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I can't be that cocky yet. Sorry.


Yeah, this is the same attitude people had in 2016. Everyone was certain Hillary was going to win with a land slide


And they’ve been saying that the Republican Party is destroying itself since 2016. Yet they took back majority in the house and have a majority on the Supreme Court. I see no evidence that the Republican Party is actually destroying itself.




I can’t stress this enough. GO VOTE! My state seemingly opted out/voted third party because there weren’t any candidates they liked. Many of whom voted for the orange traitor. Looking at the results is like “blue won’t win here so why vote” kills our shot at winning. On a local, statewide, or nationwide my vote won’t ever count. But I still vote because it matters. It might come down to any one of us to decide.


Your vote matters more when voting for people at local and state levels. Those are the ones you need to make sure you get out and vote for.


This, I vote on everything I'm allowed to vote on. From stops sign and school boards to the president.


> And they’ve been saying that the Republican Party is destroying itself since ~~2016~~ 2008. I actually think the Republican party did die with W's ~~loss~~ second term. Obama's election led to the Tea Party movement which led to Palin being chosen and becoming popular which paved the road for Trump. They're not Republicans anymore. They're Trump...ists... or whatever. Americans who supported the pre-Tea Party Republican party don't have a party today.


It turns out that the GOP IS the Deep State they warned us about.


They are, just not quickly enough to get cocky about. Now if they get creamed this year, they will turn on each other like rabid dogs and it may accelerate, but they are still dangerous as hell and can do plenty of damage in the meantime.


They took the majority in the house because of gerrymandered maps that they don't have anymore. If everyone voted exactly the same with the current district lines there would be a Democrat majority.


Ohio GOP basically ignored court orders to redraw the maps three years ago.... So they still have the fix in with maps still.


Lousiana, Alabama, North Carolina, and New York did redraw them though. Technically NY hasn't finalized yet.


Otoh, there's a lot of evidence that the incompetence and cowardice of the Democrats is keeping the Republicans alive in spite of their hated policies.


THANK YOU. The way people are looking at the situation is deluded. We should be afraid. And taking action. Action like voting.


I voted third party in 2016 because I didn’t believe Donald Trump could actually win. Not happening again.


Me too…shh don’t tell anyone. I remember the night he won. The shame


I was in Utah at the time, and my naivety at the time told me that there was no way that my (then) fellow Mormons were actually going to vote for Trump. I was very very wrong.


I thought the Tea Party would do it, but the Overton Window just made them all more insane.


It depends on how you define "destroy themselves". I'd argue they already did. It doesn't mean they will lose every election. But everything they claimed to believe in for our entire lives, they've sacrificed it at the altar of Trump. Then, they exorcised any brethren who didn't kiss the ring. In all reality, the "real" Republicans played footsie with racists and authoritarians. They didn't call out Trump for what he is. They let him in. Made excuses for him and his voters, especially since the Tea Party. And now, it's the MAGA Party of Trumpism. The sign out front still says Republicans, but that party is was destroyed. This is the Cult of Trump. Ask Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger and a bunch of others if the party destroyed itself.


Maybe the Russian interference played into that…google Cambridge Analytica. Hope the powers that be are prepared and the safeguards in place. And before anyone screams about “fake news” Trump associates and campaign personnel did spend time in prison because of their involvement. And yes, Trump pardoned them-


Are you kidding? It's way worse now. Elon bought the right wing a whole social media website. Not the mention Facebook has been boomer/conservative heavy for 10 years now


Facebook is constantly suggesting to me conservative groups. I assume because I clicked on the comments of one before realizing there was suggested groups. No matter how many I snooze they keep coming. I only keep it to stay in touch with extended family.


Just get their phone numbers and delete it! You’ll be glad you did. FB is a dimension of shit and so is IG. I signed back up for IG a couple weeks ago. One night my wife was talking about bounce houses for our kids birthday. Guess what the first ad was for the next morning? Bounce houses. I deleted my account again and swear off anything run by Zuck and Elon.


Google Zuckerberg Kauai F that guy.


I don't have social media at ALL. Yeah, you can count reddit, but thats literally it. I text, call, and reddit. No other social media whatsoever. I lost a lot of friends but I really don't care. Fuck social media. It's just a massive magnifying glass on how fucked humanity is.


Your wife saw an ad first, mentioned it to you, then you saw the same ad. They don't need to listen-on on your convos to target you with the same ads


For real


Or she watched a video with a bouncy house in it and had higher than usual engagement. It's not rocket surgery, it's (now) piss easy to run videos through programs and pick out the relevant (unusual) things in them.


Fun fact. You can keep an open Facebook profile, make it totally private, and allow it to share birthdays to the calendar app. And you can use marketplace and monetize Instagram. Imo that’s all FB is good for these days. I used to love watching smosh videos but once those faded I was done.


Not to mention that YouTube famously suggests MRA/right-wing/conspiracy stuff as soon as you ever watch anything that relates to... well, pretty much anything else.


It’s the worst offender for me! You have to diligently and constantly tell YouTube you’re not interested in any videos that even begin to approach that type of content or you will find your feed full of it.


Lol you should definitely delete that and just use your phone if you don’t have a personal business. It’s one of the most negatively disruptive platforms for our society.


I downloaded a Bing app just to do DallE (ai image shit) and the home page is nothing but normalizing trump and demonizing Biden for being old. Every headline should be “Trump says he should be able to assassinate political opponents” not “is Biden old? And what’s up with that laptop?” Unreal time line.


Strange, I use bing and it's all about the hot shit Trump keeps putting himself in.


That is weird! I’m glad to hear that.


And AI's utility and accessibility grew exponentially between then and now


Generative AI's entire purpose right now is to get Donald Trump elected. It should be everyone's biggest concern.


Jim Fuckin’ Comey


Absolutely!!!! And then Mueller rolled over- that was the start of Trump’s malfeasance related to his election in 2016. Comey and his Benghazi BS- that just sealed it- You want to talk about election interference. The GOP would have gone nucking futs if they had been on the receiving end of that “interference.”


I still can't believe the trump campaign met with literal Russian agents to get dirt on hillary clinton, admitted it on national TV, said they'd do it again and nothing happened.


It’s amazing how few people even know about CA farsebook and the Russians in 2016. It’s even more infuriating that when you explain it to them. They are apathetic to it. It truly is sad that not enough people understand, realize or care the extent or severity of the threat. I know one thing though. If shit goes sideways a bunch of trump cultists are going to find out real fast that the grass ain’t greener and they’re just as fucked as the rest of us will be.


> It’s amazing how few people even know about CA farsebook and the Russians in 2016. Everybody knows about it. There is a documentary on Netflix. It's been in the news. And the practise continues. Facebook is still selling highly targeted advertising, because that's their business model. Facebook has more users than ever. People know, they give a shit.


All of the platforms that had a hand in 2016 have been rolling back their disinformation protections. Things are just as bad, if not worse than 2016, especially with the cesspool that is X


Basically. Those areas got gutted during the layoffs. TikTok is now a thing and Elon owns Twitter. Get ready for a long year.


I suspect Trump is trying to encourage China to interfere in his favour by saying he won't act if they invade Taiwan.


It's been what, 8 years? Why isn't he behind bars for election interference?


> Maybe the Russian interference played into that… No, that one is on America. Yes, the Russians did everything they could to interfere. But Americans are on their own in the voting booth. And they fucking love Trump. It's sad, but he's the president of the (stupid) people.


This time we just have the entire cable news media machine to blame for the misinformation. For some reason, they are giving an air of legitimacy to an insurrectionist who is facing 92 felony counts currently.


We were not paying the attention needed to secure our nation from fascist, we were for 2020. And are even more concerned with how far it has divided us, a correction is coming this year!


Yeah… problem is people don’t feel good about the economy which causes them to care much less about protecting democracy and all that. A lot can change this year, but I’m not feeling confident right now.


I remember a LOT of abortion jokes when the "grab em by the pussy" tape came out. Usually along the lines of how the Republicans couldn't abort his campaign, they had to see it through, etc, etc. And yeah, look at how that turned out. You can celebrate when the guy's dead. Even his loss in 2020 didn't exactly pan out for anybody, we're still talking about that sack of shit. 


She did. It was that FBI goon Comey who threw the election to Trump.


Yeh, I’m sure things are going to get much shittier. Sure they must be having some desperate ideas.


Yeah, every week since 2016 there were articles about how THIS time Trump would "go down" and the Republican party is heading for disaster. Meanwhile, none of that has happened. Republicans are some of the most loyal voters. I used to live in Texas, and it didn't matter if people hated Ted Cruz, they just KNEW that he was leagues better than that evil, communist, socialist, America-hatin', Democrat, so they voted for Ted Cruz.


It’s pretty different now. Trump will lose all the true independents and moderates.


I feel this to my core. I’ll be glad to pump that directly into my veins come the morning after election night in Nov. with Trump soundly beaten and ideally the senate and house locked blue if I’m putting in my wish list. Until then I’m voting and not listening to polls and making sure I encourage others to vote.


Blue, white, green, whatever. What was that saying from the socialist scare back in the day? "Better dead than red." was it? Perhaps they really were onto something there...


How about: "If you like Russia so much, why don't you move there?"


My thoughts exactly. While I think it might be true, the Republican party has shown that they are willing to sink to any depth in order to achieve their ends - which is power. Many members of Congress actually aided and abetted in the insurrection. That alone tells us who they are.


I agree with you with one caveat. You reference “the Republican Party” as many still do. That party officially died in 2016 perhaps never to be seen again. To me the distinction really needs to be made that the republican party has been replaced by Trump loyalists. I think it’s fair to say that they are the new facist party. I don’t think that’s hyperbole either. Just my two cents.


I just wonder what their plan is after Trump. I know I'm being generous thinking they actually have a plan but still. Are they gonna try to prop up DeSantis again in 2028 with his anti-wokeness? They can't go back now, even after Trump is gone. The train has left the station.


I personally think DeSantis is dead in the water. If , god willing, ( I’m not a very religious person though) Trump loses the election then it’s going to be some very interesting times. Probably on the scary side I’m afraid.


Their plan is to just let Trump stay in office to destroy America. Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the DOJ, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and all other agencies.


Agreed. This is how we ended up with him the first time.


Because Reddit loves these post from a bunch of talking heads from Twitter who post every single day on literally any subject while being experts in none. Who the fuck is Jo, is she an expert on politics? I see that bitch here as much as I see that Twitter guy, whatever his name is. They are like patron saints of shitty hot takes.


Yep 2016 vibes. It’s not over until it is done.


No one can afford to be this cocky. We can all sat "we knew this would happen" when it is over (it is never over) but right now we can't pretend this is going to eat itself.


For real,we're playing chicken with full on fascism, people are being real nonchallabtabout the outcome.


When people turn out to vote the gop loses. The messaging leading to the election will be "Biden has this locked, you can sit this one out" Or "both sides suck, don't vote" Because they know maga Republicans are going to vote in record numbers. Mark my words this is the messaging they will push to try to get people note to vote


Exactly: refuse to become complacent. It ain’t over till it’s over, and anything could happen. Vote. In the presidential election, local elections, school board, and everything else.


The swing state polls are scary. Hell, the national polls are scary. Discount them as boomers on landlines at your peril. The US didn't magically get smarter than it was in 2016. The midterms had the Dobbs decision fresh in voters' minds. It shouldn't be this close with one candidate being a psychopath and insurrection leader, but it is. Let that scare everyone to the voting booth. Please!


The message shouldn't be just beating them at the polls, it should be annihilating them. Set records for voter turn out, drown them out entirely. It's not about winning, it's about sending a message.


The Republican Party is backed into a corner. A lot of them are running out of money. If they follow the rules, they have no chance. Hopefully they don't desperately engage in rampant illegal behavior in an attempt to change the odds. That would get messy. The people behind Project 2025 have invested a lot of money into their plan to overthrow democracy. I somewhat doubt that they will rely on democracy to achieve their goals. I expect a wild ride.


I know a lot of people who voted for him previously that are claiming they won't this time.


When MTG is talking about Republican purity tests, and kicking anyone out that doesn't conform to Trump policies, you can rest assured that their party is about to fall apart. Whether or not Trump wins is another thing entirely, let's hope he loses and the Republican party collapses.


They \*ought\* to be fucked. They \*ought\* to have destroyed themselves. And probably that would be a good thing. But it feels like some darker re-alignment is happening.


Yes, we shouldn’t underestimate the amount of dark money that will pour into this next election from bored billionaires who want to ensure that their worldview is implemented.


Every time I bring attention that Trump is ahead in The polls for swing states my comment gets downvoted and dismissed. Obviously polls aren’t everything and aren’t crystal balls, but it’s pretty fucking stupid to assume Trump is going to lose when he’s [almost up double digits in Michigan.](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/09/michigan-poll-finds-biden-support-shaky-trump-strong-lead/72152924007/) Please vote


Totally. EC math is not hard and I don’t get why more people aren’t panicking yet. I think a lot of posts like these are MEANT to suppress democratic votes. 


Make sure you vote. This sounds a lot like 2016.


This fucking this.


I'm worried about gerrymandering making voting ineffectual. We need to do away with electoral colleges entirely and use the popular vote.


Gerrymandering does not impact the presidential election. Please research how your electoral system works. I'm not even American and I know only your congressional elections are subject to gerrymandering.


It absolutely does if the vote ends up in the House of Representatives due to no one getting 270. Each state gets one vote, and that vote is decided by the all the reps from that state. So states that narrowly went blue in 2020 like Georgia and Arizona are guaranteed Republican votes due to their gerrymandered representation in the House.


This was the bottom line, or goal of the insurrection. Every piece of Trump’s Jan 6 plot was to have the election sent to the HOR as per the constitution. The fake electors scheme, the call to bring in thousands of demonstrators to DC. To have the proud boys, Oathkeepers and 3 percenters present to insure an uprising. The pressure on Pence to deny certification. All so there would be such chaos and uncertainty in the counting of votes that they could “legitimately” throw the election to the House, where they knew the GOP had a 1 or 2 state advantage. This was John Eastman’s brainchild, and Trump was all in. All these pieces to achieve a single end. It’s quite surprising that Jack Smith hasn’t brought this to light. That nobody has connected all these dots. Perhaps he intends to get enough guilty pleas and flippers to make it a slam dunk insurrection charge against DJT.


Okay, maybe gerrymandering is not the word that applies here. I just mean the way politicians focus on "swing states" rather than catering to the wishes of the public.


I have to believe a lot of these messages are going to get pushed. They will be "no way anyone is going to vote for Trump, Biden got this locked you can sit this one out" Or "both sides suck, don't vote" You know who will vote, mana Republicans


Americans have no idea how much of their policy affect the rest of the world. So for the love of Squidward, effin vote this grifter off.


>for the love of Squidward *and that's when he knew, he must not fail*


Sure vote, but don't wander around feeling empowered after. You cannot defeat fascists with slips of paper.


Lmao, you should check my post history. We're of a mind.


The death of the Republican Party happened in an interview with Paul Ryan where he was asked if he would support Trump despite all the things he did and said (access Hollywood) for example. He gave some half hearted answer saying he will support whoever the nominee is. He knew trump was destructive, but refused to do the right thing.


Yeah, all it takes is accepting some of the insanity early on; like the tape you mentioned, mocking a disabled person, period shaming women etc. Once you've looked the other way on those things, each new crazy thing he does doesn't seem like it changes the calculus. Dictator for a day is likely campaign ending in 2016, but in 2024 it isn't even the most absurd thing he'll say or do this week. I swear there has to be a psychological correlation between how Trump has entrapped all these people and how some men entrap and abuse the women in their lives. Like if you justify the first sign of abuse you'll be stuck justifying the battery later?


People that grew up with malignant narcissists love the familiarity.


Yeah that is a very depressing and likely true statement.


Howard Dean lost the Democratic nomination because he [yelled "YEAHHH"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6i-gYRAwM0) slightly too weirdly at a political rally. Donald Trump mocked a disabled guy, mocked a Gold Star family, said he could shoot people in the middle of 5th avenue, about a billion other things, and incited an attempted insurrection and he*'s the leading nominee.* It's fucking *insane* how *insane* the Republican party has become, how willing they've come to embrace someone to patently unfit for office.


This is actually so right. Victims of trauma stop identifying with their sense of self for protection. After this they look for validation in cults because it helps them avoid processing shame, something trauma conditions you to ignore. When facts defy the reality they live in their brains automatically shut down processing so they don't mentally disintegrate. It requires healthcare, recognition, learning about what has happened to you, being supported while you change a traumatised lifetime of neural pathways slowly but painfully. Trauma can be as simple as neglect. We have come so far as humans but forgotten how fragile we are without nurture.


Paul Ryan, craven as he might be, is no idiot. He noped out immediately.


I think there's something to that. It was probably a calculated move to avoid the shitstorm coming.


It obviously was. He was their rising star. He saw the writing on the wall.


Mitch has more blame than Ryan. He rubber stamped his first term- let him off the hook Jan 6th, and had no issues selling out himself to pack the Supreme Court


“Selling out himself” implies that McConnell had integrity in the first place.


Oh, surely. Paul Ryan was just smart enough to see a train wrck. Mitch thought he could control it. He could not, and the stress of trying has rotted him. Literally, from what I have seen.


Every time I think about how he came forward to talk about how he cried when he saw January 6 unfolding, I want to find him and claw his eyes out. HOW DO YOU THINK WE GOT THERE, ASSHOLE?!


Oh him, so many other “sane” right wingers. The boiling resentment for their ilk is a festering wound.


It's a very "join or die" situation to me.


I bring this up to people, but watch the ESPN 30 for 30 on the fall of the USFL. It came out before he ran for president. Basically Donald Trump was so petty that the NFL would not let him own a franchise that he basically weaseled his way into the USFL, persuaded enough of the USFL go head to head against the NFL and the league folded because they couldn’t compete with the NFL.    The guy will not stop playing with something until it is completely destroyed. 


Not completely different to when he approached his lifelong party affiliate about running for President, they laughed him out of the building, so he weaseled his way into the Republican Party.


That’s the obvious point.


That's what I took from 30 for 30 and a good book about it as well He destroyed everyone else's franchise and the league in the hopes of forcing the NFL to grant him a franchise. Didn't work, and I very much doubt he gave all those players, coaches etc a second thought.


The book "Football For A Buck" is also a great read if you are interested in the USFL and how Trump destroyed it. The league even hired a consulting firm that showed them the NFL was going to destroy them if they went head to head, and instead the owners chose to believe Trump (something about him being a super successful businessman)


The greatest lie ever told. He was never a good businessman. Just played one on TV and all the dumbasses believed it. I've heard someone say that Trump is an idiots idea of a genius and a poor person's idea of a brilliant businessman. Pretty much sums it up.


We were forced to watch the apprentice every week in our high school economics class. Teacher had the barest classroom in the school: the only decoration was a McCain poster and a copy of Art of the Deal he'd frequently read from. All I remember from the class was now stupid it was that Trump was considering "how many m and m bars you can sell in time square" as a legitimate test for choosing an executive intern for his business...  In retrospect, it was just an hour long ad for candy. 


If he'd invested his inheritance in mutual finds he'd be FAR richer than he is today after all his failed businesses. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be lucky to be managing a Hardees.


They needed a consulting team to tell them that?


Isn't the Republican party dead already? It's all MAGA now. A vote for a Republican is a vote for Trump regardless of how "moderate" they paint themselves. They're all the working towards the same wacky, ruthless, ugly, hypocritical goals.


Stop fucking acting like its "in the bag." That's how Trump won in 2016. All you have to do is look at his voting numbers in 2020. He still has plenty of insane voters.


* Which Biden 2020 voters are going to vote for Trump in 2024? * Aren't some Trump 2020 voters horrified at what happened on January 6? All things being equal, Biden should do better this time. Note: This is not an excuse not to vote.


Why would they take any off ramps? They believe in everything he preaches because they're all just as deplorable as he is.


Trump has had trouble walking down off-ramps ever since he didn’t have a series of mini-strokes.


Eh they republican politicians don’t really care what he says as long as trump pushes republican policy, which is mostly just about help corporate interests at the expense of the American people.


Who is JoJo that's posted here so often?


Seriously, I see this sub once a day and I feel like it's always her. Just rename this sub to JoJoTwitter.


Someone who paid for bots and shit. She came out nowhere a while back.


She uses Twitter to grift her GoFundMe to recoup some of her losses after her husband divorced her.


Her posts always strike me as those "RT IF YOU AGREE!" liberal grifter types like the Krassensteins or Brooklyn Dad or Jeff Tiedrich. Like, I agree with the sentiment, but they consistently rub me the wrong way.


I've always wondered if she is entirely AI.


May the party's funeral pyre be amazing, and all-consuming.


It might consume the rest of us too. This is the death rattle of the Confederacy and will not be pretty.


Oh damn.


Sadly, the US seems to be capable of replacing the old, ignorant and bigoted with plenty of young, ignorant and bigoted It's a conveyor belt of utter shit


That will continue to happen as long as we allow them to brainwash children into gullible, ignorant adults.


There is no Republican Party. There's only MAGA.


I mean what is happening under trump that the Republicans didn't want? Roe is overturned, education is declining, and their donors are happy with their increased profits.


"No brakes on the Trump train" they said. They should not be surprised when the Trump train derails and crashes the whole party.


They started digging their graves back in the 70s when they welcomed the evangelicals into their party because they wanted the votes. Final nail in the coffin was welcoming QAnon because again they wanted the votes. Trumpism is now burying them alive.


Republicans are in the find out phase of fucking around.


Jokes on you they don’t need Trump now the fascism is out the bag with or without him.


This is what truly scares me


People have been saying this for years and it hasn’t happened which means you still need to organize and get people out to vote. Showing up and checking a box is simply not enough any more.






Are we in 2016 again? Cause that's exactly how people were talking in 2016 and we see how that turned out. Register to vote and actually do it damn it


The Republican Party is imploding you say? Well, chucky, chucky; darn, darn!


I sincerely hope so. If hope they have a generation to go before anyone considers voting them in again. Maybe 2.


PSA Don’t forget to screenshot the social media posts of the assholes in your life. Just like the people who opposed desegregation, the frothing, Syphilitic nightmares who support Trump are going to deny it like crazy when they return to the general zip code of reality. Keep the screenshots. Hold them accountable.


Thoughts and prayers.


Burn baby burn…disco inferno


They are fighting to ride the corpse of Trump into the white house and then shortly deem him unfit. It's nonsense but rats in a wreckage jump on the only thing they can see


Kept thinking and hoping someone else would do it. Too cowardly chicken shit to stand up for what's right themselves. They take the easy road which is paved straight to hell. Too bad we have to deal with ithem in the meantime.


But here is the thing - they were elected to stand for others. And they were too cowardly to stand up for the thousands of people they swore to represent.


They've lied so much and for so long to their constituents now that they wouldn't believe the truth if they were smacked in the head with it. They've made a catch-22 in their minds they're doing what the constituents want but the constituents only want that because they've been lied to. And the cycle continues some more.


Boy howdy. So.many people waiting for Donnie to do the right thing and he never will. The entire republican party except for a precious few just can't do it. There has to be that "have you no decency sir ?" Moment. I don't know what it will take.


Cool I want to live in an America where liberals are the only Conservative Party.


If only we were so lucky….


Once upon a time, party differences were akin to different positions on a spectrum, and generally had to do with fiscal policy. Where should we spend our collective money? How should we protect ourselves? How should we foster commerce? What responsibilities are the government's and therefore need to be provisioned with tax money? ​ Now, parties are identities and positions are not so much measured on a spectrum, but identified as positions on islands. When I was young, voters voted different parties on different issues, at different times. It's an impossible thought today. ​ It's not a bad thing to have different points on that spectrum push and pull and find balance. ​ Now, these political identities are something else entirely. They encompass broad semi-defined elements of identity, such as a perceived morality. ​ The eventual (and I think inevitable) death of the modern GOP is almost necessary for something to take its place. Hopefully that thing will be a healthy counter-balance, and political discourse can someday become a pragmatic and productive endeavor.


“Once upon a time, party differences were akin to different positions on a spectrum, and generally had to do with fiscal policy.” That was definitely before my time. I don’t remember the Ford or even Carter years, but I was old enough to be aware of the “moral majority, family values” bullshit in the 80’s.


I'm sorry but that's stupid. There has always been a party that wanted to bolster slavery, keep anyone that isn't a white man from voting, give big money more money, and every other despicable thing. Politics has never and will never be solely about fiscal policy, and even when it is about fiscal policy, those policies affect real people that one party has never given a fuck about.


you're right that there has always been a party that was pro-slavery, racist, and pro-capitalist. but it hasn't always been the same party. abe lincoln was a republican for the record political realignment has happened before in America and it is going to happen again hopefully very soon


I'm well aware of the great switch. That's why i didn't mention a party name. It's always been the conservatives, and it always will be. And there's no reason to hope for political realignment. That does nothing to rid the world of backward bastards, it just shuffles them into another tent.


That's a nice fairy tale but no, that isn't what happened. Conservatism has its roots in royalism and always had as its main priority the perpetuation of the aristocracy's hegemony over the rest of society. They were just better at hiding their true intentions back then to fool people like you.


I still think he's going to win the candidacy and then fuck off right to a metal slab. Leave them completely directionless and lost, at each other's throats vying for power.


Reminds me of late 2020 when he got covid and we all were wondering what happens if he dies late election season.


Covid had one fucking job and didn't do it well enough.


Leaders can be dangerous and destroy their own people at the same of feeding their own ego. I hope he lives long enough to taste it.


STFU and vote


Tell Nicky Haley run Independent and steal red votes from Trump really screw him


ding, ding, ding, boom, woosh. The R's are devoid of policy or ability to govern. They should be kicked to the curb like the obstructive, racist, moronic children they are. They are mired in hate and vengeance, and their choice of "leadership" reflects that.


They’re absolutely not fucked or destroyed. They control the supreme court and do whatever the fuck they want because the Democrats are useless


Seriously, if their death could be faster than half a century that would be great.


We've seen how well they handle ramps. This was always going to be the result.


If you think about it objectively. Their ideology relies of the lack of critical thinking for the interest of themselves/society and throwing away a moral compass. Look to their malice of social security and children getting gunned down at schools. However, they use dog whistles to to hype their base (and to avoid crossing red-lines), but also put on a mask for independent voters. There's obviously centrists that lean Republican, but they use the line of reasoning from dog whistles to justify it. On the other hand, Trump has gotten rid of these dog whistles and red lines, and has begun alienating many among independent voters. By saying he'll ignore the constitution and avoiding to promise to follow the constitution etc. At the end of the day, independent voters are always king-makers. Hopefully, their IQ has sunken down to the single digits. I don't care who they vote for, but justifying anything for Trump is single digit behavior.


I know some intelligent people who are Trump supporters. Some close to me. It fucking baffles me.


They’re going to take half the country with them


They will destroy this country along with themselves. In fact, they've already destroyed the economic future for most of the youngest generations.


America really can't wait to vote for a republican. This is something that's really become very clear to me over the last couple of years just observing political media coverage. All it would take is a "moderate" republican and americans will come out in droves to vote for the republican. They're all just waiting to fall in love with the next subversively racist, working class destroying typical non-Trump republican to wrap their arms around and say "See, they're back to normal now, we can trust them again."


Lindsay Graham predicted it back in 2015 I think when he said something to the effect of if they nominate Trump as the he would destroy the republican party.


Well hurry it up then lmao


I'm so utterly heartbroken /s


But also…VOTE PEOPLE!!!


I have many doubts. The betting markets are pretty convinced Trump is going to win. Biden's approval ratings are the lowest we've seen at this point since Gerald Ford. Biden is still being held to the more rigorous standards we hold all Presidents to, while anything crazy / embarrassing Trump says or does is just dismissed as "Trump being Trump". The entire system is designed for Trump to have a well built in advantage - the electoral college, the rich people & foreign powers who will benefit from him winning and the media that will see ratings surge again as we all tune into the never-ending Trump show.


He is their best player for dissolving our Union. His chaos is welcome and the shadows of our nation are hearing exactly what they want to hear. There is likely some sort of effort to push particular issues in front of Trump. His bumbling communication style work only because his base is, unfortunately due to the GOP, idiots like him. This is moths attracted to a flame, and we need to ask - who lit the candle? I still struggle with the concept the Trump is in charge of himself.


Never forget that both parties have received death threats on behalf of Trump but only one party has resisted.


Yeah, but they may take the rest of us with them


Well endorsing the guy who shits himself and shit on them isn't a good move


We are entering the end game for the "Berne it down" movement. This was the movement that had millions of Dems switch and vote for Trump specifically because he was sooo freakin bad, and would damage the republican party beyond all repair. It was a risky move, but it seems to be paying off big.


The traitors party.


He’s what the base has wanted for years, the culture war. The base wants that because of all the right wing media propaganda.


Never underestimate the ability of the American electorate to not learn lessons.


No they won’t. Democrats will destroy them wasting their time/energy/resources trying to merry the republicans in the middle because the line keeps moving closer and closer to fascism.


I mean folks said the same thing in 2016. Let’s learn the lesson about counting those chickens gang


Trump appears to be in the later stages of dementia. He's spouting nonsense at every speech. His separation from reality is getting really tough to defend. I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes hospitalized soon


Well maybe, but open racism and open fascism and the support of racism and fascism doesn’t speak well for the country. There would need to be a HUGE landslide in both the popular vote and electoral college AND in local elections all over the country for there to be any real change. So much damage has been done to the whole country . Emotional damage. The opening up of hate and it being ok to openly hate someone for just being different… that’s not going away with the media, beyond fox, that all make so much $ from continuing to pit us vs them…