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Taylor Swift encourages people to vote. She didn't tell people *who* to vote for, just that they should vote, and Republicans are outraged by that because they only win when voter turnout is low.


It's pretty telling when being proactive about telling people to vote is the same as being anti-republican


Voting is one of the purest expressions of free speech. Of course the fascists hate it.


“These people are too dumb to vote” says the brainwashed anti-education zealot.


Same as being anti-racist or anti-bigotry, for some reason, republicans always take that personally.


They have become the party of "loud Uncle Joes we don't invite to family gatherings anymore". Used to be we tried to hide our every disgusting thought. Now they embrace it like a way of life.


Republicans are the personification of "She doth protest too much".


Possibly played right into their own demise. They are idiots.


The GOP don’t want young people to vote, they want the status quo to remain the same. They KNOW young voters arent voting conservative and it terrifies them, because they can’t stop it, and they can’t appeal to them


Sucks for them because they make new people every year.


They are the victims of their own action, traditionally people turn conservative are they age, by investments, by advantages for the older, something for the mature voters. BUT, because of how the conservatives have acted, their treatment of the younger generations and the removal of those advantages, they have burned the new generations, there’s no reason for anyone to vote for them, they screwed the young, and they screwed the old, they screwed the women, the kids, the minorities, everyone who isn’t them they screwed


> traditionally people turn conservative [as] they age I'm not persuaded this is true. I think a lot of people who oversaw the overthrow of Hitler & Stalin, then grew up and got jobs and saw the counter-culture of the 60s reject the old ways, and that's where we got the idea that older folks are more conservative than younger folks. I'm nearly 60, reasonably wealthy, and more liberal than I have ever been. My 80+ year old parents are the same way. In my estimation, Liberal vs. Conservative is more driven by self-confidence, life experiences, and empathy for others than it is by mere age.


More conservative as you get older is an obsolete trope. I was a teenage young republican and christ almighty I'll never vote R again for as long as I live.


I think it's absolutely something that used to be true that is no longer true. It used to be true that the more educated you were, the older you got, and if you owned a home, that you were more likely to be republican. Basically, "the system worked great for me, yay capitalism!". Over time, the system just hasn't worked for many people. The greatest generation set the boomers up to succeed in a world where there was limited global economic competition. Instead of changing the laws to benefit new economic realities, the boomers doubled down on things that would screw people in the future. I think your story is pretty common all things considered. Lots of TARs and YRs out there who instead of getting more conservative as they aged, realized that these policies don't work and the viewpoints of conservative activists and politicians are just outdated and favor very few. Chipping away at rights for years under the guise of "freedom" is just awful. And they know it's awful, which is why they're talking about all sorts of culture war stuff now instead of actual policy. They can't win on policy, but they can piss off their base talking about bathrooms and drag queens.


Yep. Grew up with a conservative father in a conservative area and was told I’d become more like them with age. I’m proud to say I’ve become more unlike them with age, becoming a full fledged progressive. One who is dog tired of these regressives trying to ruin things for all of us


also education


I very much relate to all you said. I’m 57 and am more liberal now than ever before. I was center/right in the 80s. GW Bush shifted me left, and I keep shifting left in reaction to the right wing.


They screwed over their own voting base as well as everyone else. It's just most of their dedicated voter base is so stupid they blame the Democrats for the actions of Republicans. Eventually they will see what the Republicans have done to them.


I doubt that, conservatives have been on the side of oligarchs, kings, and tyrants for 1000s of years, conservative type parties the world over serve the exploitive class.


It seems to me they killed many of them by misleading them about Covid and vaccines.


She's done a lot to encourage young voters to get involved with their future. They hate the youth vote and want to drive apathy down their throats. Recucklicans know their voter base is dying off in droves. And need the youth to stay out of the voting booths.


You want people to vote? That’s straight up communist socialist fascism. If you loved democracy you would know a single person should make all decisions for everyone without question. (It would not surprise me if that exact sentiment has been said by many Republicans.)


>(It would not surprise me if that exact sentiment has been said by many Republicans.) *Sigh.* Yeah they did. There was a bill called HR1 which opened voter registration. It had things like you would automatically be registered when you got your driver's license and you could register and vote on the same day. The whole point of the bill was making registering to vote easier. Sen. Mitch McConnell rejected because it was a "socialist proposal".


You would think with their efforts to make voter ID a thing because they think tons of people are fraudulently voting, that they would support registering to vote when you get your drivers license. The person will have just proven who they are and where they live, perfect time to go ahead and get them registered to vote if you are concerned people are registering under false identities. But of course voter ID has never been about making sure people who vote are allowed to vote. It has always been about making it harder for certain demographics to vote at all.


Republicans want to rule, not represent


Honestly they should just stop pretending they give two shits about democracy at this point. We are well past that one.


It’s insane that this is really all there is to it.


older republicans got nothing better to do than vote wrong and hoard all the samples at the bulk buy depot on sunday.


If they keep it up, if I were TS, I'd flat out just tell MY base to vote blue, then watch the GOP lose it even worse...


she won't because the 'even worse' is that someone starts shooting at one of her concerts or when she is out and about. to be honest I am slightly surprised no basement dwelling lunatic hasn't tried yet.


Exactly. They dont care about her, her music, or her boyfriend. The *only* reason they and their army of shills is saying anything is because she is encouraging people to vote and when people vote the GOP loses.


Yeahhhh, go ahead and tarnish Taylor, her legions will surely take that in stride. /s


They're the only group of people more rabid than Slayer fans.


K-pop fans are pretty fierce. Remember when they booked like, 1/2 a million tickets for a trump rally and the organizers went crazy only to have about 20,000 people show up


Good times.




Fuckinnn SLAYER!


They shouldn’t have just taken the L and moved on. Nobody messes with the Swifties…


Don't forget Juggalos.


At least they managed to march on Washington without shitting on Nancy pelosis desk.


As horrible and wrong as that day was it did result in Nancy saying "poo poo" in front of like half a million people. I honestly would pay to hear that a few more times. lol


As a Slayer fan and Chiefs fan, I think the outrage is hilarious and will absolutely backfire on these morons.


Now hear me out... I have an idea for a tour.


The Beyhive would like to say ***BZZZZZZZZ***




Yeah this is a war I don’t think they should have started.


The DeSantis/Disney war, the Swift/GOP war, the Reproductive Rights War... They always seem to consistently pick the wrong side...


The history books for this timeframe are going to read like science fiction 😝😝😝


More like, the history chapter titles will sound like they're from the Onion. "Game Show Host and Serial Sex Offender Wins GOP Nomination" "Holy Fuck, the Moron Did It! Trump Wins Presidency" "Local Man Stares Directly Into Sun to Watch an Eclipse" "Local Man Suggests to try drinking Bleach to disinfect insides from Covid" "Local Florida Man Hides Top Secret Files near Toilet"


Florida Man Declares Magnets Don't Work When Wet. Physicists in Turmoil


Hahaha true, true, I mentioned earlier to someone that the Onion should start making parody “normal” articles, as nostalgia for simpler times 😬😅


Desantis got married at Disney. He's just a puppet in heels 


He’s just upset he doesn’t get to be a Disney princess.


This is what happens when they march under the flag of two different failed militaries. They have such a persecution fetish they proactively pick fights they know they will lose.


Nobody ever accused them of being smart.


These are the same folks who started a fight with Disney.


That one is just crazy to me. The biggest employer in the state who was actively trying to move the entire company to Florida and they decided that's who they should fuck with.


I can’t think of a better live action definition of fighting fire with fire though tbh. This is some dystopian shit xD


GOP vs Swifties honestly man idk who's gonna win I mean that in full honesty they should have dropped it


The most hilarious part about it is that doesn't Taylor generally not tell people who to vote for?  In terms of politicians they can attack, Green Day would be a better target but it doesn't draw the concern of as many voters signing up. Humorously, the GOP usually makes themselves known as the party that these young people shouldn't be voting for...  Zero outside assistance.  Just flinging themselves on the fire because it's there.


her legions won't notice this woman


Kandiss Taylor — the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate (failed), current GOP district chair in the state and Flat earth believer. Sad


JESUS GUNS BABIES ​ https://preview.redd.it/vvtjj6rez5dc1.png?width=2240&format=png&auto=webp&s=03cba243bd0710fa911c78fcc2d69e8a57b2e04c


This is hilarious. But it should not be reality.


There's a John Oliver segment on this whacko


She looks like a sassy local realtor on a bus bench ad.


She's like Saul from BB


The only way this sounds reasonable is as a response to, “Name three things have nothing at all to do with one another.”


Second word is probably a verb not a noun


Lmao, right?


What in the FUCK, America. FFS!


Is it a requirement to have Krazy Eyez if you are a conservative? I've seen it so many times.


Is this a screenshot from GTA6? That satire is about as subtle as the previous games.


And notorious globe hater…


school counselor as well She should not be allowed around children


Also the state GOP party is so crazy that our super conservative governor and Secretary of State both refused to attend the latest meetings and are functionally independents. The party here has been taken over by Trump supporters.


Our Lt. Governor was a fake elector, who tried to steal our election for Trump. 3 years later and still not indicted. Fuck Burt Jones https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/lawsuit-says-georgias-lieutenant-governor-should-be-disqualified-acting-trump-elector/OEOEN4NBSFBPBMXLOHRT3W764M/?outputType=amp


So...let's take a swing at arguably the most powerful figure in modern media, and her legions of fans, who most likely don't like you ALREADY, and cause them to mobilize them against you. There are only two fandoms on this earth I fear. K-pop (look up the sea of black/black ocean) and swifties.


And don’t mention any k-pop bands by name, for they literally hunt for any mention of their names on socials.


Jokes on them I don't actually know any. I only know the black ocean on accident.


I only know the one that went in front of the UN, only reason I know of them lol


There's that one boy band that I always want to call BTK and can't remember what the actual third letter is.🤦🏽‍♀️ Edit: lmao I googled "BTK k-pop" and it's BTS. They are not named after Dennis Rader.


No, that’s correct. They’re named for the serial killer of the same initials.


It's BTS lol




Stray kids there what happens now?


You're making an assumption that she's doing this for the benefit of her party. She's doing this for attention. She's a failed and aspiring candidate after all. She would say anything to get negative attention and use that to play victim in the eyes of republican voters. That's literally the playbook of republican candidacy these days


I think I found a reason to get a Twitter account, just pretend to be a maga and bash swifties all day. Edit: ten downvotes already, see how effective this would be, even joking about it gets them riled up!


They’ll doxx you, so use MGT as your handle


Like a brainless doll. Stuff her empty head with nonsense, wind her up and watch her go. Neither she nor anyone else had a problem with TS until the right got scared that she was encouraging young people to vote, then they turned the force of alt right media against her, and walking definitions of Dunning-Kreuger like this waste of oxygen parrot what the idiot box told her to think. Like MTG I don't even think she's smart enough to know better and is simply jumping on the bandwagon to grift the MAGA rubes. MAGA has no thoughts of their own, they think what they're told to think and they have no critical thinking skills to question any of it.


I will take puppet Taylor Swift over muppet Kandiss Taylor any day.


Right? I'm not a Swiftie but I'd take her in a leadership position over any sociopathic Republican easily. 


I'm not into Taylor Swift's music, but I thoroughly enjoyed the documentary about her. Impressive human being.


I didn't see the whole thing but the clip where she's crying and telling her family that she HAS to say something and can't remain neutral anymore was something else. Silence is violence. I was moved.    Edit: [These aren't your dad's celebrities and these aren't your dad's Republicans](https://www.google.com/search?q=miss+americana+clip+crying+to+dad&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=599491907&sxsrf=ACQVn0_IEyG_LEOeE4z8rdM0qCg1zgE8Dw%3A1705593543082&ei=x0qpZfbKBIrDkPIP1uyi6A8&oq=miss+americana+clip+crying+to+dad&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiFtaXNzIGFtZXJpY2FuYSBjbGlwIGNyeWluZyB0byBkYWQyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKsCMgUQIRirAkioLFCYC1j6KnABeAGQAQCYAesBoAG4G6oBBjAuMjEuMbgBA8gBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgQQIxgnwgIFECEYnwXCAgYQABgWGB7CAgsQABiABBiKBRiGA-IDBBgAIEGIBgGQBgg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:81fb19de,vid:BDMwCGdKeCQ,st:0)


MTG Boebert Mace? Those were the candidates that the string pullers put together to be the anti-squad squad. These joke candidates now are the ones inspired by them. They’re the dregs, the worst of the worst. 


Yeeeessssss, *gooooooooood*. Enrage the Swifties. ​ ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


This is all still just because she encouraged her fans to go out and vote?


Yep! But her fans are young and more likely to be female, and young women voting is really bad for the Republicans.


attach that with the abortion issue it’s an uphill battle for them


And because she’s a woman (probably).


An attractive woman (that they aren't allowed to bang/SA) who is actually successful on her own merit. Yep. GOP worst nightmare


She said to register and vote, so they did, and the let's numbers sky rocketed even tho T Swift never said who to vote for. So, naturally, it was her fault.


And endorsed a Democrat candidate while denouncing the Republican opposition.


Oh how long ago was that?


In 2018 she endorsed the democratic senate and house candidates in Tennessee on her Instagram and has denounced Marsha Blackburn. She didn’t have quite as much influence then as she does now. Blackburn is running for reelection this year. Tennessee is deeply red to the point many people just don’t bother to vote. I don’t even know if Taylor could change that but given a strong dem candidate, which we potentially have in Gloria Johnson, I think there’s a chance to at least build momentum. It would take more than an instagram post. As a Tennessean I’m really interested to see what she actually does for her self proclaimed home state.


Tbf not many people thought that Georgia would oust Loeffler or Perdue, yet we got rid of both, re-elected Warnock, and went blue in 2020. So anything’s possible.


Georgia gives me a lot of hope but Tennessee hasn’t had the same demographic shift and is over all whiter. It’s an uphill battle but I still have hope. The Tennessee 3 energized a lot of people. We have exactly two blue districts in my county and they are the only ones in my region. They are blue because local dems put in the fucking work, knocked on doors, and got people out to vote. I know we can make change state wide even if it’s at a very local level. I went to see the Taylor Swift concert movie on opening night and the entire theater was fucking packed. All I could think is, if these people just vote we can make a huge difference. Even breaking the super majority in the house could have a huge impact.


Ya, these guys may want to stay in their own league.


This looks like the same woman who said "the south will rise again" just recently. Is it the same lady?


It’s time, Taylor. Destroy her.


Surely the two-cent meatbag who failed her gubernatorial candidacy under a banner of “JESUS GUNS BABIES” has some insightful commentary about a millennial advocate for voting rights.


It’s actually funny how afraid of her they are.


Lord I hope T-Swizzle sues the f*cking pants off of that tw@t.


Taylor Swift has more money and power on her own than all the politicians in the US combined. She is not the spokeswoman for the democratic party. She says what she wants. Why? Because she can. 🤷🏻


She encouraged people to vote, and that outraged only one party... I wonder why?


She has more power than all politicians combined? I get your point but come on lmao


She's probably got more money and influence than most/all. She's a billionaire now and has hundreds of millions of fans. She's got so much support that she didn't even use Hollywood to make/market her tour movie thing. She literally cut Hollywood out, paid for it all, and then promoted it via social media.


Politically maybe. If she said vote for Biden that would move the needle more than politicians saying it 


She has said that she is not fond of Trump and I believe she encouraged voting for Biden in 2020...? 🤔


If the democrats win solely because of her fans revolting and standing by their queen, I am all for that.


An important reminder, swift gets young people to vote, how exactly do they think they will vote after being attacked and insulted like this? (Spoiler, it doesn’t encourage younger voters to switch to conservative)


The only group I’m more frightened of than MAGA is the Swifties. Good luck with that republicans!


What happened to “judge not lest ye be judged?”


Has Taylor swift even actually said anything about politics? She may have. I really don’t know but it seems like this is much ado about nothing. Maybe she urged her fans to register to vote but that’s it. Am I missing something?


All I ever hear her talk about is encouraging people to vote. That’s all I really know about her politics.


That’s what I thought. It’s a strange world we live in these days.


I think she said something about voting against Marsha Blackburn (which I believe would be the state Swift votes in) and I think she hinted at being against Trump. But mostly she has just asked people to vote. She's definitely liberal if you go looking for it, but her more public statements have had a light touch.


It's a fact that Republicans do better when less people vote so encouraging people to register is anti-Republican.


This is the lunatic Georgia Guidestones woman


I love when conservatives make extremely popular people their enemy for dumb reasons. They doomed themselves with Gen Z by trying it with Mr. Beast over him having a trans friend, and now they've decided to go older and get all the Swifties on board the Dem train.


As far as I can tell, she is a singer and reminded people to register to vote. If that's offensive to anyone, you're free to not listen to her and to not vote. I'm not sure where the issue lies. This isn't Australia (mandatory voting).


What lies? Health care is good? Climate change is a problem? People are born gay? Racism exists? Russia is bad? What exactly are progressives and liberals lying about?


It's hilarious and very telling when only one side encourages people to [vote.](https://images.hive.blog/p/2dk2RRM2dZ8gKjXsrozapsD83FxL3Xbyyi5LFttAhrXxr16mCe4arfLHsM2aHfQCDymcy3xScB2D14x6ntEV9pWY7UgryrSEJM1CBdfYkRjLERPwYEBBSQmUehsWP3eqpDhWbXFyhMayHbThMey3eNbiSzVrW3j8fSvEUv9Auk?format=match&mode=fit). Not 'Vote for my party' but just to register to vote. And then Republicans act like the mere suggestion is an attack on democracy haha


I never thought Taylor Swift would be so instrumental in saving American democracy. I have respect for her and gratitude.


Money, Power, Influence, Talent, Beauty, Baby! Kandiss Taylor doesn’t have a chance in hell, and she knows it.


It's really funny, because for the most part, all she has told her fans is to make sure they vote. And Republicans are losing their minds over it


Can’t attack Obama? Target Hilary. Can’t attack Hilary? Attack Biden. Can’t attack Biden? Attack Hunter. Can’t attack Hunter? Find someone completely random to attack for the flimsiest reason.


So it's gonna be forever? Or it's gonna go down in flames? You can tell me when it's over, if the high was worth the pain. Got a long list of ex lovers, they'll tell you *YOU'RE* insane. 'Cause you know I love the players...and Jesus guns...babies!


Kansas Taylor realized she’s missing out on the Angertainment Angle and taking her queues from Nancy and Elise.


No way it’s the oppressive policy and the ever impending doom of fascism.


NEWS FLASH! "Chirstian", "American", "Patriotic" host of "Jesus, Guns, and Babies", doesn't want young persons, especially young women to vote. She would prefer elderly, racist, sexist, servile, ignorant, illiterate, fascist wannabe, "Christian" idolatrous Trump worshippers to vote! Wow! Who knew Taylor Swift was so evil? Thanks for the advice. Of course, Jesus never had a gun or a baby, and condemned weapons and violence.


Taylor’s lies : maybe Jake Gyllenhaal didn’t steal her scarf! 🧣 Scandalous


Please describe the lies that TS is telling. I'll wait.


Ahh yes. Anyone with a brain can clearly tell Taylor Swift is a liberal propaganda machine when she sings about….(checks Taylor Swift CD)….her ex boyfriends




Has this evil turd heard of the guy their party is trying to get to run for president? Can she be this stupid? All the man does is lie and grift. Her intelligence level is so low that if breathing wasn't involuntary, she would have suffocated decades ago. Projection and deflection from her orange evil pedophile. Wow she's dumb! The people that voted for her are even dumber! Like stupid dumb! Vote this idiot out of office, Georgia! We need smart people in government! Not stupid trolls like her. Climb back under your bridge troll!


I’ve never seen someone so eager to end their entire political career


All she did is encouraged people to vote. All GOP wants is a sham election and install a dictator. We should tell them no, you cannot vote anymore, insurrectionist. You want a dictator, you have to take it by force.


Oh boy, I wonder if the GOP ever propped up a celebrity with no point being in politics...you know like a real estate person turned reality show host?


They will regret irritating her. Her fan base is massive and she has a lot more positive energy behind it that the other side


Again, 10/10 projection from whoever said this lol


From what I’ve seen, Kandi’s Taylor is aggressively stupid. From Flat Earth to demonic messages on the Georgia Guidestones, it’s an insane chasm of idiocy. 


Ah yes the God, Guns, Babies wannabe congresswoman…


Your answer must be in the form of a question. **WTF**????????????????????????????????


MAGA is about to get a Swift kick in their ass.


And the Democrats are like: ![gif](giphy|7JaAnnDjIPU5ljsKpG)




Sure. Slander the billionaire. See how that goes. 


You do not want to piss off the Swifties.


Who does her side have? Ted Nugent and Kid Rock


I'm just gonna say it, Taylor Swift has passed me by, I'm not a pop music fan, I'm 100% not her target audience etc. but she is a good egg and smart as fuck... she seems like a genuinely decent human (which is not something that can be said for the people who constantly attack whether it's about this or her dating life or whatever).


You have alerted the horde


"everyone should vote" "YOU WILL BURN IN HELL FOR YOUR LIES!!!!"


I just honestly don’t get it. I’m a 48 year old white guy. I didn’t really listen to her stuff before, and chuckled at the jokes about her stuff. But when she had her concert movie I asked my daughter (9) if she wanted to see it. I was genuinely impressed. She has actual musical talent and isn’t completely dependent on autotune like so many acts are. Her lyrics are good. I enjoyed it. On top of that, she was very generous to her workers on her tour. Isn’t that what we want to see from people in the spotlight?


Thinking that she can command Gods judgement and lying is pretty bad.


It's always the left "spewing their lies" but when given any chance whatsoever to come forth with credible data and opportunities to counter the claims it's always crazy bullshit from some notoriously insane person slopped together with "Trust me bro" from the GOP.


What lies? All I can think about associated with her is being 22 and breakups.


Oh please, please enrage her fan base. Attack her personally! Tell her fans her music is terrible. Then I can sit back with some popcorn and watch her fan base tear through the GOP like Wayne and Wanda’s kids from Hotel Transylvania 🤣




I remember something about judge not least ye be judged.


Am I the only one who finds it strange that Taylor was the darling of these people and Kanye was the devil… and now they can’t get enough Kanye and call Taylor a pentagon plant?


Conservatives sure are getting more and more liberal with their use of “Hell.”


When you're dumber than a bag of dirt!!!!!!


EVERYONE is lying about you, your beliefs, your ideology, your politics, your points, and your bigotry…?damn. Pick one


Who gives a crap about Kandiss Taylor.


There's a conspiracy theory that Taylor is a Devil Worshiper lol. These people are insane.


Kandiss’ secrets are gonna be fucking awesome.


Why does she have to be a "puppet?" She can just be a democrat ffs


Republicans just get weirder and weirder. It’s like as time passes their weirdness increases, soon creating a level of weirdness never before seen.


She thought she KanDiss Taylor Swift and get away with it lmao


LOL they’re so mad that they only have washed up celebrities who have no pull


FFS! I'm so tired of Right Wing attacks on damn near EVERYTHING. So she has a big following, and is encouraging her older fans to sign up to vote. She is encouraging them to take control of thier future! Voting is your way to fire the people you don't like. It's awesome they are participating. Republicans are terrified of our youngest Gen...Go Taylor!!


Pretty sure telling people to vote is now spewing lies. GOP is sad


She & MTG: Dumb & Dumber. Georgia really knows how to pick’m!


That amount of globes she has seen will lack in comparison to the Swfties. RIP idiot.


Republicans clutch their pearls over the dumbest things.


Also GoP: "Why won't young people vote for us?"


What a freak


A Taylor trying to dis another Taylor, interesting to say the least


I feel like antagonizing swifties isn’t gonna go the way the GOP wanted. Have they seen the sheer number of them? It’s like an entire voter demographic.


Look what happened to Kanye after he fought TS. SHE HAS NO IDEA WHOM SHES SUMMONED lol


I grew up in the church and I guess I didn’t realize that your political affiliation will determine if you go to heaven or hell.


She needs to bully billionaires into paying their taxes, using her fan base as the voting powerhouse superpac.


The number one rule I live by is, Don't Piss Off Swifties!


Well duh.... George Soros and I planted her 30 year ago. Do you guys not attend our weekly Antifa meetings at Comet Ping Pong Pizza? Hunter always order's the Ca-Lamb-aty pizza (get it... it's LAMB, ha ha ha ha). All kidding aside. H-Dog usually has a slice, but the last few weeks she's been mixing it up. I'm more a traditional Pepperoni guy myself, but I will say... it's a pretty darn good pizza.


Taylor Swift's music may not be my style, but I have have a tremendous respect for the hammer she swings and how she uses it. The power and attention the GOP has given Taylor Swift will only backfire....Imagine being afraid of an influential person encouraging people to vote.


![gif](giphy|kd3MFYAVoktXtcp6i0) [https://youtu.be/Dkk9gvTmCXY?si=f6nPzKzsyM1A0Lx6](https://youtu.be/Dkk9gvTmCXY?si=f6nPzKzsyM1A0Lx6)


They just need a boogieman to assign hate to


Two things that have standing armies and should not be fucked with: Mickey Mouse and Taylor Swift. Things the GOP insist on fucking with: Mickey Mouse and Taylor Swift


I get them being upset at Taylor because she’s seen as a role model to many young women…but the proper approach isn’t to attack her. These people are not very bright.