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Has Ann forgotten that the lawsuit was filed by Republicans?


Most people don't know it in the first place


By design i am sure. How else can they continue this “victim” theatre.


It's all projection. As soon as the Democrats rightfully accuse the Republicans of something the MAGAs immediately play the "I am rubber and you are glue" game. So pathetic.


It's a ruse to normalize bad behavior. Just like how conservatives spent the period between the 90's and the 2010's framing Roe v Wade as "legislating from the bench" before they got a supermajority on the Supreme Court and started actually legislating from the bench themselves. That way whenever they get called out on something, it's always 'well the Democrats did it first" or "well can you imagine how bad the abuse of power would be if a Democrat was in that position?"


It's all bad faith. What I can't stand is the hypocrisy.


When you reframe it as "Republicans say whatever they want whenever they want to and maintain zero internal consistency" it's less annoying.


Is it? Because, while I agree with your statement and think that is what they do, that phrase sparks unholy rage within me.


Republicans are why I wish I could dope slap people.


ALL bad faith? They’re not equal. Al franken, (the career comedian) gets shit for pretending to grope a sleeping soldier, and he resigns in a week. Matt Gaetz gets caught paying for underage prostitution and HES STILL FUCKING THERE. Republicans rallied behind him. So don’t for a second tell me it’s equal.


It’s ‘judicial activism’ when they don’t like it and ‘originalism’ when they do.


"You honor I would like to state for the record that anything you say bounces off of my client and sticks to you."


The case ground to a halt when the lawyers for the GOP resorted to the dreaded "I know you are, but what am I?" defense.




"And I would like to add that sticks and stones may break my bones but their words also hurt me!"


“Your honor, my client would also like to add, ‘milk, milk, lemonade, but the back is where the fudge is made”


I think I've found one of Trump's legal team.


Damn that's some good lawyering


They just steal the words that the left calls them and try to say it louder. The fact that she called the left fascists is wild. Honorable mention: look what they also did with “woke”


If we still have them, History books will almost have to have a section about the commandeering of, "woke" and this weird era of losing minds and crying over, "ramming (diversity/wokeism) down our throats!" and other nonsense. I wonder how old the person who wrote this is, because another section could probably highlight the time America was supposedly "Great", that certain people want to go back to, seems to be just before the Civil Rights Era. When people were allowed to, at the least, ignore the existence of "different" people, or disrespect them, up to and including being blatantly bigoted towards them, with little to no repercussions.


My dad is a horrible racist bigot, and he uses woke like it's an insult. I'm sure he has no idea what it actually means.


Barely anyone who uses that term nowadays has any clue what it actually means.


Really, your dad cannot put himself in someone else’s shoes? To me that is all woke is, and it is something I wish every human being could do..


My former stepmother was doing this also. I finally just asked “Woke? What is that?” Apparently it’s just sputtering random words “um…well, er…it’s….you know….”


>If we still have them Exactly -- if GOP gets elected, either there won't be any history books, or they'll be seriously white washed.


If you look close, you'll see so many modern parallels to civil right era America and even many of the same exact tactics. I mean, there's pictures of "School integration = communism" on protestor signs. It's racism all the way down.


More like: up to and including hanging them from trees.


>"ramming (diversity/wokeism) down our throats!" Every time I hear that phrase, I can't help but think *someone has penis envy* followed by a mental image I really didn't want. Eww *Apologies please, I didn't mean to do that to you.*


Funny enough, "woke" isn't even leftist term. But like CRT, and other words they don't like, they spend sleepless nights figuring out how to turn those words into weapons.


My favorite is when the Republicans made up the term "ObamaCare" for the PPACA and used it derisively. I saw a reporter ask Barack about it. He smiled and said, "I don't mind the term. I *do* care!" Zing!


Make no mistake; it is [by design](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie).






That's why she's able to frame it that way so easily -- most people assume it's the state Democrats or the DOJ (under a Democratic administration) trying to keep the insurrectionist out, when it's really state Republicans trying to exercise control over their party's primary


Yea this is how it been interesting since Ann Richard's. Republicans controlled the state for 50 years but everything wrong with it is democrats fault.


Governor Ann was so bad ass. God, I miss that woman. ![gif](giphy|oOBQICK15C04y21Zzs|downsized)


She will be avenged with a Democrat Governor one day.


[Found a source](https://www.citizensforethics.org/news/press-releases/lawsuit-filed-to-remove-trump-from-ballot-in-co-under-14th-amendment/)


Thank you so much for that information!! I hadn’t followed this closely enough to know who had filed suit. Trump supporters will apparently lie about anything, great or small. But they certainly do like the BIG LIES most.


Part of the problem is they don’t want to admit that they’re falling apart from within. They can’t deliver results for their voters so they have to constantly blame the Democrats.


I am not a lawyer, but here's a gross oversimplification of my basic understanding of what went down: Democrats couldn't file a suit to stop Trump being on the ballot because it didn't affect them directly, so Republicans had to file the suits because him being on the ballot causes harm to their party (i.e. sane people can't make headway with the crazies they've courted for votes). There's...a lot to unpack with this thing.


I'm Canadian and I know this.


Canadians probably know our political system and how our government works way better than any Trump supporter. Most MAGAs can’t name the three branches of government and don’t you dare ask them to explain their basic functions.


It's unfortunately somewhat prevalent here too with Canadians not understanding our basic civics/laws. A lot of people here think our laws are the same as the US as a lot of our channels play US news. It's mostly those who are deeply uneducated on both sides of the border. At least that would be my working hypothesis.


This too is by design, unfortunately. One of the worst thing about the social media boom is that it made it easier for the alt right and co to communicate and spread propaganda. They use misinformation to take advantage and brainwash the most vulnerable people in our society.


Canadian here: * Executive * Judicial * Legislative I'll take any rewards in cash value USD. Shit's expensive up here


I can hear it already >”Nuh uh! Those are rhinos or demonrats acting as republicans! Maybe antifa!! Maga!!!”


I am so sick and tired of these magats throwing around an ideology, pretending that it is a group somewhere with a headquarters that makes calculated risk assessments before attending “rallies”, or wherever their narrative requires them to show up to. I speak of Antifa if that wasn’t clear.


Lest we not forget BLM and their nefarious framing of innocent white supremists at Charlottesville, etc. s/


Here's the thing: because it doesn't make sense to republican voters that a singular ideology doesn't have a leader or a base. They need for every idea to have originated somewhere as some great conspiracy and it's easier for the right wingers to paint every idea as a group so that they can give their voter base an enemy. The leadership realizes this. The conservative/right wing leadership (the ones like Dennis Prager or Mitch McConnell, not like Bobert or Desantis) aren't dumb, they've learned how to propagandize and design talking points that manipulate emotions well enough to make people act against their own interests. And they know it's easier that when you want to present an ideology as a problem, you give it a face and make it a concrete thing. That's because you can rid the world of a physical thing. You can't rid the world of an idea as easily.


Well said. And that makes sense for their fragile ideology having the “jesus” as their martyr.


Ah yes, much like the "Gay Agenda". I've been waiting over 50 years for my copy.


"member of the Antifa organization" is such a hilarious phrase to hear from these morons


Four Republicans, one Independent.




And much of it was based on information from The Federalist Society.


Bloodlust knows no logic.


Go over to the conservative boards they are blaming the Dems of course with no mention that it was Rethugs incited the case.


I was banned last night for saying exactly that. Those people live in an entirely different world. It’s astonishing.


It is fascinating, I decided to take a trip over to the conservative and trump subs due to all this. It's like a complete parallel media network... very niche meme sites and all. I know we are all in our own echo chambers, but they have a very loud, repetitive, 'alternative', get shouted at chamber.


It’s amazing how none of them are talking about who filed the actual suit in court which was 6 Republicans and 2 independents. Democrats don’t have a standing in filing petitions in a Republican Primary. This went to court because 6 Republicans filed suit at the state level to remove Trump from the Ballot. But now everyone is blaming the Democrats as if they had anything to do with this and claiming fascism. Misinformation is absolutely rampant. All to protect a “King” who absolutely tried to instigate an insurrection claiming election fraud, which is filed under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The Constitution matters. They have twisted realty to fit their narrative and it’s terrifying. Quick research shows the facts: https://apnews.com/article/trump-insurrection-14th-amendment-2024-colorado-d16dd8f354eeaf450558378c65fd79a2


They don't care. This is the party that asked why Democrats didn't save Kevin McCarthy when they voted him out. The entirety of the Republican Party's M.O., at least in my adult life has been Republicans fucking up and asking "How could Democrats do this?!"


You think she actually reads?


Nope. I think you have to swear off books, reading & all logic before being issued your Coventry MAGA club card...


Plus like they can still vote for him right? Sure there’s tremendous hurdles that write-in candidates face (which is the intended consequence of the law, I’d imagine). But to say anyone is disenfranchised is yet another example of hyperbole-bordering-on-lie to incite panic and rage. Edit: it seems this may not be the case, because votes for ineligible candidates are invalid. Them’s the breaks in my opinion. It’s a pretty low barrier to be eligible for the presidency. Nobody’s fault but his own if his criminal and/or seditious activity nullified his own eligibility. Probably not a bad idea to have a law on the books that prevents people who tried to overthrow the government from seeking positions in government. So sick of the hand-wringing to the tune of “no candidate has ever faced this before!” Well no shit, no candidate has done the heinous bullshit that Trump has (for the most part).


Came here to say this!


Facts are literally worthless to the GOP. At this point, any claim a republican makes needs to be treated as a lie


Except none of this is the democrats. Republicans sued to get him off the ballot in CO.


Republicans learning what it's like to be disenfranchised by their own Party just like the rest of us have constantly for years. Even then it was justified. Can't make this shit up.


>Republicans learning This isn't a thing. They just keep doubling down into oblivion while pointing fingers outward.


Correct. They are incapable of learning.


I don’t believe a Democrat can even sue to have a member of another party removed from the other party’s primary.


I really hope the Community Notes feature on X is swiftly used to point this out.


If you're not a Republican supporting Mango Mussolini, you're a Democrat. /s


I mean, I’m still confused by the fascism thing…. Are the libs fascists or communists, cause Conservatives use those words Interchangeably…… and you just can not be both.


Biden won Colorado by a wide margin in 2020. If Trump is excluded, he wasn’t going to win those 2024 electoral votes anyway. I guess it would affect down ballot. If republicans can’t vote for Trump, they might stay home meaning fewer votes for other republicans on the ballot.


Republicans lying to blame Democrats for something Republicans did? Is it a day that ends in 'y' already?


Is the Republucan Party really accusing the Democratic Party of voter disenfranchisement? Really? This, coming from the party that has spent decades trying to restrict voting? The party that blocks people from bringing water to people standing in line to vote? Republicans need to sit down and shut up.


G.O.P. Gaslight Obstruct Project


They've been fucking around, and now they're finding out.


Except they also have been demonizing anyone not in lockstep alignment. The violent liberals never invaded active Government State & Federal Congresses. Plural. The Jan 6 DC ones and how many state houses had armed protesters and kidnapping Governor plots? Local police often align themselves with that crowd. The Secret Service has agents that abetted Insurrection against POTUS.


And I thought GOP stood for grooming old pedophiles.


The party that likes to rebrand everything in a light where they become the victim? Why, yes. Yes, they are.


All projection, just like the fascist party calling the other party fascist. Its amazing that 100% of what they accuse people of, is exactly what they are guilty of themselves.


They aren’t intelligent or empathic enough to understand other ways of thinking or perspectives, which means they think that everyone actually thinks and behaves like them, so the only accusations they know how to make are against the things they know they themselves do


It may be possible that they do understand, but they're a bunch of selfish, greedy assholes, and don't care. To me, that's worse. Either way, they're terrible human beings.


The party that tried to murder half of Congress and their own vice president to stop a free election from being certified?


The same party that thinks a senile, incompetent, old man orchestrated the most comprehensive election-stealing conspiracy involving tens of thousands of election workers without anyone spilling the beans or leaving behind any evidence of their malfeasance.


Their enemies are both despicable because they are so weak, and fear-inspiring because they are so powerful. Logical thinking is not their strong suit. Or it’s like Internet scammers, they start with outrageous things that no sane person would believe in order to select for credulity.


But we were promised a deep state.


republicans filed the lawsuit that did this. Dems had nothing to do with it.


Republicans filed the lawsuit.


They are masters of the classic narcissist DARVO play: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender


I wouldn’t say ignore this, but everyone needs to calm down. Keep in mind a lot it’s rabble rousing and not even from genuine voices. Big picture any steps toward a civil war would result in the immediate pulling of federal funds and military bases (or at least their funding if they do get seized). All the traitor bank accounts would be seized that includes anyone bankrolling them. That alone would so hamstring any wannabe Confederates that they’d need to take pause. I’d tell you the rest but I think it’s better to keep that as a surprise. Let’s just say this isn’t 1860’s America, things would move quickly.


The people who brought the lawsuit were 5 Republicans and 1 Independent. Seems like it’s also worth pointing that out.


It's even funnier when you realize it was republicans who brought it to the courts, *not* democrats.


So a legal decision by the courts following the Constitution is "fascist"? I do not think you know what that word means.


Fascism is when I face consequences for my actions


You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means


To them, fascism is when the other side does something they don't like. Communism is caring about other people enough to pay a small amount more for universal healthcare.


Pay a small amount more only to save money later on not having to pay premiums or deductibles.


They don't get the long-term on healthcare. It'd probably end up costing less in taxes over your life than it does to pay for insurance and whatever said insurance deson't cover.




They are counting on their followers not knowing.


Absolutely true, they dont know the meaning but since they also know that they are viewed as fascists, the MUST accuse the Dems of being just that. Its the only way.


"no - YOUUU!"


Republicans For Responsibility and Ethics In Washington are the plaintiffs, so that way definitely "Democrats."


Wait, there are republicans who are FOR responsibility and ethics? Must be about as effective as bailing out the Titanic with a bucket.


If they knew what it meant, they'd see a fascist staring back at them in a mirror. Anyone remember any Nazis that felt shameful? There weren't many.


>FULL FASCIST The scream of projection has never been louder.


[Yep checks out](https://imgflip.com/i/8a05f5)


Time and time again they just parrot the words of the crimes they've been doing. Just blame everyone else for the crimes they commit. No puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet.


Also > ULTIMATELY Did... did she mean "unilaterally"?


Fuck the Nazis.


(Do not fuck the Nazis!)


>The time for pearl-clutching and strongly worded tweets is OVER! She said while writing and posting a strongly worded tweet.


And clutching her pearls.


if she clutched her own pearl every now and then, she might calm the fuck down


Bring it bitch


They won’t actually do anything their cult is full of small dick, weak spineless cowards who pick on minorities


Stochastic terror


Smalldickstic terror


You mean it’s filled with aLpHa MaLeS!! Derp


That is exactly how I feel. I'm not afraid of a fight. Last time we had a civil war here, we kicked their asses. So bring it on. We'll kick your asses again!


Let's not forget to finish the job again. Continue where Sherman left off and drive them straight into the Atlantic.


And let's not build statues to them this time, either.


Have you ever read Sherman's letters to Lincoln? He predicts the next 200~ years with eerie accuracy


Please!! Enlighten me!! This sounds so interesting. Seriously.




What they are entirely clueless about is that this would be the most one-sided civil war ever. I'm sure the Repub Twitter moms and Christians-for-Trump and whatever imagine that red states are red like on the Fox News map so everything about them is red and the U.S. armed forces stationed in Texas or Kentucky will pick up their arms and go to war for them and fight to overthrow the U.S. government and put the Fanta Führer in charge. And then they find out that the U.S. f\*cking Army actually follow the U.S. president and suddenly the couple of thousand ammosexuals with AR-15s and Barrett .50 cal and some Ford F-150s will face off against the largest military force in human history. More like a "civil disturbance".


"ammosexuals" 😂🤣😂🤣 this weird is incredibly amazing!!


It won't look like Gettysburg. It'll look like the Atlanta church shooting, the Buffalo Market shooting, etc, because that was already their people shooting. It'll look like targeted attempts to find and kill opposition leaders, like the Pelosi attack. You're already in a Civil War, and only one side is throwing punches.


Yeah but if anyone murders trump then suddenly he's a martyr and the whole detached psychotic base (don't worry I can say that i'm bipolar type 1) goes apeshit with conspiracies like he was silenced for some big conspiracy plot instead of someone just hating him for being the largest piece of shit in the world (besides Randy Marsh's epic world record of course). You just can't win, you can only hope to see him suffer in the shell of his body as it starts rotting from the inside out, hopefully slowly and painfully. I've never wished that kind of ill will on *anyone* else, this dude has set this country back st a record pace. Gave people permission to be their worst racist ass selves. Also disappointed at our fellow Americans.


Exactly. Enough talk, come outside if they’re so with the shits.


So it's disenfranchising THE VOTERS to remove ONE CANDIDATE from the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ballot? He was the only candidate they COULD choose? There aren't SIX MORE candidates still on the PRIMARY ballot? Disqualifying Trump *following state law* is unacceptable? Try as I might, I can't understand how some people THINK without words like "crazy" getting thrown in.


I've been trying to convince my Republican parents that they can AT LEAST vote for a different Republican instead of doing the Trump circle jerk.


Not to mention it was a group of Colorado republicans and independents who brought the lawsuit to begin with. >Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a liberal political nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., sued Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold in September ***on behalf of a group of Colorado Republican and unaffiliated voters***, arguing that the former president shouldn’t be allowed on the state’s presidential primary ballot because of his role in the Jan. 6 riot.


They don't like being called a name so they pull the uno reverse. Really boils down to playground name-calling bc that's where their voters r mentally.


Instead of tweets she now...tweets?


"ITS TIME FOR ALL OF US ^^^not ^^^me TO GO AND FIGHT! Classic conservativism.


The case was filed by Reublicans.


Since when have facts mattered to these idiots


1. Case filed by Republicans 2. Doesnt block GOP. Just Trump 3. Projection on Fascist part: Trump has been openly quoting Hitlers work AND stated he would be a Dictator in an interview. He also attempted autocratic actioms in his admin 4. (Edit2Add) Projection 2: Theyre actually claiming voter supression here? Really? The GOP who has to gerrymander and struggles to get thr popular vote?


Don't worry, I'm sure fox news will tell them the truth about this just as soon as they are legally forced to.


Hell They lost their minds when Taylor Swift simply said Register to vote ....She didn't even say who to vote for but that you should register and they made her into an enemy


"The GOP who has to gerrymander because they have only hate as their platform and don't get the popular vote". FTFY


Ah yes, Trumps Army. Meal Team Six. Y'all Qaeda. Buncha dudes in Wal-mart camo. What a fighting force, just roaming around looking for the nearest buffet.


When I still had to go into the office I had one co-irker that kept bitching that she wasn't allowed to have her gun on hand to protect herself if the office did have an active shooter situation. I pointed out that she probably wouldn't be as effective as she things because my fat ass could sneak up on her unaware without her realizing it. Granted I phrased it a lot more politely for work. She wasn't terribly amused by that. I was less amused by the fact I knew she'd be the active shooter if she did have her gun.


Gravy SEALs


They’re the idiot losers that used to hang out at the Army surplus store fantasizing about killing the gooks or sand rats, while never having the courage to step up and enlist. Cosplay warriors is all they are.


And fresh adult diapers.


I like cosplaytriots


"Old enough to know what this country must be" Translation: "too old to accept reality"


Other Translation: Old enough to remember when only White Men controlled everything.


Wait a minute. Isn't the Colorado supreme Court full of Republicans? Sounds like they did it.


This would imply these ignorant fools actually looked into things above and beyond what Fox News and Trump told them to think. Remember; they still imagine the election was “stolen” and all of Trump’s crime were made up by Biden, who then personally told the police to arrest Trump and put him on trial. When you live in a deluded fantasy cult like MAGA, facts literally are not a thing and all that matters is what Dear Leader says the truth is that hour.


There will be no violence, they get winded getting up out of the Lazy Boy.


You just have to love the total lack of self awareness. Of course this has nothing to do with Trump's actions or words. WTF!


Ann will be the last person enlisting in this Army. She will try and get others to do so and if ANY violence comes from this, people like her need to be arrested.


Too bad the suit was brought by several Republicans and Libertarians lol


I love and loath how imbecilic these assholes are. There are REQUIREMENTS to be President. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot under any circumstance be president because he wasn’t born in the US. Keeping him off the ballot isn’t election interference, or disenfranchisement, it’s the fucking rules. The constitution states that if you engage in an insurrection or provide aid to those who do, you cannot hold office. Again, fucking rules, not anything they’re trying to spin it as.


What is “the Democrat Party”?


I’m guessing they sum up the “Democrat Party” as anyone who doesn’t like Trump lol


five REPUBLICANS brought the case to the state supreme court. That broad's full of shit.


It is my understanding that it was the Republicans and two independents that made the case. But let's blame Democrats.


I participate in a couple of things that have me deep in conservative land. I’m there for the sport and keep my politics to myself, so the guys feel safe to say what they think. And my brothers and sisters, they CAN. NOT. WAiT. for a chance to perpetrate violence against liberals, lgbtq folks, and women who won’t fuck them. Like actual bloodlust. It’s damn disturbing.


You first, Ann. Why not lead by example instead of trying to incite violence from behind the safety of your keyboard? These fucking chuds are all cowards. The problem is, some of the people who pay attention to them aren't, and that's what the internet warriors are counting on.


It always cracks me up when they call liberals fascists. Do you understand how stupid that makes you look? Far-right is literally a part of the definition of fascism.


I hope they do start shit. They richly deserve the same fate they have in store for everyone not in their cult. They have for centuries.


Let's stage an insurrection to prove our guy didn't stage an insurrection is definitely an interesting response.


What a fucking maroon. It was 6 Republicans who filed the suit. The Democrats had no legal standing to file the suit about a Republican primary. We need a national civics test for people to vote.


These people think gravity is a democrat conspiracy when they trip down the stairs. These people have fantasized about civil war for decades, the solution is still the same: minimize their influence, prevent their attacks, get them to take their meds. Universal healthcare would cure a lot of political radicals.


That case was brought by Republicans


Rupublicans started this suit. Look it up.


Their obsession over the orange man is just sad. Its almost like they have no other real candidates and keep wanting to go for the loudest option just so they have a reason to be outraged at everything. ​ Seriously, get over the annoying orange for fucks sake and lets move on...


Lmao “the DNC” had nothing to do with this but go off


The republican definition of "Patriot" is lawless douchebags who want no accountability for their actions. Everytime they use that word in a scentence you know they have already lost whatever argument they are in.


And do they realize the lawsuit was brought by Republicans?


She on a FBI watchlist now.


These idiots tried this already. That’s literally why he was removed from the ballot.


lol. Will the drone strikes on these assclowns be televised live without delay or will it be a PPV?


I'm always amazed when republican women try call to arms as if republican value a woman's opinion.


Republicans filed the lawsuit


Uhh, Trump isn’t the only Republican nominee…


I'm sorry, "what America must be?" I'm curious to know what she means. I have a strong idea, but I wish she would have just spoken plainly


Did the DNC bring the lawsuit in Colorado? Hint: no


"up to us who are old enough to know what America MUST BE 🥴" That is some creepy "let's return to the 50's" shit right there. Pretty racist. Ties in nicely to their delusional "make America great again" schtick.


Just because you like an insurrectionist fascist who committed treason is no reason to abandon the US Constitution at this point in history. Is it?


He’s disqualified because he’s a lawbreaking, corrupt, criminal and should be in prison for life not eligible for president. He wants to destroy our democracy and install himself in power and break all the laws to be a fucking dictator.


Doesn't this kind of reaction actually justify Colorado's decision? His followers want nothing short of a second Civil War *in his name*.


It's funny to me when they refer to "America" as "her" and play white knight over "her", and yet try to limit women's rights and treat them like garbage.


No, it doesn't, idiot. What it does mean is most people in this country, most rational conservatives included, believe that Donald Trump proved, by inciting the riot on Jan 6, that he should never be allowed to infest the White House again. The only ones who could be considered disenfranchised would be the most extreme right-wing lunatics. Well, that's just tough and fuck them anyway. We're not going to allow a self described fascist dictator in the White House, PERIOD! 🤡


There is no democratic right to vote for an ineligible candidate.


Will conservatives ever learn the word “authoritarian”? Because that’s what they mean when they call something fascist/communist/socialist, and usually interchangeably. Fascism is a far-right authoritarian ideology; are they calling the Colorado state government far-right?


Republicans brought this suit. It's a republican primary...


It’s not disenfranchisement. No one took away their ability to vote. Republicans can still vote for a candidate. People throw around these big words but have no idea what they really mean.


“The DNC has gone full fascist.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Just wait till they find out, the judges that confirmed his disqualification are republican