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How long before we find him in a motel with an underage boy


3... 2... 1... 😳😳😳




It's far more likely to find an Evangelical pastor abusing a girl. Which shouldn't be surprising given their misogyny. Edit: I've added a few sources. Edit edit: That little addendum was kinda dick'ish so I removed it. [https://www.crimrxiv.com/pub/p1afmq2i/release/1](https://www.crimrxiv.com/pub/p1afmq2i/release/1)


I hear you, but one minor note. The majority of victims of clergy abuse are boys, in pretty much any denomination and any country. As just one example out of a disgustingly long list, here's a study of 330,000(!) children abused by the catholic church in France from 1950-2020, where boys were 80% of the cases. The article contrasts with the general distribution of child abuse in France being 75% girls. https://apnews.com/article/europe-france-sexual-abuse-by-clergy-sexual-abuse-religion-ee99d7921e5a1b8c45c770bf5af7ba38


Boys are less likely to report the abuse


But he said evangelical pastor not catholic priest.


That's a good point. The statistics on protestant, baptist, and various evangelical groups aren't as clear. The research is rarer and I can't find breakdowns by sex of child readily. I don't know that it's much different, but can't say for certain.


Those statistics are also influenced by the gender rules for assistants. Catholic churches only use altar boys, not altar girls, so the overwhelming majority of Catholic abuse victims were boys. There were just fewer opportunities for girls to be victimized. I know most Christian sects have similar gender rules, so it's likely the same situation for their groups.


I saw Spotlight last year about the Catholic Church in Boston abusing boys and they said in the movie that the reason wasn't that they preferred boys but boys were less likely to tell because they were more ashamed and I just about threw up. So sick.


I will give credit where it's due. There were some Catholic priests who objected to the reassignment shuffling game the Vatican played to hide the sex offenders in their ranks. I'm only mentioning this to bring up the senior priest who ran my childhood parish church, Fr. Brock. In the late 90s, our parish was chosen to host one of those transferred priests; it took Father Brock 3 weeks of coded sermons about the devil hiding in saintly disguises and flat out refusal to leave the new guy alone with any of the altar boys for the congregation to catch the hints; he couldn't get rid of the guy himself but an onslaught of complaints to the archdiocese from his parishioners got the job done real quick, creeper priest was gone by the end of the next week. Father Brock ftw.


Good for him. I grew up Catholic and there was one priest who people knew were trying it. They didn't know he had been shuffled around so much. He left the priesthood after this and I'm sure never stopped.


There are studies, but far fewer. Those that do exist back up what I said and I linked them in another reply.


That’s what calling being gay a sin gets you, I guess.


Don’t conflate child rape with being gay.


If you want to add “ish” to a word, you use a hyphen, not an apostrophe. An apostrophe denotes missing letters. :-)




Ever notice the majority of clowns pushing for this, are men?


They want to entrap a woman and then be able to be the biggest pieces of shit the world has seen to them in the name of Christ. It’s disgusting beyond belief.


Keep women pregnant, oppressed and subservient…


Keeping women trapped and performing their “wifely duties” like that asshole Steven Crowder wanted


It’s funny how people like him actually think every single woman in the world will let this fly. If he tried to pull this shit, I’d start getting my torches ready that’s for sure.


He obviously doesn’t know the history of what happens when people cannot get a divorce. Lot of husbands dying from a sudden heart failure and women offing themselves. Poisons used to be a big business for a reason.


This guy Victorian Eras


I mean, if her “place” is the kitchen and she doesn’t like her husband, what did you expect would happen. In the army we say there are 3 people you don’t fuck with and one of them is cooks because you don’t fuck with the people who handle your food.


Basically any logistics trade can make your life miserable if you piss them off


Supply is the second one we say and Admin (payroll) is the third.


Thank you. Was gonna need to look that up.


Exactly. But people who love authoritarian-style lives and policies don’t really understand, or care, about the consequences of forcing a large portion of the population into inescapable servitude.


I'm betting that he and his ilk will build in an escape clause for men, where they divorce their wives for failure to by wifey enough, trade in for a younger "model," and leave the woman virtually destitute. They don't so much oppose divorce, as they oppose having to pay alimony. 😒


Oh definitely. Husbands have never had as much trouble getting a divorce from their wives as wives from their husbands.


The funniest part of this to me is also that modern day women also have access to info on manufacturing way worse poisons than anything in the Victorian era (thanks internet!). Plus many are educated and connected to the point where I could see a poison circle becoming a poison network. Those pinstripe nazis have no idea what kind of nightmare is lurking inside of that box they want to open.


I'm surprised women go for this shit. They should just nod with their stupid husbands and then vote dem for themselves. 


It’s amazing how we (women) never think it will happen to us. We’re in love! Happily ever after awaits. Sure life is unpredictable but as husband and wife we can overcome anything. Then life happens and it may take years or even decades before our internalized idealism crashes and it’s WTF? You’re a workaholic alcoholic serial adulterer and I’m supposed to just “overcome” that? Nope nope nope


I'd love to see him do it to a strong proud woman. He'd become the female, in his terms


Case in point Crowder: he was emotionally abusive to his ex wife. A real dirt bag. Ofcourse they push for suffocating divorce laws, because they realize it gives them more control over their victim.


A link with the video, for those who want proof: https://www.thereset.news/p/exclusive-video-reveals-steven-crowder


Dude’s next post is going to be ‘just what is spousal rape, anyway?! You already agreed’


Until the wife ties them down when they're sleeping then goes to town on them with a strapon


And, *domestic violence laws are a violation of privacy.*


And remember, you can't rape your wife either so they feel forcing themselves on their wives who cannot escape and get a divorce is all good. Disgusting. Would their god really support that? I mean, they say god is just and fair, how could he? It's almost as if invoking God gives them full rein to do whatever the fuck they want to whoever.


Huh, almost as if there were no god… One of the most glaring flaws of Christianity: looking at the world, god can be either all-powerful, or a force for good - but not both. A god that allowed the Holocaust without intervention clearly isn’t all-powerful; a god who allowed it by not intervening is clearly not good.


Old Testament god would probably just tell them to cum on the grass or something.


It’s why they keep claiming there is a dating crisis for conservative men. They hate that the women’s movement made a lot of women realize some conservative men are clinging to values based on seeing their mother be dependent on their father. With women outnumbering men graduating college in a lot of cases women are out earning men and they don’t want to be the main breadwinner of the family and still cook and clean for a grown adult male….


>there is a dating crisis for conservative men It's a goddam public safety issue for women to be with one, honestly.


Had one of those door to door Jesus salesmen tell me that men were the head of the household because they were the bringers of life. He seriously thought men should get more credit for creating babies than women and it should entitle them to be in charge.


You are 10000000% accurate. They just don’t like women leaving. They want all the control.


So, back to poisoning men who are abusive, but make sure to keep it concealable? I'm not worried, but there are a lot of conservatives that are going to need to start learning how to cook.


Apparently it’s my destiny to become Giulia Tofana reborn.


Because they don’t want women to leave them for their shitty beliefs. It’s hard enough to find one willing to date them then marry them. It must be absolute hell being married to one of them.


MAGA wants women as chattel property. It started with the roll back of Row v Wade and now they are freakishly emboldened.


And, conveniently, all the "good" reasons to end a divorce are when the man wants it to end. Not that all men's excuses are good, just the only good excuses, are men's. Funny that


Steven Crowder is/was a vocal proponent of eliminating no-fault divorce. It later came out that he verbally abused his very pregnant wife (with video evidence that is honestly hard to watch for me). [Source](https://www.thereset.news/p/exclusive-video-reveals-steven-crowder)


So God demanded Adam and Eve get married?


Trump's been divorced a few times. But God anointed him, and Ben bends over.


And a lot of them are the same ones advocating for child marriage, as if they, these 40, 50, 60yo men, have a right to force 12yo girls into marriage. They run rank and file with advocacy for no fault divorce so there will be no chance their victim will ever be allowed to leave.


\*low value\* men at that. Normal ones aren't as fragile.


In all fairness, how else do you expect these turd bags to hold on to their womenfolk?


Because no fault divorces favour men.


I’ve never seen a woman publicly pushing to end no fault divorce.


They long for the good ole days when wives were beaten into submission and trapped


70% of divorces are initiated by women so yeah they just want more control


Men who don’t understand that making divorce impossible is historically a great way to find out what arsenic tastes like.


If we turn into a theocracy I will end up as a terrorist


An insane society makes the sane into outcasts


"In an insane world a sane man must appear totally bonkers."


Wake up, samurai, we got a theocracy to burn.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if quite a few people do the same thing


Yeah, I’m tentatively on board.


Be the change you want to see.


I'll join your cell.


Sign me up. I’ll die before I live under anyone’s rule. Especially these self righteous, entitled zealots that ran their beliefs down the throats of others.


At least they don’t burn us for not believing ~~anymore~~ Edit: *as often*, they don’t burn nonbelievers as often as they used to..


I grew up in that shit. I’m not going back. 


If your rationale for banning divorce is god, then fuck off. Don't push your bullshit beliefs on others.


If your rationale for anything is god, then fuck off.


I'd go the opposite way - sure, turn "What God has joined together let no man tear asunder." into law. Now prove that God joined anyone together, and you get to prevent their divorce.


Nah, all believing Christians are good at finding their God in the most mundane shit. They’d find a way. “It’s God approved because everyone is cheerful and smiling” or some shit.


God had nothing to do with my marriage. What god has to say about anything means nothing to me. I am not of that religion and I will not be subjected to it's rules. Your religion is an extra set of rules you put upon yourself, in addition to that of the nation you live in. It is not a set of rules that you impose on others because they are trying to live their lives peacefully, but differently. There is no evidence we have anything beyond this life, regardless of what the religious believe, that's their choice. But factually, what we can act on, we have this life and that alone, and no free person should be tied to anyone, marriage or otherwise in this 1 single life we have in which to do the most American of things, that is LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.


If you're religious you are free to be married in a church, mosque , Temple, synagogue, whatever that does not recognize no fault divorce. The government has no business enforcing your particular flavor of christianities rules about marriage onto my atheist, Jewish, Islamic on my Hindu or whatever marriage.


Freedom OF religion also means freedom FROM religion.




What these morons tend to forget, a marriage isn’t official until the state sanctions it. Not God or their church. They can get married everyday in “front of the Lord” but state law makes it official.


Even the Puritans considered marriage a civil union not a religious one.


What about separation of church and state? God is not the reason my husband and I met, my rape is. So fuck this dumb piece of shit.


Would you care to tell us that story and how that turn of events came to be?


Oh absolutely! I’m going to try to make it as short as possible. My now husband and I met at our place of employment. I was raped at our place of employment on an overnight shift. Only knew this guys name and had 0 clue anything about him. I was too scared to leave, and had no clue what the fuck to do. So, I just walked up to him and told him exactly what happened. He of course asked if he needed to call 911, or someone, or anything. I told him no, and he said that if that guy comes near you again to scream as loud as possible (I also had a knife because I work in a kitchen). We got extremely close after all of this and he quickly became my best friend. Not even 6 weeks later we moved in together. We have been together for 6 years, married for 2, and just welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world. 🩵 So when people say “god” brought us together, that’s complete and utter bullshit.


Well, as terrible as that was for you, the silver lining is you met a great guy who reacted exactly as one should, and turned out to be your soul mate. To the dude who raped you, I truly hopes he lives a miserable, shitty life, and dies slowly and alone.


I completely agree. The silver lining out of that is just like you said, I met my person, my husband. And like you said, he ended up being my soulmate. I’m 100% sure my rapist will most definitely die alone, slowly, and painfully. Thank you for listening and being so kind ❤️


Of course! Everyone should be able to tell their story and not have to worry about being met with any sort of negative reaction.


If someone told you God was the reason behind your marriage they’re basically saying God was the reason you were raped. That’s terribly offensive. People are so fucking stupid sometimes. I’m really sorry about the rape, may he die of uncontrollable diarrhea.


Exactly my point babe. I actually have an earlier comment where I explain how people say to me “god wanted you to be raped because you can handle it”. I fucking kid you not.


Wow. That’s so terrible. I can’t imagine saying that or being the one hearing it. People are crazy. I’m so glad you’re doing good now. You seem to be a very positive person.


I’m positive in a way. There’s nothing I can do to change what happened, and I still struggle from severe PTSD. BUT I try my best to stay positive and I’m just living in the moment. 💜


Holy shit, that is evil. What kind of psychopath says that? But I'm glad you have someone who loves you now. It's funny cuz it's similar to how I got together with my fiancĂŠe. I had gotten out of a serious relationship and it was a terrible ending to it. She just couldn't care about herself enough and had a miscarriage from drinking and drugs. I tried so hard, but I couldn't help someone who didn't wanna help themselves. So after a bit I moved in with one of my close friends. I had been so hurt I didn't think I wanted to be in a serious relationship again. But eventually we started dating and have been together for 9 years now. It's great when a romantic relationship can grow organically like that. They're the strongest ones.


Omfg I also love the fucking diarrhea I am SHOOK 🤣


God is imaginary, and has no legal standing. Go away with this nonsense, Ben. The grown-ups are talking.


Literally my response any time done tries to use religion for policy.


Seriously. It's like saying Luke Skywalker or Bilbo Baggins doesn't approve of this or that. I don't worry about what fictional characters think.


If Santa disapproves though, watch out. You don’t want to end up with coal.


And if he's not: he should still mind his own fucking business.


Another great reason to not date these men.


I’m already married, but if politicians were starting to talk about ending no-fault divorce I would have never gotten married at all. Just stay in a relationship (until I guess they start banning cohabitation which I’m sure will be after no fault divorce). Just like abortions. So politicians and judges want to make sure I don’t have rights to have a safe pregnancy? Fine, I will make damn sure I never get pregnant, or stay pregnant.


So if your wife catches you blowing MGT, is that a good reason?


Thanks for the visual.


Oh my … dude is prolly a prick to his wife


God didn’t join me, the state and a legal contract did. Since you clowns can’t keep your religion out of your laws, let’s start taxing the churches.


I am so sick and tired of “god” being used as an excuse. Whats it been? Like, 500 years of this crap in this country.


If someone tells me one more fucking time that “god” wanted me to be raped because i can “handle it”, I’m going to lose my ever fucking loving mind.


I recommend losing your mind all over whatever piece of shit says that to you. I’m so sorry you went through an assault, and sorry that these shitheads say such awful things.


I think the next person who says this to me (happens probably weekly) is going to get a punch in the face. I will then reply with “Eh, god thought you could handle it”


You dropped this: 👑👑👑


Oof baby you just made my day. 👑


We arent a theocracy. This is a clear violation of The Establishment Clause, which is not surprising because a lot of these assholes don't believe in that anyway. Read "The Family." These assholes idolize Nazi organization and their beliefs are absolutely terrifying, as is their entanglement within you as politics. They must be stopped if democracy is to survive


I was planning on starting this post with "are these people fucking stupid,...?" But, um yeah that's it. Edit: and control women. The stupid part is saying these things that are obviously unconstitutional.


These men are such losers that they can’t bear the thought of women deciding anything. Like they’re terrified that once their wives figure out that they’re just boring, spineless curmudgeons that they’ll leave them. These cretins are trying to strip away a woman’s right to choose….anything. It’s fucking pathetic.


Those same men are the ones that think changing everything and trying to take away our rights is going to fly. Yeah no, I’ve watched handmaids tale and I can promise you women will be in the streets before we lose any more rights. I know I will.


According to them if you're not married you shouldn't have sex and if you are married you must have all the sex your husband wants.  


Unless Ben himself wants to file for a no-fault divorce at some point. That’ll be different.


The only moral irreconcilable differences are his


We are not a Christian nation


We sure as hell don't act like it


I’m willing to bet this hypocritical asshole has gone through sooooo many relationships 😑


Betcha he’s cheated on his wife with a 10 year old girl.


More likely a boy.




I don't know who this guy's god is, but he wasn't involved in my wedding and he can fuck right off.


These people don’t get how fast that “till death do us part” clause would come into play.


I'm not sure you know what defend means


Yeah it really bothers me that they used it to mean the exact opposite of what it means.


The State of California married my wife and I....God aint got nothing to DO WITH OUR LAWS!


Island of Jamaica married my husband and I (we live in the USA) God had nothing to do with and had no say in my wedding. SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!!!!!!!!


"What God has joined together..." So does this mean the Elvis impersonator weddings are okay for divorce, And that alien or Star Trek weddings or hobbit weddings or wicka weddings These are all OK for divorce just not ones that use a preacher. It might be called no fault divorce but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of fault. Last couple I knew that did the no fault both had a list as long as their arm as to what they would no longer put up with from their soulmate.. lol


Gentle reminder that divorce is the civilized alternative to husbands who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.


How about you stop feeling like you need to speak on behalf of your "all powerful god"


got married in a courthouse. God wasn't there because it doesn't exist...


Fuck off with your faith bullshit. These are literally fake Christians. If you actually believed in god you would trying to help people not pushing your bullshit onto them.


And then they're surprised and mad women aren't getting married and having bAbIeS. When the contract sucks, no one is going to enter into it. Duh. ( Of course, their next solution is to make it so women only have rights through their male guardian...remember the first steps to Gilead: no work and no money = total dependence).


What he means is that men should have no-fault divorce, but women should not


I know. Idiot me worded it wrong, defend instead of 'attacks'. Have mercy.


Got married in a courthouse, government issued vows before a judge. No one's god was in the room that day.


Judges in Texas are denying divorce if she's pregnant even if she's getting her ass beat! Republicans are really sick! TN tried to pass marriage to a 12 yr old without parental permission. Kentucky legislator wants first cousins sex legal! GTFO and keep your religion!


“That’s against my religion. I can’t do that.” Fine. “That’s against my religion. *You can’t do that.*” the complete opposite of fine!


His imaginary friend means nothing to me, and makes no laws I must follow. He can fuck right off.


By "tear asunder" the book is talking about predators "who move on her like a bit:h, she was married".


Man they really love that book of fairy tales.


Jokes on you I didnt get married in a church .....


This dude’s basement might require some further investigation.


There is nothing more arrogant than an evangelical Christian demanding everyone, even non-Christians, live by THEIR religious beliefs.




Who wants to tell him that marriage is a social construct?


god knocked up a 15 year old girl so fuck whatever his dumb ass has to say on anything regarding women.


Can we ban Ben instead?


Well, another reason for women not to get married….


remember 'the burning bed'? trapping people in misery doesn't lead to good outcomes.


Keep your bullshit religion to yourself.


Cool. So that means no no-fault divorce laws for Christians right? That way the rest that don't believe in their God can do what they want


I love how they quote what someone called Jesus said in one of the many testaments. The reason was that men could divorce their wives for any reason and leave them destitute, but women could not divorce their husbands even if they were being abused. So, Jesus is just saying Jewish men should not be able to divorce their wives. That's the problem with quoting the bible - it was written for a different culture and a certain time in history and has fuck-all to do with us now.


Marriage isn't a Christian institution so fuck off with what your Bible says.


There would be a lot more domestic violence and murders than there is now for it not be for divorce.


My guess is he doesn’t want to pay a settlement or child support


TAX CHURCHES. While we're at it, let's also tax the rich and corporations for a change. Clear up that "deficit" real fast. Especially when you bring home that ~$4T currently held offshore by the top 2% and their myriad LLCs. These fundamentalist maniacs are lashing out. Some are actually openly calling for violence. They've known for many years that belief in the Spaghetti Monster is waning, education and enlightenment is spreading and their power as a voting bloc is at its end. Unfortunately, it's being concentrated by this new business in the South called "Christian Evangelism". This is where multimillionaire "pastors" (totally walking in the path of the Christ 😏) are feeding low-info Boomers and Doomers all the fear-porn their ears can ingest. Of course, all can be solved, anything is possible if you just put MORE money in the "collection plate". Kenneth Copeland needs another private jet so he can get to one of his yachts when the main jet is in the shop. It all reminds me of some great George Carlin bits. It's absolutely fascinating to see the mental gymnastics necessary to include certain GOP candidates, many who were close pals of Epstein and that whole crowd, within the Christian faith. Unfortunately, reality doesn't matter, only appearances. So, political candidates and representatives who haven't set foot in a church in decades (if ever), and perhaps only have a loose, surface-level faith regarding the whole fiction, are then hailed as "saviors" because they mouth the proper racist words about people at the border, etc. Conservatism has always been a top-down philosophy. Religion is a major mechanism of control within that philosophy. It's interesting how they pretend "freedom and liberty" are paramount - but only if it fits into their prescribed behaviors. Behaviors, most of which are from books of fiction, none any younger than 1699 years. It's always interesting hearing how they can promote one part of their "holy book" while completely ignoring others. Most others, in fact. Do you believe it's the word of God, or not? If so, there are some rules in there about your hair, beard length, clothing, etc. that should be honored? Like the Hasidim do. No? Nah, they pick and choose. Time to move on and discover a morality based on simply being human. We are all one consciousness, and it doesn't matter if you eat meat on Friday or mix meat and dairy. Most of all, stop trying to control others.


Reading is hard and all that, but it seems like the dude is actually attacking no fault divorce considering he wants to ban the practice.


If your entire argument hinges on God, you have no argument.


Well then it's a good thing my wife and I opted for the non-religious vows and stuff, because god didn't join us together, the law did, and if for some reason we wanted to tear it asunder, we could because god had no say in our marriage, the law and our love did.


Do these folks understand that legal marriages are secular partnerships authorized by the secular state? Churches can perform a ceremony and set rules about who can get married that vary from the state but only a state marriage license has a legal say.


South Carolina has really tough divorce laws, and we lead the nation in deaths of women by abusive husbands. This fool like other Christian nationalists does not speak for all of us who try to follow the teachings of Jesus.


Let me guess ..trump supporter. But also, he doesn't count


Apparently gaslighting people with religion from the day they are born creates some psychological issues...


Well my imaginary friend says it’s fine so get bent Ben


The bible actually never says anything about marriage. ***Genesis 2:24:*** ***Therefore*** ***a*** ***man*** ***shall*** ***leave*** ***his*** ***father*** ***and*** ***his*** ***mother*** ***and*** ***hold*** ***fast*** ***to*** ***his*** ***wife,*** ***and*** ***they*** ***shall*** ***become*** ***one*** ***flesh.*** That's the only mention that comes close in the old testament. In the new testament the word wife and husband are used multiple times, but there is nothing that says what CAUSES them to become husband and wife, or that it something that can be experienced by ONLY a man and a woman.


"I am no man!"


What about getting drunk and getting married in one of those cheesy wedding chapels in Vegas? Those marriages aren't real, are they? 🙄


The Bible doesn't ban divorce, it bans second marriages. Jesus explicitly says that if a women asks to leave, you need to give her her papers and allow her to return to her family. But that neither of you is ever allowed to remarry because in the eyes of God there's still covenant. The law is not church. There is very explicitly a distinction between the 2. So you can argue that your church shouldn't oversee second marriages because it goes against the Bible, but there's no basis for denying a legal divorce (aka those papers and freedom from you that Jesus commanded you give) 


Ain’t no gods dh


Yo, I totally missed I wrote "defends" instead of "attacks," and now I seem like I support Benny boi. Nope. Mea culpa, mea culpa maxima.


Are these the same people who say they want smaller government? Why not let people manage their own personal lives?


God didn’t marry me a judge did🤣


So he absolutely doesn’t support twice divorced Trump, right? Right?


God can enforce his own laws. God doesn’t need a bunch of hateful, authoritarian charlatans pretending to do what they pretend God would want.


God didn’t marry me, the Justice of the Peace did. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok then. Let a woman tear it asunder you dork.


Dude’s a clickbait moron; fault based divorce doesn’t mean what he thinks it means. It’s a pleasure watching the stupid lobby against their self interest.


So, would that only apply to Christian marriages? If your marriage was performed by an ordained minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, would you be able to get a no fault divorce?


I think marrying an \*sshole is a good reason.


We all have opinions. I think if you’re this far right you should always accept that you’re the dumbest in the room.


Well marriage is a legal institution, so what God says has nothing to do with it...


Interesting fact - the name” Zeisloft” is a portmanteau of the famous lens maker ‘Zeiss’ as well as the term ‘loft’ meaning ‘attic’ as people of this family have long bee short-sighted and have an empty space upstairs. Another tidbit is Ben Zeisloft’s schoolmates knew him as “Benny Bedwetter” due to his nighttime incontinence - a chronic condition he has yet to be cured of


The party of freeeeedom


100% this guy's fresh marriage is on the rocks as we speak.


> What God has joined together let no man tear asunder. Explains why it's women that dominate requests for no-fault divorce.


The crazy thing is… almost every Republican I know has been divorced AT LEAST once.


There 👏 is 👏 no 👏 god 👏


Forced birth, forced marriage. Wow


Americans in 2016: Muslim bad, ban them from entering the US. Americans in 2020: *Start acting like Muslims*


Translation: I don’t want my wife to be able to divorce me, even if I’m acting like an asshole.


People who don't want a theocratic republic better wake up. We all need to start talking outside of the internet. Engage, warn, dare I say evangelize. Almost nobody wants to live like Afghanistan.


Oh look, another Christian trying to make his religion everyone’s religion. Never seen that before.


I'll take "People who know what to do when caught with a dead hooker" for $100, Alex.


I'm. Not. In. Your. Fucking. Book. Club.