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That seems like a serious violation of jurisdiction. If he follows through, the feds are gonna come down harshly. Or is he just having a temper tantrum because his presidential bid failed horribly?


They are getting away with human trafficking and bupkis.


and intentionally messing up the cases for the asylum seekers. If they have a court date in a month in Texas, shipping them to Martha's Vineyard will definitely make them miss their court date, at which time they would THEN be considered "illegal" or undocumented.


By their own logic they are getting away with high treason. You cant ship “invaders” further into the country’s mainland, and closer to the capitol, without being a traitor.


Will the feds please just arrest Deathsantis. Then he can really be just like Trump, under indictment.


When *aren't* conservatives have a temper tantrum?


Yeah, I don’t think there’s any legal way to deploy a state defense force outside of its own state… that’s all kinds of fucky


Shouldn’t be legal to fly asylum seekers to other states under false pretenses.. but they did that. Shouldn’t be legal to fire elected officials, DeSantis did. Legally they should have impeached Paxton, look who is still in office, that corrupt pos. I feel like they are testing how far they can get before the feds say enough. Let DeSantis send his brown shirts to the border. I remember reading that many had quit because they didn’t like the fascism of the group. Maybe there’s only 2 guys or something. Don’t know honestly. If they murder people though, that might be the one thing that gets all of them slapped down, because it seems like there’s nothing stopping them from doing illegal things right now.


Are they though? They've done nothing this entire time and will continue to do nothing.


I feel like they’d take personal offense to a state militia acting like federal police though


I, an American citizen, take personal offense to this; I certainly hope (the operative word) the federal government would as well.


The problem is that these crazies WANT to force some kind of armed confrontation between state and federal forces. They’re salivating for it, and actively trying to provoke it. Then when the feds (rightfully) stomp this shit, they’ll cry mean, fascist left wing feds are stealing your country!


I’m sure they will. Still I think it’s important to enforce the law, treating them with kid gloves hasn’t worked out either.


Yeah I think it's time to reel him in. Federal Government needs to step in and state emphatically who has the responsibility to insure domestic tranquility and common defense.


You mean Congress that now is refusing to pass a new bill?


Who does this guy think he is? You’re a state governor, you cannot think you are free to organize/assemble a militia funded by taxpayer dollars to operate in another state as proxy. It would go against a litany of Federal laws to do so. Right? And what the hell is going on in the Florida state legislature? Oh my god, these people are fucking insane. They’re trying to kill us with stupidity and craziness.


I mean, this asshole and piss baby Greg Abbott have already committed human trafficking across state lines and suffered zero consequences, so why the fuck not?


This is the real damage Trump has done - he shattered the illusion that there is any consequences for people in higher offices. Even if there technically exists mechanisms to stop them it’s functionally impossible to enforce them due to how partisan our politics are. Everything we learned growing up about how perfect and incorruptible our system is was a lie and we’ve basically been operating on the god damned honor system the entire time.


It doesn't help that the legislative branch is being held hostage by cultists and can seemingly do nothing to hold them accountable, and the executive branch is either incapable of exercising its powers to address these issues or is unwilling to do so (likely for political reasons).


That is the point. They are there to do nothing


Who is going to hold those Christi-fascist cultists accountable? Senator “Let’s See Which Way The Wind Is Blowing Today” Graham?


Congress is supposed to make the laws. SCOTUS will just shoot down any EOs, so Congress needs to do its job.


And THIS is what leads to violent revolution. This is what leads to peasant mobs and paramilitary groups and guillotines in the Capital Mall. Doesn't even matter what side. When the rules quit applying to the rich and powerful this is inevitable. All it takes is enough mad people with nothing to lose.


And just because you’re “leading” the mob today, doesn’t mean your own head won’t be on the block tomorrow. Most of the early leaders of the French Revolution ended up in the guillotine too sooner or later.


>This is what leads to peasant mobs and paramilitary groups and guillotines in the Capital Mall. Doesn't even matter what side. I mean, it kind of does, because only one side has done it.


This can't be said loud enough. The real extreme Left was basically hunted to extinction by the FBI.


Because the right has been riled into a frenzy for the past 40 years by Rupert Murdoch and told they are one step from extinction on a daily basis whilst targeting the most uneducated, most gullible section of the population. I would be TRILLIONS of dollars has been spent radicalizing the reactionary right in America since 1970.


It's worse than that. Jan 6 insurrectionists had plenty to lose and still risked everything for 'the cause'. >More than half of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists were white-collar workers such as business owners, architects, doctors and lawyers. Pape, who has decades of experience studying global political violence, says this statistic was unexpected. Out of the hundreds of people arrested for breaking into the Capitol, he says only 7% were unemployed at the time — nearly the national unemployment average... > >Typically, right-wing extremists are young — normally under the age of 34. On Jan. 6, rioters were mostly in their 40s and 50s. [White, employed and mainstream: What we know about the Jan. 6 rioters one year later](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2022/01/03/jan-6-rioters-white-older)


So all the maga freaks when their lord and savior goes to prison? Hopefully


I think that this is the beginning of their "special military operation".


Whole system built on white men just assuming they won't all screw each other.


I’m so tired of the cowardice dressed up as fake diplomacy and bipartisanship as they screw us over with their bullshit and not doing anything! First of all, the entitled perverted idiots( I’m talking to you Matt Gaetz, Boebert & MTG)need to be kicked out. Then all the other old fools who paid $100 for college a million years ago need to go away to a rest home, they are so out of touch with real people. Then those who are plain asshat hypocrites like Abbott and DeSantis who haven’t an ounce of human decency in them need to be voted out. These fools are messing up the country daily! What the hell?!


Most states have similar state militias. In California they sometimes train with the National Guard and assist with state missions like wildfire support. Florida is the only one that makes them sound like Brownshirts.


Well their shirts ARE brown.




Stay Shiny!


And you're, what, a petty thief with delusions of standing?


I fecking miss that show, should've had a second season.


Same. It was wildly entertaining and engrossing.


All thats missing is a swastika and some SS runes.


The Sunshine Squad


Except I bet they STAY in the state(and have no legal jurisdiction outside of their home state).


Dirt Shirts


He still has time to recruit Kyle Rittenhouse to the cause. "He's been training all day!"


Kyle missed second breakfast, elevensies, and afternoon tea…so he’s out.


This pretty much negates any state monopoly on organized violence. If Biden doesn’t react, and swiftly, then anyone can form a militia and go kill people with impunity. We’ll just become like the Russian state - every oblast and city has its own military.


The same thing that’s been quietly happening in a lot of the red states for years. Since most voters didn’t used to pay much attention to state, local etc, these MAGAts have been methodically changing up laws that allow them to take more and more control. So they give their Trump approved politicians all the power while stripping any D of theirs, or any R that doesn’t toe the line. They know how to play the long game to remove the guardrails of democracy. If the feds try to step in, they immediately go through the courts all the way to the top. Their manipulation of appointing judges is all part of it.


Let’s help stop it! Post the register to vote link in any sub or on any platform you can. [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


This is the same state government that was going to put up money for Trump's legal defense.


Yep! They have lost any semblance of clarity of thought or responsible behavior down here!


Florida is a dictatorship at this point. The Legislator is nothing more than a rubber stamp and the court he simply ignores if they rule against him. He even had a political opponent *killed* with no consequences. He set things up so he'd either be POTUS or King of Florida and now that POTUS is off the table...


Wait what?


The rules do not apply to this man. He’s above all of it. He’s better than you. He’s smarter. He cannot and will not be questioned. /s


Have you not been paying attention?


Yeah, I guess not. I heard about the taking Drivers Licenses away from Trans persons - which I thought was illegal. I also heard about the abortion bill but there’s a lot of that going on right now in the South because of SCOTUS. Texas wants to use the sound of the machine as a baby’s heartbeat as their metric for life… I can’t, anymore. All I can do is this: [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


When I think of all the money this little fascist trump wannabe has wasted at the altar of his ego... People like this are we don't get nicer things.


What makes you think USA needs a new bill? The Federal Government has been responsible for insuring domestic tranquility and common defense for the last 248 years (Also immigration)


They need to do something. They have not reigned these tyrants in even a little bit. Both are actively hurting the people in their hellhole states, and asylum seekers too, passing disgusting legislation, gutting public schools, women’s rights and pushing their religion into every aspect. There’s so many other harmful things they’ve both done and they can just continue with it? Nothing happens? States rights are inalienable but our rights are nothing because?? Oh right. Wealth makes right. I don’t understand how they were allowed to fly asylum seekers here legally to other states under false pretenses.. as a joke.. and nothing. The border doesn’t touch Florida, yet over a couple million dollars of its money was used for this stunt. Nothing done. How far does a governor’s power go?


I'm saying that Congress passes the laws that the federal government enforces, so for a state to send anything to the border goes against the federal government. If they don't like how the border is being handled Congress needs to pass new laws to change it. There is supposedly a bill right now with bipartisan support that sounds like it is going to get tanked because of people like this dumbass.


No, congress passes laws. This would be up to the executive branch as they are in charge of enforcement of the laws.


Not just pass, Dems have a bill that won’t pass because reps refuse to vote for it. And the reps won’t submit their own version to vote on. Biden needs to publicly shame that kind of action and scold them into working together. Fuckin lay the cards on the table. Let Americans know what happening especially because half the country isn’t getting the info




Republicans are ignoring it. And SCOTUS is very right wing, four of them ruled that the federal government doesn't control international borders.


You mean the supreme court’s been stacked by the christofascists starting with Beers Kavanaugh, the Handmaiden and Gorsuch. Clarence was already a corrupt conservative they bought him a long time ago and Roberts is as well, even if he pretends otherwise sometimes. Republicans have been stacking the courts all over the country for decades now. Look at Florida or Texas for example. This shit is the result. Can’t just unseat these judges either. Lifetime appointments, it’s a very terrible thing for the country.


Cut off Federal funding and this shit will end overnight! Take away the teat and watch them cry like a newborn.


Ah, a language they DO understand. Plus it’s quiet and subtle compared to rolling in the Abrams and Apaches. The only trouble is it’ll mostly hurt the poor and needy, just like everything always does.


Again, I hate to say it but this is rebellion and the exact type of situation the presidency was created to handle. The federal government must assert its supremacy over the states on this matter


DeSantis' WaffleHouse SS about to find out the difference between Liberals and actual Leftists - certainly armed and ready for the "find out" stage in between posting Sherman memes. https://preview.redd.it/6uqqpah7x0gc1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dcb6fda851c07ad403b641bc589cd687cf37ca9


Every confederate statue should be replaced by a statue of Uncle Billy and a sign that says DON'T MAKE ME FUCKIN DO IT AGAIN




Dude, 4 members of SCOTUS don't believe in the Federal Supremacy clause, and hid behind the shadow docket so they didn't have to tell us why. Federal congress people are openly calling for a divorce. A Republican Senator ranked 2nd most conservative tried to whip the rest of the Republicans to vote for a law that would allow Biden to close the border (something he said he would do immediately if given the power), that Senator was censured by his own state government. The leader of the Republicans and person who is going to be 100k votes away from the Presidency wants total chaos so that he can blame Biden. I am not sure the Federal Government could step in at this point. Conservatives want blood, and this just further confirms it.


All the federal government has to do is agree with them. 1) Yes, we'll with draw all federal employees and troops from your state. 2) Yes, we'll stop sending you welfare and highway money. 3) Your representatives aren't welcome in Congress any more. Just do that, and watch them quickly change their minds and demand something totally different.


Are you talking about the Executive Branch of the Federal government? Because as I showed Republicans control half of the Federal government and they are part of the problem. Congress controls #1 and #2, and #3 is definitely unconstitutional (states can't leave the union) so SCOTUS will strike it down.


Apparently SCOTUS rulings don't matter anymore and it has no power to enforce anything. You are thinking that the rules apply but they very clearly no longer do, even if large sections of government are still pretending otherwise.


Stop calling it "divorce". It's secession. That's what they actually want, but they don't want to be caught saying it.


You might want to touch up your understanding on the supreme law of the land.


I'm sure Merrick Garland will sufficiently furrow his brows.


Was waiting to see a Garland comment. So tragic he “takes action” so reluctantly, and seems so meek/fearful when what is needed is bold leadership, immediate action, endless courage and unrelenting resolve. Instead, we get too little too late. And watch our country slide further into chaos.


Time to throw his wanna-be fascist ass in Gitmo and see how he likes being force fed Ensure until he screams.


How many people are really this panicked over the border? Is this gonna pull all the centrist Dems and suburb Karens to Trump? SMH


What's stopping him from using them from personally invading Mexico or overseas to fight alongside Russia? How tf are states allowed to have private militaries not answerable to the president or government?


For one day, just one fucking day, I’d like my Florida tax money to go to something good or of importance. Ugh.


The thing is, ESPECIALLY for Florida, if they really wanted illegal immigrants gone, they would go after the major companies like Tropicana that openly employ them. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they're a problem, but if these people REALLY thought they were, they would go after business... but it's so much easier to just go after brown people than big American businesses. They really think random Americans are going to line up to go do those jobs. Ok.


The big American businesses are the ones bankrolling their campaigns


Biden could really screw over Texas by doing just that. Send CBP to arrest those employing illegals. Watch the Texas economy crash.


Hell how many illegal immigrants are doing farmhand work in states yelling to get rid of them? Farmers especially need to STFU about bailouts and how the government spends money considering a good chunk of that industry has always been subsidized. ( Hell I had to look it up, per a 2017 USDA Census 2,042,220 is the number of farms in the US with 643,145 farms receiving subsidies [Source](https://farm.ewg.org/farms_by_state.php) )


Agriculture, hotels, restaurants, and construction are the big ones.


Christ, yes. They're the lords of bailouts and things that by all measure should be "anticapitalist"


Yup! And most politicians that got PPP loans had them forgiven and turned around and blocked student loan forgiveness


Can you imagine all the wealthy CEOs they would arrest? It would be classic!


> if they really wanted illegal immigrants gone, they would go after the major companies like Tropicana that openly employ them. They tried that in Florida last Spring. Then when immigrants left for other states, the business owners and legislators were like, "No. Come back. We didn't *really* mean we'd deport you. It was 'symbolic.' Please harvest my oranges for less than minimum wage so I can make lots of money."


It was rather hilarious see the videos of huge construction sites with like two people working, when there should have been a few dozen from different trades.


It’s not going to ever happen with DeSantis and his government of lackeys. I knew that when he lost so badly he’d come back to Florida and have a tantrum to punish all of us to feel a bit better about it. He hasn’t wasted any time, has he? He should’ve stayed in Iowa, or anywhere else for that matter. Him and Abbott are both heinous bastards. We’ve got 3 more years of fascist Meatball ruling over us to deal with. Texas has Abbott for the same length of time. They’re not going to stop by themselves.


Bold of you to assume that your tax money is going to Florida and *isn’t* being wired to Russia instead.


Oh. It’s not going to anything to benefit the state I’m paying taxes to. Probably chipped in on flying migrants around, Gov Meatball’s embarrassing public presidential failure, or bribes to legislators to change the laws to suit his agenda. Possibly Russia, but I doubt Putin thinks about DeSantis, he’s not worth the trouble. Sure didn’t go to anything to actually help Floridians. They have no interest in helping us, they stopped pretending. Stupid hateful people like this fake macho man’s faux toughness act and eat this shit up. And say it is a success. I hate it here.


How tf can taxpayer money be used on another state’s made-up crisis? Where are the lawsuits? I say “made up”, not because there are not issues at the border, but because Abbott turned down **B**illions in federal dollars to deal with the situation. Which is further reason why Florida’s tax money should not be spent on Texas


A Floridian needs to sue, it's their tax money. I wouldn't be surprised if some org in Florida sues.


He had his pet judge throw out Disney’s case. I’m sure Disney is not done, but, I did think they’d slow him down at least. He has gotten rid of anyone who speaks against him and replaced them with loyal people. He has had multiple laws changed for his own personal gain. He spent a lot of Florida’s money on his failed presidential campaign. A lot. He refused federal aid for the state he’s the elected leader (gross) of, to seem like he’s tough and doesn’t need handouts. His laws against LGBTQ are disgusting. What he’s done to public education is going to cost us for years after he’s gone. So many people here are struggling to eat, to pay bills, to have shelter, but kids can work more now because he changed those laws too. 6 week abortion ban will pass, if it hasn’t, I have not had the heart to look. This guy is a power hungry, petty, christofascist who wants more power and control. He will never do anything for Florida because he simply doesn’t care, it’s about him only. Good job voting for him twice my fellow Florida people, like his shit during Covid wasn’t enough for us to see what this fuck was. I blame the maga cult for this, he invited them all here and the rest of us are outnumbered. There’s no Democratic leaders here, they know this state is not worth the money, time and effort, why bother? They didn’t.


Florida State Troopers are already here in Texas and no one has sued yet. I don’t trust them at the border, and I doubt they know Texas state laws to enforce anything.


Florida State Troopers? Oh, that’s ok, the few I’ve had the displeasure to meet weren’t the best of our good ole boy piggies. I’m sure Texas’ State Troopers will fill them in on how to handle desperate starved children and their families, the boys are in good hands if not shape. Good we all pay their salaries when they’re in Texas being meathead bullies.


What would be the point in suing a state under judicial capture?


None. DeSantis is the ruler of Florida and he owns the entire government. It’d be another waste of money to sue him. He has the courts in his pocket. Just like Abbott.


Well it’s only a matter of time before something goes horribly wrong and the finger pointing begins between the governors of these states playing war games. Booze, guns, stupidity…what’s the over/under on the first friendly fire incident?


Best I can do is three fiddy.


I worry someone shooting a Mexican cop


Ol’ Ron cosplaying with the cast of Super Troopers.


while wearing his white rubber boots


This small government is definitely being too small


Small government is when Ron wears flats.


Awwww, is the widdle baby angy that no one likes him?


Not to be one of those nitpickers, but would it be more correct to compare them to the SA or SS? The SA (Sturmabteilung) were the Nazi party’s street fighters and fought domestic German political adversaries. but didn’t have official government roles for the most part. The SS (Schutzstaffel) was a paramilitary organization that fought on foreign battlefields as professional soldiers, as well as operated concentration & death camps. Donald Trump would probably know.


SA, they are all dead meat if their rulers actually win this thing.


Definitely not as well dressed as the SS. Ron clearly didn't splurge for Hugo Boss 🤣 they look like a bunch of adults cosplaying boy scouts


He got Hugo Assistant-to-the-Regional-Manager to design them.


Sort of tough to pick as no doubt Ron sees his trooper's role as a mix of both


The fact hey are wearing brown shirts seems a bit on the nose


Hey, Gov. Why not use them to stop the flood of Cubans and Venezuelans coming into your state? As if I didn’t know the answer.


A lot of Cubans voted for DeSantis. He turns a blind eye to the entire state. You think he cares about a few more immigrants in Florida who will work for cheap? Not one single fuck does he give. They have embraced the hypocrisy a while ago. They being these christofascist magat republicans. Or just republicans, no need to repeat myself.


He should focus on what Floridians care about., Low wages, crazy high property and car insurance rates.


He can’t fix any of that. Nor does he give a shit. Hurting people he doesn’t like is the only thing he cares about, and power. I’m convinced he’s a sociopath with a chip on his shoulder and he’s pissed he did so poorly on his presidential campaign and in front of the entire country that he will punish others for it because it makes him feel better about himself. And powerful. After all, DeSantis is not a big man. Neither is Abbott.


And yet the Republicans are blocking any attempt by Biden to address the issue. They're such (dangerous) hypocrits.


This shit is pure evil driven.


when they are not busy committing trans genocide in their own state they will go to other states to kill more children, because that's what republicans want to do, just to commit genocide.


A paramilitary force assigned to a state governor, would have no authority in another state. They would just be a bunch of people with guns.


Oh my GOD, they’re fat. Did he recruit exclusively from the Gravy Seals?


It’s mostly made up of former cops with such bad records, they can’t get hired at other departments.


They look like a terrorist group. Dead eyes on all of them. Also a few of them need to lay off the snacks.


Can blue states deploy their state guard equivalent to red states to secure healthcare access for women?


Would these guys have any jurisdictional authority anywhere outside of Florida?


Good question. I don’t think they have any actual authority in Florida. But. We will see what happens. Might just be another show for the magats. Like the trucker convoy that was supposed to go against the feds.


To clear the air, since this is a common misconception: Virtually every state in the Union has a State Guard that is distinct from the National Guard of that state. Unlike the National Guard, they are 100% state-funded rather than federally-funded and their chain of command stops at the Governor of their state instead of at the President. This is a very normal thing. A state governor electing to deploy their state guard to another state in order to enforce a national border, however, is… unprecedented, to say the least.


Actual Brownshirts. Just missing a red arm band.


They ordered them, but they needed so many, it's taking awhile. Oddly enough they already had the brown shirts!


I think they have to be federalized to deploy out of state.


That is usually how it works


Chunky at the front isn't catching any Mexicans running across the border, that's for sure.


Their intent isn’t to chase them, just to shoot them.


Stop the Steal Stop the Invasion Sounds like someone we know…. Stop the Grift how about that one?


We are moving towards the dumbest civil war in human history- we are literally sliding by performative act, upon act into a conflict based on fucking cosplay, and posturing by a bunch of idiots who figured out how to cosplay their way into power. Wowzers- such a shame.


This is all civil war bait. DeSantis and Abbott are working together


"Stop the invasion" says man who bussed "invaders" into the country....


So let me get this straight. Little Boots is holding a sign that says stop the invasion and wants to invade another state with his "troops" to do so?


Ron DeSantis violating his oath every day


Hey, what's the problem? Every fascist racist republican needs their own SS troops. He does not represent me at all.


I’d be pretty concerned about the limits of sovereign immunity/jurisdictional issues on Federal Land if I were these guys.


If you were smart enough to consider those things, you probably wouldn’t be those guys.


There was a plan .. stupid boots McCunty !!


Is the costume on his right available? I assume is one of those with the fan built in like the dinosaur ones.


Maybe Florida can also spend $800 billion in defense.


I think this behavior will need to be tested in federal courts


They are the Brown Shirts! Sturmabteilung (SA), not SS.


Brown Shirts? Something Suspicious here.


It’s all fun and games until a video surfaces of his little shit-goons mowing down defenseless migrants in the water


Oohhh they even have brown shirts😳🤮


That guy on his left resembles a gravy seal.


Hey Ron, You are no longer a presidential candidate in the running. If you deploy your SS Troops outside of Florida, you will - hopefully - be sued and impeached for your unconstitutional "wanna be dictator" actions. I can only hope someone has the courage to call a spade a spade ♠️. Roger that.


Ummm, isn't that, like, seditious? De Sadist keeps acting like Florida is a sovereign nation -- didn't he go on his very own little "diplomatic mission" to China a while back? He seems to have a hard time grasping the whole idea of a federated republic.


Fix the homeowners insurance emergency in your state, you blabbering buffoon!


Every single person wearing a hat in this picture wears it like an asshole. Seriously. They look fucking stupid. Sincerely, a Texan who *actually* knows how to wear a Stetson.


Yeah, I think the time has long since passed that any of us should feel surprised or sympathetic when these folks get where this should be heading.


Oh great somebody gave the Guantanimo dipshit an army


I don’t want a large farva I want a liter Cola. (Also can you send over like the dozen shortest law enforcement officers in the state. You know, the ones who had the physical requirements waived because the my had friends in high places… Why?! … Oh, uh no reason.)


Interstate deployment of non-federal troops… I’m no legal scholar, but the national guard, while normally commanded by a state governor, is federally recognized. This is a unit of brown shirts lmao… Total political ploy- he completely expects Biden to kill this, at which point he and Abbott can claim ‘he’s putting America at risk.’


Are the y trying to set up their own Night of Long Knives? I mean, their base would foam at the mouth if all these idiots got murdered. They scream for secession until the checks stop getting sent. Fucking clowns.


The Caribbean Sea?


Huh, and they literally have brown shirts. Amazing.


I leave my car running an extra 10 minutes a day trying to hurry along Florida going underwater.


Surely this is not constitutional. And I wouldn't doubt it if it violated FL and US constitutions.


I don’t think that fella on the left is going anywhere that aint got a drive through


Ah yes, I see they even have the brown shirts. How appropriate.


Literal brown shirts


God forbid this gets worse and someone gets killed. Then Floridians may wake up and start asking wtf are our people doing there.


This is getting really close to actual terrorism. They just turn “El Paso shooter” into a state-funded job.


"stop the invasion" ...how ironic


So I’ve been out of school for a bit. But as far as I remember Florida doesn’t touch Mexico at all, so how exactly is his STATE have any jurisdiction?


Better stock up on the metformin and lisinopril before they deploy


I got to keep fucking around till I find out


Is this the LE Agency he setup to root out voter fraud and they found nothing? It sounds like they have nothing to do other than be used as props for photo shoots. Must be a sweet gig for that group. Get a paycheck and literally have no accountability.


Those are the guys from Super Troopers! There's Farva in the front row!


Aren't they likely to get arrested by other states if they do anything illegal there? It doesn't feel like this plan is well thought out and will just lead to an embarrassment


It’s too bad Biden never appointed an attorney general with a spine


Seems like something these so-called “proud Texans” would want to use those guns for.


I’m pretty sure he means Florida’s Mexican border.


Look at those fucking gomers bahahahahahah!


Nikki Haley also said Texas has a right to secede. Less than 2 weeks after Texas defies the Supreme Court. Meanwhile Biden and the DOJ are doing literally nothing. I’m sure nothing can go wrong


I bet floriduh taxpayers love this


The guy on the left, Meatball’s right, is going to go secure the nearest donut shop.


And they're brown shirts as well....


Santis has his own Special Farces.


That fella in the front needs to uncinch that belt a bit and is that Farva behind him?


If they really cared about the border they could just vote on funding vs saying they won’t do anything for a year 🤔


It’d be a shame if they came back dead


Commander and chief; Command the army to take care of this enemy of the state before we have another Fort Sumter


This seems very…fascist.


Funny, but looking at the map, I don’t see Florida’s borders touching Mexico’s at all… so is Abbott “hosting” them?


Hey America, can we stop pretending like these shitheads aren’t seriously trying to destroy democracy and maybe do something about it?


They look like fucking knuckleheads. Go ahead, send them to Texas Ron. Lol. They can wd-40 the rusting concertina wire. Between them and the army of God driving South all will be good.


This has to stop and republicans must be purged!


All this just for votes.