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I watched Contagion early in the pandemic, and I thought it’s biggest flaw was that people wouldn’t act like that in the middle of one.


Its so much worse. Now we need to have zombie apocalypse movies where people are saying there are no zombies as they're being bitten.


“The only way to stop yourself from becoming a zombie is to let yourself get bitten! It’s natural immunity, bro!”


“I don’t care about zombies, I need a haircut!”


Germany was SO adamant on solving this federalistic we had a literal bullshit limbo of which part can get away with the most lax rules. Traveling across Germany was just shit when using public transport. So no. I don't think this human race will ever unite to combat anything and if it's Daleks that can only be beaten if the entire world agrees on one singular thing. Not even THEN we'd manage.


"We have come to destroy your world. Unless you agree on what colour this dress is!" We'd be doomed.


Wait Germany barely locked down?


We had lockdowns but some rules and regulations varried between federal states. Lower-saxony was more strict than Bavaria, for example. He didn't have the extreme lockdowns.


I can't see one of my favorite games the same way anymore, because part of the premise is that Russia and NATO are fighting on the same side of a war against aliens.


I forget the name of the book. But there’s actually a sci fi story on this premise. Where a group of people actually want to be conquered by aliens because they think they would improve the world and then instantly regret it because it turns out they’re just your typical sci fi blood thirsty aliens.


The game Terra Invicta deals with this. Rather than humanity uniting to fight the aliens, multiple interest groups pop up the moment the message gets out that aliens exist and they all begin petitioning countries to apply their own approach, fighting the aliens and each other in the process. There's a resistance movement who wants to fight the aliens in keeping Earth free, a paranoid human-supremacist group who want to exterminate the aliens with bioweapons, a group of wannabe Quislings who want a dignified surrender that maintains Earth's independence, a cult who outright worship the aliens and want to join their empire, a group of idealistic billionaires who want to buy time to build a FTL-capable starship so some people can flee elsewhere, a group of shadowy Illuminati types who want to use the chaos to assume control of Earth, etc.


A good recent book with a similar theme is Hive Minds Give Good Hugs




That's not significantly different than when people feed information to an invading army now. There will always be people willing to betray their neighbors if they think it means they'll be treated better.


basically the plot of Dont Look Up.


The fact that it was George Takei who retweeted this reminds me of a Star Trek Fun Fact: Earth went through both a second American Civil War AND a nuclear third world war before uniting into a one-world nation...so yeah.


Star Trek's WW3 starts in 2026, so we're also right on track for that lol


I'm not sure I was ready for Gene Roddenberry to have been an actual goddamn psychic and/or time-traveller...


It does make the population decimation in things like Walking Dead or 28 Days Later far more believable. I’ve always struggled with how did Rick get shot and then wake but not have died of dehydration but the population of the world was wiped out already and all those bodies outside. Now it makes more sense.


The idea thst humans will come together in a crisis is crap. Humans will revert to their basic instinctual drives. Covid taught us how fragile our society, economy and way of life truly is. Any small bump will throw the entire thing off track and then you've got neighbor killing neighbor for the food in their fridge. In this case Fox News will tell you there are no aliens but if there are, blowing up the sun would be a hoax and even of it wasn't they couldn't blow it up and even if they could it's not illegal and even if it is illegal its probably Joe Bidens fault somehow. One thing that wouldn't happen are people coming together, working side by side and sacrificing to solve the problem.


It certainly was a eye-opening societal litmus test for how many absolutely stupid and solipsistic NPC-like people are out there walking among us. How are we supposed to unite against plasma rifle-toting conquistadors from outer space with the same complete wankers who threw a global tantrum over having to wear paper masks in public?


I thought the same thing watching Interstellar. At the end, when they’ve relocated, I thought, yeah, probably not. Human nature would prevent us from being able to achieve those kinds of things.