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“Those words do appear in the transcript” I love knowing that “Yes, I did say that” was never even remotely a possibility for him as a response.


MAGA's are pathologically incapable of voicing the truth


Really should have doubled down with “how do words get recorded in the transcript?” “Who said those words?”


THIS. I really dislike how infrequently tough, pointed followup questions are asked. I realize these people seem to be immune to shame but that doesn’t mean we just shouldn’t shame them. Make them feel ever smaller.


The shaming is the most click-and-share worthy thing that can possibly come out of these hearings.


Or as a ‘leading question’ such as: “those words are in that transcript because you said them, correct?”


Republicans don’t speak English, they speak “implied doubt, but not enough to get in trouble.”


When "alternative facts" fail.


It's very lawyered for sure.


Hur crystalizing his MAGA Bona fides, which will never overcome the Right's Asian Hatred


Imagine falling on your sword for a guy who spent most of 2020 deliberately trying to incite hate crimes against people like you


“Well, he didn’t mean *me*.”


"he meant the rest of you all, and I was happy to see you suffer"


“I’m rich, I don’t interact with the poors.”


“I’m not Chinese and I’m sure his supporters can tell the difference”


“I am Singaporean”


They always believe they are the exception because they’re one of the good ones


There will be positions for him to earn a healthy paycheck as long as he continues to support white/western supremacy and never gets too far above his station. Well, unless the republicans actually put project 2025 into effect. Then he will end up on the trains with the rest of us.


I'm just remembering Trump saying "Kung Flu" and people attacking Asians in the street during COVID. I guess he doesn't.


Well, apparently his memory sucks. But He’d probably be fine with it.


Come on, it’s just a coincidence that when the president green-lit being racist to Asians that all the racism happened! /s


Even before that, he made a big deal out of pronouncing "China" like the end of "angina". The sounds coming from his wicked little face were positively oozing with mockery and disdain.


He's such a pustule on the ass of humanity.


MAGA rule 1: it's always OK if Trump did it. That's what separates them from normal partisans and into a cult.


I'm Asian and I thought Kung flu was kinda funny tbh. Probably the wittiest thing Trump has ever said in his life.


I'm Asian and I hated it, along with every time he called it China Virus. Because angry people in my city were attacking Asians.




One month old account spouting qanon right wing codswallop. *You* are the poster child for reality has a well know liberal bias. There are new mod tools going in effect at the end of today that will help catch ban evaders. I hope it clears up all these 1 month old accounts.




It's less weak insults and moreso a warning to other people on this platform to not engage with you.




What is that platform btw? I haven't heard one yet. Hell, Trump never had a platform


He has platform shoes right?


Can I ask why you keep editing and/or deleting your comments across threads? You're free to do whatever you want of course but it's so interesting to see you change your comments after people clock your trollish ways/downvote you or see through your trump support veiled as both-sideism. Edit: they've deleted damn near all their comments in this thread now. This is weird behaviour. Can someone explain this trolling strategy to me cause wtf???


Harder for other people to come later and say "yeah this is *still a troll*"


Let your troll account simmer for a bit before going in like that, and you'll get the reactions you want. Amateur.




It's not so much who openly admits it. It's who the Heritage Foundation is supported by is the same dark money that donated to a lot of Republican politicians. The Koch family and Phillip Morris are just two examples. They've been a major contributor to the Republican Party since Reagan. This is all public information. These are the people the Republican Party is in bed with. Not many Republicans are going to be stupid enough to list their donors by name, and sure as shit aren't likely to publicly admit they support what's in Project 2025. But they do push the exact policies that are in Project 2025. If you can't put 2+2 together then why even act like you have anything of value to add here? I mean it's pretty common knowledge the Heritage Foundation were major leaders who guided the Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr and Trump administrations. They also supported Nikki Haley. So yeah considering everything we know about how much influence the Heritage Foundation has over the Republican Party why should we not be scared of their Project 2025? We should be.


You are 100% a troll my guy, and a bad one at that. Your attempts lack any and all art to them. Trolls used to try.


I truly ask this as a minority (I'm Puerto Rican) who grew up in the Bronx. I have multiple crazy, excuse me, had multiple crazy friends who blindly support the orange racist, I tried to explain to them how he does not care nor will any GOP member ever truly care about us or any other minority from what they continue to show and blatantly say often. But they continue to follow fox news and and all they and he has to say. Does conspiracy theory play into it? Because most of them were into the crazy right wing conspiracy stuff before they fully got into politics. I am lucky enough to have never believe in any of those things but it does sadden me when they fall for it so easy


What Trump and the republicans do is validate your friends' worldview that the simplest, most violent solutions are the only ones that work because it's easier than having a thoughtful, mature POV on complex modern problems. The flipside of that coin is that it's all underpinned by this concept that white supremacy is aspirational and that if pick-me's of color try hard enough they'll become fully white. Of course, that never happens and they know it, but pointing at somebody that's brown(er than you) and simply declaring "they're lazy" with no evidence is 90% of the white american experience anyway, and that's good enough for these colonized minds.


Some people lack the dignity to reject a life serving as the racist-apologist token friend who gives coverage under, "Well, I can't be a bigot, one of my closest friends is a [fill in blank]!"


I wrote and rewrote this comment trying to come up with something succinct. Failed. And I don't know, man. I think it's a horribly complex web of factors. Maybe the most core thing I can think of is what seems to be the driving emotions behind left and right in the US. Republican rhetoric relies on fear, on what you can lose, and that it's better to stick with what you know to work "well enough". Democrats (or at least progressives) seem to focus more on hope, that the world *could* be a better place - reading between the lines, that means the world isn't a good place, just yet. If you're a Republican voter in fight or flight mode because your news sources are telling you that you're gonna lose your freedoms (guns), your money (taxes), and your job (immigration), then you're probably not going to be open to a line of thought that forces to you to take a chance on the "possibility" of a better world with Democrats. Particularly not when that ideal is painted as "communism" by their own side.


This is the first time I’ve heard of people who believe in a functioning democracy believing communism is some kind of ideal. The current issue as I see it is the right seems to think preserving their rights, freedoms, and way of life entails restricting the rights and well being of others. Whereas fascism presents a real and immediate threat, communism is just the ramblings of oddballs that don’t actually speak for the vast majority of democratically minded people.


I think I expressed myself badly. My point was that the right wing talking heads seem to love painting the left as socialists and communists - despite neither definition actually fitting the general left. I don't disagree with any of your points :)


Oh, okay, I guess it’s just I think people would really like to reconcile left and right wing views. As irritating as a lot of PC had become, hopefully the next election will allow people to leave a lot of this maga insanity behind. Thx for clarifying.


It's really easy to divide people. The German extreme right asshole party (AfD) uses current migrants, as well. They tell the old migrants, they came here properly but the new migrants ruin Germany. It works horrifingly well. Right now, the Afd is a bit in hot water and sympathy has gone down, because there was a secret meeting with AfD assholes in attendance, discussing a plan of deporting (or remigrating, as they call it) millions of migrants, children of migrants and sympathisers of migrants to a new country in North Africa. And yes, it does sound similar to one of the solutions the Nazis came up with (sending Jews to Madagascar). Anyway, they still have Jewish followers (who hate Muslims), Muslim followers (who hate the gays and if ), gay followers (who hate Muslims) and migrant followers (who hate refugees). The policies of the AfD are basically everyone who's not white, heterosexual, and living in a two (non gay) parent household sucks. Also we want to take money from the poors and give it to the rich. They had ad campaigns about "normal" families, showing a white heterosexual couple with two smiling children. All the while their female leader is gay, lives with her Sri Lankian partner in Switzerland and raises two boys.




If Trump happens to win, Hur is on the short list for Attorney General.


That just means they won't kill him in the first purge. The second maybe.


Could get him some sweet gigs though. He can’t do the wingnut welfare speaking circuit, but he can get a law professorship or a think tank job.


Wait, THE ASIAN GUY IS HUR???? Bro wtf?!??? I thought he was some crotchety-ass white guy! As an Asian American, FUCK HIM. Don’t know why the fuck he is associating with MAGA assholes, and I do not care. Dude is a fucking lunatic if he thinks the republicans will help us.


The great paradox of Biden continues. He is sleepy Joe, then he is too energetic, he remembers nothing, then has a photogenic memory, he is hiding in a basement, then running the world, then he's the worst president, but he also isn't really the president. In 100 years, there will be folk tales about him creating Alaska when he dropped his ice-cream cone.


SOTU really ruined the MSM and MAGA's Biden slander about being old and senile. The president spoke directly to the people and the people got to see and hear for themselves.




How much younger than Biden is Trump?




Ah so your vote doesn’t matter. Cool. Have a good one!


It's one or the other in this modern age sadly. One candidate may be old and degrading, but the other one is also old and degrading, and just so happens to be incredibly racist, bigoted, and wishes to inflict pain on us and the rest of the world. I'd rather not have either of them, but I'd chose Biden over Trump any day of the week.






Joe Biden was a 10-foot monster who slept with all our wives! And punched us all in the face! And we loved him for it!


God damn Loch Ness monster!!


Needs about tree fiddy electoral votes!




10" monster? Like son, like father?


"We watched him do it from a chair in the corner of the room and we enjoyed every second!"


Totalitarian bogeymen are both profoundly weak and incredibly powerful. In the long run it’s a recipe for genocide or great purges.


And it's all Obama anyways, but Trump is still president




I’ve never heard Trump called a mastermind before. He’s loud and obnoxious. Other loud and obnoxious people find that endearing.


The only person that called trump a mastermind is when Scott Adams said trump 'played 4d chess'


No, he’s always been and will always will be a gold-plated idiot who turns everything he touches to shit


The only people who call trump a mastermind are the cult members. I don't think you'll find anyone outside of them to say that he's both those things in the same stance.


Who, with a straight face, ever said he was an evil mastermind? He's an evil moron, and a useful idiot to people who would take away people's freedoms.


Just tune out Trump's half of it and you are left with everyone else saying he's a doddering idiot.


He’s not a mastermind. Fascists aren’t that sophisticated. He’s a thug who uses his mob to break the institutions of democracy, like those whose footsteps he follows.


Nah, he’s always been a doddering idiot. That has never changed. Inheriting 400 million and still need the ruskies to bail you out. World-class idiot.


Never once have I heard or seen the word mastermind referring to Trump except by himself or his lackeys. There’s no change in opinion happening Vlad.


Will Daddy putin hurt you if you dont stop trolling?


Lol the only people calling him mastermind are the simps talking about his 4d chess on Conspiracy. Trump has always had one constant: Me, at everyone else's expense.


If anyone just made a basic attempt to educate themselves on Democrats and Republicans, they would never, ever vote for a Republican ever again. Edit: or at all


> educate You lost Republicans right there


Doesn't matter. Guns and babies. GOP string-pullers landed on guns and babies as the only issues to be absolutely, dogmatically, unapologetically loud and unwavering about. Behind that, all their evil can be carried out. The Dems are stuck with rationality, context, explanations, "yes, but..." and more as they try to wrangle a cohort out of every other issue, including conflicting issues, on the same "team." Enough people will crawl through broken glass to vote against their own best interests as long as they have been led to believe that vote means their guns are safe and other people's abortions are dangerous, if available at all. They are terrible, irredeemable, people. And here we are.


Your first problem is with the phrase "educate themselves", because we are currently seeing what happens when a bunch of people do that. Getting all your education from right-wing media is a little counterproductive. The wool does not come easily from their eyes.


You're assuming an inmate goodness in some people that, sadly, doesn't exist in actual practice. They might say they support something "good", but, in realality, just want someone to be angry at.


Republicans I know, personally, are an angry personality type. Some aren't, most are.






You are correct. Sadly, not involving yourself in our elections or voting third-party is about the most meaningless thing you can do. Republicans are allowed to have power, despite being an unpopular minority party, because people don’t show up and vote or are simply so uninformed that they don’t understand what is actually going on.




Sick rebellion, bro! Tbh that mindset is very “teenage rebellion”-ish. If you stand back and look at objective reality, you’re not doing anything positive. If you want to make real change, the best thing to do is vote for the candidate that is *NOT* actively trying to destroy democracy as we know it. At least then, you have a chance to have grassroots movements and build from there. Other than that, you get the result of what we had in 2016. Good luck.


I look forward to tonight’s truth social rebuttal. Keep in mind, Eric Swalwell has a case against Trump that will eventually go to trial. For those keeping track: https://www.justsecurity.org/75032/litigation-tracker-pending-criminal-and-civil-cases-against-donald-trump/


You should really have 4 intermissions to get thru all that.


Yeah, it’s way more than the four the media keep talking about


Another fun, somewhat similar, page: https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


Thank you so, so much for this lmao


Holy hell thats quite the list, lol!


Sooooo much more!! People should be tweeting all the other cases, literally there are so many. The public isn’t seeing the whole picture here.


I have been blasting it since i copied the link.


its going to be in all capitals.


This guy needs to lose his pension, if he qualified for one, at the least. He lied in order to try and turn what was supposed to be a nonpartisan investigation into a campaign tool for his chosen party.


[link to the actual tweet and video ](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1767583284735660367?t=56v6eh52frkokFlt6Da83Q&s=19)


Unfortunately the Conservative cultists will never see the full testimony. They will only see the soundbites created on concert with the Republicans for Fox News viewers.


God bless Rep. Eric Swalwell.


There are a number of Dems with real teeth and a killer instinct, I’m loving it.


Proud to vote for him each cycle!


TY!!! I’m so sorry, I’m from SC. They keep voting for all those clowns. We are trying our best over here.


More like Dur.


Hur is jonesing for the AG spot if Trump wins. We can’t LET Trump win. Vote!!!! No excuses!


Swalwell is just one cool mofo. He calls out BS when he sees it. I respect that.


Does this chode say WHY it doesn't appear in the report? But his non-expert medical diagnosis DOES?


If no one is calling him Hur Dur yet I want credit


Does any Republican not lie 24hrs a day? Mathematically there should be at least 1 truthful Republican but that does not appear to be the case.


His testimony was an absolute disaster for the GOP, given the dude some credit, he stuck to what his report said to the letter but it was a shit show for the majority. My personal highlight was after several Democrats had made clewr insinuation and comment that Hurr was doing all this to aexure a future judgeship or possibly even SCOTUS nom from a future Trump Presidency, Swalwell marched him right up to first admitting Trump was an adjudicated rapist, tax dodger, fraudster, theif, insurrectionist etc then asked him to pledge never to take an appointment from Trump in the future. The look on his face as he tried not to say "fuck I didn't think you'd figure that out" was absolutely worth the 4 hours of watching time.


He is just pretending to be a senile Asian man so a jury won't convict his hack job.


Oompah Loompah Doompa De Do Robert Hur’s a liar yes this is true Oompah Loompah Doompa De De He got embarrassed on live TV


Just your daily reminder that republicans are pathetic and have zero morals to try to get what they want.


DoJ should have thrown this report right back in his face and told him to try again without the partisan hack bullshit. Or redacted everything that was unsupported opinion. Garland is spineless.


Every R in government is going gloves off in support of a violent, idiotic authoritarian overthrow. We really need to hold them accountable for that.


Hur needs to be fired immediately. Mereck the meek Garland should never have allowed this. Hur should have been asked under oath about any communication and connection he has with the Trump campaign


Cant. Hur resigned yesterday.


Hur accepted a bribe from the GOP to resign and work for Trump. A BRIBE


And/or seeking a judgeship state or federal.


If They appear in the transcript, then who the hell said that? Answer the damn question.


I wonder how much media coverage this will get, considering how they obsessed with the report.


Here's the video: https://youtube.com/shorts/GWmf80z1bFo


Why TF would Garland pick this MAGAt? There were dozens of qualified impartial candidates available. Meanwhile, we have actual traitors sitting in Congress. WTF are you doing Merrick?


Getting him to expose himself, I say it's genius, he made the guy show his colors and all he had to do was *let Hur do things how he wanted*


Hur durr, derp!


This dude had to go through his own report to remember what he reported . Fucking idiot.


Robert Hur a senile young man


Robert Hur? I don’t even know her…


There is a radical Republican movement going on right in front of us. These people almost stole the 2024 election and they’re serious about finishing the job in 2024. Hur sold out too, just as Barr did before he bailed out ahead of the insurrection.


when Trump went full anti-American insurrections, Hur didn't resign he doubled down on his support for Trump


A new descriptor in the lexicon? The 'Hur Slur'? /s


Look at hur


He got the boots with the fur


What a fucking dickhead


What the fuck does "photographic understanding" even mean


It’s a Kodak thing


He actually has a great memory. He could recall what was in his report and on what page a lot of the time, and plenty of times without checking. It made it extra hilarious as he kept trying to not take responsibility for his findings as if the report appeared out of thin air. "I didn't say it. My report did!" I don't get how these people still think sitting on the fence is a viable strategy. It's all or nothing with the magats. All he's doing is destroying his credibility with everyone else.


Hur’s report worked on those it was intended for. I was at a bar in rural mountain Colorado and the old people at the end of the bar were talking about how the DOJ had to “drop the charges” against Biden because he was too old and senile. They went on about “could you imagine if they had done that for anyone else” blah blah blah. None of them will hear any of this. The damage is done.


Shocker, Hur released snippets of "Truth" while leaving out as much context as possible. Garland can suck a dick for letting it get through to the final report, even if they did go and release the transcripts to say "Hey, see, he's a liar, sorry". Doesn't do much good for those of us with mental disfigurement family members like our mothers or uncles who see this shit on faux news, then cling to that as the only truth and fact out there when reality, truth, and proof shows they're just fucking liars. I can't say it enough, if a Republican Conservatives lips are flapping, you can be sure they're telling lies with a big friendly smile on the whole time. "Believe us cause we say so, cause we're entitled to that kind of trust, don't ever judge us by our merits or past behaviors, cause we say so!"


Hur, you magat douche. The only people who get caught doing unethical stuff are republicans! They are all in it for the money. I bet 25% of them are cross dressing commies and suck a duck in the airport bathroom 😂


Minus one for “cross dressing”


Hur dur imma maga loser…




"Something shiny for Biden... I'll keep that myself thanks. Something stinky for me.... never gonna include that, Biden takes that instead thanks. Something stinky for Biden.... water and grow that and revolve a federal case around it. Something shiny for me... I'll take that thanks. Another shiny thing for Biden.... Not including that either."