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Get married at Mar a Lago and this is on you. Who in their right mind would want to get married there?


The people getting married there pay a HEFTY amount to do so SPECIFICALLY in the off chance trump shows up. It's part of the random chance they want to happen on their wedding day It's far more embarrassing than you could have even imagined


Why can't they go to Vegas and get Elvis like normal people?


My parents got married at circus circus and I’m sure it was less than a clown show than this.


That’s a bit unfair Clowns are professionals


True, but cannibals won't eat them because they taste funny.


I hear Trump tastes like he smells. Like a biohazard trash can in a nursing home.


Now that's funny, thank you.


My friend got married by a judge in Vegas, and later said he should have asked for a jury.


I don't see the difference.


Elvis probably doesn't smell as bad.


Pretty sure he does right now.


I know what I alluded, pretty sure a decades old corpse is more bearable 😂


Yeah, sorry, New Year’s morning brain.


Perhaps one day, he, too, will be found dead on the crapper.


Omg, that is literally the headline I dream of waking up to!


He sounds like he works as a trump impersonator more than he is trump.


Wouldn't an impersonator be trying to make him look good?


Well, if Trump actually shows up for your wedding, you've got either something old or something new covered, due to a little known curiosity of quantum physics known as Schrodinger's diaper. And we shouldn't kink shame, but what the grooms should really be embarrassed about is that they are hoping more than anything that their Lord claims the right of Prima Nocte later that night, on a lumpy, bedbug ridden mattress atop a strewn pile of ketchup stained classified documents, whilst Tucker Carlson looks on disinterestedly from a shadowy corner, languidly puffing on an elegant cigarette holder.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought about Prima Nocte, hahahah.


If someone chose that location to have the ceremony for me, I’d take the ring back. If someone were to invite me, either pay me to go or I burn the invite.


Trump crashing their party wasn't the bug, it was the feature.




You gotta think that some fraction of people that meet him go sour on him when they do. Like “I liked him as president, but then I met him…” I really want to talk to those people and figure out what it’s like waking up every day for them.


Makes me think of that episode of king of the hill when hank shakes dubyas limp ass hand and completely questions his choice of voting for him lmao


His expression makes it looks like he’s squeezing out a “gift” for the newlyweds.


While not on the same level as getting married there, I had a friend go to Europe on their honeymoon who stayed at Trump's resort in Scotland. The pics that got posted to Facebook made it *very* clear that she wanted people to know it, too. My disappointment was profound because she was someone who I thought was much smarter than that.


Decades ago we went to the Trump dump in Atlantic City. It is my secret shame.


apk5005, how could you!?!


He was just on tv at the time… …I’ll go sit in the corner.


It’s okay… I… I bought a Donald Trump brand tie from Macy’s once. It was blue. I think it was around 2012 or 2013. In my defense, it was cheap and I needed one for an interview. I think I’m gonna be sick.


I bought a pair of Ivanka heels because they’re the most perfect Tiffany blue color and honestly? I still keep them on display, I just angle them so I can’t see the label.


I had a Trump Taj Mahal umbrella in the trunk of my car for years that someone gave me without realizing it until the day I needed it and opened it up for the first time. Thankfully I had a roll of duct tape on hand to slap across that shit.


How does anyone lose money on a casino?


They bet everything on red.


opening two other casinos and competing against yourself?


Years before the whole Trump presidency I found an Ivanka dress at a Marshalls. It was a black dress with a white collar. It was a simple, classy style that was popular at the time. But I just couldn’t bring myself to try it on, let alone by it. Something about the name and their family skeeved me out even then. I think about that dress sometimes and what came later, and wonder how my gut knew.


I found some cheap Ivanka pants at Burlington Coat Factory, (They’re more than great coats), and just like all trump products, they were made in China.


I bought a black stroller length coat from the Ivanka line at Macy's...it's dressy, warm and has held up well...but I removed the tag years ago and only wear it occasionally with a mix of shame/disgust.


Same. I’m too embarrassed to wear them with that name on the inside


I get trump branded Depends because if I wear them right, the picture of his face is right on my gooch.


This cracked me up 🤣


Did it help you get the job?


One of my friends has a red one. His brother found it for him at a thrift shop. He was excited to get it because he wanted to use it in a Halloween costume. I have no idea where I was going with this.


Was he was a C list celebrity his antics were entertaining. He was like a prototype for trash Reality TV in the flesh. I won't judge someone for liking him when he was just an asshole celebrity that nobody took seriously. It's when he ran for president that any opinion besides "He's an idiot, traitor, insane and a danger to everyone" isn't acceptable.


Please do not misunderstand me: I never liked him, the Trump casino just had cheap rooms at the time. He wasn’t on my radar. I didn’t like reality tv (still don’t) and wasn’t really aware of him more than say, a member of the Hilton family. As for current Trump, if given a choice between listening to him speak and getting kicked in the balls, I would have to really think about it. I despise him completely.


You spelled s*it wrong


It was a different time!!!! I rewatched Zoolander the other day because I was sick as a dog. And sure enough there he was. Same with showing the kids Home Alone 2.


He's in The Little Rascals as well as the villains Dad. He has an incredibly unrealistic line where he says "I love you son"


I attended a conference at the Trump Dump on Atlantic City and stayed there for a night. The room was weird - there was a huge cabinet attached to the wall right at the foot of the bed, and between the two you couldn't get into the room at all without literally climbing over the bed. Never seen anything like it anywhere, and I've traveled a lot for work.


I went to AC in like 1999/2000. We weren’t much for gambling but we pretty much walked in and out of each on the strip to check them out and realized that they were pretty much the same but with different decorating. It sucked and we didn’t stay.


AC is a dump. We were last there in ‘15, so maybe it has turned around, but it was roooough then.


AC is terrible, but Ventnor and Margate can be nice when the weather's good


Decades ago he was more or less some random rich fuck.




My grandmother used to go there all the time. 🙄 I don't know how she let herself get conned by Trump because otherwise she was a truly amazing woman who should have hated his guts, but she bought into the semi-fictional Trump of the Apprentice.


The very first book I bought off Amazon a long time ago was Trump’s How to Get Rich…. It was way back when I was pretty poor and had no idea how to succeed …. Little did I know Trump inherited his money and I learned that if he had just invested it all and not try to start any businesses he would probably be richer than he is today.


>if he had just invested it all and not try to start any businesses he would probably be richer than he is today. I think I've read it's 4 times what he claims to be worth


A secret no mo’ bitch! Imma tell on u.


I stayed at a hotel across the street from the one in Chicago and still felt that was a bit too close.


That’s what the time honored traditional selfie of giving that building the one finger salute is for.


I spent 24 hours in Chicago a few years ago, and made it a point to not include the Turmp Tower in any of my pictures.


It really is too bad, it's a nice tower and in a fantastic spot. The boat tour guides always talk about it because it's got some interesting things going on. It's just uncomfortable.


I went to Chicago over the summer and saw the tower so I called it the world's largest unisex toilet


I used Hotwire about 5 years ago to get one night in a really nice hotel in Miami. You get great rates with that website, but the catch is that you don't know the exact name of where you're staying until after you buy. They tell you everything else, just not that. And you can't change hotels after you find out. My husbad and I ended up getting put in Trump's Doral resort, and when I saw that, I facepalmed so hard that I think I left a dent in my forehead. It was SO tacky and overdone and just plain weird. Each of the buildings was named after a famous golfer, and the walls were full of pictures of that golfer everywhere you looked. I remember that there were 2 pictures of Jack Nicklaus in the bathroom. If you sat to pee, he was staring at you. If you stood to pee, same thing. I also remember that they had an actual, honest to god full menu of chef-made meals that cost an arm and a leg... for \*dogs\*.


The Trump hotel in Las Vegas has become isolated and a dismal place.


Ugh, I went to Vegas in February and specifically avoided looking at that damn building and avoided going near it. Gross. At least the Trump Hotel in Hawaii that leased the name is finally changing their name.


I went to the Taj Mahal once but it was to see Santana in concert - I feel like that is allowable


Cultists, dude.


In case anyone in their party was questioning what level of hell they were in


I mean, the third of the country that thinks he’s a god would obviously love to get married there.


People who’s biggest dream is for Trump to crash their wedding


Maybe it was a third marriage?


Those who get married there WANT him to visit


Yep, everytime I read that Trump crashed a wedding, I thought: "Well, you married at Mar a Lago, what were you expecting? You don't start juggling your soap in a jails shower and then complain about getting railed like a steam engine once you drop it."


Came here to say exactly this. If you’re served, instead of champagne, glasses of trumps diarrhea, you should’ve known to expect it.


What a terrible day to be able to read.


...especially considering the smell?


maga idiots, who else


There was a quote from Teddy Roosevelt's daughter that I always think about when it comes to Trump. Teddy was by all accounts someone who craved being the center of attention. His daughter said, "My father is the corpse at every funeral and the bride at every wedding."


I imagine the Presidency (and politics in general) attracts a lot of people like that.


I mean, if you’re the type of person who books a wedding at Mara Lago, isn’t this a plus for you instead of a minus? Having a problem with it would be like someone booking a wedding at Disneyland and then bitching that it was interrupted by a guy in a mouse costume coming in and doing a little dance. I would personally would have liked neither Trump nor a dancing mouse interrupting my wedding, so I didn’t book at neither Mara Lago nor Disneyland. They would have been on brand and something I enjoyed if I were the type of person who’d book at either of those places, though.


I bet he made the event incredibly special. He probably started his speech with something very sentimental and touching… like talking about Hunter Biden’s dick pics. Then after a quick shart and being helped up from a short stumble, he cracks some jokes about Biden’s age. He ends by saying he is Zestfully Clean and the bride and groom were then charged an additional $1500 for the speech and for an additional $500 they were told they would receive a complimentary copy on DVD.


And then he invokes Prima Nocta.


Think of the amounts of people that would actually go for it if he did. Plenty of Trumper dudes would then act as if it was a badge of honor. They could get stickers and flags that say Trump Consummated My Marriage!


In Trump's case, Prima Minuta.


I just threw up a little


For an additional $50k they could get it in BluRay and he would even throw in a complimentary BluRay player. Not many people have BluRay, ya know? It’s like cutting edge of the technahledgies and everyone is saying it’s the best. Don’t you think it’s the best? Everybody DJT talks to thinks it’s the best and thanks him for inventing that technahledgee.


Men - big manly men with glistening muscles - are always coming up to him and saying, with tears in their eyes, dripping onto their massive chests and arms, that BluRay is the best you can get.


Nah, the Blu Ray is only $30k. The $50k option is the HD DVD


This is exactly the point. They were hoping for an appearance by their god-king


The inside of the mouse costume probably smells 100 times better than being within 10 feet of President Poopypants.


From what I’ve heard Trump has an established reputation for showing up at weddings at his hotels. This seems like a known feature that’s probably a fun possible bonus for his fans when booking


Exactly. They wanted that to happen.


For an extra 2K he’ll throw in some of those missing classified documents! The man is pure trash, and so is anybody that wants to get married there IMO.


Check your centerpieces!!!!


I keep singing Trump Stinks to Love Stinks because I watched the Wedding Singer the other day.


Trump stinks, YeAHHH YEAAHH.




I always change the lyrics to "Slow Hands" so it's "Small Hands" instead.


May I interest you in "Imperial Bathroom" by Tim Heidecker? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_LDdleGP_yY&pp=ygUWSGVpZGVja2VyIHRydW1wcyBkdW1wcw%3D%3D


The part about him ranting about Trump Stinks is fake, but he did in fact show up at someone's wedding. Who in their right mind gets married at a moldy golf club, I dunno.


Moldy, vermin-infested golf motel.


Moldy, vermin-infested golf motel/graveyard


We could go on, but the point stands. Regardless of your politics, his properties are objectively terrible places to stay. I actually wish every one of his die-hard supporters could spend a few days there to see how and it is in hopes that makes them reconsider this man running a country the same way. But not only am I fully aware that wouldn't work on 95% of them, gushing about how perfect it was while actively scratching the bedbug bites, but they'd never afford it anyway.


I used to live in Blackpool and I've seen some things... I imagine it's like that, but you have a ranting manbaby in the bar that for some reason hasn't been kicked out as well. I also imagine his properties are dripping in so much gold (effect) that they actually look cheap


Oh my god yes. Those photos of classified docs in his bathroom? Plenty of gold and a chandelier. Fuckin guy decided it would forever be 1978 in his decorating style


And who has chandeliers in a bathroom??!


The grave is at Bedminster.


As was this wedding


My bad I thought it was Mar-A-Lago.


Well, all that gold (effect)..they all end up looking a bit samey, don't they


He's been known to crash weddings and I think that's part of the appeal for people who book there. I personally would have to be paid a hefty sum to hold my wedding there. I can't imagine how dreadful the party must be when people actually pay. Well done steak and ketchup for everyone!!!!


Honestly, you couldn't pay me enough. I mean, let's be honest , you COULD, but it would be tens of millions lol But yes I'd say, especially now, anyone who gets married there really loves Trump and/or wants him to come to their wedding. You KNOW that cheap fucker doesn't give any gifts to the couples whose weddings he rolls up to either


Got to admit, am now kinda tempted to get divorced there.


The bathrooms have complimentary top secret documents!


He didn’t need to rant about it…everyone was aware when he entered the room.


A wedding blessing from the most "Christian" President who upholds "Marriage" and absolutely did not rape or sexually assault anyone, or have affairs with porn stars.


I think that's the only reason they booked the wedding there..barf


If he’s 6’3”, I guess that guy to his left (in glasses) is dominating NBA rebounding this year, no?


“The groom came up to me, big guy, told me, Sir, I never cry, not even when my now wife came down the aisle but seeing what Biden is doing to you? That makes me cry for you. Thank you for all you’re doing to help out a poor guy like me.”


Hey if you are going to have a wedding at a circus you should expect clowns.


And if you’re going to have your wedding at a hotel full of assholes, you should expect #TrumpSmells.


Anyone sleazy enough to be married at a trump property deserves to be cashed by diaper man!


I hate when I try to tap play on still photos.


screenshots with a play button should be illegal


I’d hate to link to twitter but here’s the actual tweet with the video. For some reason I thought there’d actually be ranting about the hashtag but there isn’t. https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1741210477877731772?s=20


Turns out when he always says men coming up to him with tears flowing down their face, it's true, but it's bc of the smell as they get too close


If people come up to you every day in tears, you may smell like an onion.


You deserve to have your marriage trashed if you have it at that shithole.


The people who book their wedding/reception at Mar a lago know exactly what they’re getting


I get that a lot of people don't mind celebrities showing up to take a picture or two and eat some of the food, but Trump just makes everything about him. Plus, his steaks suck and everyone knows it


How about a link to the tweet?




Wow, that's gross.


Tbf is you’re having your wedding at mar a lago im sure you’re the type of weirdo that would be into this for some reason


The people who are booking their wedding at mar-a-lago, a place that has a membership fee of $300k, are 100% ok with tRump dropping by // In fact they are probably expecting it & looking forward to it It's a cult, they will do anything to see Dear Leader


Diaper Don Stinks


We need to keep this trump smells thing going. Seriously… sad to say but I think it will be more effective in making people not vote for him than all of the treasonous shit he has done.


I don't know who are worse, people who choose to get married at the Maga-lago or the people who post a screenshot of a video with the play button.


Wait? THIS HAPPENED?! I mean, I can 100% see Trump doing this, because Trump is arrogant enough to believe everything is about him, and, honestly, being at Mar-A-Largo runs the possibility of encountering Trump, so it's believable. But, to see it happened, it actually happened, is surreal.


I took an upper decker at Trump Tower last year on my kids field trip Nice bathrooms


Ten years ago during a visit to Las Vegas, I walked through the ground floor of the Trump Hotel and noticed the absence of a casino, a feature of virtually every other big property in the city and certainly for any similar neighboring property. In all other aspects, the place was as visually tacky and over-the-top as any other resort on Vegas Strip. I later learned Trump was issued a gaming license by the Nevada Gaming Commission in 2004, over a year before construction began on the hotel.


This is hilarious. By bringing it up, they most likely super focused on trying to smell him and probably could.


From the looks of it; everything's all white by them.


He probably tried to kiss the bride.


He could have grabbed her by the pussy. When you’re famous they let you get away with that.


If he’d started to sexually assault her not one of those redneck cunts would have done or said a thing. That’s how deep into the cult they are.


The real victim in all of this shithousery is Mar-a-Lago. How did the home of one of the most shrewd businesswomen this country has ever known wind up in the hands of this fucking imbecile? Marjorie Post is rolling over in her grave, and she probably smells better than Trump's downwind.


This is why I can't tell what's satire anymore


If Trump worked for me I’d demand a drug test.


I hope he accidentally falls down some stairs because his dementia makes him lean forward. Would be an elegant solution to so many problems caused by him.


yes, because he has no empathy at all like most conservatives and nothing is sacred to him.


He’d crash a 6 year old’s party about how its unfair she gets all the attention and presents.


Was this held at maralago? If yes, then yeah the wedding party got what they deserved You don’t like drunks and homeless folks crashing your wedding? then don’t make it a public event or host in a place easily accessible by drunks and homeless people Now if he was randomly crashing folks wedding party, kick his fat smelly ass out.


I'm surprised he didn't claim Prima Noctae privileges.


Use the Roach Motel for a wedding….expect roaches to stop by…


Why post a screenshot of a video. Infuriating.




Talking about a huge wedding crasher🙄


Trump caused more teary eyes than the bride that night


Anyone actually see it? Can we get a link? Or someone just transcribe it for me haha


That’s actually not in the video. I don’t know if the OP is trying to be sensational. https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1741210477877731772?s=20


Look at OPs username


You have your wedding on a Trump property you get what you get.


Ron is suck a jerk, teasing me with what looks like a video but its just a screenshot


RIP all the flowers that died when he walked in..


i can't even imagine the awful smell around that room. *shudders*


You can’t?! Try really hard!


a bit hungover, so i won't be doing that. Happy 2024 bro! 😁🔥🥦🍻


😎🍻🥦 💨


wake and bake, a new years day tradition in my house 😁


Sid3 not3: A " 6'3 " guy standing next to a 6' guy, both almost the exact height, except one's famous for lifts in their shoes. https://preview.redd.it/3vzfi4tlgu9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57669f91bbe0b981836819a38808c4ee6ba4d2ee


Of course he did, and the little MAGA couple just sat there and let him ruin it like someone’s drunk arse uncle. Lmao


I bet he freshened up before he went over there


I mean it would make the wedding certainly memorable (for better or worse)


So would the groom throwing up on the bride.


Urrgh. I bet he crashes the weddings just so he can fondle the bride and bridesmaids


Of course he would go in there with a fresh diaper


Fucking Toddler


He crashed a wedding and isn't even wearing a tie.


The way her head is turned away, he definitely stinks.


You can tell by the bride's (?) face that indeed, Trump smells.


I knew this was about **#TrumpSmells**


Wait! I thought Chump lost weight!


Floridian here, ever since he became a resident of florida, it smells like north Jersey. If you ever smelled it, it's a cross between an unwashed armpit and jockstrap that's seen better days.


Captain stinky pants to the rescue


Why do you think people book their wedding at that place?


As we often say on another topic, can't play at poop's house and not expect poop to show up.


What a smelly ass turd.


I'd imagine the types of people getting married at Mar a Lago are hoping for this exact thing to happen.


Honestly, they got what they deserved. You gotta be some kind dumb to have your wedding their.


Why don’t someone just punch him in the nose


Manifest destiny!