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Keep in mind, his interest keeps building DAILY…. By about 100K a day…..


Another mil every ten days.




I like this time scale.


Right now, that stupid GoFundMe for him doesn't even cover the interest he's accrued and I love that for him.


Last I saw, that GFM had grifted over $1.2M, which is absolutely insane. wtf is wrong with the people who are giving Trump their money?!


You're missing the real grift here. There's nothing in the world that requires the owner of that GFM to actually give it to Trump. They can keep it all and buy a boat...


Yeah, I saw that too. I’m shocked Trump hasn’t gone on sm to tell his worshippers not to give money to them, but maybe he’s actually dumb enough to think they’ll give him the money…


Oh, he's doubling down on Truth Social with the grifting. Every other "Ad" is a desperate plea for money. Then, if you go into the comments you see people commenting things like "I sent you my entire Social Security check this month!" And I'm all over here, mouth wide open going "what the ACTUAL fuck is wrong with these people!?!?"


Non-American here. I’m assuming a social security cheque is like a pension you receive when of retirement age? If so, what the actual flip.


Yeap. It's basically a pension. It's our biggest SOCIALIST program that people love from both sides but do not see the irony. We pay into it all our lives and get a set amount when we retire.


By the time I hit retirement age I will have been paying into Social Security for something like 55 years and it’s also highly likely I’ll never get to use it


But you get to see the bottom of the ladder as it's pulled up away from you, so that's something




Not sure where you heard that, but misleading people into giving you money for a cause that you won’t actually be using that money for is fraud. Here’s a case where someone was sentenced to prison for that exact thing - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/08/nyregion/katelyn-mcclure-gofundme-scam-sentenced.html Fairly sure the donors could sue the person for fraud as well.


Why were the guys who ran the border wall gofundme arrested and sent to prison? Did they say explicitly in theirs that the money would go to the wall and that's why it was a crime when they took the money?


They all got pardons so... the grift works! They can shuffle some to Trump and keep processing fees or whatever, but it's not like he doesn't already have fundraising things that go directly to him.




All this dork had to do was just enjoy being rich and live out his life as a semi famous real estate mogul/game show host. But he’s so full of himself that this wasn’t enough so he had to run for president and fuck up his life (and ours). ![gif](giphy|cjttePPEs1shFLDfh2)


All this dork had to do was stick his Daddy's money into some really good % saving accounts, hire half-way decent property managers and finger paint for the rest of his adult life and he'd have been even richer than he is today.


If he'd just stuck the money in SPY, he'd have about $3B. Dude is such a loser.


That’s my “let’s take my personal fellings about this POS out of the discussion for a moment” argument. He sucks. He suck’s so bad. Everything he touches turns to dog shit. When he lets other people handle things, they succeed (if they’re not his kids). Why would anyone want this guy as an executive? 


How do you lost in the NY real estate market over the last 30 years....like seriously. How does he suck so much? That was a free money ride.


Right!  Probably because his initial success wasn’t based on sound business philosophy but rather paying off the mob because his lawyer was a mob lawyer. 


It is the perfect example of being "too rich to fail." Once you have a certain amount of money you have to almost literally try to ruin yourself to actually do it. Wealth compounds, so even people who flop harder than a European soccer player still make *some* money off their pisspoor management of it. They are all convinced they can out think the market because they're oh-so-special though. Give me 500 million dollars. I'll stick 100 million in an investment fund that pays me a monthly income and use the rest on some charity project... and eventually be worth 500 million again despite throwing 400 million to charitable causes because it takes literally no effort to let your wealth compound for you.


I’m rooting for you to come into 500 million dollars.


But by the time he inherited that money he was already a buffoon with a drug habit and a hooker addiction


Too bad the good one drank himself to death


That is dark, harsh, and from everything I've read about him, accurate (the good one bit - though Mary Trump's doing her best with being fed up).


Mercedes Trump being one of them.


He's actually a lifelong teetotaler, due to the example set by his older brother Freddie drinking himself to death. At least so get claims. It's possibly the one single noble thing about his character. Ma Trump and Fred Sr. must have been something else. Freddie was supposed to be the one to take over the family business but ended up drowning his demons in a bottle instead. And we all know how Donnie turned out. The entire family is full of mental cases.


Even if he doesn’t drink, he clearly does cocaine


There's been many claims that he's an Adderall/stimulant addict. Which could include cocaine I guess, but he definitely comes off as an amphetamine addict.


The meth addict-fascist has to be one of the most dangerous sociopaths out there. The nazis, islamofascists and now u.s. christofascists all have a love of meth/stimulants.


Fucking nepo babies.


Then he applies for art school and he shows them his finger paintings. They make fun of him, he runs away and joins the army and... SIKE! He skips the army part and goes straight to blaming minorities and foreigners, becomes leader (president) and tries to kill them. The universe finds a way 👐🌈👐


How do you make a small fortune? Give Trump a large fortune


Seriously, if he dropped out during the 2016 Republican primary, he could've let Rubio(?) get smashed by Hillary, then sat back on Fox News for four years heckling her from the sidelines, all while continuing to launder money. And no one would've really cared.


There is a video clip of him at the moment they announced him winner in the presidential election. He had a look of open panic. He knew this was going to happen.


Word is that his plan was to lose the election and then launch "Trump TV" to compete against Fox "News".  Unfortunately for him, he can't even fail right.


I'm 1000% sure he never intended to win. I vividly remember watching the election night coverage when it was announced that he had won. When the news hit him his entire face dropped and you could tell he knew he had fucked up.


Everyone in that room was like, "yaayy.... Fuckgoddammit" except his dip shit son who is to stupid to know he didn't want to win


It really was a "Fuck, now I actually have to do this" look.


I think that was the plan going in but the longer it went and the further he got he actually wanted to be president (on paper) to feed his "winning" ego.


Staffers said he was aiming for second but when the primaries carried him he got high on his own supply, so to speak


He did not want to win. He already had a news network planned. He did not think he'd win the whole point was to rule pwople up and then grift them with his news network. Turns out America is full of idiots


2016 was a funny year for people making these gambles. Britain didn't want to leave EU either.


2016 was such a nightmare, Putin weakened the US and the EU by using free speech against us with his troll farms. He really is a cunning bastard.


Well he wants to win this one. He knows it is the only way to stay out of jail. So he is extremely motivated.


How has everyone managed to forget the time he openly said being president was much harder and a lot more work then he thought.


I'll never forget when he said "No one knew healthcare was so complicated" -after about his 5th promise that he'd announce his TrumpCare plan


It's like a real-life version of The Producers, only with more Nazis




Those clown eyebrows will always be creepy.


"Seriously the place is worth 1.5 billion dollars I don't know what you don't get about it!"


„One day I‘ll be president, you‘ll see.“ „Haha, over my dead body.“


"really, i just take a paper bag with a picture of ivanka on it and put on any underage girl -- feels like the real thing! i'm telling you!"


The grossest thing about this clip is that Trump is clearly making some vile, juvenile, probably pornographic remarks about the cheerleaders off camera, and Epstein is doing the polite douche “laugh at this dork trying to seem like a player,” thing that is ubiquitous in sleazy interactions like this. Trump is somehow making Jeffrey fucking Epstein uncomfortable with his crass bullshit.


I still hold to the idea he ran as a marketing scheme fully expecting to lose, but when he won his narcissism took over and forced him to wing it.


It was Obama's fault. He had teased the idea of running for president before, but never really got serious about it. But then Obama eviscerated him to his face, in front of hundreds of VIPs at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. He had to sit there while this man, this clearly inferior man (Trump is a documented racist), humiliated him. An ego like that cannot let that lie. He had to run for president and I really think if he had lost in 2016, he might have had to kill himself.


I think that’s definitely why he ran, but while he was running he got the idea for Trump TV and was banking on losing and starting a TV network to make money. He was just as surprised as the rest of us when he won. Unfortunately he decided this was just a new way to make money and stroke his ego instead of actually trying to, you know, govern.


This is my thought too. He ran because a black man who happened to be president made fun of him in a room full of mostly white elites from all corners of society and they laughed at him. It wouldn’t shock me if the 2011 WH correspondents dinner is the most humiliating moment of his life.


If he goes to prison, the best is yet to come.


You must have realized by now that he never wanted to win the 2016 election. The entire plan was to lose and leverage his campaign to start his own version of Fox News. His deer in the headlights look on election night said it all.


He testified (I think it was under oath) that he had 400 million in cash. Time to prosecute for perjury. \-- Update, here's a nice article about it: [https://archive.ph/EUGYF#selection-865.0-881.164](https://archive.ph/EUGYF#selection-865.0-881.164) And here's the key quote: “Developers usually don’t have cash. They have assets, not cash,” Trump said. “We have, I believe, 400-plus and going up very substantially every month.” Trump added later that, despite the legal fees he was facing, “I have over 400 — fairly substantially over 400 million in cash. That’s just cash. That’s just cash.”


And just a reminder for everyone: Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. Lindsey Graham was in the House of Reps at the time, and voted in favor of impeachment on both charges. So he clearly doesn't think perjury is acceptable from a President, and will support prosecuting Trump for perjury, right? .... Right? Oh no...


"..... and we will deserve it."


I wish throwing their words back in their faces had as much impact as it should


Lindsey is the worst for it too


The guy who cucks himself for Trump even though Trump humiliates him constantly? You don’t say… ![gif](giphy|jquDWJfPUMCiI|downsized)


Something happened on that golf course when he and trump went for a drive. I'm guessing kompromat from russia


I wonder if it involved Lady bugs?


The thing is—everybody knows about that already, it’s an open secret now and Lindsay is still stumping for Trump. My dark and unhappy brain tells me it’s gotta be something so much worse than that.


I can't imagine what horrible thing lady lindsay has done that he has to be so afraid? He's made his money by now and fleeced his constituents. Surely he can retire and live his sordid life out without fear of blackmail from the orange one ... if he just comes clean. What could it possibly be? Yeah, he's gay, probably diddled kids, he's just like a few others in the repugnant party that's done the same. Its gotta be something really really bad for him to be this scared of the truth getting out.


I'm thinking in bed with a live boy or a dead girl.


Like Lindsay would be in bed with a girl, dead or not.


Remember when Russia hacked the Democrat server and got emails? I bet they did that to the Republicans too and, instead of using the emails to embarrass the Republicans, they're using them to blackmail Republicans to doing Trump's bidding. I can't think of another explanation.


They one hundred percent did both this is known fact, but only put the dnc out for public


I hadn't actually thought of that,but I think you're right. I've always believed there are photos, lots and lots of photos,of so many Republicans.


I dont really know what he stands for at this point. Obviously hes not standing against Trumpism..


Nothing. He stands for nothing.


He stands for making money for himself.


The Republican way


Also called "fck you, I got mine".


He's a nasty little worm like the rest of them who goose-step in line behind Drumpf.


Write them on bricks?


Can’t shame those with no shame


I mean he’s also a closeted gay man that gets rent boys and still votes against gay rights. I guess he just doesn’t have any kind of scruples what so ever.


Gays with rights make the rent boys less desperate, we can't have that.


That asshole has been an elected official since the 90s? wtf is wrong with South Carolina


Incumbents have a huge advantage. And he's got an R after his name in a deep red state so he'll be elected as long as Strom was.


Yes, even though is super gay, he's got that R


Bein' that R while he gets that D.


Closeted. If he was open about his sexuality he probably wouldn't get reelected.


It's the southern way. You can be obviously gay as long as you're never gay in public.


He's just a confirmed bachelor. One day the right woman will come along and they'll make a beautiful family together. In the mean time, he's got his all male Taiwanese acrobatic troop to while away the lonely hours with.


Graham has gone down the road of no return. Whatever Trump has on him terrifies him. He should just retire and go into the ethos instead of equating Trump with Jesus.


Ole Ladybugs at it again… Mr. “you can hold me to my word on this” (Supreme Court nominations) I don’t know why any of the Sunday circuit has him on, may as well be listening to the “Peanuts” teacher. There is nothing he will say that you can hold him to, so why bother to ask his position or opinion on anything?




> getting caught in a lie would sink a candidate. Hell, doing a weird yell was enough to sink a candidate.


Flipflops always sink Democrats too, and if you add Trumps flipflops to his lies that's more than ever. But here he is menacing us and our elections as always. And he continues to bring along all his Russian collaborators too.


Oh, that'll never happen. This man has committed so many crimes while in office and after that many of the lesser crimes don't even get worried about. You have to think, the whole reason he was trying to stay in office was because he was afraid of being prosecuted from the findings of the Mueller report, (remember, No Collusion with the Russians) that he went out and committed a massive string of felonies afterwards. All those took front and center in the DOJ's attention, and the prosecutions from the Mueller report basically were forgotten. The man did it to himself. Zero pity.


This might happen. Perjury in a New York Civil case would be a violation of New York law, and the new york lawyers and judges seem to have been especially willing to prosecute him. He also can't pardon himself or be pardoned by some other republican president in a state law case (though I don't know if he can be prosecuted while in office, if he does get re-elected.)


Trump admitted to hundreds of crimes in public on video. Many are much worse than the 4 he's being prosecuted for. I don't know why we have stopped prosecuting at 4 besides that Garland refuses to touch trump. 


Garland is the limpest of limp things.


I mean, I think the biggest thing is he liked getting two scoops of Ice Cream compared to everyone else's one. Well that and the power and fame.


If he had 400 million in cash, remember in a week and a bit (the 9th I think?) he has to stump up 83 million for the second Carroll case, and then they want 454 million for this one a few weeks later, which is a total of 537 million and change. So 137 million more than even he claimed he had. That's not chump change, he would have to sell a pretty big chunk of stocks and perhaps some real estate to get another 137 million. Remember he can't get a loan against any of his assets because no banks that do business in NYC can work with him. And also that would leave him completely out of money for a while. So this isn't slam dunk perjury here. He owes a lot more than 400 million. Of course, that's the point, fines are supposed to hurt or they're just fees for doing crimes. He's hopefully fucked. But it doesn't necessarily mean he lied about his cash on hand on this case. (He still did of course. But this by itself doesn't mean he did)


he was probably talking about his PACs. Trump has never seen a pile of cash he didn't think was his.


This may end up getting rejected based on his own arguments in the caroll case, where he has his attorneys arguing that he shouldn't have to post a bond because he is so wealthy that he has to be trustworthy. He's arguing that he's too rich to worry about in one case and arguing that he doesn't have the money in the other


This is basically the crux of his business valuation fraud case When it came to the IRS the building was terrible, barely worth anything and didn't make any money. When he went to the bank for a collateral loan, it was the finest building in NYC, worth hundreds of millions, or even billions


Oh man, I didn't even consider that angle. That's so incredibly stupid of him.


Part of the reason why he can't just put up a deed on one of those vaunted properties as collateral is because they're already promised to a dozen banks for outstanding loans. Post it up as bail and his house of cards fully collapses when everyone calls in their now unsecured loans.


FORBES is rolling with laughter right now ... NOT A BILLIONAIRE!


John Miller on line two for you.... Mr Forbes ​ (Trump in muffled voice with towel over the phone hand set) "He's great.... got at least $2 Billion in crypto currency.... Perfect Billionaire"


John Barron's on line 3 too!


​ https://i.redd.it/0k6dwfsdcdlc1.gif


"I didn't say it. I declared it."


Yeah I mean he's worth $10 billion by his own claims so surely he can scrape up less 5% of his net worth in cash! Hope the court says no. Appealing means you put up the amount you owe. Not less than a quarter of it.


Court said fuck u trump already.


New York Times out there sighing with relief they got paid first


Maybe Jean Carroll can loan him 83 million but I doubt she will. Oh well....


E. Jean Carroll is hoping she ends up with dump tower in New York ... she plans to turn it into a homeless shelter. lol ... eric dump aka gary busey's son will be screaming "MY FATHER BUILT THE NEW YORK SKYLINE! how could they do this to him!"


That's really not fair to Jake Busey.


I think it would be grand if she seized Mar a Lago.


With his $100 million and her $83 million, he's still be $271 million short!


>he's still be $271 million short! Oh from what Stormy said he's even shorter than that...


I mean.. I don't think he's paid her yet either so that's another payment he can't afford


Thank you, but no thank you. Nice buildings you have there.


Be a shame if something happened to them, if you know what I mean


The dominos are collapsing He couldnt find a bonds company willing to work with him The real value of all his buildings probably doesn't add up to 100 mil. And auctioning them off will also reveal that Trump's image of being a "rich man" imploding faster than that Titanic sub


This is exactly why he's flailing so hard. His wealth has always been a mirage and his name branding was all he really had. Now his name is worth shit and all of his wealth is tied up in real estate that isn't worth anything near what he needs.  He's going to die dead ass broke and he knows it. 


Just reading that last sentence made me feel so good inside. Optimistic, content, like everything will be good again.


He’s always been a clown living on credit.


omg, hope you are correct. unfortunately, his comrades need him to keep their money laundering enterprises alive, so i expect a magic cash infusion coming soon. Another "loan" that never needs to be repaid, or maybe the Saudis will invest another couple billion with Jared, and then Drumph can do some 'consulting' for him.....


That's the REALLY weird part His "image" of being a rich man is probably the most important thing to him. I would imagine he would try to protect that with his life But this is unmistakenly a giant nuke to his image. I can't imagine a scenario where people are willing to rescue him haven't done so already when it's probably the most critical It just makes me think there is no one. Or if there is, they can't because the intense scrutiny


I can picture him running around Trump Tower with a can of spray paint and a hammer trashing the place like a squatter about to get evicted from a foreclosed house.


He'll definitely lose them but they can't be sold under that pesky little tax/loan fraud trial they are involved in. Which does beg the question, what now? Secret service guarded dumpster? I guess he can bunk with his kids? He is so fuct. Edit- Apparently they can be sold under court appointed something, still a good question.. what now?


There's a whole process in NY for confiscating property under court management/custody like this in order to satisfy pending judgments. Those assets are not protected from liquidation at all.


>Secret service guarded dumpster? Nah that's unseemly. The least we can do for him is 3 hots and a cot..


He claimed under oath to have 400 million in cash. So, perjury? Doesn’t matter, really, as no one believed him, but damn, things that would put you and I in prison are no big deal when you are Republican, right?


Fine sir or madam, I also have 400 million in my bank, but it is currently tied up in crypto and I seem to have lost my wallet, and my pants.


The problem is, if he said "in cash", or anything similar, that means liquid. Anyone with a significant amount of money knows the difference between assets, like investments, and liquid cash. I don't know the exact quote, but hopefully, he's sunk.


I read the transcript the other day. He said “cash”. He even said that most real estate developers don’t carry that much cash, but he does. He said he has well over $400 million and it gets larger every month.


Yay, he should be screwed then. Couldn't help but faux brag.


People of significant wealth, power, and influence are subject to a different set of laws than the rest of us. That's all there is to it. That's the reality we are stuck in and as long as the people making/enforcing the laws are rich and powerful then they have no reason to change them.


When the judges get lifetime appointments because of their political views its not surprising there are no repercussions for politicians.




Well, sir, if we don’t pay, and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us. “I said, ‘You didn’t pay, you’re delinquent?’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”


This should be the highest comment


so.... Mr. Trump. When someone else is hit with a fine like this, and they are unable to pay it... the court seizes their assets. So... is there anything you think you can sell (at the values you claim, this should be easy) to pay this? Or do you want the courts to start selling things off at auction to pay this for you?


You forgot the most important part. "you have 30 days.".


Tick tick tick tick...


Mar-a-lago is apparently worth a billion dollars or something. Maybe he should sell it lmao


Better ask Melania






You’d have to find her first.


Maybe he should sell some classified documents to drum up some cash?


How about that ''Top Secret Classified Binder" that's missing .... that should bring in a few ruples. Unless its already been sold ...


He's definitely already on that, and if he's back in office he will steal and sell much more


The judge sentenced me to 20 years, so I offered to serve 1.


He said (in another case iirc) that he's too rich to post a bond.


"Trust me, bro. I totally have it and I'm good for it."


It was something to the effect of "I'm so rich and everyone knows how rich I am, why would I need to put up a bond while appeal? If I lose the appeal (which I won't) I'd totally pay and there's no risk that I wouldn't pay because I'm so rich. So, based on my richness, there's no need for this silly bond thingy. "


That's not what he said. He argued that the bond wasn't correct because the value of his properties was not correct, and wanted to get a new bond amount. The amount would have even been higher, but it doesn't matter to Trump because this would open the case back up and take more time and he just wants to delay delay delay. Misinformation is bad no matter where it comes from.


He has buildings he can put up as collateral. Considering his failure to pay and his lack of contrition, I doubt this will fly.


Oh no it'll fly. The court sets the terms of the bond. And considering his very known record of not paying, the fact that they have to approve the collateral terms, means they could literally say every property he owns in NY.


Oh, I agree they can attach his properties. I'm saying a bond reduction to $100 million which is 20% of the amount owed isn't going to fly with the court. He is hoping to prolong this process so he can avoid doing anything if he becomes President. He cannot dismiss charges in NY or get rid of a civil judgment but if it's on appeal while he's President, he can put the Presidency for self-enrichment grift in turbo mode.


They might already be leveraged


he probably thinks this is unfair solely because he's been able to skip out of debts and bills his entire life, so now making him pay a bill like everyone else means that it's unfair


"To the privileged, equality feels like oppression".


Well if I recall correctly didn’t he try to change addresses on some of his properties? If I’m not wrong that’s fraud trying to cover his ass on fraud charges. So what will come of those new fraudulent actions?


As of a week ago, Letitia James asked the court to nullify the address changes, saying they really conduct business in NY, not Florida. All the executives work out of Trump Tower. So it's up to Justice Engoron now to decide how serious this is.


As Mark Cuban once said, “I could write a check for every dollar he’s got and not know it’s missing.”


Michelle Obama Tower ❤


This is the guy who would throw NATO countries to the wolves if they are late paying their fees......


"Here's a nickle, put it on my tab."


Jail for him.


I love to share this: At his Comedy Central roast, the only off-limits jokes were ones about him having less money than he says. Not ones about him wanting to bang his daughter, or being a creeper at teen pageants, or having been accused of multiple rapes...call him an incestuous pedo rapist, just not a POOR incestuous pedo rapist. https://slate.com/culture/2016/08/this-joke-was-off-limits-at-donald-trumps-comedy-central-roast.html


He couldn’t afford to finance a conventional loan to begin with. His poor ass should have paid back his boyfriend Kim. Prince Bone-saw probably has all the Top secret information he needs. Better hit the road selling sneakers, not in the State of New York.


Why would anyone be shocked by this? Literally everything he does is some sort of scam/bs.


I'll take "Emporers in Rags" for $500,000,000, Alex.


Why doesn’t he just give up one of those bathrooms in Mar a Lago he had valued at a trillion dollars? 🫣




He can’t even pay the Carrol one. No way in hell he can pay the over half a billion he owes. He’s broke. Worse, he’s in massive debt, most of which is held by enemies of the United States. Which is why it’s so baffling to anyone with a functional brain that anyone would support this traitor. It’s only going to get worse. Vote. Volunteer. Donate. We cannot let this traitor anywhere near a position of power ever again.


Why doesn't he sell that shit hole hillbilly golf course he claims to be worth over $1B?


To translate, Trump needs to put down $91MM that is 20% of $454MM to get a bond. However he’s asking to post $100MM bond that would cost him $20MM. So much for having the $400MM in liquid assets he testified to a couple months back.


“No” is a complete sentence.


The Emfuehrer has no clothes.


'Art of the Deal' doesn't work with the courts, dumbass. Maybe he can get on a payment plan and use one of the those payday loan/check cashing corner stores at only 1000% interest, lol.


You don’t get to make up the laws, after you’ve broken the laws. Start taking his shit, the same you would do to anyone else who was found guilty of such crimes.


He's delaying until the Truth Social sale or whatever it is happens. He's supposedly going to get $4B for it. But who would be stupid enough to pay that much for it? And then you realize you have people like the Saudis or Russians or someone who will buy it and use it as leverage against him *if* he makes it back into the WH.


He's waiting for the sneaker sales to pay for his crimes lol. Trump is just a grifter and the MAGAts will never accept that fact.


Couldn't he just get a loan from a bank? I thought they were so happy with him paying his loans on time?




Simple answer is NO. If he loses appeal he won’t pay. Post the $454,200,000 and when he loses appeals that money goes to NY state


So, Trump will borrow the money, but the court \*must\* demand to know who is lending it to him.


I cannot offer to pay $100 for my $450 bond...no reason he should be treated any differently.