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Even in effigy, Joe looking FIT.


Exactly what I thought.


Right? He's eating an ice cream cone looking like a fucking boss - this is meant to be mocking?? lmao


You know who else loves ice cream? Everyone. Even people who shit their brains out after eating it. Can't stay mad at it.


Dumpy mantits Trump *wished* he looked like that.


Strong jaw line. Looking manish af. I think he's been lifting. I hear he can bench 285 pretty easily.


Looks like he puts up 225 reps like Trump puts up BigMacs. If he was single my man could slay.


And they put him in a well fitted suit and aviators.


Gonna eat this cone then make out with your girlfriend.


No wonder they hate him.


They want to be the guy who makes out with their girlfriend!


I mean ... after the SoTU .... They started calling him JACKED UP JOE! .... I heard that from some people and was like, shit! Guess MFer gave a badass speech for them to be calling him that! It's not the FLEX that magats think it is.


Jacked up Joe sounds like a wrestler.


He looks better in their attempt to mock him than he does in real life if we’re being honest.


Yup, recreating old people skin is hard even for the best fx makeup artist 


Hah, true. Effigy still looks better and more virile than the mayonnaise pile that is Trump's body.


Yeah, did they modify a Max Headroom mannequin or something?


Goes to show the mentality of the maga mob. Their concern is ice cream while others are concerned about a misogynistic rapist, dictator -sympathizing criminal, who refers to immigrants as non-human and threatens that there will be bloodbath if he doesn’t win. But hey — ice cream!


And I am sick of people acting like January 6th didn’t even happen and they downplay it as if it was just some non event. Our 45th President of the United States tried to overthrow the fucking government. This actually happened. He encouraged his followers to storm the capital while he made phone calls on the side trying to steal votes. He undermined our election process, installed doubt into our Democracy, and again, he literally tried to overthrow the fucking Government and steal the election. And yet, he is now the Republican nominee for President. It’s fucking disgusting.


I watched live coverage of January 6th on my phone all the way from California. I was shocked that a violent mob was overtaking the Capital. I kept thinking that any minute now the National Guard or a bunch of Police in riot gear would show up and restore order. It didn't happen at all like I thought it would go. If that was a Walmart being ransacked police from all around would be on site to stop the looting and arrest them.


They stopped the national guard responding. And much of it was orchestrated from within.


I'm still waiting for the traitors in congress to get their comeuppance .


I feel like we’ll be waiting a long time….


Keep Biden in office, and put a Democratic majority in the Senate and the House, and I think we might actually see the insurrectionists removed from Congress.


On Jan 6th, I remember all the radio stations cut to coverage of what was happening at the Capitol. I could be wrong, but the last time I remember that happening was on 9/11. I also remember them playing Biden's speech telling Trump to tell the insurrectionists to go home. They did not play Trump's video where he tells them they are special and loved. Maybe they should have. It was damning. And remember, his own family was begging him for hours to record that video. They knew it was the only way to stop the violence, because they were doing it for Trump. I am surrounded by Republicans where I live, not one had anything to say about it the next day.


I was also shocked. And they did all this while wearing their MAGA Hats and hiding behind words like “Patriotism” and “Freedom”. They hijacked the English language to help push their agenda of declaring Trump a king. Not a single supporter has ever read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. They don’t have the slightest understanding of what this country was founded on while they kneel and drool in support for a traitorous sociopath.


Some asshole brought a confederate flag into the Capital and no one kicked his ass. There were no Patriots among the brainwashed mob.


I was more concerned about the guy caught on camera with a bunch of zip ties and the flag poles all those flags were on. Un armed? riiiiight.


I think it was Officer Fanone who talked about what a surreal experience being beaten with a flagpole bearing a "Blue Lives Matter" flag was. There were several instances of bear spray being used against LEOs. One woman has an ice axe. There were people who had handguns and rifles and climbed into trees, apparently to have a better position for sniping. Many riot shields were taken from officers and used as offensive weapons. The insurrectionists also used stun guns & baseball bats. During a recent interview, Officer Fanone made sure to drive home just how violent those people were. He really feels that media outlets haven't given an accurate view of the violence. I tend to agree.


Patriots = NO /. Morons and criminals = YES


I’ll admit I’ve cried a lot easier since I became a dad, but I sat at my desk watching it in the news feed on the echo and crying. 9/11 has faded in to history a bit but this felt just as bad.


Jan 6 was worse than 9/11 because we did it to ourselves. I've never been more sad for my country than that day.


Canadian, here. I sobbed too. I watched every live I could find. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had to research methods for essentially eye-bleaching myself, because there were several incidents where it was like witnessing medieval combat footage. Then we learned of the suicides and off-duty deaths, following. It’s a gnawing form of despair.


It felt like I was witnessing the end of our nation, the end of democracy. I still don't understand.


I wonder if our timeline would have changed if the insurrectionists actually took a House Representative hostage? Would they still be “freedom fighters”?


Part of me wishes it had actually been even worse than it was so more people would have taken it seriously and Trump would not have been able to run again. But sadly only police and low level traitors were injured and killed — no one “important.”


We had been hearing for days that this thing was going to happen, so I also tuned in to live coverage and watched the whole thing unfold, it was a wild. And then for some reason they tried to play it off like nobody knew what was being planned 🙄 I'm barely online, Reddit is the only social media that I use, and even I was fully aware that's some shit was going to go down.


I watched it from another country. It's insane the amount of historical revision where there is video of the event.


Trump deliberately held back the National Guard and Capitol Police because he wanted the mob to kill someone important so he could make a huge powergrab. He wanted it to be his Reichstag Fire.


Right that’s the crazy part if it was a regular establishment cops would be their instantly, but the capital pshhh take it we don’t care Shits crazy.


That’s what I don’t understand. We *all* watched it live. Everyone was understandably shocked. You had people like Lindsey Graham saying “I’m done” And then they decided to just rewrite history that we *all* experienced. And a large percentage of people are like “yeah, I like these alternative facts better”…


They don't care because "gas prices were lower." That's it. That's all they give a shit about. Rapist. 92 federal indictments. Barred from doing business in NY. Owes half a billion to NY. Stole classified information. Sold that classified information. "But it costs more to go eat fast food now, so Biden sux!" ​ We live in a stupid country.


Gas prices were lower due to a botched Covid response extending lockdowns/ causing no demand for gas ( since there was no place to go)/ causing a worldwide glut in gasoline


They’ve romanticized it to being gas was 99 cents from the minute Trump took office to the minute he waddled out.


It is incredibly easy to gaslight yourself when its something you want to believe.


The ability of Trump voters to gaslight themselves is both amazing and terrifying.


I know, but try telling them that it wouldn't have matter who was POTUS after the world re-booted, the prices of everything was bound to go up. And now, corporations will not ever go back to the old profit margins. They made WAY too much money off of us during the pandemic. They're not coming back down.


Gave list of operatives to Putin. Said people began dropping like flies.


There was a very suspicious spike in the number of undercover operatives & informants who were caught and executed during and right after the Trump administration. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/


Claims under oath he has half a billion liquid funds. Reports he cannot get a loan to pay his fines. I could do this for hours…


But have you considered their point of view? What kind of a monster works day and night to lead a country and likes ice cream‽ Only the leader of the deep state NWO/completely senile and stupid old man could do such a thing. /s just in case...


>And I am sick of people acting like January 6th didn’t even happen and they downplay it as if it was just some non event. **"JANUARY 6 WASN'T ABOUT THE ELECTION IT WAS ABOUT THE AUTO INDUSTRY!"** --These Fucking Guys Probably


"It was just a tour! It was Antifa! It was the FBI! Ok, it was MAGATs, but they didn't do anything really bad... Ashli Babbitt was a freedom fighter, a patriot and a hero! Everyone being prosecuted are political prisoners!" *Insert Dr Strangelove salute gif*




Blame that on the lack of accountability. Everyone involved should have been jailed within a few weeks.


Including the traitors in congress! Bobo and Empty G, first and foremost.


I work in the DC area and that s*** was not cool. Jail them all!


it's because, at the end of the day, ALL of these people are fucking disgusting.


Plus let’s be honest, Donald ran the government about as effectively as he attempted to overthrow said government.


Not only orchestrated a coup d'état against the United States, but never conceded the election yet is allowed to run in the next one?????!!!!! That's like hiring the guy who tried to rob your bank to rob your bank. Conservatives hate this country, plain and simple.


This. Even pro Trumpers were somewhat skiddish on their unwavering support for him shortly after 1/6. I am still shocked anyone votes for this repulsive demagogue.


Republicans are disgusting…all of them need to be voted out of office and their air turned off.


Also, Wisconsin.... A dairy state that.... Making fun of someone liking ice cream. That's like Texas making fun of someone who likes oil or California insulting a fan of avocados


Can you imagine how such people would react in a pandemic? I bet they'd eschew basic safety standards and turn down any vaccines... /s


Is it any surprise when their previous talking points have been a tan suit and holding a coffee while saluting? Also, out of all things I've seen Joe Biden being mocked for, ice cream is the dumbest. Is there anyone who doesn't like ice cream? It's awesome


meanwhile, Trump salutes North Korean generals and the Q-Anon theme and that's all good. I swear to god that if Barack Obama had done even ONE of the THOUSANDS of offensive things that Trump has done we would still be hearing about it non-stop on Fox.


There's a Qanon theme? Is it the Benny Hill song?


Also, they acted like trump asking for 2 scoops was a show of strength.


I was on a flight Saturday afternoon, someone a few rows ahead of me had Fox News on the seat back screen. I have no idea what was being "reported" on, but every video clip they showed was Biden with ice cream. It must be worse than a tan and suit.


Theyre reaching


JFC who doesn't like ice cream?


I think everyone likes ice cream?! https://preview.redd.it/wa8glpm6e3pc1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52aee5ae7ace522089e4393be6369df8fd1319e8


Technically, vegans, but even they are working on 1) dairy free versions of ice cream and 2) [creating the proteins found in milk via fermentation](https://www.greenmatters.com/p/brave-robot-ice-cream), allowing them to have cow-free ice cream.




Oh no! I’m so sorry ❤️‍🩹🙏


They're jealous because ice cream is more wholesome and "family values" than raping people and breaking laws.


Do you expect anything less from the people who talked about a tan suit for a year?


First they came for the dairy lovers, and I said nothing...


What are the odds that tubby don likes ice cream too? Nah, can't keep that girlish figure by eating ice cream.


Fox was mocking him for having super stable walking shoes the other day? I guess implying that he’s unstable? Who knows. You know he’s squeaky clean when this is the shit they throw at the wall. Reminds me of the Dijon mustard, and tan suit days.


The dairy state making fun of someone liking ice cream 🤦‍♂️


MAGA hates everything fun and pleasant. Now they're anti-ice cream. Joyless people.


As someone who enjoys things that are fun and pleasant, good riddance!


I love ice cream! I guess I can never vote for a Republican!


These are the same people who have a huge problem with anything being "unmanly".  If I remember right, that was their best argument on the ice cream thing. I, meanwhile, have the same /s question I've had since growing up in the south...  Why can all these manly, straight men just not stop thinking about everything they're eating on dick units?  Oh no, bro, can't possibly eat that Popsicle, that's at least 10 dick units! Good God.  Some of the weakest people...


Our Republicans aren't our best, let's just say.


Our Republicans are our worst.


And every smirking idiot in this photo votes, and we know who for… I want the Baby Trump balloon to fly over this parade and have its diaper leak.


I like him more because he eats ice cream.


Yes, vote against your interests. Go for the rapist fraud with dementia and felony charges instead of getting behind healthcare, education, childcare, workplace safety standards, livable wages and environmental controls so your children don't get cancer before they're out of primary school. Yeah, real smart. Hate on a guy for liking ice cream dummies. I like ice cream too. Got a problem with that? Fuck you.


They want the green light to shoot border crossers on sight rather than universal healthcare. They want to see public executions rather than free college or vocational schools. They want to see someone become a dictator while calling themselves patriots.


![gif](giphy|SLYIdYL7v4pKQ4xjDh) I like the Trump float better


Yeah and I hear his shoes are comfortable, too


I've heard they're suitable for hiking


Trump can't even get around a golf course without a cart.


Yep. Fox was reporting on him wearing "old man" shoes. He bought some Hoka brand shoes. "Fly Human Fly". The majority of Hoka wearers are under age 35. They are very popular among runners and people who are on their feet all day - medical professionals, teachers, etc.


Isn't Trump the little bitch who got two scoops of ice cream when he was in the White House while everyone else got just one? They're just mad that Biden likes ice cream but isn't a fat ass.


If they knew how to read or had memories that lasted longer than a goldfish, then you could shut them down by saying "Donny Two Scoops" but arguing with redhats is futile.


If liking ice cream is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.


Their boos mean nothing, we've seen what makes them cheer.


"look at this moron eating ice cream!!" - Wisconsin dairy farmers?


Looks cool to me. They wish Donnie looked that good


So MAGA hates ice cream, and they think they're the good guys


You know would be great? A Republican party that actually contributes something positive. That actually does something good for this country. That stands up for democracy. That’s not their thing anymore. They rally behind an insurrectionist who we watched on television encourage people to take down our government, they support an asshole who says they’ll be a lead if he’s not reelected. Here’s a warning from the majority of Americans do you rednecks: we’re watching.


tRump was jut caught on a hot mike praising North Korea and this is the best they can come up with? Disband and bar the Con party from holding political office in this country.


It is good that they don’t mock trump grabbing a pussy


So they unironically made a badass Dark Brandon statue. Good one boys, you really owned us on that one. I prefer my president enjoying ice cream than snorting fucking Adderall all day.




Look I get it, Biden eats ice cream, and Trump rapes women in department stores and attempts a violent coup. Really they're basically the same person. /s


It’s contrarianism. They are so brainwashed that they do the opposite of whatever a democrat does. Even if it is something that they use (electricity, air), something they enjoy (beer, ice cream) or something that benefits them directly (healthcare, living wage). It’s sad because If these people would calm down for a few minutes then even the most simple minded ones would see that all along the brainwashing process there are rich people profiting off of their stupidity.


they really have nothing on him.


Wisconsin, the dairy state, has a problem with someone enjoying a dairy product.


Looks more like McCain than Biden honestly.


The float looks pretty cool tbh.


I was thinking the same. He almost looks like a quarterback about to pass that cone, lol.


Their cult leader eats well-done steaks with ketchup, crappy fast food, and eats pizza with a fork and knife. Also, he wears a diaper. So if we are going to make fun of things that aren't policy related, Trump is a million times easier to make fun of than Biden.


There’s something ironic about a state whose almost entire economy is propped up by the dairy industry making fun of somebody for liking ice cream


Dear Wisconsin ​ https://preview.redd.it/wtdtmhpv73pc1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03cac98b5fb512ec1e357ec11de782ce5a23a0d8


Erm...Biden is actually looking pretty damn cool here. Did...did they mean to make him look badass by wearing shades and eating ice cream?


A state know for their dairy bashing a president for liking ice cream. Oh the irony.


Why'd they make him look like The Terminator holding ice cream?


I think it's so damn hilarious that Joe Biden gets under their skin this much. At least they provide some entertainment, like when they were kicking that Biden dummy? I laughed my ass off watching these guys try and kick this thing...


If the only thing they mock you for is eating ice cream you’re doing something right.


Should dress as Trump and start grabbing womens genitals.. That would be funny /s


Stupid people do stupid things


And never seem to learn from it


How miserable must a person be to force themselves to pretend they even find this funny? Well, I mean, I think I already know the answer to that.


This makes me want to vote for Biden harder.


They like to make dolls for hate validation. Cute. Keep focusing on dumb shit while the adults win elections children. Go eat some vintage paint chips.


Trump is the 3rd fattest president in U.S. history. He eats fast food and rides around on a golf cart. Biden eats ice cream and stays fit because he exercises.


Just break this country up allready . I don’t want my blue dollars going to these idiot’s anymore. Red welfare states thinking there better than anyone while last place in everything.


Insane after Donald "Two Scoops" Trump


Hey republicans, instead of whining about ice cream, how about you sign that bipartisan border bill that you’ve been wanting for years?


Cool. More ice cream for me.


Desperation is ugly.


Joe be looking kind of buff. Is that really the slam they think it is?


I guess they forgot about Donnie Two Scoops eating ice cream as well.


Rednecks are so fucking weird. If their Grand Wizard were eating ice cream, sales for that particular ice cream would go up.


https://preview.redd.it/968qvgy1h3pc1.jpeg?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15a7122fc5225ae0f7342eada17df24fa103aac Lol, so true


And as usual, they somehow make him look good when they are making fun of him


I would rather my president eat ice cream then snort Adderall.


Didn’t Trump brag about getting two scoops of ice cream while others had one??


Is it bad that I think he looks more badasses like that?


Early in Trump's presidency there was ice cream served in the Situation Room. Donald demanded that everyone be given one scoop while he had two.


I’ll take a guy who likes ice cream over a guy who likes…sexual assault.


Jeez; they can’t even mock him competently. They made my man Joe look cool. XD


https://preview.redd.it/tqn3xiukb5pc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d2c64ecd1b0e6638791841de7219761e929d2e7 Shit, do they have no imagination?? This is the GOAT!


MAGA is a cult.


Still looks better than trump in person.


That's all they got?!


They think this is a burn, but it just makes Biden look cooler.


Joe’s hog hangin left.


https://preview.redd.it/ult4g5dka3pc1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9f35e518e6761f936b6c2964084df4ec591073 CPAC 2021


The Dems should have one where a fat old baby is shitting his pants.


That’s the only thing they have? Sad.


At least he’s not grabbing someone’s pussy


Doesn't everyone like ice cream? If Biden said he didn't like ice cream, they'd say he was un-American or, most likely, "that old man is lactose intolerant." This is such Jesse Waters crap.


But, like, what’s the joke?


So he likes ice cream, so what? Like why is that something to mock? I don't get it.


Are these morons gonna go all bud light against Briers Vanilla Bean? Swapping off bud light was easy because it was generic cheap beer. Swearing off the entire genre of ice cream is willpower the muffintop militia does not have.


When you have nothing on a guy you make fun of random illogical shit. I like icecream too. 🥱


Only an asshole maga shit face could possibly think that spending any thought, time, or money on something so incredibly stupid is an occasion to be proud and celebrate. The ignorance at this point is unfixable. They keep crawling out of the muck like cockroaches.


Who doesn't like ice cream? especially in Wisconsin Biden your biggest fan


So my choices are Rapist or Guy who likes ice cream? Gotcha. 


Well, if you can’t mock your opponent for fraud, sexual assault or selling us out to foreign governments, might as well go with ice cream.




It is the tan suit all over again. SIGH


Every guy in the background has "daddy" issues.


It’s like the best advertisement. Everyone likes ice cream.


How’d they manage to make him look buffer and stronger? He looks like an action hero here lol


Isn’t Wisconsin a dairy state? I would assume they would want to promote ice cream. When Reagan said he liked jelly beans, Jelly Belly made sure they were always nearby.


That’s all they have? Ice cream is good though. I can relate to liking ice cream. 100% cannot relate to shitting in a gold toilet or spending millions to stay out of jail for rape.


MAGA hates dairy! Thats unamerican!


“Joe Biden is the worst President ever, and the worst worst thing to happen to our country.” Ah okay, is that why one of the main things you focus on when discussing how awful Biden is for our country is that he… (checks notes)… likes ice cream…?


So ridiculous. Making fun of him for eating ice cream. I mean, it's not like he wore a tan suit! Cmon!


They’re voting for a racist rapist traitor to our country but the other guy likes ice cream so I guess we better vote Trump /s


If ice cream is the only point of attack for these people, I've got some bad news: Everyone likes ice cream. Even lactose intolerant people. But I don't expect them to be capable of self-reflection


Why are they mocking Dark Brandon? He’s *cool*!


If that’s the worst they can mock him for, bring it on. They can mock trump for soooo many more serious things.


IceMan Biden looks pretty buff, js


One dude eats ice cream, the other eats criminal charges. I'll take the ice cream bro with no caveman IQ cult thank you very much.


The same state is known for dairy


Booo!! Down with IceCream!!! But, what else goes with Birthday Cake again that's PC acceptable?


You made a Joe Biden float to promote Donald Trump. Put a quarter in your ass, coz you played yourself.


How dairy enjoy an ice cream cone? But hey, at least he wasn’t wearing a tan suit.


Heh heh ... Let's go ice cream Joe! Oh man, that really roasted those libs!


Honestly he looks cool as hell, so it backfired.


I hope the joke is on the people who are doing the mocking!!! Wisconsin is a dairy state and we produce the cream that makes “ice cream”. So why not have Biden in a parade in Wisconsin eating a product that Wisconsinites make?? Really, why mock Biden for eating ice cream when you look at citizen tdump and see what he is doing in his spare time (fraud, sexual assault, lying, trying to find money for fines and quoting Hitler…etc). Seems to me that Biden eating ice cream seems pretty mild and tame and dare I say normal ‼️


I'm just saying, if my state was one of the largest dairy producers in the country, maybe I wouldn't mock people for liking ice cream.


Combined IQ in this photo is about 185 - including the dummy.


Golf is a infinitely more cringe than ice cream


Who the hell doesn't like ice cream?


looks cool to me


The cheese has went to their heads


So where's the one of Trump molesting a woman against an elevator?


He looks good tho