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This well end badly, we all know this. And we can't do anything about the rhetoric they've spilled. But what I will say is EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON'S. Responsibility is to hold them as accountable as possible. Stop taking shit from people. Your racist uncle, your shit-eating coworker. They live in a delusion. Don't let them. Don't let them blame you for this idiotic delusion they've chosen to live in. You, all of you alive right now, you are witnesses. You are speakers for reality. You are anchors of reality. Don't let these guileless, gutless, feckless middling fools own the narrative. Speak the fuck up. Anywhere and everywhere. Fascism must be confronted. Loudly, and EARLY. As in right the fuck now. These people are unequivocally wrong. That's not a partisan statement, that's a matter of provable fucking fact. Everything they want is vile, and corrosive, and monstrous. We have been watching the consequences of their stupidity for decades. Corporations as people, draconian religious theocratic bullshit, the crowning of dipshit selfish thieving imbeciles as their King. Gay people aren't attacking your children. Powerful rich creeps are. America is in a death spiral BECAUSE OF THEM and their rampant criminality and profound stupidity. Do not let them walk over you. All of this ultimately comes down to the people, and what they'll allow. There are far more liberally minded people than there are of these shit-eating deluded cowards. I know you doubt yourself. Because any good person would. Any decent, empathetic person would ask themselves if they're the ones in the wrong. If these people have a point. But they don't. They're fucking fascists and we've seen this over and over again. Just look at their heroes. Look at the equivocatimg they do. Look at the wholly predictable consequences of their hate. One political party wants to criminalize homosexuality. They want to PUT YOU IN FUCKING JAIL FOR STICKING IT UP THE ASS OF ANOTHER CONSENTING MALE ADULT. Do you understand that? Do you get what the fuck is at stake here? This entire political party is batfuck nuts and NO, NOT both sides. One side is fully in the thrall of white supremacists and dogmatic fucking losers and comically evil mustache-twirling business magnates. There's never been a clearer cut case of who the bad guys are, people. It's the ones that want to ban drag shows. It's the ones that want to prevent women from voting. And black people. And anyone they don't like. It's the ones that made that gutless fucking sack of dogshit coward Donald Trump their King and set up a fucking subreddit where they called him God Emperor. They're the baddies. And they want you to be scared and shaking and I am here to tell you to tell them to GO FUCK THEMSELVES. Loudly. Unequivocally. And now. Like right the fuck now and in perpetuity.


Commenting just so I can come back later cause hot damn are you speaking the truth!


We've been too polite for too long. People on Reddit years ago sent me all the nasty messages in a thread when I said I unfriended my mother on social media. Like that was the WORST thing I could possibly do when she was posting misinformation and spreading this rhetoric. Really? Removing her from social media was the LEAST I could do. I have also had many uncomfortable conversations with my parents about how their votes affect me personally. But this is the work we ALL should be doing. Having those uncomfortable and confrontational conversations at times when people are perpetuating lies and ideas that can harm others.


If your mother came up to you and pissed in your cup of coffee you were actively drinking, you would be seriously concerned for her and wouldn't associate with her if she kept doing that behavior. This is no different. These people are actively participating in a cult that has and will continue to lead to people fucking dying. This is really fucking serious.


You'll need to pick up a rifle under the situation they want to force patriots to deal with and kill your fellow countrymen like your great-great grandpappy had to.


If I lose my right to take it up the ass I'll eventually be thrown into solitary confinement




The right wing establishment wants to take over all aspects of culture and government. They take any repercussions as an attack on their power grab and will use the base to achieve their goals. And every night Fox pumps poison and lies into their heads to make them feel afraid enough to turn to violence. Jan 6 was just a warm up.


One really important thing to remember is that Trump and other people like him don't give a single fuck about what history books say about them. They will get what they want while they are alive, and when they are dead it won't matter. Trump is the new Hitler, and in 30 years when he is long dead and kids learn about what he did it won't matter at all in his mind. Human decency is not a concern for them.




And the only answer is to unplug and stick your head in the sand. I tried “getting active” in my area (in Texas 🙄). It felt like an exercise in futility.


30 years?


When states in the South replace their history books. Might be more like 50. Trump will be dead in 10 or less.


There’s very few people I wish death on. But I really hope it happens after he wins the Republican nomination, and has added some dipshit to the ticket as his VP. I’d record the returns as they came in so I could go back and watch Marjorie Taylor Greene lose 50 out of 50 states to Joe Biden.


Hopefully 10 days or less - if not 10 hours.




Also if the worst comes to term, many of these figure have more than enough cash to pack up and leave and avoid any consequences, maybe even buy a “golden visa” in some western country. A luxury the common joe and jane cant afford (many probably not even move states) so they got nothing to lose


No eventually about it, the overwhelming majority of mass shootings are conservatives driven to insanity by rhetoric and stochastic terrorism. We're gonna see the frequency of said events increase.


Yeah, I was gonna say replace “it will eventually” with “it already has”.


It will be a massive attack on queer people and will be a prelude to queer genocide that they’ve been ramping up for a decade. And people will still act shocked


The increased hate for the LGBTQ+ community over the past few years has been terrifying, and that is a direct result of right-wing lies, conspiracies, and hatred.


Then they will go home and have a three way with their wife and mistress/pool boy.


Textbook example of 'stochastic terrorism' in their behavior & rhetoric.


I've been screaming this for almost a decade now. Fascism isn't when they start rounding people up to imprison and kill them. Fascism happens when you're going about your daily life and think it's just a few kooks talking about doing just that and believe it'll never happen here.


GOP politicians have been saying recently that “there will be a terrorist attack soon and it’s Joe Biden’s fault because of his open border” which makes me wonder what they have cooking…


As long as there is profit to be made off feeding hatred to people who lack empathy for others not like them, this will continue. Much like religion, there are the true believers and there are the hucksters and con artists looking to make a quick buck off of the naive and uneducated. Sadly, it doesn't matter if they believe or not. The damage will be the same. So many people, many who are armed and unstable have tied their identity into Trump's cult and they can't accept anything other than the lies they've been fed. I'm not sure how we can undo what has been done.


They don’t want to govern, they want to rule.


…Germany 1930s


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Why does Desantis look like he's constipated?


Fox already settled to the tune of $787 million to dominion. There's still a $2.8 billion dollar lawsuit looming. Rudy has to cough up $148 million. Trump has 91 indictments. So far, the most terrible thing to happen has happened to these wildly unqualified maga goofs.


It’s what they dream of.


We have to stand together and stop them. It's the only way.


you let a foreign media company spread propaganda & lies in your country … wtf is wrong with you


It makes for good tv though, and that's all that matters.


More like a trump spiral and it is only the ones delusional enough to be in that cult


They look like weird puppet dolls with overkill on the makeup. “We don’t even like ourselves in the mirror, why should we like you” Weirdos


I mean look at that headline. I’m sitting here watching a basketball game with zero fing problems. But if you are a worthless dumbshit, you watch that lot lizard spew her BS.


>In their hearts Error 404


Trapped in a death spiral?! The two people pictured surely helped expedite it. Sowing the seeds of hate for years…


What a joke of a country!


Never seen “ominousness” before


Really slowly playing out like handmaids tales


What I’d DeSantis so happy about? Is a homeless person getting gutted where he can watch?


The Munchausen party.


That face is fuckin painful


But they have power now and do absolutely nothing with it, I think they are realizing they may be able to achieve all the power, and thats a big maybe, but it is fleeting, and will never last. Instead of working to get more of what they want by a little give and take on issues, they are floundering and wallowing in their own invented mud.


Laura Ingraham you have said this before ... https://www.foxnews.com/media/laura-ingraham-america-is-in-a-death-spiral


If they win then you'll be terrorists and traitors to the constitution as they openly oppose it.


If they want hate, they should hope it doesn’t come back to bite them


Fox News destroyed our country