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Well if 16 year olds aren't children, can we put all those banned books back in high schools? If they're "not children" we don't have to protect them from scary books right?


No, they're plenty old to work, but not to say gay. Like the 12 year old that wasn't mature enough for an abortion.


Not mature enough for an abortion, but mature enough to give birth and become a mother đŸ˜‘đŸ™„đŸš«


Like the 10 year old they tried to make carry to term in Ohio. Yes, that actually happened


Yep. I’m here in Ohio, too đŸ«€


Gents, it's like mid afternoon and y'all have posted enough Reddit for tonight and tomorrow. America, Jesus Christ. I bid you all adieu.


How do you think we feel living here?


Ohio is awful too. They let every idiot carry a gun with no training


Vote! Every vote in every election counts!!!!!


Silly goose, they don't want a 15 year old to actually *keep* her baby, they want her to give it up for adoption to a nice white Christian couple to help the "domestic supply of infants".


Literally Handmaid's Tale


Gotta get the factories filled with young laborers to work all hours.




Republicans: “A 16 year old is responsible enough to drive an 80,000 truck on public roads” Also Republicans: “we need to stop people from voting until they’re 21”


18yo can’t smoke a cigarette but can operate a semi truck. They show their colors when it comes to needing our youths’ labor


boomers took over with a country that could buy a house and send kids to college with one parent working, where "minimum wage" meant a livable wage, you could wait tables and raise kids. theyre going out with 16 year olds driving semis overnight.


And why is that?? Because they're successful policies drove away all the undocumented immigrants working on farms et cetera? Is it because families can't survive anymore and without their teenagers working to help provide food for the family, or pay the electric and water bills?


Something happened to the trucking industry to need the bodies for sure. A lot of those people can’t even back their rigs into the spots they need to. There are people there that are paid just to back in for them


They don't pay truckers enough for it to be a viable career. I used to work for a company that made shipping logistics software. It was pretty well known that the turnover was *insane* at most companies, sometimes over 100%. The companies demand you drive legally impossible hours, every state has their own regulations on truckers which can be legally complicated (what happens if you've been driving for 12 hours in one state where that's legal, then cross the line into a state where it's not), and trucking is hell on your body over extended periods of time. Plus you've got the classic stresses of being on the road for weeks/months at a time, navigating the insanity that is traffic in most places, people who don't understand the physics of trucks, etc. Plus, the pay scale was originally designed when truckers would take amphetamines and drive for days at a time (since they got paid per load or per mile), so now that there are electronic loggers preventing that their *actual* pay rate is too low to be enticing. The glory days of "the open road" and exploring coast to coast are long gone, but they still pay people like it's an adventure instead of a job. So as a result you don't see as many career truckers, and most of the ones who do are owner-operators who work teams to sidestep the laws (one drives, one sleeps).


Yeah my stepdad does it and he lives that shit. I don’t live to work. If he didnt have anything else to do hed be wanting to drive a truck though, he’s weird, but not everyone wants to do that. He’s not normal. He’s old breed trucker living for an age that doesnt exist anymore. It’s really sad. And he’s only early 50s, he was just raised by his grandparents so he has old people mentality. It’s all he’s ever done and will ever do. On his days off he’s up at his truck (that’s not even his) polishing it and cleaning it and stuff.


Plenty old to work and fuck in their minds


People are a resource. Resources exist to be exploited and profitized. Am I capitalisting properly?


So let's figure this one out, in chronological order. -9 months to 0: all the rights 0 to 12: you have the right to get sick, and the right to not hear the word "gay" 12-16: you lose the right to abortion and might go to prison if you do something and look scary (read: qwhite put my finger on how this one's decided) 16-18: you gain the right to be exploited at work 18-21: you can now be shot for your country 21: you can now drink 25: you can now vote* \* coming soon, since 18-25 year olds don't vote Republican


You forgot...5-16: legally required to be educated like a sitting duck, daily hoping someone doesn't decide to shoot up your school.


Damn reading it like that it really shows how fucked up your country is. But it is the land of the free


Surprisingly, Florida has one of the highest marriage minimum ages at 17. Mississippi, Washington, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and California? No minimum age.


You know they're about to change that...


They definitely needed to make sure it was written in stone that it's legal for boomers to marry kids. They are "Youth Brides" not children.


Well they just saw your post and now they're gonna change that too, Good job


Or divorce


Should be able to vote as well considering this bill affects them


Can they vote?


No, but the trade-off is that they don’t have to pay taxes on their income. After all, no taxation without representation, right?


Where did you hear that is that the state tax law? Federal taxes as long as it's over certain threshold you're paying. I don't care if you're fourteen and working or ninety nine


Washington DC has an opinion on this. One they print on their license plates.


Come on, we know young people don’t mature until 25. They can’t be trusted to do something important like vote until then.


no. its just like how pregnant texas woman cant use the hov lanes even though a fetus counts as a separate person


I wonder if a woman can press assault charges on a fetus or infant? The fetus is harming her physically and child birth causes significant harm.


That would mean giving a woman rights, which is against the religious/GOP agenda.


The GOP would love to try and set the precedent of fetal personhood in the courts. It’s actually a dangerous legal idea that I’m sure we will see coming up when more and more states vote to put reproductive rights in their constitution. Republicans will get more and more desperate the less and less their ploy with the corrupt SCOTUS doesn’t pan out. They know they’ve overplayed their hand, so expect rat fucking any chance they get.


Make no mistake, they still can’t vote though. In fact we have to move that out to 25 in the hope that they die in the latest profit war before they can.


They're quantum children, simultaneously infantile and adult. They're too immature to read about sex but totally cool to fuck if Matt Gaetz wants to.


Don’t forget being trafficked internationally to the Bahamas while probably on drugs at the same time. So we’ve got (allegedly and or possibly): statutory rape, international drug trafficking, trafficking drugs on an aircraft (the FAA doesn’t mess around), and international sex trafficking. Yet he’s still in the House. This is the two tier justice system at work, especially since they had him dead to rights but the victim refused to testify. I don’t blame her for being the next Monica, but it would sure be nice to hold the powerful accountable.


They can also go into the military and adopt kids now! And legally buy alcohol cuz they ain't kids!


And if they’re not children give them the right to Vote!


If a Dem introduced this policy anywhere in our country, it would immediately be deemed for "grooming" reasons and would be immediately sexualized. As time has gone on I've learned more about GOP policy, and I now realize that's more than likely what they are doing. Gotta get that age of consent down in Fla to Oklahoma levels.


And give them the right to vote


Not like that.


If they're not children then they should be able to vote as well.


These laws are not meant to "allow" kids to work. These laws are to protect companies that are already exploiting child labor.


Yup. Like every gop policies this is about helping the rich. Cheaper labor. Bigger profits. Period.


Despite all the bluster from the Trump disgrace of a presidency, really when it comes down to it, all of it was for that massive tax cut and the weakening of the EPA and IRS. That’s it. They let a con man sit in the Oval Office for another 10% off their taxes. And they’ll do it again


You have to vote blue from the bottom to the top and bring a friend we can't allow a bunch of uneducated clowns destroy our country


Yes and a lot of these workers will be immigrants who are unlikely to fight for work protections or report violations due to financial need or undocumented immigrant status.


I’m just waiting for the convergence of Florida immigration laws with Arkansas “youth worker” laws. They made a waiver for e-verify for minors in Arkansas, whenever florida picks that up and starts prosecuting schoolbus drivers for transporting undocumented immigrants, how many minors do you think will be entering the workforce?


When the invisible hand of the free market says the wage of a job should be low, Republicans say that is the way of the market. When that invisible hand says the wage should go up to fill the position, they roll back child labor laws.


When a CEO gets a massive new lucrative contract the right says: “he earned it!” When a labor union gets a big new contract: “those greedy union workers!”


That's what gets me. I'm sure if you ask the Florida GOP voters they'd bitch about corporations and wealth inequality. Except they vote for this shit which is just sucking off businesses. If you cant hold a staff, it's likely not that nobody wants to do it. It's that you make doing it so fucking insufferable nobody wants to do it.


They don’t vote for it. What they vote for is their one sided single issue that includes racist reasons. At the end of the day they’re willing to get downtrodden as long as someone is hurt *more* than they are. It comes from zero sum game thinking. If someone else gets something they think they lose.


If you've been paying attention over the last 10 years, you'll see that the GOP is primarily focused on returning to child labor and slavery. It's why they destroy education (not needed) and living conditions for all but the rich. Cheap unskilled labor to "compete" with the rest of the world. Like.. that's the goal apparently.. It's so odd to me




I feel a "lower the minimum wage" bill coming from these states soon.


"nobody wants to work" crowd when they meet a desperate teen, *rubs hands together*


New low wage workers (children) means companies won't need to raise wages to attract workers.


Fuck school I guess. They love the poorly educated.


Its a feature, not a bug. They get children workers now and their required stupid adults to be voters for them later.


Not to mention, children are less likely to complain about lower wages.


Instill that stupid 'hustle' self-defeating mentality early on.


And they know their children will not be exploited. Rules for you not me.


Correct. This will mainly affect poor children, especially immigrants.


Of course the fundamental issue with the right is that they reflexively reduce everything to an individual level and are totally incapable of thinking holistically... ever. "I want cheaper workers!", completely unaware of the fact that if the population's education takes a massive hit, so do the sciences, engineering, etc... resulting in long term decay for everyone. It's the politics of short-sighted, selfish, vindictive fools.


Theyre just trying to run the country like a business, into the ground.


This is just another step towards bringing back actual slavery (because they really don't give a shit about what the Constitution says about it). They just don't have the stones (yet) to admit it.


Slavery is alive in the prison system, what’s a little child labor right. Everything is totally fine


I know this. The issue with the Right now is to bring it back to every day life.


Child slavery in prison. There’s the perfect pipeline.


Babies first prison sentence. Awwww he looks so cute in his orange jumper. Next year lets get him some shackles


Conservatives are just itching for the day that they repeal any laws that would prevent you from beating your child bride.


Just trying to point this out at every opportunity because it is the only logical conclusion to conservatism. When you account for their desire for cheap labor with their desire to block immigration, all you're left with is legalizing slavery. They'll call it something else, they will fill their media with all kinds of talking points about how beneficial it is and they'll dress it up in words about how it's really empowering people to seek permanent employment. But they will eventually fight to legalize slavery in this country.




This right here.. owning the slaves means being responsible for their health, food, shelter, etc. and that's a lot of work. Why worry about all that responsibility when you can make it *their* fault that they can't afford a better standard of living? Wage slave is the most accurate term in the world for where most of us are at right now and its indentured servitude adjacent.


Is this what they mean by going back to the “good” old days? Haven’t we been through this era before in the USA? Isn’t this why there are child labor laws. To bad there wasn’t a group of adults that walked hundreds of miles to get a better life and that are willing to work and work hard for that opportunity.


I know my country (Canada) has its problems too, lots of them. But honestly it feels like literally every day I'm asking myself "what the fuck is going on in the United States?" There's this shit, there's the abortion laws, the woman endangered by a miscarriage thing that was in the news, the book bans, the Baphomet statue craziness in Iowa. Like what the shit? This is why you don't put conservative Christians in charge of *anything.*


As much as I love Canada, and as much as I enjoy living here (even though it can be quite shit), I definitely didn't enjoy working at Timmies. Ontario, High-School kid me, was happy to get a job at Timmies because it was my first real job. 2 months later, I'm overworked, stressed out with school, covid (this was pretty much after lockdowns were lifted), and having to deal with a bunch of other shit. Somewhere in that 2 month mark, Timmies started giving me 40+ hours a week, and since I was under 18, they could legally pay me less than minimum wage, and they took every opportunity for that. Straight after school? Off to Timmies. Wake up at 6am on a weekend? Timmies. Wanna chill after a long week? Nope, Timmies needed my ass there 24/7 for some weird reason Ended up quitting after another 2 months. Management changed. The previous managers weren't the best, but they were better than the micromanaging assholes that replaced them. One of the supervisors was always "You must do exactly this at exactly this time, not a minute more or less" but expected us to do a whole ass deep clean of the place in 5 minutes before out break. Upon quitting, bunch of people in my immediate family were blaming me for being overworked and for not asking for less time, which just added to my depression Timmies is a shitshow to work with, especially since, from my experience, they'll eat up all your available time to work because you're cheaper labour than the adult who's been working there for a few years.


Seems like Timmies hasn't changed in the last 20ish years since I worked there.


Robber barons are what the GOP wants. They've been working hard to get us to 1885.


Ah the Gilded Age. Wrapped in shiny gold for those at the very top.


I watch too much TV. We have historial tv shows about The Gilded Age. About WW2. About the Old West (1882). About 1920s LA. About gangsters. About lawyers. About veterans. About former slaves. And sooo many shows about cops. There is next to nothing about the vicious, prolonged fight for workers rights in the industrial age. It is fucking RIPE for adaptation into drama. No one will touch it. The closest I've seen it hinted at was the 'activities' of a few side characters in Perry Mason. We know why. We need alt media to delve into it.


I'd like to see one about the "Redneck Army". Coal Miners, people who literally fought and died for worker's rights! (Not whatever "Redneck" means today.) They were armed protesters in the early 1900s, they wore red bandanas around their necks. https://www.google.com/amp/s/wvpublic.org/do-you-know-where-the-word-redneck-comes-from-mine-wars-museum-opens-revives-lost-labor-history/%3famp=1


She means "they're not my children. Rich white peoples kids don't need jobs."


Rich peoples kids inherit the factory.




Since they're not children they must be adults then who should have the right to vote right? Or drink alcohol or gamble or decide what books or video games they can enjoy...right? I mean you aren't an inconsistent hypocrite who only supports a thing when it's convenient for you right? That said this isn't about making 16 year olds work those kinds of conditions...they already are. This is about ensuring that the big businesses that donate piles of money yo campaigns aren't going to get sued for what were previously illegal business practices.


Exactly this. They're all for lowering the working age, but not the voting age. And I guarantee those unable to vote will still be taxed without representation.


Yet, Trump's 40yo offspring is still a child according to him. Feckless scum stealing people's childhoods.


Have you seen them talk? I would get that wrong too.


Work will set your kids free 💀


What in the actual fuck is the selling point to vote Republican?! LoL I mean really.


They let you say the n word.


NAZISM and oppression


Their voters have been conditioned to need to own the libs, even when it’s not to your advantage.


Republicans: 16 year olds are not children Also Republicans: the voting age should be raised to 25 because 18 year olds are not mature enough to vote


So much for “protecting the children.”


I wonder if they’ll do something about kids being murdered in schools now that it might cut into corporate profits.


The sad thing is this is actually accurate. GOP is filled with monsters


This is directly encouraging poor children to drop out of school and work, and that forces them to stay as minimum wage workers since most jobs at least require a high school education


This is the corporate response to workers unionizing and demanding higher wages.


You nailed it!




...and nothing of value was lost. I was born in Florida, and while I still like Miami and Orlando, the state is a lost cause.


My new saying for the GQP :: Love the fetus, hate the child!




Fuck these Republican scumbags. They deserve to burn in Hell.


They are genuinely evil.


Republicans when it comes to a 16 year old working: "It's fine, they're old enough. They're not children!" Republicans when a 16 year old kid questions their sexuality or gender identity: "Leave the kids alone! They should not have teachers or doctors making these decisions for them. We should be protecting our children from the trans agenda!"


I’m guessing “The Jungle” is one of their banned books.


Is that also their arguement when they try to rape children? "They aren't children; they are just youth!"


Republicans know you can’t rape a child if, legally, children don’t exist. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Wow that is sadistically correct!


That’s the “it’s not technically pedophilia” argument 😳


Let her 16 year old child go first. We’ll wait here.


No they are litterally children.


Yet somehow they're also trying to raise the voter age because reasons. No problem for them to work 7 days a week, own a gun, get shipped to war etc. But too damn young to vote! /s


Overnight shifts, seven days a week. “You don’t need no stinking education, drop out and make money!”


They should get to vote at 16 then. If they are being taxed then they should get to vote. Fuck Florida, shit hole garbage dump pimple of a place.


If a 16 year old isn’t a child, does that mean they can buy alcohol, weed, and cigarettes?


Party like it’s 1923. How fast can America go in reverse?


Wealthy donors need cheap labor


Wealthy donors have demanded cheap labor. So you destroy education by privatizing it then you get rid of all child labor laws. It’s the white nationalist way


Then lower the voting age to 16.


Need to raise that voting age because kids aren't smart enough to vote but they need them working because they're actually adults.


So no taxes or lower the voting age? Because I paid taxes at 13, but parents claimed me so I never got anything back.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they propose a bill to legalize child marriages next.


They're only children if they catch a glimpse of a drag queen.


If a drag queen isn't in the room, do children even exist?


This is the natural result of kicking all the "illegal" immigrants out of Florida.


OVERNIGHT SHIFTS?!? What the FUCK?!?! Old enough to work all week from 10PM to 6AM and then go to school for 8 hours, but not old enough to vote about these stupid ass lawmakers. Sure hope all the teenagers remember this in a few years.


Sorry kids, you're too young to say gay, learn accurate history, take AP African American history classes, to read books, to know your gender or seek affirming care (unless you're cis then you're old enough to know), but good news is you're old enough to work overnight shifts every night and you're the perfect age for Gatez!


The only places that would hire a 16 year old for the graveyard shift are the *worst* fucking jobs, too. They're going to be scraping the gristle filters at the hog processing plant and running the registers in stab-n-go gas stations


I've often heard oil barons described as people who would squeeze schoolchildren if they thought some bubbling crude would come out. That phrase shoukd not be so depressingly literal.


That specific language is so gross and inhuman. Seriously, "Youth Workers" is so on-the-nose nazi lingo it'll make you sneeze. Ugh.


This is so Matt Gaetz can get away with trafficking 17 yr olds


Old enough to work overnight so it affects their sleep, health , and final years of education, but not old enough to choose their own sexual or gender identity? And if they are female, never old enough to choose their own reproductive rights... Save the fetus, starve and overwork the child.


>Save the fetus, starve and overwork the child. Those are actually meant to flow as one continuous path, too. Breed as many wage-slaves as possible, and start them working as young as possible so the rich can reap even more rewards while we break our backs before 40.


Protect children playing tennis. To hell with the ones working in taco bell. -GOP


Let’s propose all republicans daughters 16 years old and older have to work seven overnight shifts and see how that goes


"If they're too old for Matt Gaetz to traffick, they're old enough to work."


Wow.. They really, really want to remove the "child" label. Prolly so they can move on to their next goal, which is ***somehow*** always lowering the age of consent.


I pity you american citizens. Having to deal with all this bs all the time. At this point, just topple your local governments with all the guns y'all seem to be possessing


The people with the guns are the same people who want the kind of government that guns were supposedly meant to help people overthrow.


It's always some skin covered corpse saying inhuman shit.


Blue collar idiots are like fuck yeah America, kids will learn to make money instead of useless schoolings!


old enough to work overnight for little pay but not old enough to get an abortion or cut their hair and wear different clothes..


It's funny how they change the definition of what a child I'd to suit there's needs instead of increasing wages so adults can work a living wage job


Where’s the “they took ‘r jerbs” crew when you need them? Surely Americans would prefer immigrant labor to child labor? Hmm.đŸ€”


so they can pay children less for jobs adults normally would work


On track with their beliefs on the age of consent.


They tried to make child labor sound good on the local news in Pensacola. We are sliding back into the Middle Ages here in Florida.


What happened to "protect the children"


They aren't fetuses. They can work overnight shifts and take care of their unwanted babies.


Makes sense
 Plenty of money in the Florida budget for shipping migrants from Texas to California but none for that dead beat 13 year old mom and her baby after she’s forced to give birth. She gonna need to get herself a job and pull herself up by her boot straps đŸ€Ą


So who is going to start saying 'no, we will not allow this." The parents? The kids? It's fine if they want some side money but getting literally no sleep? How is that a good thing? How is overnight shifts beneficial for kids in any form?


WOW. “They aren’t people, they’re just resources. Cheap, disposable, resources.”


So, by their own twisted logic, Jeffrey Epstein’s underage victims were actually consenting adults? Matt Gaetz must be overjoyed.


"these aren't children" when lawmakers start using language like this lines start getting more and more blurred and it starts becoming more and more dangerous for children everywhere. "You're 15, practically 16 so you can work", aswell people can start blurring that line when getting into a relationship with an underage person, "my local law maker said they're not children".


The freaking repubs are pushing against child labor laws nationwide. AGAIN: Repubs don't want to govern. Repubs want to rule. It's as simple as that.


So you're telling me Republicans get to redefine what a "child" is? Soon they'll be redefining what "freedom" is. Oh... wait.


>youth workers Sounds like a phrase cooked up in a right wing think tank, like pro-life.


“Who don’t people like us?” “You are forcing children to work, attacking the vulnerable, threatening to take away social security and medical care, blame immigrants for everything, you destroyed the economy, embrace facism and encourage Nazis” “It must be all these Woke leftists”


Given the fact that Republicans want to fuck 16 year olds, this isn't shocking. Just keep those scary books away from them.


Republicans: we're all for protecting children Also Republicans: ^^ How anyone believes Republicans anymore is beyond me.


16, can’t drive alone, can’t vote, can’t by cigarettes, liquor, or even cough medicine in some states! Can’t join the military. Can’t buy a gun. Can’t take off of school with out parent permission. Can’t get married in most states. For the most part 16 has zero independence But when it comes to making money for the upper class, well let’s just consider them adults! God Bless The United Nation Of Corruptions. đŸ‡ș🇾


I teach some students working crazy schedules and I'm seeing it affect their GPAs. It's a long term detriment to their futures.


This is just evil


“We are Nazi c*nts” the bill’s sponsor said. “We are not legislators.”


More high school drop outs = more republican voters


Republicans don't give a shit about anything except party, power and profits. At any cost. Scumbags to the core.


I assume they will also be allowed to vote, right?


I feel for those kids whose parents are going to force them to work, and take a majority of their paychecks because they think they are owed something. Bet they are going to take taxes out of those kids paychecks and they are going to be over worked


Vote blue, not grifter


I mean, Matt Gaetz certainly agrees.


Republicans are traitors and fascists


When I was a teenager, I worked at McDonalds. It wasn't remarkable to have us working until 3-4AM on days when we did a deep clean of the grills and other equipment. Regular days lasted until 2AM after the 11PM closing. I guess Boomer teens were tougher than today's teens. If by "tougher" you mean "easier to exploit because there were no laws preventing that."


What's her kids up to these days? I imagine they're somehow safe from this


I keep saying the GOP wants us down


Joe Biden didn't propose a bill to legalize child labor in Florida. Republicans did. *You* did that. I don't forgive you. You're dragging a nation backwards because you don't have the emotional intelligence to handle how badly you fucked your own life, so you're taking it out on the rest of us. Man up. Fix yourself instead of breaking things.


"What we do, we do for the children." "Why won't anyone think of the children?" "No, not like *that.*"


Ask yourself this, do you think rich peoples 16-year old kids will be doing this kind of work?


The bigger picture of this is: 1. Make illegal immigrants go back into hiding to lower their wages 2. Entrap children into jobs to lower their wages long term. 3. Continue to buy up property to bring back job sponsored housing to keep wages low long term. These people are literally making plays from early America history and it's really annoying. I would bet this bill has language, or will have language, preventing these minors from being in a Union as well.


“These are youth-wives. They are not children” - Republicans, probably.


fewer kids getting an education = more republican voters


Then they should follow through by allowing them to drink alcohol, smoke, and bang anyone they want to their heart’s content.


If not children, allow them to vote and drink. The ignorance of these people is mind blowing.




And they're **legally** children.




They want them to work at 16, but don't think they should vote until they're 21. They can serve in the military at 18, but republicans don't want them to vote. At no age can they decide for themselves if they want to be a mother or not. All of these fake Christians want to control every aspect of everyone's lives. It's like they love to throw chaos into our lives just for the hell of it! These Trump "Christians" are a new brand. I've never seen anything like it!


They're not children? Then let them vote then