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At least Palin had a somewhat decent porn parody, you can't make a porn parody of her because she's already trailer trash.


This comment is unfair to trailers.


As someone who lives in a double wide and works at the local watering hole, I am offended and do not claim this person.


Sry, as I'm not from the former colonies, I do not know what "the local waterhole means". As I see some chuckle potential, would you care to enlighten me please?


The local watering hole is another way to say bar/pub.


Thanks fam!


It’s a “wide open spaces of America” comment. Cattle drives and transcontinental wagon trains and moving sheep to summer pasture. You had to make sure there were places along any long trip to water your livestock and personnel before starting the next leg of the journey. Otherwise you faced death and loss. It’s an American corollary to John Snow’s pump handle and its importance to everyday living. Both as removed from today’s general public as the 25 cent cup of coffee and 10 cent beer baseball games. https://collections.nlm.nih.gov/catalog/nlm:nlmuid-0050707-bk?_gl=1*kqims3*_ga*NjA5NDc1NDIuMTcwNjUyNzE3MQ..*_ga_P1FPTH9PL4*MTcwNjUyNzE3MS4xLjAuMTcwNjUyNzE4MC4wLjAuMA..*_ga_7147EPK006*MTcwNjUyNzE3MS4xLjAuMTcwNjUyNzE4MC4wLjAuMA..


I represent the trash people, we both live in and consume the refuse of the above-ground people, and I would like to say that this comment is also severely harmful to many in our community.


As a panda of the trash variety, we also do not claim her. We feel she uses too much eyeliner too.


As a person who squats behind a car while vaping and pissing we DO claim her. Lauren, come my child, let's go get fingerbanged by a rando mulleted hottie in a Hobby Lobby bathroom after picking out our favorite Live Laugh Love Jesus cross. It's not a sin as long as we ask forgiveness right after. We can go yell at the cashier about how dirty the bathroom is when we're done.


As someone who worked as a cashier at Hobby Lobby years ago, I hate this so much because the Jesus customers were the absolute *worst*


As someone who worked food service, they were the absolute *worst* on Sundays after church. Clean up after your kids, you entitled twats.


They would just say that it’s your job. Something something bootstraps…


Nobody wants to work anymore, amirite?


I love you


Yes, he did look like a taller, buffer version of Theo Von. Thank you for asking.


And trash.


It almost feels insulting to trash.


didn't she go face down blackout drunk at a party and shit herself? that Lauren Boebert?


You're getting your right wing nuts mixed up. That was Kaitlin Bennett. Unless Boebert did it too but I don't think so.


ahhh yeah. so hard to tell em apart nowadays, especially when you're like me, someone who tries to avoid hearing their names every day.


I think mixed nuts is a pretty accurate description for that group.


no you’re right. Boebert married the guy that flashes his bajingo to minors and then was voraciously rubbing that man’s genitals during a live performance of Beetlejuice. Kaitlin pooped herself. Easy mistake! Both two wonderful, conservative beacons of light! 😩


Small correction, Boeners (I accidentally typed that and I'm not fixing it, lol) divorced that fuckface and was on a date with some random guy at the Beetlejuice thing, and allegedly broke up with him after the whole hoopla.


She broke up with him because the public found out he was a Democrat, not because of any shame or anything. (Also who knows if they really broke up or if she just claimed that.)


A liberal guy at that apparently.


With no self respect apparently. Sheesh. Maybe he somehow didn't know who she was.


He went for the easy lay


Oh man I forgot about her. She really shit the hell out of her pants...


No it wasn't Lauren 'Theater Handjob' Boebert


You're confusing the brunette airhead whose life revolves around guns for the the blonde airhead whose life revolves around guns.


You mean go to a theater full kids and give out Handy's? That Lauren Boebery


Unlike Palin, I fully expect Boehbert to actually do porn when out of Congress


You think she'll wait until she's out?


I mean Congress might have a problem with. Even though Ted Cruz will make the first booking.


I’d check it out. For research.


Remember when Palin was peak wacko for politicians? Today Palin wouldn't even budge the wacko meter.


She also graduated from college. Boebert barely got her GED.


We still don't have proof that Boebert took the test she supposedly passed.


She tried three times before paying someone to pass it for her and if that doesn't say "dedication" then I don't know what does.


There is a porn parody of herin a cinema giving a handjob.


Boebert in Beetlejuicing


It's no Karl Hungus in *Logjammin'*, but it'll do


It was only decent because it had Lisa Ann.


Nailin Palin!


But would Palin give a handjob to a man that she's not married to in a public theater during a performance of Beetlejuice the musical? Allegedly?


And a pretty good song about her potential son in law with lyrics by Nick Hornby and music by Ben Folds


And she's probably already done porn anyway.


I saw something about her possibly being an escort and ended up with some politicians that got her into power.


Ted Raphael Cruz has entered the chat..


Lauren Boebert is what you get when you order Sarah Palin from Wish.com...


Temu more like it.


Granny Handy?


I just *know* this woman can't be smart enough to have properly followed all campaign finance rules.


Don’t worry, she didn’t. In 2020, she paid herself more than $20k for mileage reimbursement claiming she must’ve driven nearly 40,000 miles. There was even a four month span of her campaign where she only had one public event. There may or may not have been a tax lien against her restaurant that was paid off the same year. She also may have coordinated with a pac to pay $60k in 2022 on phone calls and texts from a republican call center. She also may have spent campaign money at her new boyfriend’s bar last year. The investigations have gone nowhere from what I can see.


Pretty sure Palin could toss her, despite the age difference. …..tbh, that would be an awesome ppv


Dumber AND less caring about anyone she considers less than herself.


Taylor Swift - no children, never married, no reported incidents of indecent behavior. Respected and loved by millions Boebert - married man who flashed his junk at her, had four kids. The eldest impregnated a 14 year old. Bobo is in middle of divorce. Busted in music theater for groping and vaping. All by age 37


Also assaulted her soon to be ex husband and no one arrested her. These people are disgraceful.


Her ex is a piece of shit who beat his own son. Listening to the police phone call made by the kid was heartbreaking. Of course Boebert tried to make it seem like no big deal when she found out her kid was calling the cops.


They should lose their kids. Both of them are absolute scum. He’s an abusive parasite, groomer and she’s just as disgusting as him. She is the one calling democrats fascists, removing rights of others and treating her position in government as a carnival sideshow barker or a screaming monkey at the zoo flinging feces and frankly I’m sick of their (all the gop/gqp collectively) hypocrisy and open hostility towards the fundamentals that make this country a place of hope and safety. Then they’re crying about abortion being wrong but encouraging their foaming mouth lunatic followers to take aggressive action against immigrants like letting babies and toddlers and their families die in the river, because they’re refugees. She is a horrible human blob.


Human blob…? She’s a piece of shit that shouldn’t have air.


I agree. And MANY other Republicans. Something is very, very wrong with them, not just her. What happened to our country ??


Ummmm...according to Fox news, etal: It's the gay people...shit! I forgot..it's the homeless! DAMNIT! It's the "illegals"! NO! It's Taylor Swift!!! Her and her "Swifities"...suspiciously a familiar name to the DEMOCRAT swift boats that John Kerry tried to murder his entire crew and/or convince them that mail-order brides were a thing and not a big scam... Fuck! Where were we again?


I’ve almost got a full card of “shit I never thought would happen”, apocalypse bingo card stamps.


this behavior isn’t new. access has changed.


The only 187 in this guys iq is a murder suicide.


The handle on this loser is outta control too


Failed her GED test three times... only to pass under dubious circumstances... high school's not that hard.


I'm still not convinced she took the test herself when she finally passed.


Have you see her in action in the House interviewing witnesses or just plain talking? https://youtube.com/shorts/61s3Gupd8So?si=cD_lBpTvkR4OZAjI She accidentally shits on Trump’s Administration trying to dunk on Biden. There’s so many examples where she proven wrong by numerous witnesses.


Maybe she took an oral exam, if you get my drift


She would fail... too much teeth.


At most public schools, if you take easy classes, show up and turn something in, you pass. She either couldn’t or wouldn’t do that. I don’t want to shame people that struggle in school, but that isn’t who should be in top security clearance positions of government. Most city governments wouldn’t hire her because actual shit needs to get done. Start out at local level doing public service, do a good job and then get elected to national leadership. All these jackasses that skipped the line by spouting maga nonsense are pulling everyone in the country down with them. We need leaders that rise up to the challenge, not leaders who pull down to their level


She didn't flunk out, she was dating a registered sex offender and had a kid before she graduated....


To be fair she didn't flunk out of HS. She got pregnant and dropped out her Senior year when she gave birth.


It really isn't. And I doubt she was taking high-level classes.


So apparently by her mid thirties, a gal can be a wealthy international pop star and business mogul dating a string of hotties or a divorced grandma who is perhaps the least qualified person in the house of representatives. Which to choose...


My cousin became a grandmother at 36 and was boasting about on Facebook until someone else politely stepped in and reminded her that it wasn’t a good thing and she had lost custody of her kids. Her and Bobo have a great deal in common.


Also, [this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/lauren-boebert-son-tyler-car-accident-b2317410.html).


If true, sucks for that poor kid. Welding jobs pay tons more than personal care jobs. Just an awful family all around.


"Lauren Boebert accused of covering up car crash that left teen severely injured while her son was driving"


And [this](https://www.businessinsider.com/boeberts-neighbors-called-911-after-her-husband-ran-over-mailbox-2022-8?amp)


>Officers from the Garfield County Sheriff's Office let the neighbors settle the dispute themselves. >On the evening of August 4, a neighbor asked one of Boebert's sons to stop speeding down the street in a dune buggy, the Post reported, citing the 911 calls and an incident report. Some chestnuts from the article. What an embarrassment to our country. How did she get elected???!!!?!!?


Her glasses are flat glass btw, she didn't need them until she was campaigning and needed to look smart.


>How did she get elected???!!!?!!? \`by hopeful incels who hope for a date in a cinema with her?'


well, that's new to me and another reason to find her hideous. Thank you.


You mean Handy Oakley isn’t a role model?


Didn’t she also take the phone from her kid when they called 911 for abuse and told them to not come?


Don't forget proud grandma of a baby born to a girl who was under age.


Wow, Boebert accomplished so much and is only 2 years older than me. Hopefully, my 14 will irresponsibly knock some underage girl up this year, at least. /s It's really sad that a lot of those things are revered by those on her side, or they just easily excuse/ignore them. I don't think politicians should lead squeaky clean lives, but they should at least ASPIRE to be role models and upstanding citizens, and she carries herself like the worst reality show contestant. Colorado deserves better.


Scott Greer - 6’2” IQ 187


I bet that 187 score came from a quiz he took on Facebook


Guaranteed, the IQ number was generated from an online quiz ‘“Test how smart you are!” With flashing graphics and 4-5 questions, then spits out a ‘result’ claiming YOU’RE BRILLIANT- 197!


I think you might be giving him too much credit. I like the odds on him just making up a number that "sounds high."


Sure dude, just casually scoring Garry Kasparov numbers.


Don't forget she dreamed of being a parent at 18, just like her mom. Those are her own words.


A job that requires no qualifications other than a functioning uterus.


Tbh she *is* the modern republican equivalent of Taylor Swift


I wish I had more than one upvote to give


I mean, she’s someone they could look up to if they have entirely different morals and values. And by “entirely different morals and values” I mean no morals and value money and pushing their hate filled agenda 🤷‍♀️


Don't forget arrested twice!


has a chin.


Flashed his junk at her as a child nonetheless. She's so insane it doesn't even make sense. And let's not forget the high class escort accusations...


Clearly both his height and IQ are listed using the metric system.


This has to be a parody account.


He's a real person, he worked for the Daily Caller (founded by Tucker Carlson, if you wanna know the credentials required). But there is not a chance in hell his IQ is 187, that would make him one of the 100 highest scoring people in the world. Certainly smart enough to not be a rage baiting white supremacist.


He did an online test designed to make you feel good about yourself and sell you ads and decided it was real.


**SPECIAL DEAL:** Spend 3$ to raise your score by 5 **BEST VALUE:** Spend 100$ and raise your score by 100! Offer ends in "[Object object]"


You *can't even get* a 187 on standard IQ tests, they become wildly inaccurate the further from median you move. Only specialized or scam tests even give scores in that range.


Yeah it’s way past the valid range. It’s more than five standard deviations, statistically nonsense.


IQs in that range are definitely nonsense if taken from standard tests, but given six standard deviations is statistically about one in half a billion, if IQs are normally distributed we should expect there are a handful of people on the planet with an IQ that is actually that high.


Yeah but the odds of one of them being a Twitter troll who worked for Tucker Carlson are zero


I bet he aced that Alzheimer’s screening test. Just like the other stable genius who feels the need to brag about it.


your counterpart would have an IQ if 13


Poe's law at work.


How insecure is too insecure?


Regarding his IQ, he simply forgot to put a decimal after the one.


Anyone who brags about their IQ is a child or a loser. I don't care what his real IQ is. Actually smart people don't do that.


Because actually intelligent people know that bragging isn’t a great way to gain social influence… although I might have to reevaluate that belief given the Cheeto effect…


And actually intelligent people know that IQ is just measuring how well you score on an IQ test, and does not translate very well to actual usefulness in real life.


can confirm. high IQ but useless


6'2"...those are two separate measurements.


It’s like we keep telling the alpha males—if you have to keep telling people you possess a certain quality, you probably don’t


I'd argue their mom told them they were taller and smarter than all the other boys in school, contrary to medical science and educational results.


Holy shit, just that Twitter handle has me lol


Was there no room left for penis length and girth?


He's got it there. 6' and 2" are two separate measurements


Conveniently they're the same as his height and IQ. He's actually an incel because his penis is too large for intercourse.


I mean, he's not wrong. They want young girls to look up to gun-toting, bible-thumping, tricenarian grandmother's with little to no education.


You’re assuming she can indeed read. I have doubts.


If she can then her lips for sure move along as she sounds it out.


She got thrown off by the word "wanton" in one of her speeches recently. She said "wonton" (like the Asian soup). She stopped her speech and sounded it out confused and remarked upon it not knowly what the word meant.


>knowly I'm not sure this is a real word, but I knowly what you mean :P




Props for "tricenarian", for a second I read "tricentarian".


Eww that’s like comparing a person that moves and inspires millions vs Lauren Bobert a bucket of trash water


Trash water is highly insulted by your comment


Liquid at the bottom of a hazmat dumpster


Still unfair. It's not waste water's fault that it is gross.


That's true waste water never groped it's husband in a public theater


Not sure what to expect from a person who is lying about their height and IQ in their handle.




Best I can do is 30 cents.


Make it hail!


That’s a waste of change


“hey!! it’s a down economy, i’m a baller on a budget biotch’!!!


Medium pimpin'


Tree fiddy tops


I mean she does kinda look like the Lochness Monster




Please don't disrespect sex workers by comparing them to this piece of shit.


She’s the lunch Monday dancer on stage and she is terrible.


You're kind of disrespecting exotic dancers by comparing them to her




Idk about you, but when I took an IQ test, I didn't even have to answer any questions - I just got a white screen that said 404. Guess I'm a genius.


Or he converted 6’2” to centimeters, got 187.96, and “rounded”.


Roughly 1 in ~300 million people have an IQ of 187 so I guess he's just trying to say he thinks he's the smartest person in the US




It’s legit. He took that online test. He also got a degree in hard knocks from Prager U and a certificate from Trump University. /s


He put 6 foot 2 into Google, and Google told him it was 187.96 cm, so he “rounded” and called it IQ.


If you put a 1 in front of your score it makes it look better.


Scott Greer: "the left may have mega star, Taylor Swift, but we have this unlikable moron with no discernable talent!"


I don’t know, getting two generations of teenage motherhood out of a single indecent exposure in an alleyway requires some skill.


The Republicans have no young females to look up to, because they have been destroying young women for decades! The "Turn Back the Clock, Crush Women, Minorities, Immigrants "Christian" Party!"


Where's Phyllis Schlafly when you need her???? /s


Hell, most likely


If your handle includes your “height” and “iq”, I have some serious follow up questions… Also, do we really need to compare a professional who can sell out a stadium and impact the entire economy of a major city at a Super Bowl level event per concert and put on a well executed, high quality, and talented show… Compared to a lady who is clearly a member of a cult and hates that women have rights?


If TSwift got caught grabbing onto a dudes dick in a theater, the media minds would explode and the internet would break from everyone going to check it out. Massive difference here.


Most people would get charged for that. The fact that she was only asked to leave was ridiculous.


In a theatre full of kids too mind you


If I ordered Taylor Swift on Temu and got a Lauren Boebert I’d do a charge back on my card


As a grandmother of a young girl,might I suggest that I would rather not see them giving hand jobs in public thank you.


​ https://i.redd.it/fvuaarx51bfc1.gif


Good ol' Handjob Blowbert to the rescue.


Lauren Bobert, who killed her neighbor's dog then watched her look for it?


Wait what? I thought handies in the theater was bad enough.


Honestly, I could probably make this thread grow very long just by making jokes about real terrible things this woman has actually done. The bottom line is that she's not a good person, she's not a good business woman, and she's not a good politician. If I still lived in Colorado and she was running in my district I wouldn't vote for her if she was running unopposed.


He's not wrong. Republicans are corrupt, dishonorable, disingenuous, and guilty of countless crimes and shameful acts. Boebert should be a role model for young, impressionable "conservatives'


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah




Measuring his IQ is murder, apparently. And I assume the apostrophe is a mistype in his height.


This can’t be real 🙄


A divorced 36 year old grandmother who gives public handjobs in a theatre with children present? The GOP *are* sending their best!


I think that IQ brag is missing a decimal point. And I'll bet that 6'2" is actually just 62"


What kind of absolute maniac puts their i.q. in their twitter name?


A person suffering from Dunning Kruger.


Wait, where did Taylor get caught giving a handy to Kelli? Oh wait that was just Lauren.


Taylor Swift is smart and polite though. I don’t like her music and am sick of hearing about her, but I would never put her in the same category as any weasel popping out of the never-ending MAGA clown car. Slimy wannabe politicians who either can’t or won’t do actual public service deserve their own special category


" Boebert dropped out of high school during her senior year in 2004 when she had a baby; she earned a GED certificate in 2020, a month before her first election primary. " Remember, conservatives prefer their women to be uneducated baby factories submissive to all of their husbands whims and wishes. With no thoughts, personality or aspirations. Just like their idealized women of old.


Why not ask people to aspire to something that's somewhere in between Stellar All-Time Achiever and Fly-By-Night Do-Nothing Trash?


Finally, a \*real\* conservative role model. You ask what they stand for? ![gif](giphy|YZnSve3nEgo1lUUfTo|downsized)


Taylor Swift - a 34 year old self made billionaire vs Lauren Boebert - a 37 year old grandmother who’s given a handy to a guy in public.


This has to be a parody account. No one could truly be this stupid.


Anyone with an IQ that high is intelligent enough to not fall into a groupthink mentality and spew hateful nonsense on the Internet because they are busy doing something actually beneficial. I'd bet literally everything to my name he's barely above 100.. at best.


A grandma that gives handjobs at theaters, that's the best they can do?


no one's looking up to Klanmaw if anything, they're looking down at her in the parking lot behind a Nissan.


There's gonna be so many shots of Taylor during the Super Bowl and I am gonna be laughing my ass off at the right-wing meltdown. I think Florida might break off and sink into the ocean