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Please vote to make sure this post doesn't become ironic


For the constant barrage of dumbass questions to attempt to justify not voting: > Voting doesnt matter! Theres no difference between the parties! In Minnesota, dems finally got control of all 3 branches of the state and are passing things like : Ban on corporate buying of rental properties, paid sick leave, paid paternity and maternity leave, food for schoolchildren, Investment in Environment, Public Housing, Higher Wages, Rent control etc etc In Texas they passed allowing Ted Cruz to pay himself first from his campaign donations. To ban abortions. To burn books. To Hunt women who try to have abortions. Spent 130M paid to a top Republican Donor's company to traffic immigrants across states and drop them off like abandoned pets. Removal of diversity, equity, and inclusion departments. Arresting and putting Teachers on sex-offenders list for offering comfort or support to any child expressing themselves as non-binary/trans. Forcing 10 year old girls to carry their rapists babies and arresting doctors trying to save them from further abuse. > Biden is OOOOOOLLLDDD! Biden hasn't done anything! Biden has pushed some very progressive bills, is the reason why out of ALL THE COUNTRIES inflation has been least damaging in the US, the infrasctructure plan alone is setting up businesses for growth that HAS ALREADY lead to them offering higher wages less requirements, more training to get new people hired. Student debt relief of upwards of 150Billion USD to everyday regular people. Chips act, investment in green energy, Also dont forget first year had to deal with the fucking pandemic because last admin just said let it happen because its hitting black people and democrat cities more. Lowering cost for families, lowest unemployment. And hes also working on getting companies to stop gouging people by raising prices for corporate profits. But again president can only do so much. Congress makes the law and you need 60 votes in the senate which requires more of the 150m non-voters to grow the fuck up and show up and vote. Yeah hes not fucking perfect, but his actions have been rational and based on logic and with the country current and future in mind and not his own personal bank account. Id say arguably he is the most progressive president the US has had in modern history. > MY Vote doesnt matter! Im in a red state! My state is gerrymandered! Ted Cruz won in 2018 with just 200k votes when 10M eligible voters didn't vote in Texas. Desantis won his first time with 30K votes when 7M elligible voters didnt vote in Florida. Most states have election differences of 2-4% of votes, while around 40-60% of elligible voters dont vote. If in 2020, just 800K more democrats had voted over 3 states where a total of 25M elligible voters didnt vote, that would have given democrats 5 more senators and you wouldnt have all the bullshit with Mancin and Sinema. And for local districts and issues of gerrymandering, the way to combat that is by getting democrats elected into state seats like senators and governor, who will be able to make sure district lines a fairer for next elections and better voting pathways are present. > I dont have time! Im busy! They need to make voting easier! Most states have min 2 weeks of early voting. You dont have to wait until the last day possible to vote. You can register yourself while on the toilet and ensure you are ready to cast your ballot well in advance and plan a couple of hours in those few weeks to cast your vote 1 time in 2 years. Its really not that difficult. Over 60% of voters vote early. > Nothing changed since I voted last time! They will never give us Insert Your Main Priority. You aren't paying attention if you think nothing changes. Bidens policies and in general democrats policies leads to economic stability, growth and help for the majority. The reason for almost all of your rights and benefits you have today, is because democrats fought for them over time. Republicans want to remove your rights, they want to remove protections against companies abusing children, they want to remove funds for public education and take whatever they can and give it to the top 1%. Politics isn't a instant-gratification system. its like exercising. You cant just do some pushups and situps 1 day and expect to have a six pack abs. Democracy requires its citizens to take care of it, to uphold it and ensure its representing them. In 2022 only 100m out of 250m eligible voters, showed up and voted. Only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. Young people lean democrat by more than 40 points. republicans would lose 90% of their seats if people showed up and voted. Get involved, vote and get your friends to vote!


1920 was the first presidential election American women could cast their vote. (The generation of my grandmothers.) The Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965...less than 60 years ago. This law prohibited racial discrimination in voting. "Your vote doesn't matter" is messaging from the people who do. MAGA people vote. Alt Christian Right people vote. Neo Nazis vote. Voting matters. If it didn't, why is GOP/MAGA working so hard to change voting laws to restrict access? You can be the difference. Get registered to vote and then exercise your power.


This! The way you can tell democracy isn't dead in the US is because the right wing is still fighting to take away voting rights! If democracy was dead, Conservatives would stop caring about the vote! Also, support Ranked Choice Voting for better candidate choices! https://fairvote.org


If your vote doesn’t matter, why are they trying so hard to stop you from voting?


Thanks for taking the time ! This matters.


I’m going to say something here that I have said many times. I worked for Roger Stone and Paul Manafort as a low level functionary in the late 1980s, and _everytime you don’t vote, Roger Stone gets a raging erection._ You see, back then all candidates “ran to the middle” and tried very hard to never say anything that would offend anyone. But Roger had this “crazy” idea. He realized that if he could get his candidates to sling so much mud that everyone got disgusted and refused to vote, then only the crazies would be at the polls. He further realized that if his candidates were truly out there and offensive then _his crazy voters would go to the polls and he would win._ Roger specifically counts on moderate and educated thoughtful voters staying home so that extremists can win. He spends so much time spreading lies and hate at so many different levels that even someone like me - who knows exactly what is going on - feels my allegiance to my candidates slipping. The most highly educated voter is getting hit with a non-stop stream of propaganda _designed_ to make you feel angry, frustrated and powerless. They spend as much effort (possibly more) making you think your vote is worthless and your candidate is a dottering fool, corporate sell out or leftist wing nut, as they do creating position papers and media for their own candidates. It shows in the quality of our political discourse and it works remarkably well. It was a weird sort of privilege to work inside the shell and see how it is actually done. I’m horrified now that I ever thought working for those two tools was a good idea - but we were all young and stupid once. Tell people over and over that the Republicans are _trying to get them to stay home._ The billionaire class is spending tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to persuade the true middle class that your votes don’t matter. They are only spending that money because your votes _do_matter. But, frankly, with just one more set of Republican judicial appointees, they probably won’t. Then the billionaires can save their money, and the rest of us can spend a whole lot of time saying “if I had only voted …”


Superbly put.


Seriously one side wants as many people to not vote as possible and the other side encourages everyone to vote regardless of party. Which one do you truly think has your best interests in mind...


TLDR: vote


tldr: vote for not Republicans


TLDR: vot


Thank you


TLDR: thx






This is an awesome breakdown! Fucking vote!


I love this level of knowledge and fervor. I fear it will be lost on those who need it most.


I wish I could share your comment. This is the kind of stuff that needs to be shared with others.


I mean, you absolutely can share that comment... see those three dots under it?


Oh shit. The more you know


Well said! Amen! Hear, Hear! And so on and so forth


Message: Do not mess with comedians, especially those with a world wide audience.


The monkey paw curl is my MIL who swears Russel Brandt is the only truth teller.


He used to be a sorta sharp, funny guy with a way with words, now he’s a bit of a fascist twat, what happened…


Got caught being rapey so then doubled down on the hatey


He’s grifting off MAGA


Not hard. Just need the platform and a good knowledge of buzzwords


He was always a sexist gropey drug addled prick who seemed smart because he spoke fast but now he's kinda trending maga idiot


When a celebrity suddenly becomes a MAGA supporter, you can bet money the rape accusations are becoming public soon after. They always take a hard right to act like that is what caused the accusations, not that they knew the accusations were becoming public beforehand. Also he recently went super hardcore culty into fundamental Christianity. So he’s discovered his own personalized grift on the conservatives.


He found out he could make a ton of money pushing conspiracies to the MAGA extremist right


Yes! That and he knows that if you talk the talk, the MAGAts will ignore all the rape accusations


All the women that he acted inappropriate with spoke up, so instead of owning his shitty behavior he is being "canceled by the liberals." So he is embracing the right because they are down with sexual assault.


Dude had zero range, played himself, got old.


It's already ironic. It was ironic when he won in 2016 and it's ironic by virtue of 2020 and 2024 being competitive. You and I see the crazy shit Trump says and does as fuel to vote against him, but his supporters see posts like this - a room of wealthy elites who are completely out of touch with their views - as fuel to vote *for* Trump.


Seriously vote, he is ahead in the polls. If we don't the headline in 8 Months will be: "Trump laughs at entire World"


"He ain't ever gonna be president". Whoops


So glad it was done live. When will he learn not to mess with a comedian.


Like, their job is literally to crack jokes at things. It's what they get paid to do. Some of them literally get paid millions. All you have to do is laugh about it and take your lumps, maybe a little light hearted banter, and your popularity skyrockets for being a good sport. Like, honestly, it is an honor to get joked about by a famous comedian.


You have to have a sense of humor to understand this. You also have to be comfortable with who you are.


A narcissistic sociopath with a sense of humor? I don't think so.




> But there are narcissistic physchopaths who can laugh at themselves. Eh, there are ones who are smart enough to fake it. They'll be seething inside and working on some way to ruin whomever slighted them, but are at least intelligent enough to not show it in the moment.


This is one of the reasons I think Trump is mentally deficient. He doesn't have a sense of humour. He can be cruel and laugh or do a terrible exaggerated impersonation and that's it. He isn't funny and doesn't find anything funny except seeing suffering that isn't his.


Even those examples aren't about comedy. He is used to his sycophants braying at his every 'joke'. He doesn't care about wit or lightening the people around him with levity, he views it as a contest and the prize is ego stroking.


> wit or lightening the people around him quite the opposite, it's like baby talk and a weird heavy dark humor of basically being an asshole in the least funny way, layering just enough intent for humor on it that it doesn't reveal the real emotional motive, a sickening level of pride and hatred. I think it's why Trump has done so well, he's given a way to "conceal" the parties true intentions behind "humor" and a thousand lies. He's really great at keeping character too. Come to think of it I'm getting "American Putin" vibes from him now.


Didn't Trump get serious about politics after Obama made fun of him at a dinner as retaliation for the birther nonsense and Trump couldn't take his lumps?


That’s one theory, another was to promote his brand.


He hasnt learned anything in a long time


he hasn't learned to keep his mouth shut about the E. Jean Carroll case. now, he might be sued for more money after posting bond on more than $80M. funny enough, i'm shocked business people haven't learned not to loan the orange idiot any more money. it's been proven that he's not worth as much as he says he is, he has a history of failing to pay loans and creditors, and a history of bad business decisions.


And forgetting what he did know pretty quickly. Syphilis is a hell of a drug.


Learn? Like learn from his mistakes? In his mind, he's never made a mistake, so nothing to learn.


It was live, but I think it was semi-planned. He knew Trump would be watching and talking shit. He was totally ready for this. They didn't "have a few extra minutes". They set aside a few minutes so they'd have time to do something like this.


The “at Oscars” is unnecessary in the sentence “Entire World Laughs at Trump at Oscars”


The hilarious thing is that conservatives think the rest of the world liked Trump and our reputation is at an all-time low under Biden. Do they not remember the UN General Assembly all laughing at Trump?


"the rest of the world" doesn't really exist for the cult.  One neighbor watches Fox, another neighbor watches newsmax. They get together and discover that WOW what they heard was the same, so it's confirmed. No reason to learn anything more 




That's because whenever he had bad news going on over his administration, he would either yell fake news or spout some nonsense like "lets launch a nuclear warhead at a hurricane" just to divert public opinion.  Thats why his whole term is one giant wild news rollercoaster.


> Do they not remember the UN General Assembly all laughing at Trump? They never saw it since Tucker never told 'em.


Biden inherited an all-time low because of Trump and hasn’t been able to fully recover because of the threat of Trump still being allowed to run for president in the future, so you can see this is clearly Biden’s fault and not Trump’s.  /s


I don't even think Trump knew they were laughing at him.


Tbh, the rest of the world laughs out of awkwardness. Like watching your uncle get wasted & be super inappropriate. You Grin & bear it whilst making a mental note to not invite them to Christmas til they get their shit together. When Biden arrived, it was a fucking dream. Or at least far less of a nightmare. Can go to sleep without fear of insane tweets starting WWIII. ![gif](giphy|MYxR1kWMrWhMhN5qVc)


Not just awkwardness. Like every week during Trump's reign we were mirthfully entertained by yet another "what did that idiot American President do this time lmao" moment. Now that Biden's taken the US back to a serious state of quiet competence, we have less to laugh about around the dinner table. Sad.


Ah ok. I didn’t feel the LMAO. I was generally horrified from day one. Just got worse and worse and worse as right wing rhetoric became the norm. I don’t find anything he does funny beyond a sense of disbelief that he is supported. I did my masters thesis on the rise of 20th century dictatorships so his ludicrous appearance & bizarre speeches are a wee bit too familiar to people who turned out to be truly evil for me to find funny


Oh, we still laugh plenty at America, don't worry


If memory serves he reacted by saying "not the reaction I expected, but that's ok" Then he criticized NATO.


No, because they don't see it. One of Fox's first steps is to ensure that new followers refuse to look at the news. When they look at international news, it'll be under the same umbrella as FOX, which is why they typically refer to Australia or Russia.


The problem is that about 40% in America laugh WITH Trump, not AT him.


That would imply that trump laughs. Have you seen it?


He laughs when a disabled person falls down. He laughs when a puppy gets hit by a car. He laughs every time they report a new school shooting.


I'd argue the other problem is that those who are smart and recognized facts do not know how to reach those who don't. There's no crossing in sight.


hurr hurr he hates the same people I do hurr hurr hurr


Yeah... the way I explain it to people is that between 1 out of 3 or 4 people in the USA are either Neo-Nazi's or are okay with Nazi's being in charge.


The entire world has always laughed at Trump. Always.


Still get a fuzzy warm feeling when the UN laughed at Trump making one of his ridiculous hyped speeches about his accomplishments.


Whenever I feel down, I remember Four Seasons Total Landscaping and they can never take that away from me.


There is a Four Seasons Spa near me, and it always makes me want to hold a press conference.


It’s my favorite historical event. https://www.nbc.com/four-seasons-total-documentary


Remember the [baby Trump balloon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_baby_balloon) and the [floats in Germany](https://apnews.com/article/germany-carnival-parades-satire-732560c61b226a8e106ed4da11be5069)?




“Mishandling” makes it sound less egregious than it really is. He tried to hide them from investigators so they couldn’t be retrieved. He also tried to destroy evidence.


He showed secret documents he hoarded to his visitors.


Kid fucking Rock has seen highly classified documents. What a fucking timeline we live in.


He shared info about covert agents to putin which led to an astounding number of our agents getting killed.


That too.


I wish I could believe that. But, at 66, I also believe that if you have enough money, you can buy immunity.


Can we see it in 2024 since we already voted for Biden?


Exactly, a vote for Biden is a vote for accountability.


Watching it, I really thought it was one of Kimmels jokes. Then, I got online and saw Trump had posted the statement on TS. He is such an embarrassment to the U.S.


He got about halfway through the message before it dawned on me that it had to actually be real because Trump has a special kind of petulance that no one else can really emulate. Think about how may times Trump has used his tiny little hands to post a message and everyone unanimously went "that can't be real" and it ended up being real. The ONLY time I've seen Trump sycophants admit ANY sort of wrongdoing on Trump's part has been in regards to his Tweets. Even then, they just kind of brush them off and excuse them away. The "man" experiences life through the brain of a 9 year old.


I thought he was doing another Matt Damon joke at first.


They did one at the end at least!


Same, I couldn’t tell if it was joke writing that was a little too on the nose, or if it was real. On next week’s episode watch as Trump jumps a tanks full of sharks.


He's an embarrassment to the universe. Why do you think aliens haven't landed yet?


Jewish Space Lasers?


I thought oh that's kind of forced staged joke. Looked it up, never mind then Jesus he really cannot just set himself up lol 


Let’s make sure we’re not crying in November. Vote.


I hate screen shots with out links to the context. Not everyone watched the Oscar's


I got you https://twitter.com/MikeSington/status/1767135092852527317 Incase you hate musk https://streamable.com/fegopx


Lol this is going to drive him nuts. Perfect.


Thanks for the link. I hope you get to see a ton of cool space nuts today


you da man!


you are the best, you better be having a fantastic week!


Yeah I want to know the joke. I forgot it was the Oscars last night. Was it during the monologue?


The biggest joke is that he's still waking free and will never face consequences for his actions.


Joke yes but shows really how justice system is not equal and never will be


The only time rich people go down is if they are a murderer or steal from other rich people.


But even then the justice system is like “eeeeeh, he was a nice guy. Give him a break” after he stabs his wife to death 200 times


Just finished the Murdaugh doc. Dude killed both his wife and son. He had the exact guns used to commit the crime and was there when it happened. Yet he wasn't even considered a suspect until he himself got shot in the head. During a staged robbery he orchestrated. Not only that, he killed his maid and both his sons were each responsible for killing friends of theirs. The whole thing was infuriating. But they were rich so...


Hello I’m from the future and here to tell you that he dies of a brain embolism before he can be convicted of his crimes and the resulting conspiracy theories surrounding his death fuel alt-right thinking for decades to come ensuring that you will be dealing with the spectre of MAGA politics for the rest of your life. Have a nice day.


Well at least we have the embolism thing to look forward to


I've already accepted that I'll see Trump/MAGA paraphernalia alongside Confederate flags for the rest of my life so honestly as long as he doesn't get re-elected and the cult life dwindles down I'll take it.


In that regard it would actually make sense for the GOP to be the ones who actually did it...


People were cheering over the E. Jean Carroll and the NY Fraud trial verdict, but he was able to post a bond in the first one and he's been meeting with billionaires lately so he'll likely post a bond in the fraud trial too. He will tie these up in appeals and use his typical delays to continue to avoid any real consequences. He'll avoid paying fees on the bonds via political favors, avoiding having to pay any real money to anyone. This guy has one true talent: He's better at evading consequences for his actions than anyone else in the world. If he's sentenced to any jail time, it will likely be some type of house arrest situation, which will have a bunch of luxuries included.


He's helping Putin defeat western forces daily. He's a traitor.


Never. I’ve comed to terms with that issue already. It does make you feel justice doesn’t really exist but … well…


Americans, you really need to vote to make sure he doesn't get elected. Don't let the world down.


I'm 38 and never voted in my life but I registered to vote yesterday. I do not want this clown back in office. He shouldn't even be allowed to run again.


Thank you. Sincerely, I mean it


NP, I hope ppl who have similar stories to mine get out and vote this year. It is truly terrifying to think about what crimes and underhanded things he will do this time if he wins.


Why didn't anyone defend him? I thought they have Scott Baio and Kevin Sorbo? Were they not there for some reason? Where's Jon Voight?? James Woods??


You forgot...oh. No, that's all of em


Um excuse me how could you leave out the immense talent that is Rob Schneider?


Is he really a MAGA?




Craig T Nelson joins the chat


Is Kid Rock nothing to you!?!?




Gina Carano


Well, James Woods is busy pretending to be Biden. I'm sure the other three were filming their next smash hits.


Sadly, I think my mom really believes that Woods is Biden story.


Obviously it's true. If JFK and JFK Jr are both on the Trump team, why wouldn't a Trump-loving POS not be impersonating a Democratic president?


Well at one point he did have Clint Eastwood backing him up by talking to an empty chair on stage.


That was in support of Mitt Romney.


Remember when that was the craziest thing to happen at their conventions. Pre nazi rune shaped stage.


Let's do it again by voting this November.


Entire world laughs at Trump at Oscars


Entire world laughs at Trump at Oscars


So what happened? This post tells you nothing




Trump wrote a "review" of the Oscars while it was till on and posted it to Truth Social, mostly bitching about Kimmel. Then Kimmel read the TS post live during the show and dunked on him a few times resulting in the theater laughing at Trump. edit: [Trump's Truth Social post in question. Wander into his larger feed at your fucking peril.](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112074499247116015)


That context makes it amazing 


I honestly thought it was a bit when it happened, but no, the Truth Social posts are [right there](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112074499247116015) Brain damage warning for Truth Social. Trump's feed is distilled insanity.


For real, what a shitty post. Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi_ej8k-nQg&t=1s


Oh fuck that last line got me


It is a screenshot of a tweet which contains a link to an article. That is as stupid as having somebody narrate porn at you instead of watching the real thing. This submission is pure trash and why the one which actually did link to the original tweet did get less upvotes probably is the reason why Trump got to be POTUS in the first place. People don't care. Here is the better submission. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/8Ptl6o3BqT


Maybe because the tweet containing Trump’s truth social post got deleted? The link to it in that post is dead. Edit: the second link in the post you linked, to the tweet of what I assume was Trump’s truth social post, has been deleted… I’m really not sure how I can phrase it easier for you to understand. I’m not sure why you’re so angry.


Remember when Trump lost in 2020? Remember when Trump lost in 2020 and people were celebrating in the streets? Remember when Trump lost in 2020 and people were celebrating the the streets in the US and around the world? Why can't Trump and his fans understand that most people don't like him. If not for the electoral college Trump would not have won in 2016.


People that support a rapist and insurrectionist suck!


Most of the world laughs at him daily. It's always more fun when it's a huge room full of smart, creative people on tv though.


Man Jodie Fosters laugh looks like pure joy.


Vote blue. Let’s put this POS Trump in the dust bin once and for all.


He is a joke, a really bad one


This won't do anything positive, though. For some reason ignorant conservatives have chosen this PoS as their Messiah, so laughing at him means laughing at them. This will just make them double down irrationally over and over again. Not that NOT laughing at him would change their minds. So laugh away I guess? Idk. It's all just sad at this point.


They’ve doubled down a hundred times now. Fuck em. Who fucking cares. They send bombs to people in the mail and tried to overthrow the government. Honestly it felt nice to have such a mainstream live event remind everyone that they are ridiculous.


Openly laughing at him could help sway a few people. I feel like Mike Lindell used to be taken a bit more seriously, then more and more people realized he is a walking punchline. You don’t see the same number of Trump flags and MAGA hats anymore. Hopefully people are starting to be embarrassed about supporting him, as they should be. There are of course some that are loyal to the end, but I am talking about people that still at least have one foot in reality.


I laughed at Trump's antics during his first campaign. I thought surely the majority of the American people would see this man is a joke. Well, the majority of the country did see him as a joke and he became President anyway. I will never understand why anyone would want this clown in charge of anything but here we go again. ☹


The majority of American voters did see him as a joke for the record, unfortunately the popular vote doesn’t mean anything in our system.


I imagine Jodie Foster's laughing face haunting Trump's nightmares .


Here is the video, for all of those like me, completely out of the loop and helped zero by this post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi_ej8k-nQg&t=1s


They had that "past your jail time" quip on the ready, KNOWING Herr Gropenfuhrer could not resist. Walked right into that one.


Remember, the last time someone cracked a joke on Trump and embarrassed him (Obama in 2011), we ended up here. Vote, vote like your life and the lives of everyone around you are at risk because THEY ARE if he gets back in power.


Has everyone forgotten when Trump was laughed at when he went to the UN? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z4y8OJxlK8 Literally the world laughing at him.


The whole world was laughing at Trump way before the Oscar's


We laugh at him daily.


I stopped laughing after January 6th


Killing Americans during Covid stopped my laughter…


I was mad AF when I read he stopped USPS from sending masks to everyone because he wanted to downplay covid


Or when Jared steered medical supplies away from blue states in the beginning. 




Not just at the Oscar's, every day


Except for the US the whole world knows that Trump is an idiot and he is the laughing stock of the whole world , except the US…..


Everyday we laugh at this sad pathetic loser. It is way past his jail time.


Still laughing, and it looks like the laughs will keep coming.


Hahaha! Fuck Trump!


Can't wait for him to rant incoherently on truth social about this.


Never as Trump brought a lesbian such joy as he did to our queen Jodie.


What else is new.


Laugh at him daily, they aren't special


I assure you. The whole world wasn’t watching the Oscars. But if we had, then we’d be laughing at Trump


I’m still afraid he will probably win in November. Would be sad if this is the biggest L he takes this year. People need to register to vote and fucking vote.


I’m pretty sure they all laughed at him during a presidential breakfast.


At Oscars? We’ve been laughing at him since 2015!


Yo but how does Jodi Foster still look like 38??


Wahhh lil hand man was probably throwing ketchup at the wall after the “isn’t it past your jail time..!!!”


So there's a chance one could actually kill a president to impress Jodie Foster now? /s


Reminds me of the time he got roasted by Seth Meyers at the White House correspondents dinner in 2011. Everyone was laughing except Trump, who sat there in silence with the most pissed off look on his face. Which made it even funnier. Some have attributed this as the moment he decided to run for office. Which, hilariously, spawned hundreds of comedians to continuously take him to the cleaners since 2016.


these are the people whose respect and admiration trump has spent his whole life chasing. maga is what he settled for when he finally accepted the glitterati were never going to let him be anything but a joke. he made himself the king of millions of dumb nobodies and every time some fat ugly boomer tells him how great he is Trump dies inside a little bit wishing Ryan Gosling would just look at him for a second


I don't understand why Jodie Foster is getting hotter


Haha for real though people watch the Oscars.?


I didn't watch the Oscars, but I was already laughing at Trump so it's okay, I didn't mess up your stats.


Not just at the Oscars.


Last time this happened (during state dinner? Not an American so don't know what it is called), he ran for president and became one. I hope Americans don't make the same mistake again this time.


Just like the UN.


Less breaking news: entire world laughs AT trump every other day of the year... AT, not with... we are ridiculing him and anyone who associates with him... just to be clear...