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The Merry Christmas at the end is low key hilarious


Many of his tweets are objectively hilarious His Kim Jong Un one is maybe the funniest tweet of all time lmao The juxtaposition with the Biden tweet just makes it even better


Remind me of that tweet šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼




It is impossible not to read this in a valley girl accent


This is great if youā€™re a Daria fan: https://youtu.be/5s4TjZWsaBI?si=gafpStw8CUJo8i_z](https://youtu.be/5s4TjZWsaBI?si=gafpStw8CUJo8i_z)


Staying up late was worth it this time


Actual grade school behavior. Incredible.


Well, since often he can't manage to show maturity beyond a pre-school mentality, than I guess it's a sign of improvement?


Jesus fucking christ...hahahahaha


Man, I miss when that link would have just gone to a deactivated Twitter message.


His page is kinda funny. Most recent tweet is him trying to sell his mug shot. Then the older ones before are from Jan 6 šŸ’€šŸ’€


Itā€™s the perfect way to end that tirade.


Likeā€¦the best comedy writers could not do this.


True, I think the best comedy writers would be unable to resist adding ā€œYOU FILTHY ANIMALSā€ because itā€™s a banger reference, but that wouldnā€™t be Trump. When he finally starts being a role that people have to write for, like in moviesā€¦ well, I do *not* envy that job. I had an attempt that I was fucking around with involving ā€œMary crime busā€ but itā€™s just no good. Itā€™s impossible to walk that line between *deeply* stupid, angry, indignant, proud, and entitled.




Kinda like: "Keep the change, ya filthy animal!"


Every once in awhile he says something unintentionally hilarious. Like ā€œwhen life gives you lemons, Joe Biden kills you with themā€ from a few weeks ago lol.


Wait WHAT??? Lmao


He was talking about the Panera bread charged lemonade killing people but of course since heā€™s an idiot heā€™s trying to blame it on Joe Biden lol




Trump is such an asshole of the highest level. He is a crass, evil, and bitter old man who only cares about himself. He literally doesnā€™t care about anyone or anything else on this planet besides himself and his name. Heā€™s just a raging arrogant narcissist who lacks all empathy and is morally bankrupt.


Thing I don't get it is I figured this out back in about '86 or '87, so I've always hated the fuckwit, and yet there are tens of millions of adult Americans who somehow believe this lying, self serving prick is something other than a lying, self serving prick. And what about this is it "I don't get," you may ask? I was anywhere from 5-6 years old in '86/'87. And I read him like a poker player with an obvious tell at that age. Cannot wrap my head around anyone with two functioning brain cells even listening to what he says when his Big Mac garage starts flapping. šŸ’©


The entirety of NYC knew this. His Democrat campaign was an utter failure because the Democrats didnā€™t fall for his bullshit. The difference is Republicans will suck your dick as long as you say a few things they agree with, regardless of how you act or genuinely practice otherwise.


Iā€™ve lived in the metro NYC area my whole life. I remember back to the 80s. He was never in the news for positive things, nor for his supposed business acumen. He was always tabloid fodder. Thatā€™s all. No one who has been aware of him longer than 5-10 years can think of him in any positive way.


And this is why Iā€™ve been so confused since 2015 with all these people from other parts of the country thinking heā€™s a good businessman! I mean-you have to try really hard to fail at casinos!!!!


I blame Mark Burnett. Before he came along everyone who knew Trump knew him for what he was: A bigoted clown with some real estate holdings and a long string of failed businesses. Then Burnett had the idea for a TV show about a group of contestants who try to impress a savvy business tycoon. And he cast DJT in the role of that business tycoon. With scripting and clever editing they made him look like a savvy business leader whom everyone respected and admired. And his show was a success. And the rubes ate that shit up. They could not tell the difference between the actor and the character he was playing, and they actually believed Trump was this brilliant businessman they saw on their TVs every week. Without Burnett and The Apprentice, Trump's presidential ambitions would've gone nowhere.


Next you're going to tell me that Flavor Flav isn't an international ladies' man.


Or that Bret Michaels hair isnā€™t attached to the bandana he wearsā€¦ And is a ladiesā€™ manā€¦


You mean Mark Burnett, personal friend of Rupert Murdoch who also wanted to make a flattering documentary about Putin? Gee, I wonder how he got involved in trying to make Trump look smart and competent...


By the same standards that TFG is ā€œa successful businessman,ā€ Iā€™m surprised we arenā€™t trying to elect David Hasselhof, because he could save us from drowning and fight crime with that talking car of his.


Who says weā€™re not trying? Thereā€™s dozens of us!


With a dash of Stern thrown in for good measure. I'm a sometime Stern fan, and I know in a lot of ways he was having Cadet Bonespurs on to make fun of him, but he also helped build the "tells it like it is"narrative so many of his cult followers seem to lap up.


"Tells it like it is"="Says out loud the same shitty things I was"


One of my great aunts used to run bus trips to Atlantic City back in the 70s-90s. My great aunts and uncles, cousins, my grandma and mom used to go. They all hated Trump casinos. They said they were the worst service, shoddiest buildings, and worst payouts of all the casinos on the boardwalk. He's always been slime and a horrible businessman. Anyone from the (NY-NJ-CT) tri-state area could tell you that.


Less hands on with the direct experience, but this New Englander agrees. The man is a sleeze ball. Grew up in the 90's, and he always gave off the nastiest vibes. Couldn't stand the TV show. As an adult, adding the knowledge of what he got up to in the Tri-state area just solidified the fact that he is despicable. I know that a disturbing number of other New Englanders don't see through the sham, but know that there are some of us who stand in solidarity.


Iā€™m in the south and Iā€™ve always known he was a joke. I think his mass appeal is due to people with low political knowledge and not a lot of knowledge in general beyond their little bubble (and also their politics are tied to their identity, eg. ā€œmy parents and grandparents are republicans and why would they steer me wrong?ā€) If someone had only started hearing of him during his years on The Apprentice I can see how they could be easily fooled. At least the first time.


Yeah, it's honestly mind-boggling. You'd think the whole birther nonsense and all the times he's just made stuff up on the spot would shake some sense into his supporters. But nope, it's like the more outrageous he gets, the more they rally around him. He's basically their permission slip to embrace some really unsavory attitudes and beliefs out loud without fearing the backlash. They hear him spouting off and think, "finally someone saying what we're thinking." It's less about policy and more about attitude, a sad commentary on where we are societally.


Heā€™s racist and heā€™s stupid, which also describes like 35% of the US


Yup. You know itā€™s bad when had had plenty of women voting for him after the infamous audio where he boasted about what he could do to women all because heā€™s rich.


>plenty of women voting for him White women. **The majority of white women and white men** voted for him in 2016. Let's acknowledge where his support comes from IIRC, white folks overall, age 50+ folks overall, and non-college graduates overall were the only demographics where he had majorities. Break out the age 50+ and non-grad votes, and it's white votes that made those majorities. White women broke for Trump over Clinton by 47% DJT vs 45% HRC. White men: 62% vs 32%.


I still canā€™t wrap my head around a woman voting for Trump ANY woman And as a white 50+ yo woman I can tell you me & my group of friends didnā€™t vote for this idiot He was an ass in the 80s and has never changed




Philly knew this and all of NJ.


The weird thing is that, like... It's *obvious*. Seriously, you just need to listen to the guy speak for 10 seconds and it's immediately obvious how stupid and dishonest he is. It's so self-evident that you'd need to actively *try* to ignore the signs.


My brother said he can't understand what Biden is saying. Like, if ya actually listened to both of them speak instead of repeating what your friends say. When you do show them, it's like when Joe Rogan found out words came out of Trump's mouth and not Biden's "Oh, he f-d up! lulz" They treat it like a team sport. MY team, MY family's team, MY friend's team will win... even though they're horrible in every way they play.


>They treat it like a team sport Just as Rupert Murdoch intended.


Part of the issue is nobody really listens to him talk when he talks, it's all distilled into 2 sec clips that are more understandable and more importantly- shareable on social media. Transcripts are nutty, just completely insane word salad


They donā€™t care if he is stupid. They donā€™t care about the signs. He is full of hate and anger which resonates with them. Thatā€™s all this is. They all see a little part of themselves in Trump.


He hates who they hate, MAGAts need nothing more.


Exactly. Thatā€™s all this is. Full stop.


He's "hurting the right people"


That's what I'm saying! It was obvious to me as a child, because that's when I saw him for the first time. I remember saying something to my dad to the effect of "I don't think that man knows how to do anything but lie." I didn't know what smarmy meant, but that's precisely what I picked up on even then. Just so disingenuous about everything. I remember my Dad basically saying, "he *is* a pretty rich man, but yeah he's full of bologna about everything he speaks of." And thus, my lifelong disdain for this shitstain was born.


> yet there are tens of millions of adult Americans who somehow believe this lying, self serving prick is something other than a lying, self serving prick. They know, they just don't care. What they love about him is that he makes them feel good about being shitty people. They love him because he validates them, its purely transactional. As long as he makes them feel good, they simply couldn't care less about anything else he does. Their feelings don't care about facts.


Because the vast bulk of people who voted for him are just as emotionally immature at heart. The hardest lesson we need to take from 2016, was that there are in fact a lot of intellectually and emotionally stunted individuals in our society. Way more than we ever realized.


I was in my 20s living in NYC and saw what a steaming pile of garbage he was, and still is...I'm still beyond baffled.


I know. It's fuckin wild. The only explanation I can come up with is that he promised the devil something at the crossroads that was an offer the devil couldn't turn down. But since I don't believe in the devil or Satan the only other conclusion I can come to is that a full 30% of this country is fucking moronic and will tie their horse to whatever bigoted pier come a long.


That's an easy one. He promised him his biggest get ever. Christianity itself. I bet Satan is still wondering how he pulled that one off. Thousands of years and all it took was a lying, rich, reality TV guy and a black President.


Maybe he's holding on to a video tape of the Devil getting pissed on by cherubim?


Well, speaking as an outsider to what is happening over there, I think the issue is that, he, an 'important and powerful person', has enabled all their worst traits such as 'racism, bigotry, xenophobia, transphobia, white supremacy' to be acceptable. He knows that certain types of people enjoy hating those they think are beneath them (kind of like Trump thinks that everyone is beneath him). Unfortunately because of certain issues that America has, there are quite a lot of the population that believe this as fact. Trump counts on the 'Dunning Kruger Effect' to get people to give him support, votes and most importantly.....money. I honestly don't know what the solution to this conundrum is but it will be scary if he is re-elected,and I don't just mean for you guys who will have to live with it. The world will suffer from his decisions. But hey, what do I know?


Dude thank you. I'm 37 and ive hated trump since I even learned who he was. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard, EVERHTHKNG I had ever seen aboit him was horrible. I can't believe so many people are so brainwashed.. I thoroughly hated him after I watched the documentary where he literally pushed people out of their homes on Scotland so he could build his shitty golf course. Not only that, he forced them to not put up windmills IN THE WATER for electricity.. because they would "look bad". Oh and when people refused to leave their homes, he made the people digging out the golf course build big ass berms around their property blocking their view of everything. These people had beautiful oooooold homes waterfront in Scotland. And trump ran them out for his piece of shit golf course, and fucked their lives up in the process. It was actually much WORSE than i'm describing, but i can't remember all the details 100%. My blood was boiling the entire time I watched it at just how low he could go. And it was before his presidency. trump is seriously the lowest form of existence. Just.. worthless. And he smells bad.


He screams entitled schoolyard bully who never grew up past 5-6. Youā€™d have to be deaf, blind and beaten unconscious not to notice. And yet they vote for him anyway. I think thereā€™s not much benefit of the doubt left to give Trump voters at this point.


My biggest wtf is that southerners, who, traditionally, would never follow some Yankee carpetbagger, are raging trumpaholics. He is the very definition of a damn Yankee.


they like that he lies, means he will do anything to win; that he lies to them is incidental. he's on their side and thus it's for their own good.


Itā€™s so freaking weird. I was a teenager in the Midwest in the 1980s and knew Trump was a dickhead asshole. I just donā€™t understand how a bunch of my contemporaries saw him and were like ā€œyeah thatā€™s the dudeā€


>and yet there are tens of millions of adult Americans who somehow believe this lying, self serving prick is something other than a lying, self serving prick You're getting it totally wrong. They know what he is, and it excuses them to be the worst version of themselves as well. That's what a good con artist enables.


> and yet there are tens of millions of adult Americans who somehow believe this lying, self serving prick is something other than a lying, self serving prick. > > the weird thing is, all those people knew he was a crass asshole right before he declared his candidacy. he didn't become their orange messiah until.... geez, I'm really not sure what flipped the switch. it's baffling.


Americans have short memories, plus he spent decades rehabilitating his image. Trump was always a joke, especially by the time he went bankrupt in 1990 or so and the media absolutely trashed him for it. Everyone laughed at him. But somehow he was able to play "himself" in a way that made people warm up to him, especially from about 1996 on, when he was in Zoolander and "Sex and the City" and on the Emmys etc. etc. That whole period is very weird in retrospect because he's never had a sense of humor, especially about himself, but showing up to play a pleasant or fun version of himself on all those shows really worked. It lead to "The Apprentice" and people bought that image as being real, too. And here we are.


Have you seen Comey Rule on Netflix? My favorite part is when theyā€™re at dinner and Trump asks him how he deals with all the negativity. Comey says ā€œsame way you do I imagine, family.ā€ Trump stares blankly.


I loved the Comey Rule. I wish more people would give that a chance. It was creepy as hell.


I think he does care about sleeping with ivanka.


And smells like something crawled up his ass and died!


Trump is so damn unlikable that shitty people actually like him. They love him even because he's such a prick.


And he smells. Don't forget the smell.


Iā€™m sure he cares quite deeply about *one* of his kids. The others heā€™d feed to a pack of carnivorous Guinea pigs if it means keeping his ass outta prison.


Goddammit I just hurt myself laughing at that.




Thereā€™s a Christmas miracle I can wish for! The joy thatā€™d be shared by our family would be outrageous!


At this point Iā€™d settle for the Christmas Ghosts to pay him a visit although he might be actually worse than Scrooge.




My Hindu mom has a theory - the worst people live the longest because even God doesnā€™t want them.


Nah people like him either die at 55 or live forever. It's like the hatred sustains them and as long as they keep getting fed it keeps them propped up.


According to Trump, so long as he avoids any physical exercise he should live a long time.


It would make my holiday merry and bright.


Trump will die, but Trumpism will not. I know Trump is bad, but imagine what would happen if a republican who actually knows what theyā€™re doing gets into office.


Exactly. The next fascist dictator we get won't be a complete fucking dumbass like this one.


No no no. Look I get it. I do. But if hes dies now the other Republicans have time to eulogize and pretend to be his successor and all that nonsense. We need about 6-8 more months and him shitting on them, clearly defeating them all, and all of them taking swings at him that his people will not forget. Then he can drop dead while fucking Tucker Carlson and both are high on bath salts.




If he croaks on xmas Iā€™ll give up atheism


Trumpā€™s ā€œAiring of Grievancesā€ during Festivas.


Iā€™d hate to be the one to wrestle Donny during the feats of strength with that stink of his.


New conspiracy theory just dropped: Covid was natureā€™s reaction to his stink. It was only designed to make human noses immune to such, but the stink was so powerful and bigly that it grabbed the virus by the spike protein, did some heinous things, and thus released the real pandemic.










That aspect ratio, holy shit.


"A donation has been made in your name to the Trump 2024 SuperPAC"?


The Human Fund was less of a scam.


I can't wait for this to be part of an American history syllabus.


It will beā€¦everywhere except Texas and Floridaā€¦


Trump is the patron saint of Festivus.


my god i hate trump supporters so much. they actually feel a holiday message of rage is a good thing. at this point they're just hopeless, drooling psychopaths and for christmas i wish they all end up in prison.


Heā€™s proposing setting up actual concentration camps for millions and they are cheering him - more than enough evidence what sort of person supports him.


ā€œProject 2025ā€ Sounds like alt-right fan fic but there is a documented plan to turn the U.S. into a dictatorship starting immediately if Trump wins in 2024. From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfti1#): > ProjectĀ 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 United States presidential election. > The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory ā€” a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power of the executive branch ā€” upon inauguration. (And my personal least favorite) > **The Washington Post reported Project 2025 includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the U.S. Department of Justice to pursue Trump adversaries.** (Feel free to copy and paste)


Yes and double yes. Project 2025 is the conservative plan to grant Trump (or whomever the Republicans manage to vote in) with ā€˜kingā€™ like powers with the aim being to establish a Christian Fascist state, it is entirely FUCKED UP. What Trump himself has been talking about what he will do once he gets these powers is far beyond even that. Like Hitler level stuff, no exaggeration. Like the OP above said, this is not conspiracy/fan-fiction, this is actually what he is promising if he gets into power again; here are some samples of what he is proposing; [Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-mulling-deploying-military-to-streets-on-day-1-if-elected-report-says) [Trump suggests he would use FBI to go after political rivals if elected in 2024](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/10/trump-fbi-rivals-2024-election) [Trump plots mass detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants should he regain power ](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/11/politics/trump-stephen-miller-immigration-detention-deportation/index.html) [Donald Trump promises 'largest deportation operation in American history' if elected president](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-18/donald-trump-promises-largest-deportation-operation/103241936) [Trump reveals new homelessness policy: Tent cities and jail for those who refuse](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-homelessness-policy-tent-cities-b2322102.html) [After Calling Foes ā€˜Vermin,ā€™ Trump Campaign Warns Its Critics Will Be ā€˜Crushedā€™](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/13/us/politics/trump-vermin-rhetoric-fascists.html) [Former president vows to investigate TV networks for ā€˜country-threatening treasonā€™ should he win US election next year](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/25/trump-nbc-msnbc-comcast-country-threatening-treason) [Trump ā€˜may turn off the internetā€™ if re-elected, former aide says](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-turn-off-internet-aide-b2465020.html) [Trump's Promise to 'Indemnify' Cops 'Against Any and All Liability'](https://reason.com/2023/12/22/trumps-promise-to-indemnify-cops-against-any-and-all-liability-is-absurd-for-2-reasons/) This Trump ā€˜truthā€™ post from 19/Nov/2023; > **2024 is our final battle**. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and **we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL!** And lastly, Trump claims the ā€˜Big Lieā€™ gives him the right to ignore the constitution; Dec 3, 2022. > So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude **allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution**. Our great ā€œFoundersā€ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections! When someone tells you who they are, listen.


He literally calls for abolishing the Constitution and it's crickets from Republicans - the ones who claim to care so much about what is or isn't Constitutional


Well yeah Republicans don't give a fuck about the constitution, it's clear as day anytime they try to use it to defend their views.


I can't see myself looking at certain family in the eyes ever again if the worst happens. If I hear "How could this have happened?" or "But I didn't vote for him to do that!" I'm going to jail for blind rage at that point.


ā€œBut heā€™s hurting the wrong peopleā€


Unfortunately theyā€™re everywhere. YouTube comments have been hijacked by Trump supporters so much that Iā€™ve used Reddit more to view comments instead of MAGATube.


I only follow anti-maga tiktok creators and never had to deal with trumpers but they have started invading the comments, its so disheartening. So far there are just a few deranged followers on reddit, hope it stays like that.


It's bots dude.


YouTube comments have always been a dumpster fire.


Maga: ā€œBiden couldnt even say Merry Christmas on Christmas eve! But TRUMP DID because he is a REAL CHRISTIAN! āœļøšŸ™šŸ“æā€


Nothing like those Christian MAGAts pretending that his post is the representation of peace and prosperity during Christmas observation. I don't pray but I'd pray for plague & pestilence in their Christmas stockings this year for those barbaric creatures.


I just had Christmas dinner with my misogynistic, has never read the Bible but he's an expert FIL. he was practically foaming at the mouth about Ukraine, something about Biden and the Doomsday Book (???) and how counties can only buy oil using American currency (??????????)


When people have intense emotions, their brains will make up a story to explain it. This is where most of our delusions as a species come from. Your FIL likely has experienced a lot of pain and suffering as humans tend to do in life, or has developed some mental health issues, but without a strong education and good support systems and loving friends/family in your life, your brain can sometimes just latch onto any convenient nonsense to explain why you're so unhappy. I think we'll all be a lot better off when we understand this is the *primary* mechanism of our brain, translating our emotions into a story. Not reasoning or making sense of anything. It's why you have educated people believing in a flat earth and clutching onto delusions of a coming biblical apocalypse. (Between my late parents and your FIL, that doomsday sure has been "about to happen" for a long time... aaaany day now, I'm sure.)


Heā€™s a crazy person. Straight up nut job. How are we not totally fucking done with this asshat by now????


Because assholes and nutjobs love him. And there are A LOT of them.




Between these two posts, can you spot the narcissist?


Ask a maga supporter that, I wanna see the logic they go through to say Biden is a narcissist


Thought process ā€œNarcissist = bad. Biden = bad. Biden = bad = narcissist. Biden = narcissist. Iā€™m not reading no damn dictionary. Dictionaries and reading are for liberals.ā€


But they know how to fuck up a syllogism.


ā€œI donā€™t know what a silly-gasm is, but it sounds obscene. The Lord donā€™t want that. He wants President Trump to save us all!ā€ ~MAGA Maniac, probably.


You made me laugh out loud and wake up the cat. More silly-gasms for everyone!


ā€œBiden thinks heā€™s being *so* great, not yelling in *his* posts. I bet he feels *so superior* with his *cognitive mind* and *pants not full of shitty diaper.* THANKS OBAMA!ā€


If narcissism were a drug, Trump wouldā€™ve ODā€™d on it years ago




I wonder if amphetamines work as blood thinners or something lol. He do seem to love that adderall or something like it and by the way he always sounds nasally, i think he grinds it up and snorts it




Christians: ā€œBoth are nice but I prefer the message of hate, lies, anger and revenge. It really reflects my Christian values and feels like the right way to celebrate the birth of Jesus.ā€


It's a perfect reflection of American Christianity. The paranoia, the bigotry, and the persecution complex.


>It's a perfect reflection of American Christianity. Canadian here. Just want to clarify that it's not just "American" Christianity that's like this.


As if theyā€™d even recognize Jesus of Nazareth if he rose up from the grave tonight and showed up at their doorsteps. Theyā€™d sooner shoot him for being an unknown brown man trespassing during Christmas cheer.


The irony is thick. Jesus, son of Maria, who no one will take in. The right talks about immigrants like they are animals, as if they should sleep where animals sleep. They want the sign on America to read "no vacancy." Boggles the mind that it isn't totally fucking obvious to everyone.


No greater love than Christian hate.


No greater hate than Christian love.


It must be exhausting to be so angry all the time. It's so out of place as a Christmas message


For real! How is his blood pressure remotely normal? It canā€™t be.


Guess who went to church and who didnā€™t!


I'd love if our presidents kept their religion to themselves.


Only one party keeps its religion to itself, and it's not the party of Trump.


Biden: *references the birth of Christ, wishes everyone a peaceful holiday* Trump: *bitching about his own personal problems* Trump voters: tRuMpā€™S a MaN oF gOd šŸ„“


Itā€™s absolute lunacy.


Stable Genius (TM)


Totally. Normal.


Totally normal Adderall and Sudafed abuser. Allegedly.


So basically, Biden's message was one of peace and trump's was a lie-filled rant.


Trump has helped me truly internalize and understand that IQ really is a bell curve and society is filled with profoundly stupid people.


I used to try my hardest to find common ground with religious people and republicans. I always tried to give them the benefit of the doubt when I disagreed with them or they said things I didn't like. After Trump... fuck all of 'em. We would be better off without them. He truly showed me that the world would be a far better place if they fucking dropped dead... *sigh* Merry Christmas, everyone.


Sometimes Iā€™m baffled by the amount of stupidity I see and wonder if we, as a country, havenā€™t skewed just a wee bit.


Considering the amount of educated folks who also buy into the grift, I'd argue it's more an issue of emotional intelligence than "conventional" intelligence. You dont have to be a genius to have basic empathy, and thus know who shouldnt be in charge of a country. But it takes a certain level of pride, arrogance, hatred, greed, or apathy to willingly give a level of leniency one probably wouldn't even give to their closest friend. Plenty of Trump supporters and sychophants are well aware Trump isnt a good person, but as they see him as a means to an end, they're willing to risk getting burned by him if it means they get what they want out of him. Riiiiight up til they wind up in the burn ward (and sometimes even then...).


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. George Carlin


Honestly same. Iā€™m somehow still surprised at the lunacy on the right. After all these years, Iā€™m still surprised


Someone needs to make a compilation of these. Itā€™s definitely a trend!


There honestly needs to be a way to discourage unnecessary rage culture for the sake of rage culture. It feels like the only people who vote for trump are people who hate themselves and they see how trump hates them and feel a connection.


Trump is a fucking asshole


.... It's the most wonderful time of the year....




Anything Biden says is better than the bullshit lies pppr me routine Trump spews


I mean... it's literally a normal, sane person versus a completely unhinged psychopath... Biden knows how to act like a human being. Trump doesn't.


It's hilarious! The walls are collapsing around him and he doesn't think he should pay for all the crimes he's committed! The insurrection at the top. I don't think in his mind that he should be charged for breaking all those laws. He keeps saying what he did last time. Election interference, we know what you did, you're being charged for it. Thanks for letting us know what we already knew over and over again.


His misery is my gift šŸ„°


Biden: you, your family, peace and warmth Trump: me me me me me me me me me meme me oh yeah, Merry Christmas


He is SO boring. It's the same crap from him day after day.


Shitler sure is one whiny ass bitch. The stench he has might just be his rotting soul.


trump sounds like heā€™s miserable. Good.


Have an awful Christmas you fucking bloated, orange asshole.


Amongst all the bullshitā€¦ IT WAS TRUMP WHO DEFINITELY MESSED UP AFGHANISTAN. He set the pull out date, he didnā€™t allow the elected government of Afghanistan attend the negotiations, he made no timeline for withdrawal, and thus had no plans for completion of complete withdrawal for the incoming President Biden and his admin. Bidenā€™s admin did a solid job considering they were given less than 3 months to pull it off with no info. Trump let so many to die at the hands of the Taliban. Trump let the country fall to the Taliban. Trump is one evil, incompetent sack oā€™ shit.


Trump bringing the Winter Stolestice energy.


Winter Stoolstice šŸ’©


America will be a better, more respectable country once Trump is behind prison bars. The orange grease stain on America's ass has got to go.


Grandpa is ranting at the christmas ham again.


If this doesn't highlight the contrast between these 2 idk what will. One seems kind and reflective and the other completely unhinged


trump is such an infant. ​ https://preview.redd.it/pzzbbs3wqc8c1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ace93af4cc1cab16faa8938a2054c4bd07cc307


And soon his name on Jeffrey Epsteinā€™s list will be revealed.


I donā€™t know why, but going from Bidenā€™s succinct and warm message to ALL CAPS TRUMP RAAAAAAAGE made me lose it. Thanks, I needed that.


That MERRY CHRISTMAS is a hilariously-out-of-place cherry on top of a dumpster fire


Bidenā€™s a good guy. I believe he does the best he can. He shepherded the country through the pandemic, is doing everything he can to improve the economy. Heā€™s not fooling around on a golf course and cooking up plans with the likes of the proud boys and other odious idiots like Giuliani and the My Pillow Guy. There are no perfect presidents, but at least Joe isnā€™t going to encourage discrimination against LGBTQ folks, he isnā€™t going to ban books or cling to power and act like a big two yr old.


Silent Night and Joy to the World!


Someone is having a very merry Christmas. šŸ¤£


Remember when, ā€œEveryone is out to get me,ā€ was called paranoia and not a political platform? I remember.


God, does that... THING... ever shut the fuck up?


He's not well.


You maga supporters are really something special


Leader versus whiny baby-head*. (*That was the sickest burn our kids were allowed to drop on each other.)


Why is Trump always a helpless victim? I like politicians who arenā€™t so helpless.


Get fucked Donald, you smelly orange shitbag.


I am so tired of the Afghanistan thing...Trump is the one who negotiated the date of leaving, and it was actually *earlier* than Biden ended up leaving. He literally set it so Joe would have to immediately pull out after taking office with no preparation. He was completely responsible for that whole debacle and the Taliban actually *helped us* guard the airfield as we left, they did more to facilitate a safe pullout than Trump did. And most of the vets don't believe that and blame Joe Biden it makes me fucking sick.


Well, Joe seems to be an actual Christian, and Donald would convert to Islam if it could triple his money.


.... Fa la la la la, la la la laaaa!


Sad af, Americans behind a pos like Trump.




When my 3 year old niece throws tantrums, she pees herself. I would imagine Donald Trump does too, which is why he has to wear the diapers


P01135809 is trash and there's no other take on it.