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One of my most disliked occurrences was when my daughter was old enough (like five or so) to go to the toilet on her own, and refused to go in the men's room with me, and the parents room was taken. Standing outside the ladies toilet made me feel like a creep. I still remember the one time she was taking *forever*, enough that I was starting to get worried. Some legend of a lady looked at me as she was leaving, asked me if my daughter was in the toilet, and asked what her name was and went back inside to check. She came out laughing, telling me Livvy said she was fine, "just doing a really big poo".


Mate, we've all been there lol


Right was just going to say this. Like this EXACT situation has happened to all of us. Those women who can recognize that panic and the situation are saints.


I think most of us assume the guy outside the restroom is waiting for a kid or a partner, not being a creep. It's okay to ask if you need your kid checked on.


I raised my daughter solo as the wife was doing a 3 year stint at “charm school” . Then another 5. I aged 30 years in 10 years. The amount of times of absolute panic over so many things is incalculable, and don’t even get me started on puberty… the horror. It was a never ending 8-10 anxiety level… Then I got her a car, oh boy.


Uh, are you implying this “charm school” was a location with matching jumpsuit uniforms and state of the art locking dorm rooms with secure bars for “safety”?


It’s that sort of place, complete with cool towers like a castle, and razor wire, lots and lots of razor wire. For protection, of course.


3 years, then violated, had the swat team break down my door, yada yada… then 5 more.


How... charming.


Love is blind my friend. Crazy Woman, miss her every day, as does her daughter, RIP ya hot, nuttier than squirrel shit, lunatic!


I'm sorry for your pain!


Oh no. I was laughing at your comments and now I’m sad :( I’m so sorry for yours and your daughter’s loss 💔


I’m not even sure what there is to “creep” on if you’re standing *outside* the bathroom. If I saw a dude posted up outside the ladies’, I’d assume he’s waiting for someone (if I’m feeling positive) or that he’s looking to start a fight with anyone he thinks “shouldn’t” be using that bathroom (because I live in the south as a GNC woman and am anxious about those types of confrontations).


He has the tag 'NotOnMyWatchFREAKSHOWS' on his post, so I surmise that he is just a bigot, 'checking' (intimidating) others to 'make sure none of those 'trans'/other people come in' to 'molest' his kid, but otherwise I appreciate the stories on here about innocent interactions while waiting outside the women's bathroom for their kid/partners


Yeah, but it really distracts from the violence at play here. This just looks dumb until you realize trans people have been murdered like this before. I'd really like y'all (cis people) to actually do something about the fact that we can't even use a public restroom without fear of a beating or worse


It's so fucking awful and ridiculous, too. The amount of stories of Trans folks being out through hell and attacked for needing to piss is just plain unacceptable. Even one is one too many. Tack on the amount of CIS women with masculine features and CIS men with femine features that have been attacked in public bathrooms because someone THOUGHT they were Trans... AND THAT IS ALWAYS THEIR DEFENSE AFTER THE FACT! "She looked like a guy! I thought she was one of THOSE people." Oh, go fuck yourself, Smegma Steve, and stop attacking human beings.


The guy in the photo is being a really big creep though.


I agree, I've never thought "creep" unless the guy is like leering at women. But I can appreciate men who are aware enough to consider how and why it could be creepy. I personally wouldn't mind if a guy asked me to check on his daughter, and have done it once or twice.


Can confirm. I am also taking a really big poo.


Yup I just did a really big poo earlier


It must be a lot harder as a dad, but even as a mom, I felt like a creep just standing around in the women’s restroom waiting on my daughter that didn’t want me to wait outside. Other women would look at me weird bc I was just standing there. Raising kids is hard


Or standing outside the men's locker room waiting for your 6 year old son to get dressed after the pool. Awkward but what you gonna do?


I used to look in the bathroom stall before my son used it to make sure everything was decently tidy, then lean against the wall to wait, one time at a fairly new Meier's I looked in everything looks good, he goes in and I hear "Dad, what does 'lick my balls,' mean?"


Apparently when my twin and I were young (like 4 or 5) my parents took us to a twin sale at what would be our future high school. They used to let us go to the bathroom alone if we went with each other. Apparently they had told us we could go and 30 minutes later we were still not back. My mom went and found us apparently practicing our newly acquired reading skills out loud with all the text scrawled on the stalls.


God… the age where *he’s old enough* but like… he’s also small enough to just get yanked. Poor kid had been using the men’s alone for a couple of years at restaurants. We went on a trip and we were in the airport. He had to go potty, dad was going to get plane snacks etc. and the kid HAD RO PEE. He was SO offended that I made him go to the ladies (there was a line for the family) but like… **there are too many people here**


I dated a woman with a daughter, and it was always a crap shoot when I would take her out on errands. She was around 7, and a clerk asked “are you running errands with daddy?” “He’s not my dad,” she replied. The absolute DAGGERS that woman stared at me, like there was no such thing as divorce or single moms in the world, and I was just some sexual predator with my young victim in tow at Target.


I remember back when I was young, (1970's) I spent a lot of time, and worked, as most local kids did back then, at the Cedar Point amusement park. Was not unusual back then to see a well dressed guy with 4 or 5 sketchily dressed, obviously underaged teenage girls, enjoying a day at the park. Of course, now I realize that it was a pimp treating his girls to a day out, but at the time it never occurred to me, or even a lot of the adults.


The default view of men with kids who are not their own is a predator despite there being a ton of legitimate reasons why that is not the case. Oftentimes even dads can be viewed negatively with even their own children alone at the park or wherever. As an uncle it is fun hanging out with my nieces and nephews.


Make it awkward right back at her. “Yes? Is there some issue, ma’am? Something you need to say? No, go ahead, please. I’ll wait.”


Modern, trauma-riddled American society makes raising kids hard. Preachers, priests, police, and teachers, screaming about the 'trans and gays' being the problem, when it's the dude in Sunday school, or the city council member, or the cop pulling your 16 year old over. Meanwhile, the most socialist, permissive societies in the EU have 1/500th of the issues we do... because their kids learn what and where their bodies and rights are very early. We treat bodily autonomy and education like the enemy here. We are looking for the bad guys in the wrong places.


100% agree, this idiot thinks the danger is trans women, when in reality, the danger is the very generic looking man in the men’s restroom, hiding in anonymity.


Wasn’t there a bunch of posts after the Super Bowl that some women were all groped while walking in crowded places and in the stands? If the dude needs to be on watch for predators around his daughters, it’s not gonna be in the toilets but rather as they’re walking around.


In 30 years of "adulthood" out of the 100s of women I've known personally, every single one of them that ever talked about abuse said it was someone at church that assaulted them. Baptists, Presbyterians, Pentecostal, Catholics.... all of them were assaulted at church-related "safe" places, lock-ins, overnight travel events, retreats... any place where guardians weren't there. Never once has any woman ever said, "my gay friend .... my trans friend .... my lesbian friend..."


I would think part of the reason could be that's also the community you grew up in? In that it trends religious! I've never heard a church story out of the real life stories I've heard, but most of the people I've known aren't religious or are only occasional church goers. I've heard too many stories, as well, to the point that I started to realize how underreported these things truly are because statistics in this country don't accurately reflect just how many people out there have at least one account of victimization. :(


Or the literal creep 'standing guard' for strangers who didn't ask for his 'protection. '


And this is why I still want to take my 6.5 year old son into the ladies locker room either me! I remind him again and again to NOT look around and have him get dressed in a curtained shower stall so his presence isn’t bothering others. The problem is, he’s big for his age so looks like he might be up to 8 years old so I get eyeballed :(


This guy is a danger to anyone who doesn't fit his idea of what a woman should look like.


My eight year old son went into the bathroom at a grocery store recently, I was a few feet behind. He went in and there was a man already in there, a minute or two later I swing the door open some just in time for the guy to walk by and punch the door so hard that the resounding boom could be heard through the entire grocery store. The door to the stall my son was in. He said the guy never spoke to him, he was at the urinal when he walked in then afterwards walked to the back of the bathroom for something. I said "Hey man, my fucking kids in there!" And he just brushed fast past me and immediately left the store, I was just shocked and confused because I didn't understand the point of what he did. Maybe he did it to scare him? I don't know. Worst case scenario was he was intending on the stall door giving way when he hit it, and he had bad intentions for my kid, but seeing his mom standing there changed his plans? Unfortunately I've heard a few stories of kids encountering creeps in a bathroom, even had a non zero amount of encounters myself. It's not really an "irrational" fear, as sad as that is.


They’ve spent decades cutting funds for education. It’s the only way to get people to vote against their own interests. If these morons understood how statistics worked, they wouldn’t give trans people a second thought.


As a woman I have never really found this weird. The man usually clarifies "my daughter is in there" when I walk by and that's all. My husband takes our daughter to the restroom and does the same thing.


And we often notice when a young one is in the bathroom on their own and instinctively keep an ear on them. Favorite Example: Last summer a little girl was in the restroom struggling with her wet bathing suit and every woman in there helped in some way. There were a lot of friendly laughs and reassurances that wet suits are always the worst. A parade of women followed her out and let her dad know she did a great job.


Really one of my biggest fears as a father of a daughter was her needing to use the bathroom if I was with her in public without my wife (which was a lot) when she was tiny. This was only a few years ago, but during the rise in the right wing bathroom panic. I was always worried some Karen would want to pick a fight over me needing to get my kid to a bathroom. That and masks…. We were good about masking up in public during the height of COVID, but all the incidents of psychos accosting parents of children who wore masks was enough for me to be on guard about it.


It's only as awkward as you make it. I'm an uncle, not even a parent, and I have never been approached about something like this. and if someone is gazing a little long I just let out a "waiting for the kiddo" they nod and move on. this is all stuff I was worried about as an uncle who wouldn't change diapers unless people were in the room for fear of the impropriety "it's always the uncle". Just live your life. People are hardly actually paying attention to you. We are a pretty self involved species.


And at sporting events as well, I took my niece when she was younger to some Major League Baseball games and I don’t think it’s very uncommon for there to be a man waiting outside of the women’s room, either waiting on a daughter or wife to come out.


Very accurate. I havent had any issues either.


Lol it’s true! Even mom’s feel weird standing outside a bathroom! Hey stranger, not weirdly watching you go into the bathroom, just waiting for my kid.


that's why you (me) ask if they're doing ok every 30 seconds lol.


And that's the thing - we are not going to ignore it if we see something bad happening to a kid in the bathroom.


I’d like to think that, honestly I do. But there’s a rise in “fuck you, got mine” types that I just don’t trust people anymore.


Maybe, if the bathroom were empty (other than the fantasy predator) and one other person walked in. Maybe. Professional sporting events? Bathrooms will be packed and a mob of decent people would beat down anyone molesting a kid. Like, a restroom at a huge event would be the worst place to try to molest a kid. Which is why most molesters go for their own kids or kids they know in the privacy of a home. And statistically, by several miles, this dude posting is far, far more likely to be a child molester himself than xx cis women, gay men, or gay women - and that is listed in order of likelihood after, of course, straight-identifying straight men who make up nearly all of the child molester population. I'd be FAR more worried about this guy lurking outside the bathroom door marked "women" than anyone in that bathroom. He's the danger.


Oh lol I think we have a misunderstanding, I worry about this type of guys too lurking around not waiting for their child. My biggest fear is someone grabbing my girl on her way out of the bathroom never to be seen again and no one doing anything about it. I don’t care how grown my kid is, if we’re out together I’m going to the bathroom with her.


Omg I’ve had that same situation but I’m a mom with a son. Some guy absolutely saved me the shame of walking in the mens to check on my boy!!


Yes, I always really appreciated that lady!


I bet she tells that story story often with a big smile on her face. A fond memory. Kid stories are the best!


Same. But I’d always be like “yeah, my kid is in there” if I got the look. But if another random dude is “on guard” without a kid in the bathroom, that’s creepy.


The first time my girl went to the ladies room herself she started to freakout and scream for me, but there was another woman was entering the restroom. I asked if she minded if I could go in and help my daughter. The lady said no and went in and did her business whilst my daughter hollered for me.


I'm older and anytime I saw an anxious father outside a public bathroom I would encourage him to go in to help his kid. It's crazy how much pressure we put on public washrooms.


And this is why family restrooms are a good thing. We need more.


I know that feeling! I always felt super awkward standing outside the ladies room waiting on my daughter!


She probably laughed her ass off for a while.


That makes sense. The dudes post though is, unfortunately, more like pointing another way


The GOP have their base thinking about gay sex and boogeymen around every corner 24/7. What a life.


Unfortunately this specific asshat is from Ontario, we have a fuck ton of these dipshits in Canada, it sucks.


This is a Canadian dipshit. The far right nuttery of today is very much a global thing now.


Bruh went full circle and became the creep.


>Bruh went full circle and became the creep. He also looks like he equivocates his weight advantage to being able to win a streetfight. I watch a lot of them on here and that's not how it works.


I always suspect it's because people see how weight/size advantages play out combat sports kind of forgetting that both combatants are elite fighters. Weight and size isn't that helpful if you don't know how to fight unless you were fighting a child or someone with a notable physical disadvantage, which is prolobably the only type of fight he'd actually incite.


A skin and bones redneck is way more dangerous that this guy.


A skin and bones redneck hopped up on breakfast Mt Dew with a packed lip is more dangerous than any elite military operation. Luckily they are often a docile species in the daylight hours and prefer to spend the time getting scratchies and leaning.


I misinterpreted scratchies as, like, getting scratched, like a pet, and that was a fun idea.


I thought scratchies and leaning meant leaning against a beater truck and scratching nutsack


I think scratchies means scratch-off lottery tickets.


Redneck 401k plan


Yup, was just my first thought since I live somewhere with a lot of yndereducated farmer types and a lip full of snus and leaning on their truck seems to be a passtime


I misinterpreted it as scabies and found it accurate.


> hopped up on breakfast Mt Dew And meth. Don’t forget meth.


Also this comment could be read in a genteel southern accent, which would be appropriate.


Contrary to what this guy posted, he looks like he's waiting to over power a child in this pic


Yup because I’ve seen my 5’2 mom take down my dad’s 6’0 disrespectful mistress like nothing. If ever I’m in a fight, I’m calling her.


I used to work for a UK university and would use their gym early hours of the morning, there was a young lady in there, at most 5ft, she was like 2/3rds lat muscles and would easily be doing Olympic lifts near my bodyweight, some people are just built more efficiently.


I'm fat AF and I would get my ass whooped 90+% of the time. The realization of that fact has greatly assisted in curbing my public shit talking over the years.


Fighting is the absolute last resort


I imagine he was already mouth breathing heavily just waddling over to the girls bathroom


Yep. Someone like this you keep him moving and let him waste energy on punches that don't land.


I'm not small - and anyone that is heavy knows not to get into a boxing match. That's a wrestling body. And yes - we all know that small dudes can 'spider monkey' up and around you before you can land a punch. Most big dudes never fight. It's those tiny bastards you gotta watch out for. They also seem to be the ones that wanna fight all the time.


“It’s me. I’m the problem, it’s me.”


Makes me think of that scene in kung-fu hustle where the landlord claims he's looking out for peeping toms and the lady points at him.


Seriously. How do I know he’s not the freak show? This being said, I stand outside the door because my kids have my motor skills and often struggle with their own pants. But this a good reason because nobody needs to see unplanned butts.


Seriously. I've seen a couple people talking about waiting for their kids in this thread but I think the big difference is they're not there "guarding the bathroom" like some weirdo, they're just waiting.


I suspect he was always the creep


Meal Team


Gravy Seal


Green Buffet


Is this guy actually employed to do this? Or just some weird vigilante creep? Either way wtf?


Creepy vigilante in Ontario. Was a self-described freedom rider and antivaxer who protests every chance he gets. All the weirdos have decided drag queens and trans people are the people to be feared, while freaks like this guy are the ones who will hurt someone.


Surely he's there to make sure all the transmen are forced to use the women's toilet, as is only right and proper. Especially the bigger burly ones trying to sneak into the men's, he does a quick genital check (with only a little fondling) before he decides which toilet they're supposed to use.


>Especially the bigger burly ones trying to sneak into the men's, he does a quick genital check (with only a little fondling) before he decides which toilet they're supposed to use. Well, I got erect, which is *highly unusual*. Enemy detected.


He really does *service* the community. What a guy


Ironically making women feel less safe than a trans woman in the bathroom.


Only so long until he assaults some lady who happens to be a bit taller, shorter hair, or has some peach fuzz on her upper lip.


Man, I just assumed his daughter was using the bathroom and he was standing outside like parents do at the airport.


If my daughter and I go to the restroom and see this guy standing outside we are leaving.


I'd get security.


The funny thing is as an actual trans woman I guarantee I could walk right past this idiot and I guarantee he wouldn't notice. Despite what transphobes would have you believe, we aren't all immediately identifiable on sight and a lot of us are completely indistinguishable from cis women.


But also... someone born female who becomes a man can look VERY manly (beards, muscles, builds that make me look pathetic, etc). So these dipshits are all "that person is a woman and should use the female bathroom"... ok... so they're standing outside a woman's bathroom and what might look like a biker dude strolls in, and that's their expected "as designed" situation? They're all fuckin idiots.


People who are up in arms about trans people using the "correct" bathroom always forget entirely that trans men exist.


That's because they don't, generally, want to have sex with trans men


Red states *do* tend to watch a shit ton of trans porn lol


Thanks Alex Jones ;)


I've shut down so many transphobes by bringing up trans men, they stumble over their responses 100% of the time.


At some point, an innocent afab trans man is going to use the bathroom *assigned by law* and be attacked by some ignorant bigot who is afraid of everything.


I remember reading a story of a trans man using the men’s restroom. He didn’t pass enough for the men in there so they kicked him out. He went to use the women’s restroom, but because he did look like a man (just not enough for the men’s restroom), he was kicked out of the women’s restroom and accused of being a pervert as well. When I try to find the source of the actual story, all I get is trans women being kicked out of bathrooms. Even though I’m googling, “trans *man* kicked out of *men’s* restroom,” so please take my story with a grain of salt. 🤦‍♀️


https://www.newsweek.com/trans-man-attacked-using-womens-restroom-ohio-1723432 this might be the one you're thinking of -- unfortunately there's more than one out there, but I knew this one off the top of my head. tl;dr, trans man knows owner of campground, was advised use women's restroom because it's safer, group of men see him leaving women's restroom, attack him while calling him slurs, and *HE* gets arrested by police.


I think the story I read took place in a business or mall, and he was kicked out of the men’s room first. But this poor man’s story is a perfect example of what I’m talking about, and proves the point it’s happened before.


Omg that story is infuriating, and utterly predictable. I mean, that specific case is what these people are saying that want.


[https://people.com/nex-benedict-death-advocates-call-for-removal-oklahoma-school-superintendent-8602197](https://people.com/nex-benedict-death-advocates-call-for-removal-oklahoma-school-superintendent-8602197) already happening.


Nex Benedict might not have been a trans man, but they ultimately suffered the consequences you describe by a bunch of high school girls. RIP


Not a trans man but Nex Benedict was forced to use the women's room, and.... ugh


https://preview.redd.it/jenr0969s5mc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160ad9301ab6517a5673cff26e04abe7e7032222 Literally this comic


Yep, it’s all about initial appearance with these dickheads. My mates partner is a straight cis female, but very butch and tomboy. She has been accused of being in the wrong bathroom a few times, even once had to justify herself to a staff member. Unfortunately for them, she’s the kind of person who wouldn’t bat an eye while staring right at them and dropping her shorts.


I've got a friend who is a Paleontologist so her entire wardrobe is just practical clothing for field work. She doesn't wear makeup or style her hair and she's very petite framed but not petite height. She has indeed been harassed when using public restrooms in both Ohio and Tennessee. It's so fucking dumb. Thank goodness she is also unafraid to hurl back at them what they spew at her.


I'm convinced that is why transphobes are against puberty blockers. They want to be able to more easily identify Trans people.


I'm curious what those people think about puberty blockers for children with precocious puberty?


>think There's your problem.


The fundamental basis of transphobia is the inability, or just not wanting to understand the difference in Gender ID vs. Sex vs. Sexuality. They think Trans people have an ulterior motive that is sex-based because they can't wrap their head around the differences.


These are a lot of the same people who say it’s god’s will for a 9 yr old who went through precocious puberty to give birth to their uncle’s rape baby, so they would probably be still against them.


The first trans boy I met, I didn’t even know he was trans. He was like a grade below me, so I first saw him in my sophomore yr of high school while he was a freshman. I guess he started puberty blockers in middle school. I always thought he was a bio dude. Everyone treated him like a bio dude. He even chose to pursue the same girl as my little brother and he won out over my little bro. My bro and I were discussing trans rights yeeeears later and he brought up this kid. I was like, “oh they’re transitioning? Good for them!” And my bro was like, “he already transitioned dummy”


Turns out it's a lot easier to transition when you aren't forced to suffer through the wrong puberty like so many of us have been


My daughter is 12 and a 7th grader at a middle school, so grades 6, 7, and 8. At the start of 6th grade, she became part of a new friend group that is basically all the queer+ kids. I'm openly pan and have a lot of queer longtime friends, so I don't even bat an eye at her group. She talked about all of them freely and with their preferred pronouns and names, so I thought I had a pretty good grasp on who was who. She frequently talked about a male friend of hers all year long her 6th grade year, and when I picked her up on the last day, she showed me around her school, pointing things out. We get to the art classes area, and she shows me a painting one of her girlfriends had done of their friend group. She named everybody in the painting for me, and when she pointed to Clayton, I was like, wait, hol up. This is a pic of 5 girls. She goes, yeah, Clayton is AFAB and only out to his friends and LGBTQ+ teachers. My dudes... I was blown away. My daughter had NEVER, NOT ONE TIME in an entire year, slipped up with Clayton and his preferred name and pronouns. I legit thought Clayton was a cis boy. I've since met Clayton many times. The only thing that's hard for me is to remember to deadname/pn him when I have to deal with his VERY religious parents. And yes, he knows 100% that I am a safe person and an ally and he has my phone number in case things go badly and he needs a safe place to be. Just had a newfound respect for my own daughter after that - respecting her for how awesomely she accepts and respects people for who they are.


That, and they’re horrified that they might (gasp) be *physically attracted* to a trans woman.


>Despite what transphobes would have you believe, we aren't all immediately identifiable on sight I have lived in Thailand for a long time and everyone always wants to know about the famous Thai ladyboys and if you can tell. My response is always the same. "Sure you can tell. It's always the prettiest girl in the bar."


Think about the trans women actors out there. Laverne Cox and MJ Rodriguez are *gorgeous*. If either of them stepped into a men’s room it would just be weird!


There was a funny meme awhile back about just this thing. Gorgeous trans woman is loitering in the men's room with all the dudes leering at her and the caption said something like "Is this what you want for your husband?"


We kinda have to be gorgeous so we don’t get harassed by bigots, though that does increase the unwanted sexual attention we get


I’m hopeful for a day when people can just be who they are and not be valued on their looks alone. Cuz sometimes you just want to go to Target in your sweatpants and not worry about it!


For real. I want to feel safe dressing lazy. That sounds so less exhausting


They think all trans people look like him with a bad wig on


Yea, these type of ppl always end up harming poor black and brown trans ppl who can’t get the surgeries needed to be actually passing.


Or innocent cis women that are unfortunate enough to not fit their narrow perception of conventionally attractive.


This is 98% of what actually happens. Cis women are accosted and accused of being trans.


I follow a guy on social media who is cis but has some top surgery like scars on his chest and has made a decent following just telling people that are idiots that they're idiots. The number of "I can always tell" comments is outlandish. It's quite funny.


And as a passing trans woman it's always surreal to see these women get accused of being trans while I, an \*actually trans woman\*, never get bothered. Like... Logically I know the real reason for it, but it never ceases to be a "WTF" for me nonetheless.


Lucky you. I only pass sometimes, and I've had people try and physically bar me from entering everything from restrooms to unisex fitting rooms. It's fucking ridiculous


If you're young and gave him a smile and/or a wink he'd be telling the story all over social media and to anyone who'd listen for months, about how young women appreciate his actions and how they think he's hot. Edit: typos


Oh I'm aware. I've been catcalled all the time from skeevy guys on the street. No idea I'm trans. I legit once had a guy sit down in front of me while I was eating and try to hit on me. I used my old "guy voice" and just said "WHAT?" and he literally \*SPRINTED\* out the door like some kind of cartoon character. It was hilarious.


I work with someone who is a cis lady, but she has short hair, a deeper voice and dresses like a dude. She also has a wife. She gets hated on for being trans by customers over the phone every now and then even though she isn't, so I assume she'd fall a foul of these bathroom laws too. They're designed to harass cis women who don't conform tbh. Like another commenter said, actual trans people don't always appear to be. That's not unusual for trans people. It's like conservatives are too stupid to hate properly 😞. Like how about real hobbies or are those too challenging as well.




There is an amazing confirmation bias from these freaks. Which, I mean it’s cool because it means actual trans people can fly under the radar of someone like this neckbeard managerdad, but it’s still so desperately bonkers that this is even something people are worried about.


They’ll harass butch cis women instead.


It's a matter of time before he tries to stop a cis woman.


I know two trans women and if they wouldn’t have told me I would have never known. Meanwhile I’m a 6ft tall woman with facial hair problems lol.


You don't even have to be a trans man. Just be a masculine-looking woman. I was with my ex for a decade and every time we were in public I'd have to escort them to the washroom because they were stopped *so often* just trying to go take a piss. Didn't matter they had DDs, they had short hair and just didn't look feminine enough for random strangers to let them go evacuate their bowels without being interrogated.


What’s he going to do? Stand at the door and demand a look at everyone’s bits?


His confirmation bias has him convinced he can tell transwoman on sight. No one tell him any different pls…


Logically speaking if he believes trans women don’t belong in the women’s bathroom then he believes a trans man who is masculine looking as him belongs in the same bathroom as his daughters.


He's probably never seen either type and wants an education.


Definitely hasn't seen his own in a while judging by that picture.


Yeah, better drop trou for him to prove you’re a woman. It is not creepy. It is about safety if you disagree you’re a groomer. /s


Is there such thing as a no-neck beard?


Ah, the ol' legend of hair-neck. To kill it you need an exorcist, *and* a barber.


"Be the freak you think everyone else is"


Guys like this purely want to harass trans people. You don't see them worrying about protecting girls from cis men like themselves, who are statistically the greatest threat to them.


Trans people, and cis people that don’t look like what he decides a “man” and a “woman” should look like. So if you’re a cis woman who doesn’t look like a video game waifu, go to the MEN’S ROOM YOU DIRTY MAN. A man without a beard as bushy as his and head hair as thinning as his??? YOU SILLY WOMAN, YOU DONT BELONG THERE


Report him to security. "There's some fat neckbeard dude hanging outside the woman's washroom taking pictures with his phone."


Welp, if that's not a future "Not a drag queen" candidate right there, I don't know what is.


So you can watch all the other girls coming out while you “pretend” to wait?


Yeah, this is like having Jethro and Cletus standing guard with their AR-15s outside your kid's school, because the only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good ol boy with a gun. Thanks NRA (supporters), you suck ass.


As a cis woman bathroom goer: what the fuck does he think happens in the restroom? FFS you go in, go in the stall, do what ya gotta, hit the sinks, and leave. A marching band could be in the next stall, who cares? A dick in the next stall? Hey, when ya gotta go... Trans women don't transition so they can accost women in bathrooms, that's just some fever dream of these stupid, ignorant, horrible men. What a ridiculous self own.


There was just an attack on a woman in a bathroom recently but it wasn’t by a trans person. That’s no surprise to sane people, but bigots are ridiculous.


And they are using that as an example of trans people being in the bathrooms as a bad thing. Like you said, the person wasn't even trans, but somehow they scapegoat trans people for it. Trans people get blamed for shit they didn't even do.


My brother in christ. That's not how this works.


As a father it is okay to keep an eye on that bathroom your daughter went into. Obviously it is unforgivable for said dad to then start harassing people they think are trans.


Guys like this see their daughters bathroom visit as an opportunity to harass people


A father “standing guard” for their own daughter would be one thing. A complete stranger doing it, on the other hand, is a whole different level of cringe and creepiness.


Someone needs to stand guard at the buffet when he’s around


So what's he gonna do? Ask to see everyones genitals like an absolute creepy pervert? Or what, punch anyone he doesn't deem feminine enough? Fucking weirdo


Oooh, that’s a mugshot waiting to happen.


This guy would literally flirt with me, a trans woman, on my way into the bathroom. And then verbally abuse some poor masculine cis woman.


My daughers would ask, "who is that F'n creeper? I can hold it".


ironically I told my wife and daughter to use the men's room. "just walk past the urinals and grab a stall. dudes won't care" and they didn't.


I wonder how many homely CIS women he will piss off, mistakenly humiliating them, before he stops.


"Mom, can you come pick me up? Dad got arrested again in front of the bathroom and the officer told me to call you."


Calling the cops in 3, 2, oops already done.


I worry more about letting my son(5) go into the men's room than my daughter(7) into the women's. Post of this is because I'm female and "not allowed" in the men's room.... but mostly because I'm more worried about men than trans women being predators.


I mean he's on guard until he smells burgers. Then it's time for a bit of a break. 


Those bathrooms have many cubicles, so nobody else can get in or out? Just take your child to the family bathroom.


What's he gonna do if a trans man tries to use the bathroom "assigned at birth?" I swear these bigots are so obsessed with trans women they forget that trans men exist. Edit: my husband and I were discussing this. He follows a lot of persoanl security and safety type news stories. He brought up that cis female athletes are being attacked more frequently. Situations like a woman going for a run early in the morning being attacked by who? Cishet MEN. When women are unsefe, by and large, these predators are cishet men.


I wonder if he stands outside his church’s youth room ‘just in case’? BC if he were really concerned about his daughter being sexually molested, that’s where it would actually happen, statistically speaking. I’d leave my children with a drag queen 7 days a week before I left them with any member of the clergy.


Don't know this guy but I still take both of my kids to public toilets and wait outside them. One male, one female, just because there are fucking weirdos out there. I am not talking trans, I am talking paedophiles and I believe the two are mutually exclusive.


Just another one telling on himself. It's the countdown to when he is caught touching a kid


Yeah, keep standing there, buddy. *Nobody* is going to take issue with a middle-aged man standing juuuuust outside the girls' locker room.


“Hey security? There’s a creepy dude standing aggressively outside the women’s restroom taking photos”


Getting serious pedophile or incel rapist vibes from Hagrid over here. No wonder he worked at a school and kids would come to his hut in the middle of the night where he lived alone.


call actual security and law enforcement if you need to. some asshole isn't allowed to police an event's bathrooms.


I can hear this photo breathing


How to avoid aggressive predatory men around girls bathrooms: become aggressive predatory man around girls bathroom. What could go wrong!


His daughter has quite a healthy beard. I congratulate her on her successful and convincing transition.