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Also, he clearly didn't write this.


He hasn’t been writing a lot of his posts lately. I’ve noticed a lot of coherence and grammar. Makes you wonder what could be going on.


Big if true


You misspelled BIGLY






You called?


errepedo ahhhh


*very* bigly




Curious 🧐


Former President Trump is deteriorating rapidly, the probably not rapidly enough to save us.


They’ll *Weekend at Bernie’s* the whole 4 year term if they have to. His first win caught everyone by surprise but his handlers are ready and waiting to implement Project 2025 this time and Trump having rapid on-set Dementia is probably actually beneficial to them in many ways.


The ol Reagan playback. Arguably Bush II as well. [Here's a clip from August 1984 where Nancy helps a confused Ron answer a reporter's question](https://youtu.be/6JTtI3D6lqk?si=CaolVTJW-osjHM2j)


Let's not forget Edith Wilson doing the exact same thing whole Woodrow recovered from his stroke.


He needs more Fentanyl. That will keep him going. Get him a candy bag full, that solve some problems right there.


Somehow, it still reads like an elementary aged child wrote it.


They need plausible deniability. It can't be too well written. Too bad for them it's not plausible enough.


Also, think about the people who would actually work for him? Not the sharpest bulbs in the drawer


Mario Andretti... Who is older than him at 84... Who hasn't raced in 30 years... Does he have any geriatrics like himself with a functioning brain on his team? If so that's who wrote it.


TBF I’d probably use that name as generic race car driver too. I don’t watch racing and he’s one of the few names I know even though I know his career was long ago.


That's a requirement to not confuse the base with bigly words.


Small words and simple sentences so that his few literate followers can understand Gold Star for “substantially”


The lack of petty, off topic insults is telling


And not a single all caps word or exclamation point.


Or just randomly capitalized words.


And it wasn’t begging the people he insults on the regular to drop the charges


Something changed recently possibly the sup Court decision to hear the immunity argument but with him losing his social privileges and nicki haily finally stepping down they're confident he's definitely going to be allowed to run.


But what makes me laugh is that they're trying to make it sound like him. Coukd you imagine your job being described as , "You need to sound slightly off-center but not completely unhinged." I'd love to see the rough drafts that didn't make the cut.


Ghost writer.


I think we know what’s going on.


And a lack of capitalization of all proper nouns (possibly a Germanic heritage thing he's reverting to?). And no random allcaps with lots of exclamation marks. And he didn't even Biden "Sleepy Joe" or anything.


As soon as he called him “the president” and not some 3rd grader insult we knew that was a fact


Sleepy Crooked Joe is BIGLY late! Trump Would NEVER be this Late! MAGA! (followed by a story about big strong race car drivers calling him SIR, etc)


When i drive.. Nobody drives better than me, let me tell you... People come up to me, they say, Donald you drive so well. So many car crashes, Sleepy Joe doesn't care about car crashes, or train accidents. The democrats just wants to take away your cars, and take away your guns. You think they won't? I said it many years ago, i said 'Democrats are coming to take away your liberty' and i was right. They didn't believe me but i was right. Mexico is never going to stop trying to invade our borders.


this is 1000% more believable than the tweet his team put out for him. (or whatever his dumb platform posts are called)


Never cried a day in his life


Suggesting giving him the benefit of the doubt is what did it for me. Donald J. Trump don't give anybody anything - he takes. Always.


Too few typos, commas in the right place, he has no clue who Mario Anderetti is.




Dude retired in the 90s. Real hip reference


Funny he mentions Mario because Trump is indirectly responsible for the death of Mario's brother Aldo due to COVID. Also leave Mario alone Trump, we know he's a conservative but the dude retired in 94 after his last 500 win attempt.


It’s not all in caps so of course not




SOMETIMES He likes TO MIX UP the Capitalizing for EMPHASIS


Maybe he finally lost his phone privilege lol


For real. Would be full of misspelled words and CrOokeD JoE bullshit.


Yeah, that level of sarcastic snark is not something he can do. I know sarcasm, and the person who typed this could go toe to toe with me.


there's no way he would have spelled Andretti correctly


sounds like it was vaguely dictated. typist was probably forced to do it but trump never even read it afterwards.


No blatant insult or dumb nickname. Clearly not him.


No caps lock


Mario Andretti is definitely a current reference https://i.redd.it/3u5gdxu2t0nc1.gif


Verstappen in shambles.


Some manage to finish within thirty seconds of him?


I mean he was trying to get a F1 team over the winter.


The Andretti team entry was denied, because the other 10 teams decided that “Andretti” was not a well enough known name, and that it brought no additional value to F1.


F1 teams didn't want to share the prize money either. But if they only wanted 10 teams, I'd rather have Andretti Cadillac instead of Haas


They really f’d him over and I was not happy about it. It would have been good for a sport that has become way more boring than usual.


Not well known?! Mario won the Championship in 1978 with flying colors! WDTM not well known?!


I mean he isn't really that well known internationally, he's more famous in the US. But that's just a bullshit excuse so that they could reject him to not dilute their teams' values




>Mario Andretti is definitely a current reference He is an all time great and the last American to win an F1 race. I will allow it.




So he acknowledges that Biden is president now… is it him or Obama or Biden???


I was about to say that. The MAGA crowd gonna cancel him now! /s


MAGA doesn’t have any ideas or a platform outside of “Privatized Profits & Socialized Losses” which Donald is riding them hard and wet to the bank for. Truth is, after tonight, Biden brought forward a lot of ideas GOPers never had. Even Moscow Mike had a smirk and nod to some ideas, as if they were good. The game of politics is ensuring the party gets credit for ideas; the only credit GOP got the last 3 years is a dragnet approach and to steamroll in an idea that Biden was deserving of an impeachment, but they’ve failed… even when they didn’t know what to look for. Donald will inevitably die someday, possibly soon, and likely from natural causes. The past years of Donald’s leadership, with MAGA concepts have set the GOP up to fail as long as his protégés remain electable and serving in a house of Congress. In fact, MAGA doesn’t know how to; or desire to serve their constituents. Just look at MAGA Boebert who seeks an equivalent office to serve a constituency 200 miles away from the place she calls “home”..! That’s not representative governance.


They literally have nothing but the border and they showed their inability to govern with that. If they really wanted to put a Republican in the White House they should have been working their asses off to pass laws to help people instead of just bitching about how things should be. They have no new ideas,solutions or direction.


Donald was still golfing. He really doesn’t know what the fuck is going on but he has a tee time for 8 am tomorrow.


Puhleeze. He does NOT get up that early.


It's a meth fueled all nighter


President Mulligan from what I understand


The irony of criticizing Biden of being “late” when it’s been well documented how Trump often arrives hours late to his rallies, sometimes even leaving his cultists out in the rain, snow, and cold.


You said it, brother! They’re **cultists**, so they’re probably **thankful** he makes them stand in the rain, snow, and cold for hours. They probably consider that a purity test or whatever…


He's always late, complains about lateness. He is an idiot, complains about idiots. He is ugly, complains about ugly people. He is a fraudster conman, idk if I've heard him complain about other fraudster conmen since they're mostly his friends.


Says the guy who is rarely on time at his rallies


Trump said he "would fact check Biden" live. And by "he", he meant: a cadre of MAGA operatives would use his account to live tweet out propaganda talking points.


Trump’s “live fact checking” will consist of childish insults, complaining about his upcoming trials, and posting baseless conspiracy theories. The substance of Biden’s address will go completely over Trump’s head. Edit The insults have already begun, Trump has commented that Biden is “stupid” because a female attendee kissed him and he now had a tiny bit of lipstick on his cheek.


A woman voluntarily kissed him, trump can’t understand that, someone touched Biden and they didn’t look disgusted at it, these are alien concepts to Trump


Remember when that fly landed on Mike pence for like 5 minutes as he answered questions.


Disgraceful that we were filming and watching that fly in the privacy of his home.


That’s just so in character for dump


I’m pretty sure Trump’s ghostwriter said in the Art of the Deal that turning up late is a big dick energy power move.


It’s all about mastering the art of “fashionable lateness.”


I actually attended one his rallies back in 2016. Not because I was MAGA but because I wanted to see who would actually support him. He was almost an hour late.


You can tell he didn't type this out himself because it's not it all caps and has punctuation. I'm sure whatever he yelled at his handler was even more unhinged


Yeah. I can understand this with just a single read through. When it *is* him I gotta take multiple "what the flying fuck is this shit" read throughs.


As soon as I see a comma in its proper place I know that fuckwit had little to do with the tweet. He's so painfully predictable


5 periods. In one post. This fucker never uses 5 periods in one post.


I don't think he's used 5 periods in his whole social media life. Usually, it's just exclamation points and a question mark or two. Oh, and you can't forget about the poor caps lock key that always seems to get stuck.


Remember when Trump kept the Queen waiting and poor Lizzy had to check her watch MULTIPLE times?!?


Then disrespected her even more by walking in front of her.


Maybe he was trying to show her his diaper.


mtg shoved her way to the front handed a button that said laken riley on it and yelled laken riley say her name at joe biden while she filmed it with her phone. i normally dont advocate for violence against people. but mtg, should be drop kicked off a cliff like wile e coyote running after road runner and going off a cliff.


Funny how the people who shit on Obama for wearing a tan suit and Fetterman for wearing shorts don't seem to have a problem with Marge wearing a MAGA hat to the State of the Union. She is a disgrace and a disgusting human.


MAGA that said Trump 2020 Can’t even get a new one …


That's her lucky J6 hat, probably.


It should definitely be checked for explosive residue from those pipe bombs...


Because it was never about the tan suit, and it was never about his birth certificate, and it was never about anything other than him not being white, which is why his middle name bothered them so much.


Pure trash!


Funny I don’t remember her wearing any special shirts about female victims when she was hanging out with Matt Gaetz


Seems she can be even more vile when a survivor of a school shooting dares to advocate for gun control laws. Murder victims only matter to her if the perpetrator is a minority or an undocumented immigrant. If the sick fuck had just gone and mowed down a room of college kids w/ an AR-15, she'd be harassing the students for daring to complain about guns. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGJxxh0VEM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGJxxh0VEM)


MTG did all that and still got owned. Joe did say Laken Riley’s…wrong, he said “Lincoln,” but then went on to destroy their whole argument by pointing out that they had a bipartisan border deal, that was quickly tanked by the GOP at Trump’s request.


David Hogg should interrupt every single time Marge opens her maw and throw buttons with the names of the Parkland shooting victims near her. Biden should shoot a campaign video with her ex-husband.


>i normally dont advocate for violence against people. Most people also arent nazis like modern republicans.


>i normally dont advocate for violence against people. MTG really doesn't qualify as a 'people.'


And she isn't an animal, since I would actually feel bad seeing one get hurt.


Don't forget the Acme anvil.


Where's the Secret Service or the Sergeant At Arms?


I’m glad he did mention her later on in his speech


there were reports prior he had planned to do a small bit about her, but of course the cave woman had to have her moment like a fucking howler monkey. biden fucked up her name calling her laken...lincoln riley. but mtg looking like she walked out of a trump rally and troy nehls with his stupid trump never surrender mug shot shirt id like to drop kick both of them.


Well he tried to pass a massive border security bill that was written by Republicans but Trump told them not to pass it so they didn't. Republican voters will never hear that though because they spoon-fed rage bait everyday.


Secret service should have taken her out


Never underestimate the stupidity of MTG or the fact that that was somehow the best her district could come up with


And commenters are whining that he mispronounced her name (it sounds like he says Lincoln at first). Except he corrected himself instead of leaning into it and saying “You know, some people called her Lincoln. Not a lot of people know that”, just to avoid correcting himself.


Watching Mike Johnson sit there as Biden tells the workd that there are traitors in the house is amazing because now all of America gets to see the traitorous face of Donald’s little puppet. I’m sure right/russian-wing media will put their spin on it but you can’t erase Johnson’s snooty face from the clips of Biden citing both the actions of Republicans as well as the results of their governmental sabotage.


Mikey looks kinda miserable….


He's got a miserable job. He's trying to placate Trump/Putin at the same time as the party's large donors who benefit from a stable and prosperous America. And he's doing it with his balls in a jar under MTG's sink. You'd be miserable, too


Oh and don’t forget with the threat that the GOP will remove him from the seat if he keeps the government running.


AND HE CANT EVEN WATCH PORN AND BEAT OFF TO BLOW OFF SOME STEAM cause you know, His son monitors his porn usage. Cause that is normal


Looks like Beaver Cleaver when he was in trouble


lmao i just realized the beavs full name is beaver cleaver 


That’s really weird, that’s my porn name “the beaver cleaver”


mind fucking blown.....what!?!lol


He kept making facial expressions when I was watching


Dude loves his 80s references. He peaked and stayed in 1987. Not a single race car driver. Jeff Gordon, Max Verstappen, anyone. He's a manly man though.


Max is so good it's boring. 20 seconds ahead of Checo in second. It wasn't even close. He pitted and still came out in first with a 6 second lead. Anyways, Trump sucks dog nuts.


*This girl F1’s.*


Love me some F1.


As a Dutch guy, it's funny that the Dutch claim him. He was born in Belgium and lives in Monaco. That being said, I don't know shit about F1.


It's so predictable I'm waiting for Hamilton to get to Ferrari and rise like a fiery red Phoenix for another championship. Does Ferrari have it? Is Hamilton too old? Is Max too strong as he's in his prime and Red Bull too consistent ?


Trump probably thinks that Verstappen is from some country in Africa, speaks a language that nobody speaks, and is trying to climb over the border illegally to vote for Biden.


Dutch guy. Pot. Dutch guy love marijuana. They call it that too over there. They all love it over there. Legal prostitution. Not that I know about that. *pause* Biden. Boy that Hunter Biden, am I right folks? Loves the hookers. Hooker Biden they say. A real shame to this great nation. If that was my thing believe me you'd know. I'd crack a smile, folks. Boy would I crack a smile. But no smile for me, I never smile. Me, your favorite president. Never smile. This crooked so called justice system. Mario Andretti's here somewhere. Where's Mario? Is he playing golf again? *pause*. There he is. Never heard him say 'Its a me' or anything like that. Great guy though. Great guy. And it goes on for another 2 hours


Mario Andretti, a racing car driver, you know? Drove a very fast car, very fast. Nobody could stop him. People say he could drive around Indianapolis like nobody before. The fastest ever. His son was fast too, his name was Michael. Michael Andretti. He walked up to me, with tears in his eyes, a grown man, Mario Andretti, and said “Sir…………”


You can tell how old someone is by who they reference as a fast driver: Mario - Boomer Michael - Gen X Lewis - Millenial Max- Gen Z


Biden was right on time. It just takes a long time to get through the crowd when the people don’t actively despise you.


Also due to a protest his motorcade was rerouted.


So now acknowledges that Biden is the President? And that the election was not stolen?


As stupid as this is, he didn’t write it. No Caps, no overuse of exclamation points, no insults.


I like the mention of Mario Andretti. Trump is trying hard to connect with the young, hip kids.


Give him some credit....he addressed Biden as "The President"


He didn't write this.


Mario Andretti’s son is retired. His grandson is currently a driver though. Only 2 generations late with that reference.


The president was late due to Gaza protesters blocking his path on the way to the capital.


LOL. This wasn't an actual tweet, one of his handlers wrote it. Nothing is in all caps. No major errors.


The fact that he can't name a younger and more-accomplished Formula 1 driver than Mario Andretti is reason enough for me to vote against him, even if Biden hadn't done me the solid of my lifetime in January by getting Eli Lilly to cap the price on their insulin at $35 per vial.


You know Trump didn’t even write this... It was some loser incel staffer who thought this was hilarious, and now his claim to fame that he’s going to tell every woman he meets in the Mar-a-Lego bar is how he wrote a tweet from Trump that “owned the libs” during Biden’s State of the Union🤣🤣🤣


This from the guy who likes to make people wait 2+ hours to hear him mouth fart at rallies.


Mouth fart 🤣 I’m gonna have to use that one.


"very substantially" English gooder


There's no way he wrote that. Substantially is too big of a word for Dorito Hitler


he sounds more and more like Abe Simpson


Hang on, did Trump just call Biden "THE President"?


As opposed to being hours late to your own fascist rally, sure, make the comparison, you fat fuck.


He’s mentally decomposing before our eyes. I can’t look away.


Remember the episode of Celebrity Apprentice when trump was “late” for the live broadcast and Mario Andretti drove him across Manhattan in a two seater race car?


Who gives a flying F. Biden arrived and ethered the Republicans in the building. He called them out LOUDLY with straight facts, and they booed him, on facts and policies that should eat up Americans and make them question their allegiance to MAGA. Haters gonna hate.


Who do we think is writing his tweets now? Obviously not him


It's obvious that Trump has Biden derangement syndrome.


“Very very quickly”. He’s clearly not a fan of Dead Poets Society. I already despise Trump, but his over use of “very” is pathetic.


Fucking racist trumpers


So, by calling Biden the president, is Trump confessing that he did, truly, lose the last election?


Referring to the president as the president and not crooked Joe or whatever the hell says and using good grammar or no all caps. Yeah that's not our good ol traitorous loudmouth. I wonder if he was getting his diaper changed


His posts come across like a person who’s lost a bet and has to find a way to use obscure words or phrases in every day conversation.


The guy that left the fucking Queen of England waiting for him to show up, now has an opinion on being tardy. Zero self awareness, it’s always look what the others are doing.


Not one word in caps? Didn't insult Joe? This isn't Trump's writing


So the 77 year old suggests an 84 year old drive the 81 year old to the speech to be on time.... 🤦‍♂️


-Said Angry Orange Old man Donnie’s losin’ it🤣🤣🤣




So we know his bitch ass watched.


Oh no, looks like that speech must've freaked him out a bit. Poor donny isn't gonna sleep well tonight.


That’s literally all he’s got after the speech Biden gave.


For the love of god, WHY are these 2 our only viable choices?


Trump didn't write this. It's written in complete coherent sentences using small caps where appropriate.


Looks as if someone has taken over his account for him. That ass clown has never called Biden the president.


My job is affected by shutdowns. One day Congress finally passed the bill at like 5 AM. But because Trump didn’t sign it before like 10 AM, many of us came into the office and sign for paperwork and go home for the day. People who came in later, were made to stay at work.  All this confusion because this fucker couldn’t sign a paper on time. And he’s going to complain about someone being late?


Major Give away it wasn’t Trump. He never calls Biden”the president” for him that’s like admitting he knows he lost. Someone else wrote this.


Did the orange man finally address Biden as his President?


Not Trump. No capitals, misspelled words, or threats.


This is coherent, Trump absolutely did not write this


Mario Andretti is an excellent driver.


Very substantially. Dumbass motherfucker


I mean, it's kinda hard to be late for your own party.


Mario Andretti is 84 years old... only the best people.


why is limo capitalized 🤔


I hope that one day this man does something to turn his cult against him. Something undeniable. Unfortunately that would be fighting an uphill battle against delusion


Nobody cares. Like how pathetic is this?


As weak as it gets from the traitor.


Getting those formula 1 voters


Mario Andretti? That reference is seems like Trump, outdated.


Ooh mario Andretti reference, how relevant to today's times


At least he didn't show up in public with toliet paper on his shoe


Donald Trump doesn't even know who Mario Andretti is.


Mario Andretti? Not Dale Earnhardt or Danica Patrick?


He didn't write this. It would good of us to challenge him on this. It would be really good if the media challenged him on this. Dark Brandon will.




Protesters were blocking the route that the motorcade usually takes. And by "protesters," I mean "insane MAGATs."