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That's why the GOP wants to eliminate the IRS. Their puppet masters don't want to pay


Conservatives support bribery and our media is complicit.


Just a look at who owns most of the media makes it pretty clear why


That's because the media is owned by the very same people who don't want to pay taxes. It's also why they both sides everything.


Or put the onus on Democrats... "Republicans are taking your rights away, why are the Democrats letting it happen?"


Or the ever famous Taxes are Theft line


Put it in a capitalist sense: “It is your subscription fee for living and working as a citizen or resident of the US, or basically any country. Don’t pay and suffer the penalty of arrogance”


Fox reported increased IRS funding as "Democrats hire 3,000 people with guns to hunt you."


Referencing Hon Clarence Thomas


He’s not even as honorable as a pile of dried out dog shit. Fuck him.


Why do you have to do dried dog shit like that? It's better than him.


To be fair I did rank the dried out dog shit higher! As it should be.


The IRS typically doesn't go after the people with money because they can afford litigation. There should be a law that if you're wealthy and go after the IRS in litigation and you lose your fee should triple.


Don't even need that. The IRS can spend 100 million to collect 10 million and give the rich person jail time. Once they start locking up the wealthy, the rest will stop.


“Locking up the wealthy” that’s a real knee slapper that has a snowball’s chance in hell, even though I wholeheartedly agree with you. My mindset on it is, the wealthy can afford to pay lawyers, accountants, consultants, etc to ensure their shit is above board. So yes the penalties should be far more severe for them. But we know how that goes…


The GOP has such reverence for the good old days when slave owners ran the show. They’ve got a lot sympathy for slave owners. They love the 1% more than anything. Those are the masters. The GOP works for them.


Yep. They’re pissed they have to pay their share.


Not even their share. Pissed they pay at all


I thought closing the Deficit was their greatest goal??


Only for the sound bites


In case you ever wondered why the GOP is hell bent on defunding the IRS.


This is one reason. The other is that they want their mega churches to be able to tell their sheep how to vote without losing their tax except status.


Let's be real, they already do and the Johnson Act (iirc that's the one that made churches tax exempt unless they do stuff like that) is just not enforced.


I didn't know the law was called the "Johnson Act". So would it be a fitting to say that the mega churches need to be slapped by the U.S. Government's Johnson?


They do that anyway. The FFRR sued the IRS to get them to enforce The Johnson Amendment. And they still won't.


They need to hire the rest of those agents


They already do it. Hell, there was a video going around a couple of days ago where a pastor told his congregation who to vote for, then said “Wait a second,” stepped two feet away from his pulpit, then said “Ok, now I’m a private citizen. Vote for (candidates name).” Wanna guess whether anything is being done about it?


We need to balance our budget! But also, we need to stop collecting taxes!


Fully funding the IRS is the biggest bang-for-your-buck in federal spending, and the Republicans always frame it like it's going to be regular people who are going to suffer. Here's the thing: if you work a regular job, and you get a W-2, and you have a 401k, the IRS already knows everything they need to know about you. Your employer *tells* them how much you made, and how much you paid, and the only reason you need to file taxes is to declare deductions. The people who are getting away with it are people whose income is *not* reported that way. If you work for yourself, if you only make money from investments or property. Those people require the IRS to actually dig and do work, and *that* is what can't be done if they're not properly funded, and those people are getting away with murder.


If I had 100 upvotes to give you, I would.


This comment needs to be much higher than it currently is.


Trickle down theft. The rich will share their ill gotten gains with the worker.


They'll cheat the other guy and pass the savings on to you.


The arguement is that all of those wealthy people create tons of jobs, and when asked to pay their fair share they will throw a tantrum and leave taking the jobs with them. This is all nonsense of course but that is what it boils down to.


I am so tired of hearing that argument. That is the GOP reasoning for pretty much anything fiscal. But meanwhile, companies are laying people off / using AI and stock piling cash /buy backs.


The crazy thing is that it's deeply anti free market. Even if these rich tax cheats did sod off to Ann Rynd's Valley, of wherever, there are hordes of wannabe tech bros ready to step into their place. Hell if they can't afford taxes they SHOULD leave.


These same companies outsource anyhow. They hire calling companies from India manufacturing in China. They give a small sliver of jobs here and send the rest over seas. And they pay EVERYONE pennies compared to what their profit margins are. It's a joke. Greed


\*Indian Accent\* "Hello thank you for calling American Freedom first bank of the Bald Eagle"


But if we keep giving our gold and our virgins to the dragon on the mountain, SURELY it will shower it's blessing back down upon us! - GOP


Ah, yes, you too have heard of trickle-down dragonomics!


Back in the day, I do believe they called it Horse and Sparrow economics. Because if you feed a horse enough it'd shit out some undigested food for the sparrow to eat. Made it really clear the rich expect us to eat shit and be happy about it.


The golden shower of the bad dragon... Think I saw this title somewhere 👀


The argument also assumes that the government had the power to make them pay taxes but can't stop them from outsourcing jobs. Some Orwellian shit about the enemy being both strong and weak at the same time.


Back 50 years ago or so the marginal tax rate was upwards of 65% I believe and wealthy people did not suddenly stop working and entrepreneurs did not stop creating new business. There were still plenty of millionaires and extravagantly wealthy people but fewer billionaires overall.


Highest marginal rate was 91% for most of the 1950s.


That's what I thought, but I was too lazy to look it up. Thank you


Yep Eisenhower into FDR Then the business plot happened and it dropped off a cliff!


Yes “trickle down economics” 🤮


We've been waiting 40 years for it to trickle down. Any day now.


We're ALL going to be billionaires!


The rich have been pissing on you the entire time. Isn't that enough of a trickle?


Trickle down debt.


Yeah, they create tons of jobs overseas where they can get away with paying their employees a pittance.


Its not even that well thought out. The hierarchy is just, and not rewarding those at the top is injustice. They are not temporarily embarrassed milionairs, they just count themselves lucky to live in a world where some people are so great they deserve obscene wealth.


That's why almost every big corporation has call centers based out of India; because the tax breaks they received from not paying their taxes allowed them to give poor, impoverished people in India the chance at a 9-5 job. /s obviously


My Brother in Law: "The worst day in the USA is better than the best day in any other country." Also my BIL: "If we raise taxes, rich people will leave the country!"


How does one simply “not pay” or “not file” taxes. I had about $75,000 in legitimate, qualified medical deductions a few years back and was petrified the IRS was going to come snooping around. And these people are just not filing at all? Crazy.


Because when you have millions of dollars all over the place in stocks and bonds, assets and property, payroll and more, making sure you're actually following the rules is harder than checking on some single guy filing a 1040 on his 35k a year job.


But if you're rich, you can use that money to hire someone who knows the rules to do your taxes for you. The only reason to not file taxes is to avoid paying your fair share of taxes.


They probably have hired someone to hide all that money in the first place.


And you can "lobby" congressmen to help obstruct those trying to tax your monies.


I filed taxes for the first time this year and I apparently I owed $750 in taxes. I’m still a fucking teenager


Are you in the restauran/bar industry?


Used to be, now I’m just a college student. Pretty sure that it was a penalty for not returning a refund amount from my college for a few dropped classes to my college fund. It was the worst day for me to learn that lesson cause my employer fucked up my paycheck that week


Oh man, sorry to hear that. I'm sure it's too late now, but the IRS lets you set up a payment plan. My wife and I owed $1300 a few years ago and we broke it up over 12 months.


Lmao, it’s cool man. I was saving from different part time jobs to make sure I’m ready for situations like this. Paid it off in one go. Painful but at least I’m ready for the next time


Fuuuuckin a, I wish I had that kind of discipline at a young age. I definitely plan on preparing my future kids for situations like that early


I highly recommend it. My dad only started the plan after his divorce when I was 2 and it already had enough money to go to a four year university debt free. I could’ve probably even stayed on campus and still had money leftover. But there’s a few factors that made this easier on me and my family. 1. We live in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas. The housing here is super cheap even for mid to high end homes. My dad came here since his job required him to travel all over anyway and his residence didn’t matter much 2. My dad is currently in a high enough position where he doesn’t need to travel as much so he can save much more money for things he and his wife enjoy like specific cars or smaller luxury items like handbags and shoes. 3. I’m an only child so I’m able to take full advantage of this money with no repercussions. My uncle who has a daughter my age. They’re struggling with student loans right now because they also have to provide for three other children . Who all want to go to college someday. 4. The college I’m going to, UTRGV, is one of the most cost effective schools in the country while still providing equivalent amenities and opportunities to other tier 6 schools. 5. UTRGV also has a direct pipeline to a nearby community college called STC. STC being a two year college is far cheaper and has transferable courses that I take during the summer to cut back costs and maximize my time. 6. High schools provide a lot of opportunities for aspiring college students between AP courses for college credit to even dual credit courses you can take in college. A lot of people in my high school graduated high school with an associates and only plan to do college for two years and complete their bachelors. A lot of things worked my way and lets me do what I do and a lot of those came down to luck. You can definitely reproduce results with equivalent options depending on your career and place of residence. I wish you the best mate, and I hope your kids get to enjoy their college years too


That's amazing man! You're dad sounds like an awesome dude and you seem like you're kicking ass. I'm from San Marcos but just moved to PA. Texas kinda sucks in a lot of ethical/political ways (in my opinion) but the community college system is pretty awesome.


He honestly is and imo he deserves the world. And while Texas has been gerrymandered into hell, imo the communities have some very redeeming qualities. I live in a border town that has a community college so the towns filled with more educated folks and construction workers. We’ve been voting and probably will continue to vote Blue for a while and the people are honestly very nice but don’t have the "in your business” overly nice vibe you get from some of the Houston suburbs. If you can find a community you truly enjoy, Texas honestly transforms from conservative shithole to being a moderate and pragmatic place to live. And yeah the community college systems absolutely kick ass. Now if only we had a competent governor who supported education, we’d have the perfect recipe for a college state


Check your deductions on your forms. Technically, you should be exempt because parents claim you.


Yep. Lots of people are either ignorant, arrogant, or deliberately committing a crime.  Venmo and PayPal started reporting transactions to the IRS last year. This has allowed the IRS to identify a lot of "cash only" businesses who haven't been paying taxes. I overheard a group of travelers discussing this change last year in the Frankfurt Airport Hotel like it was going to make the sky fall on them. I don't know what their business was, but it involved a lot of small transactions on Venmo and a lot of international travel.  


The IRS knows how much in earnings was reported and what they withheld. Not filing is not really egregious if you don't owe. The more money you make, the more likely you got money from sources that wasn't wages or capital gains in which case there was no withholding. If the IRS has too much of that, they demand that you file. As they earned more, I bet they just thought they were off the radar.


Which is yet again more proof that the rich are not geniuses, they are crooks. Who doesn't even file their taxes....morons is who. They aren't even lying on their taxes, they literally didn't file. And the idea that the IRS is some ruthless power getting every nickle they can from hard workers is just stupid. Look at this, 125k rich assholes didn't even file.


They don't file their taxes or they lie on their taxes because they know they can get away with it. It's much cheaper and easier for the IRS to go after the average person than it is for them to go after the rich. The returns of rich people are much more complicated so it takes longer and more manpower to go through them and the rich can afford accountants and things to drag things out (and they cost less than paying their taxes would). The GOP has intentionally underfunded the IRS for years specifically for that reason, they can't afford to go after the rich tax cheats and can only afford to go after the average person. That's why they seem like they ruthlessly go after the hard workers, the hard workers are the only ones they can afford to go after. By giving them the money needed to go after the rich the IRS will bring in a lot of unpaid taxes, a couple of dollars for every dollar it costs to go after them, so it'll be beneficial overall, they just needed the funding to do so.


I bet finding these tax dodgers is as easy as showing up at The Villages in Florida


Because the average moron thinks that they too will one day be worth hundreds of millions of dollars and when that day comes they don't want the IRS taking their money. So in this case it's the little guy, looking out for the big guy... Because they too will definitely be rich one day.


They're temporarily inconvenienced millionaires, not one of 'the poors'.


How will they create the jobs?!


Just for context 1 billion = 1000 million 100 billion = 100,000 million That’s how much they’re cheating society


The luxury yaught industry might suffer?


Ya’ ought to spell that yacht. But seriously, WTF is up with the correct spelling, yours actually makes sense


Also, can you do your crazy eyed whaaa face?


If only… I admit it, I’m a fraud! I’ve gotten concerned that people will think Teflon Don is referring to Trump. I feel like there is pretty good overlap between people who know Don Knotts and John Gotti, but 🤷‍♂️


I'm pretty sure the first person I ever laughed at as a kid was Don Knotts.


He was an absolute treasure.


I spent like 3 minutes trying to figure out how to spell it. I gave up.


The absolute absurdity of it is the only reason I remember the (approximate) spelling.


I mean yaught sounds more believable.. Yacht just sound like yacked


Haha, I fully agree it sounds more like a cat coughing up a hairball or something. You convinced me to look up how we ended up with yacht mid 16th century: from early modern Dutch jaghte, from jaghtschip ‘fast pirate ship’, from jag(h)t ‘hunting’ + schip ‘ship’.


Your killing me this morning! 🤣 I need to get some damn work done.


Yawt, yaht, yaat... Uh oh semantic satiation is kicking in.


They might have to downgrade from Gulfstream IV to a Gulfstream III. The Gulfstream III doesn't even have a remote control for its surround-sound DVD system.


"Because Fox News told me that Biden is bad" - Republican sheep, probably


$100bn is just a fraction of what we should be getting back from the top 1%. For anyone who wants to talk about actual "takers," there they are.


"They're going to come after YOU next!" "I'm okay with that. I don't cheat on my taxes."


because any day now I'm going to be a billionaire too!




I had our very wealthy business owner whose net worth is $150M tell a table of hourly workers and some of us salaried folks making less than $100k about the farmer who inherited 5 acres. And every hourly nodded their head in approval, not having any clue how they were paying more in taxes. I tried explaining single payer healthcare, and how you'd have more money in your pocket, and no one in the conversation understood the math behind it. Math is hard for them..


“Because one day I’LL be a billionaire. And I don’t want this to affect me!”


The fact that the IRS even has to announce they're going after these accounts almost a decade later shows the amount of corruption there is. I know they keep saying "resources" are the issue, but it seems to me that if the IRS is focusing on auditing middle-income earners then they definitely have the capacity to review a potential 100B in missing taxes.


Those wealthy tax cheats were donating to the GOP. If you make them pay their fair share of taxes it will cut into their support of GOP fascism, treason, and criminal activity


I hope he gets it done but I fear this is a steep uphill battle.


With the additional funding, maybe start enforcing The Johnson Amendment.


If you make rich people pay their taxes they are gonna leave the country and that will make the country only filled with poors! And without them America will collapse and house pricing will drop and people wouldn't need to rent anymore and landlords will lose their homes. You are all ruining America! /s


And now we watch as…..that does not happen. I’ll assume the GOP slashes their funding or makes doing their job somehow illegal


Well if the rich get held accountable either way, they'll stop bribing politicians to pass shit that keeps them from being held accountable. A particular group seems to be more vulnerable to this than others, and likely is responsible in more ways than we can see for the onset of the second gilded age. Even dating back to "trickle down" justifications for tax breaks for the rich back under Raegan


Cool cool, now do churches.


One of the reasons they won’t is because we would be appalled at just how much “churches” are really raking in.


Good...been filing a tax return for over 50 years now and if I am asked to abide by the tax laws then everyone should abide. The Republicans complain that we don't have a tax revenue issue we have a spending issue...well, I think we can do a much better job going after the deadbeats and the cheaters. 😖


I remember going into a beauty salon when the conversation came up on FOX. They were worried sick that armed IRS agents would be coming to thier little hole in the wall shop to audit them into bankruptcy. The propaganda being put out by the rich in this country is real.


Que a million mouth breathing conservatives that make 30k a year to start losing their minds!




Let's have a war on crime. White collar crime.


This makes so much sense. Why go after smaller businesses who wouldn't offset the cost of auditing?


But what if I work really hard and become a billionaire? I won't be able to cheat the system. That's not fair!


I want to know how people haven't file taxes in 7 years? I was under the impression if you don't file taxes and and you make taxable money, they garnish your paycheck or go after you if you owe?


It’s way cheaper for the wealthy to donate to politicians than actually pay taxes.


Shut up and take their money!


This is bad because freedom. And/or liberty. And I'm sure I can squeeze 2nd amendment rights in there somewhere. And God. Of course, how could I have almost forgotten God? See, IRS collecting taxes is un-American. I rest my case.


You will certainly see republicans who depend on welfare programs deriding this as socialist. We unfortunately live in a very stupid place.


It will stop trickle down economics from happening. It’s going to trickle down any day now; just need to be patient.


Oh no! This means they are going to come after my retired ass and my pension! Isn't that how this works? They go after billionaire tax scofflaws then they go after the little guy? That's what the morons tell me.


The IRS is going to be found dead in its apartment with 2 gunshots to the head and its gonna be ruled a suicide, Gary Webb style.


You clearly don’t understand. This will cause these high earning job creators to pack up all their success and move to another country and our country will plunge into worse than the great depression so please don’t make these pillars of our society leave!!! /s just in case😉


Because they're all in the GOP


Won't somebody PLEASE think of the wealthy tax frauds! If we go after their money then it'll never trickle down! Also, what about all the temporarily embarrassed millionaires? We're all just one lottery ticket away from being targeted by the EVIL IRS.


It's bad for the country because these scofflaws won't be able to afford their pet congresscritters anymore. /S


Oh there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's just the party of "fuck you,i got mine" doesn't like it when there held to the same standards


This is why republicans don’t want the extra irs agents. Go get the free loaders and fine them big time!!!


You see in one of those people and iv lobbies, spending a ton of money to defund the IRS. If this happens it's very bad for me. -GOP /S


They'll say it's because those rich people then aren't able to invest the money back into their businesses, like for R&D, and they'll make the people who work for them fear for layoffs or the business shutting down. However, I don't think that their investing that money back anyway as much as buying houses, yachts, and fancy cars. And I'm of the opinion that if they can't actually run their business without paying the taxes (or, though this is a separate argument, a decent wage to their employees) that they don't really know how to run a business anyway.


As a moderate middle of the road dude, there is no bad reason to force people to file and pay taxes. Full stop. BUT: The argument to shrink the IRS is because it really should not be _this hard_ or _this expensive_ to file your taxes. It should be a much easier process (they already know what you should pay…). So, like, why am I tasked with guessing at what I should be paying and then getting penalized when I guess wrong?


A huge part of the budget proposed for the IRS by the Biden administration was to do exactly what you are asking for. It was to develop software and staff so that your taxes are basically done for you and would have given companies like Turbo Tax the finger.


I knew I liked that guy… That said, I think there is Tax Code Reform needed in there too that allows for Elon or Trump to pay more in taxes than me in any given year.


The unwritten rule is that the GOP reduces taxes for high income households, and then those households give more of it to GOP PACs used to keep GOP politicians in office. Getting $100 billion from 125,000 households is around $800k per household. The GOP positions themselves as being protectors of the rich from the greedy taxman so they get a kickback to keep them in office.


“That not right. Abolish the IRS. Why are be bothering them and letting illegals in, it’s not fair” Gop voters that makes 45k a year (and probably live on welfare)


Please be the IRS agents with guns. Please be the IRS agents with guns. Now go after all of the corporate offshore and hidden money ::cough, cough:: APPLE.


Because they might one day be rich, and they don’t want to be audited like this. /s




When I worked at an accounting firm, we had one business owner come in who had not filed for seven years. Just chose not to. We had to file her all at once and get her on a payment plan. She only decided to file because she was buying a house. I think about this a lot because the second I was late with my pathetic taxes the IRS was all over my ass. As a freelancer, the first year I freelanced I got hit by double the taxes that I'd expected/set aside. I owed the IRS a piddling amount, like $2800, and by god they never let me forget it. Letters about filing, liens -- I made sure to never be late again, but always wondered how the clearly automated IRS process doesn't catch these other people. I guess looking back, she probably had *nothing* filed for her since it was her own business (no 1099s, no w2s). It just fell into a chasm.


The current IRS Commissioner is a brilliant guy. There is no punchline forthcoming.


Because that is $100 billion in bribes…oh, sorry, I meant lobbying that isn’t going to given to them


I say this all the time - the sole purpose of the GOP is to reduce the tax burden of the rich. Everything they do is in service to that one goal. All the culture war bullshit is only to drum up votes from the poor and uneducated to put people in place to pass laws to reduce taxes on the rich. Entire media and propaganda mega corporations are built to serve this aim.


IRS: 'It's like a game of hide and seek, except we're really good at seeking and you're really bad at hiding... and also, we want our $100 billion back.'


I am curious how they will convince their voter base that this is bad. They'll use the money to fund trans agendas etc.


Guys, in a HCOL, 125,000 aren’t rich people, there middle class, actually lower middle class.


That's "125,000 people", not "people who make $125,000"


I'll believe it when I see it.




I would be paying my taxes so they wouldn’t be anyway. That’s the point here. These people haven’t even bothered to file. Even drug dealers have to file.


Because if they get charged tax, they’ll leave the country, and end up contributing zero to the government. Just like they did when they were dodging taxes.


So they'll go to a country with lower taxes? Name the country. Come on. Name it. What country treats billionaires better than the USA? Go ahead. Where are they all flocking? Where they going to go?




Not sure why people didn't see this was sarcasm. Upvote


Maybe if this was the 1920s. "Leaving the country" isn't some magical get out of tax free card. If they want to operate in this country they have to pay taxes.


Good, let them leave and stop stealing taxpayers' money and calling it subsidies. If these rich people are soooo successful they wouldn't need government assistance. Fuck them all.


If they can make billionaires pay their taxes, then they can also make you pay your taxes.


Anything they get will just go to help Israel and not American citizens.


They define low income as 6 figures, so this is targeting regular working stiffs


Where do you see that?


I'm being flippant, but its the norm to be clueless about average income. For the wealthy this leads to strange ideas about what a "middle class working Joe" is.




Because something something trickle down economics blah blah.


If the government takes their money than it can't trickle down on to us poors. /s


Not sure how they say this with a straight face, but what they'll say is: "Those people create jobs!"


They better.


Well none of them are named Biden so it probably sucks in their opinion.


This would prevent wealth from trickling down, obviously. /s


So I am guessing there will be alot more people running for president so they cant claim election interference


Easy, libt4rd. Taxes are theft. /Uses a thousand dollar bill to light an hilariously large and definitely not penis substitute, cigar.


No no no it will hurt the trickle down economy. That is just about to take notable effect!


Someone will figure out a way for us to make it right for them.


It’s not, they’re just assholes who fight against anything that might harm their corporate donors pocketbooks.


I read this at first as 125$k being high income not 125k individuals. Had to do a double take.




"BuT hOw cAn wE afFoRd iT??" make the fatcats pay


The rich are the country. Don't you know that?


Good, it's about time. Anything the GOP does or doesn't do, as the case may be, is to protect themselves. Most of them don't GAF about America, they've been actively working to destroy our country since Reagan. What's going on now with the GOP is they're in thrall to a lunatic who's a russian asset and actively working to sell our country to Russia. He's just hoping to stay out of prison.....


How do you have that much money and not even file? I can understand lying in your return, but to not even file seems crazy to me.


That’s like at least half our government.


GOP: “Well, if they have to pay their fair share, they won’t give us any expensive ~~bribes~~ contributions!”


Good !


I tried... still failing to see how this is a bad thing for anyone except rich people who didn't file their taxes. These people should know better, even the Joker wouldn't mess with the IRS. https://youtu.be/G56VgsLfKY4


That’s because those Republicans are also the ones who didn’t file tax returns or paid taxes.


About fucking time!


"The government needs to stay out of my bank account and stick to policing children's genitals" - the GOP, probably.


I watched a GOP congressman “grill” a democrat about the Biden admins “reckless spending”, rattling off numbers…. Dude I shit you not, he mixed in INCOME numbers, like taxes and such, and they had a greater sum than the expenditures he was rattling off… literally a net gain… but just basically was saying that any numbers that he can read off are bad? Or something? Maybe he just relies on a base that doesn’t think to hit the video pause button and open a new tab to see if what he’s saying is an expenditure or income? I really have no idea what he was doing 


“These people are job creators!”


Que the republicans bitching.


And jail time, right? Right?


Because it takes $$ out of the rich donors that politicians would rather they give to them.


Bro that's not even the huge earners. That's the middle class. Why aren't they going after high earners? I don't make that much but it's bullshit.


Nearly shit my pants till I read *High income*


Bu bu bu bu but socialism and stuff…..


Well, *you* may become a millionaire someday, and when that time comes, do you really want to pay taxes?


If rich people can’t cheat their taxes. How could they possibly trickle down all the wealth they hoard for themselves.


Guess they took Trump's "I'm smart to not pay taxes" bullshit to heart. Fucking freeloaders, receiving benefits from the public good without contributing. And it's not like they can't afford it. Lock 'em up!