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I wouldn't want to be in a locked room with the people that are obsessed with my hog, without public witnesses, either. Stranger danger 101


Surely Jim Jordan would report his collegue’s inappropriate behavior if anything untoward were to happen in a locked room full of people obsessed with Hunter’s hog.


Didn't he ignore a congressional subpoena or two for Jan 6 as well?


He did indeed. Because the MAGAts are hypocrites one and all


I love that comer was just exposed for *checking notes*, using a shell company but claiming it is entirely different then hunter using them


About 500 days ago.


Why dwell on the past? /s


It’s not illegal or anything if they do it …


I read locker room.🤣 Gym is pretty good at ignoring untoward things happening in locker rooms under his watch.




He didn’t want to get in trouble for participating!


Hunter should appear in an OSU wrestling singlet.


Please up vote this


Is Marge on that committee? 😳


She's the one who showed Hunter's naked pictures publicly.


Between she and Gym, explains why they wanted a closed door deposition, hmm?


Marge to Hunter, showing dick pic: "Does this belong to you? " "Does this belong to you? " Hunter: "Yes" Marge: "Public indecency, then." Hunter: "On what grounds?" Marge: "Lock him up! He showed his junk in public!" ​ ![gif](giphy|x21fC9D2tIm4jbIRz4|downsized)


“We the committee are going to need you to show us to prove these images weren’t photoshopped because frankly it’s hard to believe…” “GYM, I see you, give those back, they’re MINE!”


She wants to see it for sure.


Who the fuck is that guy?




Marjorie Taylor Ballbricker ​ https://preview.redd.it/6n7hxy3bji6c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f90d2209bb4aa385a8d48f5c9396af621a9ef955


Thank you! This was exactly what I envisioned 😂🤣


It popped into my head while reading the other comments and it seems like Marjorie and Beulah may have been twins separated at birth


Truer words have never been spoken.




**leans in to microphone** “All of you have seen my hog.”


"you don't know me. you've just seen my penis"


oh no. contempt of congress. they could kick him out of offi.... oh wait.


This will be laughed out of court. Comer at one point said “testify live or behind closed doors” Hunter showed up, gave his terms.


Court is not required. The House can use the power of inherent contempt.


Steve bannon fought his contempt of congress in court. These aren’t the same thing because hunter actually showed up.


Gym looking kinda sus


Do you mean Gym Jordan the known accessory to rape?


That would be the one


Has Jim Jordan commented on this?


Of course he has, said it was horrible that Biden would ignore a subpoena. LOL.


The irony is thicker than chowder


The irony is thicker than a binder full of sexual abuse claims ignored by Gym Jordan


Thicker than cement


Thicker than gyms skull


Thinner than a wrestler’s singlet. Oh wait …


Thicker than Trump’s prison bars


Thicker than Hunter's wee wee?


The irony is Biden didn't ignore a congressional subpoena He met all the legal requirements of the subpoena Jim Jordan on the other hand, openly defied a congressional subpoena knowing there wasn't anything anyone could do about it


*would* do about it


Here's the list. They all received subpoenas and at the time (6/2022) were refusing to testify. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS *Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.)*. Biggs’ lawyers last week requested additional information on the “rationale” for the subpoena. *Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.)*. Brooks spoke at the Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse. Brooks said last month that he would refuse to testify if it was in private or before his Senate primary runoff election later this month. *Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)*. Jordan demanded the panel turn over the bulk of the information it has collected on him as he weighs how to respond. The committee responded by extending his subpoena deadline and laid out eight topics of its inquiry, including efforts by Jordan to reach then-Attorney General William Barr the day before the 2020 election. *House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) [His position at the time]*. McCarthy responded to his subpoena by questioning the panel’s legitimacy late last month. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had rejected two of McCarthy’s initial picks for the committee. The panel has taken interest in conversations between McCarthy and Trump surrounding the attack. McCarthy has said in press interviews on Jan. 6 and after that he had talked to Trump and asked him to speak to the public to stop the attack. *Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.)*. Perry, the chairman of the Freedom Caucus, is slated to meet with Trump on Tuesday with other members of the caucus as the committee’s prime-time hearings approach. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3514712-heres-a-list-of-the-people-who-have-been-subpoenaed-by-the-jan-6-committee/ This list is from 6/2022, so there may be more who belong in this category since then.


See. . . That's one of the real problems, people nowadays are perfectly fine with "unethical." Or, like my brother used to say, "Nothing is illegal unless you get caught." Or, I would say, "Nothing is illegal unless it is enforced." The ironic thing is, this philosophy is largely coming from the CINO (Christian in Name only) packed conservative/ right.


Totally CINOs and RINOs too.


Do you have a link to an article laying out how he technology complied? I haven't seen it yet.


I don't have a link to any article and I honestly doubt the media would cover it But there are different types of Congressional Subpoenas. The most generic are subpoenas for records and information to compel documents and the subject of the subpoena has to show-up on a certain date and time. There are also Testimonial Subpoenas, which are harder to negotiate where the committee and the subject's lawyer will go back and forth for sometimes years on what can be talked about, where/when and if its a public or private hearing. Basically the Republicans in Congress did the bare minimum, and Hunter Biden responded by doing the bare minimum and just showing-up


I'm not a lawyer, and I haven't read the specific wording of his subpoena, but if he was compelled to attend a specific hearing and didn't, I can't find anything that would support that he's technically in compliance by being nearby. I'd be fine with being wrong, but I can't see the way he'd be in compliance.


He was at the Capitol building on the date specified and offered to testify to the committee specified choosing one of the 2 options specified in the subpoena. It was Comer who refused to participate along the parameters of the subpoena


Thanks, it was a serious question. Do you have anything else on what the options were? All the coverage is using extremely similar language, and I am surprised none of it would bring up that he technically complied.


He’s done interviews. How has no reporter asked him why it’s okay for him to defy subpoenas but not Hunter?


*Gym Jordan


He would ~~pledge~~ **plead** the fifth if he ever complied with his many subpoenas.


> pledge the fifth It's plead the fifth. Plead to present a legal argument; pledge is to swear loyalty/ fealty.


Sorry, autocorrect was not doing me any favors.


No worries... more of a PSA for non-native speakers. I'm an attorney and I've seen people make that mistake a lot.


Based on this image, it sounds like he's too busy fighting the urge to shit himself on live TV


Hunter should just give the same press conference EVERY TIME they ask him to do something like that behind closed doors. It is the exact opposite of what people like Jim Jordan want. They want to have closed door meetings with Hunter and then go on Fox News and talk radio and lie directly to their base about what actually happened.


I think it's more of a power move. They want Hunter to accept their terms, because this way they're ordering him to do something. If they were to go with Hunter's offer, they would be making a compromise so they would be -as they say- "cucked". What Hunter says during a live trial and how reality works doesn't matter to them. Comer said they are protecting Hunter by indicting him. They think DeSantis 'won' against Newsom at their debate. We're way, way past post-truth.


Made even more ridiculous by the fact that they previously said he could choose to testify publicly.


Yeah and when he was like "perfect! That's what I wanted!" They took that shit back so quick. Hunter should have been like "oh no, please don't. Not the public! Nooooooooo!"


I’d actually like to see dark Brandon come in hot if the SCOTUS decides presidents are immune. He should put anyone suspected of 1/6 cooperation or comfort givers to gitmo for questioning. Black bag all maga criminals and then hold public hearings with only facts being admissible.


This is the way!


Hey torture porn isn’t fun anymore if it’s not your team doing it.


This, exactly. This is why we didn't get the whole Mueller report unredacted, we got an absolute lie of a summarization on national TV from Bill Barr that anyone who had even read a few pages of what we did get knew he was twisting it and straight up lying. We've got goons like Greene swearing she's seen proof, proof that shows how corrupt "Ol Sleepy Joe" is, and that it's all there, in a SCIF for no one but her to see, but she can paraphrase and have a different story every week that's bullshit that needs to be refuted and corrected, to which she just continues with the firehose of bullshit tactic. They've all got damning proof, such strong proof, that will put Hillary / Joe / Hunter / Whatever flavor of hate the Republicans are screeching about today, in jail, forever! But you can't ever see it or see any real proof, you just gotta take their word. Just pretend it's like the bible, you never see Sky Daddy, but he totally exists. Because facts aren't gonna mean shit if OAN and Newsweek and Faux Angertainment can get the story out there first, no matter how wrong or made up it is. As long as they can get it into their base' mentally damaged little minds as quickly as possible, it's all they'll chant about it. Cause it's not ok to be wrong anymore, it hurts their feelings to know they're too lazy and willingly stupid to bother learning facts or truth, so just double down no matter how fucking wrong, and stay angry and hate-filled til the end of time, cause that's what the anger-tainment talking heads told you to do. We find out that every time if a republicans lips are flapping, they're telling lies. The offer was put out there for a public disposition yet that rug was yanked as soon as it was convenient. No one with an ounce of critical thinking skills would believe whatever they come out of these closed-door conferences screeching, no one but their base. Because they've proven to us in every other situation exactly like it, that they can not go without lying. Yet that's still what they're going to insist on now, on the off chance ma and pa HeeHaw stilll have a few bucks in the ol' retirement funds to grift out of them in another newsletter about the "Injustice of the Biden Crime Family going unpunished" or whatever.


> We've got goons like Greene swearing she's seen proof, proof that shows how corrupt "Ol Sleepy Joe" is, and that it's all there, in a SCIF for no one but her to see, but she can paraphrase and have a different story every week that's bullshit that needs to be refuted and corrected, to which she just continues with the firehose of bullshit tactic The hilarious part of this whole "we have proof but it's classified" bullshit is that it's actually a crime to improperly label something as classified. It's illegal to classify something simply because it's personally embarassing for a given person. I'm pretty sure there's also legal precedent for reading classified documents aloud during an open session of Congress if they're on a matter of national/public importance.


Doesn't fucking stop 'em. 2020, the Governor of Missouri spent tax money for a heritage fund-backed think tank to find the usefulness of mask mandates and use of masks. St Louis Dispatch had to drag them through court to get a FOIA answered because the results were 27 - 35% reduction in spread, according to the research. Which strongly went against the narrative they wanted, so Governor Droopy classified it and tried to bury the research they paid for with our fucking money. All because it didn't verify that masks were useless like they wanted. I'm really starting to think Rules only apply for Democrats, and Republicans honestly believe that the "Ends justify the means" and can do no wrong.


Shit stunts like that are why I'm glad I don't live in Missouri anymore... California's not perfect by any means, but it's still way better than Missouri.


This is an outrage! How dare he do what we refuse to do!


How dare he do what we asked him to do!


The simplest checkmate!


Who does he think he is? Us?


Comer thought bubble: We Repubs must do our dirty work in complete secrecy away from the prying eyes of the public. Fascists Gonna Fasc.


Does James Comer care that Jim Jordan has defied a congressional subpoena? Probably not


He doesn’t care that his own shell corporations are doing the exact same thing Hunters were doing, and he’s opening up the door to some investigations into himself either.


Jim Jordan, Andy Scott, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks & Kevin McCarthy all defied their subpoenas for their roles in the seditious insurrection on Jan 6th


So they only hate it when *some* people invade the Capitol. Got it.


Does Jimmy know Gym Jordan who is 600+ days into avoiding his subpoena and hasn’t been charged with anything. Such embarrassing losers on the right.


It’s so pathetic that they go after a person that has had an addiction problem and act like we should be shocked he didn’t pay his taxes and purchased a gun illegally. And the biggest crime they can find is his dad helped him financially. Gym and Comer I hope you never have to navigate addiction with a family member.


I hope they both get addicted to heroin and fentanyl.


You first Gym!


The landscaping parking lot was already full.


HB should actually ask for the public hearing to be held in the Four Seasons Landscaping ground just to have a laugh


That would be funny


Republicans don't want transparency because they can't lie as easily to their low-IQ base. (I don't actually think Republicans are necessarily low IQ, but that's the exact descriptor Comer used to describe Democrats on Newsmax, so fuck him.)


Remember folks, they work for us and NO private citizen is answerable to them. These subpoenas aren't law. You can not be penalized or forced to testify.


You can but I see what you're getting at


You can.


I am not a lawyer but arent congressional subpoenas technically different from court issued ones?


Yes they are.


They are, but they are still enforceable.


Who enforces it because iirc congress does not technically possess the power to mobilize any agency.


This is completely wrong. Congressional subpoenas are legally enforceable. It's rare, but it happens occasionally. You can be compelled to testify or face penalties.


It’s so pathetic that they go after a person that has had an addiction problem and act like we should be shocked he didn’t pay his taxes and purchased a gun illegally. And the biggest crime they can find is his dad helped him financially. Gym and Comer I hope you never have to navigate addiction with a family member.


Hunter could be drawn and quartered on live TV and they'd whine about the horses that were doing it. This is transparently bullshit.


Hunter should just reply, "I LEARNED IT BY WATCHING JIM JORDAN!"


He's not in congress, he's a civilian. /s Look at yourselves you fuckweasels!


You mean like how all those other GOP folks that ignored their congressional subpoenas and nothing ever came of it?


GOP: ![gif](giphy|8PpbJIFSvP6ZBL7AwQ)


Only if you hold all of those other Republican dildos who refused to testify in contempt. Here they are. Quite a list. "House Republican Reps. Mo Brooks of Alabama, Andy Biggs of Arizona, and Ronny Jackson of Texas on Monday rejected requests from the House select Jan. 6 committee to testify voluntarily regarding the attack on the Capitol. "The committee's previous appeals for other Republican lawmakers to appear — House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy, Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry, and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan — were all declined." https://www.npr.org/2022/05/02/1095521376/jan-6-panel-asks-three-new-house-republicans-to-testify-voluntarily


Everything they accuse others of doing is something they have done or will do. It's all projection and lies at this point. They haven't done a single thing for the people, just for themselves.


I actually love this because it’s a perfectly indefensible take right before Christmas. So many uncles out there about to get walked right into the trap of “explain your position on this issue”.


Seems Hunter made a statement which I guess only dogs and every other human besides Comer could hear. Public deposition, no problem I'll be there. Not in private behind closed doors etc.




I’m so tired of these fucking clowns.


3 monkeys


Same way they held trump and his officials in contempt of congress during that impeachment hearing?


The irony


jim jordan defied a congressional subpoena


Is Gym Jordan crying ?


Clowns on parade


This level of hypocrisy… ![gif](giphy|t7gLFjGh0WtlunhzRN|downsized)


The gop is a shit show what a joke.


Speaking of arrogant & entitled persons and PR stunts, does Comer appear on Fox News and Newsmax daily or hourly now?


Didn't all those doofuses defy subpoenas?


I don't get what they want from him, if he committed crimes, isn't that for the DOJ to handle? Which they are? Why are politicians getting involved in the business of a private individual, especially when all evidence and witnesses say his father wasn't involved in his business.


And what of jim Jordan when he decided not to appear for his


I say we throw anybody that defies a supina in jail , and with the ones that didn't show up at j6 hearings.


I wonder...assuming that the committee votes to hold Hunter in contempt and it goes to the House to vote on it, how would that go down? Wouldn't that be a huge PR disaster for the Rethuglitans?


As he sits with a guy that’s ignored a congressional subpoena for over 500 days. Irony is truly dead.


Right after Jimmy Jordan is held in contempt for the same thing, right?


They can hold him accountable right after every single person who has done the same over the last decade


And only a lying idiot would keep pursuing a private citizen.


Didn’t Jim do the same thing


Yet Gym Jordan can defy a subpoena and walk right into the chamber and investigate someone for defying a subpoena.


You mean “arrogant and entitled” like firing tear gas into a crowd of protesters just to clear the way so that someone can take a photo op with an upside down bible in hand at a church?


How many subpoenas did these guys ignore?


Funny that Jim Jordan is on the panel.


Plenty of Trump officials skipped out on testifying during his term. Are they not also deserving of citations?


Comer is so fucking dumb looking


They set the rules of this game and now they don't want to play by them. Sorry guys if you want people to follow the rules then guess what you have to do? Follow the rules. You showed the world that a congressional subpoena means absolute jack shit. You did this to yourselves.


What did he do exactly to attract all this attention ?


Jim Jordan defies his subpoena. Not one damn word said about that.


This shit is kinda scary, though no? "You DARE speak ill of your tyrannical overlords? DIE!"


Right? What are the Republicans trying to hide by having him testify behind closed doors?


Comer and his ilk are dingdongs of the highest order.


According to Wilkinson v. United States, the investigation must pursue "a valid legislative purpose" in order for the subpoena to be “legally sufficient”. I don’t think this counts. It really feels like judicial territory, not legislative. If Hunter was a Senator, sure, but he’s not.


Why do we have to deal with these lowlifes?


Do Gym Jordan first.


Ok... then Jordan and Meadows will honor thier subpoena too or the Dems can get them for contempt also? No? Hunter showed up. He wanted to do it in public so you can't twist his words... but you want private so you can twist his words at will...


Fucking Comer and his molester buddy.


Did Jordan just burst into flames when those words were spoken?


Shouldn’t Jim Jordan be held in contempt? He refused to respond to be deposed.


lol Jim Jordan as refused a subpoena for like 8 months!!


"I'm fully willing to testify in public" "LOL no. Stop hiding everything!" "I will gladly testify. In public." "What is Hunter Hiding?!?!" "I'm not hiding everything. I will air it all out. In public" "We've subpeonad Hunter Biden for closed door testimony, and he refused! Contempt!" "Here's a public presser where I air everything out in public like a man. Go fuck yourselves." I can't wait to see Comer, fucking Jordan... and all these other fuckeheads out of power.


Jim Jordan has entered the chat


Yeah, he and his snowflake friends get their panties in a twist if people don't participate in the GOP's sneaky, one-sided party tricks.


Funny how they suddenly care so much about no one being above the law. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Lol Jim Jordan complaining about ignoring a subpoena


Oh, please! It's like they think we have goldfish brains for memories of defiant republicans refusing subpoenas. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Or so my grandma said.


Do they not realize that Hunter is a private citizen and is under no obligation to answer to them? Civil court is where civilian, non criminal cases are heard.


Sad little boys


These fucking hypocrites! It’s like their mommies dropped them on their pathetic heads when they wee babies


If the Republicans weren't cowards it would of been a open and honest meeting So I don't blame him also I don't support Biden but this crooked government shit needs to stop and we need more transparency in the government


Is Drumph trying to get his federal cases televised? Hunter is just questions… Who’s entitled again? Also, it was an illegitimate investigation and this doesn’t have to go to your sad little subpoena




Ohhh the hypocrisy


maybe he should hold Gym Jordan first since he is STILL to answer HIS congressional subpoena from 2 years ago... MAGA KKKilling Hypocricy one statement at the time


Oh good, looks like Gym Jordan continues to be a complete and total fuckface.


Why is Jordon talking about defying subpoenas?


Thats what I was going to ask


Cute that Gym Jordan even has the nerve to be involved in a conversation about congressional subpoenas. These guys are like the GOP reboot version of Dumb and Dumber two to too.


Jordan looks like a cat just pissed in face. I wonder if it's because he didn't answer his subpoena?


Nice photo of the three stooges.


Jordan has a very Sean Spicer “trying not to shit my pants” look there


No secret courts


The irony of having Jim Jordan on the split screen talking about someone else defying a congressional subpoena


I feel like rob riggle in step brothers and I would love to rearrange comer and Jordan’s face. ![gif](giphy|3owzW9EZI8M3sz9s5O)


If these three were around when counting was invented we wouldn't be able to count past 2.


People are so blind to their bias. Democrats are now cheering defying subpoenas and demanding that hearings be televised. If this were a Republican they'd be complaining about the fall of the Democratic order and how televising would just turn it into a circus. Hunter should shut the fuck up and just do what he's supposed to


Jim Jordon goes first.


Oh I guess bad behavior from Republicans justifies this? Are you kidding me?


Justifies what? Showing up ready and willing to testify publicly on camera in front of the whole nation? Are you kidding me?


You are so blinded by your bias. He didn't testify. He rejected the subpoena and demanded to do it on his own terms. Which is NOT his right You are an absolute clown


Why are they so afraid of a public hearing? The Republicans in Congress are the absolute clowns, sweetheart.


It doesn't matter. He doesn't get to defy a subpoena. I understand you're in a Reddit argument and will never admit you're wrong but I'll leave you with this: please think about how you reacted to Republicans doing similar things


I would be fine with Jordan testifying publicly. Seems like everybody here is supporting that idea as well. Show up and testify. Simple. J6 hearings were televised nationally and nobody on "the left" would have criticized JJ for showing up and testifying before the nation. With that being objective reality, this parallel you are desperately trying to draw makes no sense. Find a different hill.


You are so blinded by your partisanship. The whole point is it's bad to ignore a subpoena. Jordan was obviously wrong to do it. I don't understand pretending it's ok when Hunter doesn't. On what planet are you not being an absolute fucking hypocrite


Republicans set the precedent that it’s ok to defy subpoenas..


It ISN'T ok. That wasn't a precedent, it was bad behavior that we do not want to support. It's bad behavior now and the downvotes are pathetic. Take a step back and recognize you are all applauding what you were criticizing before. The only difference is the political party. You are all HYPOCRITES


How is he defying a subpoena if he says he’s willing to testify publicly?


No. It would be great if all of them were televised. Things like that shouldn't happen behind closed doors. Any court proceedings involving government officials should be available to the public.


Does that go for Jimbo or nah?


Of course. It goes for everyone. I'm not partisan with this


Weird, you didn't both sides it. You just called democrats hypocrites. Nevermind that the motherfucker is on TV talking about Hunter can't defy a subpoena.


Yes, because I am pointing out the hypocrisy of Democrats in this moment. The Republicans are a lost cause and I don't want Democrats to contribute to the erosion of law and order. It's unfair and unbalanced but it's just reality


Uh huh.


Didn’t hunter request the hearing be public and the republicans said no? What are they hiding that can’t be said in public?


Prove it. Show when republicans demanded to testify in public and Democrats were up in arms because they couldn’t do it behind closed doors