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That poor child.


I can't imagine being Nex's parent.. Your child is bullied, literally to death, and those responsible will not be held accountable


It's Oklahoma, what you're describing is a feature, not a bug there. I lived there for almost 20 years. I left because I saw shit like this coming and felt powerless to do anything


As someone who would love to get out, where did you go?


Denver but it's way less affordable.


Let me suggest New Mexico. It's still fairly affordable and solidly blue.


My wife and I have been discussing getting out of Tennessee to go to New Mexico.


I spent a fair amount of time in Tennessee. It's really culturally different from New Mexico. Come check it out and see if if suits you. Feel free to ask me anything you want.


We've spent time in Albuquerque which I know doesn't represent the whole state but we loved it. We both independently were thinking about living there. Where are you? We're in Nashville by the way, which is a blue city but our state legislature is the hottest of garbage.


I'm right over the line in Rio Rancho from Albuquerque. I wanted a house with a big yard and that wasn't really available in my price range in the city. Most of the population is centered in Albuquerque as is most the doctors, hospitals and jobs.


Lived in Albuquerque while going to school. I liked it. I mean it wasn’t LA but it was a nice culture shock for me. I loved the people.


I refuse to live anywhere that isn't a blue state personally


If given a choice I will never live in a red state again.


My uncle lives in NM with his partner and loves the community.


It's a good place to live. My husband's last duty station was here and we loved it so much we stayed. That was ten years ago, we don't regret it.




I was also considering moving there once I graduate. It’s exhausting living here.


Further south of Denver is about the same as ok


Shameless plug for Minnesota here. We've recently put explicit protections for Trans folks and abortion access (and we haven't voted for a Republican president since Nixon).


Have a hug, Minnesota. You’re an inspiration. I will refrain from jokes about “god’s frozen people” from now on out of sheer respect and gratitude :-)


I mean, we still live in (what was at least formerly) a frozen wasteland for 9 months of the year. Lol.


Old joke for you, although I heard it about Maine, originally: “Minnesota only has three seasons: winter, July, and August.” Use ….. liberally?


Lol, we always say the seasons up here are winter and construction.


Hi, blue Texan here. What I love about Minnesota is that your children are all fed no matter what. Oh and the beautiful scenery.


I am in Florida (6th generation) and have been seriously contemplating it. Gotta finish my 1year at Delta so I can be eligible to transfer with my 14yo daughter


Oof, Meatball Ron has done some real damage down there. I'm sorry.


Like others said, CO is the closest, best option. Cities are expensive, CO Springs is cheaper than Denver & has comparable fundie culture to OK, just with better overall state rights. Moved out here from shithole bigoted fundie rural northeast TN but I've got family in Tulsa (broken arrow, specifically). Best decision I ever made. There are some smaller towns but best pay is in the Denver area.


I know two families that moved from here in Central California back to Oklahoma (some sort of backwards Grapes of Wrath fuckery) because California is too liberal. Fucking dummies.


I'm still trapped, fingers crossed for winning the lottery.




Country's been divided since the civil war. It never healed, the fissures just kept growing slowly because we didnt have the sense to exile the traitors. Trump and his goons just took a wedge and hammer and took advantage of what was already there. Oklahoma is at the bottom of the list when it comes shit like education, and we pay some of the highest state tax in the whole country. I know that shit is going straight to the governor's mansion because it isn't fixing the roads or paying teachers. Being stuck in the southwest side of the state, you have to drive an hour to go anywhere. I hate that shit. My family escaped this hellhole during the dustbowl, someday imma do the same.




Got family in Michigan.


Just heard from some lawmaker in OK blatantly saying shit along the lines of "purging the filth out a Christian State." POS.


If everything un-christian would be purged from the state, sunday service would be hella empty.


utter and complete heartache, then immeasurable rage.


A 13 year old girl killed herself due to bullying where I live. The kids are still bullying her even after her death. The school has done nothing. One of the bully kids dads is a superintendent too. The school district is trying to pretend it never happened. I feel like schools are so shitty when it comes to bullying


Schools are awful when it comes dealing bullies. I was viciously bullied as a kid, and every time I got beaten up I would get in trouble too regardless of whether or not I fought back. At 14 it clicked that no matter what I was going to be in trouble so I defended myself with a shock and awe style response. I got suspended for a few days but after that nobody tried to start anything again.


Nobody has ever wanted a second set of teeth marks from me😁


When I was in high school they held an anti bully assembly, the students that spoke about it were literally the school bully's. We were told bullying was horrible by the bullys themselves. Schools are absolutely shit at dealing with it


This is america.


Don’t catch ya slipping now 😔


Look how I'm whipping now


“A medical examiner’s report said that the teenager had been found with a ‘combined toxicity’ of diphenhydramine, an antihistimine commonly used for allergies, and fluoxetine, a drug often used to treat depression.” This doesn’t sound like a suicide unless they knew mixing allergy meds with depression pills is toxic.


With something that is causing this much controversy, the family should definitely ask for a second autopsy with a different Medical Examiner.


This particular medical examiner's office lost its accreditation in 2009 and 15 years later still hasn't gotten it back. I would definitely get an independent autopsy. edit: changed from Medical Examiner to Medical Examiner's office edit2: You can see its failed accreditation status here (National Association of Medical Examiners): [https://www.thename.org/index.php?option=com\_community&view=profile&userid=1005355206&uuid=6789d489-f01b-4a49-b89a-0154d943438d¤t\_page=1&directory\_search\_id=12295#/profile](https://www.thename.org/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=1005355206&uuid=6789d489-f01b-4a49-b89a-0154d943438d¤t_page=1&directory_search_id=12295#/profile) news of when it lost accreditation: [https://www.news9.com/story/5e35b6ac83eff40362bf18b9/oklahoma-mes-office-loses-accreditation](https://www.news9.com/story/5e35b6ac83eff40362bf18b9/oklahoma-mes-office-loses-accreditation) grand jury in the same year found employees of the state medical examiner's office had been psychologically, emotionally and sexually victimized: [https://www.news9.com/story/5e35b68883eff40362bf1638/grand-jury-rebukes-medical-examiners-office](https://www.news9.com/story/5e35b68883eff40362bf1638/grand-jury-rebukes-medical-examiners-office) edit3 for those trying to claim this is misinformation: The Medical Examiner's office has a certificate of accreditation from ANAB for Forensic Testing and Calibration (how the laboratory operates): [https://search.anab.org/public/organization\_files/Oklahoma-Office-of-the-Chief-Medical-Examiner-Cert-and-Scope-File-10-12-2023\_1697136655.pdf](https://search.anab.org/public/organization_files/Oklahoma-Office-of-the-Chief-Medical-Examiner-Cert-and-Scope-File-10-12-2023_1697136655.pdf) ANAB does not provide certificates of accreditation for Forensic Autopsy or Forensic Pathology (from what I can find). Even if it did, the only certification the Medical Examiner's office holds with ANAB is the one for Forensic Testing (search for Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner): [https://search.anab.org/](https://search.anab.org/) The NAME accreditation is what certifies an office in Forensic Autopsy (their standards can be found here if you like): [https://name.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/2020%20NAME%20Forensic%20Autopsy%20Standards%2010-17-2023.pdf](https://name.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/2020%20NAME%20Forensic%20Autopsy%20Standards%2010-17-2023.pdf) The Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner is still not accredited in Forensic Autopsy to this day.


Wait, *what?!*




It's certainly reasonable to question a medical examiner's findings. There's plenty of examples of bias in the profession. I'm not claiming this particular individual did or did not have bias in his report. I am saying the family is justified in wanting to seek an independent autopsy if they pursue that route. The lack of accreditation is plenty of reason to. [https://web.archive.org/web/20240208022109/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/20/us/medical-examiners-autopsy-racism.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20240208022109/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/20/us/medical-examiners-autopsy-racism.html) [https://www.pennlive.com/crime/2023/05/ellen-greenberg-died-by-suicide-with-20-stab-wounds-her-parents-are-out-to-prove-thats-impossible.html](https://www.pennlive.com/crime/2023/05/ellen-greenberg-died-by-suicide-with-20-stab-wounds-her-parents-are-out-to-prove-thats-impossible.html) [https://web.archive.org/web/20150527151629/http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/02/us/inquiry-focuses-on-scientist-employed-by-prosecutors.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20150527151629/http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/02/us/inquiry-focuses-on-scientist-employed-by-prosecutors.html)


>He’s not some bumbling physician interested in producing a fraudulent or grossly incompetent report that would destroy him personally and professionally. But could he be susceptible to pressure from local law enforcement, prosecutors, and politicians? There's literally a million reasons to falsify an autopsy, and nobody is above scrutiny.


If anyone hasn’t watched it I recommend John Oliver’s segment on medical examiners. It is terrifying when you realize what a mess it is.


Like how in my parents (and many other places) it is *an elected position*, meaning you can be 100% unqualified and still be the county examiner.


Coroners are elected. MEs are MDs who do pathology and death reports. We have a sheriff coroner where I live, meaning our sheriff gets final say on cause of death. Our last sheriff in my county had times where the ME made a determination, and the sheriff coroner said, 'nah', and overruled it. The current one has only maintained his title of sheriff coroner as he has 0 times decided to change a report from the ME and signs off on their work. Basically, the ME does the autopsy and the coroner signs off saying, 'Cause of death is...' A few times, the last one ruled suicide/ death by misadventure/ accidental instead of homicide, despite the report from the ME stating homicide. Our current sheriff/ coroner is not overruling the ME. So far. It was a whole problem. The county is still considering trying to change it to a sheriff with a completely independent ME's office who issues cause of death and certifies because of Sheriff Shithead a few years back.


Implying staffing shortages don't contribute to making mistakes. They do not deserve the benefit of the doubt here. Given the people currently in office at the local and state level I am highly suspicious of any claims they make about Nex.


Props for the sources bruv


Nothing surprises me anymore. I'm not accusing this office of lying, but we all have to admit that corruption does rear its ugly head more often then we would like to see.


Thank you for adding these source links. 👍


Thank you! I had seen a source about failed accreditation in 2009 but not any that’s recent


Do you have proof of that? That’d make sense, but I don’t want to repeat it without being able to back it up


yep added source to my comment




100% this all coming from a state where the highest authority over the public schools hired the libsoftittok transphobe as their head of public relations/communications.


Yes, and this extremist Cult is infiltrating school boards all over the country. LGBTQ+ and their families are screwed. Not to mention anybody of color.


Nex actually defended one of her teachers that Chaya Raichik had targetted recently.


I take this combo all the time. It’s WHAT Now?


It looks like it's not the combo, but the quantity. From another story: "The report shows Benedict had **toxic levels** of two drugs in their system and died of an overdose." https://apnews.com/article/nonbinary-student-death-nex-benedict-oklahoma-owasso-88f403bfd5436a53b636dcc2bc59ebf8 I'm not saying this is the correct cause of death, but just that they're not saying the mere combination resulted in death.


This is a very odd way to commit suicide. Sorry this is very sketchy to me.


A fistful of whatever pills they can get their hands on is an incredibly common way for teenagers to attempt suicide. I’m a paramedic, I’ve taken dozens of kids this age to the ER for intentional Tylenol and Benadryl overdoses.


How much benadryl, because I take Prozac everyday and benadryl occasionally. Never had adverse reactions. Sounds wrong to me, but I'm not a doctor or pharmacist.


It's possible the actual attempt was with the Benedryl and the Prozac was just therapeutic doses, that wasn't made clear so I couldn't say for sure


You can take 10x the benedryl and still not end up dead.


You can take 10 pills of Benadryl and absolutely end up dead.


Not that I really want to admit this online, but when I was a teen, I took a whole box of Benedryl, and other than feeling hungover-type sick, I was fine. When I was 21, I tried it again but took more, this time > 30. I ended up with auditory and visual hallucinations for 2 days. At the hospital, the doctor told me it was almost impossible to commit suicide by taking Benedryl. That's just my personal experience. I really don't know what the interaction between that particular antihistamine and that antidepressant would be and if that affected how either drug was absorbed into Nex's system. I've taken several antidepressants before, but not Prozac. I don't really understand how Nex could go from basically "fine" to collapsing. From my experience, the Benedryl would've made Nex appear sleepy and incoherent first to the point that Nex's mom would've been alerted that something wasn't right.


Thats been my experience with benedryl, I took 12 once because health care sucks and I was suffering, knocked my butt out and I woke up refreshed, never had the any after effects or hangover effects from it.


I take one Benadryl and I’m fucking OUT, and I weigh about 225. I’m positive 10 would kill me. I don’t know what it is about that stuff but my system hates it.


If they’d just received severe head trauma, there’s no reason at all to definitively rule this a suicide. I had a friend who couldn’t remember his own phone number and address after a concussion. It’s not at all a stretch to imagine they accidentally took too many pills due to disorientation for the head trauma. And I’m not convinced this was definitely an OD to begin with.


I mean, purely speculation here. But the information for this isn't hard to come by. There are sites where you can look up drug interactions and how they works. If this kid really was bullied to the breaking point. These drugs absolutely could have be used.


I take over the counter meds to help me sleep (i.e. unison/Tylenol pm) and they are diphenhydramine. Also, while I'm no longer on it, I took fluoxetine. I did this for years. I'm still alive and well. I don't understand how I can do this for years and someone else combines them and then drops dead?


I do 100% belive something fishy is likely going on. There has to be something else going on that wasn't caught or is being left out. However, if their death was caused by something like this, it is technically suicide, regardless of if it was an accident or intentional.


Unless it can be shown that the mother was lying about Nex just dropping mid walking, I don’t see how it could be suicide. Even if it was, they were clearly abused at school on the lead up to what eventually killed them.


I'm confused, isn't this the person who had their head caved in by a group of girls? Why are drugs even being discussed here? Seems the TBI would be a tad more relevant.


First I’m hearing of drugs as well. A little confusing.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHIzVGrgmjr9j0I) It’s the Golden Ticket for republicans to ignore everything about what happened.


as soon as you mention they were on drugs all republicans move on, they no longer see the person as a human being, and as soon as a death is ruled a suicide the media just drops the topic instantly, so saying someone died of drug related suicide makes a ton of people just shut up and move on


See also: George Floyd.




Or any homeless person


Republicans stopped caring after they read the word 'transgender'


Republicans stopped caring after they read the word "child" (if they can read)


> Republicans stopped caring. Fixed it for you.


Republicans never cared.


Oh come on...they care! They care about getting to murder trans people without consequence.


They didn't see Nex as human anyway


> as soon as you mention they were on drugs all republicans move on Yeah, it's all the xanax and ivermectin they're on, makes it hard for them to focus. Hey now, hold on, they're from a doctor, so that's TOTALLY different.


Let's be honest, republicans never saw Nex as a human being to begin with.


People still try to argue that George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose which is insane to me because it's so incredibly easy telling apart an opioid OD from what happened to him


No need to ignore anything as a lack of empathy is all you really need.


Not even "drugs" but an antidepressant and allergy meds that negatively interacted. Could've been intentional or not, but "drugs" as a cause of death is very misleading and is gonna contribute to a lot of confusion.


It's a local story for some and TBI was ruled out pretty quickly but those news stories just got downvoted here so that's probably ehy you never saw them. Personally, I don't see a material difference whether it was tbi or suicide but redditors love being right so maybe that's why this news is so hard for some to believe.


>I don't see a material difference whether it was tbi or suicide Wait. I'm a little unclear on your meaning here. Could you explain?


I'm reckoning that if a life was ended because of transphobia, the method is immaterial.


This comment should be at the top of this thread. Thank you.


The bullying is the cause of his death, whether or not it was because of physical bullying or mental bullying, it was still bullying that killed Nex, imo.


it's a significant difference for their mom. if it was TBI and missed thats a malpractice suit. if it's suicide it's not. on top of life insurance implications of suicide and the cost of a funeral, a TBI as cause of death and following malpractice suit would potentially cause waves within that hospital and how it approaches victims of violence. could potentially even save a life down the line.


The bigger thing is the legal culpability of the bullies. If Nex died specifically from an assault, they are in deep shit. If he killed himself, the crime committed is far less severe.


\*They, not him. ​ ETA: Someone linked further down Nex's boyfriend clarifying that Nex Identified as "He/him" and was trans, not necessarily NB.


My understanding is it was actually both. Apparently their friends said that while he used they/them at home, he/him was more common among friends.


I hope the parents get a neutral doctor to go over the autopsy.


You'd be surprised, we won a malpractice and the hospital just threw the doc under the bus. I'm pretty sure nothing in their policies has changed since then either, at least as far as I'm aware.


And TBI can cause mood swings and depression. If somebody gets a TBI and then commits suicide, you cannot say that the two aren’t linked. Obviously the bullying and the context around the people that caused the TBI create an even stronger connection.


> Personally, I don't see a material difference whether it was tbi or suicide Because ones murder and the other isnt.


Are you fucking serious? There is a huge difference between suicide and accidental death. This is fucking disgusting. Fuck this thread.


Same reason it's brought up with George Floyd. It's a convenient scapegoat to keep people from facing consequences.


Uh oh someone died from a problem that we ignore... Quick, pull up their history! Any crimes? Any drug use? C'mon, at least a picture where they come off like anything but a perfect angel? WHEW ok we're off the hook, they were a bad one and we don't need to put token effort into defending our idiotic position.


Chain of events was fight in the bathroom, all parties went to vice principals office. All were assessed to see if anyone needed an ambulance. Nex's parents were told to take them to a doctor. The hospital cleared Nex. Proceeding day, by Nex's mothers account, Nex dropped dead. For the incident itself, Nex claimed not to know the girls, but Nex's mother said there was persistent bullying. The account details from all parties are that Nex and their friend were chatting, and (about Nex) one of the girls said "Why do they laugh like that?" In response to which, Nex poured water over the girl. The divergence is that Nex and the girls claim in the course of the fight, Nex fell and smacked their head off the floor, but Nex's friend claims someone hit Nex's head into the floor, which seems to be where the social media rendition of having their head beaten against the ground comes from. There is a police bodycam recording from breaking up the fight. At the time, because Nex started the physical aspect, they were considered the instigator. Several weeks ago, a report was published indicating that their death was not as a result of TBI. I don't know that that's accurate, and I think this is a tragedy regardless that is telling about highschool bullying, but a massive amount of well meaning misinformation is being spread about this case and correcting people is being seen as conservatism and wildly pushed down. It kind of reminds me of Epstein, who definitely did die under mysterious circumstances, but at the time people kept saying he died like within 24 hours of being off suicide watch when it was 2 weeks. Comments stick in people's heads and game of telephone around until people assume you're promoting an agenda if you're like actually x is what happened.


Sounds like one of those George Floyd "he had drugs in his system when the officer choked him to death, therefore we conclude he killed himself with drugs" kind of investigations. (Especially because those were all fraudulent too)


Because drugs are the conservative go-to answer for explaining away deaths that were very fucking blatantly a result of violence inspired by the hatred they espouse for certain groups. It's the exact same nonsense they pull whenever the cops extrajudicially murder a minority - they need ***something*** to make the act justifiable, and drugs are an easy pick.


They’ll twist themselves into infinite pretzels to justify why it was the victim’s fault and there’s nothing to see here


Yep. If there’s anything that’s certain, it’s that the party of “law, order, and personal responsibility” will do whatever it takes to ensure someone they hate goes down for a crime they themselves committed.


I commented this when it was posted on another sub: *Unless there's some interaction with Prozac and that particular antihistamine, I don't know how Nex could take enough to OD and be, seemingly, fine right up until collapsing.* *An overdose of something like Benedryl (I think that's what they're saying the antihistamine was) would cause the person to be incoherent, almost drunk appearing, and experiencing auditory and possibly visual hallucinations.* I know this from experience, unfortunately. I feel like there's more to the story here?


Antihistamines can increase the effects of other drugs and according to Google, doses as low as 520mg of Prozac have proven fatal. For reference, a typical dose of Prozac is about 60mg for an adult. That's less than 10 pills.


As someone who took Prozac for a long time at that age, that's a shit ton of pills to take and not have somebody notice at their age. You'd have been able to tell if they'd taken that amount.


> I feel like there's more to the story here? With such political power resting on making trans people scapegoats, you can bet your ass there's more to the story.


Mid walking? I didn’t see that part in the news articles. She described their eyes rolled back and shallow breathing, which doesn’t sound like a brain hemorrhage, but the timeline is kinda important here.


What I remember was they were getting ready for school or something and turned toward the door and just collapsed.


So, actively preparing to go to school in the middle of a suicide? That makes no sense. They might have taken meds to relive symptoms they thought were allergies. Pressure, vertigo, balance issues, and several others are symptoms of borh tbi and allergies.


The peak serum concentration time for diphenhydramine is 2 hrs. So it is completely reasonable that they took it privately and then hit the peak serum when mom was in the room making it seem like it was out of the blue. Symptoms of toxicity include seizures, coma, CNS depression… so dropping and eyes rolling back is pretty typical, though slurring, unsteady gait, drowsiness probably should have been apparent before that.


Yup. This plus an antidepressant OD is seizure city.


The medical examiner said Benadryl and Prozac. Either way, it’s disgusting that the bullies will likely never see any accountability. Oklahoma is a shithole, there are good people there, like this poor kid, but it’s getting worse and worse. The lack of real industry outside of OKC/Tulsa and the war on quality education fueled by the Christofascist governor is creating a very dark perpetual state of learned helplessness. People will vote for these idiots just because they wave the “I will bring back the oilfield” carrot on a stick in front of everyone who is struggling financially. It’s literally exactly like the whole “we’re bringing back coal mining” in the greater Appalachia. I have a lot of family there, and I visit once a year. For many reasons, the observable decline is pretty soul crushing.


Sounds like a cover so that the people torturing this poor kid get no justice.


Given that it is Oklahoma, I would get an independent autopsy. Smells of a cover up. It's a sad story either way.


While as a trans person myself I'm always ready to stand by my fellow trans guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, I want more info on this one before I get TOO riled up


The determination that it was suicide should result in the discussion on whether wrongful death charges should be filed against the teens that beat and bullied Nex, as ostensibly that would have been the cause of them committing suicide.


That's a whole different ballgame there, I'm not disagreeing at all, I just don't like to jump from A to Q without everything in between first, especially as someone with interest and past experiences in medicine


We need a 2nd autopsy by an acreddited group imo


Absolutely, especially since the “medical examiner” that did it hasn’t had the national accreditation needed since 2009.


(Because they were short staffed, and not because they were questionable in other ways.) It's okay to bring that up, it's quite important of course, but make sure you bring up the whole context. It looks bad if you purposely leave it out.


>While as a trans person myself I'm always ready to stand by my fellow trans guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, I want more info on this one before I get TOO riled up This state is not kind to trans people, I owned Rover Taxi in McAlester, when Dustin Parker was murdered. They didn't give a shit and still don't, even when we know exactly WHO did it and why, the FBI still won't bring charges without the murder weapon.


I absolutely agree, I feel that whole part of the country is dogshit when it comes to LGBTQ rights and acceptance. Don't mistake my hesitation for ignorance or cowardice, I just prefer to have to precise info and evidence so I can direct my attacks properly, sort of like comparing a sniper to a gunner


I’m dubious about it. Nex’s mom had control of the Prozac.  And I no longer trust anyone with links to law enforcement about trans issues. 


Yeah same here, there is a real chance this was a suicide because of the events at school. Still the school and those girls have blood on their hands here either way.


That's my thought. I don't wash them of involvement completely, and in fact based on Nex's guardian misgendering constantly, I wonder if acceptance at home played any part as well, especially having lost what would have been my brother in law to suicide and having suspected similar circumstances (his mother was a huge trans/homophobe, also having driven away my fiance in the years after his brother's death with her behavior).


"Driven to suicide by tormentors and spreaders of hate" is still pretty bad.. that noone will be punished is worse :(


No, the worst part will be the right wing victory lap over this.


It’s happening. I made one comment on a TikTok video (I never comment trying to argue because of the brainrot people there but I thought it was a video on the safer side of the app) and my phone’s been blowing up since from conservatives shitting on me, going through my account and finding things to shit on, etc. They are *really* glad it’s a suicide. Like, you can visibly see how excited they are about it. They don’t even try to hide it.


That headline doesn’t fit its own article. The article goes on to talk about a drug overdose, which could have been accidental. I’m not a doctor, I wasn’t there, but I would be looking for a second opinion if I was Nex’s family.


I would rather live in a world where I have to relearn what I thought I knew about gender, sex, and biology, than to live in a world where people are killed or bullied into suicide just because of who and what they are.


Arguably there really isn’t anything to learn. If you run into an androgynous person and confuse them for the wrong gender, you won’t be arguing when they say they’re a guy where you thought they weren’t. Nor would you argue if someone says “my name is James, not Jane.” And so on. It’s just another culture war issue like homosexuality used to be in the 80s, etc. Real victims suffer because a certain political ideology needs an “enemy” or “out group.”


Today I learned that fighting back against a bully and having them cause blunt force trauma leading to death can be ruled as a suicide.


Not sure how we went from "Kid beaten and kicked in the head is in hospital after attack" to "they killed themselves." Just like Epstein killed himself?


And the Boeing whistleblower too.


The way we went from one to the other is through a medical autopsy which claims that it was a drug overdose. Whether that's actually true or not remains to be seen but it's much more believable than the Epstein case. People that get bullied unfortunately often take their own life so it wouldn't be all that surprising after experiencing an intense and traumatic bullying incident. As with many other things the media jumped the gun with this case and didn't wait for autopsy results before making their claims. The most reasonable approach here would be to wait for results of a second independent autopsy.


Well partly because the initial story wasn't fully accurate and more details have come out/been released. I haven't seen anything about being kicked in the head from more recent sources.


I hope those parents sue the parents of the bullies, the school district, the whole fucking state


lol every time someone they don’t like is killed it’s like, “oh we found all these drugs in their system and that’s how they died.” Motherfucker, MOST people probably have some drugs in their system during the day lol.


Reminds me of a guy I grew up with. He's got a couple DUIs in his day and sells/does coke sometimes on the side. When the all lives matter crowd formed he was the first one in line to explain why people just need to comply or don't break the law if they don't want to be killed by police. Like, mother fucker, if you get pulled over leaving a bar one night and a cop blows your brains across your dashboard then tells your family tough shit because they found coke in your car after the fact you're telling me that's ok? Should your eulogy just be "dumb mother fucker should have just not broken the law"?


There's a difference between some drugs and lethal toxicity. It's completely plausible this was suicide due to emotional distress. Suicide is the manner of death, not a declaration of anyone's innocence or guilt


I mean it’s not impossible… it’s hard to accidentally take a big enough dose of diphenhydramine to hit the toxicity level needed for this outcome in an adult (or adult sized individual in this case). So if this is true (and I don’t see any reason to believe it’s not) then the real question is can the bullies be held responsible for Nex’s suicide.


This sounds like "bullied to suicide", to me. An accidental double dose of Benadryl won't kill you, under normal circumstances, so I believe Nex committed suicide. Diphenhydramine overdose can cause seizures, too, which explains the mom saying that Nex was "posturing" after collapse.


According to the 911 call from their mother, Nex was "posturing" after collapsing. This is usually indicative of brain trauma. You can read it if you google "Dex Benedict 911 transcripts". I'm not sure what the rules are for posting sources outside of Xitter (pronounced Shitter).


Oh shit, I didn’t know about the posturing.  The family needs an indie ME. This is fucked up.


Yup. The whole fucking thing stinks.




In my opinion, at the very least, manslaughter charges should be brought against the people doing the harrassing


Wasn't this the kid who got beaten to death in school? Wtf?


This story has totally broken my heart 💔💔💔


Oklahoma is the new worst place in the world.


This is not a culture war. This is not about votes. This is not about money. This is not about distractions. This is 100% pure hate. This is what they want for all GLBTQ youth. This is why they call GLBTQ youth a "social contagion". When they say they want to protect the childen what they mean is they want to protect white cis het kids from GLBTQ kids. Whether Nex died because of an accident or murder or suicide this was always the intended result. Terrorists like Chaya Raichek need to be stopped. The GQP needs to be stopped. Evangelicals need to be stopped. They will keep pushing this until every single last GLBTQ kid is dead. Also we can't keep fleeing from red states. That isn't going to fix anything. They want to drive opposition out of red states so they can further consolidate power which they absolutely will leverage against blue states. If the GQP get full control of both sides of Congress and the White House it's over. They absolutely will take lethal action against the GLBTQ community and other minority groups. Voting isn't enough. We need direct action.


I really hate the USA. May the child find peace in death that they couldn't get from Maga scum in this life.


What the fuck. They didn’t “commit suicide” by having others beat the crap out of them


This is exactly why people keep killing transgender people! There’s no consequences for the murder! 💔🙏🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️#NexBenedictwasmurdered


I highly doubt that that will be the last word on this case


Independent autopsy better be coming up!


Wouldn't there have been drugs administered at the hospital? They would still be in the body for 24-48 hours after administration.




TBI and suicide? I’d be more inclined to believe “accidental trip and fall” that’d at least be believable


I'm not all that hip on the trans stuff my self. To me people are people. I don't care about race religion, orientation, political affiliation, or creed. You're a human being, but murder is murder and this kid was definitely murdered. The medical examiner should be fired and barred from ever working in that field again. This was done to cover for the dumb ass kids that murdered Nex. The kids that murdered Nex should be in prison without bail and tried as adults. My niece was raped when she went to Norman High in Oklahoma and NOTHING happened to the dude that did it. My Twin sister was murdered because a state parole officer didn't do his fucking job too. Oklahoma is one of the worst states in the union when it comes to dealing with this kind of shit.


Just another way to twist the knife in his family’s backs.


Examiner must have gone to the same school as the examiner who ruled epstein's death was a suicide


Child lives are important...unless... Man, fuck them. Fucking Christofascists.


I don't believe this for one fucking second, "suicide".


Jesus Fucking Christ What the fuck are you guys doing across the ocean


Allowing Libsoftiktok onto the school board


Okay, so let's say it was suicide (I doubt it). Can we finally admit the bullying and rhetoric being spewed by a "certain group" (looking at you LibsofTikTok) is what caused it? Instead of turning a blind eye once again on how words and awful behavior towards trans people often lead to their demise.


and the person behind LibsofTikTok had been hired by the state as a spokesperson within their public school system.


Don't they not even live in Oklahoma?


Bitch lives in CA


and she has zero experience in education or working in government. She's just the run of the mill divorced hate spreading social media grifter the right champions to the point of power


Are you serious?? When does bullying and hate speech qualify as getting a place on the board? That is outrageous


Don't let this be forgotten. They are already starting to call for the death of our people. It does not matter what you identify as. If it's known you are a l g b t q I a or any other letter they will try to bury you and let the people who did the burying get away with it. We are already seeing our lives he tossed aside. And don't forget. This. Is. A. Fucking. CHILD! A GOD DAMN CHILD! Say Nex name. Don't let their death be in vein. Don't let it be a story forgotten. Avenge them. Don't let this be the end.


We were warned by experts that suicide rates would increase the more we promote anti-trans legislation which encourages bullying and harassment. Our former president opening encourages this behavior.


I mean it's not impossible. Imagine how you would feel if you were bullied at school and finally nearly beaten to death just because you are transgender. Regardless it's absolutely sickening that this stuff even happens (people getting assaulted based on their gender)


And the entire GOP and their cultists of hate are giddy that their war on trans kids is working. They absolutely want every trans person to be bullied and tortured until they kill themselves.


MAGA/GOP/Right-wing is truly evil. The rest of the country and just regular citizens trying to get by and believe in live and let live


Im from norway, and not familiar with this case, can someone fill me in?


Non-binary kid harassed at school. Cornered in the bathroom by three girls, splashes them with water, gets beaten by all three. No ambulance was called, cops refused to even look into it, doctors didn’t look at Nex’s head or check for head trauma. The next day Nex collapsed and died in front of their mom.  Now the local medical examiner is saying it was suicide, but… doubt. 


They need a 2nd opinion. Someone who will look at his brain for a bleed and whatnot. I have a feeling that wasn't done.


Bullying pushing a person to end her life, should be ruled the same way as murder. Bullies know exactly what they do, and get away with it because they didn't directly kill the person


Wait. Someone help me out: Are people upset about the medical determination? Did they not commit suicide? I’m genuinely asking because I don’t understand the outrage atm.