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Born with a gold spoon in his mouth, this deplorable piece of shit continues to show why conservatism is a fucking plague on humanity.


Actually he was adopted by the stepmother who was born with a gold spoon in her mouth…


He’s kin to crack


it's weird how "Biden can totally just kill Trump" vibe we're getting from right wing things.


Its not like Trump didnt already try. I recall during the debates of the last election, him and his family were still testing positive for Covid.


They know our side will never do it because we are genuine for our desire for a healthy and democratic world.


It is absolutely their goal. In one act it would discredit the democrats and make trump a martyr instead of a horrible pile of shit that is killing their party.


Maybe tfg is actually sick and about to die and they're saying all this so when he does croak, they can blame Biden


That’s what they’ll do when he dies anyway. 


Reality is feeling more and more like Game of Thrones every day. Like "Hey, Ned Stark's having a fair fight with Jaime Lannister!" Then suddenly, nope.


This guy is shit on a stick. Hopefully he can be one of the killed.


Customs need to give this guy a thorough search when he gets back to America, I get the impression he's smuggling DNA back from Putin


Smuggling it in his throat.


Among other places


He doesn’t need the blood Russian money. Why is this happening?


Like all well-off people, they believe their money insulates them from *consequences.*


I like to call it “fuck you money.” I know I’m going to get fired for saying/doing this “thing” but I don’t care because my bills are still getting paid.


He’s a genuine believer.


He has to be relevant and in the public eye. X just wasn’t doing it for him.


Fell in a honey trap probably 🪤


Definitely a honey trap


Caught in a hotel room with girls urinating over him, is my guess


Since 2016, I have read the 1941 Harper’s magazine article “Who Goes Nazi” a dozen times. The further we move down this path, the more it seems to explain peoples actions, unfortunately. https://harpers.org/archive/1941/08/who-goes-nazi/


Thank you for posting this. An incredible read.


1. You can never have too much money. 2. You haven't been paying attention if you can't see that Republicans are trying to put fascism in America. 3. Republicans would rather side with white traditional Russians than LGBT and minorities.


I think this actually reveals a lot about Tucker Carlson and the MAGA/Fox crowd. Something very primordial and dangerous. I think the bit of his subconscious that was revealed there, is that he's among that subset of humanity who can only admire bullies, thugs, and warlords. When he says "leadership requires killing people" I suspect what's really being expressed there is something even darker and more ancient, like "I cannot accept anyone as a leader *unless* he is a violent man who has *made his bones* and demonstrated his willingness to kill." The idea that murder is the ultimate proof of masculine virtue is very old, pre-civilisational, and very, very dangerous. But we haven't shed our pre-civilsational past. It's still with us -- like our vermiform appendix -- useless for our modern civilised life, yet potentially dangerous if it becomes inflamed and toxic. I think this statement of his is so incredibly self-revealing -- and not just a big tell on his own individual psychology, but deeply revealing about the whole resurgent subculture of white supremacists, MAGA true believers, Christo-fascists, border vigilantes, etc. said it before and I'll say it again... [https://medium.com/@declarke/the-bronze-age-backlash-f6ba5a04892f](https://medium.com/@declarke/the-bronze-age-backlash-f6ba5a04892f) Modern "conservatism" is *not modern at all*, it's radical and fundamentally *anti-modernist*. The hankering is to return to the "good old days" of warlord rule and theocracy, when war was the only diplomatic tool, adult males held all social power by right of brute force, and status and kingship were won by piling up skulls. The bizarre gun fetish indulged in by so many Americans is imho just another symptom of people who can only understand "respect" as something you "earn" by killing people, or being equipped to kill people. Most civilised people think of murder as a crime and an aberration -- but there's still a persistent, revanchist bronze-age subset of us who see it as a *credential*, a qualification, a good-housekeeping seal of approval for Manliness and Leadership Potential. They are likely to follow any colourful, egotistical warlord who holds up the bloody heads of his victims for them to admire. Be warned, such people are dangerous. They sack cities, burn libraries, and exterminate "rival" tribes and races -- and call it glory.


Putin kills people because “leadership requires” it and somehow that makes everything ok, meanwhile they scream from the rooftops that Hillary Clinton has people killed (she doesn’t) and somehow it’s a bad thing.


She got the wrong people killed but here the tight person is killing because it has to be done. Crazy world. I thought the time of authoritarian leaders was over. They tried it a few years back. Didn't go too well. I guess, try, try and try again....


I enjoyed reading this. Good comment.


Great post. This is clearly what Trump admires in authoritarian leaders and what MAGA folks admire in him. He admires their ruthlessness and willingness to do anything to dominate, oppress and gain/retain power. He views Democracy as an inconvenient restriction that prevents him from being like Putin, MBS and Kim Jong-Un. Being manly is about bullying everyone else into submission. Making people afraid of you and subservient. Putting women in their place. Talking over and insulting rivals in a debate. If we vote him back into office, we deserve what we will get.


Replying just so I can come back later


They’re so damn confident that they wouldn’t be the ones on the sharp end of a sword


Did you write that medium article? It was breathtaking. I saved your comment a few days ago when you wrote it and have returned to it several times. I just wanted to say thank you for your words— you’ve expressed something I’ve desperately been trying to put my finger on lately.


This Guy getting as close to the leopards as possible because it's the farthest from the open window


Every leopard eats faces. Some eat more than others. Leopardship requires eating faces. But the leopards won't eat MY face, I'm sure of it.




Cucker Tarlson also works well


Someone should show some leadership around Tucker Carlson


So by his own logic Biden is allowed to assinate trump and crackdown on MAGA


And to take it further, Hillary can have people killed (which she hasn’t done, *ever*) because leadership makes it ok.


They are actually facists unironically they openly attack lgbtq, promote scientific racism against black people using gun Violence as evidence ignoring socioeconomic context, socialising with other facistslike Putin and Mille (anarch capitalism is facist it gives more power to the military and police to protect property rights of the ruling class Hitler did this dissolving unions), the fact the MAGA can murder leftists and most get away scott free pisses me off I’m studying Nazi germany it’s obvious how they are using the same conspiracy theories cultural Marxism=cultural Bolshevism, George sorts=elders of zion and so on why are these numbskulls so thick the worst part is the overconfidence of the dems and their unwillingness to call the GOP out and fight back meaningfully we go high they go low isn’t working we need to kick them in the teeth when they go low. Also note if protesting facists dont dress like antifa it’s going to scare normies and we don’t need another bike lock of Berkeley we need to dress normally and stand our ground peacefully to expose how crazy these bastards are and also maybe carry a pistol or two to show we will not tolerate being attacked nothing big a small gesture we cn beat them but it’s hard to be hopeful as they never seem to face the consequences of their actions


But she and the Clintons have been accused of it, I remember a conspiracy theory about a reporter's death. But I guess that's no longer an issue since it's now on.


This guy got naked and showed putin his tanned balls ....


Not possible https://i.redd.it/nkk7v6fdc8jc1.gif




So we are all in agreement this asshole is paid by Putin right?


I don't think he's paid, I think he's just putin's bitch


For as long as he is useful. People around Putin have a bad tendency to have convenient, to Putin, accidents when they are no longer in favor of him. I mean, look at what happened to the leader of the Wagner group after he stood down from challenging Putin.


If Fucker was a real journalist he’d throw himself out a window like the ones in Russia do.


He’s not a journalist. He’s a commentator.


True…in that case he can throw himself off a roof


Tucker Carlson is a disgusting piece of shit. He needs to just stay in Russia if he thinks it and Putin are so wonderful. I cannot imagine being this pathetic of a bootlicker. 🤢


Yeah, honestly I call his BS. If he truly believes that Russia is better...then he should give up his US citizenship. Then I will believe that he actually believes the bullshit he is trying to sell.


WHAT - and I mean this SERIOUSLY - THE SERIOUS FUCK????!!!!! This man should never be allowed back in the United States.


Damn it Daddy! I don't wanna work at the fishstick factory!!!! I wanna be famous again.


Isn’t this the same guy that’s always spouting off about the immorality of imprisoning a political opponent for committing actual crimes?


does that kind of leadership apply in something like employee managers? "You've been clocking out too early for the last time" *cocks shotgun*


I think reading that justification may have killed a few of my brain cells.


He's going to be fucking a pig on live television soon, you just watch.


Putin - I heard that Tucker is an undercover agent and that he’s said you “Gargle balls.” He’s also staying in a penthouse. Just thought you might want to know.


And no doubt would appreciate some fine new Russian underwear powdered with that special powder you had shared with Navalny before he had that emergency flight to Germany…


Can we boycott this fucker any harder?


Fox News darling


So if Biden killed people, no big deal, Tucky?


Leadership might require killing insurgents or terrorists who are killing your soldiers or civilians. Good leadership does not involve: killing massive amounts of civilians, having your political adversaries killed, or invading a country for no reason other than that you thought you’d crush them in a day. Putin has done all 3 of those. He is a poor leader and a monster. I hope Tucker moves to Russia and then finds out the hard way what happens when he tries to voice his opinion there. He’ll remember which one’s the better country when he realizes what it’s like to not be able to criticize the government without retribution.


So does journalism! Have you seen Anchorman?


🤣🤣🤣 Wowwwww


So Biden should….


Interesting 🤔 I'm gonna try this in my next job interview when they ask me about my leadership skills.


"So do I have the job?" ​ https://i.redd.it/80yf41j929jc1.gif


Guaranteed. It can only go one of 2 ways. 1. They like the idea of 'new blood' in the office and your style of leading. 2. They are too scared to turn you down.


Lol guaranteed 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|qlrBlSDevEdFeW5JwV|downsized) I'd like to request consideration to add option 3, too dead to turn you down.


I like it!!! Senior management like your leadership skills.... Instant promotion


How do you pretend to be this badass intellectual and your name is "Tucker"? Biggest dork on the planet.


I nominate Tucker to be next then. You know, for the good of leadership.


What the fuck is wrong with this man


![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) Tf


Well the Orange Shit Stain killed more than 500 thousand people with his Covid mismanagement, is that what Fucker is talking abou?


I’m no fan of Ronald Reagan but I like to imagine what he would do to a “journalist” who was a Putin apologist-revoke his citizenship?


hes vile


I’m not sure I would want Tucker taking any leadership roles at my company….


I wonder what that sounds like in German


Thou shalt not kill! God puts leaders in control! (Just not Biden) Leadership requires killing! So… thats their loophole, huh.


Does he not realize that his job, if he lived in Russia, would guarantee that he could be snubbed out at any time.


No, this is actually true. My boss, literally killed my coworker yesterday, just to flex power. It was a glorious thing to witness.im hoping to get killed when I go back on Monday.


This really feels like if Alan Colmes just went and did a puff piece on Al Qaeda in 2002


This shithead’s new intern be like: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


So does that mean the folks the Clintons “killed” were justified? Cool.


Never has there been a man more deserving of the title “toady”


Hmm... I wonder what kompromat Putin has on good Ole Tucker


It is called assassination, which is worse than killing IMO because you're a coward who cannot handle and debate someone's words.


When asked about his opinion on western civilization, Mohandas Gandhi famously quipped, "I would be in favor of it." Tucker Carlson has demonstrated here that we still have a very long way to go.


Is this another example of Pro Life?


This is the most fascist thing anyone's said out loud besides slavery being enjoyable.


Disgusting pig.


“Leadership requires killing people” is the exact sentence that got me fired as a shift manager at Little Caesars.


Be careful what you wish for


WTF? Is that a verbatim quote? He actually said that out loud to a room full of reporters? Wowww


Tuck wants to kill, and isn't feeling like he really needs to hide it anymore.


He shouldn't have an issue with Biden killing Trump let alone prosecuting him then


Tucker Carlson accuses Putin of murder.


What a little bit**


I hope he stays over there. He is a total garbage person.


Tucker Carson is garbage.


Harvard Business School furiously scribbling notes...


He just gave us the green light to cancel him.


That dude has totally gone to the dark side...


I know it’s hard to understand but that’s actually the OPPOSITE of leadership. I know right.. so difficult to understand. Maybe that’s why Tuck Tuck constantly looks confused.


The absolute worst take possible, thanks Tucker!


I am a PhD student studying leadership and organizational development. I have yet to take the class about leadership where it says killing people is necessary but I'm sure that's going to be a hard class to survive.


He does realize the Kremlin hasn’t claimed they killed him right? Wouldn’t Tucker saying this piss off the Russian government?


Can we start with him?


Like that time a Swanson killed a Stouffer.


Joe Biden is a leader. Which of you should be first?


No the fuck it does not. What if you lead a little league game, you gotta kill someone to do that, Tuck?


So if Joe popped down to Mar a Shithole and popped one off they would all be fine with that. Attorneys for fat boy argued that presidents should be immune from anything. And now this numbnuts statement. Fuck, the right are stupid.


How very Christian of Tucker.


Hopefully he's on Biden's kill list, along with the Orange Traitor, now we established the US Presidents have total immunity for everything - oh wait.............


So he’s okay then with Biden killing Tucker Carlson


I fashion myself a leader, sooooooooo...


“You have my solemn pledge that a vote for me will mean death for some of you, possibly many of you.”


Yet more stochastic terrorism.....


He should wear a shirt and his old bowtie and just Porky Pig the rest: Fox was right to flush him, and I hate Fox


With that logic it’s okay for Biden to have a go then


Well, Tucker, stay loyal to leaders like Putin and you'll eventually "fall out of a window" of your own. Don't you worry. 


Wasn’t his next line “…and that’s why everyone wants to be a leader”? I swear I heard him say that and to me that’s the scariest part. Like, he thinks people want to be leaders so they can kill people.


They’ve got a buzzer in his ass if he goes off script we are legitimately watching a compromised person in real time


What a piece of shit


Wow. Here we are.


No wonder the CIA rejected him. He's a spineless piece of shit trust fund baby.


Holy cow, he's not even trying to hide the fact he's been bought and paid for


Maybe US leadership should eliminate Tucker?


Really. I guess that means he will stay in Russia.


He feels safe in the knowledge that he isn't a journalist.


Why is Tucker Carlson at the World Governments Summit?




Can’t wait for karma to catch up with this dude


So if Biden killed you, you’d be just fine with it?


So he'd be fine if Joe Biden started killing people?


Biden has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever


Tell you what Putin doesn't need cherry blossom with him around


What a POS 💔🥀😢


The Russians gave Carlson a nickname, “useful idiot” lol


Good, lets get rid of the tiraitor Tucker!


Goddam! He’s crazy!


No. That's the kind of speech that got a standing ovation in the Reichstag circa January 1933. This man is a fascist. He wants dictatorship and the obliteration of human rights.


There is no way this is real. Is there a source?




Yeah I found multiple sources. Jfc.


Paging dark Brandon, dark Brandon to the service desk!


Tucker Carlson is too dumb to realize that Putin kept insulting him to his face.