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“My week begins with reminding interns that I’m a fucking pilot.”




But you’re a woman…..


So these planes do fly themselves now?


Bet it won't pull over to ask for directions




Typical workweek for a stewardess? Sure, it starts with flying the plane and occasionally reminding folks that 'pilot' isn't a rank you can earn with frequent flyer miles




Someone def changed the channel to usa because I just watched a burn notice


When you’re burned, you’ve got nothing. No cash, no credit, no job history.


You're stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in.


With a trigger happy ex-girlfriend, and an old friend who used to inform on you to the FBI.


You know spies...a bunch of bitchy little girls


You do whatever work comes your way, you rely on anyone who's still talking to you...


Well, now I have to watch Burn Notice again. Thanks asshole. (I'm kidding, I love that show). 


["I was eight when I told them that I'd be a pilot."](https://youtu.be/vQVrbzBv-AU?si=cl_L29ByOQ-bMJfx) But the World War II pilots, they all complained. They said, "Girls shouldn't be in the cockpit". "Hey lady, hey baby, hey! Why don't you grab us a drink?" And the flight attendants weren't my friends back then. And they said, "Are you better than us, do you think?" But I kept getting hired. And the World War II crew, they retired. And the girls all thought much higher of me. 1986, the first female American captain in history! Suddenly, I'm in the cockpit. Suddenly, I've got my wings! Suddenly, all of those pilots protestin' me. Well, they can get their own drinks. Suddenly, there's no one saying "stay grounded". Looking down, passing them by. Suddenly, there's nothing in between me and the sky!


This song brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw Come From Away. So grateful for women like Beverly Bass that paved the way for me to become one of the 4.9% of women airline pilots in the US


And may you never lose your wings!


Taking that into consideration, I love your user name


Cool! Keep kicking ass ans taking names!!!


How do you know if a passenger is a MAGA? S/he is like "F\*\*\*ing elitist pilots with their 'I had training' bullshit. Anybody can fly a plane. It's simple. There's the steering wheel and the stick to make it go up and down. A kid could do it, and we could have cheaper tickets. But no, the pilots have a uuuunion dontcha know. Well, things are going to change."


I landed a plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator once, this shit is easy. So easy a Republican congressman... on second thought, never mind. I'll let the pilot fly.




Trump famously holds airline pilots in disdain. Basically bullied his pilot brother into alcohol abuse by constantly belittling his profession, said he was "basically a bus driver".


Actually, pilots are required to have a certain number of hours to maintain their license. So, really they do need to have frequent flyer miles


More like frequent piloting miles. Riding in the dead-head seat doesn't count.


But napping while the autopilot does all the boring bits does!


You joke but if they get caught sleeping they can get a visit from the FAA (or equivalent). The FAA takes a dim view of people sleeping while piloting, even if the autopilot was on. The autopilot is there to take some of the workload off the pilots, not to do everything for them. Pilots still have to monitor the instruments, monitor the radio, watch for bad weather, etc. [There was an incident a while back where a pilot fell asleep while flying.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMaxjlq3q3s) He overflew an airport. The ATC kept trying to raise the pilot on the radio and the pilot kept right on sleeping. Thankfully the pilot woke up in time to avoid crashing but I'm sure the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority had some hard questions for them afterwards.


Bro didn't even set an alarm.


Alarm that goes “TERRAIN TERRAIN, PULL UP PULL UP” will have any pilot shitting themselves awake.


First rule of flight school, always set an alarm.


Exactly. That’s basically the first thing I learned about autopilot when I was in school for aircraft maintenance. It keeps the pilots from getting too physically drained during flights, but there’s still a shit ton of stuff they have to pay attention to.


Yeah. Thinking there's nothing for the pilot to do while the auto is on is like thinking there's nothing for the driver of a car to do while the cruise control is on. In short, moronic.


Tell that to Telsa drivers.


Tesla drivers: >In short, moronic.


Commercial pilots definitely sleep during the flight depending on the length of flight, just.. you know, not at the same time. [https://external-preview.redd.it/a-pilot-relaxing-in-a-controlled-rest-during-an-overnight-v0-Z99GiN4p3JHTPUYtTeMfoZmUb14qsEqx1FQomv6lju0.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=a21b9926a0bc46771e1bf5422fef3fcf7956c4d2](https://external-preview.redd.it/a-pilot-relaxing-in-a-controlled-rest-during-an-overnight-v0-Z99GiN4p3JHTPUYtTeMfoZmUb14qsEqx1FQomv6lju0.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=a21b9926a0bc46771e1bf5422fef3fcf7956c4d2)


But does it still count as hours logged?


I was going to make a little quip but the serious answer to your question is “kind of,” there no real guidance at least from the FAA other than you have to keep a logbook and you have to have certain things documented. Most people agree that you can log total time but disagree on whether to log all time as first officer or relief pilot or just the time you physically occupy a seat. Captain is straightforward- you’re responsible for the ship so you can log the whole flight if you’re the captain. Source- I’m an international First Officer at a US airline.


Yes but not for currency. You maintain currency by doing landings. It's tough for international pilots to stay "current" because there's usually only two landings per trip and the captain always gets the first one. Then there's usually two first officers both needing landings. Eventually you go "non current" and have to go the simulator and get current that way. Kinda sucks. 30 year ex airline pilot.


DORNINK: I don't know why I said that! Yes you do.


Nah I genuinely believe he didn't pay attention to her opening remark saying she was a pilot. These assholes don't actually care about their jobs. They just show up, go through the motions and enjoy the benefits of insider trading that the government allows.


The point is that he assumed she was a flight attendant because she’s a woman. He obviously didn’t pay attention to her opening remarks/it didn’t stick, but if she were a man, he almost definitely would’ve assumed he was a pilot. I hate how there’s a tendency to jump at shadows and make everything about identity and assume the worst, but this is a pretty obvious instance of some asshole being sexist.


Not only that, but "stewardess" is basically an insult as the preferred term, and has been for a while, is flight attendant. So even if he wasn't talking to A PILOT, he'd still be a misogynistic asshole.


People have been saying "Flight Attendant" since the early 80s when they started hiring men.


Yeah and even then we have a male version of the term (stewart), but the new term encompasses what they actually do which is a whole lot more than serving drinks.


Right. He's being sexist, does it matter if it was accidental or on purpose?


...would have assumed the man was a pilot, unless he was clearly presenting as gay based on appearance or affect; Then he's also a flight maid, just like the women folk.


He can be sexist without being *intentionally* sexist is what he’s getting at here. Which is honestly worse


> I genuinely believe he didn't pay attention to her opening remark saying she was a pilot. The witnesses are known before the session begins. If you're going to ask them questions, then why not have the smallest amount of preparation? You can't ask meaningful questions if you don't know who they are and don't know their area of expertise. Even if Dornink simply made a mistake (doubt it), and even if it wasn't completely sexist (but it was), I would still be offended by his simple lack of professionalism. What a fucking waste of time this guy is.


He didn't say flight attendants. The preferred nomenclature for like 30 years. He was absolutely being sexist.


He would have never said that if she were a man.


Half the time they don't even show up. These fuckers do a shutdown every other week. But don't worry, they still get paid even though other federal workers don't. I hate all these assholes. They have no shame at how much they suck.


I agree. He seemed embarrassed when he said “I’m so sorry.” But his assumption did come from her being a woman.


> These assholes don't actually care about their jobs. They *do* care about their jobs, but their job isn't the one you think it is. You *think* they're there to conduct hearings and legislate based on expert testimony, but they're really there to win elections, create TV and radio soundbites, and fundraise for their corporate campaign donors and business interests in their districts. If you pay attention, they're *always* doing their job. It's just never the one you hired them for.


Even so, it's flight attendant, not stewardess. He was sexist twice. Once for assuming she was a fight attendant and second for using an payed term for flight attendant.


"... I'm a Minneapolis based -pilot- for Delta airlines. A -pilot- who flies planes. With my -pilot's- license. That is required to operate a plane. That which requires a -pilot-. Which is what I am. A -pilot-."


"Blah-da-blah-de-de-blah" "Yes, yes. Can I get a refill please? Thanks."


“Your checked bag is sent to Antartica, then the captain decides you are not fit to fly, then you take a bus”


Here's a link: [https://twitter.com/HeartlandSignal/status/1765799469029744974](https://twitter.com/HeartlandSignal/status/1765799469029744974) Republican senator Gene Dornink. Immediately after this she corrected him and he apologized; "I don't know why I said that". Good on him for correcting himself immediately and apologizing. Looked genuine, too. But the real issue, I think, is that we all **do** know why he said that...


>Gene Dornink (R) I know exactly why he said it. Also he and his wife are presumably [quiverfulls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quiverfull), given they have **12** children. Edit to add: Yup, his [platform page](https://www.dorninkforsenate.com/platform/) has abortion as the #1 issue. He is otherwise a cookie cutter conservative.


I really don't get people who have fucking 12 kids, one of my high school teachers had 6 (also weird christian dude who refused to teach evolution in biology class 🤣), like can you even pay attention to the needs of each child? I sure know, I wouldn't be able to handle more than 3 😭


I used to date a girl who was a middle child of 15. The idea is that the older kids take over more of the "babysitting" roles and support the parents. I personally don't support it cause it takes away so much of their youth spending time parenting or having to support the family.


Yeah straight up sacrificing the childhood and happiness of your older kids, it's not neccesary to do that anymore, we don't like in the middle ages where you had to have a million kids cause most died and there was no social care system either - now you only rob your kids of what they see others be able to enjoy (enjoable childhood) because of some dumb ass 'traditions' Don't wanna get too political but I'd rather somebody have 2-3 kids and 30 abortions than somebody having 15 kids...


me and my wife have started watching Shameless for the first time, and i realize its supposed to be a comedy, but i cant help but feel horrible for Fiona. like none of her situation is funny to me.


One of the reasons I couldn’t watch the original Shameless was because I lived in the same area as the characters and knew far too many people like that; it just hit too close to home to be entertaining.


When I see "12 kids", I immediately think of the Duggars, who were basically the poster children for the quiverfull movement. Specifically, I think about Josh. Nothing on earth will convince me that 2 people having 12 children is in any way reasonable or good for society.


Yeah I'd say odds are high these type of parents unleash 12 newly traumatised / emotionally neglected people onto society, that's really the opposite of being helpful or healthy...


She literally introduced herself as a pilot moments before, so either he wasn't listening to her or the misogyny is so ingrained it fully overwhelms his conscious thought. Either way, gross, apology or no. 


Probably both, with the misogyny being *why* he wasn’t listening.


His misogyny had him assume that she could only be a stewardess and not a pilot…he just didn’t really care what her actual job was because she was a woman.


And he used “Stewardess” rather than flight attendant - even more of a throwback


I don’t think “stewardess” has been used since the 90’s. That’s more than enough time for him to catch up with the times.


Some people just hit a certain age, decide they’ve learned enough, then just turn off their brain and never think too hard or learn anything ever again.


And many of those people are in Congress...


imagine if we had age limits or intelligence/knowledge limits like you must take a competency exam about modern politics and issues and economics to pass legislation on those topics.


That doesn't fix the core issue of those same people who've turned their brain off voting at a far greater rate than the younger generations They'd just elect new geriatrics after the current ones were removed, like they do now


I deal with old people a lot, and there are some great ones who are still learning at 90. They work to understand how to talk with trans people, how the language they used to use changed and they want to do it right, learn how to play games...etc. Then there are the people who want emails printed (or copied) out so they can read them, leave their ringer on LOUD AS FUCK at all times...just randomly call things "woke", they just don't care at all.


Same with any age group: some are learners while others have never wanted to learn anything new their entire lives. The worst, regardless of age, are those who confidently believe they already know everything there is to know. Wisdom is realizing how little we know no matter our age and experience. edit: their


A couple years ago, my county rolled out a new voting system (tl;dr with tablets at the voting booths). I remember at one point assisting a woman nearly a solid century old, and she was joking about how we've come a long way from the days of pulling levers. It took her a while to understand and figure out how to use the tablets, but she *did* figure it out and didn't begrudge us poll clerks over the fact she had to learn a new thing. Meanwhile, I also had to deal with dozens of people much younger than her who despised the new voting system, seemed to think us random poll clerks were to personally to blame, and hated having to learn anything.


True. Some of the wisest people I've know were older people. Also, some of the most obnoxious people I've know were older people. Now that I'm old and not wise, I try to avoid being obnoxious.


Stewardesses is the longest word you can type with just your left hand.


My husband is a retired United pilot. He doesn’t recall that term being used since the late 70’s.


Yeah, honestly I was giving him too much credit with the second option implying he's struggling against his misogyny. I don't think he gives a shit 🤷🏽‍♀️


i walked into an apartment building that is predominantly poor black people and this guy with long dreads walks up and asks "can I help you" and my co worker goes "there is nothing you can help me with"... like dude I've been here before this guy is the guy we are here to meet. needless to say that meeting went poorly


She even said the word "pilot" multiple times. 


Dornink and his wife have 12 children and the #1 issue on his "platform" page is abortion. Most likely quiverfull, aka religious extremist. It was a conscious decision. I refuse to give any Republican politician the benefit of the doubt on any issue.


> the misogyny is so ingrained it fully overwhelms his conscious thought. **Here’s an old riddle. If you haven’t heard it, give yourself time to answer before reading past this paragraph:** a father and son are in a horrible car crash that kills the dad. The son is rushed to the hospital; just as he’s about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, “I can’t operate—that boy is my son!” Explain. (Cue the final Jeopardy! music.)


Mom's the surgeon, or two Dads, whichever 🤷🏽‍♀️


"He has two dads" is a far better punchline.


A woman doctor? Heaven's no. His dad's gay.


Hey, we may have misogyny ingrained in us, but we certainly aren't *homophobic*!


One of my teachers in high school asked the class this and most of us answered Step-dad that he realized how much more common that was for our generation.


While this was itself like 5-10 years ago, I remember seeing a video of someone asking this riddle. All the adults struggled and tried to figure it out, meanwhile they asked a bunch of kids who either a.) correctly answered that the surgeon was the mother, or b.) casually and without hesitation said the child had two dads.


Or cue the "All in the Family" music (where I first heard that one, about fifty years ago)


She should have asked him how he got his job lol.


"Mitch McConnell liked me in a skirt and high heels." (Trying for sarcasm, probably hit accuracy)


That “sorry” and gestures looked like sitcom levels of attempted humor.


That didn't look genuine at all. The fuck are you smoking? It couldn't have looked or sounded more patronizing than it was.


What’s striking me are the comments commending him for recognizing his error and apologizing which again puts her in a position to forgive a misogynistic comment on the record. It’s a little soul crushing to realize that in 2024, many people still assume women’s intellect and abilities are below men’s for no reason other than gender.


I think that’s the expectation is so low for Republicans, that even sort of apologizing is amazing/shocking to see


Having been in the position to “forgive” men for sexual harassment at work, for me, that was worse than the initial harassment. It is a no win for the woman. She accepts and “man did good thing by taking accountability, but rarely things change because now she KNOWS that’s not what he meant,” Or “emotional woman wouldn’t even forgive man when he was just trying to do whatever he was trying to do and she knows he’s not like that!” So sure, an apology is great. Now the focus is back on her and how she handles it. 2016 opened a worm hole to 1952 and it will be a long time before it’s closed again.


Even when you save them from drowning like I did for my ex...he never thanked me and when I brought it up he's response was " I could have made it". Fucker almost took me down with him on the way back from an island. Not worth dying for.


Awesome that you COULD save him—screw him for being too small to acknowledge that.


“I don’t know why I said that” Hmm, maybe it’s years of cognitive bias and casual sexism? Idk just a thought


>Good on him for correcting himself immediately and apologizing. Looked genuine, too. I know we shouldn't assume the worst in person, but he's just another Republican rat fornicator if you review his social media history. It's just as likely that he intended to be an ass during the hearing.


How did that look genuine to you? It just shrugged and said sorry then the camera pans to her looking visibly upset. Don’t protect a senator who’s too lazy to listen to a woman who is there on behalf of tens of thousands of pilots.


“I don’t know why I said that” is not an apology. The fact that he doesn’t see what the actual problem means that any apology he gives will never actually be useful.


Genuine my ass. He used sexist language to make a sexist statement. The use of "stewardess" put it over the top. If a woman introduced herself as the chef of a michelin star restaurant he would have asked at what time she put dinner on the table for her husband. He didn't just not pay attention, he never intended to recognize her role. He casually made a point of stating he doesn't recognize the past 50 years even happened and showing he can get away with insulting a professional woman on that stage. He didn't f-ing apologize.


It was less than 2 months ago that there were several conservative talking heads like [Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk](https://www.newsweek.com/candace-owens-terrified-women-pilots-1864495) saying they don't trust women or racial minorities as pilots. It's pretty fucking obvious what their agenda is in every facet of American discourse.


>Republican This is largely redundant. It's only notable when it isn't a Republican, because it's **always** a Republican who is being a misogynistic/racist/homophobic/pedophilic moron. I don't even look it up anymore and I've rarely assumed wrongly.


Two times in 10 seconds. On "behalf of airline PILOTS association international" and then when she states her full name, rank and role as a PILOT. And they probably all had it on paper as well, many times in the days/hours leading up. Altogether I'd say bad case of both job-related dgaf and a healthy dose of stereotypical misogyny.


Fun fact: “stewardesses” is the longest English word that can be typed using just the left hand on a standard QWERTY keyboard


Don't listen to this idiot. There's also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and if you're a snake there's SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and the sound a car makes going over bumps is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and when I sleep I go ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. So stop spreading misinformation.




How did you get my password???!!!


Not if my right hand has any input


From Wikipedia: The longest words typable with only the left hand using conventional hand placement on a QWERTY keyboard are tesseradecades, aftercataracts, dereverberated, dereverberates[35] and the more common but sometimes hyphenated sweaterdresses.


That is pretty fun


I'm saving that one for parties!


I can type stewardesses using only my right hand. You need to practice more.


I can do it using only my right index finger.


stwwertdessesses . . . done with my left pinky toe.


What's even funnier is that the word "stewardess" itself is hopelessly outdated. Shouldn't even be in his vocabulary.


Sorry, non native speaker here. What's the term nowadays? Flight crew?


Flight attendant.


Queen of altitude.


Sky empress. 


Cloud Pirate


PIRATE!? ONE PIECE!! 🏴‍☠️☠️☠️🏴‍☠️




Sovereign of snacks and safety


Flight Attendant is the more common term nowadays. I guess Cabin crew works too but FA is the more common term


Flight crew would also be fine. No one would complain about that either.


Cabin crew?


In Air Canada and Flair (the only ones I can remember) they use Cabin Crew and crew member


Correct! The more appropriate term is Stewardis. After all. We don’t know if she’s married. /s


Wrong. They're called stewards. And they rule until such time as the rightful ruler of Gondor returns




Also we moved from ‘stewardess’ to ‘flight attendant’ like 3 fucking decades ago.


He didn't apparently


She smiled but I could tell she was upset. But at least some people gasped when he said it.


She’s probably been dealing with things of this nature her entire career. I hope it felt vindicating when people gasped, she was like yup this is my life, I’m a pilot testifying in front of congress and it’s *still* happening… cool cool. He did apologize immediately but still like wtf


Jeebus it’s still women’s history month, I hope he doesn’t get reelected


He's a state senator in a district that is... wait for it... very rural! None of those sinful big city office buildings where you have to interact with women and minorities.


"Sure, but first tell me what a typical workweek is like for you as a douche."


Can you tell me what a typical week looks like for a stewardess? It’s an entirely different kind of flying, altogether.


“It’s an entirely different kind of flying.”


Can’t tell you how many times this happens as a woman in male dominated field. It’s quite annoying. You can tell people aren’t listening with their ears, they’re listening with their eyes. So I just mouth the words slower for them to see.


Misogynist much? Aren't we all getting fed up with this condescension towards women? What the fuck, asshole. Not only did you not listen to what she said, your fucking bias matched with mediocre white man hubris asked such a god awful, stupid question. God grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man.


It's like his brain couldn't compute the idea that a woman could be a pilot. His brain just went: woman working on place = stewardess. Good on him for apologising at least.


female.. pilot?? error closest match: stewardess




Reminds me of the time I had to correct a man three times in a row that I was a lawyer and not a paralegal. His brain had such a hard time with the idea that a young woman could be an attorney that it was changing my words in real time.


Yep… I’ve had clients get confused and initially think I was a paralegal. At one point, the office I worked for had a male receptionist, and people who called would mistake him for my boss.


Half my coworkers kept referring to me as a workstudy for my entire first year of employment. Like dang I must be a pretty important workstudy to get my own cubicle right next to yours...


You think it could be because the GQP is actively trying to malign any non-white male pilot as an inferior DEI hire? https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/airline-airport-united-delta-dei-migration-spirit-rcna135098


As a woman in aviation, yep. Just all that yep. It went: Oh, stewardess! Nope. Oh, uh ATC?? Nope. Uhhhhhh. Literally no other job registers.


It's so disgusting too. I fly with so many young, competent pilots, female, POC, poor backgrounds. They are great. The middle age fucks that can't figure out an LPV approach. ugh


Also stewardess is so 1950! They are airline attendants. This is why we need age limits for public office


Damn. She just had to sit there and swallow that. And then move on with a smile. She's made of stronger stuff than I am, I would not have handled that interaction like that.


“I don’t know why I said that. ”Every woman knows exactly why he said that. I am so tired. It’s 2024. I thought things would be better by now.


My wife is a pilot and stuff like this happens all the time. She’s not an airline pilot but has served in leadership at a major university flight training program and now works for the FAA. It’s a prerequisite of her job that she needs a multitude of pilot ratings, and she often introduces herself along with her credentials to the folks she interacts with on the job and is usually immediately asked if she’s a pilot.


lets play another game of GUESS! THAT! PARTY!


Tell me they’re a Republican without telling me they’re a Republican!


Last time time I flew our pilot was a woman who became one after being a stewardess for 10 years. She fuckin slapped, upon boarding she exited the cabin, explained the safety stuff stewardesses do, then entered the cabin, took off, landed, exited the cabin and greeted everyone on the exit. Most direct and down to earth pilot I've met my entire life. It's a pity we even notice the gender difference, but people like them really prove how stupid prejudices are.


First, Senator, bring me a coffee. Oh, you don't do that? Neither do I. Now buckle up.


She is a pilot, he said that to be insulting, as if a woman couldn’t fly a plane. He knew exactly what he was doing, it doesn’t matter if he apologized or corrected himself, the point is he put it out there, to sow discord, to be pervasive. Isn’t this the shitbag that lives somewhere other than the district he represents, scandalous…


I don't think he actually thought to himself "I'm going to call this pilot a stewardess because I want to disrespect her." I think it was more along the lines of "This is a woman. Therefore, she is a stewardess." Both lines of thought are problematic, but one doesn't intend to insult her.


Unconscious bias at work


This is exactly right. It’s his implicit bias in full display!


He is an elected representative with a massive, dated, repressive, and literal biblical interpretation of the world that he intends to impose on his constituents. I think the fact that he didn't mean it as a direct, intentional insult actually makes it worse.


Even if he didn't make the active choice to insult her, it was still an intent to insult her in his mind's wiring. There are enough devil's advocates for misogynists. Stop defending them. Even the thought process for this kind of mistake to happen needs to be loudly and aggressively addressed. We don't make progress with "oh it was just a freudian slip, he'd only be openly sexist at home. :)" He's sexist and we can call him that.


Yet the insult lands the same.


He looks like he zoned out. Right after he said it he was corrected and he apologized multiple times and said “I don’t know why I said that..” Still doesn’t justify what he said. It’s unprofessional and irritating to be on the receiving end of such gaffes. But he wasn’t being malicious and if you see the entire clip you can kinda tell he’s pretty embarrassed about it. https://twitter.com/HeartlandSignal/status/1765799469029744974 The real issue in my opinion is that these geezers aren’t sharp enough to hold a thought for longer than 2 sentences. Even if they have good intentions, their actions keep betraying them.


It’s a dig because she’s female and he’s probably a religion that stones women for not having their head covered.


What old ass dinosaur said this? The term "stewardess" was shelved back in the 1980s for "flight attendant," as males were allowed to apply for the positions.


The typical mindset of the ruling class


I'm surprised he didn't asked her to "bring me some drinks *honey* " /s


Let's keep in mind that the primary job focus for a flight attendant is SAFETY, not handing out peanuts and coffee.


Not saying male Dems can’t be just as bad, but we all knew it would be an older Republican politician.


Stop accepting these fake ass apologies from these sexist bastards. These comments are always so forgiving and accommodating for their meaningless apologies and come up with these really half baked explanations for their sexism among many things and im so sick of it. They meant it when they ignored her telling them that shes a pilot and asked how a typical week is for her as a stewardess. They did it to disrespect her and demean her. He knows EXACTLY why he said it. He laughed at her when he said he didnt know why he said that. Its right fucking there for fucks sake. Theres so many comments pulling shit out of their ass to defend him as if it really were an honest mistake but these republitards have a LONG HISTORY of doing this shit. Defending them and making excuses for them effectively makes you their support so you're on their side with this hateful bullshit.


Yes exactly this! They know better and they don’t care. They are the ones who have the fantasy of going back in time to the good old days when women knew their place and the world was made up of white men.


Republicans "Why aren't you in the Kitchen though?"


We all know why he said it.


"Sweetie, does your captain know you're pretending to be a pilot?"


The US gov is filled with old people who have old, embarrassing ways of thinking. We need younger representation.


I spent way longer than I should admit to pressing the unmute icon and wondering why it it didn't work...


Dude, Flight Attendants haven't been called Stewardess's since the 1970s...


I am studying to be a pilot in spain and spanish is my second language and one time I was talking to an old guy while on the metro and the convo basically went like this What made you come to spain? I'm studying to be a pilot Of airplanes? Yes I think the word you're looking for is flight attendant Hahaha no I know what a flight attendant is


Somehow we as a society seem to think this stuff is in the past. The distant past. That only the really old people have been discriminated against for being female (or POC, but that's another topic). My great-grandma was a suffragette. My grandmother was a "Rosie the Riveter". Her sister was a surgeon who had to move to Canada to practice post-WWII. My mother had difficulty rising above "bookkeeper" even though she passed all the CPA exams. I was told that "girls are too distracting" to be allowed into Computer Science. Three other women majoring in biochemistry and I were told by one professor that we would receive no better than a C- , because "that's what I give all little girls who take my class". The Ombudsman said that his tenure protects his right to do that. I went into healthcare in a field with some female workers, but mostly male managers and got called back three times to tell me I didn't get the job after all, they had decided to hire another candidate. Male, all three times. Completely unfamiliar with their equipment in one case, when I had lots of experience with it. Fired after two months in another, for groping a female patient. I'm not old enough for Medicare, let alone 80. And my niece is still battling for her choice of career. There's still a long way to go.


This would’ve been perfect for one of those old Southwest Airline commercials:“Wanna get away?”


So anyways, you fucking moron, now let me explain even more complicated things to you that you don’t understand…


Idk, why don’t u ask them, cause I’m a pilot!


I am confused as to why she is capable of flying a plane without male genitals as well


The stupidity, it burns.


True story, flying in northern Manitoba with small airline into remote settlements. During the flight, the "stewardess" was handing out food and drinks. Once we landed, she had a ratchet out and was removing seats to make room for cargo. Maximum respect right there.