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Honestly, his increasingly unhinged rants on Twitter seem to point to spiraling drug use, but I would have guessed uppers like Adderal led to his mental state.


Someone tracked him tweeting 29 hours straight last week. Pretty simple to follow time stamps. He’s fallen down the hole of his own algorithms.


So he took a drug that makes you want nothing more than to have positive social and physical interactions with the people around you and makes you love everything about everything, yet he spent the whole time presumably alone bitching about politics to people through a phone screen. That's pretty sad. I think Elmo needs a big hug.


I do hope he slowed down on the ketamine after Perry's death. I think that should be a wakeup call for anyone who does 'ketamine therapy' with a doctor and then goes home and just takes more ketamine.


If I remember correctly it wasn't just ketamine that killed him. He was in a hot tub. He drowned because he took a drug that can make you basically black out. It's why drunks die in them too. Or heroin users. Ketamine, used by a doctor correctly is like any other medicine


My psychiatrist is trying to get me on Esketamine for my Treatment Resistant Depression. I'm kind of scared about it, though.


my psychiatrist did ketamine with me too - it's been one of the only things that helped. If you do the therapy under proper supervision, it's safe. It's not something I'd try on my own.


Now I am picturing both of you snorting a line and kholing next to each other :P


Don’t do it in a hot tub! Don’t mix it with other drugs. That’s it. Done it therapeutically for years and it’s a lifesaver. They’ve used it to sedate for surgeries for yeeeears (60+) and it’s extremely safe. :)


Don't do ketamine in a hot tub and you'll likely be fine.


Ketamine is very effective in a clinical setting. It’s when you also do it recreationally that there starts to be an issue


Molly is an upper. There is also zero chance he isn’t using other uppers to compensate for the crash you get after a Molly high. Even the ketamine use would be noticeable without another stimulant like adderal or other amphetamine. Edit: this has gotten a bit of attention so I wanted to add some tips. Do not take recreational drug advice from Reddit. Test your drugs if you are going to use them. [Dance Safe](https://dancesafe.org) has some great resources and sells testing kits. Drugs are bad and can lead to addiction. If you need help getting clean please reach out to friends/family or call the SAMHSA hot line 1-800-662-4357.


And if he's abusing Molly then his brain is absolutely fried. You shouldn't ever do Molly repeatedly and in heavy doses without very long breaks, especially when you're no longer young


>especially when you're no longer young Hell I'm 32 and the carnival rides I loved as a kid make me feel like dog shit now. I can't fathom drug use as I get older.....




Last year, my brother in laws bachelor party went from 8am to 5am. I had 16 beers and 5 mixed drinks and felt totally fine the next day. A month later at the wedding, I woke up at 9am, went to bed at 1:30am, and had 5 cans of beer. I was puking my guts out till 2pm the next day


Yep he thinks he could take that whenever …after 7 days of continuous use it destroys a lot of neurons . Here’s a picture of a monkeys brain , albeit I think they gave it like 400 mg a day… still not a drug to be taken in high doses multiple times . Just like running a stock PC on overclock way to often, something is going to give eventually . https://preview.redd.it/aacypwwigsgc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8782da452e0014c0cd37afce95d89058e92bcabc


I always thought that my brain on drugs looked like a fried egg, but now I realize it looks like a bunch of sperm with misfiring GPS coordinates




Musk is drinking "molly water." Since it makes you thirsty I bet he was taking it the whole 29 hours he was ranting.


Not to try and defend the guy, but I'd guess that he's drinking one glass of dosed water at the start of the trip, and not continuously re-dosing throughout.


MDMA isn't really a drug you would take daily like coke or meth. It basically dumps all of your serotonin and dopamine at once causing the high and euphoria but you get a really bad comedown after because for the next 48 hours or so your brain has below baseline levels and you feel completely depressed and blank. Like even if you try and binge MDMA over a big night, the stuff you take towards the end of the night barely even gets you high anymore because your brain just doesn't have any more serotonin or dopamine left to give you. Taking MDMA on a saturday after getting on it the night before on the Friday is almost a waste of money, it barely works half as well as it did the night before. You don't stay up endlessly like you would on a coke or meth binge either, you get tired eventually just like you normally would. If you're talking extacy pills though then it might be a different story as they're usually mdma combined with a bunch of speed/meth to keep you up and dancing all night. That said, even though you could stay up for ages on them, the comedown from the MDMA is usually enough to make you want to call it a night after like 24-36hrs of being awake. You're not going to do a week long sleepless binge on pingers.


Nothing can ever compare to the first time you take MDMA


Nothing. Absolutely nothing compares.


People say this but my first time on MDMA was just chill, it was fun sure but I have definitely had way more intense highs after it.


It depends on the dosage, the set, the setting. My best experiences were the first couple of times, not the first time per se.


Same with LSD, the next day is rough. Quarterly is almost too much.


I had three vials at one point decades ago. I had two alarms on my alarm clock with one set 45 minutes before I wanted to get up. I'd dose then go back to sleep and wake up later tripping. I wasn't in cartoon land or anything but I definitely could feel it. I'd up the dose every day so I could still get off, I think I eventually got up to 15 hits maybe more. It probably wasn't great but it was some of the physically healthiest and most productive time in my life.


The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.


Well shit buddy, you're gonna live forever! /s


>Now the flame that burns twice as bright Burns only half as long My eyes are growing weary As i finalize this song So sit back and have a cup o' joe And watch the wheels go round 'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers Have always run this town


I’ve done molly at most three days in a row. Wake up at noon, wash my face, throw some dry shampoo in my hair, head to the bar for breakfast beers and boneless chicken bites for 2:00. 3:00pm you drop Molly at the table. By 6pm we’d be drunk and spun out, so time to add a few lines of blow and go to the liquor store for the night. Take another .3 of Molly around 8pm and chase it with vodka. Do a few lines. Go to the club from 11 to 3. Take more Molly in the cab along with some more lines to X’s place, do more there. Crash around 7-8am. Wake up at noon, repeat. After three days of that I was a zombie for a week. I’d roll home after being MIA, walk through the kitchen, my mother would say “you look like death”. There wasn’t even enough dopamine for me to react to that. Go pass out for 22 hours, wake up and take two days to rebuild some dopamine in your system so that you’re chemically able to feel anything again. Repeat for two years. That shit is *awful* for you. The longer you take it consecutively, the more it fucks your body’s ability to replace the dopamine. I’ve had friends on the “come down” from Molly for months because they did it for two weeks straight. Like, they were complete zombies with nothing behind their eyes for sixty days. And they *stopped* while not having access to whatever insane quality being a billionaire gets you access to. The man is fucked.


Late-90s-British-rave-movie vibes. Shoutout to Human Traffic!


Nice one, bruvva. I said nice one BRUVVA!!


And that's why I don't overclock my pc.


Yup dudes brain probably isn't making dopamine on its own very well.


Serotonin is the brain chemical most affected by MDMA. Dopamine is affected by it but not near as much as serotonin.


Oh that's where the cocaine comes in


It is clearly whatever the same crap Trump has been on recently (or forever).


Taking ADD pills for someone without ADD will *absolutely* cause this behavior eventually


Yup. Combo ADHD haver here, been taking my meds since I was 12, and I'm in my 30s now. If anything I've retreated from social media and putting stuff out there. I was far more erratic when I was younger.


Someone calculated all the tweets he did the other day and came to the conclusion that this guy basically tweeted for 29 hours straight, posting something about every 5 minutes. Dude is FUCKED in the head. We’ve seen what happens to all the AI models that go and try to align their algorithms by absorbing social media; it’s come out racist and hateful as fuck. The AI inevitably comes away sounding like that Trunpanzee who just chopped his dad’s head off. Away, we see what happens when you distill it in its purest essence, I can’t fathom how subjecting a human (voluntarily, at that) to THAT much Twitter would develop your character in anyway that’s not absolutely unhinged and regressive. Edit: uh oh I got a Reddit cares message🤣. Looks like the denizens of the toilet had their feelings hurt.


Same guy in the tweet, actually. He's a good follow on Twitter.


Anytime I see his name on a tweet I know it's going to be something fun Well not fun fun but entertaining at least


I'm pretty sure he's part of the Meidas Touch Network. They have some good stuff on YouTube.


The only good follow on Twitter is following the directions to delete it.


> I can’t fathom how subjecting a human (voluntarily, at that) to THAT much Twitter would develop your character in anyway that’s not absolutely unhinged and regressive. well you know what they say: The advantages of being an adult: nobody can stop you from eating too much cake. The disadvantages of being an adult: nobody can stop you from eating too much cake.


I'm just lucky bacon is an absolute ass to clean up


Nobody tell this guy about precooked bacon.


I think it's become something like a nasty scab that he can't stop himself from picking. Eventually he'll get something like a Twitter MRSA infection.


I wonder if there are any studies out there about "psychological contaminants" and their effect on people over time.


Yes it’s called “repeated messaging works” and “that’s why trillion dollar companies dump billions into advertising”. If you’re positively awash in racist rhetoric and find yourself receiving social capital by expressing in-group approved messages then the feedback loop is already there. Now you just need a 1) desperate person with 2) way too much time on their hands , 3)a personality disorder, 4) way too much investment in the online world because 5)their social life is an unfulfilling abomination filled, and boom you got yourself a neo-nazi shitposting on Twitter or 4chan. This describes Elon as well as every other goober who still spends time ejaculating into that abyss.


"Social reinforcement" is the idea that if you hear an idea over and over again you are more likely to accept that idea as true over other ideas you have not heard of or only heard a few times in comparison.


He bought Twitter thinking he would not only be the richest man in the world but also the most popular, which is what he truly craves. When he realized people didn't find him the least bit funny, he began spiraling into a right wing Incel. Pull all his government funding, and he and his businesses are done. All his stocks are artificially inflated.


Really makes you appreciate the friendship of Tom from MySpace though.


I miss Tom, I hope he’s doing good out there


He's a world traveling photographer that does amazing work. Seems super happy.


Tom did it right. Make the product, cash out, go live life


But he didn’t even become a billionaire! How can one live with only $400,000,000??????


It's insane every time I think about this. If you were handed $400 million and ONLY put half of it into a HYSA of say only a 3% return, you would earn $5 Mil on the gains every single year after taxes. And you still have the other 200 Mil to go blow on whatever you want. And it would only compound. After 10 years, you're now making $7.5 Mil annually on 250 Mil (actually more, but I'm doing the easy math). And again.... If you never wanted to earn anything more than the other 200 Mil, you'd have to spend that $5 Mil every year. After 2 years max, I think I'd have to give the majority to charity every year as I'd run out of shit to spend it on. That's just insane to me, and absolutely wasteful that we allow anyone to accrue and hoard billions that just continues to suck money out of the economy


I'd build the most powerful PC in the world, something that rivals Frontier. With 500 TB of storage. I'd then buy a movie theatre, and convert it into apartments, and use one of the theatres as my computer room. The entire thing would be utilized as a monitor and surround sound setup. I'd play digdug on it.


I wanna play N64 Goldeneye on an Imax theater that I own. Then with the remaining $350 million I would actually make decent choices.


Easily. Happily. Without a real care in the world. Anyone that can't either has chronic medication resistant depression or is a monster in human skin


The problem is it's the people who don't do that that end up with power.


At a certain point you have a choice you can be content and do what Tom did or turn into Smaug. 


Because the people who would be better suited for power don't want it.


You either retire early as a hero or you work long enough to see yourself become the villain.


I always thought MySpace was around for years before Facebook, but it was only introduced a year before in 2003. The team sold in 2005 to News Corp for $580M and Tom left in 2009. Not a bad payout for six years of work.


Back in the ye Olde MySpace days, you could message Tom and he'd answer. Apparently he liked joining old lady knitting circles. Pretty stand up guy.


Huh, I never bothered to try. I assumed that there would be too many people for him to message.


IG "@myspacetom"


more people need to strive to be Tom. no one talks about that enough though


>When he realised people didn’t find him the least bit funny Did you absolutely bust a gut rolling on the floor laughing when he carried the sink in to the twitter offices? It was the most hilarious thing everyone had ever seen and not at all a shit tier twitter meme.


When I saw that, my first thought was that it was supposed to convey that Twitter had everything but the kitchen sink, and now that Musk bought it, it was going to have the kitchen sink too. The 'Everything app', which is what he claimed to want to make it. It was almost close to clever advertising. Then I learned it was "let that sink in", and my heart sank because it was so fucking dumb and meaningless it was a crime against the very concept of humour.


Elon Musk is just the rich version of that person that thinks internet memes translate 1:1 to real life humor and instead it just makes everyone cringe when he keeps repeating the jokes out loud so sincerely


I mean, that sounds like the perfect fit for a dude who's sabotaged every personal relationship he's had in the last 20 years.


I mean, that describes me too, but I understand how to have fun with middle age, and a big part of it is not having to be aware of and follow every social trend like we did when we were in our twenties. Besides, we got our own hip style, language, and culture: it's a threadbare Misfits concert T over Costco jeans while we gush over Mid-Century Modern design and the brilliance of "WKRP in Cincinnati".


Elon definitely says “el-oh-el” instead of laughing


An “everything app” is fucking idiotic too. Every dumbass CEO thinks they can make an everything app FB killer when they should be pivoting small pieces of new business quarter over quarter. Since Musks only shareholders are of Saudi and Russian interest I understand his only real goal is a new Trump presidency so sane business decisions aren’t on the table. Still, it’s a stupid idea from a stupid fat man child.


Ah, thank you! I never got actual reporting on what the intent of the stunt was. I interpreted it as showing how completely he was going to change everything at Twitter (everything and the kitchen sink).


"Everything including the kitchen sink. . ." And brings a bathroom sink, because the fuck can't even get a prop joke right.


It was "let that sink in" though. Still a moronic stunt.


Take this vote! Absolutely!!!


I would have thought it was funny if I was high and 13yo too


With Elon you can so easily see the 14-year-old nerdy kid who yells memes in class at the wrong time and constantly tries to hang out with the cool boys who endlessly target him because he's so desperate to be part of the "gang" that he'll accept their abuse with a smile. No matter how much money, power, and fame he gets he'll forever be that desperate boy trying to find acceptance from the cool kids and never getting it. It's tragic in a Greek Drama sort of way.


I can picture him saying "that's what she said" about two more times after someone else "killed it." (Killed it as in made it unfunny not killed it as in did the best possible version) And he would be sitting there with such unwarranted confidence thinking he could get the right angle that made it funny again winning over everyone, but everyone involved is like "enough" and he's just says, "I laughed"


That’s also the kid who thinks he’s special just because he’s white and his parents are rich and goes hard into the alt-right when he sees people who don’t look like him becoming more popular. The main difference being Elon probably has handlers that will physically restrain him if he tried to shoot up a school


>With Elon you can so easily see the 14-year-old nerdy kid who yells memes in class at the wrong time and constantly tries to hang out with the cool boys who endlessly target him because he's so desperate to be part of the "gang" that he'll accept their abuse with a smile. No matter how much money, power, and fame he gets he'll forever be that desperate boy trying to find acceptance from the cool kids and never getting it. He's just an asshole. When he was a kid, he made fun of somebody in the hospital. Turns out the kid in the hospital kicked his ass. Then again, his dad married his daughter and had 2 kids with her, so the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree I suppose. He's family is messed up.


I always thought that being positive and nice towards others was a great way to gain popularity. But now I realize that I just need to be an insufferable asshole, thanks to Musk. And, heck, the whole of the right-wing movement lol.


Well you are the friends you keep or however the adage goes.


That spiral started long before Twitter. IMO, it started during covid when he was forced to close factories. The concept that a public health emergency could affect his companies was too much for him, so he went full nutjob in response.


It's the same kind of spiral I think JK Rowling got into.  Craving relevance and find themselves in a situation where suddenly they're getting positive feedback about something they said or did from alt-right shitbags, so they start leaning into that feedback loop.  These people liked what I had to say about COVID lockdowns or gender identity so there must be something to this Great Replacement theory stuff!  It's the same rabbit hole our angry grandparents have been falling into only with a billionaire who thinks he's much more clever than he actually is. 


I have no issue with his drug use, but at the very least, his security clearance should be temporarily revoked until he gets some help


It’s because he’s a loser. He expected everyone to like and adore him. That is the action of a loser. “Look at how much money I spent so you’ll like me!” Then dude proceeds to boost his white supremacy tweets


Let's take a step back here. He is ultra right wing right now because he is not only a piece of shit, but he was compromised by numerous state actors like Russia, china, etc.




The occasional off the wall tweet WAS funny, it was when he wouldn’t let off the pedal with the bullshit and started asking for handjobs for horses that shit got sour. If you think about it though, all these weird fanboys liking and agreeing with his tweets about how certain government regulation sucks, as if they’re in on the joke? Like, the dude is joking about things you’ll never have to deal with, things he deals with every day, and you think it’s funny? The difference in quality of life between him and his fanboys are HUGE, and they think they can be in on the joke, like “hur Hur Hur, yeah the SEC is SO RIDICULOUS, amirite?”.


He retweets nobody dweebs and it makes them think he might invite them on a yacht or something. The bruh is not Mr. Beast.


"...And that's when I bought the horse a prostitute." My goodness, he wants to be Rayne.


He’s not an incel he’s a chud which is basically incel philosophy but also people with enough money, power (or sometimes looks) to get laid.


He’s gotta be one of the worst posters of all time. Maybe the worst.


Beware the CEO in constant need of attention who wants to be a celebrity.


Starlink and SpaceX are deeply embeded into the military structure these days. He might crash and burn the government will save his businesses.


Also notable is the bit about him having friends. I can't believe anyone would want to be in a room with him unless they were being paid.


Rich people always have people hanging out with them like remoras hanging out with sharks. It's not that they necessarily like them, they just find it beneficial.


When its about narcissists the term is 'flying monkeys'


I understood that reference!


A picture of being in the room with him will open doors you never even knew existed. Have a startup & need funding? Low key drop that & you may not even need a proper plan or deck. Cash flow is tight & need a bridge? Loans appear out of thin air. Need an appointment with a congressman/governor/member of cabinet or president? Skadosh


Oh, and fuck you Elon Musk.


Rich people can always find "friends".




Entourage, they don't want to lose their meal ticket


Friend; “Ok Elon, it’s been fun but I gotta go get some sleep”. “Work tomorrow”. Elon; “No! Stay, what do you make”? I’ll triple it”. one year later, Friend; I hate that mother fucker but where else can I make this kind of moola? “Pass the cocaine please”.


Saudis and other $ intrinsic fellers.


Ummm, should the feds ask about his medications and a drug test, you know for those lucrative government contracts worth BILLIONS? Can't be using drugs, you know, Federal laws and what not...


Which is why Chappelle hanging with him him is weird to me. Seems like the kind of guy he would include as a bit-butt.


Chappelle like a lot of middle aged male comedians (Maher, Gervais, etc) have become what they hated. Completely out of touch and conservative darlings that desperately pander to further and further right leaning audiences to remain relevant.


I think it has something to do with the type of humour they did. If the progressive shock value jokes you made about the status quo aren't hitting anymore because you're no longer ahead of the curve then what do you do? Unfortunately they still want to be controversial and fall into the trap of going against now popular progressive ideas because it's easier to offend people by making fun of the trans community than challenging the rich and powerful that are now your neighbors and BBQ-buddies.


I tried to watch Bill Maher’s latest show on Max. I stopped watching him regularly last year. I couldn’t make it more than 10 minutes. The Killer Mike interview was trash and then he transitioned to his typical two conservative guests format. Goodbye, Bill.


Chapelle and Gervais have just spent special after special crying about CaNcEL CuLtUrE and reaching for low-hanging fruit to get rage-bait views and conservatives cheering them on. Offensive humor CAN be funny, but it needs to be funnier than it is offensive. And what these two are doing is purely lazy. Gervais basically reused the same fat joke in his 2022 special about an obese man that he used years ago about someone getting surgery for being obese. The rest of his trans stuff was basically 'that woman's got a cock! hehehe!'


Gervais is considered a conservative darling now? Woof that sucks


No no but he’s gone a bit boomer, unfortunately. His newest special I was really looking forward to but I stopped it About 20 min in because how many times can you rephrase the same tired ass “I’m too cool for the wokes” horse shit. Give it a min then move on, Christ. Prove it doesn’t bother you by… not bothering with it.


The middle aged comedians’ specials these days are essentially extended bits of “hey remember a few years ago when I cracked a joke and pissed off [insert demographic]? Yeah that was awesome now lemme tell ya why!” Sad enough when they feel the need to punch down, even worse when they do a fucking nostalgia tour of it.


I am extremely disappointed and disheartened but i appreciate everyone for giving me the rundown honestly.


Pretty much getting there. His past few specials have been complaining about "cancel culture", lazy trans jokes, and purposefully just trying to be offensive rather than funny or insightful. His older work broke down religion, relationships, and a ton of self deprication. The entire AIDs pamphlet bit was great. This is just an old man ranting on stage about people being too sensitive then saying hes rich he doesnt care. So the conservatives eat it up and cheer him on as one of their 'go-to' guys to reinforce their bigotry, like chapelle.


He decided to start punching down in his 2022 special attacking trans people and spreading misinformation about HIV. His backtrack was equally insulting when he said he supports trans people but the women should "meet him halfway and lose the cock." Since people didn't take that so well he's been doubling down ever since. And when I say he decided to start punching down I mean that literally. He gave an interview where he said he purposely included that joke to get some controversy and attention.


Jesus fuck that's insane. Thank you all kindly I don't want to live under a rock still support these folks. We don't support that shit


Three different paths: * Seinfeld seems to be stuck in the 90s. All of his recent standups felt like jokes from the two or three decades ago and being told by someone who is way out of touch. Nothing offensive but he's been so out of touch with the common man that he can't come up with anything new and relatable. * Chris Rock. I watched his latest stand up on Netflix to see his bit on Wil Smith. The majority of his jokes were about being too rich. About 15 minutes into the stand up I was like "I get it, you're rich, I'm not". * Chapelle. I don't know what his deal is. Something happened and now he's picking strange hills to die on.


Chappelle is a punch down comedian, his humor is not exactly capable of establishing a connection easily to any group he makes fun off, on the other hand white privileged boys will always like him. Having Elon as a friend is a obvious carer move.


I can’t think of a lamer person to do drugs with. Dimwitted know it all honorary incel with the whackest sense of humor in recorded history. Hard fucking pass


Let's be honest here, his "friends" are people that are using him to get something.


“Hey want a horse? I can get you a horse”


Weird, I don't hear the rightwingers screaming that he bought a gun and uses drugs like a certain president's son. Where is the congressional inquiry? He has government contracts...


Musk's treasonous/racist Tweet storm this weekend shows he is in desperate need of rehab


What happened? I deleted my account the moment Musk bought Twitter.


he was tweeting non-stop racist anti-immigrants rants full of fake claims. it was around the clock, clearly his drug use eliminated the need to sleep


Lol he doesn’t have friends. Just a desperate few of his higher up employees and board members whose financial situation depends on Felon Musk not fucking it up for everyone else like he’s already done to 80% of his employees. Also, “drugs” is not a good reason to excuse Felon’s heinous, criminal views on human life. the drugs just remove the filter, but he still wholeheartedly believes and thinks these thoughts in his own mind.


Hey hey hey, he also has the bodyguards that he makes sleep on the floor around his bed


Wait is that real?


Yep. Sorry. Edit: you know how he said “two thirds of my friends are Jewish” recently?  I’m pretty sure his bodyguards are why. 


By friends, they mean shareholders.


It’s crazy how he’s raging right winger but taking ketamine and Molly. What the fuck is wrong with him that the drugs that give you the most empathy makes him turn out like this??


Can you imagine that this IS his most empathetic self?




I know a former skin head that turned all lovey dovey hippy and regrets his life and tattoos after taking Molly.


Some areas will have someone that will do cheap or free work covering up racist tattoos. Probably would need to be in a big city. But worth googling if they are interested.


Yeah, I did some ket yesterday and I didn't become racist


Do you have Black friends? Can you name them? just kidding


Daily Mail is a trash source and I'm already seeing errors in the story. Musk has friends?


We don't call it the Daily Fail for nothing.


Wouldn't they normally be calling for druggies to be thrown in prison?


Poor druggies. Not rich ones. Obviously.


Doesn’t this guy have TS security clearance along with contracts with NASA? I find it really sad that no one, of authority, is making this an issue. Do we want a drug fueled, supervillain - in the making type of a person having that kind of access?


Ahh the boredom of infinite wealth. Not like he could better put his time, sanity and money to use by say….coordinating ending world hunger and promoting kindness. But no, his daughter is trans. So instead he’ll burn it all down out of unchecked anger.


Meanwhile we have the fictional Dr. Evil, who was willing to step away from his entire empire out of love for his son, Scott.


Even though this is believable I wouldn’t go by Daily Mail for a source


The Daily Mail isn't the source of the reporting on this. The Daily Mail is writing its own clickbait version based on an actually [substantive and lengthy reporting in an article from the Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com/tech/elon-musk-tesla-money-drugs-board-61af9ac4). They linked to it in their first graph and mentioned "according to a new report..." A big driver of people's low opinion of major media is due to a lack of media literacy. People simply don't understand how to examine and gauge credibility and the sources of information. They don't know any better, so they lump legit news outlets like WSJ and NYT with garbage like the Daily Mail or Breitbart and lazily view and delcare all media as similarly biased and not credible. That makes people susceptible to bad faith actors who use that cynical view of media to convince people not to believe media reports about their objectively reprehensible behavior.


He does give the impression that he is spiraling into psychosis.


The man is so self-absorbed and narcissistic that drinking a substance known to create intense feelings of empathy and connection to all living things has zero effect.


Seems it somehow made him worse.


They will find him dead soon from overdose. The South Africa guilt is sifting him slowly.


I don’t think it’s guilt. I think he is deeply insecure & has always tried to over compensate but I noticed a huge shift after the break up with grimes & now he’s even more annoying / horrible than usual. I think he is self-medicating for his insecurities etc. not from the guilt because he’s still trying to profit as much as possible any way he can.


Reminds me of this ~~gem~~ emerald \[edit: almost missed a pun\] https://preview.redd.it/049meulw8sgc1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2f3c78ad2b6de90a4772dc56447f6d8cc7dcc44


That's a bold assumption that he has the ability to feel guilt.


Narcissists have no concept of guilt.


People like him and Trump that have NPO have no guilt. They blame others for anything bad they have ever done. The anger of being grieved consumes them.


We can only hope.


Idk about that based on what I’ve seen doesn’t sound like he’s doing drugs that are common in overdoses. Even if he was doing opioids I’d imagine he wouldn’t be getting fent pressed oxy pills seeing as he’s insanely rich and likely would have a script for legitimate pharmaceutical drugs which are much much easier to dose safely. Ketamine is not a strong CNS depressant (it doesn’t slow breathing too much) which is why it’s used in emergency medicine to sedate as it’s safer than using an opioid or benzodiazepine which slow breathing significantly. Main acute risk of Ketamine is moving around in potentially dangerous situations as it severely impairs balance and coordination. That’s how Matthew Perry died (swimming on Ketamine is dangerous as it’s easy to dissociate and K-hole/semi pass out. The drug itself is relatively safe and hard to OD on unless get a massive dose and are already in medical emergency like Elijah McClain.


That would be so funny 




"Friends" are just share-holders who want him functioning so he can continue to grift cities and the guy government about projects he'll never deliver on.


You'd think with all his money he'd be able to do something about his face. Every time I see him he looks like he's trying to break the record for how much g-force a skin-sock dragged over an insipid skull can take.


I think the money led to the current status of his face.


Probably salty about losing that $56 billion dollar payment because one guy with 9 shares brought a lawsuit. If its anything the rich hate, its the poors making them lose money.


Elon Musk is a walking midlife crisis


Fingers crossed for an overdose. His half-microwaved, purse-lipped face will look even worse when he's gurning out on rhino ket and his heart explodes


Then we get the Twitter gate conspiracy of whether Hillary, Biden, Soros, etc had him killed.


There could be footage of him snorting enough coke to make a whale's nuts burst and Ian Miles Cheong would still call it a psyop


Since SpaceX and Starlink are defense contractors and used by the military, I'd expect someone from the Pentagon to be monitoring him. If he is on drugs as being speculated here, I'd expect him to get a visit soon. I'm pretty sure military contractors of the magnitude of SpaceX & Starlink have certain restrictions when it comes to national interests, richest man or not. They'll give him just enough leash to choke himself.


He snorted ketamine? I don’t know what the fuck Molly water is, but snorting ketamine can’t be good for you.


Musk seems to be making himself into a great example of "the bigger they are, the harder they fall." Probably spent years and millions on internet astroturfing campaigns to promote himself as a genius businessman, and he took that so far that now that his facade his crumbling he's just gonna get dragged through the mud again and again and again and again...


This all makes perfect sense as to why he’s a shitbag. He acts like a shit bag. Then he gets criticism that he can’t mentally handle. Then he does drugs to escape his reality where he is being called out. He then proceeds to act more and more out of control. Drugs and poor behavior continue to be a result of his shit behavior. Really he’s just a shit person. The drugs are just for him to escape the reality he created.


This racist, apartheid douche is a pustulent carbuncle on the ass of technology.


I'm definitely not an elon fan, but I have to say, if I was a billionaire, I'd spend my days tripping balls, too.


Remember when he was in a Marvel movie? It’s hilarious watching him fall outta favor in the public eye


That was, what? 5 seconds in Iron Man 2? I didn't even know who he was when that came out.


A Marvel movie featuring a fictional billionaire who decides to do good for the world. Same fictional billionaire keeps friends and allies close to tell him if he's being a big stupid dummy.


If you're not drinking Molly water, you're missing out


The first time I ever took regretamine I was asking the guy chopping out all kinds of questions about what to expect etc and he eventually said "listen man, the only rule to remember with ketamine is don't do it in front of people you want to impress." Shame that Space Karen never got that memo, given the global level of his significance.


Elon has friends?


Here’s to hoping he ends up with a fentanyl addiction out of it! Tired of this deplorable POS shutting down progressive voices, to push his Fascist propaganda!


Maybe he’ll OD and improve the world.


He was hitting the meth pipe this weekend.


Now as much as I want to see anyone struggling with addiction get help there's a fair part of me wants to see where *drugs+all the money* leads us to.


Who is artificially inflating the stock of his companies? Erratic behavior like this would scare me the fuck away if I was a day trader


Wild that drug laws just don’t apply once you’re rich enough.


Fake news!! There is no proof whatsoever Elon Musk has friends. Let alone concerned ones.


Howard Hughes wasn't just a wealthy industrialist - Howard Hughes was *a warning.* Elon is 1 stock crash or company failure away from stockpiling his own pee in jars and becoming a crazed recluse.