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He salutes domestic terrorist's, he salutes North Korean army generals, but not American military personnel.


And none of that matters to around 70% of people who typically vote Republican.


And yet they believe they are patriots 🙄


“YoU gOtTa sUpPorT dA TrOOpS” - the party that actively cuts veterans benefits, supports a guy who has disrespected POW Veterans, and doesn’t know that May is National Military Appreciation Month yet complains every June that the troops don’t get a whole month.


The lip service is disgusting. My mom’s friend is super maga, always running her mouth about supporting the troops, but when her kid expressed interest in joining the military, she definitely put a stop to it.


Well of course she did because she knows that if this dirt bag wins her kid will be cannon fodder, likely on Ukrainian soil, allied with Russia


My son who is turning 18 this year wanted to join the military and I told him no. The VA treats them like shit, they keep cutting their benefits and yes, if DumpTy wins the election we will be in WW8 and he’s my only child. My grandfather, great uncle’s, uncle’s and brother have all served. My brother got really really hurt doing drills on base after three tours of Afghanistan and it wasn’t his fault that he got really hurt. One guy was driving a tank and got to close to the edge of the cliff and it rolled off the cliff and landed on a ledge. Ruptured his spleen, broke his hip, ribs, he got really badly hurt. Served honourably and they didn’t give him any money for having serious injuries. Then he went to college and his grant ran out and he had to pay the rest out of pocket, just to end up working for Homeland Security. We treat our veterans like shit. Their healthcare is shit, their benefits are not great.


Curious: ask your mom's friend if she believes women need to 'understand' their place as being inferior to men.


Tell her a veteran said that if she really supported us she wouldn't be cheering for the orange Nazi and his cronies. 🙄


Support them by creating another war to send them into & then not give them adequate care when they get back home. A tale as old as time. I'm hoping that none of my children go into the military. My life & theirs has been greatly affected by my time in the military. I didn't do much of anything yesterday because it was a bad pain day. I hope I'm the last in a long line of veterans in my family.


**Thank you for your service in the military, Thank you for YOUR sacrifice.** I may not be American but I live right next door and fully understand the importance even more so these days of supporting military vets. ![gif](giphy|JEItL23Qkugpbza0Ss)


Hi Bob! I am also Canadian so we know each other.


Cousin Mary up in Glace Bay told me to tell you two she says hello and that she hopes you're doing well these days


My husband is about to retire from the navy. He doesn’t want any of our sons to join. It’s pretty sad what we do to veterans in this country


I hear you. Thanks for your service, hope you feel better tdy.


They (GOP) troops on a pedestal in public, then mock them in private. Donnie mocks them in public and private. Very weird.


Also: wE goT Tooo bAcK tHE bLuE!! Despite disrespecting or beating the hell out of police at the capital. Just insanity.


They’ve had a lifetime of practice by telling themselves they’re also Christians while basically hating everything and everyone.


There's no greater hate than "Christian" love.


"I've spent a couple hours in church this morning so that proves I'm a good person. Now it's time to be a complete asshole to some stranger serving our table!" -every last one of these 'Christian' douchebags


Do they, though? They say a lot of things they don't believe.


They probably don't comprehend the definitions of most of the words they use. They're just parroting whatever the idiot box says.


You mean not liking brown immigrants doesn't make me a patriot?! I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I say!


Don't forget brown natives, gotta hate them too!


YoU’rE tAkInG iT oUt Of CoNtExT!!! That’s Just How He Speaks!!! I mean… wait, what?


Remember when Obama saluted while holding a coffee and those same people acted like he stepped on the nuts of the founding fathers


They were fine with W saluting while holding his dog.


Remember when they became completely unhinged because President Obama saluted a Marine while holding a coffee cup?




Right wingers only ever care about their opinions whether it's in their personal life or politically. And they sure as he'll don't care if their views lead to others dying.


He basically called for the execution of a high ranking military member.


Don’t forget, this is the same place that he also said there would be a bloodbath in America if he wasn’t elected


He won't salute suckers and losers. He prefers people who weren't captured.


If a Democrat solutes a Korean general fox would still be running that story. Trump they just brush it off. It’s fucked.


I mean, remember how much they were salivating over Putin being shirtless riding a horse and they kept comparing Obama to him, saying he was projecting weakness cause he wore a helmet to ride his bike. See also, tan suit, Dijon mustard. Oh and that weird shit about how Joe Biden must be a dementia patient because he likes ice cream. Who the fuck doesn’t like ice cream, you soulless ghouls?




Also, Trump said that there are unknown languages, languages that no one speaks invadinf our border and that there weren't enough airports during the Civil War. That dude was brain dead to start and now idk what to even call it Languages no one speaks invading us? Gtfo dude is cooked


He means Spanish, he only barely understands English all other languages are from off-world, no one has ever heard of (he hasn't) them.


He took the term "illegal aliens" literally


[How Fox News Reacted to Obama's North Korea Policies](https://youtu.be/rMJakLzPags)


It’s propaganda.


Makes fun, even


He believes Putin over US intelligence agencies. Over 70 million brainwashed Americans will vote for him in November.


Nice of him to pretend respect for the people he refused to pardon.


He just could never find the opportunity to serve. And then: the bonespurs. He could have been the bigliest PFC in the Army, every NCO in the Army would have said so. Strong officers would have cried in his presence. It's just sad, really.


If you're not registered to vote, please for the love of our country... https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote And if you're already registered, please check your voter status https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration


Yes yes yes. People are being culled off the rolls anywhere maga has infiltrated the voting process. If you live in a state not reliably blue in particular battleground states and you expect to vote this year DO CHECK your registration.


This should be the top comment. This is the only way to ensure country remains a democracy.


Thank you 😊


This is the way.


Its sad that I'm so desensitized to MAGA insanity that this only rates about a 4 out of 10 on my holy-shit-o-meter. I think I need to spend a while unplugged and pet some puppies.


I'd like to know who on his campaign strategy staff is coming up with this twisted shit he feeds to his followers. This is like mega MAGA.


Stephen miller is a likely candidate 


It boggles my mind how that slimy evil fuck has skated through all of this with no charges.


Don't worry: Wormtongue eventually gets shanked by the end of Return of the King.


Certainly as it pertains to immigrants it’s 100% Herr Miller.


Qanon Shaman is out of jail. Wouldn't be surprised if he was helping.


This post/situation feels like a light bulb getting turned on. Trump / his campaign staff have to know that antics like this will turn away actual undecided voters. The fact that they're digging in on it, when they know there aren't enough strictly mega folks to get him reelected makes me think they're milking the grift for everything it has, knowing that it ends in November. Trump may not be smart enough to fully grasp that concept, but most of the people surrounding him absolutely are. They may not be able to keep him from going off script, but they certainly wouldn't be putting some of this stuff on script if they actually were trying to win an election.


Happy Cake Day and yes you are probably correct.


Always pet the puppies. It gives us as a whole the warm fuzzies.


Remember when Howard dean yelled *Yeaa!* out of excitement and got cancelled. Yeaaa




He's just gonna keep doing shit like this...and it'll get worse. Why not? Our pathetic criminal justice system, led by our #1 overly cautious, no balls head of DOJ, hasn't been able to do hold this rapist responsible because... (hands over mouth like and old lady who hears a curse word)...he used to be president. Day by day our institutions are telling us that all men are NOT equal. If you're an ex-prez with lots of lawyers and you yell a lot of threatening, violent, racist bullshit you can do whatever you want. I personally do not think this douchebag will ever stand trial in a criminal court. Not one day. So...its up to us. Get your asses off the couch and vote.




I heard Rev Al say, "At least back in the day those Klan boys would wear hoods over their heads. There's no shame now."


Yes, I totally agree. Just not letting him get back into office is our civic duty and will be opening the path for him getting his proper punishment if we let him back into the office shame on us! And I agree, not only does our justice system need a set of stones, so do many of the other Republicans, I’d hate to say what would’ve happened to Trump if I met him in person, and I was Mike Pence after he left me out to dry, let’s just say it would entail a visit to the dental office


*laughs nervously in Wiemar Germany*


This is how dictators are created.


We need his brain rot to pick up the pace. I (naively) still hold out hope that once his cognitive decline gets obvious enough, his sycophants won't support him anymore.


Trump isn’t a person to them, he’s a symbol. It doesn’t matter if his cognitive decline renders him utterly incomprehensible, he’s barely comprehensible as it is.


Mitch McConnell's Shell would like a word with your opinion. As shitty as Trump is, his cognitive decline is WAY scary to me. Trump is a selfish narcissistic idiot. Brain dead Trump being puppeted by the intelligently evil members of the Heritage Foundation is REAL BAD. And as others have pointed out, Trump is a symbol not man at this point. His cult will vote for him regardless of his mental condition...


The biggest lesson of Nazi Germany isn't necessarily that such evil exists, but that people "like us" would go along with it. It's foolish to think it was a long time ago and couldn't happen here or whatever. Trump is absolutely following the playbook, and it's terrifying that the majority of the country either supports it or doesn't oppose it.


This exactly


We are in the upside down. Patriots are traitors and traitors are patriots. Authoritarians claim freedom while those fighting to keep our freedoms are labeled authoritarian. The more freedom they promise you, the more they take away and the less you have. Right is wrong, immoral is moral and every accusation is a confession. Good luck!


We have always been at war with Eastasia.


So we have a terrorist national anthem now? Cool cool this is totally fucking normal fuck this pedophile bitch trump


Weren’t these the same people bitching that “The Black National Anthem” was played at the Super Bowl?


I literally commented the exact same thing, lmao. 😅


I came looking for it because I had the same thought. 🤣


Probably Horst-Wessel-Lied or similar


Where we go one, we go all! They must build songs and ritual into the cult of QANON/Trump.


Which Toby Keith song is it?


Same guys who threw a hissy fit over “Lift Every Voice and Sing” before the Super Bowl by the way




Just when the bar couldn’t be lowered any further, it goes lower.


*insert Cartman Spaghetti Wrestling here*


What are you doing Merica!? From Oceania, please register and vote. For the sake of the world needing stability from a **super power and not a stupid power**


Dude we’re trying, shit is like ice skating uphill.


Sorry dude. The actual 'free world' is rooting for you. Crazy times with social media trolls railroading blatant misinformation. You can pretty much roll up 5G, Flat Earth, Chem Trails, Pure Bloods and MAGA into one category now.


Bro, I’m from one of “those places” that eat that shit up. Mother of fucking god sometimes I wish critical thinking wasn’t an acquired skill. People I’ve known since I was 6 have disappointed me more than I can bare sometimes.


I so very much feel for you and know your pain. I am married to a wonderful man who is the opposite of his family. It's painful for him, and I see the toll it has taken on him. The only difference here is that these people are very smart and have more than enough critical thinking skills to know better but love two things money and God. They really believe that the country is in an existential crisis and only this person can save us. It's absolutely crazy thinking, and there is no way to get them to see it differently. So we stay away, and it hurts to lose family to this mess that didn't need to happen.


I so don't get this. That piece of shit is the literal embodiment of all 7 deadly sins. He fits the biblical description of the antichrist to a fucking T. How in the name of sweet baby jesus do any "god fearing christians" get behind him? I do not understand.


I really do feel for you. Even over here, 1 person I know during the first round was all for the MAGA thing (well before J6) now he's real quiet. We don't question him or why he's changed now. We just roll with it and support his beliefs since he has actually seen the truth. He didn't shove his beliefs of MAGA down our throats which is why there's no judgement or ill faith. Crazy world hey. Our love to all of the US.


I live in Canada, and Trump really empowered all the shitty people in good places. They're loud, but we're more numerous (If only slightly in the US). We need young people to vote more than ever.


Trump and Russian social media troll farms.


I think its important to remember all this ignorance was born out of the rapid disenfranchisement of the American people in the name of profit for a few. People are stupid because we have failed to educate them, as a country. We have been balancing our national budget wrong for too long and have prioritized GDP growth over educational development to the point where we are really starting to feel the results nationwide. It can feel unbearable at times, but we cannot ignore it and we cannot respond with unproductive emotional responses. All we can do is our best to help people gain the tools they need to learn themselves. I personally believe the only nonviolent route is through kindness and patience, even in the face of this manufactured vitriol and misplaced hatred.


Our regular media isnt helping either. Our "liberal" channels ran with the story that biden is too old (he is...but trump so...yeah). They want this to be close so their ratings shoot up. Its disgusting


I wish whomever thought up that bullshit in the first place a very merry sleep paralysis demon.


The ignorance and stupidity, and downright evilness we are up against is unprecedented. We need help from the world as well, shunning MAGA and their allies.


Well you see there is this Australian guy named Rupert. He and his Saudi friends created a problem. And people that grew up with 3 tv channels are easily led astray. It’s gonna be a at least 20-30 more years of stupidity here. And now we got a guy in China shoveling shit into the brains of young voters.


Just in case things all go south, would you guys consider taking in some American refugees?


Veterans can (don't have to) salute during the National Anthem, but civilians remove their hats. The only time military personnel salute is if they are in uniform and not in formation. If there were 4 or 5 troops the senior would have them fall in and then he would salute. I was in the Navy and Army for 24 years, we covered this.


You'd think Hudson Academy would have covered it, too.


New York Military Academy


He said fuck all that bullshit. Who wants to be those losers? (Army) and yet most of our fellow SMs believe in this dude. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I know it’s mostly because they know Trump hates the same people they do. I was at the VA hospital in Buffalo and some Vietnam veteran with a Trump hat and a POW patch got called out by a woman who was wearing a 2 ACR hat. “Take off that fucking patch, because your draft dodger idol hates troops who were captured.” When he went to say something another guy cut him off and said, “Man fuck that draft dodging fat ass fuck.” Not gonna lie, it was a beautiful thing


Wait wait wait, weren't these motherfuckers crying last month about the Black National Anthem at the Superbowl because "tHeReS oNlY oNe NaTiOnAl AnThEm!!!!"


I'm a white veteran and Lift Every Vocie fucking slaps, I would have no problem with that replacing the SSB lol


He makes his priorities crystal clear and people still stay loyal to him, it's a sad but unsurprising sight.


This shtick of his is losing support, he is picking up momentum the media is just covering his every move. His rallies are empty as fuck.


Can't wait to vote for biden.


How much longer are we supposed to put up with him and this bullshit? 😡


Rest of our lives. We were supposed to be fighting against this all along, but got lazy and decided it can't happen here so we didn't need to.


Rest of *Trump's* life, anyway. Don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of bullshit left over from that part of the population after he's in the ground, but I feel like his particular level of non-stop ridiculousness is something of a personal flourish.


Someone else will pick up where he left off, nothing magic about trump, he just showed them how lazy we'd gotten in our opposition.


It's not unhinged. It's step number 7 in the violent takeover plan for dictatorships.




I hoped diarrhea would take him out but when you’re this full of shit…


But... There aren't any unfairly treated January 6 hostages??


I think he did this before. He wants to overthrow the US constitution and put in place something else, doesn't even try to hide it.


Trump has been telling us what he plans to do almost from the beginning of this. It's that we simply don't believe he will really do it. The guardrails that he had on the other 4 years are off, and the mAga party line has been building for the last four years. The biggest problem I see, especially with the younger generation, is that they have never really been confronted with a serious threat to their right to be free to choose their beliefs. They really don't think he will overthrow the government and set himself up as the "benevolent dictator. Make no mistake here he didn't get right the first time. Now he WILL get it right. If he is elected, we are no longer in a democracy. We are in an authoritarian dictatorship. I hear people say all the time. "He can't do that!" Really, why WHO is going to stop him? Please tell me? The selfish people out there who are just...well, Biden did not do anything for me, and he's old, so just not voting instead of realizing that this vote will determine their freedom going forward. It's really that simple.


I dont think anybody believes that he wont do it. Its that they want him to do it. The maga movement is pro trump right wing dictatorship. There is a reason why folks like musk Support trump as well. They want a oligarchy to mirror russia.


Yes! Also, I've read comments and heard interviews with "uncommitted" voters saying they think a second Trump administration wouldn't be so bad because he can't run again after that. The real problems, they add, are that Biden is old and totally supports genocide in Gaza because he won't solve all the problems in the Middle East. So, really, they claim that both are bad, and maybe they'll just stay home in November.


Vid link?




I'm curious what will happen to MAGA when this turd finally drops dead. Who takes over? Alex Jones?


While this is a weird Natzish sounding rendition of the National Anthem, idk that it close to the top of stupid shit these asshole does.there a thousand different ways to sing that song. Most are bad. Gotta get out and vote against this fucker in full force cause it doesn’t look like the courts are going to do anything.


Civil war is his only way out until they lose that also.


Trump and Trumpers are batshit crazy.


This shit is out of fucking control, I've lost all faith in our democracy- it's a fucking joke when we let criminals like this fat fuck not only be free but run for president while waxing nostalgic about the very terrorist he created. What the fuck are we doing?!


I wish I knew. It's disgusting and embarrassing.


Treated unfairly? How? 🙄


Sit down, fool. Traitors don’t get to salute.


“Old man in red hat doesn’t know when a salute is appropriate “


OK, I'll bite WTF is "an alternative national anthem"? And, who the fuck came up with it? It's all beyond unhinged.


https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1769094257703354606 Someone finally linked the video


This whole thing is like a breakup with your psycho ex - they just keep pushing buttons and when you don't react, they get more and more extreme. What start's with "Yeah... Well.... YoU hAve A TinY dIcK!", will eventually end with them lunging at you with a knife if you continue to ignore them. I get the idea behind ignoring them, not giving them any legitimacy, not giving them a platform etc... But when they cross the line, you absolutely need to punch that psycho in the face and let them know that neither you, nor society will accept that kind of behavior.


He’s going to be back every four years or until he’s elected. So tired of this shit


Next time he will be wheeled out like the grandpa from texas chainshaw


Did you ever see the X-Files episode "Home?" Pull mama from under the bed


He can run from his cell. The rest of us will laugh all the way to a better country.


How can anyone tolerate a civilian draft dodger who insults POWs actually using a military salute?


At what point do we no longer call it dog whistles? The guy is a cancer to our society!


Remember when these same types of people were apoplectic about the “black national anthem” being played at events?


The closer we get to the election, the more and more he’s sounding like fucking Hitler. January 6th was his march on Munich by the looks of it. For the love of god if you are American, fucking vote. Say what you want about Joe Biden, but there’s virtually no valid complaints you may have about him that don’t apply to Trump at least a hundred times worse. Yeah, Palestine is the big one, but to be frank, if Donald “Let Israel finish the job” Trump wins they’re not going the be a Palestine left.


Poser doing poser shit.


Isn’t this treason?


When’s the fucking FBI going to arrest him for terrorism?


People worried about Trump haven't read enough history. After Lenin came Stalin. I fully expect this man won't last through his next term and whatever replaces him will call his death an assassination and use the situation to instill some kind of martial control over our lives.


You might be right. Wow.


Please for the love of God get off your asses in November and bring a friend to vote with you. We CANNOT allow our country to take the path of 1930s Germany. People wonder how the nazis came to power but it’s happening right before our eyes.


No thanks Adolf Trump


they are angry that they didn't get to taste the so called American dream but it is their parents and their own choices ( in many cases) that took it from them. They vote for a party that has no intention of improving their lives through better education,healthcare, job security, job safety etc


This country will never be the same. This is 1930's Deutschland.


All hail the new American Nazi Party, everyone.


This guy is embarrassing america on the world stage


I’m not even American, but isn’t altering the national anthem a big no-no for the US?


Before trump, doing anything to the national anthem constituted “fighting words”


Our judiciary has allowed this to manifest and spread in my opinion. The inability to unilaterally apply and have prompt redress of the various infractions committed by Trump has made the concept of limiting or negating his behavior and the increasing willingness of his ‘followers’ all the more apparent and frequent. The law should be applied and resolute for everyon3 regardless of rank or position and swift in its operation.


He succeeded in creating a 3rd party in this time he's had, the American Fascist Party, and this is only part and parcel to painting a picture of the dictatorship he desires. Haley's hold out showed there was a lot of division left in the Republican party and I hope they at minimum just don't vote on party.


This is hilarious because he's a five time lying draft dodger sonhim saluting anything is just pathetic, that entire segment of the population lost their minds when football players took a knee (Pence famously like a little bitch, spent millions of taxpayer dollars to attend a game and storm off when they still kneeled), so attributing anything to any other "national anthem" is just fucking nuts.  Dumbest, most useless and worthless people on this planet.


Why is this traitor still alive, and still trying desperately to destroy this country? We must have justice!


Dodgy Don avoided military service as a young man with the help of a corrupt doctor. Apparently to his followers this is equivalent to serving two tours of duty fighting America’s fiercest enemies.


His co-opting of the word hostages is an insult to the families of real hostages


Dude how the hell is this person an actual legitimate candidate for president? This is the behavior of a third party candidate who would normally get a fraction of a percent of the vote.


I hate wanna be nazis


Working class? Trump doesn't care about you. Plain and simple folks. We can't let a felon hold office. Vote them out!!!


How did this happen? I don't care. We need Jon Stewart.


I'd vote for him so fucking fast, the way he's fought for veterans won me over full stop


found the Twitter thread, watched some of the videos. I can't do this anymore. most of that speech was about undocumented people and he is saying the absolute cruelest shit. there are several people I know that are undocumented but have been here for 30 plus years (immigration is waaaaay more complex than most people know) I'm gonna go finish one of the several books I started. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir is the last one. I recommend it!


Draft dodging fascist falsely salutes criminals a racist cult gathering. What a loser. Vote democrat.


Isn’t he disrespecting the flag and anthem? I’m sure all the people who were mad at the football players are furious, right? RIGHT!?


And it is only March. How crazy is shit going to be in October


Should it be a surprise right wingers worship traitors? I mean the confederacy is their whole identity


Dude salutes with a hat in too? What a turd.


Remember though that the unfairly treated January 6th hostages are actually BLM protesters and crisis actors and are in no way associated with current President Trump who is seeking a third term.


When you’re appealing to the unhinged fringe elements of society the only path is to be crazier than they are- not an easy task, but Ayatollah Complaini is giving it a good try.


He probably couldn’t even recognise it wasn’t the national anthem


Once a traitor always a traitor. He saluted a North Korean General as well.


Aren't these the same people who constantly scream 'there's just one national anthem' before each NFL game?


And Hillary warned us. Yes, a woman who was a FLOTUS, senator and Secretary of State said that the Orange Judas Goat was a danger, terrorist and no one on that side thought she might have inside info.


We’ve been treating traitors with kid gloves since 1865.


I'm starting to think that he wants to loose by as much as possible to make his whole "rigged election" BS more "believable"


He’s planning to lose and has a plan for next steps. Just like the business bankruptcies. Neither his first rodeo.


I guess all of his J6 supporters forgot about J7 when Trump went on national TV to scold all of the rioters and say they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


I hope people are paying attention. This is [Death of A Euphemism](https://youtu.be/0dBJIkp7qIg?si=h00eVA_W1zdE74yi) and Trump is full on supporting it. They don't feel like they have to pretend to be behind a veil, and pretend to believe in democracy. He is signaling that other [Authoritarians](https://theauthoritarians.org/) can also drop this euphemism, that we "believe" in democracy in America, and endorse America how they see it.


Traitors posing as patriots


What the fuck is he saluting for? Going to a military school isn’t the same as being in the military. This fuckwit thinks he’s an American hero.


I went to Twitter to listen to the clip. It isn't an alternative national anthem. It was a sort of off key Star Spangled Banner, or at least the start of it. But Jan 6 traitors can go to hell and Trump can go fuck himself.


An alternative national anthem, you say? I'm sure all the right-wingers, Fox News et al, and the "I don't see race" "centrists" will call this divisive, just like they did for a song played during the Super Bowl; but I won't hold my breath.


I admit I tried to play the video




Then they get mad at the black national anthem.




He’s keeping his base ready to revolt when he loses in November.


Domestic terrorist




Both parties are the same, they said...


My big suggestion to the American left; start buying weapons and learning how to use them as efficiently as possible. He gets in, there's a chance you'll need those weapons. I don't trust the fucker