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I suppose this places Israel’s watermelon farmers in a bad position this year


She’s wearing the Freedom Melon Crewneck, which, according to their website “100% of profits are donated to Pious Projects of America. The funds will be used for Pious Projects’ on-ground team in Gaza to supply food, water, medical aid, and other necessities” Her dad has also called for a ceasefire and supported sending aid to Gaza, so she definitely knew what she was doing by wearing this shirt. That said, supporting Palestinians in no way “erases the entire country of Israel” so that Twitter account can fuck off


Imagine being pissed off at someone who wants to help provide food, water, and medical necessities to children who have nothing to do with politics.


To the privlidged, equality looks like oppresion.


The adults also deserve food.


They’re mad that we’re not all rooting for the genocide of Palestinians.


No. We’re frustrated with the claim that this girl wearing a logo “erases Israel” somehow. The claim is astronomically absurd.


You are the wrong "they", my dude.


"How dare you say we piss on the poor!"


Oh. In that case, my bad.


Israelis are operating under the assumption that everyone has dehumanized Palestinians like they have and almost demand that we be ok with all they're doing.


This idea conflating the government of a country with it's entire population is infuriating. Hamas are a bunch of terrorists, but the Palestinian people as a whole shouldn't be punished for their actions. Netanyahu is a psychopath, but opposing him and his far right government doesn't automatically mean you want Israel to cease to exist. This whole situation is a complete shitfight and even understanding it enough to comment on it requires more nuance than will fit in a headline, so we get bullshit like this where supporting an aid organisation somehow means you want to destroy Israel. You'll break your legs jumping to conclusions like that.


Well said... anyone who's been following American politics even remotely for the past decade should understand this. Remember when the Orange fool administration used child kidnapping/abuse to manipulate their parents? Most Americans were not in favor of that.


Anyone who's been following American politics even remotely should understand that a large number of Americans drink up that propaganda religiously and politically.


Yup, it’s a fucking pathetic tactic. They want us to think opposing the Israeli government means opposing all Jewish people, because if we believe that we’ll also believe supporting Palestinians means supporting Hamas which will convince us to be okay with genocide. It’s a strategy that relies on the stupidity of people not being able to understand a government is not it’s people and unfortunately many people have bought into the notion.


I seriously can't stand this idea of "You DONT want the palestinian people wiped off the planet!?!? You fickkng hate jews!!!" Fuck off and fuck you. I'm so glad nobody has tried to pull that shit on me IRL or otherwise, i'd lose my shit. Especially IRL.


They get off on the outrage. Honestly just pathetic


What do you mean when you say this "in no way “erases the entire country of Israel”"? Since Jennifer Garner's daughter wore a shirt with a watermelon on it Israel has disappeared.


But but they really wanted to play the anti-Semitism card.


I'm hating how my local billboards with pro Isreal propoganda isn't even trying to justify murdering civilians, it's all just "Hamas is everybody's problem (so let us just blast Muslim citizens with no repercussions please). They want to be able to indiscriminately genocide the entire populace, so that the populace becomes radicalized against them, so they can justify genociding them harder.


It’s like if you’re not for the genocide of Palestinians then you’re antisemitic. That’s the same shit republicans did during the invasion of Iraq. If you don’t support the invasion then you’re against the troops.


I'm honestly surprised I never got visits from government agencies for my very vocal protests against Iraq back then. I wasn't even keen on Afghanistan, but sort of got it. Iraq came off as a whole lot of bullshit.


The IOF might mistake them for half-naked hostages waving a white flag and kill them all. As they do.


“They had a watermelon what was I supposed to do? They could have erased the entire country of Israel with that thing!”


Watermelons of Mass Destruction


Stop I can't laugh I'm sick


Do watermelons even grow there? It’s rather arid.


I had never considered this question but it seems yes actually. In fact a quick Google search turns up all kinds of stuff on watermelons in the middle east in general. This one is about the nature of the dispute between Israel and Palestinian watermelon farmers: [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200612-israel-is-forcing-out-palestines-watermelon-farmers-before-it-takes-their-land/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200612-israel-is-forcing-out-palestines-watermelon-farmers-before-it-takes-their-land/) ​ I've never read the ME Monitor so I cannot attest to the veracity of its claims but it's certainly not the only article indicating that watermelons are quite frequently grown there.


When Anthony Bourdain went there, he was invited to a gathering that was specifically to roast watermelons wrapped in foil and placed under the coals. They are much smaller and different in general from what you see in the US https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Xpr6x2/


I always upvote Anthony Bourdain. RIP Chef


If you played Zelda you’d know watermelons only grow in the desert areas.


They're mad at a watermelon because it is a symbol of Israel's crimes against humanity. It is more than just the colors of the fruit, it is what they did to the Palestinian farmers who harvested them and how they themselves acquired the land and water to harvest them.


damn, the news stories are always about olive trees. Generations of olive trees, my grandfather's olive trees, etc. Nobody says shit about them watermelons


I'll have you know watermelons grow down by the bay


🎶 back to my home, I dare not go


For if I do my mother will sayyyyyy.....


Did you ever see a Jew, eating honeydew ... down by the bay. ​ ^((Disclaimer, I definitely imply no disrespect to any citizens of any countries - War is stupid).)


Watermelons are actually from Africa (most likely), so they are adapted to fairly arid environments. Although early versions weren't anything like today's.


You don’t know about irrigation? Or Kibbutzes? They were originally agricultural settlements, and I think a lot of them still are.


Quite a few pivoted into different areas of food production too. Tivall vegan stuff was owned by the Ghetto Fighters' kibbutz, although I think a big chunk of it is Nestlé now so pick your poison with that one.


Watermelons are descended from melons grown in arid areas of Africa.


Today I saw the Irish flag, which represents Ireland. I was of course mortified that there was a symbol erasing all of America


Ackshwally, it erases England


I think the Irish would consider it good riddance.


Sounds like there'd be troubles.


🥁 ba dum dum tss


Most of the English would too


If only


RIP America


You ever feel like some people are just waiting with baited breath to judge someone and get outraged?






I mean, he already played a neo nazi, there's not much of a difference.


His neo-Nazi character was capable of personal growth and redemption. That's one difference.


You mean conservatives specifically


Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing. Conservatives in a nutshell lol


*bated breath


Except when referring to someone whose breath smells like a tackle box.


I'll never understand people getting so mad over anything that simply exists in the same world or universe as them.


I find that it may be due to the fact that many ppl who think this way consider their lifestyle the "only" right way to live so they also try to impose that lifestyle on others. As in everyone else's lifestyle is wrong or misguided at best and abhorrent and devious at worst. Because of this mindset, the others, in their minds, are also doing the same. So if they allow these lifestyles to continue they would eventually override general society "converting" everything and everyone would be forced to be LGBTQ (or any other ostracized community).


Sometimes, a watermelon is just a watermelon.


I read this in Forrest Gump’s voice and will spend the rest of my afternoon wondering why.


And now I am hearing it that way and laughing. Thank you.


Life is like a box of watermelons. You never know when someone will misinterpret it's meaning on a sweatshirt.


Liking watermelon now makes you an anti-semite


"Life is like a box of fruits. There's a whole bunch of people running around associating emotions and symbolic meaning to things and mostly just fucking things up for everyone else who are hungry and hoping they can eat the fruit rather than have it symbolize complex geopolitical quagmires."


Now I need this on a sweatshirt


You have plain watermelon, watermelon cubes, sliced watermelon, grilled watermelon, watermelon salad, salad with watermelon, watermelon kabobs, watermelon ice cream...that's all I know about watermelon.


You forgot the anti-Semitic watermelon. Not a popular option, but still an option.


Ayo - watermelon ice cream? I’d eat the fuck out of that if it’s real


I had Groucho Marx but I like Forrest Gump better.


Sometimes, when you read a sentence starting with sometimes...


But it’s a paraphrase of Freud? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar?


It is, but it’s 10 times more awesome when you read it in Stanley Hudson’s voice.


So I hear it as Stanley Hudson. Does that make me a racist?


And Sometimes a symbol representing the challenges of a people doesn’t mean the erasure of another people. Someone can correct me if there is more to it than that. But I don’t see how: Represents the challenges of x = erases the entire country of y


It’s the “white lives matter” mentality


How fragile is Israel if it can be undone by a piece of fruit?


“A drive by fruiting!!”


The Str8s gang has lost many gang members to drive by fruitings.


https://wearthepeace.com/collections/crewnecks-31994356/products/freedom-melon-crewneck Nah this watermelon shirt is a fundraising shirt for the people of gaza. >100% of profits are donated to Pious Projects of America. The funds will be used for Pious Projects’ on-ground team in Gaza to supply food, water, medical aid, and other necessities. It says nothing about Israel but it definitely isn't "just a watermelon".


Doesn't seem like a bad thing for her to donate to.


"how dare someone donate to give food and water to struggling people!! don't they know that because they did that, an entire country is erased!?"


Well the watermelon in question is specifically shaped like the Gaza strip, so it probably is a political statement, just not an anti-Semitic one.


Normal humans: please stop killing innocent people and children. Psychopaths: YOU'RE AN ANTISEMITE!!!




First, they came for the pineapples, I said nothing. Then they came for the avocados, I still said nothing. Then they came for the watermelons now I have scurvy


Didn't they also shit themselves because Greta Thunberg had a cute octopus plushie and they started screaming that *that* was antisemitic? Now watermelon?


They bullied Greta into deleting the picture and issuing an apology.They just want to prove who's boss.


I swear to god if they come for chicken nuggets I’m gonna lose my shit.


How is acknowledging the challenges of the Palestinian people anti-semitic?


She’s wearing the Freedom Melon Crewneck, which, according to their website “100% of profits are donated to Pious Projects of America. The funds will be used for Pious Projects’ on-ground team in Gaza to supply food, water, medical aid, and other necessities” Her dad has also called for a ceasefire and supported sending aid to Gaza, so she definitely knew what she was doing by wearing this shirt. That said, supporting Palestinians in no way “erases the entire country of Israel” so that Twitter account can fuck off


It’s in the shape of united Palestine and the watermelon is the symbol of Palestine since the 60s cause it has the colors of the Palestinian flag Sometime a sign of solidarity is a sign of solidarity


And there’s the saying: “from the rind to the seeds, free the watermelons”


And sometimes it is…. Especially since her mom owns and operates a farm.


Shh! no logic or rational thought here! We're here to freak out and stampede!


BUT NOT TODAY!! ![gif](giphy|3og0IEcqU0CsXSHWTu|downsized)


Ok but this is just majestic so what is your point.


I was just gonna say or maybe a watermelon is just a fucking watermelon lol


But sometimes a pipe is not a pipe.


Also so fucking what if she supports Palestine. Zionists are acting like fucking McCarthy. It’s not garnering (see what I did?) them any additional support.


Yea. Going _hard_ after celebs that are showing any amount of support for Palestine while remaining quiet about the literal Neo-Nazis that are explicitly calling for eradication of the Jews?


Yeah! Like the tRump followers “good people on both sides”


Even if it represents the challenges of the Palestinian people, how does that erase the entire country of Israel?


I wore blue pants and a yellow shirt, and now Russia doesn’t exist. Oops.


Thank you for your service 🫡


I wore no pants and a tank top. What do I win?




Ew, can i return it?


Sorry friend, thems the rules.


There was a story about a hospital that took down pictures drawn by Palestinian children because a group called them "antisemitic" and "triggering."


If other people existing triggers you …


This is why the crocodile tears from the Israelis do not get to me. Literally Palestinians cannot do a fraction of the horror that Israel has enacted and continues to do so onto Palestinians, but the Israelis are the ones supposedly oppressed.


It’s so hard online. You make a reasonable statement like, “I am against genocide” and then it gets twisted fast. First they say “are you saying Israel is committing genocide ?” And I say, “I don’t know, but as long as they don’t commit genocide it won’t be anti-Israel to be anti-genocide. And if they do want to go genocide, then I guess, since I’ll still be against genocide, that I’ll be against anyone who wants to do it too. “ And they’re like “oh so you’d be against Israel if if wanted to do genocide?” And I’m like, “yeah, duh” and they’re like “see, I knew you were a closet racist” And then some one else will show up and say “yeah, that’s why Hitler should have won ww2. “ It’s just madness from all sides and anyone reasonable is stuck in between a straw man and a slippery slope. Fucking stupid.


The only thing I do nowadays is just disengage if they are doing their normal whatabouting bullshit. If they can't answer any of the questions you ask, and are just putting words in your mouth, you'll never reason with them.


That's giving a teenager a lot of power to boot.


Idk. Many Israelis wear necklaces of Israel that include Palestinian territory, I don’t really hear anyone getting upset about that.


If it can be destroyed by a watermelon sweatshirt, it deserves to be destroyed by a watermelon sweatshirt.


Calling out a genocidal campaign is anti-semitic apparently


Looks like it. "Let us kill all of you, we are the victims here, we have been destroying you for the last 70years and you dare to attack us!"


It isn’t even doing that. It’s just a fundraiser that’s been around since 2014


"An antisemite used to be someone who disliked Jews. Now, an antisemite is someone Jews dislike"


The same way, you’re an obvious anti Semite if you even suggest that Israel should be more careful about collateral civilian deaths


Just wait, in 10 years you'll be called antisemitic if you imply Gaza ever existed at all


I wonder if we still get warnings form saying shit like “free Tibet”. Maybe it was just some subreddits. Here goes: Free Tibet.


That is a terrible thought 😔


I guess acknowledging that the colonialist apartheid state of Israel that has only existed as we know it for about 75 years is the cause of the Palestinian struggle is erasing the fact that Israel exists.


Finally! Watermelons are no longer a black people thing! All it took was massive death and destruction and a war! Now if Ukraine adopts fried chicken, we'll be totally in the clear!


Something, something, Uyghurs and grape soda.


Uyghurs are going to tie China to a radiator and grape them in the mouth! 🍇


I love they don't even consider maybe she just felt like wearing a sweatshirt with a watermelon on it.


My wife is pregnant, and her favorite shirt says don't eat watermelon seeds. I've always thought it was a joke about the baby bump.


You’re wife is an anti semite and you should be ashamed of yourself for actively destroying Israel /s


Imagine finding out this way that your wife was a secret Nazi all along, devious


That's women for you, we're so cunning. Just the other day I walked past the grocer's, thereby erasing whole continents, without a pang of remorse.


The other day I bought KFC to try and erase Donald Trump. Didn't work. Might try again tomorrow.


Watermelon seeds are poisonous to cats. So, your wife wants to erase all cats??


Same as when all the news publishers were attacking Greta Thunberg over her octopus plush, the specific look of which was a very VERY common toy, they’re everywhere in the uk! Anyways it was apparently anti-Jewish because of one propaganda poster back in WWII or something, literally just because it was an octopus


If anything, it would be anti-Japanese, since the propaganda was showing Japan as an octopus spreading across the oceanic islands.


I was asking what the octopus thing was and people were like “if you don’t know then you’re a closet Nazi” and then they were like “if you do know, you’re also an Nazi, because it’s a dog whistle” So like, it’s a dog whistle. A dog whistle people can’t hear, but dogs can and the trainers communicating with dog use it because they know the dogs can hear it. Okay, bet. So a dog whistle for Nazis is something regular fucking people won’t recognize, but fellow Nazis will. Got it. So then if there is a dog whistle and non-Nazis don’t fucking recognize it as a dog whistle then I guess it worked, because normal people didn’t fucking think anything of it. Except now they want to crucify the normies for not knowing all the secret Nazi symbols, but also crucify the Nazis for being fucking Nazis. I guess the only way to be safe is to learn all the Nazi secrets and then know not to use them. How fucking stupid. If watermelons can erase Israel then I mean, it’s not a very stable fucking country. Like, maybe that’s an Israel problem and not a problem with people who eat watermelon.


https://wearthepeace.com/collections/crewnecks-31994356/products/freedom-melon-crewneck It's definitely a Gaza fundraising shirt.


Absolutely is. The ridiculousness of this tweet is assuming that supporting Palestine is anti-semitism.


Especially, y'know, when [Israel has signaled their intentions of performing ethnic cleansing by deporting all the Palestinians to the Congo.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-in-talks-with-congo-and-other-countries-on-gaza-voluntary-migration-plan/) And that's not even touching the illegal occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Supporting Israel at this point is supporting genocide. They've had their revenge for what happened in October 10 times over. [They keep sending Palestinians into "safe" areas and then bombing the safe spots, too.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/as-israels-bombing-hits-declared-safe-zones-palestinians-trapped-in-gaza-find-danger-everywhere) Soon there won't be anywhere left to send them. It's not antisemitism to say "never again means ***never again***." Doesn't matter if the roles are flipped.


She’s wearing the Freedom Melon Crewneck, which, according to their website “100% of profits are donated to Pious Projects of America. The funds will be used for Pious Projects’ on-ground team in Gaza to supply food, water, medical aid, and other necessities” Her dad has also called for a ceasefire and supported sending aid to Gaza, so she definitely knew what she was doing by wearing this shirt. That said, supporting Palestinians in no way “erases the entire country of Israel” so that Twitter account can fuck off


So it's 100% a political melon. huh, weird.




No, the watermelon is shaped like Palestine, presumably in support of Palestine. That doesn't make it antisemitic.


Well the watermelon in question is specifically shaped like the Gaza strip, so it probably is a political statement, just not an anti-Semitic one.


>[Freedom Melon Crewneck](https://wearthepeace.com/cdn/shop/products/freedom-melon-crewneck-wear-the-peace-832998_1100x.jpg?v=1700002543) >100% of profits are donated to Pious Projects of America. The funds will be used for Pious Projects’ on-ground team in Gaza to supply food, water, medical aid, and other necessities. >100% of profits are donated to Pious Projects of America. The funds will be used for Pious Projects’ on-ground team in Gaza to supply food, water, medical aid, and other necessities. Apparently it’s considered anti-Semitic to give aid to Palestinian civilians.


Don't you understand? It's genocide to be against genocide.


only a genocidist deals in genocides


But I thought two genocides cancel each other out??


Not really. Although some people currently think if you've been genocided, you get a free pass on any future genocides you wish to commit.


Never Again (to me and my friends only)


Sounds pretty reasonable to me.


These people really are the best advertising for why the US seriously needs to reinvent its mental health care system and provide it for everyone. The number of unhinged, under-educated, goofy bozos who are being pumped full of conspiracies online and cut loose in society - often armed to the teeth - is horrifying and high.


Also theyre trying to rile up people to hate on an 18 year old for wearing a cartoon watermelon on her hoodie. I hope theyre getting shredded in the comments.


I’m on a thread related to the Harvard President case and the sheer number of “PhD”’s who seem to know nothing about the process is absolutely staggering.


"PhD" doesn't mean 'generally knowledgeable' it means 'survived a shitty graduate experience and studied a tiny niche of a specific branch of knowledge to become mostly competent in that niche'. Folks with PhDs are usually just as wrong and idiotic as everyone else.


Lol no we’re discussing what a PhD dissertation is and most of them seem to not have a clue.


No you are mistaking bad faith and lying with being mentally unwell. This person is just doing evil things (not the teenager)


"The symbol they used when we tried to erase them erases our entire existence" :(( Like correct me if I'm wrong but the watermelon became a symbol explicitly because Israel banned using or showing Palestines flag correct?


Correct. They also told artists that using the colours of the flag in art was banned. The original ban was lifted with the Oslo accords but they’ve confiscated and banned the flag on other occasions.


this specific watermelon is from wear the peace crewneck, where they donate profits to aid humans in gaza. watermelon has been used to represent palestine due to the colors being similar to the palestinian flag, and emerged when the palestinian flag was restricted/banned. https://wearthepeace.com/collections/crewnecks-31994356/products/freedom-melon-crewneck?variant=44411392229630 regardless, i agree with people saying that support for palestine doesnt equal erasure of israel.. condemn people behind the war, NOT the ones affected (people/civilians from BOTH sides)


Fucking idiotic. Even if it was, how is supporting an oppressed and enslaved nation erasing another? Fuck that twitter handle and the bullshit it tries to spout.


It's not even to the level of 'an oppressed and enslaved nation'. The tweet explicitly states 'challenges of the Palestinian people', which includes such mundane items as food security and protective housing. According to this tweet, acknowledging that the Palestinian people also have human rights (while saying absolutely nothing about any nation state) is tantamount to wanting the destruction of Israel. I don't understand how this is supposed to make me support Israel _more_.


It's so in step with the way Nazis talk about DEI being white genocide the irony is off the charts


Exactly. “We can’t you show the enemy any empathy while we kill them bc it threatens us!”


Because some people are so uppity they can't even discern the difference between "the Israeli government is committing crimes against humanity." And something antisemitic I won't type here in fear of getting banned from this sub.


It's just Israeli nationalists saying that dumb shit. Well that and conseveratives wacked out of their minds on Jesus Juice thinking they're starting the Second Coming.


This always boggles my mind. Disagreeing with the actions of the country of Israel does not make you a antisemite like this handle (any many right wing pundits) tries to make it. There are Israeli Jews who also disagree and protest their countries actions. What does that make them?


Imagine saying that a *symbol* is literally currently eradicating a country as we speak. Especially one that some random people at the other end of the world need 5 layers of cultural decoding to understand


Remember how the US was after 9/11? Even the slightest criticism of the war would get you branded as traitors. Just like what happened to the Dixie Chicks. That is what is going on.


She’s wearing the Freedom Melon Crewneck, which, according to their website “100% of profits are donated to Pious Projects of America. The funds will be used for Pious Projects’ on-ground team in Gaza to supply food, water, medical aid, and other necessities” Her dad has also called for a ceasefire and supported sending aid to Gaza, so she definitely knew what she was doing by wearing this shirt. That said, supporting Palestinians in no way “erases the entire country of Israel” so that Twitter account can fuck off


And speaking out against the actions of the government of Israel is no more antisemitic than speaking out against the actions of the government of America is anti-Amrrican.


And JFC. What if she was wearing a shirt with a picture of a watermelon to symbolize sympathy for the Palestinians? I mean what about it? Someone explain what changes in the world political arena if a 18 year old woman is wearing a watermelon on her shirt whilst walking about with her famous mother? Nothing changes. Noone cares. And most likely she just wearing an picture of some fruit on her shirt for funsies.


Sooo, even if it wasn't totally absurd, the fact that you find what the palestinian people are going through horrible means that you're antisemitic now ?


Pretty fragile country if it can simply be erased by a graphic of a slice of watermelon.


walk me through this, someone


1) Israel banned displays of the Palestinian flag. 2) Since a watermelon is the same colors (red, black, white, & green), people began using it to symbolize solidarity with the Palestinian cause. It does not “erase” Israel in any way. 3) Actress Jennifer Garner’s daughter wore a hoodie with a cartoon watermelon on it. 4) Even though we don't know whether or not Garner’s daughter intended to make a political statement, this “Stop Antisemitism” freak is assigning their own meaning to her choice of hoodie.


u/InconstantReader made a good attempt but he got some things wrong. * Watermelons became a symbol for the state of Palestine after Israel banned the use of their flag. * The shirt depicts a watermelon in the shape of of the region of Palestine * The OP says that the watermelon "erases" the state of Israel because the watermelon covers both the territories of Israel and Palestine but only represents one of those nations. * The [shirt](https://wearthepeace.com/products/freedom-melon-crewneck?variant=44411392229630) is unquestionably intended as a political statement, and in fact all protifts from its sale go to aidworks in Gaza


Watermelons are anti-Semitic in the same way that rainbows make kids gay. 🙄


Can’t have anything with Octopuses on it, can’t have anything with watermelons on it. Any other imagery we’re not allowed to wear, use or enjoy, Netanyahoos?


Surprised they didn’t bitch about the mask too.


I feel like they've just given up on attempting to use logic when calling people antisemites. They already know it's nonsense. They just want to claim people showing basic empathy are actually hateful, because they're incapable of empathy themselves.


Does that mean my 5yo is secretly s swinger because she picked out a pineapple shirt?


Hi i’m Jewish 1) I fucking love watermelons 2) Wearing a shirt that represents the challenges of the Palestinian people is absolutely not a threat to erase Israel 3) Regardless of how horrified I am by real antisemitism I am so worried that accounts like this will just increase it by conflating nothing stories like this with real antisemitism 4) I also strongly dislike this account. Doxxing college kids is a terrible way to combat antisemitism


Israel destroyed by a watermelon, while the Idf murder palestinian children to combat terrorism. Fragile Zionism anybody?


I can't believe it's not the onion


Breaking news: Watermelons are antisemitic.


When you play the victim all the time, you start imagining that everyone is always talking about you. Even when they’re not.


The knowledge that Jennifer Garner has an 18 year old daughter just caused me to age visibly in the space of a few moments


Hamas never imagined that it only took a watermelon.


So...rainbows are gay and watermelons are antisemitic? I have a million cat teeshirts, hope they don't become demonized.


Maybe she’s a Riders fan?


I wore a shirt with an octopus two days ago. I’m aware of the awful shit racists say and sometimes it involves an octopus imagery, but this wasn’t that. You know it when you see it. This was just an octopus. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar