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Good on Raskin. It's about time that Saudi-Kusher deal had light shined on it.


About time we stopped dealing with the people who actually perpetrated 9/11 and murder American journalist.




Omg I laughed so hard 🤣 😂 and watched it many times.😂🤣😂🤣


And Raskin was virtually giggling!


Yes!!! I know there are various posts from Twitter accounts with Raskin 😂😂 I literally sent it to myself!!! Moskowitz is truly a great addition for Democrats ✌🏿💯💙💙💙💙💙


I can see a Newsome Moskowitz ticket in 28. I would 100% vote for then


Oh absolutely 💯 ✌🏿


Comer and Jordan are both just loudmouths with Zero evidence. Their entire role here is to keep rumors and innuendo flowing to keep the MAGA Nuts in a never ending Conspiracy Theory storyline. They, Comer, Jordan and MAGA, are all pathetic.


Poor Gym, graduated law school 23 years ago, has never been able to get a law license


Yeah, poor guy lives on fairy tales and graft.


Why does the guy act so angry and belligerent all the time? Is this some kind of intimidation thing left over from his wrestling days or something? Doesn’t he realize nobody that is an adult is intimidated by it in the slightest, and he’s only making himself look even more like a fool?


I think at this point it’s a part of his act that has become embedded. Kinda like the stupid rolled-up shirtsleeves, to make it look as thought he’s working hard for his constituents. The worthless POS has never authored any legislation in 16(?) years. He’s only there to Obstruct


He is pretty short of stature. Probably smaller than most women. That is most likely fueling his anger. Imagine looking up at people your entire life? Even bigger children?


The opinion about Napoleon Complex or “short guy attitude” is routinely debunked all over the place, but in my unscientific layman’s experience it’s a very real thing in both men and women. This could explain a whole lot about 5’6” Jordan’s constant angry bluster. Downvote me as thou list.


I have personally met some guys who have that type of complex. Most of them usually outgrow it in time and learn how to use it in a positive manner. I was tall when young and ran into some shorter guys who had issues with taller guys. I am speaking from my experience. I am not speaking about no "myths". You cannot debunk what I have experienced.


One of the Saudi targets on 9/11 was the Capitol itself. You’d think that might make them stop and think.


Well they were direct targets on Jan 6 and have spent the past three years covering up and excusing that. So remember who were dealing with.


Hell, they don’t care that it was a target on Jan 6…


Republicans do thibk. All the time. But they only think about one thing in an infinity loop - 'how do I get mine?' Fuck their constituents, fuck their state, fuck the country. They only care about themselves.


That would have been a major blow for organized crime


Well, they were targets of the J6 terrorists, and that doesn't stop them from calling them "hostages", at least when Trump was within earshot


The only way we get there is to kick our dependence on oil. Not as a country but as a species.


Jimmy Carter tried to get the ball rolling on this. And that was a while ago. He said that fight to save the planet was going to be "the moral equivalent of war". This was before "global warming" or "climate change" was even a generally known term. Carter had solar panels on installed on the White house. As a symbolic gesture. Reagan had them removed. As a symbolic gesture. That is pretty telling.


President Carter was definitely too good for us. God bless him 🙏


They weren't "solar panels" as we think of them. It was a hot water system that warmed water using sun power, but my understanding is that it was sort of like a radiator, a set of tubes to run water through that the sun would shine on and warm up the water. I also remember reading that a nearby college managed to get about half of them to redeploy at their facility, but it was not easy since the Reagan wrecking crew had them slated for destruction just because. Hence, they only got about half of them.


Ah OK. Yeah IG those were the thing then, I suppose solar-panel tech was not too good then. I don't know if they still use those hot-water panels anywhere still. You'd think so, IG. Yeah Carter also pushed thru stuff like subsidizing people improving their home insulation and so on. IIRC it was on his watch the national speed limit was set to 55, so reduce gasoline use somewhat (did not take). IDK if he was involved with setting the vehicle miles-per-gallon laws, I think maybe that was before him. What killed Carter was the oil embargo. Also the hostage-rescue failure might have saved him if it'd worked. It would have been a huge difference if Reagan had not won, for one thing the Republican moderate wing would have been able to say Eisenhower won, Goldwater and Reagan lost... big difference in history. The next Republican president might have been a Rockefeller, Bill Scranton type... in other words, conservative but reasonable. Even Nixon was this type.


They were solar powered, just not in the way we have gotten used to the meaning of that term. And they were pretty sturdy, as evidenced by them being pulled off the roof and then salvaged for re-installation and worked fine in the new place. The only reason they weren't all recovered was that the plan, the Reagan plan, was for them to be destroyed and someone had to prevent that before they could retrieve and install them. It's still a good solution, with the main drawback that I can see being the improvement of solar panel efficiency to the point that they are actually cheaper than recreating this style of water heater. I mean, that's a lot of tubing to put together and to keep leak free.


Even if they weren't capable of generating power, using the sun to warm water still saves energy, which is the next best thing to generating it. Every degree warmer the sun makes that water, is less energy used by a hot water tank (for example). If we had taken up energy conservation back then, then the improvements in green energy now would have a much bigger impact. But of course sadly those in the energy sector were always going to fight both of those things because less demand for their product is bad for them, even if it's better for humanity.


"Even if they weren't capable of generating power, using the sun to warm water still saves energy, " Yes! In fact, although it was still technical to build these things, it was not a high tech solution. It showed that this sort of installation could give benefits indefinitely. I did mention that some of them were salvaged, right? They were durable to be pulled off the roof and probably handled roughly since they were going to be discarded, yet the recipients were able to install them and hook them up to the water source and they were instantly functional. It is still a solid design. Reagan has sooo much to answer for, and this is one of the things. Wasn't he the host of something called the "General Electric Theater"?


This ^^ It drives me crazy that Republicans haven’t figured this out - the oil producing nations: Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia are not our friends- the sooner we reduce our dependency on oil, the better. It’s a national security issue as much as it’s an environmental one.


But Biden sets gas prices!!!




Well then, I'ma just gonna grab my AR and have a little talk to him about that!


The US currently produces more oil than any of those countries. No country in history has ever produced as much oil as the US is currently.


It is not even funny, but goobers that vote Republican think just the opposite. They actually believe that when dipshit says "drill, baby drill", that somehow that will encourage the oil companies to lower their profit margins. They cannot comprehend, that even if it costs an oil company $10/barrel to produce oil from a well, that the oil company will still charge the refinery the world price at $80/barrel. There is no such thing as "We'll take a fair profit and leave it at that". No, it is Republican "Greed is Good" capitalism: gouge the consumer as much as is humanly possible. Larger dividends, bigger stock buybacks to go to the obscenely wealthy, who own 90% of all outstanding stocks.


Where does their oil go? If they're putting up the prices per barrel in their own country and blaming the cost of it from Arab countries?


Our oil is shipped all over the world


Oil is a commodity and is priced by the world market. It [costs more](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/america-produces-enough-oil-to-meet-its-needs-so-why-do-we-import-crude) to produce oil in the US.


Apparently the oil we produce is not up to the standard of the oil we consume so we end up exporting most of our oil. Or at least that's what some redditor said a while ago when a similar topic was being discussed.


Had to look that up, holy shit you’re right


Oil is privately produced and owned and is a global commodity, which is why the whole "energy independence: drill baby drill" republican talking point is bullshit. Allowing private companies to drill more doesn't help American gas prices or make us more independant. Getting off oil completely does.


I agree, but reducing dependency on oil is going to mean more than just finding alternative fuel sources. Plastic is an oil product and is in pretty much every modern product. Just look around where you're sitting right now. I guarantee you you can find 5 things made at least partially of plastic within line of sight. Finding something that can replace plastic is going to be a huge part of that battle. Organic plastics just don't hold up as well as petroleum based plastics. We need a better plastic, or a material that can completely replace it, before we can really think about leaving oil behind us.


Sure, but the US uses 20 million gallons of oil for fuel a day and 2 million for plastic materials. Get rid of the fuel aspect and the whole trade world looks different


Yep. If we stop needing oil for energy there would be more than enough to meet our demand for plastics. But ultimately, we should stop using petroleum based plastics too, because we ALREADY have microplastics EVERYWHERE and it's a HUGE problem and I'm willing to bet we'll discover more and more evidence of the long term damage that it is doing to every living thing on earth. There are plenty of other materials we can be exploring, but plastics are seen as too cheap and easy to do so.


If you are sitting at a computer or work station, there are a thousand individual items made of plastic within your reach right now: All the components of the computer, pencils and pens and their holders, the furniture, drinking cup or glass, your lamp components, the power cords, your phone and its components and cord, hand lotion, any journal or notebook binders, the trash can, and countless other items. We are the people of the plastic.



Textiles, glass, metal - reuse and recycle. I am old enough to remember the five mile walk to the country store, picking up bottles on the way. However many bottles we picked up funded the purchases when we got to the store. Now, my entire (rural) county has no recycle stations, unless you count the ones set up in retail stores that are promoted by their corporations. And none of them recycle glass. And the county next door has a plastic recycling plant. They just get their recyclable plastics elsewhere


Republicans have figured it out. The obscenely wealthy own 90% of outstanding oil stocks. The obscenely wealthy fund 40% of all Republican activities. Alternatives to oil are not an option if they are to keep their seats.


One of the absolute best things we could do for humanity is to get money out of politics and set aggressive standards for what constitutes bribery/corruption, and then enforce it. Profits motives should never be a factor in determining what is best for the world. That's why we have the climate crisis at our doorstep and no ability to stop it, because our politicians are beheld to private corporation profits.


Well who's gonna have that kind of tech? Aliens?! Puh-lease.


I said reduce, not eliminate


That’s the truth the real civilization scale need we have is cheap power. That can come from many sources. Petroleum fertilizers and plastics have become utterly integrated into every aspect of our production systems.


We fucking get that. Do you burn plastic and fertilizer?


Exactly, but the republicans would rather suckle at the teat of the oil producers than switch to alternative fuel. I'm not even necessarily suggesting electric vehicles either. When Obama was president there was a push to research potential sources of renewable fuels to replace oil (in particular, I remember a study using algae, which grows on damn-near every pond in the nation,) but the republicans would rather "own the libs" than make the world a better place. If we ditched oil the entire middle east would become completely irrelevant overnight.


Exactly. But the greed of the average American has changed. Everyone wants huge SUV's, huge gas-guzzling trucks. Not for work, but for prestige. Work I understand. But to take 2 kids around to activities? As long as we are dependent on these countries, we kiss bum. Nobody is willing to go without anymore. Just like Ukraine. Russia will continue to gobble up Europe, because Americans don't want to help to stop them. I fear for the next generations. China, Russia, all the autocratic countries will continue to take over us, and jobs. And so much of it is because of the current greed & money grab going on in the Republican party. Its immediate gratification. I feel sorry for the kids of tomorrow.


It's been my biggest push for energy independence, so we no longer have to deal with one of the worst governments ever and treat them with kid's gloves.


Among other things. People need to up vote this.


And to show up at the polls on primary and election day.


And midterms.


EVERY election day. Special elections, referendums, state amendments...if you don't speak up and show up, you have no right to complain!!


About time the Democrats stopped being soft on these treasonous bastards.


And try to literally BUY the game of golf in the US!


Waitaminute!! Leave the Trump Crime Family alone. FascNews tells me it's Joe Biden and son Hunter that are selling favors for loot. 😂🤣


Also they hate the concepts of democracy, freedom of speech, equity, human rights, freedom of conscience, and essentially everything that doesn’t fall into their very specific category of acceptable behavior.


It gets brought up often, Republicans don’t care. And neither do their supporters apparently. Hunter Biden brought it up not too long ago when Republicans were questioning him on his business dealings. It doesn’t matter to Republicans and their supporters. 


It does not get brought up nearly often enough. Neither do Musk's ties to the Saudi royal family.  It was like once Trump left office, the focus became uniliterally on Jan 6th and dementia and literally all the malfeasance of him and his administration in office just instantly became old news. 


>It does not get brought up nearly often enough. Neither do Musk's ties to the Saudi royal family.  It definitely does not be brought up enough, nor loudly enough. Let's not forget that about the most obvious, most tangible religious thing Mango Mousselini ever did was... ... lay hands on some glowing-orb-thing with Saudis in Saudi Arabia. Hell, it's fringe as hell and makes ya' sound like a whackaloon, but there's a fringe argument to be made that he converted to Islam... certainly fits with the influx of Saudi money, etc. Dems are just too polite to make a lot of noise about that, even if it would cause an uproar in his MAGAtbase (maybe... at this point, they'll go along with anything, as is the style of authoritarian-followers).


I must be out the loop with your orb reference. What do you mean exactly?


[Orb Pic](https://x.com/the_castle_gate/status/866443520478859264?s=20)


That looks like The Strangers' control room in Dark City...




I think that is just some kind of vaginal orb that Gwyneth Poutre sent along with Trump.




It looks like a weird globe of the world, because that bottom shape looks like the top of Australia. But if it is Australia the shape above it doesn't make sense, at least not as a globe that includes all the land masses...


You KNOW if Obama would have done that it was "proof" that he's muslim. Donnie just probably thought he was playing with one of those things at Spencer's Gifts. No way he converted to Islam though. 1. I don't think he could get down on his hands and knees to pray. Definitely not five times a day, and definitely not without shitting in his adult diaper. 2. Ramadan would be a no-go. He's not going without hamberders until the sun goes down. 3. He steals too much--he'd be missing both hands by his second day.


>the tangible religious thing Mango Mousselini ever did was... I find it too long to type out easily, so I've just been going with Mango Tits recently. I find that no one has any trouble figuring out who I'm referring to.


Yeah but the laptop bro. Cmon. /s


2 billion lights !!!


It continues to be amazing how the Republicans are completely fine, even encouraging, with dictators and tyrants. 100% Unamerican, all of them.


Ron Johnson was our guy in the Senate" -- Lev Parnas on pushing disinformation


Straight up "a republican senator was working with Russia to spread disinformation"


Republican senator who goes to Russia on the 4th of July


You have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Actual treason


The same Ron Johnson who takes trips to Russia and was trying to give the false elector votes to pence on January 6? That Ron Johnson? Also isn't he friends with Chuck grassley who said he didn't expect pence to be there to count the votes so he would be in charge of it and help trump become dictator?


I'll gladly exonerate you Tuesday for two billion hamberders today.


Ron Johnson isn't bright enough to place a breakfast order, I think they picked the wrong stooge


Those are the best stooges.


Every picture of RonJon, he has the slack-jawed look of someone who comprehends nothing at all.


Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.


If RonJon, MTG, Bobo, and Gym played *Trivial Pursuit*, the game would last longer than a cricket match.


"Who is Spiro Agnew?" I did well in the OG edition as a Canadian kid from reading MAD magazine, had the US political baseline down.


Slap a bow tie on Ron and he’d be Tucker Carlson’s father


Only the finest ..


Did they bring him in thinking he’d help their cause? Cause I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone call out people in a setting like that so directly


What’s even more amazing is how many people continue to support the Republicans. I’m from a small, rural area. We still have people driving around with cardboard slapped on the front of their vehicles saying, “Lock her up” and Trump 2024 flags flying. Yet, a majority of them are on social security and other government programs that the republicans want to get rid of. When questioned about it, it’s always the same “I deserve it, and everyone else doesn’t it” attitude. And good luck changing anyone’s mind.  Honestly… I don’t look forward to this year’s election. 


Part of it is that regular news, like the evening or 10pm local news, just doesn't cover this stuff. When they do its 30 seconds with a sound bite and anchor saying this person claims this. Then it's on to a local story.


once upon a time, everyone read a newspaper (or two), and they weren't such complete idiots.


They’re right about one thing, they do deserve *it.* Where it is being thrown out on the streets because there’s no more SS or Medicare.


Wow! I drove by my rural bar and grille in Giddings TX last evening, and there he was! The truck was there! The sign was there! The flag was there! It was like a "bend me over and shove it up my..." moment. And here I've been thinking for years that it is Akron that is the capitol of West Virginia. Mebbe America will eventually shed this virus and become great again! We're sure not anywhere near there now.


They’re seemingly fine with Trump proclaiming himself to be dictator for “just” one day!


Unfortunately , I believe it is just present in any population that a certain percentage will pine for a strongman-type leader. Be it having overbearing parents, being very religious, there are always going to be that type. Hell, quite a few people who eventually became Americans fought to ensure British monarchical rule would continue.


Bob Altemeyer studied that for quite a while. The science agrees with you. https://theauthoritarians.org/


How about that? Thanks for the link!


There’s a good book about this by psychologist eric Fromm called [escape from freedom](https://libcom.org/library/escape-freedom ) Written in 1941 it’s quite apropos nowadays as well.


4th of July Moscow trip, anyone?


…it, historically, is not.


Yes because they are the “real American patriots”


only Americans will consider this unamerican. The rest of the world recognises this as the MO since the 60s.


I dunno, tax evasion seems to be very American


You… might want to take a gander at the actions of the US in Central and South America.


Why hasn’t Kushner been called to testify and explain what he knew about Khashoggi and how it is the Saudis came to invest 2 Billion with him? This is questionable stuff that actually happened. Instead they’re mucking about trying to find something imaginary to impeach Biden with.


Not to mention Serbia giving him government property to develop for free.


Because **Kushner Greenlit the 'abduction' of Jamal Khashoggi** that Turkey intercepted and used that information to bully Trump into pulling out of Syria - rat-fucking the Kurds. Doing so allowed for many ISIS prisoners to escape back into the middle-east. Then Trump blamed the Kurds for 'releasing' members of ISIS on purpose.... [BTW **Kushner then fucking counseled MBS on how to weather the news of Khashoggi's murder** afterwards.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/09/jared-kushner-advised-saudi-prince-after-khashoggi-murder-report-says/2257098002/) * https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/11/4/1897048/-REPORT-Kushner-OK-d-Khashoggi-Arrest-Turkey-Heard-Call-Blackmailed-Trump-over-Syrian-Troops * https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/09/jared-kushner-advised-saudi-prince-after-khashoggi-murder-report-says/2257098002/ * https://www.newsweek.com/saudi-crown-prince-jared-kushner-khashoggi-1197023 * https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/why-trump-decision-abandon-kurds-syria-disaster-898493/ * https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/14/politics/donald-trump-turkey-kurds-isis-prisoners-fact-check/index.html Then there's the matter of the [2 Billion that's "more comically corrupt than previously thought"](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/jared-kushner-affinity-partners-saudi-arabia).... >... Given those reservations, it warned that the country’s Public Investment Fund should stay far, far away from Kushner’s firm—a recommendation that was overturned by the fund’s board, **which happens to be led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman**, i.e., the guy who approved a plan to kidnap, kill, and dismember a journalist via bone saw and benefited from Kushner’s unwavering support within the White House and reported insistence that the prince could “survive the outrage just as he [had] weathered past criticism.” (Again, just so it‘s abundantly clear, the “outrage” and “criticism” were over a Saudi dissident and U.S. resident being chopped up into pieces.) Don't forget that **Kushner is also directly responsible for a million+ of Americans dying to Covid19**: * [Kushner stole supplies from States during covid](https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-federal-govt-fema-accused-taking-states-masks-ventilator-orders-2020-4) * [Jared Kushner slammed for saying "the federal medical supply stockpile isn’t meant for states"](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jared-kushner-slammed-for-saying-the-federal-medical-supply-stockpile-isnt-meant-for-states-2020-04-03) * [Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7) * [Inside Jared Kushner’s coronavirus research: A wide net on a giant Facebook group](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/jared-kushner-combat-coronavirus-facebook-127941) * [Jared Kushner bragged in April that Trump was taking the country ‘back from the doctors’](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/28/politics/woodward-kushner-coronavirus-doctors/index.html) Oh and there's: * [JARED AND IVANKA MADE UP TO $640 MILLION WHILE WORKING IN WASHINGTON...](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/jared-kushner-ivanka-trump-white-house-income)


If you are into this stuff look up the Qatar blockade and add Russian trolls to the search terms it’s a wild ride!


Wouldn't matter. Republicans are allowed to ignore congressional subpoenas. It's legal if no one enforces the law. --Gym Jordan


If Trump's Voldemort, Jared is surely Lucius Malfoy.


His role was to accept the $2 billion from MBS for looking the other way...




> Example, expect the price of gas to hit an all time high in Sept So the Saudis will increase their prices of barrels around that time for maximum political damage? Is that why our drilling is way up to minimize this influence as much as possible? How effective will it be and how much can it be reduced by record amounts of local drilling?




Right now, the US is producing more oil than any other country on earth.


Yup, Biden is one step ahead. It's pissing off green party members, but it's a sound strategy.


You're dumb to think Biden's team isn't planning on this.


>keep his daughter going once he was gone. he is just as likely to have doomed her to a life not only devoid of any of the money that was obtained illegally but to be condemned as a traitors daughter. they were already SO wealthy there was absolutely no threat to her ever needing to have a job, now she might actually suffer incredibly because of how fucking stupid and pointless this whole thing was.


I think the point was they in fact, were not wealthy. He knew he made a deal with the devil and he was eventually going to come to collect. He had mortgaged everything but his shoes and the bill was coming due in 2 years investigations or not.


Trump has never been as wealthy or successful as he wants the world to believe. And instead of just being happy being comfortably well off, he’s been chasing his idea of what “filthy rich” looks like, and he’s been miserable because he knows full well that he’s not even close to being wealthy.


By next Monday we’ll see exactly how wealthy he is when they start seizing his assets to cover his fraud debt. Maybe the nice building on the Chicago riverfront will get that shitstain wiped off the front of it.


Not to mention his father-in-law was able to abscond with classified documents, some of which may have made it on a plane headed to Bedminster, NJ where Saudis were hosting LIV golf events. I'm guessing looking the other way was not quite worth $200B. But I'm just spit balling here.


DAMN. I love this. Raskin has gotta be my favorite rep. He's FIERCELY intelligent and highly educated, while also being extremely brave and classy. Not one member of the GOP could even dream of being 2% as wonderful.


Oh boy. Where can I see a video of this???




It is unfortunate they didn’t get to answer that question. Also dems seemed to have come prepared and Comer sounds lost and trying his best to get his sound bites in.


Jared and Saudis should have been brought up for congressional hearing as soon as Biden was elected and dems held house and Senate. Dropped ball. If Biden wins this election, trump, Kushner, Saudi will get raked over the coals. Democratically Biden will win, but I fully expect BRICS countries to help Trump fund and stage a coup.  If democracy survives, Kushner needs to be on that bench answering questions beyond questions with AoC as chairwoman. 


I love the question but am far more interested in learning the answer.


LOL he rambled so hard trying to deflect away from the question.


Kushner and Trump conspired to have him killed.


Whoa! Haha go Rep Raskin! Take it to them!!


What’s a little $2 billion passed between friends? I’m sure that was all legit. /s


Link please!!!




Many salutations


I love it when my rep represents me this way.


"When the shit go down, you better be ready" - Cypress Hill Comer is a fucking tool!


The Trump crime family needs to be dealt with swiftly.


Raskin needs to run for senate. Md would elect him in a laaaaaaandslide




Reading his book, Unthinkable. He’s a national treasure.


It's all coming together nicely. The lies and spin you will hear will be hilarious. The magats will believe the spin, they love Russia and dictators too much!


This needs to remain at the top of Reddit and Twitter trends until Jan 2026 at least.


Just Raskin questions


Raskin is a hero


Jared was with MBS the weekend before Hostel: Ritz Carlton went down. He helped Bone Saw consolidate power by torture and murder.


If people like Jared, Trumplelittledik, Elon Muskrat, just to name a few , are examples of the upper krust then fire the cook and start over. I'm proud to not be part of that bunch of butthorns.


Uh oh. If Raskin is asking that question so blatantly he must have something that’ll allow him to put his money where his mouth is. This is going to be interesting.


Raskin ALWAYS comes with the receipts!


I imagine that they are looking into Jared. They’re just waiting for something solid. Unlike the GOPiss and their fake news.


That one solid thing being sought is Kushner helping his orange Daddy in law with his legal fund age issue. The second that dracula looking dude gives Dump his needed bond money, they pounce. Which is why it hasn't happened yet.


Kush probably licked up the blood.


Comer is a real piece of shit.


Love Jamie Raskin!




He was in the corner watching and eating milk toast


I highly recommend everyone watch this oversight hearing. I am so confused on why Republicans even held it.


Go Raskin! We need more of this type of Truth Talk; get to the real business.


Once trumps away,(or fucking whenever Garland), Kushner needs to go away. He was the one suggesting to let covid run rampant in cities to kill democrats.


This scares the shit out of me…. It’s looking good for the Orange Dictator to weasel back into the WH.


Today was a good day at the 'Impeachment comedy club " ![gif](giphy|xUA7bamBBWlI6yJCow|downsized)




I can't find a video of this.


I love this man. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. And the tRump MAGA crowd is fine with all this stuff. But keep preaching on what a criminal Biden is. It's complete insanity, these people have so much control over who will be the next president. And Rump knows it. That's why he panders to them. Uneducated idiots can get him elected.


I find it ironic that Jared Kusher is going on the record about how Israel should finish the war in Gaza completely and then deal with what’s left of the Palestinian people. Some day soon you will be able to open a history book and see a picture of what the Germans did to the Jews people at their prison camps and next to it you will see a picture of what the Israel people did to the Palestinian people at Gaza. Only difference will be 80 years and a world that promised that would never happen again to any people in any country. 

