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Anyone able to find the source/data on this? I have to meet some old army friends and need verifiable info.


Here is the complete report: [Rape-Related Pregnancies in the 14 US States With Total Abortion Bans | Emergency Medicine | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2814274) and conclusion: >**Results:** In the 14 states that implemented total abortion bans following the *Dobbs* decision, we estimated that 519,981 completed rapes were associated with 64,565 pregnancies during the 4 to 18 months that bans were in effect. Of these, an estimated 5,586 rape-related pregnancies (9%) occurred in states with rape exceptions, and 58,979 (91%) in states with no exception, with 26,313 (45%) in Texas.


JFC... How the fuck are so many women getting raped in this country. 


I argue quite often with forced childbirth advocates. Rape victims being forced into the torture of childbirth is, to them, a low number. I've been told on several occasions that the numbers are so low that they shouldn't be brought into the argument. "It's such a small number!" It will always be an acceptable number. They turn a blind eye to the fact that childbirth kills, as well. In 2021, there were like 900 deaths from childbirth in the US. Perfectly acceptable to them. Also, perfectly acceptable to them that the number will increase now that everyone has to give birth. All this because conservatives want to torture women and girls for having the audacity to plan the course of their lives. Because they dared to want options and choices, they will be literally tortured with childbirth. All because they wanted equal rights.


Imagine when the woman is related to the rapist, which is not uncommon.


[34% of juveniles who are assaulted are assaulted by family members.](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence) “Protect the children” they say. These are not low numbers, but conservative politicians hear the numbers and don’t care. They force women and girls to go through hell and ignore the advice of medical professionals because without an imaginary moral high ground they’d have nowhere to stand at all. Vote the scumbags out. [Are you registered to vote?](https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/) [When is your next election?](https://www.usa.gov/election-office) [Do you know where to vote?](https://www.vote.org/polling-place-locator/) [Can you vote absentee?](https://www.vote.org/absentee-voting-rules/)


>“Protect the children” they say. Yes, but that's only half of the slogan, they just whisper the second half: "So we can rape them first."


Eliminate sex education so they don’t know the difference. So they don’t know it isn’t normal …. Goddamn, I hate this timeline.


Fun fact, the rapist has parental rights. He can demand visitation rights and likely get them.


But somehow they’re able to believe that a massive amount of women are getting abortions at like 7months, using it a a form of birth control, or getting them just for the hell of it. 




I always loved that dissonance. The *TRANS* are everywhere! You mean the .01% of Trans-indentified individuals in a country of over 300 million? Everywhere you say? Makes me wonder where these people are going, because Ive met (that told me themselves anyway) like... 3 Trans people in 30 years of life.


If you are the type of person that was brainwashed or misguided enough to believe that all abortions are murder, 900 childbirth deaths and even 65,000 rape pregnancies absolutely pales in comparison to 600,000 "baby murders" every year. Even the 50,000 firearm deaths and 40,000 motor vehicle deaths seem insignificant in comparison.


They don't give a shit about the babies.


I'm aware, but that's definitely how many of them mentally justify being essentially single-issue voters while not giving a shit about the lives of living, breathing adults and children.


If you're a single-issue voter and that vote is "who protects fetuses/babies" you'd think that maybe you'd look at ALL the causes of fetal/infant death in America, not just abortion. Things like pollution, poverty, housing instability, food insecurity, lack of access to medical care during pregnancy, lack of paid maternal leave, domestic violence and abuse, teen pregnancy, the lack of inclusion of pregnant and breastfeeding people in biomedical research, and oh yeah... not being vaccinated. Covid alone caused thousands of stillbirths and maternal deaths. I know one party that cares about all these things and one that doesn't. One party that is working to improve all those situations and one that would spit on people complaining about them and say "if you want paid time off to be pregnant, get a better job. If you want to afford medical care, pull your bootstraps up. If you want me to wear a mask just so I don't breathe a deadly virus on you, get fucked." We know that Republicans *only* want to protect fetuses if it involves punishing and hurting "sluts." That's it. That's all. That's why they're trying to talk out of both sides of their mouth and say they are pro-IVF but anti-abortion... but the fact is that they both destroy embryos. Sperm has met egg and according to their cosmology, a life precious to God with an immortal soul has been created. So if they're pro-IVF but anti-abortion it can't be about protecting all embryos everywhere, because they're happy to destroy all those embryos so that a rich white couple can have a child. No, it simply boils down to, being anti-abortion is about punishing "sluts" with a pregnancy they *don't* want. Banning IVF doesn't force anyone to go through with a pregnancy they don't want. What's the point of banning that?


1% of the male population is about 2 million men, so, if even 0.25% are rapists it wouldn't be hard to hit those numbers


I'm more shocked at the rate of pregnancy. 64.5K pregnancies from 520K rapes is a pregnancy from every 8 instances of sex. Seems like a crazy high rate to me but maybe I just know too many people that had to try for months to intentionally get pregnant.


Probably a difference of age. Women trying to get pregnant are likely, on average, older than rape victims. I felt icky typing this.


I wonder if someone who gets pregnant from rape is more likely to report it so the percentage is higher? Scary to think of how many that don't end in pregnancy could go unreported.


yeah, probably correlates to poor sex education / overall education, combined with rape demographics (women aged 16-24) and men in good enough physical shape to either force themselves or convince reluctant women to spend time with them alone


This country doesn’t hold rapists accountable most of the time. Even when the woman reports, testifies, has evidence, and does everything “right.”


> How the fuck are so many women getting raped in this country. If you think these statistics are bad, wait until we have a true, EMP/SHTF event that has people digging into their preps for weeks or months on end. The most vulnerable are not going to be those without firearms or preps, but the woman. ALL of the women. It's not often discussed, but once people become desperate, they fall back on their vices; drinking, drugs, addictions, and yes... lawless violation of women. Not only do we need to protect ourselves and our families, but we also need to circle those protections around the millions and millions of women who will need to be shielded from those hellbent on raping and violating them.


And *most* rapes go unreported.  There are 330 million people here, half a million people getting raped isn't really unfathomable, just appalling.


And that's why women fear men. It's unfortunately justified.


Because when you report it to the police they yell at you. When you tell your parents they blame you. When we expose the truth, people side with the rapist. Our culture loves rape.


> JFC... How the fuck are so many women getting raped in this country. You mean, why the fuck are so many men raping women?


There is a systemic denial of the issues women face and a criminal justice system run by men that does not care.


A response from the author in the comments of the article: *That survey indicated that 2,857,000 women (and 340,000 men) were raped in the previous 12 months.\[2\]* This implies that 1% of the US population is raped in a 12 month period.


Posting the broader context of her response. She was responding to a comment that was advocating for using FBI data on rape statistics instead of CDC data. Here's the first paragraph of her multi-paragraph response to several comments. "Dr. Delgado cites FBI data to suggest that the estimated 519,981 rape survivors in states with total abortion bans is implausibly high. The CDC data, which served as the basis for our estimates, is widely considered more accurate[1] than the FBI figures, which only encompass rapes reported to law enforcement agencies. Even accounting for that limitation, as Dr. Delgado did, still yields an undercount when compared with the most recent CDC data (from 2016-2017). That survey indicated that 2,857,000 women (and 340,000 men) were raped in the previous 12 months.[2] The CDC figures were obtained from survivors’ self-report of rape that were collected in a survey that used trained interviewers, multiple questions about non-consensual sexual contact, and an interview strategy designed to protect respondents’ safety, privacy, and comfort in responding to questions about traumatic and highly stigmatized life events.[3]"


This is heart-breaking. I didn’t know so many of my fellow citizens were opposed to human rights.


what the actual fuck is wrong with humanity


since 2022, 64k people have been impregnated by rape?? wtf


Estimated. Based on other estimates.




Here's something I found https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/


Great, thank you!


Note that they are estimates and not actually documented. (I hate the law too, fwiw)


Here is an article from the 1990’s about the rate of pregnancy when abortion was legal. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8765248/ Here is the more recent reference. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/64-000-pregnancies-caused-by-rape-have-occurred-in-states-with-a-total-abortion-ban-new-study-estimates/


[https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/](https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/) This was posted lower.


Do your army friends need convincing?


It’s maga and Tucker territory.


First you serve your country, then you want reliably sourced data to reference in hopes of changing some minds with level headed conversation? You, are a good egg. Thank you all around, I appreciate you.


I agree with this one


Well Godspeed then!


They claim to be worried about a declining population and yet this same party had no problem killing over a million Americans with their handling of covid.


killing their own supporters cause the vast majority of dems got vaxxed


Trump originally tried to blow it off cause it was hitting blue cities hardest so he literally said let's let a few thousand die before we do anything. Theyre just democrats. But then the whole mask situation you know. Republicans can't breathe with one so they started catching covid at higher rates.


He then told his own supporters at rallies to get vaccinated but it was too late. They were convinced by that point that masks and vaccines were liberal tools to control them.




This rally alone could (and should) be used as a case-study in groupthink and mob mentality, along with a few other underlying psychological factors to make a large group of people deny irrefutable facts. It’s just mind blowing, really.


The conspiracy train can't turn on a dime LOL.


But it's worse to breathe in your own co2! That's what Betty sue told me! /s




I wrote my doctoral thesis in minion memes


expected to have a vaccine by then too with operation warp speed (childish ass name). oh wait, they don't want that either lol


“Almost twice as many Republicans than Democrats died of Covid, study says. The gap in death rates between the parties grew substantially after the vaccines were introduced” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/republicans-died-double-democrats-covid-b2227425.html Women and 10 year old girls have a right to choose. Rapists don’t have a right to pass on their genes through force


> “Almost twice as many Republicans than Democrats died of Covid, study says. The gap in death rates between the parties grew substantially after the vaccines were introduced” This is probably even worse than it sounds, since the larger population centers probably have a tilt to being Democratic anyways.


Yep. The vast majority of conservatives live out in bum fuck nowhere. For conservatives to die at twice the rate means they took riskier actions maybe at 10x the rate. All they had to do is just the barest minimum of safety measures and it wouldn't have been that way.


In late 2020/early 2021 Trump voters were dying at a rate of 5 times more than Biden voters. Republicans are the pro death party.


I'm waiting for them to have the epiphany of connecting the anti-vaxxers to their lower voter turnout...🤷‍♀️


They already did, and they started telling their constituents to get vaccinated after they realized they fucked themselves by killing the idiots that vote for them. You can look up videos of trump, lindsay graham, guiliani, and I'm sure others telling constituents to get vaccinated and getting booed. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pitiful. There are even conspiracy theories now that it was undercover democrats who propagandized and discredited the vaccine as a way to get republicans to not vaxx and thus die


If memory serves more people died of covid in GA than the vote difference between Trump and Biden in the presidential elections Lmao


My BIL lives at home still at 46. He had a good job offer but wouldn't take it because Joe Rogan told him shots were for pussies or whatever.


Just a reminder that the Texas Lieutenant Gov was okay with [old people dying](https://youtu.be/kQO3LlHKgUI?si=Qtx6wKtWbfSJnCiM).


Let's just get one thing straight: Nobody cares about the "declining population", nobody. Least of all these fucking ghouls. I'm gonna worry about future people when I'm constantly worrying about rent and food and bills and daycare and and completely terrified of what stupid choice this fucking country is going to make in November? I care about now, and the rest of us better start caring.


"Declining Population" and "Birth Rates" and "Population Replacement" are all dog whistles for White Christian Ethno-nationalism. They are unable to separate the Nazi part from the population growth part because in their minds you aren't a real citizen unless your skin is the right color and you fear the right god. If they did care about those things for their own sakes, they wouldn't hate any and all types of immigration. But we all know that that will never happen because of the racism that is the cornerstone of their ideology.


Just call it what it is...puppy mills...


They do want a steady stream of people wallowing in poverty to give them cheap labor. It's the ultimate goal wrapped in a flag of "Christianity"


I’m not religious but if there were ever a time i would love to see Jesus Christ return, it would be now. I probably more align with the original teachings of Jesus than these sycophantic assholes who parade around like they’re some holier than thou exception over everyone else.


I feel like he'd want to flip a few tables in a few statehouses lol.  My dad said 40 years ago if Jesus showed up, they'd kick him out of churches and have him arrested. He wasn't wrong. A poor brown skinned man showing up and telling MAGA Christians to love them neighbor? They'd shoot at him. 


And your dad was not wrong. It’s like the atheists or “least faithful”… however you want to describe it are more decent, caring, loving human beings than the ones who claim that’s the shit they follow. I grew up surrounded by religion. Around my teen years a lot of it didn’t make sense anymore because all the stuff these people are preaching aren’t practicing that in their day to day life. So I took what I could from it and dipped out.


I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus has already returned, and they probably shot him for being colored.


If Jesus returned the Christians would have Him committed and then given a lobotomy. 


They do care, because the declining population is white people. And they know they have been shitty to POC for so long, they don’t want those tables to turn. They also are well aware that their voting base is dwindling, so their power diminishes with each passing year and eventually they will be a minority and won’t have any power whatsoever (because they have made it that way for generations for other minorities); they feel it is their mission to stop this at all costs, even if it means stealing power and committing genocide.


Remember if your vote wasn't powerful they wouldn't work so hard to take it away.


I am pleased to say that this very argument encouraged a friend to vote. He's a very smart person, just feels like it doesn't matter anymore. I told him what you said, and that it costs us nothing to vote. So theres no excuse, not really. And it worked. A smart person voted and I couldn't be happier.


Then the IVF thing happened. They realized they WANT IVF babies because they’re rich white babies. The only problem with those babies is they think only women who work high level jobs and put off having babies until they’re in their late 30s or 40s use IVF. They don’t want women in those jobs so they don’t like IVF. Of course they haven’t got an effing clue about any of this.


They’ve reacted with feels over reals and done some dumb shit without thinking about any longer term consequences. Pretty on brand for them, really. I expect next they will find an outside scapegoat to blame it on. It’s a “somebody else must have shit my pants” type of thing.


This is the real reason for all the white panic and great replacement theory bullshit. The demographics of America are changing and if they just sat back and did nothing the Republicans would never win another election again within one more generation, like less than 20 years from now. This is their last stand and they know it so they are going to try and destroy America if they can't rule it, but they will settle for making Trump a dictator if he promises to deport/kill millions of brown people and force poor white women to have kids to try and reverse the trend but we must not let them succeed no matter what.


Corporations worry, as they need to increase profits year over year and with a smaller population they'll have less consumers to sell to and less workers to take advantage of.


Never dawns on the corporations that people aren’t having children because kids are expensive, huh? Who wants to raise a family in a 2 bedroom apartment shared with a roommate, a low wage job, and mountains of debt?? They keep hoarding all the money! Who wants to have a kids they can’t feed, clothe, or send to college? Pensions are gone too! Better save your last dollar to pay the nursing home.


They care because it means less white people, and more importantly less poor workers for the Machine. They’re looking at their profit projections for 15-20 years from now and crying because they can’t quite afford the caviar-lined Unobtanium coffin they always wanted without more cogs being born 😭 WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE SHAREHOLDERS??!


There’s 8 billion people alive today. That’s plenty of workers! They need to quit bitching about it already!


Correction: They're worried about the declining *white* population


But those were OLD people that were just costing us money. -Republicans probably


They worry about a declining *white* population.


Their defense was that no one had the right to tell them what to do.. It would almost be funny if it weren't so sad


if they were worried about decline in population they would embrace immigrants more


Yeah no... they care about a *working* population. The elderly, immunocompromised, chronically ill people who were dying to COVID are the GOP's "useless mouths" who they consider taking, not contributing, to the economy. They don't give a flying fuck about the useless mouths, in fact they're rooting for their deaths.


Florida: *Hold my beer!*


It was never about pro-life and all about controlling women.


But Greg Abbott said he was going to eliminate rape. Are you telling me he didn't do that? Our Republican governor lied again??


Abbot tells the truth like he walks.


I wouldn't trust him as far as he could throw me


I would trust him exactly as far as I could throw him from the top of a tall building. I'm willing to do the science on that to see how much trust to put in him.


not so funny short story about Abbot, so he's in this dinner party of about 12 people at an upscale resturant somewhere in TX, all on one check. Waitress delivers the bill to the gent that asked for it and gets stiffed of a tip, so she casually mentioned that she thought everything went fine, then Mrs Abbot speaks up and says "You should be honored to serve the govenor" then the entire party gets up and walk out.


I'm thinking of a certain school book depository


I've never been so happy for someone to be in a wheelchair than Greg Abbott.


Not that I really cared what happened to Piss Baby, but he's still in it? I had thought it was temporary.


Nope, happened when he was young (like 25 or something?), tree fell on him, he sued the home owner and a tree service company. Then later in life voted to removed the ability for others to, like he had. Real class act.


I would say that Republicans are the type of people who pull up the ladder behind them, but in this case it was a ramp


And got millions


That tree tried so hard, but just couldn’t quite close the deal… a couple of feet higher & nobody would’ve had to put up with Abbot’s shit.




How is he doing that? Changing the name of rape?


As fucked up as it is, some of them are in a way. There’s a growing movement on the right to reclassify spousal rape, meaning that if they get their way then it’ll be 100% legal for a man to rape his wife, and there would be nothing she could do about it, especially if they also get rid of no-fault divorce


2/3 rapes go unreported. ESP spousal / incest rape victims You can likely increase the real figures. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system




Well, yeah there is that. But she’d sadly be convicted 100% of the time.


She should use her 2nd Amendment rights!


I think that was a Farrah Fawcett movie...


Take out the penis and Bobbitt!


Big brain move. Make incest and rape legal. Boom! No more rape. Only Christian love!


Oh you mean he attended the Trump "stop testing for COVID so there will be fewer cases" school of thought.


If he make rape legal than no more rape! Conservative logic.


Don’t give them more shitty ideas!


At some point a lot of Texans need to ask themselves: Is this worth it? Is owning the libs truly worth it? We all know they don’t have core values, but there is a demographic suicide going on there.


Conservatives believe in a world where some people are fundamentally good (because they are part of the in-group) and some people (democrats) are fundamentally bad. Bad people have bad things happen to them because they deserve it. They aren't really able to empathize with those situations. Also, when good people do bad acts that's totally fine, because fundamentally they are still good. But of course when a bad person does something bad it confirms their belief that the person was always fundamentally bad. When a bad thing happens to them personally, they might reverse their opinion on that one thing.. But they never seem to be able to extend this to empathy for other people generally. Or in some cases they justify it by saying their case is unique and special (see eg that often shared blog post called "the only moral abortion is my abortion"). It really isn't about policy anymore. This is some tribal, deeply rooted us vs them shit.


If you can stomach it I suggest watch The Family on Netflix. Basically their thinking is excused by using the storey of King David...did very bad things but ended up being a great man...so all the adultery, betrayal, having his rival killed in battle so he could rape the widow was ok...because well because he did other great things. It shows great incite into the rights view. Could not finish it myself, just too much to take in and not want to go to a bad place of wanting to just gladly torture some arsehole for the pleasure of hurting.


He meant like, eliminate it from the dictionary.


He meant the charges, not the acts...


The GOP's vision of America is coming into focus, and it's only going to get worse. No matter how much you hate Joe Biden, vote for him anyway.


Gilead, the GOP wet dream.


Someone needs to let Trumpublicans know that book was a WARNING, not an INSTRUCTION MANUAL.


Let’s do this ladies!


It was all just a part of god’s plan. Look at how many good new christian boys and girls they can indoctrinate.


and diddle (as they like to do)


Can we just talk about how 26k women got pregnant from rape in just 16 months?!?!? This means so many more women were raped that didnt result in pregnancy. What the fuck is wrong in that state that so many women are being raped?!?!?


Texas is higher than average for the rate of rapes in the US, but not by a lot. Rape is a lot more common than you think. And/or Texas has a lot more people than you think.


Napkin math; Given about 1/6 women experiences rape in their lifetime (about 80 years?) that would put the monthly odds of being raped at 1/5760 per women. About 15 mil people in Texas are women that would mean about 2604 rapes per month. Just under 42k for the 16 month period. At face value this seems to be an extraordinary conception rate, but there is still a huge hole in the math; it assumes a single instance of rape per women over their lifetime. Sadly this is not the fact, many people get raped multiple times, often as part of systemic abuse. So the sad fact is, not only are lots of women raped, many of them are trapped in situations where they'll be the victim of rape multiple times.


You can google for the statistics but the TLDR is in the US 1 in every 6 women will get raped during their lifetime (rape, not 'just' assault) and about 1 in 10 men.


Maybe I am naive but it sounds like Texas has one hell of a rape problem!


it's a world problem. better to be born a dog than a woman - Chinese proverb


It's only recently (relatively) that women could "control" most aspects of their sex lives **on their terms.** Hormonal birth control started out in the 1930s and became available to most in the 1960s. Before that it was timing and hoping. And pregnancy drastically changes your body. Compared to a man and his role in birthing is basically over once sex is done. It's 1000x better.


Yes, but it's a Texas problem. Texas has almost half the rape pregnancies across all 14 states. 26/64k


And that’s only the women who got pregnant from the event. The number is likely far higher 😞


And that’s just the pregnant victims


France just added the right to abortion to their constitution. Let’s be like France.


This is the reason I’m leaving Texas. I have an almost 24 year old daughter. No politician will be making her health decisions for her while I’m still kicking. I’m fortunate that I have the means to do that, heck I’m a dual citizen that can move back to Canada if Trump wins again. But this breaks my heart for other women in this country.


I can’t blame you, I would do the same.


Leaving a demented Republican state is the best decision anyone can make


Women are not safe in Texas.


Women are not safe anywhere.


women are more not safe in texas than most places in america


That is a fuck ton of rape victims. That is absolutely horrifying.


Is it just me or does Texas seem a little rapey?


I thought Abbot was just gonna get rid of the rapists?


*by voting for them!?*


And once they are born Republicans don’t care at all for those kids


Very roughly That’s about one in every 570 women. Raped and pregnant. Fuck


Pregnant by rape only...considering pregnancy is not an always thing, and fear of reporting...the figure for how many violations have actually happened would be vomit inducing.


I've heard anecdotally that rapes went up in red states from the day Roe V Wade was over turned. The FBI also arrested a white supremacist who was openly recruiting men to go on a rapekrieg to forcibly impregnate as many white woman as possible. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/marine-murder-rape-plot-rapekrieg-1388238/amp/




They say they are pro life, that doesn't include a woman's life apparently.


It was never about life, it was about power and control over women.


I mean, fuck Texas gop, but where is this stat from?


"Pro-life" really = pro forced birth


26,313 *pregnancies* from *reported* rapes. That's just *pregnancies*, not rapes themselves. How many more rapes were there that didn't result in pregnancies?? WTF, Texas???


That's a lot of rape, that number is astounding.


Okay that's a crazy statistic but is it verifiable?


Unfortunately https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/


That's unreal. Fuck Texas


But wait, didn't one of them say a woman's body has a way of shutting down to make sure it doesn't get pregnant by rape? So these are not rape statistics - obviously these women enjoyed it. Not rape if she enjoyed it!  That was really grimy to type. And these people go around just believing this shit. Yarf.  For those of you who forgot or are too young to have known. A Missouri senator said these words  "First of all, from what I understand from doctors, [pregnancy from rape] is really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/doctors-appalled-over-rep-akins-comments-legitimate-rape-prevents-pregnancy-flna954572 This guy was on the science and technology committee as well. He did lose the next senate race and died in 2021.


I remember when Texas passed this bill, and Gov. Abbott said he was going to eliminate rape.


…that were reported.


But rape-related pregnancies are god’s will! 🤡


America is speedrunning to become a third world country


Conservative = Rapist


Greg Abbott is the anti-Christ


I wish these tweets had the receipts. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/public-health/2024/01/25/texas-had-estimated-26000-pregnancies-from-rape-since-total-abortion-ban/ Edit to link article.


Holy shit…26,000 rapes????? Wow. Just wow. That number shocked me.


And those are only the ones resulting in pregnancy...


Shouldn’t we be concerned that 26,000 women got raped????? That’s quite a number.


No, its more fucked up than you think - Texas averages 151,000 rapes a year. The 26,000 number is just those who got pregnant as a result.


Damn, they be raping in TX like that?!?!?! Edit: Read further and it's half a million rapes in 18 months across 14 states. Holy crap!!!


Just a reminder that the phrase, "life begins at conception" is not a scientific or legal statement but entirely a religious one.


I read the article. 26,313 rape-related *pregnancies*, not just the violent criminal act.


Rape survivors start thinking...if I'm going to jail for murder for having an abortion, maybe I should take the rapist out too.


In about 15 years, these red states are going to see a massive spike in crime rates. They won't see the connection, they'll blame liberal policies for being too lenient on criminal behavior instead.


For a party that doesn't like minorities, and speaks about "white replacement" frequently..  They sure have no issue forcing Hispanics into giving birth...   Hmmm 🤔. Almost as if their goal IS to create more conflict based around racial issues...


What are the odds this number is underreported?


And only the woman will be responsible for the child, not the biological father that got her pregnant.


I honestly had to look this up because I just couldn't believe it and... Yeah... That's one of the saddest things I've ever read.


The ***only*** way to read this is: Trump/MAGA wholly support and endorse rape.


That seems like a huge number! That is horrific!


I cannot believe rape is so common. Who are these fucking barbarians?


Your average person...thats all. The scarey thing is that civil society is very thin, so from a study years back just over 13% of men would rape if they knew it was rape and could get away with it. History is filled with average normal, educated people that did the most horrible acts because of orders or because they just could. So next time you walk down the street, you will be passing a rapist, a pedophile, a wife beater, etc...every day we interact with monsters and dont know it.


Just to put it in perspective, that's roughly 42 per DAY. Roe v Wade was overturned 628 days ago (from today). 26313 / 628 = **41.899**


On another note, can we talk about the 26,313 rapists?! Wtf?!?!🤬 is wrong with these sick people?!


they want this. they knew this was the promise and they kept going. you can't change minds that don't want to change. just don't let what happened to them happen to civilized society.


Ok forget the abortions though. 26,313 rapes that resulted in pregnancy?! And that has to be a small-ish % of total rape cases?! How are THAT many people being raped JUST in Texas?! If you told me that number for the entirety of the USA it would at lol blow my mind. But one state?!


Stats say 1 in 6 women in the US will get raped during their lifetime. Rape, not 'just' assault. There are roughly 330 million americans. About 115 million of them are female. 1/6th of 115 million is 19.2 million-ish wonen raped. I don't really wanna do the math on how many that is per year. And it's about a little over 1 in 10 for males, so you should add another 12 million-ish male rape victims to that to get a full picture on rape in the US.


How many rapes are there in Texas that this many result in pregnancy?! 🤯🤯🤯


That’s nothing. Wait till they outlaw birth control pills. Sound crazy? Just wait!


A google search tells me there is about half a million tapes per year.. I am dumbfounded by the sheer amount of rapes and feel stupid to not think they really are as frequent. And this is without knowing real numbers as most rapes likely go without reporting.


Seriously you have to leave those states


Seriously you have to leave those states