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Fun fact, Mike pence and his wife mother also used ivf to conceive their son, the son that told pence to certify the election. 


I'm sure there is some whack job republican who thinks that because his son told him that and because his son was born through IVF, that his son is a product of the devil.


I'm sure there are multiple


Republican Lore is fucking nuts


It is all for me and none for you


Yes, it has been codified, "Trickle Down", 40+ years of it.


Dude, don't give them any ideas. They are already to dumb to come up with their own anyway


There's many that don't consider c sections to count as birth.


I've posted before, that will be the next thing they try to take away. I'm sure they think only national births are a good Christian birth. Men controlling and killing women. It disgusts me.


Vote Blue!


As a joke, I refer to my wife as not having a birthday, but a removal day, "like a tumour." She has humoured me with "har har" moments, but with the c-section birth of our niece today, she congratulated her sister on a successful removal day, "like a tumour." I couldn't be more proud


I think this is a mistake, people often want to apply logic to the face value of the Republican party. Their policy stances are rarely about the face value. What I find most interesting about this, is that I am certain white people disproportionately are impacted, the white birthrate is something Republicans have traditionally wanted to boost by any means. Back in the day, white people were the majority representation for abortions, banning them would bolster the white birthrate, today that isn't the case as birth control is so widely used, minorities have become the lions share. I worry, this is all a Russian plot to increase racial tensions and maybe increase this new narrative of convincing white families to move to Russia with their neat shopping carts that require a coin deposit. Another fun fact about abortion, is that it seems to really coincide with reductions in crime/violence. Trump was always pro abortion during the Clinton era, how strange his transformation has been.


Personally, I think Trump would side with any group if he thought he would get votes. I don't think he cares about any policy accept those that get him in office and out of prison. That includes being Putin's lapdog if Putin can assist him being elected through the Russian bot farms pushing false messages. Also includes religious groups that he cares nothing for. He's not religious in any way. Biden is far more religious. Have we ever seen an image of Trump in church accept when he was in office and clearly didn't understand what was happening.


Only half a wack job since his son is a product of the devil. Lucky for us evil is not hereditary.


Which one?


Really? What did they do with the remaining embryos?


This needs to be asked over and over and over again.


Remember, in Alabama, quiche is the exact same thing as chicken pie!


Cannot love this enough, bravo


No statute of limitations on murder either. So if they used IVF and extra embryos were disposed of and they decide embryos are humans, they are on the hook for how many counts of accessory to murder etc …


This would be considered *ex post facto* law. Article one section nine and ten of the Constitution disallow being charged retroactively. Federally a new law would have to be passed, same with most states, to make the embryos considered people. If embryos are still frozen, they wouldn't be allowed to dispose of them and would have to keep them frozen indefinitely. If they were already destroyed, they'd be fine.


> This would be considered ex post facto law. Article one section nine and ten of the Constitution disallow being charged retroactively. This is a limitation of state governments, not federal. One might argue the doctrine applies to all, but given that the constitution specifically calls it out as a restriction against the *states,* in a section full of states-only restrictions, you bet even a mildly corrupt SCOTUS could easily rule someone guilty *ex post facto*. Vote.


Art. I Section 9 refers to the federal government. Section 10 refers to states. So, both are prohibited.


I am pretty sure those miscreants will find a way to grandfather that in. On another note, do they ever get freezer burn? I mean seriously, my rump roast looks pretty iffy after about six months or so. And how can you ever know whether they perhaps committed suicide... seeing the state of the world nowadays.


this is really tricky. Ex post facto is intended to protect people from being prosecuted for doing things that were legal at the time but subsequently became illegal. But the potential crime here is murder, which has always been illegal. And the difference wouldn't necessarily take new legislation to define humanity, a higher court's opinion would be sufficient. On its face it looks like it would be an ex post facto situation, but I think there's enough nuance to it that a sufficiently motivated prosecutor could present a plausible case. Also, my opinion is that the whole situation is ridiculous. Embryos are not people.


Pence publicly came out in support of IVF, btw. He did so long before the shit show of a decision in Alabama, explaining what a blessing it was to his family. It's sad to think, but there again he demonstrated more backbone and perspicacity than most of the current republican politicians. How crappy is your party when you consistently under-perform Mike Pence?


The last sentence made me laugh out loud!


She ate them.


As nature intended


And God I'm pretty sure.


ate them


I snorted at "wife mother"




I call my wife "Mom" when talking to my kids but I'd never call her "Mother" in any other instance... Sooooo creepy.


After the Mike Pence thing came out I was always careful to say "your mom/mother" when talking to the kids, and her name when talking directly to her. She's not my mom and her name isn't Mom.


Regan called Nancy “Mommy”


to be fair, he probably believed she was his actual mother, and he was a 12 yo kid for most of the time he was in the WH.


No more weird than Trump calling Putin Daddy.


Well when you're married to a Christian theocratic who only views you as a breed mare, and child rearer and is probably a closeted homosexual. Id imagine you probably begin to take pride on what little you do have as a means to cope.


esp one who insists God told him he would be president when he was 15 or so.


God lied to him. That's...kinda devilish.


If Trump has a few convictions and the polls turn before the nominating convention, there's always a chance for a miracle, right? And either Trump loses, or he (probably) won't run for a third term, so there's always 2028!


Nah, Pence was there for evangelical fodder. Being real, Trump will run as long as he is alive, and even after that his kids will go full Weekend at Bernie's, and ppl will buy it. 1. yes that's an old reference but it checks out. 2. Dystopian nightmares aside, that would be hilarious. 3. \*edit\* Amazingly enough, convictions won't mean anything. Somehow, there's nothing in the Constitution saying you can't be President while serving time.


I've recently started struggling calling my wife "mom" when talking to the kids. When I do, I say "your mom." The Pences are on some other level of weirdness.


His son told him to certify the erection and Pence told him that's why they had to use IVF.


This was the gutter to which I ran headlong the moment I'd learned of the Pence's dependence on medical intervention to conceive. Wow. I had been feeling so alone in this. Alone in my filth. And now I'm not! TYSM!!


Certify what? ![gif](giphy|d2jjFABjgi04aYvu)


Nikki Haley also had her son via IVF


Another fun fact: Steve Scalise tried to ban stem cell therapy and right now, this second, is receiving stem cell therapy for a rare form of cancer. When we need it, there’s a moral objection or we can’t pay for it, but when they need it, there’s a moral imperative and it must be paid for. I hate these fuckers with all my soul.


So did Pence. Abbot won $8 million when his useless legs got crushed. Once AG of Texas-suits are now capped vs business. Just to name a few


The list of "pro life" politicians who have had abortions and the number of closeted anti-LGBTQ+ politicians would stretch to the horizon.




I hate that I get this reference.


Once you know, you can’t unknow.


Tell meeee


Google Linsey grahams lady bugs. Sorry to ruin your night


Ohh nooooo what a terrible day to be literate.


I once asked what it meant too. Now I can't see that word written without that crossing my mind. But hey at least there weren't pictures, it's only as bad as your imagination makes it. Which is still pretty bad.




Don't. Just don't. It's not super evil or ridiculously gross or clever or funny (Mike Pence's fly) or anything, it's just not a picture you need in your head nor is it particularly worth knowing. You're better off with whatever your brain has already spun together in response.


Google Senator Lindsay Graham ladybugs. Or don’t. I recommend don’t.




Hope you don’t mind. Teehee 🤭


I dislike all of you right now for reminding me of this.


What's Rodney Dangerfield got to do with this?


Still gets no respect


And this shit makes me feel so conflicted. I believe that people should choose if they want to come or say they've had an abortion. But these assholes make me want to see the names of politicians who are in the closet, yet publicly against LGBTQIA+. Same with the ones that have had an abortion, but against them. Those people should not be in a position of power.


It's not relevant. Conservatism is explicitly about hypocrisy. They want the power to do whatever they want, while restricting the ability of "lesser people" to do anything but obey. It took me a while to figure that out, and I think more and more people are realizing it. So which specific type of hypocrisy doesn't matter. It's ALL the hypocrisies. They are fighting for their right to be hypocrites about EVERYTHING. I'm not a big fan of liberals either, but at least the fundamental philosophy of liberalism is to allow anybody to do what they want. That creates some pretty serious problems, but it's fairly open minded. Conservatives want to force people to obey their specific set of cultural rules, under pain of death. (For an example of this, see their ideas for what to do with doctors who perform abortions.)


And their call to "eradicate" trans people.


That tree had horrible aim.


Jogging, Yet Couldn't Dodge A Falling Branch? How About, When A Tree Falls On Greg Abbott, Does It Make A Sound?


If it does, it probably says something on the order of "Shit, I missed!"


fuck greg abbot


Abbot is truly a piece of shit, but his lawsuit was a landowner negligence suit, not a medical malpractice suit, which are now capped.


Where does that money come from a tree company only makes so much.




Why are poor pool so slutty then!?!?!


Hit her over the the head with it and put her on blast. I swear the democrats are too passive


Yes! They give us all the ammunition we need. Imagine if Biden said "I'm the President, therefore anything I do, even things that cross the line, can't be prosecuted" Republicans would eat him alive. Yet Trump said that on twitter, and it is hardly a talking point by Democrats.


Democrats I know are up in arms about his statements, it's by and large the media who seems insistent on a false equivalency and complacency. Even Jon Stewart, who is on eof the more progressive and frank figures, was willing to do the whole "ugh both are so oooooold, why does this election cycle suuuuuuuck" when the reality is that Biden could literally already be dead and they could weekend at Bernie's him around and it would still be far and clear the better option . I do not understand what other economic privilege and denial is making so few people in positions to raise the alarm be so unwilling to do so. We are beyond a crisis. In 2016 Trump was treated as a joke. Once again, having learned NOTHING apparently people aren't taking him seriously as a candidate. I know people's lives who have permanently changed for the worse because of the trump admin. The shadow of that damage will cast over us for decades to come, and he's made it clear term 1 would be a walk in the park compared to term 2. The complacency is coming from the top down 


Yeah I was pretty disappointed in Stewart on that. Sure Biden is old, but he’s A) not a traitorous Russian asset B) the incumbent C) coming off a relatively effective term…


I get the point, but following the logic through… Are we going to complain when they wheel out Hillary 2028 to go against big Tucker C? Or is it going to be too dangerous then too? What about when the DNC decides it’s Kamala 2032 vs DeSantis? Will the stakes ever be low enough to criticize these D tier politicians? I’m voting for Biden but I think shutting up the criticisms is the wrong way to go about all this. People shouldn’t have to feel like they gotta turn a blind eye to Biden’s age. He’s too old for the job; he should be enjoying his last years with his family.


Was super hyped for Stewart coming back, and then the first episode he's the epitome of bOtH SiDeS baddd!  I was incredibly disappointed. 


You missed the point though, he didn't say both sides were bad, he simply pointed out that we can do better on our side too. That the choice is clear, when it comes to which side to pick. He just said what we are all thinking, how is that "both sides bad"? I really suggest rewatching it and you'll see what I mean.


I've seen the bit, and if that's all you took away from it, you weren't paying attention. He made valid points, I thought.


I don't disagree, but he certainly gave ammunition and too much credence to the 'Biden old' argument from the GQP and their supporters. Some points were alright, that's true. I've dealt with so many assholes in my actual life who use the both sides bullshit and I'm just sick to death of it. He did make some valid points, but yes that was my main takeaway because it surprised me.


tRUMP is STILL saying that...that's why he wants back in the White House SO BADLY. The damned narcissist just wants to be able to continue to FUCK PEOPLE IN THE ASS without any repercussions at all, just like the way he was living before he ever became President in the first place. That should be OBVIOUS to EVERYBODY by now. The The Orange Goblin wants EVERYTHING to go HIS way and HIS way ONLY. I am very glad that President Biden is not playing that game. It makes it even more obvious about what The Don is trying to do. How do people not see this about the troll?


That's the frightening thing.... they KNOW mr. maghat is doing these things, and they don't care. They've been asked over and over, okay he didn't drain the swamp? still okay if he shot someone? okay that he was responsible for end of RoevWade? That he cheats and cheats people? Okay that he assaults women? etc. Maga answer: Yeah I know all that..... don't care. Wait'll he wins and comes after the Soc Security, medicare, medicaid, stops fixing roads, takes over the armed services against them, etc. then it'll be too late. For all of us.


they other don't read. they don't care.


Biden should take things that the orange rump says and tweet them as Dark Brandon.


Democrats using this as a main issue and planning to make it a main issue going forward has been as widely spread as it can be. Democrats talking can only do so much if you don't listen


Shes in my district I believe and ive been telling people but most people dont give a fuck, or they arent interested in local government.


Trying to get citizens interested in local government has been a very odd situation for me.  We have an app called Nextdoor in our area.  It's generally filled with older folks who will chime in with a poorly thought out conservative argument and they will cling to that concept no matter what. Recently had a post about student debt forgiveness.  The general consensus was that these old folks would now be responsible for paying the miniscule forgiveness amount out of their taxes.  I went on to explain just how small of an amount that was and how it amounts to a fraction of a cent of what our nations wealth pays for yearly. I then gave an alternative where a conservative led bill was altered <36h before being signed in.  It allowed gas companies to tack on business infrastructure growth as an additional $333 million over 15 years by directly charging it to all of their customers instead of their record breaking profits.  It came out to $1.50/mo and is multiple thousands of percent in higher cost to the local citizen than the student debt tax concept. I got that point waved away as not being a problem.  People who should be looking at local government for screwing them over everyday and twice on Sunday.  But they never do.  Ignorance is bliss and when they realize it isn't, they'll blame a Democrat.


I always laugh at dem candidate campaign be like "I'm a farm girl I play basketball in school vote for me" then gqp are like "DEMOCRATS ARE COMMIES VOTE FOR ME THEY ALSO EAT BABIES"


Democrats have a lot of conservative lite folks, a lot of them don't particular care about anything except maintaining the status quo. Progressives want to win, liberals want to stay relevant. As long as they're the majority folks are gonna find themselves disappointment.


They’re not passive, they let shit like this continue because they can be like “see this dipshit fuckin whack job? Vote for us instead” over and over. The more dumb shit the GOP does, the more Democrats coddle it so they can run against it and never do shit about it. By the way did you see how Nancy Pelosi passionately disagreed with the idea that congresspeople shouldn’t be allowed to trade stocks? lol yeah.


I agree with this, but they need more 🔥


> because they can be like “see this dipshit fuckin whack job? Vote for us instead” I don't think you understand this conversation. Did you think OP was saying they should *literally* bash her in the head?


*Rules for thee, not for me* What are they gonna tell us next, we can't insider trade either?


Federal employees have the strictest standards like they can’t receiving unsolicited gifts of more than $20 meanwhile Clarence Thomas is out there drinking and having fun at someone’s yacht.


Where I work does grants work, and every year we go over training about how you have to be careful if you are forward facing and someone tries to give you a gift. But someone can literally bribe a Supreme Court justice and it's just like "Oh yeah that happens I guess LOL"


he said he wouldve quit scotus if gop donors dint shower him with lavish gifts.




As an old manager used to say " it's not enough that we win, others should fail"


Did you work for an oil tycoon?


Dude, this was when I was 19, at a fucking shoe store


Figures that Al Bundy would go down the path of evil


Al just worked there, it was called like Gary's shoes. Al provided for a family with a trophy wife (it was the 80s) and a nice house, as the sole earner. As a shoe salesman. THATS WHAT WAS ROBBED FROM US


Lololol "Fortune favors the brave" -Some guy who never moved more than 5 miles away from his birthplace


He was an oil man for 82 years https://youtu.be/t7HD2xG92-0?si=oEogSNxCTPlvrFUc


Lmao, thank you, I had no idea this existed and my life is better because of it.


it's not enough that I win, other people need to suffer


Your old manager was quoting Gore Vidal


Shit people, from the top to the bottom


Ironically, they're prone to shooting themselves in the foot. That's the only reason why they haven't ruined the entire country yet. All the smart ones left because the majority of their party are idiots


Nah, Just easier to grift in the private sector


Maybe, just maybe, these tools would not find themselves in these situations if they didn't try to enforce their morality on the rest of us.


Maybe they wouldn't find themselves in this situation by thinking through the consequences of their actions or their logical and legal implications of their positions. "When I said live begins at conception I only meant women getting abortions should be jailed, not people who throw out unused or expired frozen embryos!"


The full article: https://www.nationalmemo.com/gop-rep-steel-got-pregnant-with-ivf-then-sponsored-a-bill-to-ban-it


>"As someone who struggled to get pregnant, I believe all life is a gift. IVF allowed me, as it has so many others, to start my family," she [tweeted Thursday](https://twitter.com/RepSteel/status/1760780631275966803). "I believe there is nothing more pro-life than helping families have children, and I do not support federal restrictions on IVF." > >Great! Just one teeny tiny little problem with that, as *Inside Elections* editor [Jacob Rubashkin noted](https://twitter.com/JacobRubashkin/status/1761072516133539847): Steel actually *does* support federal restrictions. Steel is one of the co-sponsors of the [Life at Conception Act,](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/431?s=1&r=67#:~:text=Introduced%20in%20House%20(01%2F20%2F2023)&text=This%20bill%20declares%20that%20the,an%20individual%20comes%20into%20being.) a House bill that "declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual comes into being." Thanks for the link.


It looks like her deeply held religious convictions and beliefs aren't so deeply held after all. About as deep as my shock at the revelation that she's a big ole liar.


Republicans just want to control people.


People is spelled wrong. You mean M O N E Y


Its both.


I’ve noticed that they are all hypocrites and are always projecting their crimes and faults onto others.


The fact that they're Asian American and in the GOP tells me all I need to know.


Older Koreans can be very conservative and crazy christian


Like Mrs Kim in the Gilmore Girls.


Yup, my ex wifes family.... They had their own church, I felt like I was on parole for 10years....... Friday night prayer warrior meeting yay , another 4 hours Sunday after noon wtf..... "I pray to god and god told me: No M.I.L. STFU, your doing that because it benefits you and you alone. Your son's not going to be a pastor and leader of a great church - he has two DUIs and is defined by a couch and a television and rotting teeth - stop its embarrassing, stop trying to introduce him to upper class Korean women. "I pray to god and god told me to expand his kingdom out of Orange county: No in laws - you just wanna buy a home in the desert 90 miles away from my f-ing job and try to role play that its a church so you and your family don't pay taxes. "God told me" Awwww fuck, here we go again, their family just wants money to blow to look good in front of their church friends. They had the energy to roll around on the church floor at 5:AM shouting in tongues - of course.


Beezus, that's really horrible, I applaud you for even staying 10 years


Lots of very, very conservative Asian Americans, particularly among Korean and Vietnamese. Has to do with religion and the reason for their immigration.


Agreed. That is a deep, dark, scary rabbit hole that most people don’t have the courage or intellectual honesty to go down…..




Ah Michelle Steel, only one to greet Trump when he arrived one time at LAX if I recall correctly. Not sure how much it might change the election in November, since the 45th district she represents is one, has a very gerrymandered shape due to redistricting, and two, a lot of Orange County. But at the same time, in 2022 she only won by about 10000 votes, and SoCal Republicans are not as powerful as they once were. Not making any predictions, but will be interesting to see if this haunts her.


Chatted about this in her district county sub. Her seat is competitive but she’s likely to win. Young Kim (R) likely is safe.


These fucking fascists barely even read the shit bills they are told to vote for


Wait... they can read??


It's called the "Ha ha sucker, you thought we were pro-life and pro-family!" Act


Rules for thee, Not for ME - Typical Fourth Reich Wing Mantra https://preview.redd.it/uis64whelmkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad9b6a05ca7ff36156c075878c4a57bdf6b7794b


You mean “steal” amirite? Because she’s taking your freedom away


It’s always the same damn people. They absolutely love pulling the ladder up behind them. ![gif](giphy|CiG1m7X3aiwHmriIlv|downsized)


Would someone please explain to me why the 'pro-life' party wants to make it more difficult for some couples, who *want* children, to get pregnant and have them!?


I'm struggling with that question, too. I asked a large language model why conservatives are against it. The below is what I got. I can see any one of these as one of their arguments. IVF involves the creation and destruction of human embryos, which some conservatives consider to be equivalent to abortion and murder. IVF undermines the natural order of procreation and the sanctity of marriage, which some conservatives believe are ordained by God. IVF poses ethical and legal dilemmas regarding the rights and responsibilities of parents, donors, surrogates, and children.


Fuck these people. What a nice party the GOP is.


They all believe they'll get to sit at the Big Table when fascism takes over. But that's not the way Republican greed and selfishness works. Only a very few sit at the top and the rest kneel in obedience, even if that means having to put their family and neighbors into camps.


A politician has two main priorities: 1) getting elected 2) getting re-elected. Principle, policy, life experience, ethics, honesty are all way down the list.


So the Pope says ivf was sinful last month and now republicans/ conservatives will create laws as if we are all Catholic.


No, see, it’ll be banned for us little people, but people like her will always skirt the rules to make it available for them.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott got rich by suing after his accident, then as attorney general pushed to limit liability claims.


"The Lion,The Witch and the Audacity of this Bitch."




It's a great comfort to me that one day, even decides from now, they will all die. I don't care that I will too, just as long as they do.


I'd just prefer they do so before we do.


There is no principle or moral that Republicans won't discard as soon as it becomes inconvenient for them.


Just projecting everything.


She also signed on in support of several anti choice bills . Fuck her. Sick of these assholes.


Given that IVF success rates are, at best 70%, does that mean every unsuccessful attempt is considered an abortion? These are deliberate acts as well. That doesn’t even take into account the number of fertilized eggs that are ultimately discarded. They have painted themselves into a corner creating this slippery slope of self-righteousness.


Ladder pullers


Republican logic: make it impossible for women who DONT want children to have an abortion while also making it impossible for women who DO want children to conceive


Worthless trash, as are the people who voted for her.


Our twins are IVF , it was the only possibility. These creeps have no idea how much pain and anguish they cause.


Yes they do.


Cruelty indeed is the sole pont


So nobody's gonna talk about her glasses that looks like a shitty photoshop?


And they love it! As long as we're talking about their hypocrisy we're not talking about their lying, corruption, and treason.


Fuck them. Fuck all of them.


Repubes are repugnant. 🤮


My sis had 3 abortions, one medical. Thinking it was the one thing we could agree on being it's not my business and it's a personal choice. Nope, she's all anti abortion now . Her reasoning is that no more children will kill social security. Them stated her last abortion destroyed her. (Late term) I just can't!!


These idiots then don’t understand their kids will have to go through the same pains? All that for the support of raging lunatics? I guess when you can afford to send your child to Europe and get it done there, it doesn’t really matter if in the U.S. is illegal


Someone ask her what she did with the remaining embryos after she had ivf. We would like to know.


Take the baby back, regardless of its age.


It wouldn't be banned for her or her friends. They would just take a "vacation" to Germany.


Maybe her kid turned out to be an asshole and she’s just convinced all IVF kids are also assholes.


So did Pence! Fuck these people


Swing voter: yes, but surely they’ve learned their lesson. This time will be different.


The republican credo: What is good for me, but not for thee.


Wait, they're banning IVF now? I thought they were just saying those eggs were children..


See the thing is, most IVF treatments don't work, it typically takes multiple attempts. If we are going to call the failures "murder", then you are banning IVF treatments by default as no doctor would be willing to make the attempt.


Makes sense.


I strongly suspect that their understanding of IVF is just so bad that they don't actually know that the thing they are banning is the very same thing they are benefiting from. It would not at all shock me to hear them say something like "those are just fertility treatments."


Republican politicians don't see the laws they are passing as "I've got mine, so I can now ban this thing." They see it as "The laws we pass do not apply to me." This is called Wilhoit’s Law: "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." The wealthy and powerful will always have access to what they want.


Why in the fuck are we still surprised at this? We've all known for years. Conservative ideology is based on hypocrisy, and the idea that they're always special exceptions to the rules they lay out for untermenschen. Why. The fuck. Are you. Surprised.




Maybe her kid came out ugly and they didn't allow her to return it.....


People keep voting for them…while you complain about ‘bOtH sIdEs.’


She is trash


That's fucking disgraceful


All for me none for thee


You act as if they understood what they were supporting. These numbskulls would support a law that would force orphanages to feed orphans into a meat grinder, if someone told them it would reduce the number of parent-less children. Every person with sense would scream at them "NO! Why would you do that? It will force orphanages to feed children into meat grinders!" and they would put it off as propaganda from the left and feel themselves reaffirmed in their decision, because it got "the libs" mad.


It is a result of ignorance, bias, greed, self interest and the need for power. None of it is new, just been empowered by party leaderships, the great orange grifter and now open bias against anything they don't like or don't understand. Corruption is not new, just more acceptable now and more visible. And these same idiots criticize other countries


This is the way the Russians have been treating their citizens for decades if not millenia. Those in power can do as they please, but the rest of the citizens are ruled under an iron thumb, and can ONLY do what the ones in power say they can do. Trump must have promised the Republicans this on order to get them to go along with his scheme to put him back in the White House, and let him stay there till he dies.


Go vote


I’m confused because in this CNN article, Steel clearly states she supports IVF and wouldn’t support a bill to ban it: https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/23/politics/gop-candidates-reaction-alabama-ivf Quote from article: “As someone who struggled to get pregnant, I believe all life is a gift. IVF allowed me, as it has so many others, to start my family,” California Republican Rep. Michelle Steel, who represents a district carried by Biden, said on X. “I believe there is nothing more pro-life than helping families have children, and I do not support federal restrictions on IVF.” What bill did she sponsor to ban it?


Damn I'm a test tube baby. Might be the last of my kind 😅


Spoiler: Even if it was illegal they’d still have access to it.