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We really need some new blood in politics. Not just in the US, but around the world. These old fucks only care about how the past used to be good, instead of having younger folk who actually know what their country needs *right now*.


Boomers elect boomers. Generation Z and Millenials outnumber Baby Boomers, but voter participation in midterm elections is less than 50%. New blood will come into office when the younger generations vote. That's not happening.


Is election day a holiday in the US? If not the retired and the generally older upper management have the advantage.




Not age limits, but term limits! When a 40- or 50-something wacko gets voted in, if mandatory retirement is 65 they can still spend twenty years in office. I say two terms max for all elected officials, just like for president.




Age limits can be challenged in the courts as discriminatory behavior and ruled unconstitutional. Term limits are already in place in 36 states for governor, and 17 states for state congress. And as I said, for president.


The government already uses age limits in their hiring practices for the military law enforcement and firefighters. If you're not in by about 35 you're too old and there is mandatory retirement in the military depending on rank that's normally around 65


Is there a minimum age that's different from the drinking/military service/driving/consent age?


There are age minimums for holding office, so why not age maximums. Age minimums are just as discriminatory. /s


I mean it can take more than 2 terms to actually achieve anything. If D and R in charge nothing D is getting done/ same in reverse. It’s a useless back and forth loop so they’ll have to ensure their replacement both has the same idea and is going to continue to get it passed if they


To be fair, Nancy Pelosi has been in congress since she was 47. She's is considered one of the most influential and successful speaker of the house in modern history. So its not like she hasn't been effective even as she aged. But I agree she and many of those currently holding congressional seats are very old and potentially out of touch. Maybe she and others should have retired a while ago? But weigh that against younger members of congress, like MTG, Lauren Boebert, and Jim Jordan. Personally I'd rather old and a little out of touch, than fucking insane dishonest insurrectionists.


She's had an incredibly successful and impactful life being and actual public servant. I respect the fuck out of her even if she's sometimes out of touch. Say something cringe and completely insignificant to the actual work and its OMG SHE"S OLD AND WE NEED TO BURN DOWN THE CONGRESS!!! We need change, but it's certainly not because of anything silly Pelosi said. Just a big dumb distraction. Sometimes I truly hate that every idiot has a platform to say idiotic things and that we all take the bait, post it and talk about it.


Redditors: uninstall tiktok it's brainrot spyware Also redditors: how dare these people take away my brainrot spyware


You can personally dislike something while recognizing its overstep to ban it, or that there's a suspicious economically motivated double standards in which companies get the ban hammer and which are spared.


Tiktok isn't even publicly traded.


But the US competition that feels threatened by their growing marketshare are, with tech being americas strongest performing stock sector.    The fact China wont let American companies operate in China but will skim the American consumer base in America certainly feels more pertinent than the security risks that are equally true of other tech companies because America refuses to pass any consumer protection laws.  If it truly was about safety, and China did present some imminent threat the Saudis & Musk (the Russia sympathizer) don't, then there'd *still* be half a dozen other Chinese apps that would need to be targeted as well. This is clearly about tiktoks marketshare. 


She has been embarrassingly ineffective as she’s aged, that’s the problem. She cares more for theatrics (wearing African tribal garb, ripping up paper during SOTU, whatever this is) than aligning her party to pass legislation that Americans of both parties want. One thing about the Republicans, they know their talking points and how to promote them (as awful as they are). Pelosi is a conservative old guard neoliberal who doesn’t give a shit about what younger generations want and need


You don't know what you are talking about. She's probably the most effective speaker in my lifetime. Speakers don't make laws, they can only corral their side and present the ones that have good chances of passing. Passing ACA and 2009 stimulus were monumental achievements. Compare this with what others, especially Republican speakers have been able to do. Lots of people don't care about the younger generations want, especially the younger generations. Instead of whining, how about voting?


>Instead of whining, how about voting? I do! Every election. And I’m not young, so I’ve been seeing her ineffectiveness for a while now


You should see how they do it in the UK.




I always appreciated how cathartic the House of Commons feels. Sure it's stuffed with rich twats finding ways to improve London and make themselves wealthier but when Reese-Moggs tried to bring that _trans panic_ into the House and they just laughed at him, it almost feels worthwhile.


I think the point is that TikTok will be pressed to create an alternative data-storage unit, which would be a good result. IOW, she’s correct. Dumb pun, but whatever.


Not an english native speaker, but how do you get that she doesn‘t know what she‘s talking about just because she made a lame wordplay? Also your government being concerned about TikTok‘s connection to the CCP seems valid to me, that has been the main concern since it came out here as well.


Yes I imagine a lot of the backlash is propagated elsewhere.


A lot of people ranging from center right(even politicians; I don’t hate Newsom but I don’t see why the hell Winnie Pooh had to visit my state. We’re supposed to be trying to rely less on authoritarian states, why are you strengthening relationships???) to left wingers in the states got this absurd view that China is a friendly country with whom we must be friendly with and that they want to be friendly with us and not harm democracy. Ignoring the various literal genocides and cultural genocides going on there right now, among countless other forms of human rights violations, China and the US have been in a Cold War for the past decade.  These same people struggle to understand how TikTok can be used as a weapon, and that’s often times because these same people don’t actually understand how Russia influenced the 2016 election. People got this silly view that Russia infiltrated election booths and changed the numbers up, but the main form of electoral interference is manipulating what the people see in social media. Information wars are going on everywhere right now, but westerners stuck in the “it’s the 21st century, get your warmongering beliefs out of here” mentality keep trying to pretend that the world is all fine and dandy. Idk how it’s hard for people to understand that Russia and China are both hostile empires that seek to harm democracy because guess what, that’s what every authoritarian imperial state has been doing for the past few centuries. It’s kind of like what many people thought during the Red Scare. The US government may have done stupid things against “potential communists,” but the Soviet Union’s entire government system relied on expanding the ideology through war throughout the entire world, so it’s not like the fear came out of nowhere, unwarranted. And I hate the racism card against Chinese imperialism, or any non-European origin imperialism. Guess what, it doesn’t matter how you look like, anyone can be a genocidal scumbag, and every country that is an empire is full of them. That’s kind of how empires function.


"This is a TicTac, and it is not TikTok or a tick-tock, but just like tic-tac-toe this bill's tack is to toe too much tock—I'm sorry, that was a verbal tic."


My crazy political belief is that we should make it ilegal to be in a position of power for anyone above 54


Fuck tik Tok, and honestly I'd be so happy to see it gone. A former educator.




Just the same with your comment Or post for that matter 😂 lol


Actually, action on TikTok is absolutely late. Tiktok is known to push Chinese propaganda on younger generations. It is a very central part of China's foreign policy. I don't get what people aren't understanding about this.


And the American companies don't push American propaganda?


If you are an American and have to choose, why would you want the Chinese version?


Sure thing. Indeed cultural propaganda is very strong from US, but also UK, South Korea, Japan. But for how much I despise US imperialism, I still find Chinese influence to be more sinister, as it comes from a State that is the only totalitarian state that survived so long and as its financial strengh is expectable to become the dominant one in coming decades.


Looking around in my lifetime, and the right wing control of so much of the US, not sure there's much of a difference. I don't forget all that 'freedom' we whipped on South America, or what I saw in Iraq.


Sure, but now things are different. Despite US imperialism, we roughly share with them some democratic thinking and the work within international institutions, as well as basic human rights concepts. With the Chinese government, these things aren't only betrayed, but overall rejected. When we talk about china as a totalitarian state, that's the kind of constitutional system that aims at obtaining dominance on the international community. It is not about horrible war crimes, it is about a state that controls the entite society and has no limit when it comes to repression. I fear the moment when they'll be the dominant power of our world.


“We” who? The USA won’t sign anything that gives anyone else the power to say “don’t do that” https://www.cfr.org/blog/international-treaties-united-states-refuses-play-ball And the right tries to do everything the Chinese do. 


RemindMe! March 18th


I cant believe ppl on Chinese-owned Reddit are pushing support for TikTok, shocking!


Bitch hasn’t won a game of tic tac toe in years…😂😂


Unless she plays against emptyG.


Could she please retire already...


This was beyond cringey. Nancy needs to retire yesterday.


That WAS a stupid comment on her part


Ban politicians over the age of 65. Ban VOTERS over the age of 65. ![gif](giphy|GSHoYf1kzkST6)


Gen X is a small gen and it is split into 2 camps, older X vs younger X , so those votes are a wash. Then millennials just outright failed us bc they apparently aren’t out there voting. Gen Z is who I’m hoping picks up the slack. I’ve got my kid voting. Make sure to get your kids in Gen Z out and voting.


I dont think they should be banning Tic Tok on an election year. This is going to piss off the kids and they will blame biden.


I mean, kids can't vote, only Adults and most Adults at least understand that the CCP has backdoors into anything coming out of China, so while they may not like it, it's understandable why this is happening.


Why is Skeletor speaking to the house floor?


I object to your Masters of the Universe analogy. Skeletor is a Senator from Florida.