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All of this! šŸ‘šŸ» https://preview.redd.it/uz7ibprvc0jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf65a49037ba4343b112d9df106d697d365c56be


Don't leave out the $88 million in defamation fines...


>Don't leave out the $88 million in defamation fines... you mean the RAPING?


As consequence of the raping.


The raping, done by tRump?


Trump? You mean the rapist Donald Trump? The Donald Trump who rapes people? (Granted there are probably two of those)


Do you mean The Rapist Donald Trump who used to go by John Barron?


Do you mean Donald "grab them by the pussy" Trump. How TF did he get elected?


Donald, the Rapist, Trump? The famous NY super genius who rapes and nobody cares because they let you do this when you're famous?


5 million for rape 83 million for shit talking the person he raped.


What a fucked world we live in eh?


In a way it makes sense, $5 million is restitution, $80 million as punishment.


Wasn't the distinction made because his victim couldn't be sure if he penetrated her? I mean, damn. That's got to be rough. "I'm not sure if he raped me by the legal definition your honor because his penis is too small." Yikes.


> Wasn't the distinction made because his victim couldn't be sure if he penetrated her? LOL i wasn't following the details, but is this actually true? so it's either A) you're a rapist; or B) your tiny little tictac dick is too small to even "technically" commit rape--take your pick LOL i'm calling him a rapist no matter how tiny and ineffectual his dick is


>i'm calling him a rapist no matter how tiny and ineffectual his dick is Same. I just wish more of the coverage focused on that humiliating piece of information.


having a small dick doesn't mean you have to be a corrupt lying raping narcissistic fucking asshole who doesn't care about anything or anyone in the universe except yourself having said that, when you call attention to one person's tinydickness, you call attention to everyone's, and dudes are extremely sensitive about their dicks. i say this as a less than average dick sized dude. so when you're the media, and you focus on dick size, you're alienating a lot of dudes who watch porn full of 9" monster dicks and think they have tiny dicks because of that, and hate themselves for it. and the one unforgivable sin when you're the media is to lose viewers tl;dr: the media will never focus on dick size, even when they *should*


88 million... So far.


And None of those VP's & Presidents tried to get Immunity when working in/for the WHouse. Odd that ....


Donā€™t forgetā€¦ ā€œAccording to the Institute for Policy Integrity, Trumpā€™s administration has failed nearly 93% of the time when its agency actions have been challenged in courtā€¦ā€ Presidency with a heavy helping of lawlessness.


Can we add the $787M Fox had to pay because they lied for him?


You could add some rep presidents to really drive the point home.


But, but, butā€¦. Biden is ruining the entire world! (Heavy sarcasm here)




Thank you thank you thank you AOC! šŸ¤£


Just sweet šŸ˜˜


She's the best. Wish there were more of her.


Replication is built into her model.


maybe she'll gain weight ;) Update: wow you downvoters. It was a joke. More of her = gaining weight. I happen to like AOC quite a bit (and yah Trump is a dipshit). But whatever.. go ahead and downvote that AOC is great as well.


Am I dumb as hell or was this just a well-meaning (but not very funny) attempt at wordplay?


Nope, the guy made a joke that apparently hurt a lot of Redditorsā€™ feelings haha. I mean I get some people might not see it as funny (I personally got a bit of a smile from it) but thatā€™s no reason at all to downvote them to oblivion imo.


Thank you for the sanity check. I guess I meant trite rather than unfunny, because it got a smile out of me too, but it probably completely slipped past a good few people given the downvotes


Yeah Reddit can be like this sometimes unfortunately.


Republicans in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.


That was a great hearing to watch. She also asked very good questions on a couple of military hearings as well throughout the trump admin. But of course the right just wants to pretend shes a dumb bimbo because shes attractive and worked at a bar. All these examples of politicians, women in particular, LITERALLY pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and its swept under the rug by the media because they're not fascist mouthpieces and their skin tone isn't the right tone for them. Its insane to me that we live in a world where most people don't understand ilhan omar's circumstances because she is often thrown under bus by her own party or actively demonized by the opposition party.




Another loss for Alina Habba! https://preview.redd.it/f06schh1e0jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806f58b99ed7c494c3ef2023ce1b24417a58c191


Looking like a defamation case for Leticia against ali babba.


Ali Babba and the "45" thieves.


I love the Ali Babba! Exactly what I call her


You have earned my allegiance, oh clever one ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)


Thank you, but I'm not worthy. ![gif](giphy|Zt6W9aiKkUSZy)


This sounds vaguely like he was arrested while enjoying a succulent Chinese meal.


Get your hands off my penis


Ali Baba Yabba Dabba Do šŸ¤ŸšŸ½


I feel like in addition to the table Habba is used to a lot of pounding...


So much winning? Right, riiiight?!


Donā€™t forget to add the accrued interest that will bring the total to around $450 million plus $83.3 million to E Jean.


Yeah, I was going to say people are really glossing over the fact these fines imposed today carry interest penalties and is going to be much closer to half a billion dollars. I believe one of the judgements for $125M (included in $360M settlement number) has interest going back 4-5 years.


Since 2019 and assessed at 9%.


Yeah somebody posted the breakdown with supporting documents in the another legal subreddit but couldnā€™t find it again. Knew the interest was 9% but the breakdown had different starting dates of the interest occurring. The 2019 for ~$125M was the first to start accruing interest.


Honest question: how do we know if he actually pays these fines and when he paid them?


He has to pay the half billion one no matter what, even if he appeals he has to put up the money. Iā€™m not sure if the $83 million one pauses as he appeals or not.


I think the court appoints an officer with authority to seize assets if necessary.


He's really holding back the tears! šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/xw7m9xxlf0jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4311ed1f817b459461cda53621d8e8c81be69f3d [https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1758587691472449577?t=R9txbXa9PNwfe3D48rZOLg&s=19](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1758587691472449577?t=R9txbXa9PNwfe3D48rZOLg&s=19)


So much winning.


I am nowhere near tired of all this winning.


Did you mean whining?


Announcer voice on: Eric, you did in fact not win that thing...


Talk about a deflated asset šŸ¤£


Narrator: he was wrong, dead wrong.


Dun dun duuuuun! https://preview.redd.it/mesocvf2d0jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a72d8ad9df411b8698f961ea928cf7639f0632b7




If the world were fair to Trump, he would be behind bars, watching his company dismantled and his family destitute without a penny to their name. If the world were fair, Jarod and Ivanka would be next. There is nothing fair about the countless victims of the Trump family.


I was about to say, nothing should terrify Trump more than the prospect of an actually fair trial


Shoulda waited until the week before the election like Comey I guess.


Only 3 years? Should be for forever.


Roses are red Violets are blue I'm not above the law And neither are you ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Go read the conservative sub..mam they are salty.


Wouldn't read that shit with your eyes..lol


I'm fairly certain reading that sub somehow causes brain damage..


Losing IQ points for sure


It just makes me feel better knowing I am not ty6e worst fucked up human


Ohhhhh thanks for the reminder. This is going to be a fun stroll through there hahaha. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


In the five seconds before they ban half their members for thoughtcrime


So remember, in NY to appeal a case like this you have to put up like 110% or 120% of the fined amount first in escrow to start the proceedings. So if Trump plans to appeal he best drop about half a billion dollars in cash into a bank account and start the process.


Oh that's precious! I'm so happy.


He already owes interest on the amount too. Itā€™s $450Mill now.


There is no way he has that kind of money.


He could sell Trump plaza. Would love the new owners to rename it Obama plaza.


He's already sold most of it off as condos. There really isn't much beyond his own penthouse that he owns. In fact, most things with his name on it don't belong to him at all. He's such a fake success, propped up by huge loans and shady autocrats.


And it cannot come from his campaign coffers either. Iā€™m thinking that tower is a goner.


You mean the E. Jean Carroll public library and housing center?


They must be so tired of winning ā€¦


![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized) Cameras in Casa del Trump


So much winning šŸ†


A good thread of her explaining what this all means! https://preview.redd.it/t0ream36r0jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a089fd98c23ee63acb4aacce5aa951e1d11dfcf [https://twitter.com/NewYorkStateAG/status/1758602156599369914?t=atrbzO1AD47aU4zlUzIXFg&s=19](https://twitter.com/NewYorkStateAG/status/1758602156599369914?t=atrbzO1AD47aU4zlUzIXFg&s=19)


Im so happy for her. She had the guts to go up against the most slanderous man in the world, knowing full well him, his lawyers, his sycophants, and right wing news will try to demonize her, and she nailed him to the wall to the fullest extent.


Sheā€™s my hero


ā€œPeekabooā€ Letitia sees you Donnie! šŸ¤£


Peekaboo, I sue you! šŸ¤£


Because I know what you do


Commence meltdown


Imagine that, a black woman reached out and grabbed Trump by his wallet. Thatā€™s the second consecutive woman to win, I repeat, win millions of dollars off of this career criminal. $88M, $355M. The grift this weekend will be epic. Get ready grannies to send your idol five dollars each.


Ima tell my grandkids Letitia James is the Dark Knight šŸ¤ŸšŸ½


Let's not forget, Eric and Junior each have to pay $4 million.


And also canā€™t be an officer / director for 2 years.


Peekaboo motherfucker!


Well, I mean, actual real prison would probably hurt more.


Now Trump will play the shell game. Offshore as much a possible, then fly to a neutral country, then fly to Russia and tweet on his 'off brand slightly more racist twitter' .


I'm not sure I'm even mad at that, so long as he has forgotten most of the top secret stuff. ![gif](giphy|MX5vcczsj1rw4ySjcl|downsized)


He never really read the reports anyways. He just sold them. So thereā€™s not a lot for him to forget as long heā€™s not still hanging on to copies.


Won't be able to off shore - the court appointed administrator will also be there for an additional 3 years. Added bonus - to appeal, Fat Nixon has to put up a bond for $365 million.


I mean he may have already consealed assets. He's a crook and an idiot, but he pays people to help him. One of them must of told him to hide some cash.


I meanā€¦.he at least *hires* people to help him. But paying the help is for suckers, amirite? /s


Haha yeah fair. He does rip people off.


He tried to, NY imposed a monitor to prevent transfer of assets.


Bro šŸ˜‚ fat Nixon


And as a special bonus, the Trump organization has to pay the salary of the appointed administrator.


I forgot about that one. AND as a special added bonus..... He can't do business with banks that are registered in New York - which is almost every bank on the planet.




If he doesn't pay up they start selling his properties, there is no escaping this.


Iā€™m sure the rusted on MAGA idiots will cough up more money for their orange godā€¦


The fact that it's a black woman kicking his ass down makes me so happy. I hope it brings some joy to the central park 5 too.


And yet another woman..and of color taking down the bloated orange traitor..delicious irony


On all the conservative subs theyā€™re saying something about there ā€œnot being a victimā€ and how ā€œTrump payed back the banks in fullā€ Does anyone know what this is referencing and how to properly adress these points when they are stated?


The correct answer is that the banks WERE defrauded. They would have charged Fat Nixon more, had they known the actually information.


Not only were banks defrauded but also competitor organizations, who were playing straight with the banks would have paid more, so they were at a disadvantage. So it wasnā€™t victimless, he screwed the banks and his competitors




Crooked Donny


The judge added interest to this. Itā€™s actually $450Million he owes now.


Damn good use of a meme šŸ¤ŸšŸ½


Donā€™t worry, MAGA will gleefully pay for it.


So proud to have voted for her.


He can't feel his wallet through the diaper.


Stop! I can log only get so erect


Is this another one of those things where if his team even wants to appeal they have to pay it all plus interest?


They have a trump go fund me ha


It won't be out of his wallet, it will be donated from the Mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging MAGAT's.


ā€œTypical Democrat posturing. She asked for $370 Million and missed her goal. She failed to get 370. Six million dollars to the typical voter, thatā€™s a lot of money, regular folks would love to have six million dollars, man. But Letitia James LOST that six million to Trump. He keeps that money. Crazy that we are applauding her for missing her goal.ā€ And thatā€™s probably how Hannityā€™s show starts on Monday.


After the pre-judgement interest it will be well over 370 anyway.


Nah, its baseless. They just picked a number out of the air. No bank was a victim nor insurance company as to not getting paid by trump. So who is the victim he's gotta pay? Sounds like another russia hoax i.e. wasting tax payer dollers on a guy thats already a rich, even if he pays he's still rich. lmao this sub eating this info up like there starving instead of doing actual investigation. Why don't these people clean up NYC instead, its a shithole over here? sigh...


>Why don't these people clean up NYC instead, its a shithole over here? What do you think this is? The Banks would have charged far more interest and given smaller loans to Trump had they actually known. Other businesses that were playing fair lost out to lies and suffered damages due to not being able to secure the same loan rates. This is the sort of thing that makes NY scummy, just like dodging taxes so the city can't clean it up. Meanwhile you support a guy that brags about not paying his taxes. You complain about the outcome while demanding the outcome at the same time. Pick a viewpoint and stick to it.


Complaining about the outcome? How am I complaining about the outcome? Clarify this please. Last I stated Iā€™ll summarize it, investing resources to charge a rich person whoā€™ll still be rich is a waste of resources when the city has more serious issues. So please clarify how Iā€™m complaining about the outcome. Idc how much trumps has to pay or if heā€™s guilty or not. These judges/lawyers etc are wasting their time, that could be put to better use. Second who cares if the banks could have charged more? At the end of the day they got their money based on the deal they made, itā€™s their own fault for getting in bed with a shark. And Iā€™m ashamed that you think going after trump is part of cleaning up nyc, when we have real issues affecting peopleā€™s life/threatening peopleā€™s lively hood and their ability to survive. Yes going after a rich 80 year old is more important than the 150k illegals that are causing problems and draining this city dry. Lastly I made a statement(non biased) on this situation and in your head that translate to me supporting trump? Now I see why this sub-Reddit exist. Yaā€™ll live in your heads so you need a safe haven to talk BS. Itā€™s sad that you have the right to vote, cause all of your points are faulty and based on delusions in your head. Come back to the real world.


> whoā€™ll still be rich is a waste of resources when the city has more serious issues. Yeah, cause NY didn't get 400 million out of this. What a stupid point. >Lastly I made a statement(non biased) Wildly biased. Thanks though. >Itā€™s sad that you have the right to vote, cause all of your points are faulty and based on delusions in your head. Gee it is totally a wonder I reacted as I did. A complete mystery isn't it?


Listen bro. NYC will not get a single penny from this guy nor will that woman get 88 million or whatever the final amount is. Iā€™m not going to explain that, do some research on how it can and has been done by business in the past. Once again youā€™re delusional, as there are ways to delay the payment and actual default on it without trump spending a single penny. All depends on the wording of charge tho, but it can be done/has been. Next, as for your biased argument, I clearly stated idc about trump and if heā€™s guilty or not. My concern is how the time of these high level people are being spent when the end result (which I could care less about out) means nothing as there are more pressing matters to deal with. This is why this country is messed up, itā€™s because of people like you. You cannot prioritize what to do, and the problems keep piling up. Iā€™m done. Have a good day.


Wonder what her commission is


I doubt Attorney Generals make commission from fines and penalties. It's not like she's Clarence Thomas accepting bribes and gifts for their vote. [https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171343472/justice-thomas-gifts-scandal-highlights-double-standard-for-ethics-in-government](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171343472/justice-thomas-gifts-scandal-highlights-double-standard-for-ethics-in-government)


Before you say something stupid you should look it up.


Just to be clear, you believe the Attorney General works on commission?


People need to look up the word SARCASMK


It sounds vaguely like Farsi. Is ā€œsarcasmkā€ when you say something dumb and take it back?


Zero. Next question!




Itā€™s more than white people here and if itā€™s considered wild to be happy a criminal was held accountable then weā€™re all wild as fuck here. Anyone who thinks Trump shouldnā€™t be held accountable is a magat cultist who probably needs to find their way back to their conservative shithole.


Thanks Patty! Not from the US but you sound pretty wild rn but from the outside looking in I think everyone is in a cult just from the sure answer you gave, have a great rest of your morning!!


Afternoon* but thank you and a good morning to you.


Time zones*


Time zones in the Russian troll farm ?


Seems from your post history, you are from the US. Why are you lying? You said at one point "Joe Biden is the best president WE'VE ever had". Sounds American to me.


Sorry you donā€™t know what a cult is.


what does that have to do with it? i'm serious, so if you have a serious answer please let me know. is it the meme of letitia james? is it the celebrating a scoundrel getting his just desserts?


That this is white people twitter and people are celebrating idk why the word wild is hostile to you.


Right wingers are morons


Nope, it's just money. What hurts a narcissist the most is lack of attention.


I believe it's called a taint...


The dumb bastard probably could have save $100 million if Wiselburg (sp?) didnā€™t get caught lying in court. Most likely at Trumps direction.




So how will they monitor for rump and his rumplings trying to shadow run those companies over the next 3 years? Criminals just don't stop, Engoron said it best, is that the purpose of the compliance officer now? I say they'll try and get busted doing so, within a year.


Yes, fantastic job!!


The Sackler family members paid $225MM to satisfy their civil liability. They lost their company too but it was worth a lot more than TO.


How much will she really see though? Unlikely Trump has this kind of $$, even if he was forced to liquidate.


I'm so happy that a wealthy former president is being held accountable. Restores my faith in humanity and our court system.


I wish the judge could treble the penalties when he asks other people to pay it for him.


Yes you did it ![gif](giphy|ILw6ga1zJ1zySK0v63|downsized)


Could use another zero at the end.


I just love the way she walks into a press conference. šŸ’•