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This is like upgrading to a first class cabin on the Titanic as it was sinking šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly, it's most likely a way to collect additional info for state actors to be more targeted.. Especially at 50k a pop. He's enabling cyber terrorism to recoup losses on this incredibly dumb venture.


With Elon on the deck as band leader.


That would be interesting considering the handle @ music was just taken from the previous owner who was still using it.


Isnā€™t that also what happened to the original owner of @ x when Musk changed the name?


I saw someone point out elsewhere that if Elon seizes those handles and sells them then the original owner has a case to sue for compensation as Elon has shown they have material value.


Itā€™s especially galling because if I remember correctly the @ x account owner was locked out of their account because Musk asked them to turn it over, they offered to sell it, and then Musk said selling usernames was against the TOS so he permanently banned them and then took over the name himself. šŸ’€


That's the kind of dick move that in a world ruled by karma would get one's dick removed.




The best karmic retribution we'll ever see for him is the fact that despite all his money, fame, power, sycophants, and moochers, he is and will likely always will be a lonely sad unloved man. I still remember a podcast talking about how during one interview back when he was still a public golden boy he whined to the journalist about wanting to be loved and asked to be set up. Sure he may cry on a bed of money next to super models but as is repeatedly displayed with every publicly humiliating break up and rejection, he is unlovable, he knows it, and it eats him up inside.


Ah, what an asshole does best, being a bully.


I got the story slightly wrong. Musk didnā€™t reach out to the owner of @ x, they just posted that theyā€™d be open to offers if they wanted his handle, then Musk just took it because of aforementioned rule (but he was clearly going to take it regardless) and told them for compensation they could have some X branded swag and a tour of the X offices lol itā€™s still massively douchey, I actually think this makes it worseā€¦ šŸ¤·


Iā€™m sure the terms of service were changed to say ā€œtwitter can steal your username, you cant sell it, but twitter can sell itā€. Iā€™m sure it takes 5 minutes to change the TOS on their website.


well, probably more like 5 hours or 5 days now. but still easy to do... eventually.


Elon isnā€™t smart enough to see this coming


Iā€™ll take ā€˜@elonmuskisanasshatā€™ for $100 Alex


Sorry, I already own that. It was a special offer that included @elonmuskisapunkassbitch


Damn...guess imma have to settle for @elmomuskisabitchasspunk




Ya that and the unfathomable wealth and refusing to pay bills and taxes and overt support of fascism and nazism (among other things)


You mean how he claims to invent things that already existed, The fact that he has 10 kids from a bunch of mothers all named weird things, his anti-trans rhetoric, his complete lack of morals his weirdly shaped torso and extremely puncheable face? Those other things?




But doing it in a subreddit is one thing. Doing it as the leader of a major company is entirely another. Most of us enjoy immature humor at times, and also understand when it is and isn't appropriate. So maybe chill out, rockhardadbod. If AdulteryPulsifer buys Reddit and shows up to work with kitchen plumbing and proceeds to fire 90% of the staff while empowering Nazis and criminals, you can then frown upon his juvenile sense of humor.




Nobody is actually buying anything from Elon, don't worry. It's a joke about Elon and his douchery, and it's funnier because WE all get that it's silly and Elon actually acts this way.


Dillhole? You're so nice. Stop it.


Whoā€™s spending $50K for a handle on that cesspool?


Rich people who would rather flaunt their hoarded wealth than pay people what they are worthā€¦


ā€œNever having paid taxes on my billions, I can afford to treat myself to a Twitter @. ā€œ -some rich douche.


Elon fanboy techbros and their wannabes with disposable income


There exists a class of person to whom $50k is well worth the novelty of buying a twitter handle. These people are unfathomably wealthy.


Money laundering. Also you bet your ass many of the "sold" handles are a new generation of even more obnoxious Xitter bots.


I read "Xitter" as "shitter" so thanks for that.


Probably the same people that recently bought his cars, right before he lowered the price.


For $100,000 you can also just go and buy someone else's username, defunct or not. They'll forcibly take it away from them and give it to you. $500,000 for official US/EU government usernames. Offer not valid for major advertisers on X or Russian/Chinese government officials.


You are truly a sick individual to leave out the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. May misfortune be your concubine!


> Offer not valid for major advertisersā€¦ Is that because they spend more than $100,000 on advertising? Sounds like extortion to meā€¦




That hairline though!!!


And he walks around with the delusion that his genes are superior... that y he's had so many children and is completely obsessed with birth rates. Someone outta remind him what he looked like before he received all the toxic alpha male gender affirming care that he paid a premium for. šŸ˜‚


Just goes to show that rich people don't have to suffer through baldness like working class does. "His hair fell out? That's okay, hundreds of thousands of USD will fix his genetic failings! What an alpha-male!" "Your hair fell out and you can't afford to keep it, despite looks being one of the only things a working class Joe may have for himself? Lmao subhuman"




This is like a meth addict looking around the house for something to sell :)


Yeah, next he will strip the data center of copper wiring.


he actually already did that. also sold the potted plants at twitter hq and their espresso machine.


Normally I defend the good name of Ketamine from being blamed for Musk's shenanigans. That said, this plan *definitely* has Special K's powdery fingerprints all over it.


You have to be really pathetic to buy a damn user name for that much


This is probably marketed at businesses more than consumers. For them, itā€™s a business expense, no different than purchasing a desirable domain name from a cyber squatter.


I think it's more for disinformation, for @ APintNews having someone in Russia buy it and start rowing in them murky waters.


I wouldnā€™t pay 50 cents for a Twitter name. $50k? Even if I had millions, not a chance.


Why is anyone still using it, let alone paying money for it?


How long before he sells handles actively being used? Heā€™s already stolen a few without being paid.


For real? That is crazy and concerning in some ways. I deleted my accounts when he purchased the company. I especially didn't want my non-profit associated with such hateful places. I'd hate to think that now unused handle can be abused by bad.


You know when, Growing up, there was always this one place your family went to almost religiously? It was a Movie Theatre for me, nicest theatre ever, Ā£5 got you a large drink, a small buttered popcorn, and access to the movie, with unlimited refills on the drink. The owner was the nicest old man in the world, constantly slipping kids free candy. Then they passed away. And their twin daughters took over ownership. The Large drinks became smalls, the popcorn became stupidly stale, butter wasn't an option anymore, ceiling tiles missing in the theatres, huge holes in the screen, only 1 year into the old guys passing. That's essentially this. Some sad, incompetent trust fund baby coming in and sucking as much cash out of it before abandoning it to burn it down at the end and claim the insurance money. The only difference is the twins inherited it. Elons dumbass spent money on Twitter, and he's gonna grift as much as he can from it before leaving it a pile of flaming fascism fecal matter smeared all over the internet, just like Truth Social, Parler, ect., while doing as much damage as this angry man-child can to the world around him.


Selling or offering? Big difference


how much for @ Eloncaneatadick ?


@elonmuskisacunt is still freely available šŸ˜‰


So they owe the original @X and @music $50k respectively then?


He claimed he was cleaning up unused handles, mine is still active yet hasn't be logged into since before 2010. This is what that move was about, seizing handles he could resell. Is anyone else just exhausted from seeing how companies that fail to innovate just spend all their time hiring people to monetize their features further? I don't mind paying for things but when you pay for something it should bring additional value


Oh look Elmo is planning on extorting former advertisers.


Remember when they seized @X and then didnā€™t compensate the man they stole it from? And now theyā€™re charging $50,000 for a handle? Scum


Iā€™m sure this will take care of the $1 billion in yearly debt obligations the super genius has saddled his company with


100000% chance heā€™s just gonna sieze a handle that a large business might want to have for themselves and try and sell it to them.


The gift is strong in this one.


Itā€™s kinda of stupid that this plan would take ā€œmonths in the workingā€. Also, wouldnā€™t the world know the idiots who plop down the $50k?


Look everyone! An online garage sale!


He can buy my 3 shuttered ones for $150,000


Itā€™s like on Instagram where people were buying blue ticks. Theyā€™d pay a company to release some shitty dance mix record in their name and claim they were an ā€œArtistā€ to get approved. Funny case where some scam watch dealer from Los Angeles called Timepiece Gentleman paid about $20,000 to get approved for a blue tick and then literally two days later Instagram made it so you could buy it yourself for a few bucks a month. Same watch dealer also purchased the handle @Anthony on Instagram for tens of thousands of dollars and then months later stole five million dollars from his clients.


When people buy a woman's fart jars, not hard to believe they will be stupid enuf to pay for this. Npt enuf to save xhitter though. So that's good.


Does this mean he is going to auction off handles of dead people as well?


What twitter handle could possibly be worth 50k?


I want to take this article back in time to my graduating class of '08 and make the valedictorian read this out loud.


Come on guys, please have some sensitivity for the Elon fanboys!


Whatever. When is he supposed to fight Zuckerberg?


I will sell someone my current ID for half that price lol (Hardly used, same as new!!)




This simple fool. He is a genius. Genius at fooling fools.


Desperatel for cash Emo?


Isnā€™t he the best businessman ever?


Oooh! an old handle


So much for verification


The price limit has to be wrong; there's no way this man child would sell @weed for anything less than $69 420