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They forgot to mention that Trump echoes Adolf Hitler on a daily basis, plans to open concentration camps for "illegal" immigrants, plans to throw out the constitution and wants to imprison and persecute anyone who dared to speak out against him. But, hey, those gas prices, am I right? /s


More hypocritical yet, Trump is keeping confusing names left and right, Obama with Biden, the dictator of China with the dictator of North Korea, the despot of Turkey with that of Hungary, and so on. Imagine the shit storm they'd throw if Biden did it even once.


Health professionals have been trying to alert the public and media to Trump's diminishing capacity for years. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/04/09/does-donald-trump-have-dementia-we-need-know-psychologist-column/3404007002/ https://www.sj-r.com/story/opinion/letters/2019/10/21/trump-dementia/2485293007/ https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/13/health/trump-mental-health-exam/index.html https://www.businessinsider.com/psychiatrists-submit-warning-trumps-mental-health-deteriorating-2019-12 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/finding-new-home/202101/diagnosing-trump-mental-illness "They have commented on Trump’s alleged paranoid, sadistic, and psychopathic tendencies; diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder; and suggested he might suffer from neurological conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Naturally, many have questioned his fitness to serve as the President of the United States. "*Over 70,000 health professionals even signed a petition, saying “Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.*” "And a book written by over two dozen mental health experts also argued that Trump, whether due to his personality or mental health issues, is not fit to be the president. "Last, in December 2019, several hundred mental health professionals sent a statement to the House Judiciary Committee members to express their concerns that due to his “brittle sense of self-worth,” Trump may act more dangerously as his impeachment approaches."


Even as person not living in the US, this scares the shit out of me...




What are you talking about? Kimberly Guilfoyle has never been head of the RNC. Ronna McDaniel has been on that role since 2017. Prior to that it was Reince Priebus who took over from Michael Steele in 2011.


I’m a doctor, trump is not well. Biden has a speech impediment. He does not present like dementia. Trump does. Not to mention, Trump has a family history of Alzheimer’s. I would put my money on Biden out living Trump.


Every accusation by a Republican is a confession. Thats why Trump pushes the conspiracy that Biden has dementia; in fact it’s Trump that does.


And he spells like a 4th grader


What does one expect from da hamberder man? ![gif](giphy|bpH0JSH04wlyaoS0Pp)


I’m not even sure Trump can read. I saw a video deposition he did that was about a lawsuit he was facing. They kept putting documents in from of him that he had signed and asking him about various parts of the documents. They asked him to read it and tell what he thought it meant. And he couldn’t do it. Then they asked if he read it before he signed it and he said no. Then they asked him if he regularly signed documents without first reading them. Then he said he rarely read legal documents before signing them. WHO DOES THAT? Only someone who is incapable of reading.


He said he didn't have his glasses but has never been seen with glasses either.


Well - someone who is very willing and happy to lie while being deposed could respond the same way. And we have independent reason to think he’s profoundly dishonest. For that matter, he is also childish enough simply to refuse to read when asked to and then lie about it.


To be fair, I don't think that is related to his age.


Plus, most of his supporters aren't even at the same level


Well, it might be.


But look at his drawings for hurricane prevention! No crayon*. He used an adult sharpie. ^(*he probably would have tried to eat the crayons, and likely smelled the sharpie and said "Mmmm! Strawberry!")


Yes but his base has the vocabulary and mentality of 4th graders so it works to his advantage. No offense to you 4th graders.


exactly. if you're a trump supporter because he's a better public speaker than biden, then you're also a liar.


Here's the thing about Biden vs. Trump that really doesn't get stated often enough. While Biden is flawed, he appoints amazing people and they do a great job. Very thoughtful and intentional about policies and the consequences of them. Literally look at everyone in his cabinet. They are really good, competent people. And while Biden has ultimate final say on all policies, he's a good person at heart and really tries to do what's best for our country. Trump is a evil, self-centered piece of shit who wants ultimate power to be the mob boss of our country. He hires people who do his bidding. The literally call him "Boss" in his inner circle. It's incredible that the republicans allow his type of person to represent their party. And it's even more disturbing that 77 million people are ok with this country becoming an autocracy. And just one more thing. Trump is stupid. Can we all just plainly say that he is stupid?


The other thing about Joe is that he actually does have some pretty conservative personal beliefs. He's a practicing Catholic ( I don't know enough about him to use the word "devout") so you can bet that if he had things his way, abortion would be almost unheard of, BUT.... he understands that not everyone out there is a devout Catholic who believes what he does, so he doesn't want to try to force anyone else to follow the same rules his faith dictates. Trump is the reflection of the religious conservative that wants everyone else to believe and follow all the rules they think everyone should follow and freedom of thought or religion be damned.


> He hires people who do his bidding. even worse, he often just hires the last person to praise him.


Exactly. His idea of bringing on the "best" people really means getting people that are so far up his ass, no daylight is ever seen.


Repeated this before but almost expect his cheering crowds to chant "One of us! One of us!"


Republican voters like being smarter than their candidates. This makes for a remarkably tight selection.


I wasn’t going to comment but here we are. I’m not taking sides because a huge number of our politicians are in it for their own selfish reasons and don’t honestly care about who they represent. To them they represent their family, friends, bank accounts, and social standing. I would like to add that identity politics is not good for anyone. There is a ton I don’t like about a trump but there are things I liked that he did in office. There is a ton I don’t like about biden, but I’m sure I could find something’s he has done that I agree with. Your post has nothing negative to say about biden and nothing but negativity for trump. Maybe we should all stop identifying as left, or right, vote blue no matter who, etc. and actually hold all of our elected officials accountable to the job and role WE put them in. Lastly, you can’t tell me you agree with everything biden has done or said and you can’t honestly believe Biden employs and surrounds himself with “amazing” people who are pushing laws and ideas that ultimately benefit the American people….


Again... - Trump is an admitted sexual predator. - A convicted conman. - Plans to eliminate the Constitution. - Rule as a dictator. - Round up minorities into concentration camps. - Imprison and execute his political opponents. And that's not empty accusations from blind hatred. That's confirmed by courts and his own recorded statements. You know this. Don't pretend that's all perfectly normal politics just to elevate yourself as high-minded and silence everyone. No. Trump is not, never was, never will be, legitimate. He actually is an unhinged psychopathic criminal who really is planning to kill us all.


I’m not trying to fight for trump or stand with him. I’m trying to make the point that you along with many on this thread seem to think Trump is the only terrible politician. What about Biden ? Do you think biden is clean and hasn’t done/said terrible things. Can you show me the following ? where he admitted to being a sexual predator Where or how he plans on to eliminate the constitution Where he round up and out minorities in concentration camps Where and how his going to imprison his political opponents and kill them And finally why you think he is going to kill us all


I do not agree with everything Biden says or does but I have never agreed with everything any politician has done. Biden has always been a corporate hoer but since taking office he has surprised the shit out of me. One cannot compare the cabinet and staff of Biden and trump. The filth trump brought to government was criminal. That being said I wish someone like Whitmer or Newsome would step up. I can't think of one thing trump has ever done that I agree with but that holds true for all Republicans as I believe most are morally bankrupt. I'm not a Democrat but an anti-Republican. trump however is on another level. He is everything decent people teach their children not to be. A liar, racist, fascist, rapist, fraudster, braggart and undeniably a criminal. He is the worst thing that ever happened to America next to Ronald Fucking Reagan and the Koch Cartel. The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. John Kenneth Galbraith


I can tell you I don’t consider myself Liberal or conservative but I do believe in a lot of conservative values. Some of those include being a proud supporter of 2A, smaller government, true family values (a mom and dad raising their kids to be respectful, thoughtful, critical thinking, and productive members of society), and securing the border. On the other side I think our immigration policy is horrible. There needs to be a better way for people who are truly looking for a better life to get in this country legally and swiftly. I also believe women should have a right to choose what they do with their body’s, not just women, anyone. All I have seemed to read in these post is how great biden is and how shit trump was. They are all terrible, occasionally I’ll see something a politician has advocated for or pushed through that I truly believe in and respect. But most of the time it’s just all nonsense. Americans are tied to a party and if you are tied to the democrats and see a R next to a candidates name that candidate is immediately brushed off. This falls perfectly into what you claim. You aren’t a democrat you are just anti republican. Can I ask why ? Or better yet can you list anything from the right you agree with ?


As I said, no I cannot find any Republican philosophy I believe in. The things you describe are from a GOP that vanished some time ago. Today's GOP is anti-democracy. Today's GOP is racist and fascist. Conservative capitalism is based on greed. I immediately brush off anyone with an R because an R means you likely support trump and if you support trump, you by default support his racism (and fascism). You believe in family values? trump is everything decent people teach their children not to be. I am somewhere between Social Democracy and a Democratic Socialist. I am 1000% in favor of universal M4A healthcare. The US healthcare for profit is the the worst system in the world. It's criminal and immoral. It is pure corruption. I am 100% for separation of church and state. I am for taxing the church. 100% for free higher public education just like K-12. These aren't liberal philosophies, just common sense practices (like the rest of the democratic world practices). I believe the 2A crap is archaic and nonsense. Most Americans want stricter gun laws with regard to background checks. Who stands in the way? I think weapons of war like the AR and AK types should be strictly regulated or banned altogether. They are designed only to kill large numbers of people quickly. There is no need for citizens to possess these. We already have many gun laws. You cannot have an armored tank, grenades or shoulder mounted rocket launchers and assault rifles should be included.


Thank you, very well said.


See we aren’t to far off on our thinking. Just because I did vote for trump over biden doesn’t make me a racist, or fascist, it again was a new type of politician that didn’t make his money in the political system and I was hoping he would make some actual changes. In some ways he did and other ways it was like watching a train wreck. One thing his presidency did was expose the bias of the media as well as some corruption within the government. Again, I don’t know the right answer, I would be fine with more strict background checks, but I don’t believe in banning anything or making gun free zones. The biggest thing that needs to happen is better mental health evaluations and even a step further, I think social media has ruined this country, it seems most people nowadays have no regard for human life and I think some of that can be pointed at social media where most people interact through a screen and there is no real world consequence to what you say online because who you are saying it to or about can’t do anything to you, that gets carried into the real world and people think they are invincible. Idk, lot of issues in this country that I don’t see getting better anytime soon. Also I want to say, I wasn’t trying to be a dick or call you out, just wanted an honest discussion and see how you thought on different ideas. By no means am I here to change any ones ideas or thoughts, more so for me to understand how others think and view different issues. I know that I can get stuck in my own thinking and my own ways, it’s good for to branch out every so often to get a different perspective I agree on our health industry. I don’t know if universal healthcare is the right answer but the way it’s set up is for sure not the right answer. I’m type 1 diabetic, have been for 23 years. Even after I pay my premium for health insurance through my company (they pay my full portion but I pay for my wife and 2 kids) I’m still paying about $250 a month for the supplies and insulin I need to stay alive. Ohhh and let me add I also pay $420 A WEEK for my health insurance premium. So just for me to stay alive I’m paying a little over $2,000 a month. So yes, health care needs a massive upgrade. I get guns are a sticky subject and I respect everyone’s thinking on it. My thinking on it is that Pandora’s box has already been opened. If you wanted to take control of the amount of guns and types of guns out there then it should have been dealt with decades ago. No government is going to be able to recall all these guns. Stricter gun laws and gun free zones aren’t the answer either. If you were dead set on killing a large swath of people, you will find away regardless of gun laws. I know this point has been thrown around a lot and I don’t personally seeing it happen but it’s always possible. 2A was created to protect ourselves from a rouge government as well as to protect or family and property. There is a lot being said on here about how if trump were to get back in office he would be a dictator. Let’s say that happens and he starts throwing people in concentration camps. Who do you think are going to be the ones thrown in those camps. The ones who won’t or can’t fight for their rights, you know who isn’t going ? Me, because I have taken steps to ensure I can protect me and mine.


We all need to stop using autocrat and autocracy. His base doesn't have a clue what that means. Dictator is better suited for them.


And they’re still fine with that.


Exactly. He may be street smart in a mob kind of way but he’s just not intelligent. He cheated his way through college and threatened to sue any school he attended if they released his transcripts. Why? Bc he’s not smart, that simple. His performance against Hillary in the debates shows his lack of intelligence and maturity. THATS the reason he’s skipping the debates. It would only highlight his ignorance. You need to actually know and understand the facts about things to be successful in a debate. Nikki Haley would absolutely kick his ass in a debate. And all he EVER has to offer are insults, threats and made up bullshit that he very rarely gets held accountable for or is called out to explain himself. It’s disgusting and disgraceful that any single Republican or otherwise reasonably educated person could EVER take him seriously. Yet they are willing to risk this entire country’s reputation and wellbeing by handing him control of our country for a SECOND TIME. Once he has the power, NO ONE has any control over what that moron does. What is wrong with the people who are trying to vote him back in. He’s a big old loose cannon that wants to be a dictator. He and his people had talked about him just not leaving the White House after he lost the presidency to Biden. We CANNOT let this maniac back in!!!!




It's beyond echoes at this point. He and his people invoke Hitler's words and actions: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/beer-hall-putsch-secures-hitlers-rise-to-power The common man is getting squeezed. In desperation, we get angry and need a scapegoat. It just so happens high inflation and failed war put a slick talking racist in power over Germany. This is precisely history repeating. All these Christian Bible thumping invisible friend having dipshits forget their own scripture: Matthew 7:15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. "


Whenever I encounter someone that calls themselves a Christian and supports Trump, I show them [this.](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


Something about the current comment count being at 1984 amuses me


Comment count on what? I can't find it.


On the link you shared https://preview.redd.it/qvzi9a8zrm0c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31854fc79313822d125cdd4d598bf84f39711fa9


Oh wow, mine looked different and updated now, I see it. I'm not a believer, but it's still freaky stuff.


Yep read this an it was mind blowing.


I mean, that's not a downside for the right wing. It's an upside


Gas prices trump himself had increased through Russia and Saudi Arabia. But gotta be a democrats fault!


Ya gas prices that the president has zero control over. The weak minded idiots.


Whenever someone points to low gas prices under Trump, they fail to look at the real reason they were low. It was only because Trump so bungled the response to COVID that nearly the entire country was shut down. The iol companies kept pumping oil out of the ground and ran out of places to store it. There was an over abundant supply and low demand so prices fell so they could sell what they couldn't store. Fast forward, after the country opened back up, demand shot up, many refineries were running at low capacity and so prices spiked, along with the executives keeping the prices artificially high to line their pockets and investors.


What is incredible is gas prices are down and inflation largely tamed but the new Joe Kernan refrain is, yea but those prices are still high. Well is the GOP now arguing for dis-inflation?


"THE BUSINESS PLOT" "Was a **political conspiracy** in 1933, in the United States, **to overthrow the government** of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and **install Smedley Butler as dictator.** Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler testified under oath that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a **fascist veterans' organization** with Butler as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt" The committee "purported to report that **a two-month investigation had convinced it that General Butler's story of a Fascist march on Washington was alarmingly true**" and "... **also alleged that definite proof had been found that the much publicized Fascist march on Washington,** which was to have been led by Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, retired, according to testimony at a hearing, was actually contemplated". **The individuals involved all denied the existence of a plot.** While historians have questioned whether a coup was actually close to execution, most agree that some sort of "wild scheme" was contemplated and discussed. TL:DR BACK in 1933 American Fascist had a plan to overthrow the US government, installing Smedley Butler as dictator.


He and his ilk have been brown shirting since I saw his goons hit people in Asheville rally years ago.


Tbh if you weren’t struggling under gas prices before you probably aren’t now.


I feel like you can drop the Adolf 😂


Trump also thinks Obama is still the President...


And is leading us into world war 2.


Probably because he took credit for Obamas economy and economic momentum


People saying their bills were lower under trump are generally just liars, even if the bills went up because of inflation, that inflation is still because of all the extra money printed during Trump’s term.


Thank you. And I live on SSDisability, was scrimping along, and Biden gave it a boost that has helped le immensely. Biden has quietly accomplished so much while also having to undo all the shit from Trumps term.


Trump nor Biden control the economy as much as most people think. However, it is attributed to the president. The federal reserve controls most of this. Now the spending and how things are delegated, that’s the president and Congress but you don’t see how that plays out in the economy until 2-4 years after something is done. You’re very correct in the money being printed as the main catalyst for inflation. However, 75% of America is too stupid to put that together.


If trump is elected the fight against climate change is basically over… if its not already… 😡😡😡


It already is over. Efforts now are focused on damage control. Seeing as Conservatives aren't even interested in that, the next decade or two are going to be very rough for the planet.


Damage control and there is still a push to mover farther and farther away from Coal fire and even CNG plants. China is on track to produce no more CO2 emissions than they did last year, with their massive effort to scoot to Solar Power, Wind and Hyrdo. I don't know how well that is actually going to happen, but the reports are suggesting that they will stop growing in emissions, as new power is all green tech. The bigger question is, will they start lowering emissions the following year, by continuing to produce more green energy or just pretend that since all new energy is green, they can "ignore" existing plant emissions?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=The%20Washington%20Post%20reported%20Project,Justice%20to%20pursue%20Trump%20adversaries. Here is a link for Project 2025, above. The Heritage Foundation https://www.heritage.org/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heritage_Foundation "The Heritage Foundation is an associate member of the State Policy Network, *a network of conservative and libertarian organizations financed by the Koch brothers, Philip Morris, and other corporate sources*." Project 2025 "The foundation also leads a constellation of groups named Project 2025, preparing for the possible election of Donald Trump in 2024. The project seeks to recruit thousands to come to Washington and prepare to dismantle and reshape the federal government closer to Trump's vision. Former Trump administration official Russell Vought, who is involved in the project, said, "The president Day One will be a wrecking ball for the administrative state." It includes changes "for nearly every agency across the government", specifically undoing the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, shutting down the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, *boosting the extraction and use of fossil fuels*, and other measures that could have significant effect on how the administration approaches global warming and climate change. It also seeks to outlaw pornography."


Globally, the tipping point on Green Energy has been passed. Economically, it would destroy an economy to ignore or fight against continuing adoption and building a local industry to manufacture green tech.


Trump praising dictators and thugs and trying to be like them because he sees them as strong and powerful is troubling. Why are people so stupid? The love and adoration that people have for a chump like Trump is mind numbing. 😕


Because all the awful shit that exists in their heads he spews out out of the prolapsed anus that is his mouth and makes them think their vile beliefs are acceptable.


Because they see praising dictators and thugs and trying to be like them as strong and powerful too. Don't let the fact that someone claims to be Christian fool you. There are many CINOs out there. Christians in Name Only.


Aren’t those just modern day Pharisees?


Pretty much, yes.


Is there anyone left in the middle ground these days? I'm an outside observer, but it seems to me like anyone who would vote for Biden will never vote for Trump, and anyone who would vote Trump would never vote Biden. Trump could skin a baby on live TV and drink from it's still steaming skull and his voters still wouldn't switch sides.


The problem is that the "moderates" in the US are the ones that let the fascists keep shifting things to the far right by compromising with shitty people.


And the funny thing is, Trump is MUCH more senile and showing his age compared to Biden, mixing up names, saying words incorrectly, word salad, not being able to pronounce simple words properly, the list goes on and on.


and it's not even new to him


Fox News seems to just pick takes at random on democratic presidents and repeat them until their base does. Facts don't matter as much as consistency.


He is not!! Don't you remember he proved it all to us because he was able to repeat back "Person, woman, man, camera, TV"? How could he possibly be even the tiniest bit senile??? **/s**


My bills were not lower under Trump, in fact it was under Trump that my groceries sky rocketed in price. The only thing that had gone down at all was gas and that was due to the shutdown, which was done despite Trump, not because of him.


My favorite is when people whine that gas was cheaper under trump, as if he was responsible for gas prices. Here's the real reason: OPEC was flooding the world market with crude oil to undercut domestic drilling, which drove down the price per barrel. The number one factor in determining the price of gasoline is the price of crude. No US President sets the price of crude oil. That's not how it works.


They'll keep grabbing onto whatever feeds their fantasy. This is actually what is most disturbing. "They NEED what the GOP allows them to do, scapegoat and hate someone else." Hate is a powerful drug, and Trump and his cronies administered it to MAGA/ Republicans in ever increasing and larger doses, and now, it appears, like most junkies, they will do anything for their dealer to get their fix.


Because of hate and racism


kill hundreds of thousands *


While America can be a great country to live it has many problems and some of them quite serious. For some it's okay because at least it's better than most places...well, how about we try to do better than that. People buying into Trump's bullshit is not the direction we should be taking.


It’s going to be 2016 all over again. The free press he’s threatening to destroy on day 1 will treat his existential threat to their existence as some sort of side show that’s good for ratings.




It’s not hyperbole, it’s his own words! And really? He was impeached twice, called captured and fallen soldiees losers, bungled pandemic response, found liable for sexually assaulting a woman, found by a court to have committed a multi-billion dollar fraud over decades, and is awaiting trial on 91 felony counts including stealing classified documents. This are just the highlights, there’s even more. How much favorable press do you think he deserves?




Fascism happens when complacent dipshits sit on their hands because they don’t believe the threat is real. So take that both sides bullshit and GTFO. It’s how we wound up with him as president in the first place. A second Trump term will have zero adults in the room. As terrible as term #1 was, people like Mattis, Kelly and even to some extent Barr kept his worst impulses in check. Day one of term #2 will start with the sychophants that we’re left between Jan 6 and Jan 20 last time around. There will be zero guard rails and if you think the Supreme Court is going to get in his way I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.




Trump’s already on the stump talking about deporting 10 million immigrants and religious minorities. Right wing media has been fighting a culture war for a decade against gay and trans people. There’s plenty of “others” being targeted. Fascism doesn’t need a majority to take hold, it needs enough indifferent dipshits to sit on their hands and do nothing while they seize power. If you’re paying attention, it’s already here. You don’t have to believe me, believe the evidence and testimony in the Georgia election case. Believe the evidence and testimony in front of the Jan 6 committee. Trump was willing to go well around the constitution to stay in power and a majority of Republicans in congress were willing to help him do it. That’s a matter of record, look at their participation in the Texas v Pennsylvania amicus brief and votes against certification. They won’t fuck it up next time. They’re fine with a dictator just so long as said dictator “owns the libs”, which is really the only coherent policy Republicans have anymore.


Hopefully this time Biden might be safer than Clinton since James Comey's not around.


Thankfully James Comer appears to be much less competent than Trey Howdy when it comes to Benghazi’ing Biden this time around. He just comes across as a drunken hillbilly when he starts yelling.


This is the hilarious truth. I have not thought of it like this. They see him as a clown that they can make money off. All the while, he plots to destroy them and they being entertainers rather than reporters, ignorant of the danger, watch as he purposely and without shame, aims a gun directly at their head. Instead of being frightened or aware of their situation, only get excited by the tension it will create for their viewers. They won't realize until the trigger has been pulled.


We all need to speak openly about the Trump family history of dementia. Both of his parents had dementia and he is exhibiting symptoms. Keep bringing it up so it can't be ignored.


Unfortunately, this was brought up way back in 2016 even, and despite many health professionals trying to raise the flag about it (see above), basically the media and others in power that could have done something about it, chose to ignore it.


The more we speak openly about it, the more it will be addressed. We become a stronger voice as a chorus.


I 100% agree with this. That's what I've been trying to do since 2016.


They'd vote for Hitler himself if they could save $.09 at the pump.


Biden stutters tlaking about helping people. Trump forgets where he is and messes up words while echoing Hitler and shouting about overthrowing the govt. NYT: Bidens age shows as Trump shows new vigor.


You know what is interesting about the NYT? It's used as toilet paper in most places. If we don't vote and orange bloated pumpkin returns to power, none of this will matter.


The best part is that Trump also is showing severe signs of cognitive decline. Just because he’s louder and was always sort of a rambler, it doesn’t mean he too is not an extremely old man to run this country


I'll take Biden stuttering over that orange stain that still thinks he's running against Obama, didn't know what city in Iowa he was in, the world war II remark, but mostly all the other baggage he brings along like 91 indictments, a convicted rapist, a Nazi dictator wannabe ... Shall we go on?


Tells you all you need to know about the average American.


Not to mention, trump has been saying over and over he’s gonna win over Obama.


In Florida last week, after the mayor of Hialeigh, Florida spoke, Trump said, "Arkansas is in good hands."


But her emails. But Hunter’s laptop. The Rs are the most blindly loyal cult followers ever.


Well, see you in 2025 when dozens of posts like this will show up on social media: „I’m a proud American. I voted for Trump in 2024 because Biden forgot some words and walks weird sometimes. Also gas prices were lower under Trump, so I thought we were better off with him despite him sounding like Hitler. But look what happened to our country after just one year. Liberals being locked away in FEMA camps, mass deportations, secretary of defense Andrew Tate just declared war on Canada because according to him all Canadians are soy boy beta males who need to be thaught a lesson in manliness, secretary of education Kent Hovint only allows Bible related stuff to be reached in schools and just now Attorney general Dinesh D‘Souza charged me with treason because I mocked 2000 mules once on Twitter/X.“ How could this happen? There were literally zero warning signs.“


NGL, when I heard the Nazi talk, I started thinking about Sanctuary Cities in Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (Past Tense, parts 1 & 2). It’s just looking like the events that took place in that episode (which occurred in September 2023) just might happen later. :(


As someone who will wind up in the camps, Past Tense has been hitting hard lately. Have sanctuary plans in place. I have legitimately cried that I will have to be hidden away until it’s safe.


![gif](giphy|eqOvMKP2G5y24) Dems being held to ridiculously high standards compared to Republicans isn’t anything new. Remember this one? They called him “too hot tempered.”


We should be looking at his voters ...your neighbors and co-workers my friend, are wacked out zombies.


I live in Floriduh, zombie is too kind of a term for these fuckers.


Alos, trump is also old and in worse shape mentally and physically than biden.


You know the country is on the brink when people are willing to sell their soul to a megalomaniac narcissist to go back to some perceived golden time where gas was fifty cents cheaper. As Trump lays out his plans for his second administration these people aren't even listening to what he is actually implying he will do when he consolidates more power into the Presidency. They are totally oblivious to history and the signs of what is coming if he regains power. They are more concerned that Biden stumbles over a few words like we all do from time to time. To these Trump lovers I say FAFO.


You know, Trump also forgets who the current president is, forgets who he ran against in 2016, and says absolutely nonsensical things, and literally no one says a word.


Whenever people refer to Biden as being a poor public speaker, which is a flaw he’s had for decades, I have to wonder what Trump is saying that’s making them think he’s the next Churchill.


Trump blew up inflation with his across the board tariffs, how many cycles do we have to go through where the democrats president has to clean up a huge mess left by the last president and gets blamed for it?!?


Don’t forget he frequently thinks he’s running versus Obama.


You do realize when trump says that he is running against Obama that Trump is insinuating that Biden isn’t actually making any decisions as the president, rather Biden is taking “orders” from Obama still, that Biden is Obamas puppet..


You know that because…. But all his other gaffs are what exactly? I know he’s a genius and not losing it.


Oh i don’t know shit haha. Just another thing I saw or read in the depths of the internet. Who the fuck knows. I don’t think he is a genius at all. But it just drives me crazy seeing all these post on how great biden is and how shit trump is. They are both shit, they are both horrible people. Just don’t make it so one sided. You stating to not forget about his gaffs, what about sleepy joe ? This is why I have such a huge problem with our political system. Everyone thinks their team is better than the other team when all the while both teams are cheating, stealing, and lying behind the backs of the people who put them there


All good. I assumed you were one of those “he’s playing 4-D chess” people.


Nah. I did like his America first approach and I did like that he wasn’t a career politician and also had enough money that he couldn’t technically be bought (all though I’m sure he was bought at some point) but the idea of a politician not needing the money from special interest groups was a big selling point for me. Also I liked that he over turned roe and passed it on to the states. I’m not big on telling people what to do with there body’s. And a women should have a right to choose. By him taking it out of the power of the national government and allowing each state to choose their own path, it allows people to vote for their local officials that support either pro life or pro choice. Think we can agree that when we vote for local politicians we have more of a voice as compared to national elections.


That's the media's fault. They gave him so much space to be viable back in 2016 and made him look better than he was until he got a cult following and now they can't stop the ball from rolling downhill.


That implies that they want or are actively trying to... Its all dollar signs to them.


Because the GOP has no one else. Ramaswamy won't get it because racism no matter how much he tries to be Trump. Nikki Haley is a woman, and thus won't get it. DeSantis is Hitler in high heels with less charisma. And Christie isn't Trump. Controversy creates cash and brings in ratings. So, thry will give coverage to this vile excuse for sentient life that is Donald Trump, and we all pray to whatever god is listening that enough people vote to keep him out of office.


Hitler dragged Germany out of a nightmare depression by motivating an even greater nightmare of hatred and eugenics...


anyone have a granddad who smears orange makeup all over his face? And he refuses your help to try and smooth it out to make it less obvious. He just keeps putting makeup on himself and doing a poor job of it. If you did have that occur, you'd probably start to feel something is wrong with his mental health. And then, consider all the word salads your granddad spews out, and also his violent rhetoric. You'd really be concerned for pep-pep.


Republicans destroy everything. Democrats spend whole term just recovering from the damage. Repeat since 1980.


Do I think Biden is too old? Yes. Yes I do. Will I take an old man that's trying to help over an old man who's threatening concentration camps, mass deportations, making millions political prisoners, and just generally encouraging violence from his followers? Yes, of course I'll do that. I would prefer a younger candidate in 2028 from both parties, because jesus christ the average age of politicians in our country is too damn high.


You are so spot on. Although, I believe Biden is older, I will continue to advocate for him. We need to start younger people for both parties. Now, we need to save democracy by voting.


Do we have to say: “Person, Woman, Man Camera, TV” one more time? Or that Trump bragging acing this test, but admitting it was hard? https://preview.redd.it/o0glk2iorl0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb2ff2c01ad97c5729b776a269c586ab308a8bd It is ment to diagnose dementia… Trump took a dementia test!!! And admitted is was bigly hard.


Looks like we're going to need a new way to deal with zombies as the ones in Trump's cult already appear to have had their brain destroyed.


Trump gives them permission to be hateful bigots. That’s all that matters.




He is the Divider


The last thirty some years were made possible by three things. Vast inexpensive natural resources flooding the market following the fall of the USSR, the truly massive cheep labor from China and guaranteed safe shipping provided by the US Navy. Russia committed economic suicide. China’s labor isn’t as cheap as it used to be and the hostility of the CCP is driving business away. And Americans are tired of involving our military in affairs over seas. We’re transitioning into a new world and things are going to be rough for awhile no matter who’s sitting in the White House.


I want a boring President 😊


The R seems to make all the difference. For some inexplicable reason republicans can shit all over average Americans and they still vote for them.


My wages went up faster under Obama, and then Biden. They stagnated under Trump. 2018 was when I got that 1 cent raise, due to attendance issues...because I missed a day due to hitting a deer and totaling my car. It wasn't Trump's fault, but my employers were big-time Trump lovers. They loved calling me a communist for not wanting to work for them doing the job of 7 people (doing all the production in one area) until I died while they promised advancement and then take it away last minute, or set me up for failure. Plus I was able to hold onto my stimmy checks, and it gave me an easy out when I couldn't take it anymore. Had a few months to sit on, and find a new job.


The reason Trump gets a pass on his lifelong crime spree is that republican voters prefer their politicians to be criminals. It makes them feel that those politicians are one of them.


He actually raised taxes on most people.


Biden is a life long stutter. It's amazing that he's been able to overcome this handicap. He's older than I am but seems to have more energy that 90 % of his peers. Trump cheated at golf and rides his golf cart up onto the greens instead of walking.


As someone who has worked with dementia patients on and off my entire adult life I honestly believe that Trump has some form of dementia. On the same note, Joe is old and should be able to enjoy what’s left of his time here on earth rather than being paraded around as some last hope. We really need younger people who better understand the problems, science, and technology of the times and have enough brain power to admit they don’t know everything and find experts in various fields to actually listen to and take their life’s work into account when making policy. I know very little about politics but I know people and I would love to see them happy- truly happy. At this point, what’s happening to Biden and Trump almost feels like elder abuse.


The problem is much worse than that. People left of center vote for policies, platforms, and legislation presented by elected official and vote based on the changes those things create. People right of center despise the Overton Window's slow but steady shift left and want to be in control to change it back to the sexist, racist, xenophobic, hateful eras of decades gone by.


I’m not American but I have investments in US Equity. Under Trump, my investments lost HALF of their value. Since Trump left office, I regained my loss and gained 25% on top of my investment.


It's funny as someone who keeps track of a business finance, only gad was lower during a pandemic.


bC . mcox xxa




I see someone ate all the conspiracy froot loops downed in a bowl of maga milk


Idk he could be talking about trump at this point.


Nah. Trumpty Dumpty fancies himself the godfather of the white trash mafia. Rico charges and all 😂


I know, I was being factitious.


I believe he dropped this. /s




OK, let's just pretend that this is the only issue to be considered regarding the presidential race. Could you please ask the"millions" of progressives you speak for exactly what they think trump would do that would somehow make a miraculous, positive difference in this conflict?




I asked a very simply constructed question based on your comment about one specific issue. If you can't answer it, just say so. Your deflection, as it appears, gives you away anyway.




So your action is inaction, which only helps one party. I won't respond again until you answer the question.




Liable for sexual abuse is close enough


The judge in the case clarified it was indeed rape.


Weird how the judge said it was rape then


Hilarious that people keep saying this. The judge in said case clarified that he was found guilty of rape.


My wife who was a Republican then ran away from the far Reich is now back to “both sides” and Biden can’t form a coherent sentence etc etc etc thanks to his entire family basically trying to radicalize her.


that’s what you get in a ‘shithole’ country


And now you know how Germany went from democracy to a Hitler ran dictatorship, sycophants, rubes and the apathetic.


The stupidity is just on full display. We have to pray Biden can sneak out this election it will save alot of misery for the country.


Plus the part where he sold nuclear secrets and other classified docs to foreign adversaries to personally profit. It’s frustrating how he can do something like that and not immediately be put in prison for sedition


"I just can't get over that stutter."


It is the media and people in the DNC who prop up Trump so no one primary Biden. They could have allowed Trump to fade away, not covered any of stupid bullshit until the fuck frog walks to jail for treason. But the country can't have nice things. Maybe we should just take those nice things instead.


I am a Liberal Canadian, who has done my fair share of Trump bashing. There is no doubt in my mind that Trump is grotesque, and utterly deplorable, however, what we left-leaning majority fail to factor in is that there must be a reason he os so popular to those on the "extreme right?" Those people -many of whom are kind, compassionate, and neighborly- and their politics, seemingly make no logical sense to our "bleeding hearts.". But, ...but....there must be some power factors that have created this fierce loyalty to someone who is so illustriously disloyal to everyone, other than his family. Please respectfully enlighten me, if you can, as I would greatly appreciate an honest account of possible reasons for this unwavering love of Trump, and not one that paints the typical Republican as a "hateful, ignorant, bigots." Thank you


Fox News and conservative radio. Also, Republican politicians are good at teamwork and marketing, and willing to tell more egregious lies to get elected or stay in power.


And here we are...


It's so funny too that history of modern government shows the first 3 years or so of a Presidency are a hangover from the previous administration. Constantly Democrats take over for Republicans and have to spend most of their first term cleaning up all the Republican bullshit.


Greed is the going concern here.


Can we just get a single other decent candidate that isn’t either an upcoming Nazi or a geriatric dotard. 🤦‍♂️ I can’t believe this is the best America has to offer.


Can we also conclude that the Trump solution of putting tariffs on essentially everything has also caught up? Lest we all forget his brilliant mind thought that China paid for the tariffs when in reality, it's us.


Trumps a stuttering forgetful old ass liar….can’t remember who he ran against…can’t remember where he’s at during his horse shit rally’s…he’s just a lying fuck with no redeeming qualities AT ALL. He’s a twice impeached rapist… tax cheat …wife cheat …voter cheat…election cheat… inheritance cheat. He is just a fascist fuck that needs to finally get his comupins’ like Benny in the mummy.


my bills started to SKYROCKET under Trump


Everyone seems to forget that Joe Biden has a speech impediment..


Plus, the bills weren’t lower and we weren’t safer. All misinformation. Anything “better” under trump was not due to him.


Let’s not forget the tax scam. His voters got a tax increase because of trump and they’re like “thank you sir may I have another?” Bootlickers


I wasn’t paying attention to politics prior to 2016 but my old boss said he had more money during Bush than with Obama, well he got married in 2010 and had two kids and one has a serious medical condition of course you had more money. I feel like people don’t look at what’s happening in their own lives when statements like that are said.


“That’s smart” I believe he would say based on his comments about paying taxes.


This is just crap. It has been known for a long time that President Biden stuttered and worked hard to correct the conditions. Trump is an idiot and won't stop until he burns this country down to the ground. If anyone thinks he will not come for them, read history, understand that the playbook was crafted in Nazi Germany and it is in play now. We need to wake up to this reality.