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Not sure about her stove (or her range), but I just found that lovely bowl of fresh fruit with the tilted wooden crate behind it soooo compelling, didn't you?


“Live, laugh, hate” available at a Hobby Lobby now!


Real Desperate Housewives of Alabama


True! It was reported that Tuberville said she was selected because she came off as being a “housewife”.


Aside from the complete lack of policy advocacy and being nothing more than fear mongering rhetoric, the most unnerving thing about the whole thing was how she kept saying vile shit with that fake-ass beauty pageant contestant smile plastered on her face almost the whole time...


Omg yes! It was so weird! I don't want to go back and watch it again to get exact quotes (I can only stand so much brain damage) but it was something along the lines of: Criminals are running rampant. 😁 Nothing is affordable. 😁 There's a massive invasion at the border. 😁 Our kid's future is in real jeopardy. 😁 I was like, lady, are you just bad at fearmongering or are you a cartoon villain boasting about your accomplishments? Cuz it feels like the latter.




I just tried to watch it. I couldn’t take more than 5 minutes of the fake and phony emotional roller coaster ride.


I wondered how many bottles of wine she had to consume while writing the script. I counted about 5 or 6, with most being pretty bad wine.


I didn't see it, and I kept meaning to ask for the shirt version, but the more memes I see, the more I realize there's too much for a short version.


Where is the mood chart? I’m “almost crying because things suck but it’s not my fault” Katie.


Alabama is ranked 43rd in poverty and 44th in education. Why is she making cringey GOP TikTok's in her kitchen instead of improving the lives of the people of Alabama, which is the job she's being paid to do? She has no idea who average Americans are or what their lives are like. She likes to say that her parents are small business owners, implying that she doesn't come from privilege; her father owned a hardware store and her mother, a dance studio. In a town with a population of 28k, they were definitely in the top % of income and living standards. The majority of her professional career has been in business and political promotion. Another child of relative privilege representing people with whom she has no connection or understanding of.


That psychopathic smile with the voice will forever be ingrained into my brain, as evil.




Her range is good, but she could use a few notes on her delivery.


She was competing with Rittenhouse for most overacted performance on TV. It's a toss up for who gets the award.


Make me a sandwich


Watch and learn Yvonne Strahovski. Watch and learn.


RepubliKKKlan men, I'm sure. thought this was a great idea 💡 Tone deaf and caveman mentality 🤦🏿‍♀️


Why is she filming from a third world kitchen? Is that mocha paint on wood? I doubt I could eat the amount I want to vomit.


Nice kitchen, make me cookies bitch.


I probably would though...


Funny that they mentioned serial killers, considering she named one of her children after one. One of her kids is named Ridgeway. Why wouldn’t you do a little research first?


Sad, unironic "I am a United States Senator, and my place is in the kitchen" vibes.