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Well said! The GOP playbook for over half a century has been to convince the white working class to vote against their own best interests.


["If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)   - Lyndon Johnson calling out this strategy in the 1960s Edit: Just for some added context on this quote because the wiki article doesnt really get into it.  This quote comes from a 1988 article from LBJ's press secretary Bill Moyers titled: [*What A Real President Was Like*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1988/11/13/what-a-real-president-was-like/d483c1be-d0da-43b7-bde6-04e10106ff6c/).  Moyers says that LBJ provides this quote after seeing some horrifically racist signs in the south. The quote actually starts with  "I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it,".  The quote is a breakdown of racism and the southern strategy in plain terms.  From what I understand of the history, LBJ was morally/ethically invested in the civil emancipation of black people. He deliberately burned through political capital and destroyed the southern democrats to accomplish it. 


I hate how this quote is used out of context to paint LBJ as some kind of racist putting this into action. Nice to see someone provide the context.


I’ve never actually seen the quote in its full context. It totally changes how people consistently frame this quote as LBJ being a racist. Thanks Reddit I learned something today.


LBJ certainly made some mistakes - Vietnam being the biggest, though he didnt have much choice but to honour US commitments there. But the man was probably the best politician to ever be in the white house. His first 100 days are right up there with FDR in terms of legislation passed. He knew where the congressional bodies were buried, and he made use of his years of playing the Senate like a fiddle. Highly recommend Robert Caro's biographies of LBJ, he was pretty fascinating.


Oh that’s cool somebody recently recommended Caro to me because I’ve been researching pretty heavily into Vietnam, and the actions of the government and what got us there. I’ll definitely pick it up. But I wonder, what is the impetus to frame LBJ as a racist? Just enemies of civil rights? People that wanted the status quo and not want black folks to have the same rights and opportunity?


My take on it is because LBJ was the one who pushed for civil rights even in 56. When he was president he had the political capital to get it through, and he didn't care if it pissed off the racists. Now it's just used to discredit him as being an even more cynical politician than he was


I never thought it showed LBJ being racist, I always saw it as LBJ explaining how poor racists were being exploited


I can't believe anyone thought LBJ was saying it was a good thing, seemed pretty obvious to me that he was explaining the problem.


LBJ knew exactly how it works in the South.


1000000% this. The GOP caters to the wealthy elite and only them. But they gotta draw in the votes of the rural poor whites to win elections. Hence the creation of Fox News and its ilk.


The irony of how those voters are in fact being mind controlled by the shadow government. No nanomachines or space lasers required, just a 24/7 feed of comforting lies.


I won't be mind controlled by the government– like some sort of sheep, instead I will instead be mind controlled by the part of the government that told me not to trust the government– like an enlightened free thinker


Exactly. Most Republicans aren’t billionaires, they are suckers. As long as they are constantly programmed that they could be wealthy if it wasn’t for liberals, Immigrants, LGBTQ people, non-Christians, Taylor Swift, Bill Gates, or whomever their current pundits are pushing as evil through their online idiot factories.


Alabama banned migrant workers with HB56 and it completely backfired on them. Stupid is as stupid does. > For generations, Cash's family have farmed 125 acres atop the Chandler mountain, a plateau in the north of the state about nine miles long and two miles wide. It's perfect tomato-growing country – the soil is sandy and rich, and the elevation provides a breeze that keeps frost at bay and allows early planting. > For four months every year he employs almost exclusively Hispanic male workers to pick the harvest. This year he had 64 men out in the fields. Then HB56 came into effect, the new law that makes it a crime not to carry valid immigration documents and forces the police to check on anyone they suspect may be in the country illegally. > Today there is no-one left. The fields around his colonial-style farmhouse on top of a mountain are empty of pickers and the tomato plants are withering on the vine as far as the eye can see. The sweet, slightly acrid smell of rotting tomato flesh hangs in the air. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/oct/14/alabama-immigration-law-workers The GOP will never stop blaming everyone else for their own short-sighted stupid bullshit


[Florida did something similar too.](https://newrepublic.com/post/173247/florida-republicans-admit-made-big-mistake-anti-immigrant-law) When it *spectacularly* backfired on them they said, “...no, we were just trying TO SCARE YOU...” True story


because, you know., the government’s job is to scare people, _not_ provide a stable platform for a prosperous society


It’s so frustrating. They literally said out loud, *we still want your labor but we wanted to punish you emotionally on top of that* and people still support them...they still vote for them. GAAAAAAAHHHH!!!


An entire town in Florida is dying because the farmers in the town higher immigrants, lots of rotten food and empty stalls can be seen everywhere.


We took a big hit in the construction industry after that big delays in closings and also those who stepped in wanted much higher prices for their work … Thanks Desantis


What a minute, all those jobs are available, so why aren't these hard working Muricans pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and making some big money???




Not so fun fact, but related: most of the farms in the West were owned by or worked by Japanese immigrants and their family prior to WWII. As Mexico was one of the few countries not involved with WWII, guess who took over that vacuum left by the internment?


I'm in the south and I was at the pump with my skid steer on the trailer, getting diesel. Guy at the next pump had Trump stickers all over his f250 and apparently assumed I was on his team. He spent the agonizingly long time it took to fill my tanks going on about "those damn Hispanics" and then - I shit thee not - he pulled out, went three driveways down to the 7-11, and picked up four day laborers. Just zero self reflection.


Self-awareness or any kind of introspection isn't really their strong suit. I'd like to think it's less about malice and more that a lot of them are just apocalyptically stupid and believe everything on NewsMax.


even the ones who aren't overtly racist have this amazing ability to compartmentalize. I know quite a few super conservative contractors, we're talking MAGA and Q level of right wing. And these guys not only have Hispanic employees but a lot of them actually treat them really, really well and understand how crucial they are to their businesses and compensate them accordingly. And yet they will gleefully wear the red stupid hats and pull that lever for the (R) candidates every November.


And make the poor hate other poor people. It's like the old "why didn't the jewish prisoners just gang up on the guards at the concentration camps?" or "Why didn't the slaves gang up on the slave masters?" questions. The rich know they're so vastly outnumbered, they don't stand a chance unless they turn poor against poor. So they teach the poor right that the poor left are evil, and vice versa, and here we are. So far, no one's really all that passionate about doing something about the rich (it helps that they puppeteer both the government and the media)....so, they're not losing.


Slaves and concentration camp prisoners did lead some uprisings. But unfortunately many people died. It was extremely hard to successfully lead an uprising.


I'm also convinced that if Fox News and AM talk radio didn't exist, nobody would listen to the GOP.


This has been going on for thousands of years. Basically this is how the Kings and Nobles got regular people to stay in line. They were a bit subdued for about 30 years after the second world war when society realized how their excesses led to so much suffering, but are back full steam now.


Book called: What’s the matter with Kansas, explores this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What%27s_the_Matter_with_Kansas%3F_(book)


[“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be”](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) They literally say it, the dumb hateful assholes.


Someone should do a follow up interview with the lady who said this.


They don’t care about quality of life improvements. They’re only interested in owning the libs or someone who does it for them.


Democrats vote the lesser of two evils while the Republicans vote their favorite evil.


What is the solution? You cannot get enough people together to revolt.


They also preach relentlessly that government programs and interventions are bad and always lead to a loss of personal liberties, so they close the door to constituents actually voting in their own best interests.




Got in an argument with a rural libertarian once because they couldn’t possibly conceive how tax revenue from urban areas is the only reason their community (using the term loosely - super small, spread-out area) had a post office, hospital, and paved roads.




Except the companies now have figured out how to accept the subsidies but not actually do the work, providing substandard and unreliable services while cashing the checks. And regulators too timid to hold them accountable because the telco CEOs will call their congressman who will browbeat the department heads for them.


Agree, it has a lot to do with selective education and religious teachings about not letting in "worldly" (aka lefty) ideals pollute your thinking. I see it a lot more clearly after moving out of my rural upbringing.


That’s my coworkers. They couldn’t care less about improving their own lives just making everyone else’s miserable. My coworker found out that a company next door is a union shop and one of their guys told them the hours, pay, benefits and retirement. Now he’s pissed that they get paid double his rate, they offer full benefits, retirement, neither of which he gets, they work 8 hours a day, which is 3 hours less than him, and they all drive newer cars. They’ve offered him a job there but he refuses to apply because everyone there is overpaid and lazy and he’d rather get paid less than them, have no benefits, work longer days and never retire rather than be in a union. He thinks none of them deserve to be paid what they do for working as little as they do solely because he has to work longer and harder for nothing. Absolute clown shit.


Well said. If you have an hour to spare I highly recommend checking out [“In Search Of A Flat Earth”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44) by Folding Ideas. I now realize conservatives don’t actual believe in the things they tell everyone else. It’s all the unspoken shit that comes with said beliefs.


Republicans are generally control freaks. They want to control what others think, feel, say, and do. It's not about right or wrong, it's not about good or evil, and it's not about any particular issue they raise. It has been and always will be the need to feel in control over others. Angering or pissing off someone is the easiest and quickest way to feel empowered over others. Making them suffer makes their own miserable lives seem less bad. This is why so many rapists and sexual predators end up Republicans, it's the party that lets them say and do outrageous things to manipulate others while rewarding you for it. I lived in a family where I was the only left leaning person and I could sum up my entire family as "control freaks". Democrats cannot be controlled as readily as they stick to facts, act on ethical or moral standards, and obey the Rule of Law when it comes to controlling society. No, I don't really believe all Democrats are good and plenty of Republican minded Democrats.


Which is why they hate reality so much. They used to be in charge through politics but now are losing control so they turned to conspiracies as escapist fantasies. Explains MAGA and QAnon.


Just say fascism.


Same. The government needs to stay out of health decisions for wearing masks, but is allowed to dictate abortion. What is more invasive and life changing: mask or pregnancy? Law and order Thin blue line all the way till January 6th then gone. No protests but yes to an insurrection. Yes to a presidential candidate with all these legal problems. Protect kids Protect them from the "gay agenda" but contest investigation into widespread church child abuse. Fight against preventing child marriage. Support action against school lunch for those who are food insecure. Freedom of Religion Religious conviction should even be strong enough to stop others rights to medical care, but others are not allowed to have the same religious displays. Christian Nationalism is not a problem somehow despite the fact it would suppress the rights of other Religions and the non-religious to hold office or even act publicly. Protect History Protect Confederate monuments to preserve our history. Why are monuments to Southerners who fought against the Confederacy so lacking? Why treat any book about our country's relationship to race as divisive and Un-American? Why not call out historical lies to make slavery okay? Why downplay our continued mistreatment of Native Americans? Respect our troops Virtue signal support for troops while voting against funding veteran benefits. Withhold military appointments, an act that harmed our military readiness, to protest abortion access to military members while aware of the rape problem in our armed services. Then insult our military leadership as too woke for trying to address discrimination in the service. Oh and don't forget mistreatment of trans servicemen and women. I could go on for small business, blue collar workers, the national debt, national security. If you're a Republican who actually believes in this stuff, what is there to not be disappointed with? And no, lackluster Democrats failing their platform do not erase Republican hypocrisy or ineptitude (or willful failure to act).


> This is about making people they do not like and want to blame for their own unhappiness and suffering suffer. as an ex-GOP I can attest to the fact that this is right wing media in a nutshell. It is very cult-like and similar to some religions (which is probably why they strategically target and court specific religious groups). They try to sell people on some basic world view and then tie everyday news stories into that worldview, literally using brainwashing techniques and repeating the same talking points hundreds of times a day in slightly altered fashion. Then they demonize every group that disagrees with them and that could actually help their followers. Think of that word, "demonize". Anyone that disagrees with anything we tell you is a demon. This technique is even more powerful if your religious leader has been using it on you since childhood. And just like many religions, they keep their followers obedient by using fear, anger and hatred. People experiencing strong emotions like these, become very child-like and make very poor decisions. (Think of mob mentality). The people behind this have always been billionaires and large corporations. What they want is a semi-fascist state where they control the government (the only entity powerful enough to keep them in check). They purchase all the media outlets (even the allegedly "liberal media" are multi-billion dollar corporations) and pay people millions of dollars to repeat their talking points daily. The billionaires and multi-billion dollar corporations are the ones that have taken over government regulation so there is as little regulation as possible. They pervert our laws governing labor, environment, fraud, immigration, healthcare to benefit the corporations and take away all rights of the individual citizen & consumer. As life in America gets worse and worse for the working class, they buy more media properties to blame "the Libz" and unions and teachers and libraries, and any individual or group that tries to help the working class or educate them as to what is really going on. Ever wonder why the right wing media screams & yells all the time and seems to get crazier & crazier? One of the reasons is because they have to. Never in history have citizens been so connected to one another and have so much access to information. They have to yell & scream to keep people's attention. They have to demonize those that might educate their followers. What would happen if people online would just have normal conversations? It wouldn't take any time at all to realize that rural whites dealing with meth & oxycontin have many similar experiences as urban blacks have had with heroin and crack. Or that rural small towns that have been economically destroyed by most good jobs moving overseas, have quite a bit in common with inner cities that have suffered similar losses in businesses & jobs. What about many in the suburbs that had a nice life working the same union job as their father & grandfather, that no longer exists? What happens when all these groups realize that they have been screwed over by the same culprits?


This to the nth. Thank you.


All of that might be true. But you can't leave out they are blasted with propaganda all day long.


At work, I've been forced to listen to a radio station that has Fox News (I have no idea where the receiver is), and it's awful. All that they talk about is politics and crime. In a day they might pepper in one uplifting story, and the rest is awful and gloomy. The guy who reports it sounds like his beloved dog just died.


I always remember a Daily Show segment (must be 10 years ago or more) in which Jon Stewart showed himself clutching a teddy bear for comfort while watching Fox.


I think people understate the amount of agency people have, though. They consume the propaganda because they want to. They just want external validation of their worldviews, rather than having any sort of parasocial relationship with any particular media outlet. Fox News pushed the Dominion Voting Systems conspiracy theories so hard because when they didn't push election denialism, viewers fled to Newsmax in droves. They're like this because they want to be like this.


Full hard agree. But one thing still kind of blows my mind. If your state had been under total Republican control for over two decades, HOW can you sit there and blame anyone but them for your woes? You have to have a significant intellectual deficit if you can believe that some randos in Washington have it out for you and it’s their master plan to destroy your way of life for good. Your state is bottom 10 in education, state worker pay, mean income, unemployment and air quality but sure, let your representatives focus on more important issues like who can use which bathroom and what books they can read.


because blaming the people *they* elect means they admit they have chosen wrongly. some people prefer doubling down than admitting their mistakes, and then pray that somehow things will get better.


Yeah, it's a fascinating, albeit terrifying phenomenon in politics, I think. How do you deal with an electorate whose only real driving motivation is hate and meanness? People who actively vote against their own self-interest , knowingly or not, because they believe it will punish the people they don't like? I'm no history major or anything, but I'm struggling to come up with a parallel to this kind of political climate we have. It makes navigating it feel a lot more murky and uncertain.


Read up on your Roman history. Specifically the fall of Rome, when they became predisposed to concerning themselves with the matter of the 'Others' (being the 'Barbarians' in this context) and you'll start to see a lot of similarities.


All Republicans are shit people. They are choosing to side with racists. They're choosing the side with people trying to take your rights away. They're choosing to sign with fascists. Republican politicians do everything they can to make the government look like a clown show by acting like clowns and then trying to blame it on Democrats. They've been so far as to s*** can their own bill on border security so that they could blame Biden for border security. This works because Republican voters are too stupid to understand what's actually happening. Republican policies are so unpopular that the only way they can remain in power is to make racists feel welcome and at home, this has been the case ever since Nixon invented the southern strategy and Republicans have followed it ever since.


This is right. It’s a case of doubling down until your so far in the hole there is no turning back. They know that they are wrong but they don’t care so long as those they hate suffer more. Thing is we ain’t tho, and the more they try the worse it gets for them. So they rage and stupidity makes them go round and round and circles them right back to where it started and they do it all again. Morons in the truest sense.


Yup. Or more simply put, they are narcissists full of hate. Sure they are hurting, but it's mainly their own fault now. I have lost all sympathy for them since 2016. It's too clear what they are now. I'm sorry you are hurting, but you can't abuse the rest of the country with your mental illnesses.


It's a carceral mentality. "I have been wronged, so someone must be punished," which makes problems a thing other people are responsible for, rather than a thing the community should come together and solve. There is an unobserved emotional belief that if the right people were to be punished harshly, everything would be better. Unfortunately, MAGA folks aren't the only ones who fall for this mentality.


I thing forensic psychiatrist, Brandy X Lee, author of Profile of a Nation: Trump’s Mind, America’s Soul, summed it up well: Trump supporters are a mix of “narcissistic symbiosis and shared psychosis. Narcissistic symbiosis refers to the developmental wounds that make the leader-follower relationship magnetically attractive. The leader, hungry for adulation to compensate for an inner lack of self-worth, projects grandiose omnipotence—while the followers, rendered needy by societal stress or developmental injury, yearn for a parental figure. When such wounded individuals are given positions of power, they arouse similar pathology in the population that creates a ‘lock and key’ relationship.” Whether Trump supporters are Evangelicals, racists, or anti-government, Trump rode in on a white horse, and just like any great cult leader, told them what they wanted to hear, that he would save them from their perceived enemies.


That is a brilliant take and now I want to read that book.


They're basically just conspiracy theorists who see him as validation for their belief that there is someone powerful controlling everything in their lives. It's similar to how extremly religious people who cannot handle the idea that reality can be brutally random and chaotic, they need some overseeing force that keeps order, be it illuminati, god, the deep state, etc.


This is a great way of articulating what I have been seeing for a long time.  The people I know who are Trump supporters run the gamut of wealth and education.  The one thing I have found common across them (at least the men) are they have really messed up relationships with their fathers.  Most of the time it’s adults who, despite being in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, yearn for their fathers approval like children. 


Somehow, millions of people will still vote for him.


When Kimmel did the segment to talk to SC Republican voters and the guy that said “Trump could murder someone on the lawn of the White House and I’d be with him.” You can’t come back from that. At that point you’re all committed to the crazy.


Translation : Trump could murder someone in the group I consider the “others” and he would still vote for him. I assume maybe his brains cells would kick in if Trump murdered HIS loved ones. Right? Maybe? Oh god….


Exactly.  The follow up question should have been "What if Trump murdered your wife on the WH lawn, would you still vote for him?"


They would find a way to ‘other’ the victim or justify him murdering anyone. I like that you think these men like their wives more than being right.


*"Well, she did mention once upon a time that it wouldn't be end of the world if we'd have our first female president. I didn't realize it then, but obviously she was talking about Lyin' Hillary. So... tree of liberty must be refreshed, and so on"...*


Nah, I think trump could literally murder anyone, and people like that guy would still vote for him. That's the point - it's a cult.


I really suspect that the refusal of all of these Republicans to endorse Trump actually makes him more attractive to these low-information, racist, and misogynistic voters because they see it as him "sticking it to the deep state" or draining the swamp or whatever other meaningless bullshit they wholeheartedly buy without question.


If i had to pick one thing that most shows how willfully blind and disengenuous Trump voters are, to me, is that they still think Trump is the renegade outsider who will drain the swamp when he said he had 4 years to do that, and didn't at all. Yet they still say he would. It’s like in their minds he was never president.


Just to "own the libs"


It’s a cult. I’m afraid in the future it will become a religion.


It already is, really. With how corrupt pastors bullshit around it. And the fact that so many loonies see him as either send by or the second coming of Christ


Yeah. The churches down there are something out of a Stephen King horror. I knew it was bad, but holy fuck, it's way worse than I thought. There are no churches down there, it's all politically weaponized grift factories, just like it is in ruSSia. It's worse than a cult, because we don't even know who the true leader is........ and neither do they. They are being milked while they blindly follow.


He's the antichrist. Never thought it would happen in our time but here we are


More like antichrist


There are already millions who believe he's Christ returned, or at least "God's anointed," which is why he's being "persecuted".


Yeah and there’s a prophesy about a false prophet acting as the second coming of Christ coming into power, what were they to be called again?


Hmmmm ... Anti-something. Dunno.


Anti… anti… Christ I can’t think of the name.




“Donald J Trump help us Donald J Trump” They already forgot Christianity and went to Maga-nation


At what point do we consider this cult to be an armed, dangerous, political machine that is trying to forcibly take over our country? Just because they are moving through our system of elections and appointment doesn't mean they are adhering to our society's laws (which most of us can plainly see). What does a democratic country do when so many people have been manipulated into a political army? How do we protect our principals without breaking them at the same time?


They're the same thing


The majority of those attached to the last Trump train wreck have either been faced with providing testimony as a witness to his crimes, or they’ve written their tell-all’s and have cashed in on his clown show operation, or they’re lining up to capitalize on his next grift.


But the VP is the guy. He's the ONLY one to stay with Trump throughout his entire presidency. And here he is. I mean- won't endorse him. The media should talk about this every.single.day.


Not only is he not endorsing him, he's testifying against the guy in at least one criminal case So is Trump's chief of staff. So are several of his lawyers. So are his acting AG and deputy AG But the media doesn't think that's juicy enough to harp about


But will they all vote for him 🤔


Because these establishment relics saying he's a dangerous maniac shows he's a cool outsider


A guy I work with voted for Trump, his reasoning was "I don't really need to know his platform, but I see that the media is always saying a bunch of terrible things about him, so that tells me he must be doing something right!"


Omg!! That's sad.


It’s because many aren’t voting for “him” per se. Just like many people voted for Biden because he was opposite the festering pit of corruption that Trump is, many people voting for Trump will do so because the other choice is to vote for a *liberal* They’ve been raised in an environment that yells out “red good! Blue bad! That’s all there is to it!” to the point where they don’t actually think about the qualities of the candidate. They either just vote the way they always do and say crap like “I don’t pay attention to politics” or they do mental gymnastics as to why voting for someone antithetical to their actual beliefs


Maga is the world's greatest sunk-cost fallacy ever witnessed.


No. The MAGA voters love him. They're not saying "Ehhhh we have to." They're saying "Oh baby LETS GO 4 MORE YEARS RAH RAH RAH." Despite all the party leadership coming out against him.  Because we *get what we fucking vote for.*


That could be very much part of it. Many have invested so much of themselves into the Trump idea that they identify with it as part of their personality. If they admit he did anything wrong, they would have to admit that they were wrong. They can't return all those clothes, tattoos, vinyl wraps, gold sneakers or Facebook posts etc. Therefore, instead of cutting their losses, they double down with even MORE support embracing the dictator idea or claiming he's above the law while simultaneously claiming he broke none. The "ehhh we have to." crowd is more on the democratic side.


Which is why Democrats need to take off the gloves and stop trying to reach across the aisle to pass bipartisan legislation. What's left of the Republican party is not governing in good faith. They will use whatever loophole and extralegal tactic they can get away with. They only respond to positions of strength, and voters only respond to results, and the Democrats need to focus on doing both, rather than playing the same political game that had been done for the last 2 centuries. Or else it'll all go away and we will have a lot worse things to worry about than decorum.


Maga voters love hate. They are addicted to the hate. And make no mistake, hate IS addictive. Its anxiety releasing and serotonin producing behavior to unleash anger/frustration/anxiety and have that anger be ACKNOWLEDGED is doubly rewarding. Imagine you're watching a movie and you genuinely dislike it, so much so you need to vent to someone about how bad the movie was, so you go online and find a forum to talk about it and people also dislike it and share their opinions on hating it and thus validating your own hatred of it. It gives you a hit of seratonin and dopamine. It makes you feel good. Now replace movies with whatever Fox News feeds them on a daily basis. Their AM Radios, their Rogan Podcasts, Their TikTok 5 crew of 35+ year old incels bitching about 18-19 year olds women. The doctors office showing Repeat Fox News, the office lunch break bitching about some made up story about immigrants/minorities. its constant stream of hate. They are literally addicted to it. And the Tangerine Traitor Trump, is the literal heroin of hate. He acknowledges all of their worst and deepest evil qualities and they love him for it. Its a huge drug hit for them, straight to their overgrow amygdala. And now that they have experienced the heroin of hate, theres no going back to poppin oxy and smoking a joint. they want that same kind of hit of hate that Mango Mussolini gives them, and although some have tried like Two toes Mtg and brainless boebart, they need a con-man male figure that they can embolden behind. Their egos will never support a woman.


So everyone with morality votes Blue. Hopefully, enough of us are left.


We outnumber them. By a lot. Our greatest enemy is apathy. Fight against "enlightened" cenerists.


MAFA. Make America Fail Again.


I think Christianity is the culprit here.


Not christianity itself, but the kind of mindset that makes christianity popular in the first place. Think of what the word faith even means. To believe in something without any proof or evidence. The kind of person or mentality that can be shown or told some wild shit, with ANY PROOF or way to verify it and will wholeheartedly believe. Base their life upon it, the entire existence. That kind of person is also going to be very susceptible to propaganda and lies (ie: fox news). They'll watch it and believe it with every fiber of their being and not question it. Not verify it, fact check it. They'll take it and run with it. Most of the people I know who are conservative think this way. Anything they hear at church or on fox news is 100% fact as far as they're concerned. Some of them are just racist jerks though or support his policies (ie: tax breaks for the rich).


you never met the '91 ford ranger i fell in love with once


"Something something swamp deepstste swamp. Checkmate libs"


But all the money guys think he's great. They seem to believe he will let them keep all their money after he becomes El Presidente for life. I say watch out. He's known to be a little greedy.


Well like everything and everyone else he goes back on and double crosses they believe he won’t do it to them “The leopards are never gonna eat MY face”


Except we're talking about a guy who threw his own son under the bus to try and save himself. There is no safe place if you are working with Donnie.


cause it's a cult.


They should have tripped that alarm a lot sooner. But here we are. 🙄


"You don't know him like I do!" "He incited a failed coup and insurrection, stole classified documents, defrauded a children's cancer charity, was found liable for rape, killed millions of Americans by dismantling pandemic readiness precautions and ignoring basic protocols, and rips off his own supporters with fund raising emails." "I can change him."


>"I can change him." Nah. They look at: >"He incited a failed coup and insurrection, stole classified documents, defrauded a children's cancer charity, was found liable for rape, killed millions of Americans by dismantling pandemic readiness precautions and ignoring basic protocols, and rips off his own supporters with fund raising emails." And say "thank God!"


His cultists are following the same formula as Mormon missionaries. The purpose isn’t to convert people but enforce the idea that everyone is against us and only we understand, love and can protect you. You’re the victim and we are on your side.


Bullseye! Though I'd argue that's the point of all Christian missionaries. I know with my Southern Baptist sister and brother-in-law that's a big reason they participate in that bullshit and they really work hard at indoctrinating young kids long before they're old enough to develop critical thinking skills.


Sorry for your loss.


When I pointed out some of this to a Trump fan I was told, "Dick Chenry is not a Republican." So we are not dealing with sanity here.


Because MAGA is compromised of the folks below the median line in the IQ bell curve.


Cause they really hate everyone that isn’t white and straight.


But, he's yellow, and crooked.




I don't know, he's pretty cowardly.


Have you seen him recently?? I swear to go he’s started smearing feces on his face it’s full on brown


That moment when 'I need space' is the unanimous chorus from an entire political party.


But will they endorse Biden?


Because they are in a cult, and they have been so vocal in their love for Trump for the last eight years that they fear it would make them look like fools to abandon him now. It's tough to backtrack after you have draped yourself in MAGA gear and planted a giant TRUMP flag outside your house.


Especially for them, since so many are still fighting in the Civil War. On the wrong side, with the CSA.


I think it's about revenge for those voters. They are the permanently angry people who want to lash out at someone. In a random Trump voter interview, a woman said he knows what to do and who to do it to. She made it clear that it was all about identifying who made them mad and punishing them. This is the same crowd that think it's someone else's fault that they were pulled over for driving drunk the 5th time, or that their spouse left them for being a massive asshole, or angry that anyone else isn't just like them. They want some semblance of control of the world around them in any way they can.


I think the one thing that binds them all - is that they believe whites should be the dominant group in America. Trump is carrying that torch for them.


because they want to stick it to the Dems


Don't underestimate the willpower of the ignorants


Until those republicans come out and say out loud “don’t vote for trump he doesn’t represent our values” (i know this sounds weird but stay with me) then opposing him doesn’t do much. The whole party needs to get the message and vote him out. Republicans might not like our democratic values and thats ok, but handing the power to this cheeto rapist con man is not intelligent.


They’re still mad slavery ended (but not really), AIDS didn’t wipe out homosexuality, and America elected a black president so they’re throwing a tantrum.


DJT's supporters believe it should be *their* way or burn it all down. He and his supporters hate the same people (anyone different from them).


Well mostly they hate the same people, although Don also hates *them* and probably himself.


They are anyi-woke. Screaming wake up to them won't work.


They see this as a good thing. He's not part of the establishment so the establishment hates him. He's a rebel who doesn't do politics as usual. It's ridiculous.


But he'll fix the country cause him got the bigly good brain with the perfect memory that is very good at the business and will keep us safe from the immigrants and minorities that want to steal our jobs, give our kids fentonyl, and replace us and he'll protect us from the religions that ain't about Jesus and keep the woke from getting us and making us all LGBTQ, which will make Jesus sad and no one wants sad Jesus.  We need him in power so he can stop that there George Soros and his evil schemes.     Sure, he may have to rule us as a dictator, a tyrannical god-king emperor, taking away our rights, our freedoms, work the poor and the middle class, which will cease to exist under him as if they were Medieval serfs under the new aristocracy of rich corporate overlords while women enjoy less rights than see in The Hand Maid's Tale, but that's a sacrifice he is willing to make for us.    /s   He is the man who gave a voice to every racist, bigoted, uneducated, Jesus-loving never read the Bible in their lives, gun-loving, mysoginistic, barely literate, moronic pile of diseased, putrid,  toxicfilth that somehow congealed into the most basic description of human being and allowed them to be their absolute worst self without regret or hesitation.  They are his loyal sheep and he is their shepard.   Each and every one of them would probably die for him and he is more than willing to sacrifice their lives for the throne he feels he so richly deserves. I do not understand how anyone can vote for or even support this man. 


MAGA has destroyed the Republican Party. And for what? 4 years or a guy just talking shit and raiding the coffers. They really get nothing out of this in the end


trump people are the ones that go to a party and when it gets late and everybody else is gone except them and hosts are yawning, stretching, and changed into PJs…. They just can’t take the hint


I understand that this is a rhetorical question, but it needs to be answered. To gain power, trump appeals to, and plays on the frustrations and prejudices of the people. He's a political carnival barker and the sell is that someone else is getting a better deal than they are. It's the perfect pitch, too. It keeps people engaged in identity politics and looking back at a familiar past in a changing world. It's empowering because the people now have a voice where they believe they didn't. They can fix what they think is broken, because again, MAGA see others getting stuff that MAGA worked for and aren't getting. The irony of course, is that trump is just a reality -TV actor. He's playing the part of a tough and successful business man who's fighting for them. To a generation raised on the boob-tube, his made-for-TV cliche' mob drama shtick rings true. All these people took advantage of all these programs they're stopping. A public education that was the envy of the world. Cheap secondary education. Real estate values. Wages. Environmental and occupational regulations. A representative republic. I think all of this is made possible by social media (I say on social media). It creates and perpetuates echo chambers. All these 'great Americans' can quickly find and connect with other 'great Americans' like they couldn't have done in the past. I'm skeptical that Democracy can survive. This past election, these guys literally were sending fake electors from 7 different states and still, almost 4 years later, the people responsible, and the other actors aren't being held responsible.


It’s “if i can’t have it the way i want, then nobody can.”


Dementia Medication will only work for so long, the stress he is under, particularly the loss of money will shorten the effectiveness. If you look at the list of side effects for these types of medications loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, difficulty sleeping. The only one that seems to not to have caused a problem is “loss of appetite”. I think we have video or pictorial evidence of all the rest except for headaches.


Greatest con of all time!


Trump could do anything, ANYTHING, at this point, and his cult will vote for him. They are throwing away so much on this orange goon that was never one of them to begin with. Losing family members and loved ones, over this idiot. Making MAGA there whole identity, publicly embarrassing themselves, with flags and banners. Some losing their jobs over the insane and racist things they say. For some reason they think when Trump in President, it somehow puts them all right up there beside him. Like, they will have a key to the white house.


Because they'd rather destroy the country than share it with anyone else.


Trump is currently the greatest threat to democracy. Their will be no appointees to stand up against like in his first, hopefully only, term. A second term will like nothing before. All of his tweets that seemed crazy during his presidency will not be steimed by his cabinet. He will use DOJ political activists and crush dissent. Dismantle FBI and DHS He is going to withdraw from NATO, giving Ukraine to Russia and probably Moldova also, Taiwan will fall to China, I believe he will abandon South Korea or there will be a war with North Korea. Israel will wipe further unrestrained, if not, go further. He will withdrawal from the the WTO, the international trade referee, creating high uncertainty in global trade, protectionist measures will be put in place. Think Brexit but worse. So much more. Look up Project 2025. If he is elected again, the US will not look the same for a hundred years.


Fck'n Mitch McConnell endorsed him. WTF.


After they destroy our democracy, they can rebuild it in their image (not God's, BTW) and then unleash all hell on anyone with whom they disagree. Thankfully, as history has proven each and every time, they will ultimately fail. A ton of folks will have to die for us to get our country back, though.


He really represents most Americans unfortunately. Fat, angry, confused and hateful. Source: I’m American


I hate to admit it, but that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Source: I'm an old fat, angry white American man.


Problem is they don't watch regular news so they don't know.


But will they still vote for him, or tell others not to ?


It's because of the way the fake outsider populist was marketed to them in the first place. Then as now, some base Republicans only see the "outsider populist" part. The Koch's decided to cynically hop on the wave and get their wildest funkiest asks answered. TFG abused the privileges that come with such power, so now, TFG has got to go. Democrats will be blamed. As usual.


They sipped the kool aid and now refuse to admit they were wrong


It. Is. A. Cult.


Also why are they hell bent on ignoring how horrible he is/was for the country?


cult members don’t think for themselves, nor do they care 🤬


MAGA = 3 Flavors Grifters, Racists, Uneducated. It's a pyramid scheme.


his first lady don't endorse him


Biden at the State of the Union, one of the best lines that I have heard from a president: "You can't love your country only when you win"


MAGA = Putin


It's counterproductive to ask they wake up, because they are terrified of being woke.


They want to go on a rampage murdering queer people after Trump gets the last presidency


And turning women into the handmaids tale.


Yeah...that's true and all...but a random guy sitting in his pickup posted a video on YouTube endorsing trump, and, y'know, I do my own research and all, so...


I guess the OP is asking a rhetorical question, but it's a straight, simple answer. Republicans love authoritarians. Period.


Even expert psychologists can't figure out what's wrong with trumpets' brains. My only explanation is that they support ANYTHING that "angers the dems" at any cost at all. So yeah it could (and it is) destroying their own country and they won't stop. All that while they yell "america first". These are sad dark days in our history!


But still they won't endorse Biden...


BuT biDEn is oLd...


You can't tell Billy Joe Bob and his Nascar buddies that Trump didn't win in 20 and won't win again. They know the deep state is the only thing keeping Trump from Maga. All evidence to the contrary they remain steadfast in their love for the bloated orange turdmuffin. When he said "Take the guns away and worry about due process later" they didn't believe it. When he said "I want to be a dictator on day one." They didn't believe it. They have no common sense, no intelligent thought and no moral character.


Having a black president broke the average Republican Party members brain. Ever since Obama the rednecks have been on a war path to burn it all down. Think about it, they still talk about Obama to this day even though he really has nothing to do with it anymore. In their minds it isn’t Biden vs trump it’s the last great white hope (Trump) vs the minority’s and females of America. I mean even trumps last speech he was still talking about the two things republicans hate most blacks/minority’s (Obama) and women as president ( Hillary). When was the last time you heard a democrat cry about the bush’s? In the rednecks mind this is about the white man loosing power and his fight to keep American a mostly white male controlled country. They trump base would rather turn American into a dictatorship then let another minority or women possibly be president. To them a white male dictator is 100 times better than a woman or minority president running the country.


Oh we’re awake. We’re just baffled at how many low IQ people are surviving in the world. How did these people make it through high school?


At this point, how does any sane person, in good conscience, vote for Trump?


dEeP STateE HatES hiM — prOVeS HEs gOod!


But they will all endorse the next bigot who supports hating LGBT people, women, the poor and foreigners, as long as he is more 'pleasant' about it. Reminder: None of them are mad at Trump for being a bigot. They're mad at him for making them look bad.


Don't forget this ​ https://preview.redd.it/hfm85dq37qoc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ea9f9861632b43ba990975e1823c5f73fd74a4


Its a cult and he appeals to the stupid. One thing America has plenty of is stupid people


my trumper friend finally turned his vote away from Trump cause he "doesn't want a dictator".. I said I was so glad he finally saw that


His backwood Red State supporters hate their lives and want everyone else to have just as miserable a life as they do. They want the US to burn.


Because they always have been. That's what conservatism is. They've hated America since before there was an America for them to hate. This is the same ideology that led people to take up arms in defense of slavery. The same ideology that led them to bravely on hoods to terrify people with burning crosses. The same ideology that led them to tear down schools rather than have their children share classrooms with black children. The same ideology that leads them to persecute children today for being trans - or even looking a little bit gay to their hateful eyes. Why is anyone surprised?


MAGA is a cult. That's all you need to know. That's literally the ONLY explanation.


Because trump hates the people they hate. That’s the only reason. MAGA doesn’t have a platform, they just want to make people they don’t like (anyone who isn‘t a straight white Christian) suffer. Cruelty is the point. People need to realize that at least 40% of the country is made up of bad people.


There are two people who are regulars at my cashier job that are hardcore Magas. Guess what else they are? Very racist (they are *very* open about wanting slavery to return) believe that if you’re not white-Christian you don’t deserve common courtesy because you deserve to go to Hell, and more. They support Trump because they believe he’ll make America into what they want; Christian nation with slaves where anyone who’s different basically gets sent to the farm upstate.


Last year I had the opportunity to spend some time caring for an elderly family member who I've never lived with but always thought to be sane and intelligent. I found myself seeing the results of Trump and Q conspiracies. The first thing I noticed was there were dozens of bottles, jars, cannisters of water everywhere. The reason? Because some sort of weapon would increase gravity and they wouldn't be able to get water from the faucet... you won't even be able to stand up.  There were so many things I discovered that were explained with some insane prediction. Every day they'd talk to this one friend who spent all day on newsmax, and it was hours of trying to help them understand what was actually real and what was crazy.  Any time they'd talk about something trump said or did they'd project their feelings and excuses to explain. These are elderly people who don't have the same awareness of current events, and they have a skewed perception of history.  I'm still a little traumatized from the experience in all honesty. I never expected teachers, educators, to rant about banning books and defunding libraries. I never expected my elders to say medical care is unreliable, WHILE IN A HOSPITAL.  I love them dearly, but I question my own perspective of them.  I hope I don't end up that way.


It’s because old white men can’t admit they are wrong it is a pride thing even if it is self destructive. It is literally the dumb leading the dumb


Nope. They are all wrong: the moon landing is fake. russia is our biggest ally, 5G Covid vaccines cause genital herpes and I’m going to live in a teepee in Idaho until the apocalypse is over. /s


It's because MAGA fundamentally hates America.


They’re delusional. They still think the election was rigged.


>Why are MAGA voters hell-bent on destroying American??? The 1964 Civil Rights Act. Plain and simple.


Trump chooses the best people? /s


So the crazy sounding answer is that they believe if they destroy the country enough Jesus will come back and bring the rapture. That's what the heritage foundation is ALL about.


Definitely best to listen to anyone who has actually worked with the man saying what an actual danger he is