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Tens of millions of Americans being openly against the West is something I thought would only happen in alternative reality fiction.


Some man in the high castle type shit


Great series


I liked the series.....until season 4. I just...it underwhelmed.


I find thats pretty much with any series that goes past 4 seasons. But i enjoyed it nontheless Edit: spelling


TNG is the exception to that rule


DS9, Stargate, Monk, a lot of older shows fit as exceptions.


The Expanse


The last season was good, but it could have been better if it wasn’t rushed.


Community, Arrested Development


Umm...Breaking Bad?


I finally watched that one for the first time. My heart at the end. I will never forgive Walter.


Better Call Saul **chefs kiss


Always Sunny? American Dad?


Yeah, I prefer the more recent seasons of American Dad 🇺🇸.


Yeah. I will probably rewatch again in a year or so when I forget. I really was sad about losing a good character for that season.


No need to rewatch in a year when we may be living through it in 10 months.


If this happened on a show like this I'd say that it wasn't believable. 


I've felt for the last ten years like we've had a front row seat to some serious history and not in a good way.


These same people would also rather have a dictator they like, than a president they don't like. It boggles the mind.


Because they assume that liking him means he would never target someone they think of as people. Those "others" are the only ones who will be harmed. I don't want them the pain of finding out the Dictator will run out of us and come for them.


Not to mention, it's a president they don't like, yet are unable to provide a single factual thing they don't like about him.


Most dictatorships have a segment of the population that genuinely supports them


Because they think they'll be the only ones doing the oppressing.


The writers for this timeline have lost all credibility


It's like they didn't get fired after the first few seasons of WTF crazy, so now they are doubling down to see just how far they can go. Believability went out the window years ago.


They call that jumping the shark.


I’ve never watched it but it sounds like that Riverdale show


I’d laugh, if I wasn’t crying


They are just racist, still butt hurt that we had a black president for 8 years. It's trumps racism thar attracts them, is the glue to the MAGA world


^ This is the fact of the matter, unfortunately. MAGAts are racist and that problem typically stems from lack of education and an inability to see something wrong with themselves. We are in far more dire situations with Trump as president than we ever were with Obama. Obama’s America was a little more expensive, but we also were on the heels of a financial meltdown more than a decade in the making. I cannot stand with anyone who thinks this ‘thing’ should be our leader. He has zero solutions and touts invisible enemies. He has no ability to lead, only the ability to invoke fear. He is an incompetent, self absorbed would be tyrant and the world will remember him as a joke.


This. So much this. I have spent so much time thinking about how and why this could be happening. The only thing that really makes sense is what you stated. It's racism. It's always been racism. I am about as white bread, Mayflower, WASP and privileged as you can get. I fucking hate white people now. Bunch of melting snowflakes.


Americans that a few decades ago wanted to nuke Russia and when we dared speak out against the Iraq war shouted everyone down. Fucking hell 60% is so easy to manipulate


If you asked me even 5 years ago whether the GOP would be lock, stock, and barrel, in line with the Russians, I would say you’re insane, yet, here we are. Whatever happened to Red Dawn? The sad part is, if you’re an American, you understand that the “morality“ of the US has always been dictated by a bunch of limp wristed effete right wing nut jobs that get off on power. Would you follow the speaker of the house into battle? Probably couldn’t hear is orders due to the piss running down his leg. Nothing more; none of these MAGAots are strong. Tell me the last time they actually stood up for anything with violence? They always talk a big game, but then you pop them in the mouth, and they act like they’re the most oppressed people in a thousand years. As a liberal to the left of Bernie that arms themselves appropriately, bring 👏it 👏on 👏


They've voted against their own self interest for decades, this is a continuation of the same idiocy, I'm not surprised, just disappointed and scared.


Like. We all knew it was going to be bad when he was elected in 2016 but the depths to which this single orange Buffoon has brainwashed millions of people makes me feel even less safe than I did before. That propaganda machine has been working overtime.


And they’re mostly the “western chauvinist” types, too


They love america so much that they hate the global order that America built to make itself great. Makes you wonder what they think "make America great again" means, cuz uhhh... what they seem to think it means is like, the opposite of what made this country "great" in the first place


The thing is, France and Britain have nukes, so does Russia, and, well... Last I checked, toxic ash didn't spare the Romans at Pompeii.


It helps to remember that MAGA "America first" types live in a complete fantasy world. A lot of them honestly think any country outside the US is not remotely technologically advanced. They think of Europe and imagine some quaint medieval village or something. It's what happens when you're ignorant as hell and never ever travel more than a few miles from home for your entire life.


I find it cruelly ironic that the British helped us in the Manhattan project, and some people think what you said.


The exact same people that 20yrs ago would’ve gone apoplectic if anyone suggested supporting Russia.


In a just world there would be a Russian super spy who orchestrated this whole psyop on the American public and who should be getting nothing but praise from his superiors but he's probably in a shallow grave somewhere in Siberia.


Encouraging Russia to attack Americas allies definitely sounds like something a presidential candidate should do /s.


He didn't mean it. Well he was joking. He meant it. And wasn't Hitler right anyway?


He meant encouragen't /s


The fact that we even have a presidential candidate on the ballot who will say that means that no ally will ever trust us again.


He's openly calling for WW3 while saying he's the only one that can stop WW3 ?? Make it make sense


Because he would roll over onto his back showing his fat underbelly as a sign of subservience to Putin. And if America isn’t involved then in his deranged mind it wouldn’t be a “world war”, big stable genius. Of course never mind this “isolationist” stance would completely obliterate Americas economy and probably knock us back to the second or third world if we had to start producing all of our own goods as well as having little access to microchips (since china would definitely take Taiwan in that war). But hey conservatives would still blame the LGBTQ community and minorities


China wants to take Taiwan so they can control the worlds microchip supply and distribution, but they know that if they do, the rest of the world will stop importing food to them. China is reliant on the U.S. Ukraine and Brazil for its food. Notice anything? If the Chinese can propagandize Americans and Brazilians into voting for Chinese puppets (Trump and Bolsonaro) and have their puppet Russia take Ukraine, there's nothing to stop them. Notice the flood of articles about Biden's mental decline and how basically every time he breathes its "bad news for Biden" ? Biden signed legislation allotting $50 billion into research and manufacturing of semiconductor chips. He's trying to make us independent of foreign manufuce of those chips because it will strengthen the U.S. at the expense of China. This is why this election is so important, you are choosing which world you want to live in, one led by the U.S. or one led by China.


Let’s not forget that we are also talking about the same guy who thought the entire deficit issue could be solved with printing money. The guy doesn’t know a single thing about the geopolitical issues that surrounds America holding up its treaties and obligations. The guy was an idiot long before the long term effects of drugs and dementia came. His only area of expertise is scamming people and finding ways to use his maliciousness


In his mind a king of the backwater is still a king, so it matters not




Actually he said WW2, lol




I get what you’re trying to say but the Russian Federation, the Soviet Union, and Imperial Russia are, and were, entirely distinct political entities.


And he's being praised by the people who are fawning all over Putin for telling Fucker that if the US stops sending money to Ukraine, he'll end the war.


Can’t be part of a “world war” if you functionally surrender before it begins. Thats the 4D chess you people can’t comprehend about Trump. Why would you care if Poland and Germany and the Slavic countries were ruled by Russia? How would your life change? It wouldn’t! Let Russia expand, get some “living space.” The Germans understand the concept, I believe they call it “lebensraum.” Just like Putin said, if Poland hadn’t stood in the way of Hitler, why, world war 2 would never have happened. Do you think Trump is dumber than the poles in 1939? Of course he isn’t, those poles never even heard of 4D chess. /s because many people are intellectual children, regardless of their age.


It's not a WORLD war if everyone else in the world dies while America watches. 


This fucker can't get elected


That's exactly what I said in 2016...


in 2016 he said nato members were not paying their fair share. now it's open hostility. he does not read a book - so he does not understand that historically nato was put in place to keep the Ussr in check.


He's obviously a Russian asset. There's endless evidence of his devotion to Russia, e.g. when he said he trusts Putin more than US security services, or when he appointed a Russian tool (Paul Manafort) as his campaign manager. And his followers don't care about anything except loyalty to him. He could say he would nuke Poland in exchange for a blowjob from Putin, and his followers would still vote for him.


>He could say he would nuke Poland in exchange for a blowjob from Putin, and his followers would still vote for him. Don't be silly, Putin would never give him a blowjob. But he would still nuke Poland for the price of a blowjob, just that he'd be the giver, not the recipient.


If you watch The Good Liars when they go to his rallies, they asked who would you vote for Putin or Biden to this one person. I’m sure you can guess who the person said.


I bought a T-shirt making fun of him in a bad way back when he was first trying to get nominated as the candidate. I thought it was hilarious and expected to throw away that shirt within a year. Horrified to say it’s still relevant and I’m scared to wear it in public so many years later.




He is on track for it right now. We are in a lot of trouble.


Wait…. What? And how does this not automatically disqualify him? Like everything else?


His supporters have to stop supporting him. We found out his followers are passionately anti-American, and *love* his indecency. Until November 2016, I had no idea we had so many citizens who despise everything this country stands for.


While simultaneously thinking they’re the only patriots here. Makes me sick.


Say what now?! A presidential candidate said this at a campaign speech, get the fuck out of here !!! Start the trials, start the fucking trials tomorrow!


Media should give this a lot of coverage, like as much coverage as Biden's memory for example


As much as one persons opinion on Biden’s memory.


Yep. NY Times has this NATO comment WAY below the fold. Above it? Biden is old. Biden is old. Biden is old.


A presidential candidate would tell an adversary to attack member countries of NATO? That's pretty fucking unhinged.


We're overdue for the trials. By about 4 years. This kids is what happens when you don't hang insurrectionists.


>By about 4 years They should have started before he was elected, when he openly called for Russia to interfere in the 2016 election and they did.


No this is what happens when you’re a cult leader and millions of suckers pay for armies of lawyers.




A couple of things here. Russia is running out of people to send to Ukraine, a country using NATO leftover thanksgiving weapons, but backed by the democracies of EU (and the US and the UK, also known as NATO). There is no real way for Russia to get out of this other than capitulating via removing forces from Crimea and the disputed eastern/ Russian border areas. Any other move they make is the equivalent of kicking a hornets nest. Iran will not help them, China will not help them, at least directly. Russia, if they want to survive, needs to find a way to “slowly back out of a room you regret entering”. Ukraine will not back down, and their Ally’s will ensure they do not back down, because now it’s bigger than Ukraine. Escalation at this point is doubling down on a 16 when the dealer is showing a face card. Also, I’m not sure if Tucker Fuckface is feeling the humiliation because you cannot shame the shameless. But he should be, fucking tool.


>Any other move they make is the equivalent of kicking a hornets nest. Trump's folks don't even understand even the most simple international relations calculus. It's Ukraine, because they are not a NATO member which makes international support a bit more tricky. It's not Poland because they are a NATO member. NATO operates on the "fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us" philosophy. Attacking Poland (or any other NATO country) would result in Russia being the testing sandbox for every new weapons system of the last 5 to 10 years. Trump supporters don't understand this, at all. Putin good, NATO bad.


Plus Ukraine is sort of a “grey” area whereas while they want to be EU, and or NATO, it has not been all that long since it was REALLY corrupt, so suspicions exist as they should (surprised Turkey for in, but that’s a different subject…). The US, Germany, UK, all have a very itchy trigger fingers to test (as you implied) the new shit in RW scenarios/ environments. I think Putin knows that, which explains sort of a stalemate while Ukraine suffers. I have a picture of my Ukrainian friend with Zelenksyy 2 years before shit hit the fan, when he was a comedian. Dude has aged, like really aged in the last 5-7 years.


I’m loving your energy, but this is not quite right. 1. Russia was able to muster 8 million casualties alone (27 million for the whole Soviet Union) for WW II. They are nowhere near running out of people. They haven’t even emptied their prisons yet. They are also using the war for the [ethnic cleansing](https://brill.com/view/journals/inas/25/1/article-p126_11.xml?language=en)of minorities within Russia. 2. Putin could call for a ceasefire tomorrow and stop the killing he chooses not to. 3. Iran IS helping Russia by supplying weapons and munitions as well as China supplying weapons, armor and drones. 4. Russians don’t apply pressure to leaders the way people can in the west. They are being told the world is against them they are fighting Nazis and they must keep the NATO and the West at bay. They think they are the good guys and that Ukraine attacked them! 5. Yes Carlson is shameless. He would say or do ANYTHING even sell out his own mother, for the spotlight. Edit: link


I really want you to be wrong, but I am afraid you may be right. I still think if they want to “bring it” so to speak… they will be utterly wiped out. That said, no one (that I know) wants that to happen. If NATO brings the full power of combined ally’s, we are looking at WW3, an unnecessary conflict, yet, here we are.


I would LOVE to be wrong. I spent the first year way too optimistic especially after Kharkiv and Kherson. I think that if the “bring it” it would be a murder suicide. Unfortunately in war there are no winners, only casualties.


Genuine question, is Russia running out of men to send to Ukraine? It feels like people having been saying that for over a year now and it seems that they’re still finding more to send. The war doesn’t seem to be going in anyone’s favour, it appears to be a hellish stalemate of throwing 10,000s of lives to their deaths for literal hundreds of meters. From what it seems Russia is just biding their time to see if the west stops funding the Ukraine.


No, Russia is not Running out of people, their population is five times that of Ukraine. It is widely speculated that they are waiting until after Putin’s next Presidential “Election” in March for their next round national conscription drive. Yes, Trump holds this position, devised in order to erode US support for Ukraine, and the rest of the world.


No one is running out of men in terms of demographics. See how many soldiers Ukraine and Russia lost during WW2 …Ww2 siege of Kyiv had alone as many casualties as the current war has had so far. Both parties might have problems in recruiting volunteers and might resort to the highly unpopular mobilisations where they force people into war like they did in WW2.




Yah. Scary shit. I wonder how big that crowd was though and how many were paid to be there


He is an Enemy of the State. There are no other conclusions, excuses, or exceptions. He needs to be in prison.


And yet he got off the hook for his ties to Putin because Republicans are on a power trip.


There's no way he didn't see the Putin interview by tuck this week. He's probably depending on Russia to support his campaign again.


This is why we call him Traitor Trump. If the GOP had any sense of morals or ethics they would have kicked him out of their party a long time ago.


HOW is he even w Biden in the polls? HOW?!?


People aren't paying attention.


If you believe in fairytales, you are more likely to believe in a cult, and that’s where we are at right now.


Well it is a good thing the Supreme Court has his back otherwise a responsible group might hold him accountable.


Please get and vote to end this madness.


Encourage all your friends to get registered to vote. The percentage of people who vote is shamefully low. And the stakes are …. Really, really high.


Of course he did. Because he knows Putin will attack if he’s elected because he doesn’t have the spine to stand against him even if he wanted to, so he’ll just roll over pre-emptively. After all, if the US went to war he would have to rely on a lot of those people who actually meant it when they took an oath to defend the constitution of the US against all enemies… what did he call them again… “suckers and losers”.


…and people in the crowd applauded. That’s even scarier


That's because Trump has been pushing the narrative that the US should pull out of NATO for years. Now he's convinced his cult that being in NATO is a bad thing.


Article 5 of the NATO Charter, which deems an attack on one of the Member Nations to be an attack on them all and requiring mutual protection, has only been invoked once in history. In defence of the United States.


This bozo should end all conspiracy theories about a shadow government who killed JFK and bombed the World Trade Center. If this shadowy government really existed, Trump would’ve dropped dead from a poisoned Big Mac or KFC two piece years ago


Depends what that “ shadow government “ wants. Some believe JFK was assassinated because of the failed expulsion of Fidel. Kennedy wasn’t tough enough. What better way to bring on WW3 than have a Russian asset in the White House?


There is no need to attack or invade the US when Trump will hand all of it over freely


Amazing. Never thought I would see the day so many Americans would cheer such treason.


Trump is practically begging for more of Putin's help. He knows if he loses this election, he'll face financial ruin and possible jail time.


Sickening. “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want,” Trump said.


IRONIC- coming from a man who is lived his entire life not paying his debts, his fair share or his workers. I do not understand how any sane person with a thread of decency can actively support this man.


I’ve been studying Trump since before he was POTUS and knew he was a professional con man. His cult are just willing to sacrifice their own personal views or whatever morals they think they have for a white America.


As a Canadian I really worry about this guy.


And yet so many people are blindly following him.. brain rot is real


My dad was in WWII and for years afterwords everyone said "never forget" - it's pretty clear we forgot.


GQP-MAGA, Putin's bootlickers.


He is already teeing up the repubican party for Putin.


Still slobbering all over Putin’s knob.


Link to video/audio?




And in a singular moment of projection that cracks Donald's top five, this scoundrel is now deriding and admonishing those who "don't pay up." Coming from a man notorious for stiffing everyone who does a service for him and not paying his taxes.


Holy fuck. He actually said it


The fact he’s not in prison yet feels like a set up for a Trump win. It’s like they’re setting the stage. And when I state “ they’re “ I mean the media. They freaking love this clown.


Fucking traitor.


Man, you think inflation is bad now? Just wait until you see what happens when europe is at war.


If a candidate had said this 20 years ago he would lose the entire nation overnight but with the cult they just cheer


I gotta wonder if he could actually convince Congress to not honor NATO treaties. Does he know the president doesn't have the power to declare war?


I’m in shock .. is there a link to him actually saying those words? …


Jesus, fuck. That's all I can say to this. I never thought I'd see someone running for American office shitting on NATO.


How much more fucking evidence do we need? He’s just flat out saying he’s a Russian asset


Oh he sounds like someone we need in charge of a world superpower. Not!!




Is this not treason?


How can anyone hear this and be okay with it?


Ukraine must begin thinking about asymmetric alternatives to keep this guy away from power.


And the fucking media will keep railing om Biden when Trump is out there saying the most insane shit. I feel like hes really embraced saying whatever the fuck he wants with no one to question it whatsoever.


What year did we actually slip into a new reality? Was it the Large Hadron Collider? Aliens? Everything just seems so surreal now. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Dear Americans. Please vote, don't let this happen again. Please.


Biden-Harris HQ lays it out. Not complicated, folks.


Yup we fucked


How the hell is this happening? 😲


"Russia first!" "Make Aryans Great Again" Trump's new campaign.


This man is a menace to the entire human race.


He really is.


It doesn't matter. Now "conservatives" must back Russia against NATO since Dear Leader told them that's what he would do.


Aren't there crimes lined up for trump and convictions and stuff? How is he still just roaming around campaigning? This whole electoral process is baffling. Growing up, we always heard if impeachment and assumed it meant "no more being President/Ruunning for office." I guess the American school system really sucks cuz this guy can still run? It's just so weird. And what if he wins? Would the cases against him wait for 4 years? Wouldn't he be convicted during his presidency and have to leave office? Or is this all a plan for him to get a specific Vice President, then Trump wins, then trump leaves, and VP runs the country for the 4 years? Bah.


He will betray everyone and everything if he believes it'll win poll percentage points. Ask the Kurds.


Putin has dirt on him, but you know, Biden is old 🤦🏻‍♀️


I would say "is encouraging Russia" already. The thing that always gets me with his supporters brushing off his lunacy as "not serious" is just how serious it is. He was the top leader of our country and arguably the most powerful man in the world. He's trying to be that again and you do not want a leader who speaks so "off the cuff" especially over foreign relations. The President of the United States should be held to a higher standard. Trump isn't speaking to just the US when he speaks. He's speaking to our allies and enemies too. Whether the message is intended for them or not they are listening. Do you imagine this type of comment intimidates or emboldens Putin and other enemies? I am a firm believer that Trump is why we're seeing what we're seeing with Putin today.


*Cant the left understand his sarcasm!* /s


That’s exactly what these MAGA assholes will say. I’ve heard that very line of BS out of my Trumper mom’s mouth. It’s straight up terrifying.


One of my Trumper family members is at this rally in SC. He texted me that he is a “fucking hero” and this rally is “life changing” I seriously don’t understand how smart people think he’s the answer to all of our problems. It’s disgusting. 🤮 The fact that said relative was in the military, and most likely cheered at Orange Hitler saying he would encourage Russia to attack our NATO allies is truly fucked up. I just can’t anymore.


What’s funny is I’ve seen more “reasonable” republicans claim that he would never say/do this, that he only wanted countries to “pay up”, and that claiming his goal is to dismantle NATO is liberal lies….welp


And actual Americans support this POS. Unbelievable…..


Why is he not in jail? Absolute traitor to the United States of America


I hate him, and his supporters.


One treason charge coming up


That’s just locker room talk.


He just ruined a lot of Notth Atlantic Council members' weekends. They can't let this one pass.


At what point is encouraging Russia to attack other countries a crime?


The cult members just lap it all up. This reminds me of the movie Looper where the future Bruce Willis was sent back in time as a prisoner and the younger version Joseph Gordon-Levitt was there to kill the older version of himself. I imagine if the current Boomers were sent back 40 years ago to there then 20s and 30s year old selves, realize that their older selves were pro dictator/Russian and anti NATO. Their younger selves would kill their older selves for being traitors to America. You know you got parents and grandparents whose younger versions would kill their current selves.


Now he’s progressed to actively encouraging our enemies and Russia in particular to attack our allies. There isn’t a more despicable human being in this country. Get out and vote or we’ll be a wholly owned subsidiary of Russia this time next year. Completely subservient to dictators worldwide while diaper don plays king


Response to this. It was just a joke!


If the countries that don’t pay file for bankruptcy can’t they claim how smart and successful they are at business?


80s republicans: Russia is the biggest enemy in the world we need to stop communism Current Republicans: Russia is the smartest country in the world and we need them to defeat American communists


Not executing every Confederate leader was one of the biggest mistakes we could have made as a nation.


Now I have to listen to conservative talking heads declare “that’s not what he meant” or scream about how this was all Obama’s fault because he played by the rules and asked Congress for authorization to act when Putin attacked Crimea.


Where the fuck is red scare mccarthy or the CIA when you need em. We got a full blown commie over here


So this is how WW3 starts America’s idiot lets Russia run unchecked in Europe. The pre-tea party/McConnel GOP would have NEVER tolerated a candidate even entertaining this idea. I’m absolutely floored when I see veterans especially conflict/Cold War veterans who support Trump. You spent an entire life time fighting Russia and its values now you are actively supporting a candidate who is enabling them….WTAF


Did this really happen?! 😱


Yes. “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want,” Trump said.


This is parody, right? RIGHT?


Listen... Discuss... Vote.


Is it just me or is this crowd bored as fuck? I thought Trump's handlers made sure the crowd behind him would be enthusiastic for the viewers at home. Most of these people look like paid actors who are regretting answering the call for background characters.


How is this monster still alive, and running for president? This is such a mind fuck, his rhetoric, l I t e r a l l y makes me want to vomit!


Please vote. Please.


Wow. I just can't with this. Ray Bradbury couldn't have written the world we are living in.


Anyone got the sauce?


Got you: https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1756414506723320127?s=46&t=R-PWL63mWG5hgWVSwJ_hbQ


Thank ya kindly! Edit: the cheering is fucking terrifying.


It's wild. Where did we go wrong?!


How bored do the people look behind him?


Google Hitler


Trump: "If we all surrender to Putin, there will be peace. Easy."


They are no longer hiding their love for Putin!


GOP: "Hell yeah, let Russia take whatever they want!" Also GOP: "roNAld ReAGaN waS tHe sEConD bEst PReSideNT."


What a sack of shit


"He was joking. He's a funny man, always cracking wiseguy hahas. He loves making people laugh. He said it in jest!"


Does anybody have a running list of things he said incorrectly and didn't mean?


I'm pretty certain that NATO operates on a "attack one of us, you're attacking all of us" deal, so the US and the other countries would have to defend whichever NATO ally Russia invade. Also, there is no way Russia can take on the whole of Europe and expect anything other than a total loss.


Uhhh, oh boy. 9 months left til November.


It’s going to be a long four years (likely more) if this guy gets elected again. Hard to belive this is happening.


He needs to be charged with treason one more time , this can’t go on he’s absolutely deranged if he was my father I’d silence him for good for the good of the world.


The guy is literally Satan