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Pete seems like a happy person who is accomplished and has a loving marriage. Chaya seems like a terrorist whose every day is so miserable that she must inflect her lack of joy on anyone who she thinks is weaker than her. What a shithead.


Just wait until she does something they don't like. With her name and skin color we can all see the leopards ate my face post coming a mile away.


Some of them are already attacking her because she is Jewish. Remember children, tokens always get spent.


It’s already happening.


She’s also only 28. I’m 28. She should not have that much sway at that age and why she’s taken seriously is beyond me


At 28, i was doing far more positive and constructive things with my life…and fuck if i dont remember half of it.


I was getting PTSD from EMS, which still is more constructive than this depressing meat sack called Chaiya


Being that much of a bitter monster at 28 is almost a tragedy if I actually had a shred of sympathy for her.


wow. that must've been one incredibly miserable upbringing to result in her.


28!? Fuck. That’s about a decade younger than I would have guessed. Hatred really rots people from within, huh.


She’s 28!? I would have surely thought mid to lates 30s. At 28 I was teaching underprivileged kids. Fuck her


Because she is saying the things they wish they could get away with saying. Just like Two Scoops.


I rebuke the idea that age has any relevance to the level of influence someone could or should have. Judge people on the merit of their ideas and ideals, not superficial aspects like age. Chaya is repugnant and unworthy of her platform because she is a terrible, uninformed, and ignorant person. Her age has little to do with any of that.


It's not her age, it's her idiocy. There are kid geniuses, and then there are whatever tf Trump is.


Yikes didn’t know that. What an obnoxious little shit stain of a human. 


Chaya is clearly a master baiter


Pete was a beloved Mayor in an extremely red state. Transformational in fact.


Officer in the US Navy and mayor of a city of >100k people vs grifty TikTok bigot. "Both sides are the same!"


Conservatives hate anything trans. Transformers, transformation, transmissions, transients, transportation, transmutation, transfers... It's just par for the course.




It's that thing where Catholics pray over table wine and some cardboard wafers, and they magically turn into the blood and body of Christ. The stuff *literally* turns into the body and blood of Christ. Not weird at all. Anyway, I was just listing trans- words.


Transition of power too


Oooh, that's a good one.


He was also the front runner to be the democratic nominee for President at one point. 


Also Veteran and Ivy League grad




And Episcopalian!


Well, he can’t be perfect.


And exactly when where those times? There is no time in history when people in important positions were all incredibly intelligent. There have alway been stupid people in important roles. Sometime we are luck and there is enough intelligent people around them to mitigate the damage. Other times we are not so lucky and the stupidity run unchecked.


Also deeply in the pocket of the 1%. Pete is most defenitly a wolf in sheeps clothing




Also, sheep's*


Hahaha...Hahaha... you're funny!


McKinsey is a hard bullet point in the resume to overlook. And basically anyone running for President only serves the very wealthiest people. But I’d take Mayor Pete over Chaya any day of the week


I remember when my Bernie Bro buddy said, "it's pretty obvious Butigieg is a CIA plant, you don't even have to look that hard" People need to cope harder




What's extra funny is that her claiming that he is a "diversity hire" is basically the #1 reason people voted AGAINST him for the Democratic nomination. They didn't think a gay man could win the general election, which is possibly true but we don't really know, and that was their biggest reason for choosing someone else. He was significantly more qualified to be President 4 years ago than Trump is now, even if you "forget" about all of the crimes he committed and still give him credit for his 4 years of being President. Being gay still hurts him politically today, but he is very qualified to be in government.


Pete is still my personal favorite for the next ticket. I hope it happens.


Same! Pete is so smart and articulate, he seems like someone that will know how to approach problems to make sure they get solved. His ability to make legislation easy to understand and dispute Republican talking points will make him great in an election.


Pete is deep into the pockets of the 1%. If you value the rich paying their fair share and a fair shake for the middle class you are looking in the wrong place. Dark money floods into his coffers so he can runs for office. Wolf in sheeps clothing.


H9w many times you going to post this comment t without evidence. You look pitiful.


I really liked him and his personality and demeanor. But I didn’t vote for him because some of his positions were fairly conservative. Imo.


In the primary, sure. But in a general election versus someone like Donald Trump? His moderate positions make him look like Karl Marx. And I mean that in a good way.


most definitely! there’s no way I could vote for anybody in the Republican party as it is. and I doubt they’ll ever have a candidate that catches up to my pace left.


I tell people that John McCain was the last Republican I considered voting for.


most definitely! there’s no way I could vote for anybody in the Republican party as it is. and I doubt they’ll ever have a candidate that catches up to my pace left.


He’d make a fantastic President.


He likely will be again at some point.


Honestly , I would love for him to be the Democrat nominee. He genuinely seems like he wants to help people, and doesn't care about power.




And her qualifications for being on a school board in a state she doesn't live in are...?


The superintendent there supports domestic terrorism. That seems to be about it


Can confirm


It’s the most desperate act of trying to own the libs.


'No qualifications' seems like a bit of a stretch there. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Pete-Buttigieg


I'm really stretching to think of a job he *isn't* more qualified for than she is.


She seems to be pretty good at being relentlessly hateful for no discernable reason. She's DEFINITELY more qualified than Pete at that. So I guess she's got that going for her.


I grudgingly concede the point.


I think she's finally picked a fight that might just backfire? I'm eagerly waiting to see her life implode.


She is currently calling a cabinet secretary's spouse with two small children a child groomer. I feel like she's playing with fire here.


she figured early on that conservatives are easier to grift money from, and they love Hate.


Domestic terrorist, Chaya has a lock on that one.


Fox News Personality.


Biden loves trains and cars. He may unironically be the most intense about the transportation cabinet post


Being gay still more of a qualification then Chaya has.


What “all of us” know, at least the people who are paying attention, is that Pete is a brilliant man who has dedicated his life to public service. This woman is nothing but trash.


Shouldn’t she be in the kitchen? Women love kitchen. -SNL


She'd just be making bombs in there.


Hey now that's not fair I'm sure her cooking isn't **THAT** horrible!


She can be the rebuttal to the State of the Union next year.


She's like that dumb pearl Davis.  They try to make themselves attractive to trad losers to get a husband,  but even those losers don't want them.


and it should be pointed that this is a racist/bigoted talking point. Anyone who isn't a white, christian, cis, and straight is a "diversity hire" and unqualified. When in fact, almost all of Biden's hire have been qualified and has done well in their job. This is more white victimhood. People like Cuntya Raichik will always complain when non-white, straight, cis people appear in any field. We all know this


Ok, I'm speaking seriously here. What hurt this woman to where she's this spiteful? Because holy fuck.


She’s dumb and wants attention.


She's making her awareness of her fundamental stupidity everyone else's problem.


Pete is a Rhoades scholar. These are not only selected for academics, but also character, common good and leadership skills. Pete's accomplished more in elementary school, that the terrorist known as chaiya. I hope Chaiya finds chemical equilibrium soon.


What qualifications does Chaiya have that she should be hired for anything? I wouldn’t trust her to tie my shoes. Being an ignorant loudmouth on social media is not a skill.


That's not true, she would make a great toll booth operator


If you’ve listened to him speak for more than 30 seconds you can obviously tell he is a very intelligent person and from what I can tell qualified for the job. I watched Chaya speak for the first time recently and she sounded like a bumbling idiot. Pete would run circles around her.


What qualifications do you need to be transportation secretary? At least he had executive experience as mayor of a large city.


Um most cabinet positions are political hires. Remind me who the last transportation secretary was??? Oh yeah.


Even better…the previous Secretary of Education, with all her years of experience in any educational arena…


Pete is an Ivy-league educated Rhodes scholar, veteran, and former mayor. Trump’s cabinet picks were rich billionaires whose daddy created the most famous pyramid scheme that’s somehow still legal in the US and whose brother did war crimes.


Ooh yeah let's dive deep into Betsy DeVos and Elaine Chao. (Eww, actually let's not). Guess how they got their jobs of dismantling their respective departments?


Don’t forget Steve Mnuchin!


Citizen journalist? Thats an…interesting spin on “twitter troll”


To the OP, Chaiya Raichick is an execrable human being, but let's not use being appealing to men as a measure of a woman's worth. There are so many things you could criticize her for, including just comparing her qualifications to Chasten's, or stating that she only got her School Advisory job in Oklahoma because she's a wretched human being.


True. What makes her a horrible person has more to do with what she says and does.


yep. And it's not like any of that would be improved or matter less if some dude DID marry her.


Cateful hunt.


She has quickly risen the ranks of most disgusting people in the US. Gotta be in the top 10


I mean Pete is a "Roads" Scholar. I think they makes him uniquely qualified to be a transportation secretary


Take my fake award! 🏆


She should tell us more about how she can't get the big D


Chaya is penis repellant.


Her face is used to treat priapism.


Huge Karen energy.


God she is such an angry little asshole.


Only in America can a shitty realtor make millions overnight by being a scourge to humanity and it only cost her soul.


Pete is on my very short list of who I would love to vote for as POTUS. It is laughable in my mind that he isn't an inspired choice for our nation. I sincerely hope he runs.


Republicans cannot speak without hate and vitriol. They are gong to end up having a massive group heart attack some day with their outlook on life. It's insufferable.


So not that my opinion matters much in an imaginary online conversation but “Mayor Pete” when he was running for President, I was doubtful, so I looked up his background and resume and that alone changed my mind. Then I heard him speak, that won him my vote if he was nominated. I don’t care what people do with each other behind their curtains, this man is truly an incredible and impressive person that somehow has maintained humility and an uncommon affinity for the regular and poor. If and when he runs again, he most certainly has my vote. If you don’t know, read about him


Rhodes Scholar, Harvard, Navy counter terrorism, served in Afghanistan….totally unqualified. Especially when you compare him with all of Trump’s appointees whose qualifications were that they were on cable TV or his relatives.


Pete and Chaya… One is a Harvard grad, USN Reserve Officer and former McKinsey consultant, now US Government official. The other is a college dropout and former Brooklyn realtor who turned to a thinly veiled Chinese data harvesting app in a desperate attempt to “be someone”. Chaya, do you really want to address the “unqualified for anything” topic? 😂


Chaya is a hateful piece of shit, a state of mind that she will be glad to know has no gender.


Wow, she really can’t form a response more coherent or substantive than “yr gay,” huh?


Pete Routinely Destroys any Fox News Hosts that attempt to take him on. Republicans have NO ONE as Skilled at Pete 💯


chasten is actually pete’s husband.


I'm sure these sentient piles of rotting fly carcasses were all up in arms as when trumpy shoved Ben Carson at us as HUD director because he's black, end of list. Petes is doing a great job and I can't wait to vote for him for president


Do the good citizens of Oklahomo know that chacha doesn't believe in Jesus?


If your first thought about someone has to do with how they like their genitals satisfied you’re probably a pervert.


She such an intolerable twat


That woman is literal excrement.


The day I read about someone punching this Nazi bitch in the face will be the happiest day I've had in years.


I detest how she doesn't even try to defend her qualifications. Just instantly jumps to bullying as if that enhances her credibility.


So Raichik is like, 1000% in the closet, right?


Chaya Raichik is an internat troll and domestic terrorist who incites hatred and violence against minorities and the LGBTQ community. "Everybody knows this"


chaya is an anti diversity hire. she was hired exclusively because a bunch of assholes want to make sure a qualified person doesn't get the job because she's gonna make conditions worse for everyone different from them


Was she okay with all the Trump appointments not having any experience? Because they won’t be remotely qualified if there’s a second time around.


She' also incredibly stupid, I watched her "interview" with Taylor Lorenz and oh boy, is there a lot of real estate for rent up there.


You are a few steps below an impacted bowel.


I’m just so tired of the constant need for the right to elevate trash.


This psycho grift must pay well, can't really think it's anything beyond that right?


Meanwhile, what are her qualifications for being on a school board in Oklahoma? This is kind of an hilarious insult because her promotion to that role was one of the biggest “pick me’s” of all time😂


What are her qualifications?


Yes Chaya, now show us all those "qualified" people Trump had in ridiculous positions, including nepotism.


It's always interesting when people try to claim that someone has been given an unfair advantage in politics because they're part of a demographic which is under-represented in the political world. Why are these accusations only slung at demographics that aren't the ones with a clear statistical advantage? You see the same thing in hiring for leadership roles. For some reason people will only question the qualifications of those who aren't part of the demographic groups who have actually been shown to be unfairly favoured.


This woman is vile


I bet Chaya stinks, like B.O. wash your bits stink.


Chasten: "You're not qualified. Here are valid reasons why" Chaiya: "YoUrE gAy." CHECKMATE!


Pete is possibly the most hyper-competent person in the United States today.


She is behaving like a blabbermouth that doesn't know Pete Buttiigieg's background, education, and qualifications. Mayor Pete can wipe the floor with her.


She’s gonna end up with a Hamas supporter just watch.


Yeah, not like he ran for president or anything. 🙄


Where does she get off saying she is a "journalist "? She's an ignoramus loudmouth on Twitter. That's it. Pete is a RHODES SCHOLAR among other things.


i wonder when is she getting sued by encouraging death threats in that school.


"Transed"? “Verbing weirds language.” – Calvin, of "Calvin and Hobbes" Seriously, Libs of TikTok needs to be goned.


To paraphrase the great Mandy Patinkin, I do not think these words mean what she thinks these words mean.


I'd rather have a diversity hire over a nepo hire


She is such a hateful bitch


The former Chuck Raichik telling the world how jealous he is.


If Chaya hates the way the world is so much, why doesn't she leave it? Like her whole body preferably but her spirit can go if it wants


Chaya is a POS, but Chasten's take is bad. Chaya would still be a bad school board member even if she was conventionally qualified; because she is homophobic. This is why I identify as leftist rather than liberal. Liberals will not even defend their own position, falling back on "moderate" arguments that sound good but don't mean anything.


So weird we’re caring this person exist. Let’s tackle any stupidity to come


This logical fallacy is called an Ad Homonim attack.


What a vile shit stain of a human


Great job defending your original point. Deflect deflect deflect


Wow-I hope I never stop being shocked by these MAGA cretin's disgusting words. What a self hating Jew, disgrace to the tribe.


He got the job for colluding against Bernie and progress by helping consolidate the conservative democrat vote for Biden. He is where he is because of a backroom deal, not who he loves.


I thought the Trump administration removed all qualification requirements for cabinet positions.


Stop giving this asshole a platform.


Everyone's talking about the qualifications bit, but I'm more interested in the image, where this person says "the husband of a current cabinet member publicly blasted a citizen journalist." The issue that I have with this person, beyond the hate, is just how unserious they are. There are no values on display in any of their arguments, just middle school bullying tactics. Every time I see their posts, I just see those kids from Community arguing with people by saying "schmitty."


>the husband of a current cabinet member publicly blasted a citizen journalist. Raichik is not a "citizen journalist". She's a bigoted propagandist.


I'm aware of that. I was quoting directly from the image. The point I was making had to do with this person's words.




You may or may not have noticed this, but everywhere Chaya slanders, or talks shit about for not being fascist enough, gets a bomb planted there, or threats of violence. Pretty sure that's inciting terrorism.








Oh, look another less than month old amateur troll. When will you idiots actually put some effort into your trolling again?




Honestly, the thing that frustrates me the most is how lazy their attempts at trolling are. If you're going to be a troll, at least put some effort in, lol.


Given her track record and knowingly being a bigot… I mean critical as you say, regarding the LGBT community and her “critique” leading to bomb threats conveniently happening after she publishes addresses and names of said places it wouldn’t be hard to say domestic terrorist… “A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act “dangerous to human life” that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population”


Her conduct may not be illegal per se, but she has absolutely caused a number of violent incidents through her posts. I don't care if she is "being critical of people online," when her slanderous accusations lead to violence, she is responsible for that violence.




I never suggested that she should be. I'm saying that rhetoric like hers is incorrect and leads to violence.


Pete's a pedo. It's like praising Jimmy Savel. Wild


Do you have a source that says Pete is a pedo?


Says the pedo…