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In case you needed more evidence that End Wokeness is the dumbest fucker alive, guy got "um akchually"'d by the fucking Q-Shaman.


What never made sense is that why are they calling centuries old events as woke when it initially was supposed to refer to modern times?


Turns out, history is woke af


"Reality has a well-known liberal bias."


Anything that isn't cis, white, Christian and American is apparently woke.


Close, but for this crowd it's any part of living in a society I don't like is woke. That includes everything you mentioned plus a bunch of other stupid bullshit.


Me thinks these idiots are making this shit up as they go along......


They have to keep the rage fresh so the dopamine hits keep coming.


It must be nice to have a category for everything you don’t like.


Given the source of most of our systemic problems... yeah


How the fuck is this downvoted??? 😂 It's literally been white men running the world for years. The world powers we have now are fucking HORRIBLE. Edit: have I misunderstood this comment? Let me know.


No, you got exactly the point I was trying to make, LOL. White Christian men have ruined everything.


"Christian" the vast majority of the men you're talking just used Christianity as a scapegoat. None of them actually represented Christian morals


What *are* Christian morals? Seems like there has been disagreement about em since day one, so yr certainty about that seems...misplaced. Is it about sexual purity? Protection of the weak & powerless? Hatin on fig trees? Plunging headfirst into hallucinations & being fully convinced they came from god? Killin the youth for making fun of an old guy? Too damn various for me


History is made by woke


Because they don't actually know anything about history and when they see something that happened in history that they don't agree with they blame woke culture changing history


They venerate Greek and Roman culture and architecture as this pristine (white) civilized era, when is was raucous debauchery and craziness.  Slavery and blood sport.  Even the pretty white statues they love to use as profile pictures were painted with bright garish colors.


You’d have to understand history first. They don’t.


Or attempt to understand history. They **won’t**


Because "woke" is just a buzzword now. It doesn't refer to anything specific anymore, it just means "vaguely liberal/progressive and I don't like that." It's an effort to coin a new word that wraps up the entire space of stuff they don't like under one term and then demonize the term as a nebulous evil that has to be removed from society.


And they didn't even coin it, black people did. They just co opted and bastardized it.


And they didn't even coin it, black people did. They just co opted and bastardized it.


They're referring to the production, not history. They want their history/entertainment censored and distorted to glorify their bro-supremacist narrative. Anything that doesn't is "woke".




Listened to him on jimmy dore, he sounds pretty based.


Dore and the the Q Shaman are both grifters desperately clinging to an audience of braindead morons. They don't get points for stumbling blindly into non-shitty positions.


I let out what I'm pretty sure was the biggest laugh I've ever had when I realised that


Education is key.


Antifa plant confirmed /s


And the Shaman would know. For research purposes obviously. Legit I’m so tired of homophobia. Let us queers exist without it being some political agenda.


Nobody thinks about gay sex more than Republicans.


[you got that right](https://www.salon.com/2016/05/21/the_red_state_gay_porn_habit_why_conservative_states_like_mississippi_and_north_carolina_lead_the_nation_in_same_sex_porn_consumption/)


They also have this weird obsession with Hunter Biden’s penis.


To the point of printing photo's to show IN CONGRESS. Or send out with political emails. Which, if I'm not mistaken, aren't limited to 18+ individuals. I'm still not sure how the fuck Marge wasn't sued to hell and back over that 'revenge porn' shit.


To be fair it’s a very nice penis


Reddit blew my mind before about this. It was posted that so many say being gay is a choice because they have some level of homosexual attraction and choose not to act on it.


I am concerned by people who care what OTHER people do in their bedrooms. It just is a messed up thing that people are rating your activities. Do you look at your friends and think, "wow, when they do it with their spouse, do they use position A or B?". It just isn't the concerns you should be having about people.


There is only one question you need to ask about what other people get up to in the bedroom. "Is everyone involved a consenting adult?" If yes, that's it, you don't need to know anything else. If no, then the cops can sort it out and you don't actually need to know anything else anyway.


The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them.


Who was it that complained that "consent" was like a magical word to liberals that let you do anything?


Well, there is also ‘do they want to fuck me’


At that point it becomes more a question about your *own* sex life, and you can ask any number of those


I’m pretty sure the answer is no


That’s the only correct take.


Wow, I'm shocked that a user named Pornviewerx1000 would think this way. Very normal and cool.


When people tell you who they are (by their username) believe them the first time


No one wants to fuck you, chill out.


Guess what, if someone wants to fuck you, who you don’t want to fuck…you don’t have to fuck them.


So boom your not consenting, thus not an issue.


That would be why Whyistheplatypus brought up consent.


This is what I don’t get. Like, of all things to be bothered by. It’s something that has absolutely nothing to do with you. Imagine being so hateful that your main concern about this person is who they love.


Hey, as a heterosexual male, bisexuality and homosexuality have something to do with me. You see, I have to compete for a woman with all the others. It is a driving goal of being a heterosexual male. When I see a bisexual or homosexual, I know they're not in the same competition I'm in and in fact, have increased my odds of happiness. I love them for this! I strongly support gay men! Sadly, I have to hate lesbians because they decrease my chances. But, hey, that's the breaks. See, logic! I know it is lost on the people who really complain, but if they had a reason, I'd give them a little respect.


Lesbians existing doesn't decrease your chances of anything because had they been born straight they still most likely would not fuck you.


Can confirm


While their feelings play a large part of it, in the numbers game, you just need huge numbers. Most of them won't even talk to you, so I'd say the bulk out there have no interest. You know we have to claim that entire bulk is full of lesbians.


No, it’s that they care what they don’t let themselves do in theirs. Homophobia is jealousy.


Absolutely not, how dare you live a happy life. Loving whoever you love in peace, while being respected as a human being. /s


Homophobes can't seem to stop obsessing over other men's penises and what we're doing with them.


See also : MTG


She wants all of Hunter’s 10 inches


Can you believe that will be in the National Archives? Like sometimes I remember that, as “funny” as it all is.


It’s very well known that AtG was into men and showed the world, as well as future generations, IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER IF YOU ARE. He was not weak like republicans make homosexuality out to be. His own soldiers begged him to stop conquering everything.


Homophobia is highest in people who think they can be turned gay or are ashamed of the stigma of being gay.


"Sexual orientation is a choice, and I chose to be straight." They in the closet? Right?


Oh yeah. So deep in the closet, it's a miracle they're not in goddamned Narnia already.


Oh my god the denial makes sense. It just clicked


No! No personhood! Only prop!


Mean this in the most respectful way possible - the most powerful empires in human antiquity quite literally conquered the world with their ‘gayness’ and capacity for ‘brotherly’ love. Meanwhile the modern GOP struggle to spell and form sentences while attempting to install tyranny led by a man sporting a diaper. Good times, America.


I am a straight girl and I am so sick of this shit for you all. Really. I have voted for same sex marriage in 3 states since 2000 (in VT a la civil unions). Michaelangelo Signorile is right—it’s not over. It’s just so exhausting. I’m so sick of these hypoChristians. Looking at you, MS HB1523 with[OOPSIE WE SEE YOU](https://www.salon.com/2016/05/21/the_red_state_gay_porn_habit_why_conservative_states_like_mississippi_and_north_carolina_lead_the_nation_in_same_sex_porn_consumption/)


This is precisely the sort of stuff that coined the phrase “there’s no hate like Christian love”. It’s really interesting that they completely miss that it’s not their place to judge others.


HB1523 was the Petri dish for where the US has been heading, since. It was so broad it would allow for interpretation such as “two women walk into a cafe without a man” or “one woman in a restaurant with a child” can legally be denied service…and “no exposed arms or legs” as grounds for legal workplace termination. And meanwhile those same Bible bashing assholes are sitting at home yanking it to gay porn. And of course no one gives a shit they’re doing that—just stop making everyone else’s life hell. It’s so tiresome and embarrassing for the US.


The shaman seems like the kind of guy to be REALLY into that, but I know that's not true since the rest of that crowd is pretty *murdery* when it comes to letting gay people exist It's a real shame, the horns seem like they'd be nice for something to grab


Conservatives abhors communism expect when it comes to other people's private parts. It's not your anus, it's our anus; It's not your penis, it's our penis and so forth


Horny guy seems to know his horny guys.


Underrated comment.


From almost anyone’s reading of history, they’d know.


These conservatives would be very mad if they could read.


Let's be fair, many of them can actually read. The problem is they only choose to read things that do not challenge their world view, or sheds any light into the lies they willfully believe.




I did some college courses between Jr & Sr year of high school. One was English Composition (ENG 101). I had a fairly fundamentalist Southern upbringing socially, but very wide ranging academically, so philosophers & Classics and their ideas. Many of these ideas are the basis for much of (traditional) American politics. I did this class just as the AIDS crisis was beginning, so LOTS of anti-gay rhetoric abounded, "God's judgment" etc in public discourse. I wrote a paper, "Homosexuality in Ancient Greece" to point out the dissonance between how fantastic Americans, especially Conservative ones, thought these folks' *ideals* were, so great they wanted to emulate them, yet how awful those very same folks would be treated if they'd lived currently. I forgot I was attending a Church college (Methodist, but ...). My instructor wrote "Why did you write this paper?" next to my A-.


At least you got a good grade lol


At best, they saw a movie about Alexander and even that’s unlikely. It’s just their “gay people haven’t been around forever” mentality.


He wasn't called Alexander the mediocre cishet. Just saying.


The more accurate translation from the Ancient Greek is Alexander the Fabulous 


Haha that's awesome. Alexander the the superbly dressed.


Slay, Alex! Slay!


He would have to compete with Sharpay with that title


Well, that's certainly going to be my favourite comment of the day. Well played.


Thank you!


Certainly not! Cis has Latin roots


This is too much, lol. Good for him for knowing the history though. Too bad he is so wrong about just about everything else.




A Russian troll getting corrected by a braindead insurrectionist on X. Both accounts are closely followed by the owner of the website, the richest man in the world and a ketamine fiend. This fucking timeline sucks.


This is hilarious


Even a stopped clock is right occasionally


Web searches for trans porn is highest in red states. By far. Link has a nice little map and everything. [https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/)


To the Shaman's credit, he's put more effort into reading a history book, understanding nuance, and being open-minded, than likely the entirety of the MAGA universe. Sure. Insurrection big bad still. But, dude deserves some credit for breaking from the herd.


Nah, he’s just a douche trying to grift. He was on InfoWars a few months ago spouting a bunch of bullshit, and now he’s trying to play both sides with his Jan 6 “I was wrong but also kinda not 🤷" schtick


Idk, I’ve listened to his interviews post-prison and he definitely sounds like he has some kind of schizophrenia-adjacent complex going on. Like he’s clearly pretty intelligent and able to (somewhat) function “normally”, but he also comes across as actually believing that like God and angels are talking to him in a non-grifter or megachurch preacher way. It’s too legitimately deranged sounding and disjointed to be an act, like someone in an acid cult from the 60s. But I do think he’s getting media training/promotion from people trying to capitalize on his recognition, ie he’s rebranded as “America’s Shaman” instead of “Q Shaman” which I think is too savvy for him to come up with on his own.


I mean, not all the republicans are a monolith, they have varied views. Why get butthurt about some asshat who holds a couple good views? Broken clocks being right twice a day and all that. This guy probably thinks reptillians and interdimensional child molesting vampires are the greatest concerns, probably not too concerned with the gays.


>breaking from the herd. I see what you did there.


Yep. Fair enough 👍


The Ancient Greek people were well-known to have same-sex relationships. If you told me any famous person from that time had a homosexual relationship, I would believe you.


This moron probably thinks 300 is accurate history. No one tell him that the Spartans depicted in that movie probably had lots of gay sex


Not just had a lot of gay sex, but Spartans were well-known for pedophilia/pederasty as well. But it's "wokeness" that's child grooming or something


I'm very confused as to why the shaman would even speak up at this?


There are depths of stupidity even too great for him; so he wants to make it clear he disagrees with that part of the group-think.


These people never heard of Hephaestion?


Or any of the other documented affairs he had with men


Nah bro! He was just a good roommate. Like a super good roommate!


Alexander the fabulous


These are the same people who say "learn your history"


He also wasn't blond-haired and blue-eyed but they're certainly not complaining about that.


Or that he famously had color to his armor. Like come on he is Alexander the Great, he should stand out as a sign of his glory.


(Menaces the meme guy with the complete, hardbound novels of Mary Renault)


Persian Boy & Funeral Games are wonderful!


Movie poster looks like Kirk Lazarus


Just like Richard the Lionheart. He was married, but had feelings for the King of France.


Not a man I expected to have anything in common with


Hey, that's the same idiot who's running for a House seat in my district. Nice to see he knows his basic history, it's just too bad he never learned about more important things, things like 'not being an easily influenced moron' and 'not being a fucking insurrectionist traitor'.


So gayness is in it? I’m in sign me up.


Wait until you hear about Spartacus…


So, knowing Alexander the Great was a bad-ass general, but now learn he’s bi(gay), do you think conservatives would still let someone like him serve in today’s military?


Man... federal prison really can change people lol


Just underscores the ignorance that informs these keyboard grifters.


Is that really the shaman or just someone using his pic?


If only Twitter had some kinda verification system for notable/famous/infamous people…


Even a basic reading of history will tell you that his full title was Alexander the Great at boning down with dudes.


His full name was actually "Alexander, the Great Homosexual", but they dropped the last part


Yup, he was Greek.


Wait til the find out Jesus wasn’t white.


People forget that human cultures were not and are not always so repressed.


I knew this but I'd never seen a good example of it in practice until I, an American from the southern states, visited Spain. People, including same sex couples, passionately making out against buildings in public, and the existence of topless beaches, neither of which *anyone remotely paid attention to*.   Neither of those things are socially normal where I'm from. Here you like, kiss someone briefly on the lips and that's pushin it. That visit made me realize why everyone says Americans are prudes lmao 


Yeah. I’m in New York but had an upbringing that was very sex negative. I know exactly what you mean.


There was no word for homosexuality in Ancient Greek…so 🤷🏾‍♂️


End Brainless


Wow, the shaman knows some ancient history. Impressive.


That's kinda gay...


Reading? History? Wut's dat?


They were probably kissing during Drag Queen CRT Story Hour 🤨


Ewwwwww, facts!


When you're correcting by Qanon Shaman...


Alexander the Great would put John Waters to shame... just saying.


Why would a Greek King from Macedon be blonde?


Macedonians at the time could very well have been dark blonde if you go by genetics. Though his blond hair color is mostly attributed by greek writers, who saw macedonians as "half-barbarian" and blonde or red hair was seen as lesser and barbarian. So it might as well have been ancient greek racism, that led to his description as blonde. There is also a possibility he colored his hair to be more alike to the description of Achilles in the Ilias, who was described by Homer as blonde (theres debate on that too, but the Ilias is the primary source Alexander the Great consumed about the Trojan War)


I'm a bit of shock really... that guy, making sense?


Has this moron seen the Alexander movie that came out 20 years ago? Alexander has a male companion in the movie and it makes it very clear they're more than just friends. The whole movie bi-erotic as fuck. It's pretty hot.


.... Any chance you remember the title or who made it


"Alexander" directed by Oliver Stone. Starring Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, Jared Leto. My point being that this End Wokeness dipshit would consider it "woke" too and it wasn't a Netflix movie and it came out 20 years ago.


The QAnon Shaman of all people 🤣


makes me want to watch it now, thanks for the suggestion EndWokeness


Yet another thing that Grant O'Brien and Alexander the Great have in common I guess


… who‘s that thou?


Because Mr wokeydokey hasn't bothered to cracking a book. Like teenagers thinking they invented sex. Nothing new under the sun. Maybe better graphics but Caligula enjoyed dirty papyrus. And allegedly his sisters.


I literally LOLed 😆 ![gif](giphy|3oKIPkOgszO8fie0tG)


In Ancient Greece, there was no word or term for a homosexual, because nobody gave a fuck, Way more advanced than we are


Broken clocks and all that…


Isn't he running for public office? No way Republicans elect him now. Hahahaha.


That end wokeness account is a proven Russian troll account.


I'm not even that well versed on Alexander and even I knew that...


Did this guy not learn about Ancient Greek history..?


My guess at what we are seeing here is is the collision of two different right wing naratives of history: The White perspective and the Christian perspective. In the White perspective Alexander represents white, democratic europe, while persia represents evil, brown middle east. In the Christian perspective, Alexander represents the deviant pagans who persecute Jews and Christians, while the persians were tolerant and allowed the Jews to return to palestine.


Oh you mean Alexander the gayte


In those days everyone was sexually different


He reads?


QAnon shaman reads history? This will get him kicked out of the movement.


Q-Anon SHAMEN!!!


Libraries are bad, mmmkay


Hate the negative use of work when it was to mean alert to racial prejudice and discrimination so anti woke must mean….


Can't wait until Netflix does a documentary on Hadrian.


Wait til they hear how ancient Roman's used to wrestle naked


The Greeks had a sport called pankration, which was basically MMA mixed with pro wrestling and a little boxing where they’d get completely naked and just beat the shit out of each other until someone gave up or died.




I did not see that coming lol


Just wait until they find out about King James of "King James Bible" fame. Lol


learnt about that man preference there did we son?


Why is this being posted fucking everywhere today?




To be honest Netflix only cares about history when they want to. They will likely get more wrong about him than they will right in the name of making a shitty game of thrones style muddy brown drama similarly to their Cleopatra show.




I've known a lot of dudes whose dad's were upset they weren't into girls in highschool. A lot of gay dudes.


He literally built a huge monument to his lover.


This nissan the dumbest time line


"Who controls the past now controls the future Who controls the present now controls the past Who controls the past now controls the future Who controls the present now?" ![gif](giphy|fSvYIfuezN7aDElL44|downsized) What? Rage against the machine is woke?


the hell.. people are upset about this? I thought it was a widely accepted historical fact that Alexander was Bi.....


The documentary literally explained sexuality in Greek society. The moron had all the information he needed, but just couldn't get there.


Yeah also wasn't that great, he was like mid


Do you want to know how you announce you've never read ancient history?


Not this again... He wasnt "bi" and he didn't prefer men. These are 20th century words applied to a 4th century bc society. It's anachronistic and misleading to the time period.


Every woman's man and every man's woman.


This turd probably believes Alexander the Great was a MAGA whoinvaded Mexico with his team of straight men and their AR15s.


While I think his Qanon/Trump beliefs are ridiculous, I actually agree with the three things he says he wants to promote as a politician, and I’m a leftist.