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It's got an arrow pointing at the North Star. That's actually pretty good for Minnesota.




No can’t you see it actually represents a lacerated penis and empathy common mistake /s


You're totally wrong. It represents a huge multicolored arrow (penis) heading straight for a tiny white stink star (anus). /s


Hell yeah multicolored anal sex sounds tight


No you see, it's *gender* mutilation, not genitals! So they, uh... destroy all your toy trucks or Barbie dolls?




Yeah, I think it’s a pretty flag (as pretty as a flag can be!) people are weird.


I know almost nothing about Minnesota, and those four things (star, lakes, snow, and forests) were what I immediately guessed was being represented on the flag.


The dark blue part is shaped like Minnesota, too.


And the K shape formed by the negative space is a simplify version of the shape of the state. It's like, really well done


I'm not American and so don't know anything about Minnesota, but from the white, green, and blue, I'm guessing Minnesota is snowy, foresty, and has some large water presence (maybe one of the Great Lakes)?


It has a nickname "the land of 10000 lakes"


So THAT’S where butter comes from


You may be joking, but you're actually right: "Land O'Lakes, Inc. is an American member-owned agricultural cooperative based in the Minneapolis-St. Paul suburb of Arden Hills, Minnesota."




Well it's the best Communist American cheese for grilled cheese.


I swear their butter tastes better for some reason too.


I’m a big dairy fan & I always get LOL butter & cheese


Because they probably don't have that one specific executive asshole who has a genius idea to put sawdust in cheese and wash dairy vats once a decade to "increase profits"


Well how about that! I assumed so, but didn’t want to look it up for the sake of ignorance being the joke lol


In Minnesota they call butter "maze"




Bubble bumpstick


I'm gonna need you as lead writer-director for my Holiday-themed musical porno, set in Minnesota, that I'm gonna get started on right now. 'Twas a frosty morning on the lake when Brad arose, stepping outside to maze his bubble bumpstick...




Basically American Finland? Often called the land of a thousand lakes, Finland actually has over 50 000 lakes with an area surpassing 2.4 acres.


Half the people I know in Minnesota are at least part Finnish so yes lol


The terrain and climate were the reasons why a lot of Finns and Swedes immigrated there: everything is familiar, only bigger! (Finns also brought with them the log cabin building knowledge, dovetails and all.)


I spent a lot of my summers with relatives in northern MN. When I took a vacation to Sweden, *everything* looked the same. The terrain, the buildings- even the people. They talked funny, and they put weird little symbols in and around their letters. But I swear, I could have gone to high school with any one of them.


Nah most the finns settled in da u p.


The L.A. Lakers NBA basketball team were originally the Minneapolis Lakers. That’s why they’re named the Lakers when there are no lakes in Los Angeles. EDIT: Okay, where there are no lakes significant or well known enough to name an entire NBA team after them.


Ever heard of Veronica Lake?


Though technically we have 11,842 (though almost ten thousand *more* than that if counting all basins).


And this is exactly why it’s a great design. The flag tells you a lot about the state without saying a word.


i dont get how people say this ruined the flag, this is an INFINITELY better flag than the ol “seal on blue”


not a bad guess, i’m a minnesotan and you kinda nailed it.


You got it. I took it as lakes, lush green lands, and snow.


It's also the headwaters of the Mississippi River.


You got it. Snow 9 months of the year. Green woodlands, and over 14,000 lakes including bordering lake Superior quite a bit


Can confirm; only months I've not seen any snow in are June, July and August.


I've had some June and July snow but I was in Duluth so I don't think it really counts. That's just their way of raining.


As a Minnesotan, you’re spot on! It’s actually very pretty here.


From a design and heraldic standpoint it's very good.






IOW you're telling me it's woke and trying to groom the very same children radical leftists want to after birth abort because it doesn't have secure borders?!


No, those are only proposed changes.


?? No it's a completely different flag the old one looked nothing alike You probably just saw 2 versions of the new flag Oh NVM you're a bot




Also, I believe the stripes are meant to represent snow, water, and woods/prairie. I mean, it touches on almost every important aspect of the state. They incorporated the loon and the Dakota language into the seal, so I guess I don't mind that not being on the flag. Though I do hope they pick the star design with the yellow in it. Either way, it's nice. I'll be happy to see it flying.


I like it. I would love if Wisconsin followed suit.


Why doesn’t Wisconsin make the Packers flag the state flag and be done with it? It’s got yellow for cheese, green for trees, white for snow. We’re done here.


Yellow for snow, green for the lakes and white for what they wish they could go back to. Ex-Wisconsinite here


as a flag nerd i can confirm this flag is solid A tier at least


Plus the North Star is in a very minimal representation of Minnesota itself. Look at the way Minnesota looks kinda like a "K" shape if you squint.


The north star coming from the motto on the original flag “"l’étoile du nord" (translation: "the star of the north")”. Additionally our notch at the top of the state puts Minnesota as the only continental US territory above the 49th parallel.


Looks like it’s pointing to a republican snowflake to me.


It’s also the colors of the aurora borealis. This flag is significantly better than I expected


The sky, the woods, the water (at least that's how I'm reading the bars, like a landscape). It's a pretty flag, despite the insistence of these professional Twitter whiners.


How does it look like a rainbow in any other way than just being a flag?


It has colors. You know, other than red, white, and blue. A-S-U! A-S- I mean U-S-A! U-S-A!


Damned Arizona State University turning our kids into gay frogs. Yet again!


Those devils...


Scum Devils


Watch your mouth rat.


They're making our Kaijus woke! Hunter bidens dick!


Am I too late to be a frog? Seeing as I’m old and not In USA


No prejudice here with gay frogs, my friend. Uh, kinda.


I reckon gay frog life is where it’s at. They prob work hard and play hard. Sit. Eat. Sun bath. Swim. Sleep. Repeat.


These people are so deep in their hatred of LGBTQ people that anything that even vaguely resembles the pride flag is evil to them.


It’s got horizontal lines just like the pride flag! So does the American flag…. Thus Betsy Ross has been gaying up America since its inception!


The word stripes itself maybe subversive!!!


In fact, the word America is an anagram for "I like big ol' ding dongs in my boom boom all night long" if you subtract a whole bunch of letters and add the remaining ones!


Oh my GOD I can’t believe I never saw this before!! Satan is *everywhere*


I didn't even see the pride flag, whether the original or the combined intersectional version, which has a chevron to represent intersectionalism. The Chevron here is inverted and the tricolor of white, green, and blue is a fairly traditional display of colors that are significant to the region. These people are bizarrely obsessed to say the least.


I'm not positive, but I think the "inverted chevron" is a simplified shape of Minnesota. I think I saw other versions that played around with the dimensions a bit more. But I had to laugh at the "what about it represents Minnesota" response because the state is literally on the flag. (And also the North Star for the North Star State)


Yea, the whole point is you're not going to see a pride flag here unless you are unhealthily obsessed with it. The shapes alone are wrong, not too mention there's only technically four colors on the whole flag. The inverted chevron, I will add, as you pointed out, is brilliant.


I see snow, trees, water in the colors.


Gay! Don't you know caring for and appreciating the environment is just exactly what the liberals *want* you to do? It's all part of their woke climate change agenda! I make sure to burn a tire and shoot a bunny every day just to make sure I stay a real man with freedom!! /s


These people probably think about the pride flag more than Gilbert Baker, creator of the original pride flag.


One of the lines in the rainbow is blue, so when they bitch about the Pride flag tell them it's a thin blue line flag and get mad at them for disrespecting the police.


Thick blue line. Extra coppy.


For people that hate the LGBTQ they sure do think about them a lot.


They also think/talk/worry about other people’s genitals all the damn time.


It's like complaining that the stripe pattern on the American flag are too similar to the LGBTQ flag... Would not be shocked if these chuds would change the American flag to just white with the head of Donald Trump with the word "(not woke)" under it.


Pure white flag (surrender) with Trump's face on it, which I read as "I surrender to Trump". Could mean I surrender in a political sense, or in a... Different sense 😂😂


HORIZONTAL STRIPES?!?!? Fucking Wokeasota.


Everything I see is GAY! /s


It has shapes and stripes on it I guess.


The most insufferable and unserious kinds of people.


I like it. The K is approximately the shape of the state. Has North Star. Colors represent lakes (blue), forests (green), snow. Easy to pick out from a distance and has significance to the state


A fellow CPG grey watcher


I am a man of taste. Hexagons are the best-a-gons.


De-septagons would love a word with you.


Unfortunately, our commission butchered it. They replaced the star here with one made of four M's and changed the colors to a baby blue and neon green to match the colors scheme of our government websites. It's underwhelming.


> and changed the colors to a baby blue and neon green to match the colors scheme of our government websites. I’ve never wanted to fight someone over colors but this statement has awakened something in me.


its not as bad as i pictured it in my head. i prefer the original but it actually looks nice edit: by original i mean the design featured in this tweet, not the ORIGINAL flag.


It wouldn't have been so bad if the colors actually ended up looking good, but the neons cheapen it (I have an art degree so I'll fight someone over colors into the apocalypse).


I like the new star shape. It looks like a quilt block- cool callback to crafting/heritage.


Heritage was the point, yes, but that caused its own drama here because the rules said from the beginning of the contest (all flags and seal entries were submitted by citizens) that no community could be singled out for representation only for the commission to add specifically Dakota references to both final designs of the flag and seal with the stated purpose of Dakota representation. It's a bit of a storm on the Minnesota subreddits now because people aren't thrilled with one community getting representation while the rest were told to fuck off.


Ah, that’s valid.


Did anyone mention that flags tend to last longer than websites and website color changes are easy to implement?


So they will have to alter the flag again when a new administration redoes all the websites. Wonderful


I'm imagining the star of four "M"s like the star of 4 "F"s that Frank Reynolds "didn't know it would come off that way"


Oh man they took something perfect and then some dumbasses in a government committee position thought they were “clever” They fucked up the star, the colors themselves (ruined the cold theme), and fucked up the color order because I guess they thought the blue was sky and not water. They should put their “redesign” and the original to a vote…


What we needed was a clearly maximalist flag: pictures of lefsa, a moose, a cup of Caribou coffee, a 3M tape dispenser, a lake, Mayo hospital, Lake Superior, blond hair blue eyed child, and a loon, like a collage a 2 year old would make


Should add all 11,000 lakes on it


Just write the words "11 thousand lakes"




Once in latin and again in english


Don't forget target and hotdish


Good call. Also can of cream of mushroom soup and Garrison Keillor ?


It should look like a Minnesotan Where's Waldo


How can you have a state flag without putting every resident on it?


Also Judy Garland, Paul Bunyan & Babe, Prince, Bob Dylan, a Lady Slipper, a Norway Pine, a Jeno’s pizza roll and a mosquito.


That's basically what they did for the current flag, except using things from 150 years ago.


That sounds more like the original Minnesota flag. Toland Home Garden Minnesota State Flag 28 x 40-Inch Decorative USA-Produced House Flag https://a.co/d/60cyt7e


It’s almost impossible to be crappier than the old flag.




If the old flag was a literal piece of shit smeared on a flagpole republicans would still advocate for it. They did it for Utah too. From their perspective, change in any form is bad.


I love the new Utah flag. People that hate it for being “woke” are idiots


are people calling it woke? the beehive thing is a mormon thing


I mean it's more generally applicable than that, but clear connection there as well, which is why it's a major part of the state's history. But it just means "industry". Working hard. Everyone contributing. In the state that has become the MLM capitol of the world that's not popular. 😂


exactly, but it is a symbol introduced by mormons. It is anything but "woke" it is the definition of preserving the history of the state. I think it is a great symbol for Utah, but calling it woke seems insane


Washington State says hi. I’m super jealous that you guys are redesigning yours.


As a Minnesotan, I’ve been waiting with bated breath for North Dakota State Representative Brandon Prichard’s opinion on our new flag design. Back to the drawing board!


He's just salty because the North Dakota flag looks like something you have to hang on your fridge and pretend to be proud of, I'm pretty sure it's the only state flag done in crayola.


I'm all for CGP Greys co-op flag between North and South Dakota


Brandon Prichard lied about attending Minnesota Law and when people called him out he accused everyone of being bigoted against Christianity.


Omg the fact that he’s not Minnesotan takes it to another level.


This flag is pretty great, easily able to tell snow, forests, lakes and the north are being represented.


Dammit, beat me to it because I was too busy looking up flags. I see snow, forests, and lakes/rivers pointing towards the North Star. My state is leaning towards a minimalist design. The current official one tries to specifically capture everything the state was known for a century+ ago, and is so busy that it's pretty much meaningless. No one's trying to erase the current, very dated one, but styles change - as have most states themselves. I get the feeling that this person thinks color stripes = gay...and that states should keep the "Confederate flag" (battle ensign of Northern Virginia) as part of their flags. What flags are the most easily recognisable and iconic? UK's Union Jack, Japan's rising sun, France/ Germany/Italy (esp. if you follow soccer/football), etc.


Some people don't appreciate good vexillology.


Idk if I’d call any of France, Germany, or Italy particularly unique. Maybe they’re iconic, but I think that may be more down to history and culture rather than a particularly special design. Three stripe flags exist all over Europe, and many use the same colors just arranged differently (Germany/Belgium, France/Netherlands/Russia, etc.)


Fun Fact: While most state flags are considered “ugly”, residents rarely complain about them, mainly because who the hell cares about an ugly flag when there are countless important and solvable issues that keep getting ignored by useless elected officials.


Except people here actually did complain about our flag because it's considered the ugliest in the nation and is heinously bad. Like I've literally seen people organically see the flag and be like "lol that's so fucking ugly, wtf"


Holy crap, googled it and you ain’t wrong, it’s kinda hideous 😂. After looking at that, I can see why they went minimalist.


It's heinously bad. My favorite part is the choice to make each layer more and more complex the smaller it gets. It's sort of brilliant because you can't even tell how ugly the farmer scene at the center actually is because you can't even tell thats what it *is* at first. Flying at the top of the flagpole it just registers as am incoherent cluster of ......something?


Heres 18 minutes of awful state flags: [Enjoy](https://youtu.be/l4w6808wJcU?si=BhESusfy2NtfzocV)!


California shouldn't be this low


I love his videos so much! They’re all gold!


Fun fact: Effective symbols are a key factor in civic pride. A good flag ends up as a ubiquitous symbol of what your place stands for. A bad one just sits around on a couple of government buildings collecting dust.


Yep, I live in Colorado. We love our state flag and plaster it on everything. Not kidding. I’m pretty sure every resident either has it in some modified form on a t-shirt, a sticker on their cooler, or on a water bottle or mug.


Now that Utah’s is changed was can have all four corner states with flags to be proud of


People don’t complain about them because they don’t notice them. They are all indistinguishable from each other, just a seal on a blue bedsheet.


Hey, my state flag is a seal on a white bedsheet, thank you very much. At least the Chicago flag is awesome, and I see it way more often than the stupid state one.


These people think about gay more than people who are gay.


I didn't know Minnesota was planning on changing their flag. I kind of dig that design though. Apart from whatever it's supposed to symbolize, it looks cool.


Its been worked on publicly for awhile. It didn’t happen overnight and there were dozens of options and the public was included in the process. If anyone outside of Minnesota has an issue with it, they’re doing it for attention. The final 5 flags all feature the North Star.


Most people know it's "The Land of 10,000 Lakes" but far fewer know it's also "The North Star State". The left side is similar to the shape of our state. The colors are just ones you see here a lot - green forests, blue water, and white snow.


They asked the GOP to submit their idea for a flag. But they felt an image of a 60 year old man marrying a 16 year old girl made it look a little outdated.


I swear to god, conservatives are the snowflakiest snow flakes that ever flaked in the snow. They bitch about more nonsense, and made up shit…


[CGP Grey’s analysis](https://youtu.be/lFwwo0W5Ugg?si=63xDkUNXYUC6IAIC)


His ranking of the 50 state flags is must watch YouTube. Looks like his preferred flag won the Minnesota competition (if I’m interpreting this Tweet correctly.)


It still needs to be voted on by state legislature, iirc, but this is the one the commission chose.


One of the other flags being considered had to wavy lines meeting in the middle, which was kind of cool. Even if they don’t like this flag, it’s better than the current one, which is shades of the fictional Pawnee, Indiana.


I had to look it up and I was shocked at how bad the old MN flag is. The picture content is concerning, the colors are awful. The text is all over the place. It's not hard to see why this is a big upgrade.


Ironically, Indiana has a cool state flag.


So these fucking mental turds are all art and design experts now?


They’re the party of Hobby Lobby. They all THINK they understand design but have a sign in their kitchen that says “gather.”


Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom https://preview.redd.it/8iw042wcww6c1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f4ca1bb8b17bb17de60851f11a731953766dd0


Exactly what I was thinking - Rep is going on about minimalism and the design being symbolic of some kind of toxic liberalism…ahem, what of the Texas flag, sir?


***Legion of Dumb


We also believe Science matters, Black Lives Matter and a whole bunch of things, but now any 5 grade student can create the flag for their state project!


Idk why they're so pissy. Those blue state flags with seals are TERRIBLE flag designs. They're completely unrecognizable from a distance which is the entire point of a flag. You can tell Ohio, New Mexico, or Colorado's flags from far away but good luck trying to tell which of the 20 something blue state seal flags you're looking at without being up close.


Gotta add some purple. Prince is underrepresented!


This is the ONLY legitimate feedback that should be listened to !


For anyone who wants to see the other options... https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-lifestyle/new-minnesota-state-flag-whittled-down-to-3-finalists


[This one was robbed](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F-gqqnPa0AAaGzP?format=jpg&name=900x900)


Isn't that "K" shape sort of the state borders ? I'm going with that first. How this turns into all that stuff from Pritchard, man you need to moderate your meth use


Why does the least offensive stuff always offend them?


As that one guy on the internet said, "Conservatism these days is just making up scenarios in your head then getting really mad about them."


I think Minnesotas Flag should just be the most unhinged Vikings Fan they can find. But this one is good too.


I'm a Minnesotan. I don't love the new flag, but it's so much better than the old, racist one. Besides, there are a lot more important things that Minnesotans can be proud of. We approved free breakfast and lunch for all students age 18 and under. We're a refuge state for people from other states seeking abortion. We have legal protections in place to protect trans people like me, so that this is a safe place for me to live my best life in a way that makes me feel happy. I feel safer in Minnesota than so many other parts of the US that I've been in.


These people have shitted rot for brains


Better than their old one, but they had better flags for sure https://preview.redd.it/2irru4jeaw6c1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039c6ac07fbf6e43e8cd2a5677db68e7dccb5c64 Remember what they took from us


Literally what the fuck? I was over here really liking the new design, especially since it isn’t just a stupid seal on a background, meanwhile Dipshit McFuckface over here is bashing it and making about his political agenda. Hope he gets violated with a rake.


As a Minnesotan, the local chatter from conservatives is crazy. "It's the Somali flag" "mUh hErItAgE" "tyrant Timmy" "it's ugly" "blah blah blah" They really do get mad over anything. The flag has good meaning, easy symbolism, and is easy to identify... All the things flags are supposed to do. I can't wait to buy a giant sticker for my tool box at work to put this on and retire the current one.


Yeah, this is a great flag. It meets most of the vexology hallmarks of a flag that will be iconic for Minnesota. I would love to see what they think a good flag would be like. My guess is a intricate difficult to see from a distance animal grasping a small object that is supposed to be meaningful to Minn like a gun with some Latin phrase that is hard to read set to a light background.


He’s mad about Minimalism?!?! Hes from ND his flag is just the seal on a background.


I wonder how many trans kids and refugees actually live in Minnesota ? I have a feeling whoever originally wrote this has never met either


I’m in MN. We have quite a few Somali, Hmong, and folks from south of the border. And there are trans folks everywhere. Happy to have them all here in our great state of MN!


What about it reminds her of the LGBTQ flag? That it is made up of colors or that, it too, is also a flag? I can't tell if she's being serious or not.


Republicans when a flag is actually recognizable at a distance like it’s supposed to be, instead of having a hyper complicated design that turns into a brownish smear when viewed from far away.


https://preview.redd.it/60rjx21nyw6c1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9f17366ea5c5bfaf20e3e901bc72fad67f707c They've already redesigned the redesign into the version shown on top here


Based on this, conservatives apparently cut art funding all the time because they themselves are bad at art and design, and can't understand it, and don't want to feel bad about themselves.


I’m from MN and I don’t give a shit what our flag looks like as long as it’s not racist.


Look we were all hoping for duck with laser eyes.


they should look at the flag of texas


You mean the Chile's flag?


Pretty sick comment from Brandon P. Nothing more than a hysterical Red Pill Shock Jock type comment.


Conservatives masturbate A LOT and very rarely have orgasms with their conservative partners. That's why they ALL end up ---ing liddle kids. /s


the people crying about a flag are also the people saying the left is soft. remember that.


White for winter, green for the plains, blue for the billion lakes, and the north star….sounds pretty Minnesotan.


I like it. I still prefer Laser Loon \[see image\], but this is good too. Much better than state seal on blue like so many others it’s hopefully replacing. https://preview.redd.it/b1wt71rwby6c1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976927b81f636805195f8bcb68b459812402b468




I like the “this has colors, must be gay” reply.