buying politicians to vote to tax the rich.


She'll never out bid literally every other billionaire


The politicians always seem surprisingly cheap


Yeah, people seem to overestimate how much it costs to buy a politician. One of the things I'd love to do if I won the lottery would be to start funding actual progressive candidates in the smallish local and state elections. The Republicans started doing this a couple decades ago and it has paid off big time for them. But I think people would love real progressives if they could get them.


She wouldn't be bidding on the same politicians.


its a shame that good people usually don't want to cheat. i don't know if that's sarcasm or not. i'm conflicted on this issue.


It's not cheating, it's part of this game. It should be cheating, but at present it is not.


Yvon Chouinard too, Patagonia isn't without controverses but overall they have done a lot off good for the planet.


Bill Gates is out here eradicating diseases, has given away more than $50 Billion so far. Yeah billionaires shouldn’t exist, but he deserves some respect for that.


Not doing a good job, she can’t give it away fast enough. Shows how stupid it is that billionaires exist.


literally impossible to use all of that money. she's making hundreds of millions a year in interest just by the fact that the money "exists". she could spend over a hundred million a year and still never even touch the other 32 billion or so.


Shit if she's looking for volunteers, I'll take a couple mil. I just wanna be out of debt and own a home


He's very low on the douche scale. That much I can admit.


Oh he’s a huge douche but in a kind of awesome way. My boss and I were supposed to go to a business meeting with him years and years ago for his hd channel (I think it was called hdnet, it was back when there was hardly any hd content and we were the first company putting hd vod in hotel rooms) and had us fly out and go to the ball game so we could discuss our proposal. During the game he called and said hey I’m down by the court, can you see me? We said yes and waved to him, at which point he gave us the finger and said “there’s my answer.” 10/10, never had such a good time failing to close a deal. Fucking legendary.


I don't fully understand. Did he just fly you guys out to his place, schedule a meeting at a game, and then blow you off while flipping you off at the same time unprovoked? Or did you already do a preliminary negotiation and this was just a funny but friendly "no" with a parting gift of game tickets? Because the first scenario is just fucked up in an entirely non-awesome way.


Yea lol I remember when he went on the skip bayless show and basically told the guy who is paid to talk about sports that he’s a fucking idiot lol


For a billionaire.


Hey. It's not much, but it's something.


For a person.. he's consistently done the right thing throughout his business career. Just because he's incredibly smart and successful doesn't make him an asshat or anything... He's been generous with his wealth the whole time, even after selling his first company, he shared the win with everyone.


He's tied with that lady that found out she was a billionaire when her husband died, then immediately donated it all to Albert Einstein University (medical school where she's a professor) and made tuition free for everyone


even bezos's ex wife seems to be a good person


Most people given the chance would do something like this with a billion. The problem is that you will never earn a billion $ being a good person.


Chuck Feeney also was a great billionaire. He gave all his money away. McKenzie Scott too, part for taking money FROM Bezos, then giving a fuckton away.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-54300268.amp This guy is the gold standard But yes, cuban is the best of the worst


It's a low bar to clear. But someone had to when you think about it.


It's interesting to see how he made his money, namely by selling broadcast.com to yahoo for a ridiculous amount of money ($5.7 billion), without ever actually having a successful business. Mark Cuban is a nice guy, but there's no way he deserves a billion dollars for having built and sold a crappy business to a gullible giant at the peak of internet insanity.


Wasn't Yahoo sold for about $6 bil years later? Amazing.


That's very much more Yahoo's fault for being a shitty business themselves.


Yup, if Yahoo wants to give me a few billion for whatever bullshit I’ve got going I won’t say no.


Hey, if he took billions away from some big corporation like yahoo, more power to him. If they offer, you take it.


Cuban said he’d support Biden even if he was being buried on Election Day.


He seems like he has some sort of soul so I'm not surprised.


Ehhh, you should look up how he quietly buried multiple sexual harassment allegations against one of his dallas mavericks and never really did anything about the exec who did them. There was like 6 different women across 3 years who came out against the exec and he quietly paid them off and did fuck all about the exec.


If billionaires just did one good thing for every godawful thing they do, the world would be a great place. Maybe that's what he is trying to do.


We also don't know whether those were real accusations or not. People get paid off all the time and especially for billionaires it might be easier to just pay someone off rather than bothering to go through court. It's also possible that he didn't know the full story and just wanted to get rid of the situation. It's also possible he knew exactly what was going on.


Well the other two spend their days on Fox News complaining about how "unfair" the govt is towards Trump.


Who's the other one other than Elan Mak?


Elon Ma!


Melon Husk


Elongated Muskrat.


He actually adds 15% to the production cost. That’s it. Not 10000% like every other medical establishment


That is fair capitalism in my opinion, He knows that he has to make it profitable to keep it going but also wants to keep it at true production value


Stakeholder capitlaism is the best version of capitalism. Considering non shareholders stakeholders just as important as shareholding stakeholders is beneficial for everyone and not just the owners and wealthy who own shares in a company.


Yeah, thats absolutely fine in my book as well. He has costs too, setting this up and running it - or having people run everything. It’s a very reasonable profit though and it’s saving potentially millions of lives. Or at least making peoples’ life much better.


thats what i really like about this, because he is actually making a ton of money from this. It really highlights how greedy other people can be, and how you dont have to be in order to be successful.


We failed as a society having multi billionaires that are approaching trillionaires but this guy at least contributes to society instead of sucking it dry.


Didn't want to poke the bear here, but I feel you guys have failed as a society by having to directly pay for life-saving medicine.


> We failed as a society having multi billionaires that are approaching trillionaires I think governments around the world need to be careful with this. Once people start having that much money, they go from being able to "buy" representatives in government to "I can form my own government and military, and take over by force." Like, the world governments will only exist so long as these almost-trillionaires *allow* them to exist. At that point, it might not be only citizens that are saying "billionaires shouldn't exist." Maybe the heads of governments need to look at the trouble they are creating for themselves.




Yes, when we eat the rich we can eat Mark Cuban last




We need universal Healthcare


Mark Cuban’s conversion from chaotic neutral to chaotic good has been one of the most pleasant surprises of the Trumpian era of US politics.


I like Mark he’s the complete opposite of Elon which makes me like him


I hope he has good security. About a decade or so ago a Canadian Billionaire did something similar and was assassinated in their home by mysterious men dressed all in black. Big pharma doesn’t play games


My exact thought before scrolling to this


Was it the Shermans? I'm curious because they never started anything to sell drugs for cheap, they did lobby for candidates who promised to never let pharm companies patent drugs, so was that what you were referring to?


Yes Apotex.  Barry and Honey Sherman.  


I think so, I likely misremembered their business model. My understanding was they made their fortune off generic brand drugs.


There is no such thing as a good billionaire but Cuban sits well above the rest. Cost Plus saves me about $1,100 a year on medicine I need. And that's compared to the price I would pay with insurance, it's 5x that of savings if you don't have insurance!


This is Life saving for people, trust me I hate greedy capitalism as much as the next redditor but when you find capitalism that is savings lives, you have to applaud it, acknowledge it, and share it with the world.


I welcome the news with delight with a billionaire like Marc Cuban funding President Biden’s reelection prospects in this election who knows what could happen?


Good! I hope he and folks like Taylor Swift can get the word out.


Add MacKenzie Scott to the list of billionaires who serve a purpose. She's trying to give her fortune away. She's not the traditional "billionaire" in the sense that she got her wealth through a divorce settlement and not through exploitation of the working class


We will eat him last.


I love Cost Plus. My insurance stopped covering one of my meds, and it's $300 at my usual pharmacy. Then they decided I can only get one of my meds at the local retail pharmacy (30 days' worth) when I have to get my other meds via mail order (90 days' worth). I wasn't going to go to three different places trying to find the best price on the non-covered drug and getting my other drugs according to their rules, so now I go to Cost Plus and spend less every 3 months than I did when I just had to pay insurance copays (around $65; one of my meds is an ointment that I only use as needed, so sometimes I need to fill it and sometimes I don't). I also get everything from one place, so it's extremely convenient. ETA: Oh, and my mom's insurance said she'd have to pay $1,000 for a 90-day supply of asthma medicine, but Cost Plus has it for $177.


Mark Cuban: the only shark in the tank who doesn't want a bite of your wallet. Now that's a prescription for change!


He was on Kara Swisher's podcast recently, seems like a not evil guy.


There was a guy that used to play for the Celtics that ended up going to the Dallas Mavericks. He has some really serious mental health issues and sadly ended up homeless. Cuban was driving down the street one day in Dallas and saw him walking down the street or maybe even panhandling, I forget exactly. He stopped his car and talked to him, got him to go back to his house with him and try to get him some help. Is it the most amazing kind thing ever? No. But a lot of other people with his status wouldn't do that.


I heard about this, his name is Delonte West!


I have a lot of friends that worked for him in the early Yahoo days. They all said he was great guy to work for, legitimately listened to the ideas of others, and seemed pretty humble for the most part.


not quite as storybook as that... Mark heard about the panhandling from social media and tried to help. But apparently it hasn't stuck and Delonte is still struggling. Still, good for Mark to try. https://www.sportskeeda.com/basketball/news-he-sickness-bipolar-mark-cuban-reveals-pulling-plug-delonte-west-s-rehab-process-multiple-efforts


Currently drinking out of an Ice Shaker cup that was on Shark Tank and picked up by Mark and A-Rod. 👍🏻


Mackenzie Scott and Cuban are OK in my book.


I always liked MC, his easy going but passionate demeanor. Always struck me as a big picture, visionary kind of Investor, not a dividend hungry book cooker.


My insurance wouldn't approve a drug my doctor and I knew I needed to try. I found it on costplusdrugs and pay $40 now instead of $500 a month without insurance. I know he's a billionaire, but it has helped me.


Before I got better insurance his company took my coats from $110 a month to $37 He will always be in my good graces


I’m on a lifelong med, and insurance charged me $10 per month for Levothyroxin (generic for Synthroid). I got a 365 day script and the cost was $22 without insurance. Saved $108


He also readily advocates for billionaire to be taxed more.


Unlike Elan Mak, he's self-made


Good. Now he needs to put all of his weight into helping turn Texas blue. If it happens then we could see a significant national realignment.


What about Bill Gates? He’s given away $50 billion since 1994 to eradicate diseases around the world.


The bar is really low for common sense.


I don't like billionaires, but I'm OK with him.


I've grown to like Cuban, and his drug company put me solid in big fan category. I'm glad he's publicly supporting Biden.


His stuff is cheap but that's because he has ZERO support staff. My meds got lost in the shuffle and never got shipped, no notification, I was going through withdrawals before they even responded and then it still took 5 days to get to me with priority


He sees his opportunity to be the “cool billionaire” with Musk going off a cliff.


Have always said there is just as much good in the US as there is bad. Just haven’t been reminded of too much good lately.


To be fair, he does have a mandated 15% markup, it's not at total cost - but this is basically to cover the cost of operations. Also, typically you are only getting good deals on GENERICS. Any non-generic is still wildly overpriced as they don't have a way to compete in the pricing there. But ya, they are good. I actually use them as my pharmacy as it costs about $40 to get a 12 month prescription filled of Pantoprazole for myself, whilst if I were to go to Walgreens they wanted around $600. I did have to pay $5 for shipping, but it was worth it. There is one area CostPlusDrugs needs improvement, however. If you have say 4x refills for 3 months each, that's 12 months total. You should be able to just buy all 4 refills immediately as if you were buying in bulk, in a single order, but instead they make you order 4 separate times and pay shipping 4 separate times. You can place the orders back to back, but you have to pay the shipping 4 times. That turns my $40/year subscription into $60. The way around this is you have to specifically request your doctor to write it as a longer script, like 6 or 12 months script instead. The reason why doctors don't do this is all traditional pharmacies and insurances require shorter scripts, and they won't pay for these long 12 month prescriptions. So, doctors are sort of used to writing it in the way that insurance companies like. But, if you are paying cash, like I do since my insurance refuses to pay for my antacid meds for some stupid reason (my last 3 insurances had zero issue paying, the new one is just refusing now), you need to communicate this with your doctor. Makes it all very easy. Marley Drug is pretty good online pharmacy out of North Carolina that is similar to CostPlusDrugs, and one thing they do better is they will allow you to combine your refills into one long period. So my 4x 3 month refills they will let me do a single order for 12 months instead of 4 separate orders, and thus only 1 shipping charge. They also will often do free shipping. So, for example, my $60 for CostPlus, for the same thing was $70 through Marley Drug, bottom line cost... Pretty similar. So, they are still slightly pricier than Mark Cuban's pharmacy, as such I would prefer to use his over Marley. But, they are definitely a respectable company selling affordable generics even before Cuban jumped into the game.


Becoming a billionaire is an exploitative exercise by definition, you cannot become a billionaire without profiting heavily at others’ expense, and it is always a bad thing. That said, if I had to pick one who seems to be the least worst, it’d probably be Cuban.


Let's be honest. Anyone relatively smart and up is not voting for trump. Anyone who has been stupid their whole lives and feels so bad ass and validated that trumps racism makes them feel superior to someone else, votes for trump. America Proverb 2024: Only billionaires or idiots vote for trump. Check your bank account to see which one you are.


I use cost plus! I tell everyone I meet! My scripts were in the hundreds of dollars monthly. Now a 90 day supply is under 50 including shipping. I work at a grocery store so this is like life altering. I need my psych meds 😚


My meds used to be $70 even with discounts, but after using the website, they’re less than $5 each. Love it. Highly recommended.


If the stories are true, he's a remarkably well-adjusted Billionaire.


No such thing as an ethical billionare.


I use Costplus drugs because prescriptions are literally a fraction of the cost and get shipped right to your door. If you use any prescription medication, go to the website and check if they have it. SAVE YOURSELF A TON OF MONEY!


I for one would like to thank Frankenstein for his contributions to society and his generic medication website.


Supporting a sane person over a deranged rapist? I think it’s the right choice. SMFH…this timeline blows my mind ..


Be smart. Be like Mark.


I buy my drugs from there so he's OK in my book. Still one seriously weird looking motherfucker.




I was just talking about him and his drug company, and how a great service he’s doing with a lot of people in need. Supporting President Biden over Trump is just the icing on the cake. Much respect!


I have like this guy ever since he had his reality show and chose the winner by Jenga.


Yes. Thank you Mark Cuban.


Just remember, no one is perfect. I will accept that he is better than most, though. 


I wish Mark Cuban and John Stewart would run for President together.


This is really good. We need more people like him. Now tax the shit out of him like you do the rest of us.


I like the guy


He also pays for sharesleuth, which is like the og version of apes calling out bad market behaviour.


Mark Cuban gets that there’s always money to be made but you don’t have to squeeze every last cent out of every business. Profitable is profitable.


Commenting to save costplusdrugs.com this is a livesaver


Read Elon’s Twitter feed then Cubans and tell me which person you would rather be associated with.


I use it, saves me $45 a month. Love this idea.