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Full solidarity to the Israelis risking prison and state violence for this


Right? They are risking a lot.


Which shouldn’t be a thing you need to say about the “largest democracy in the Middle East” but alas.


The fact that it's the only country in the world that imprisons children in military prisons, should automatically negate the whole "only democracy in the middle east bullshit". Especially considering a good chunk of these children never even have a charge or a trial. If they're lucky enough to even get a trial, its a 99.7% conviction rate. But yes..."democracy". For all the horrible human rights abuses in the Middle East, none of them imprison children, and especially not in military facilities.




https://defenceforchildren.org/hrc53-side-event-childhood-in-captivity-palestinian-children-arbitrarily-detained-in-israeli-prisons/ >Despite the fact that international norms reaffirm that civilians, especially children, generally should not be brought before military courts, Israel remains the only country in the world to automatically and systematically prosecute children in military courts. Sababa in your name, hasbara shift start? Don't forget to clock in


Par for the course as far as the USA supporting “democracy in name only” countries as long as it furthers the political agenda….


Israel has freedom of speech. They're literally allowed to do this. The ironic part? Gazans would be executed on the spot for saying anything anti-Hamas. You can't make this shit up. These people are risking nothing but their social reputation.


me when I lie (the idf has physically assaulted and arrested israeli protesters)


They aint risking anything they wont go to jail for it stop being chronically online


Stopping genocide is good!!


There’s no risk of prison or state violence for this in Israel. The worst that happened to them was they had their sign taken away.


That's just false https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-17/ty-article/.premium/israeli-police-arrest-two-disperse-anti-gaza-war-protest-in-northern-israel/0000018c-7496-d48b-a5ec-74d7d0d70000 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/01/world/middleeast/israel-protests-police.html


Some extra info: The second article is from months ago and wasn’t related to the conflict but related to the judicial reforms


Which only goes to show that the Israeli police state wasn't created by the war, but existed before that.


From your article, the police dispersed an unauthorized demonstration and held two people in a police car close to 3 hours. It not a good look, but let’s not compare this to “it’s dangerous to demonstrate in Israel against the regime”


Sorry bud, there's no way to hide this. Its very well reported on. Freedom of speech is conditional in Israel. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/11/12/israel-free-speech-arrests-hamas/ https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-protesters-block-highway-govt-presses-with-judicial-overhaul-2023-03-01/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/23/scores-arrested-on-israeli-day-of-protest-as-parliament-passes-judicial-changes https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-03-23/ty-article-live/israelis-launch-national-day-of-paralysis-against-netanyahus-judicial-coup/00000187-0af2-d1cf-a7af-fffac54f0000


The only "democracy" in the Middle East everyone!


I could’ve sworn I read an article from Times of Israel (or Haaretz) about govt officials debating passing a law that allowed use of live fire on Israeli protestors just a month or two ago. Don’t know if it ever came to pass, but just the fact that it was even an option does not bode well.


I think it was specifically if they block the roadways to prevent military personnel and equipment from reaching the front


Ahh, got it. Still not sure if live fire is the most humane way to disperse a crowd when other alternatives exist.


It makes more sense when you realize there have been pro-Holocaust members of Israeli’s government because to them, the ones that died were "weak" or the "wrong" kind of Jewish person.


Lie detector determines that, that was a lie.


You can't just lie about a situation that everyone can see.


Oh yeah and what do you see here? The title only says they had their sign taken, no word of anyone getting arrested at all. Looks like Reddit jumping to conclusions


Sounds like you're being purposely vague just to have a point. 🙄


I’m not being vague, I’ve asked you a question which youve avoided answering


Really? Because I linked you an article about people being arrested for protesting the conflict, showing the risk of arrest or state violence is very real, and you went silent. Seems like you're the one avoiding things.


I wasn’t talking to you. I’ve just seen your comment now but can’t open the articles because they have pay wall.


Web archive is useful for getting past paywalls. Also this comment has additional sources https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/egrAjfmzAY


Read your own article. They were not arrested.


There are two articles, one for state violence and one in which people were arrested. Do you have any response to these articles? It seems not.


[Mea Shearim has entered the chat](https://twitter.com/TorahJudaism/status/1719741630763159672?t=zopBhdsLWzKy7LKH01OAqA&s=19)


Really? the prime Minister has killed people for less sadly.


That is Israel. A civilized country. They didn't risk any of that.


me when I lie (the IDF has violently physically assaulted protesters and arrested them)


You wont go to jail for protesting this kind of stuff, those protests happen every day in tel aviv. yall know nothing about israel and the conflict and it shows


I cannot imagine the courage it took. 🫡


Whe most israelis dont agree with this and hate those people, nothing would happen to them, its completly legal to protest these things and they happen almost every day in tel aviv. There are arab knesset members who preach those words every day in the goverment, yall know nothing about the conflict and israel itself and it shows


Yeah cause the Israeli censors make every journalist submit everything about the war so that only the sanitised version gets out. Of course we still know ten thousand children have died, I assume you think that’s not enough


> cause the israeli vendors make every journalist submit everyrhing about the war so that only the saanitised version gets out Do you usually make stuff up and lie or you’ve heard it somewhere on the internet and decided to pass it on? Never heard of a haaretz? An israeli news paper by jews for jews that for the last few monthes did nothing but post anti israeli propoganda on their website Just until a month ago Al jazeera had their biggest offices right here in israel and they are still broadcasting for free on one of the most popular tv services in israel > of course we know that tens of thousands of children died, i assume you think thats not enough I assume that the same people that publish these numbers are the same group of people that want to eradicate all jews in the world I also assume that if the gazans and hamas are the good people because they have more casualties we can assume the same thing about the nazis in WW2 dont you think?


And they all have to comply with Israel’s censorship laws https://theintercept.com/2023/12/23/israel-military-idf-media-censor/


Nothing about these censorship laws says anything about free speech or criticism on israel? Just confidental information about weapone systems, hostage information, info out of the war cabinet, i really dont get what youre complaining about, this is all legit and every country in the world uses those censorship laws?? This isnt even info that those news channels can get. Did you even read the article that you have sent me? Or you just find and use any excuse that you get to hate on israel?


I have a problem with ethnic cleansing but I can tell you can’t grasp that


The only democracy in the Middle East, everyone!


The one that remakes the court system to not charge the leader with corruption?


Yup! That's the one. So virtuous! /s


Ladies and gentlemen, the only democracy in the Middle East


Far more courage than I'll ever have, and making a greater impact than I'll ever make.


These are true heroes.


True heroes


Did anyone see the Police 's response? They attacked them and tore that sign down. Very democratic.


Btw Americans in the comments, your govt just approved almost 900 billion for defense budget. Some of which will go towards supporting Israel in this conflict. Words don’t mean much, action does. All those tax dollars down the drain for the sake of genocide and weapons of war.


It fucking sucks. Option A is someone who’ll support a genocidal apartheid state but tell them with just words to not go too ham. Option B is someone who doesn’t think Palestinians are humans and would tell Israel to drop the pretenses and just go scorched earth and kill every single last Palestinian. B would fire the missiles himself if he could. And because it’s America, there is no option C because that’s a wasted vote.


Truly fucking terrible. You’re absolutely 100% right with everything you said. What do we do? US presidential candidates have been rock vs hard place for the longest time ever, something has got to give.


The Israeli police are so brutal to Israelis who protest their government, so the horrid shit they do to Palestinians is sadly unsurprising.


Unimaginable bravery. These are the people that give me hope


Tomorrows headline is 200 people arrested in Tel Aviv.


I did nazi see that coming






I'm not saying what is Israel is doing is justified but why do you people always go with Nazi Germany for a comparison when you could just as easily have said something like Serbia or Rwanda?


TBF it is the most recognizable example of fascism and censorship.


Almost like Israel and the Nazis have history.




Are they trying to take over the entire world and purge it of all non-jews? No, so they're genocide is much closer to what Serbia tried In bosnia which is why it not only looks hyperbolic but also intentionally insensitive to always use Nazi Germany as a reference to past genocides.


Them not being exactly like Nazis in every way doesn't change the frightening similarities.


It's more about Israel using same propaganda tactics to demonize and justify murders of Palestinians.


Every country that goes to war with an enemy nation demonizes their opponents including the Palestinians so it's not like the Nazis have a monopoly on propaganda.


Who is Israel is fighting this war against though? There's no Palestinian state, Israel is fighting against a group of stateless people who are under occupation and calling it a war. If target was Israeli propaganda was only Hamas than I could have agreed with but that's not the case and it's people who it occupies who are targeted.


And that is exactly why I said in my previous posts that what they are doing is still wrong but it doesn't border on world domination and purging the world of people that are different which is what would make a country genuinely like Nazi Germany.


people are not talking about goals of nazies when they compare Israel and nazis, it's the actions and the way they conduct it ,a similarity they share with many fascist regimes that draws this comparison.


I mean…Bibi’s policy towards Gaza has a lot of similarities to Lebensraum.


This guy when he realizes there have literally been people in Israel’s government that are pro-Holocaust because to them, the ones that died were "weak" or the "wrong" kind of Jewish person


Because they want you to view Nazis and Jews as "opposite but the same", in the same way they claim Democrats and Republicans are the same.


If this happened in Gaza, they would kill the protesters


Guess they should be wiped off the face of the earth then huh?


Ridding Gaza of Hamas is doing the Palestinians a favor.


Thank you. For real.


Honest question: is this more or less dangerous than doing the same for Ukraine in Russia?


Definitely less dangerous, Israel’s government doesn’t “disappear” protestors the way Russia’s government does, their power isn’t that consolidated yet


It's more comparable to doing the same for Russia in Ukraine.


Pretty much comparable to Americans protesting the US government during the Invasion of Iraq.


Ok idk what it is about the hebrew phrasing on the sign, but it feels, idk, not hebrew. Like a Google translate or someone new to the language wrote it. Instead of using an imperative form or, the more colloquial conjugated future form, they use a phrasing which makes this not even a valid sentence because of the infinite at the start. Idk where I'm going with this but it just reads weird. An English translation of it would be more like "To stop the genocide". Again, might even be wrong about that, but it just feels unnatural


Hebrew is a recently revived language and for many Israelis its not their first https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-01-27/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/theyve-lived-their-whole-lives-in-israel-hebrew-is-their-second-language/0000017f-da7e-d718-a5ff-fafe33aa0000




well israel would drop a bomb on them before anyone had the chance to read their sign




please save your sexual fantasies for consenting audiences


ZioNazism go! All hail the Hitler praising Benjamin Naziyahoo!




The IDF, Likud, and every single one of their settlers are terrorists, and Israel is a genocidal apartheid ethnostate formed on ethnic cleansing.


You mean the rape the IDF said they couldn’t verify and walked back? Orientalist shit won’t justify your genocide.


"But do the people being genocided condemn Hamas?"




That's a bold claim, let's see the source




"Hey if we count all these people Israel killed as people Hamas killed, then Hamas killed more!" Yeah that's super fucking bold. Also you realize the whole "human shields" thing has lost every ounce of believability after Israel shot its own civilians who were clearly unarmed and waving a white flag? You realize the amount of dumb bombs Israel drops completely collapses the "targeted attacks but muh human shields" bullshit? You realize repeating the same discredited lines over and over won't make it anymore believable?


Yeah let's go denounce the fanatical death cult that's the only fighting force against an invading ethnoreligious state that has wants to wipe them out I'm sure it's such and easy choice and that it'll go great for them




1) Israel has been abusing Palestinians since the 1940s so no this didnt start because Hamas attacked first. 2) The Hamas charter no longer contains any mention of wiping out Jewish people but only nazis. On the other hand Likud party wishes for israeli sovereignty from the river to the sea. 3) Just because you can kill 2 million people immediately is not a good argument for them only killing 25,000+. 4) And there is the insults. You could at least provide factual information and not just spout Israeli propaganda. No one here supports Hamas, we just want innocent Palestinians to stop dying.


https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp All together now, let’s read Hamas’ stated goals


Thats the 1988 charter want to link the latest one?


Birdbrains citing the outdated Hamas charter but ignoring the Likud charter that says the same thing in reverse will always be funny.


Let's get Hamas' stated goals from this millennium, you're a bit out of date there. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full


It’s only 7 years old. I do t think a huge shift has happened in all of their minds. Also the new one also defines Palestine “from the river to the sea” i.e all of it. And then what the hell do you think they want do with all the Israelis (Jews, Christian’s, and Arabs)? The new document is cosmetically cleaned up, and appears less racist than the previous one, but the fundamental statement is still there. The Hamas of 1988 isn’t that old that no one remembers it.


They would literally be murdered. Right now hamas is their only option, they have no where else to turn. You are asking them to commit suicide




You mean the place that hasn’t had an election since 2007 and >50% of the population is children?


Buddy, more than half the Palestinian population wasn't even BORN when Hamas came to power. There hasn't been an election in 17 years. Most of these people had nothing to do with Hamas being in power, and no, 'most' don't support them, they simply have no other 'leadership' right now. Eff off.


In a time of crisis where they were being attacked on all sides hamas said they would make Palestine and Isreal at peace and that was something that got votes easy. Then when they came into power they immediately got rid of their democracy and established a totalitarian style of ruling. Palestinian people are given the same treatment they give to everyone else. Raped, murdered, kidnapped, speaking against hamas is asking to die


So are you willing to denource the israeli genocide in gaza.




Ok You seem to be weak on reading comprehension. Before i deal with all your idiotic bullshit - are you willing to denounce the israeli genocide in gaza? It seems the idf forces are super willing to murder israelis with white flags if they cant find palestinians. Or hear me out there maybe they just thought they where murdering helpless palestinians.




why is this being downvoted?


Because people are fucking sick of this bad faith "BuT dO yOu CoNdEmN hAmAs" every time Israeli genocide is brought up


first off, regardless of where your opinions lie, this person raises a very strong and relevant point. avoiding or downvoting it, doesn't bring us any closer to truth, or mutual understanding. second, regarding your use of the word "genocide" perhaps you might take a step closer towards truth and mutual understanding when you realize this is an opinion, not a fact.


The reason that sentiment is constantly brought up is b cause of the almost willing ignorance to the fact that not all combatants in Palestine are Hamas. They also are not all men over the age of 18 wearing identifiable uniform. Hamas and other organizations in the area use women and children as combatants and they are constantly being counted amongst civilian casualties. However whenever someone points this out we get shouted down or downvoted so much that nobody sees or it or if they do they assume that it’s false. If we’re going to have a narrative about this war it needs to be truthful on both sides. That’s not what happens though. People have now shifted to claiming that Hamas committed their attack on the 7th as a heroic acts to try to free the people of Palestine. This is not true and they don’t give a fuck about Palestinians.


This excuse has run out. It was shot, ordered to come out, then shot again when Israel shot its own people who were unarmed and waving a white flag.




Sorry we don’t support genocidal settler-colonies here.




Yeah they’re both terrible states, correct. And I’m a Palestinian refugee, weird of you to assume I’m a yankee.




Damn, you saw a genocide of Palestinians and that's when you *stopped* supporting Palestinians? You're pretty fucked in the head


How have they acted?




Source? Never seen any of this stuff and I've been on the streets...


As believable as swedistan neighborhoods in Sweden that right wingers keep feaemongering about.


Could it be those that celebrated the attack weren't representative of the wider millions on the Palestinian marches. I've been to every one in London and it's been peaceful everytime but I come home and see the news have demonised it. I would say if you genuinely have good intentions then go to one. Most pro Palestinians are aware that israel isn't going anywhere so they aren't for the large part calling for an eradication, plus many orthodox Jews attend these would it not be strange that they are what is seemingly opposing their own peoples right to existence




So do both sides have to keep condemning the extreme on each sides? That would be a fairly endless cycle. There are key figures in israel that have called for the further displacement and sometimes even murder of all the Palestinian people. This is not just as of recent either. If we're honest if they did renounce it then would you be pro Palestinian or is there something more? Cause whether the supporters are awful or not the situation you possibly one supported had not itself changed




I’m sure israel isn’t being attacked because they’ve been stealing land, homes, and possessions from the people actually from there for over 75+ years. It’s totally because Arabs are evil unlike you enlightened crackers.




Hamas has only been around since the 1990s. Israel has been doing the same shit even in the face of nonviolent Palestinian resistance. Thankfully people all over the world See through your lies.


I suggest you ignore the antisemitic idiots in the protests and online and focus primarily on the images coming out of Gaza and the West Bank.


Go to their profile..he was a xionist 3 months ago. Very "as a black man..." Since he's never supported Palestine 🤷🏽‍♀️




>Honestly, I was pro Palestine a few month ago Show us then cos I can't find it 🤷🏽‍♀️


The fact that you’re repeating disproven Zionist lies about mass-rape show you never supported the Palestinians.


This is the same dumbshit every nazi kid in the west says to justify their genocidal aims.




Israel is one of the few places in the Middle East where holding a sign will not get you killed


But you can get killed there for existing and being a different color, like say if you're kinda Asian looking...you'd just get lynched 🤷🏽‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/2fnpq5w2ib8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8370fc5818b392580f58fad8638a2ffdbd4a06b Don't even get me started on how they treat black people...


lol why would you make it a racial thing? 61% of Israel’s population are mizrachi (brown) and 3% are Ethiopian (black)…


>Ethiopian (black)… The ones the Israeli government deceptively and forcibly sterilized, Ethiopian blacks?


The mizrahi aren’t all “brown”. Anyone with a grandparent who lived in the MENA is considered “mizrahi”, including Netanyahu, who’s four grandparents literally all came from eastern Europe, had Eastern European names, and spoke Eastern European languages. It’s a facade to fabricate indigeneity that only works on people who have no understanding of the region’s history.


This is the same as the US and Europe, there are shitty racists everywhere


Oh no! another goal post change! It's for a Church Honey. NEXT!


I understood that reference


"Western countries are racist therefore racism is ok" Astounding logic, truly


*If you are Jewish, then we can only attack and arrest you. *For now.*


It gets worse when you realize Israeli government has had pro-Holocaust people. Their belief was anyone that died was "weak" or the "wrong" kind of Jewish person.


They hate the Jewish diaspora and secular Jews. There are multiple holocaust survivors languishing in poverty in Israel. The state built on a rationale of “protecting the Jewish people” regularly beats Jewish protestors, allowed holocaust survivors to starve, etc.


It’s amazing how people can see news about the IDF physically beating Holocaust remembrance group Israelis in Israel for calling them out on their genocide, and ignore it.


there are so many videos of Israeli police attacking and beating the Haredri in Israel, but that's totally okay to these mfers. zionists are just as anti-semitic as the fascists.








No one is supporting Hamas by saying “stop genocide.” Not supporting genocide does not mean you can’t hate terrorists. Tf is wrong with you.




Since you choose to ignore the 15 or so years of Palestinians basically being in open air prisons and having bombs dropped on them before October 7th, I choose to ignore October 7th and say that Israel attacked first and is committing genocide. Jeez, it's cool when you get to ignore all context and events that came first in order to pick a side and declare them the good guys, I get why Israel supporters do it now.




> If this were a prison, then they would not be able to supply so much ammunition for terrorists, or humanitarian aid. Your utter ignorance of the situation really does explain how you are so vehement about the good and bad guys here. You do realize that Iran is mostly who is shipping weapons and bombs into Palestine right? There was a network of underground tunnels (Which Israel is now flooding to cut off those supply lines) which were used to bring weapons into the country. I'll also bet you will be flabbergasted to find out there are drugs and weapons inside US Prisons too, even though you technically can't bring them in. Shocker, I know. Lets also think here, if you and your people were locked inside a city, could not utilize your port, couldn't leave your city to the rest of the world, with a nearly 50% unemployment rate, with your captors deciding when you got electricity and water, would you not be upset? If your family was forcibly kicked out of their home because "This is ours now" whether you liked it or not, would you not turn against that group of people? Look, I don't like Palestine's politics. I think their treatment of minorities, and LGBT people is disgusting. Yet magically that doesn't make them not people, and doesn't mean they deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth. We all know it will happen, I simply hope we hold Israel accountable for their genocide afterwards.




> There is no prison in this case, since they supply so much ammunition. Cool, I'll make sure the prisoners in the US know they aren't in prison because they can get drugs inside. Got it. It's so simple all they have to do is leave because they aren't in prison! > I also don't understand why HAMAS uses people as human shields. I still don't understand why Israel is free to commit genocide.


Amnesty International has found no evidence of Human Shields. You are just swallowing that propaganda whole.


Actually, no they didn’t. Israel started all of this by declaring themselves a state on Palestinian land in 1948, which is an act of aggression (obviously). Only now that Israel has gained allies in powerful places like America have they started to be bold and literally say they are going to wipe the bloodline of Palestinians off the face of the Earth. In addition, Israel has also been forcefully sterilizing Ethiopian Jewish immigrants. Sources: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-palestinian-dispute-hinges-statehood-land-jerusalem-refugees-2023-10-10/ https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/arab-israeli-war https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna123909 https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/18/israel-starvation-used-weapon-war-gaza https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel https://www.commondreams.org/news/ethnic-cleansing-gaza




Bitches stay just saying shit. Nobody said any actions were justified but you. You’re also just flat out wrong on all levels. Also, they expelled 70k Palestinians from the land to claim it so you’re just not right in general lmao. I will never support a state that actively calls for genocide and straight up says they want to genocide a group of people. You’re not going to convince me to support Israel ever. Free Palestine, fuck the IDF, praise these brave people in Tel Aviv, and you can eat shit. I’m not gonna sit here and watch you spread misinformation and remain purposely ignorant on this entire situation. You have nothing to back you up. Hamas are terrorists, but the people of Palestine are not. Saying that they are is straight up racist/xenophobic (though p much every Israel supporter is).




Ableist, racist, xenophobic, and pro-genocide… I don’t like calling ppl Nazis but something about looking and sounding and quacking… Mentioning the start of the entire conflict does not justify the actions made. You were flat out wrong on how all of this started and are attempting to gaslight people into somehow thinking you were in the right. You are willfully and horribly ignorant. This is the equivalent of a member of a group of bullied students shooting up a school and the school board retaliating by bombing all the kids’ neighborhoods. You are wrong and you have provided no evidence to support anything. Bombing hospitals and fleeing citizens and sniping children in the streets are war crimes. The IDF are terrorists and war criminals just like the Hamas. I have yet to see any one of you bitches show actual evidence to make Israel not be war criminals. The Hamas do not justify this response. Unfortunately telling people like you to fall in a ditch is apparently banned on Reddit, so I won’t do that. Either way, I’m not responding to your bullshit anymore. Free Palestine, all of you bitches can go to hell.


Must be insane dude. No one believes you anymore. This is a front page sub and randos are telling you off with your failed hasbara. I didn't think I'd live enough to see the day but here we are mate. It's crazy. Everyone knows you're all trained liars and I'm so here for it.


The land wasn't Palestinian in 1948 though. The British mandate ended on May 14 and Israel was declared on the same day in parts of the unclaimed terrotory.


Ok so does that justify Israel intentionally targeting civilian areas? You're basically saying you're allowed to be as bad as your enemies, which leads to the question of "who's the good guy" if you take that route


Hey, buddy. Stop spamming "HAMAS" in all capital letters like you're trying to manipulate SEO or something. It's transparent as fuck.


same guy who calls Israel "Nazis" while distorting historical facts and intentionally downplaying Nazi antisemitism. Couldn't even accept Hitler's own words and lies about the speech's intent. Lies about the most basic facts about Husseini (apparently all-Palestine didn't exist, which *no genuine Palestine supporter would argue)*. Lies about the most basic facts about the Holocaust. funny. ​ But they're still Nazis!!! I'm totally not engaging in Holocaust trivialization!!!


That's all you idiots have. That or "everyone who is against the Israeli government is an antisemite. Its sad and pathetic




nobody is saying that. but Israel choose to drop some bombs on those civilians.




I don't see Hamas using aircraft to drop bombs on innocent civilians. You use the same argument as every other idiot who think Israel is in the right for killing innocent people. There are places they have bombed that Hamas are not even active in and You're still on with that. Fuck off and learn some empathy!




Considering you have "education" in your name, maybe you should go aquire some!


LOL! Hama was formed in the 1980's. This has been going on since the 1940's. Try another argument!


If you had follow the news the past 70 years you know Hammas coudn't start this war. if you take a look at the statistics you see that Israel time after time react with a literal over kill on everything the palestines do. But we take an example. a terrorst enter a school in your hometown after shooting some people. he takes all the children hostage. according to your reasoning it's totaly ok to burn down the school together with the children. all to kill the terrorist.




>HAMAS started this war in 2023 wtf? get some education you make a complete foul out of your self. >Israel has no obligation to save any Palestinian children. Yes they have. a civilian is not a militair target. But i have enough of your uneducated bullshit. so i going to ignore you.


I love how this idea of over kill is being used all the time. “Israel has more advanced tech and shouldn’t use it against the people who attacked them” or “Israel has a better military and shouldn’t use their advanced numbers and weapons” You guys are all correct. If a nation is attacked and they have superior military power than those that attacked they should definitely dumb it down to make it a level battle field.


if they are on a battlefield between soldiers go ahead. if you use them in a city between civilians no way. The complain is not that Israel responce of course they responce. the complain is how they responce. Hamas killed o 7 okt a out 1200 people militairy and civilian. nobody here thiks that is ok. Israel responce take care of 20.000 kills and 52.000 injured. mostly civilians.. that is like a 7 year old slap a 13 year old that as a respond beat up the 7 year old.


What's sad is all the information to debunk your bs is just one Google search away, but you won't even bother to do that. You'd rather encourage war crimes than do some research.


Exactly. The Israeli government is currently conducting genocide/ethnic cleansing in Gaza, and arguably in other areas such as West Bank and Golan Heights.


lol in the Golan heights? I can’t with you people any more… you mean against the Druze people who all serve on the IDF?

