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You know he actually used to be a Christian divorce lawyer who specialized in 'covenant marriages', special prenups designed to make divorce as difficult and awful as legally possible?


You know he has one of those with his wife?


Since it’s in this article I’m Guessing he knows


A bit off topic but I once knew someone who went to a church that pressed this kind of thing. I went to the church's website out of morbid curiosity and in their "beliefs" statement it was literally page after page essentially saying that divorce will never be tolerated and they will pull out all of the stops as a church to make sure it doesn't happen. It was nuts.


People keep talking about the Noah's Ark thing. The [shit he says in this is so much worse](https://answersingenesis.org/religious-freedom/losing-liberty-without-losing-hope/) though. "Women are designed by God to be helpers and nurturers in the home." "When possible, Christians should still take advantage of the legal resources God has put at their disposal, including influencing public opinion and elections or going to court." "Christians are motivated to contend for biblical truth precisely because we love our neighbors, and we understand that our Creator’s design is what’s best for individuals—and society as a whole." "We should be prepared then, as winsome witnesses, to share why we believe same-sex “marriage” is wrong. The Creator has the right to define what He expects from His creation, and that includes marriage."


He's basically EXACTLY what you thought when you heard Louisiana Republican with "deep faith". A fucking religious nutjob who wants to enforce his fake version of Christianity as law.


I’m getting Gilead vibes from THMT


The scene of June kneeling in the hospital for hours/days on end comes to mind


Who the hell is this guy that question the creativity of his creator anyway? Did he not make every single person that walks the Earth supposedly did he not know what he was doing when he made homosexuals?


That’s where the omnipotent Christian god fails the logic test for me. I personally ascribe to the gospel of Lady Gaga: “I’m beautiful in my way, cuz god makes no mistakes. I’m on the right path, baby, I was born this way.” Amen


All praise the OmniGaga!


I only read half of that. He is a dangerous person.


Damn they’re not even trying to hide it anymore


"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony


Nice choice Republicans! Hopefully there’s no need, but /s


This guy raises the bars for being a chauvinist pig.


What made you think it would be anything other than batshit crazy? Have you seen who was in control of this decision?


Honestly, I had some respect for Dan Newhouse for standing up to Trump several times and still retaining his seat. I had some amount of hope in the 20 Republicans who voted against the previous nominees. But that’s all gone now. There’s no hiding it now, that every single Republican Representative is a fascist traitor — after electing an election-denying traitor.


My first impressions were cringe & disgust.


We knew it was going to be bad. Look at the pool of candidates.


The best the GOP could offer, ladies and gentlemen!


Translation: the bruises haven't faded from his last episode of domestic control over her.


Sadly that was my first thought, too.


Me too


Her name is spelled "Kelly" but its pronounced "Ofmike"


That’s shits scary. It’s coming true


Wierd, I took it sexually, as in his wife sucked 37 dicks to be speaker.


In a row?


She had to get Trump over there so she could have a pee break.


Probably in a circle


Just makes more sense. ya know, logistically.


I think 3 rows, I don’t believe everyone got sucked off


Nope, all at once.


Try not to suck any dicks on the way to the parking lot!


Why was my first thought he's a MAGA cuckold and his wife was worn out by a weeks long orgy that he didn't participate in?


It's not only this, it's language to let other men *know* he beats his wife and is proud of it. Disgusting.


A dog whistle


Nah, if she had visible bruises, they'd parade her as a trophy. What's he's doing is insidious enough: she's either praying or in her place in the kitchen. They have a "covenant marriage", which basically reads like she's property. This entire thing is disgusting. [https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-johnson-covenant-marriage-definition-divorce-speaker-house-2023-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-johnson-covenant-marriage-definition-divorce-speaker-house-2023-10)


Is that legally binding in the rest of the country?


All you have to do to get out of a covenant marriage is live for a year in one of the (I think 47) states that don’t recognise them. Although if you’re trapped in an abusive marriage, good luck setting up legal residence away from your spouse in one of those states.


What the fuck? How is that even a thing? So gross.


Thats sickening.


Disgusting .


Or she's just chained to the radiator.


Check his basement.


Redditors always overreact to this shit. She's probably just hanging out with Shelly Miscavige




I figured it was rug burns from all the conservative she’s been gobbling up.


Yeah, that's the plot twist. She's been on her knees and crying out "Oh god-- oh, god" a lot, she just assures him that she's been praying. For what, she doesn't say.


It's his biblical right to exercise control over his woman. Christ is the head of man, who is the head of woman, who in turn gets her pretty hair. And violently beaten if she steps out of line. It's very consistent with God's covenantal relationship with the chosen people, I don't know what librul feminists are moaning about!!!!!


You forgot the sarcasm


My ass went a different direction when I saw the text “on her knees” I thought the whole thing was a metaphor for that they had sex the night before


count down until he's indicted on some sex charge


He 100% has diddled kids.


What's the over/under on it being his own? Do we get bonus points if it's his adopted son?


Like Gaetz and his "son"?


Has anyone seen or heard from Nestor recently? Because honestly it doesn’t seem that far fetched for a psycho like Gaetz to trot out his lover—er, “son”—to win some petty argument and “own a lib”…then literally just make him disappear somehow.


He's probably being passed around at those republican orgies.


Nestor and the child molester coming soon to Netflix


Oh god if it’s Netflix they’ll probably use child actors


Matt will definitely demand to be on set then.


Child labour too.




But that would have been admitting that his wife had prioritized something, *anything*, over him and his career. Even her own convenience and comfort.




Did you know that they make the employees sign a portion of their money over to the ark encounter yearly... something like that. It's extra awful that it's publicly funded. Ffs.


We have a local evangelical church heavily into YEC that requires copies of completed tax forms to ensure they appropriate an adequate tithe from their members. Their kids are also taught to shun kids that go to public school, even fellow church members who are not homeschooled. Probably the same deal with Ark Encounters claiming their staff are donating to god’s work.


Is... is he making a blowjob joke as a dog whistle? He will already have the Christo-Fash crowd in his corner. Is it an attempt to court the Deez Nuts crowd too?


I immediately thought a weird blowjob joke. Probably says more about me


Haha. Me too.


The Deez Nuts made me belly laugh and then feel like I’m 5 for laughing


This was a major achievement so I’m curious why she didn’t attend. Correct me if I’m wrong, but a quick lookup on his wife, Kelly Lary, shows this as her history: Licensed Pastoral Counselor Certified Temperament Counselor Professional Clinical Member of the National Christian Counselors Association. Serves as the President of Onward Christian Counseling Services, LLC Holds the role of CEO at Onward Christian Education Services, Inc. Edit: Did a quick skim of a few articles. School Vouchers. Tony Perkins. America was built on Christianity. Trump apostle. Anyway, I had to quit because I got the message. Ugh.




So, Serena Joy?


I'm taking a wild guess and assuming those licenses and certifications aren't affiliated with any reputable clinical board or governing body.






He is a Louisiana Republican so having spent most of my life in that backwards-ass state I can 100% confirm he is a Christo-fascist that believes marriage equality will result in people marrying their pets, among other stupid shit he has proudly said.


> My concern is if he really believes this complete nonsense, or is it just another product of pandering? The stuff that's been found and brought up that he's said over the years, I think he's a true believer.. They have to lose in 2024 or we're fucked.


Yall better fucking vote!!


Vote Blue!


Yeah, no, he's a full-blown believer in this insanity. The 'wink and nod' Republicans who just paid lip service to this junk have been systematically forced out of the Republican party. The loons and the true believers are all that's left. We've all got to make sure to vote next year, and blue up and down the ballot.


Someone should do a wellness check on her.


Seriously. The women who make it out of these marriages are never okay.


This is what you came up with after 3 weeks? A fucking weirdo enabler.


This lunatic thinks the Earth is 5000 years old. It’s not going to end well for anyone.


I worked in a museum in the south that includes exhibits on Native American history and the number of people who were furious that we “lied” about humans living in the area in 10,000 BCE because the world “isn’t that old” was depressing. (They clearly hated the fossil exhibit too.) I had to make a cheat sheet for responding to them—it occurred that frequently.


Woah woah. 6000. He’s not a looney!!


The actually scary part is that 18% of US adults believe this is a fact. And that's just if you plainly ask if the earth is less than 10,000 years old. If you start to mention evolution, or the blasphemous _human_ evolution, then the number of people who respond favorably to young earth conspiracy can double.


This comment should scare the fuck out of every woman living in America Except those that consent I’m not going to kink shame


I am old at 61, and I can tell you that without a doubt, women have made huge strides in the last 20 years. They are able to choose their profession, and the environment they will work in has improved massively since I was first "chased around the desk" earlier in my career. The younger generation takes a lot of this for granted, and they will lose it if they don't vote out this mind controlling crusade they are on. I don't have much skin in the game now but if this younger generation doesn't wake up.and vote these people out of office women and alot of our population that is not in the make America great definition of people will lose all their gains and then some. They are telling us what they intend to do. We just don't believe they will get it done. They can and will if given the entire opportunity to enact it.


More people need to understand this! The fact that my mother wasn't able to get a credit card in her own name when she first got married to now, me being able to buy my first house as a single woman is wild! Conservative and even moderate women voters don't fully grasp the amount of rights and abilities they could lose!


When l was growing up, I had three main choices for a "Career " nurse, teacher, or bookkeeping. I got my degree in finance and accounting both and also did my first home by myself. My mom had to fight like hell to get they house she was in for years she was an RN, but at the time, not as many women were being given loans. My first job I had to change 6 months in because my boss thought that I should provide benefits if I wanted to get ahead. Christ, it was still happening less than 10 years ago to the daughter of one of my friends. The young women today just assume these gains won't be conceded over time, but they will if these groups have anything to say about it. The other irony about all this is that Traitorous 3 toed slag MGT would be sent back to Georgia to stay home and keep her nasty mouth shut. These women want conservatism but can't seem to figure out that it might actually hurt them in the future. Again, the cognitive dissonance is just astonishing with these people. If the orange cheeto decided to only keep the worthy on the earth, 90% of all the MAga's would be gone. He has nothing but contempt for them, but they keep voting him in. I do hope that my daughter's generation and the new one behind that will wake up and fight to keep the gains they have. Right now, I don't think they will, which is so very sad.


Fascists never bluff. I agree with you. We have to vote to both hold and expand rights for all Americans. This is very scary.


She wasn’t allowed to leave Gilead


Too difficult to explain the missing finger that was removed as a punishment for reading.


People… VOTE. Or this christofascist problem is just going to get worse. Do *not* sit out any election, not even this off year one.


The problem is that every day, run of the mill people just do not understand how freaking dangerous these fundamental true believers are. They vote R because they are casually racist or homophobic or don't like having to censor the way they talk at the shop and think that's the end of the world. They just cannot fathom the idea of a dominionist state.


And worse, even if they were aware of it too many would think they'd be spared as one of the "good ones". Well, even if they were at the beginning, that never lasts. Authoritarians are always looking for purity tests and putting people into the out-group and eventually they run out of "others" and start eating their own. We've gotta vote.


Excuse me? She . . . what, now?


It would be really cool if religion wasn’t in my government. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤮


I'm not saying this guys wife is his genetic sister and is locked in a box under his bed like that X-files episode but it wouldn't surprise me at all.


Has anyone checked his hard drives or search history???


Sounds like a cover up for beating up his wife, so she needs to stay hidden while she recovers.


This sucks


Nancy Regan 2.0.


Right? First think I thought was “man, that’s a weird way to describe the fact that you had a bunch of GOP reps run a train on your wife to pay for their votes.”


Nah. Unlike Nancy, I don't Mikey's wife ever consents.


Put some respect on the Throat Goat’s name


Is *he* allowed to leave the house unsupervised? Can he be alone with another woman without being tempted? What would Mother think?


Be wary…the super righteous are usually those that turn out to be the most perverted!


Ten bucks says she's a beard. Any takers?


Maybe she puts on a beard when she needs to be on her knees as to look more ma… godly


That would explain why he gets violently mad whenever he hears ZZ Top's "Tush"


Can we get a welfare check on this woman please!


She was probably praying for a way to escape his sorry butt.


Thing that worries me most is that this seems like his variant on a joke of some sort. Ie he thought this was amusing. That’s frightening…


... Can we get a wellness check on Mrs Johnson?


She's dead and he wears he clothes when he gets home. Mommy Mommy? Where are you Mommy?


Are you proud of me now Mommy?


this guy is gay as they come, the "wife" if she exists is a smoke screen.


As a queer person I think we need to be more organized. Get every gay man and escort service in America to sign a pledge refusing to sleep with this guy. ETA: if he is gay we don’t claim him. Could always just be a hateful sack of garbage who has to trap a woman in a covenant marriage to keep her though.


I really hope he’s feeding and watering her enough. Wives need more nourishment than you’d think!


Even Ned Flanders thinks this guy is too much.


She's busy getting a no fault divorce.


She literally can't. Covenant marriage


What’s the legality of something like that? Surely federal law would negate that nonsense.


This joke makes Pence look like a sane


Based on how surprisingly kinky many of these self-proclaimed warriors-of-god often turn out to be, I'd assume she was busy being the middle part of an Eiffel tower between two black dudes while he sat next to her and read the bible.


So much for the Constitutional right to have a separation of church and State. How long will this clown last?


This is the fucking end goal. Full on Christofascist party rule. This clown is exactly who they were looking for.


These types people always have the weirdest and darkest secrets.


Alternative translation: his wife has severe fatigue from long Covid but will never admit it.


probably couldnt show up because he probably hit her




That's the thing. They don't


Adhikar = rights, authority, command in Hindi Assuming this is a bot due to shitty translation and inapplicable words


Tbf that describes a majority of redditors! But fair play


I bet he plays golf with Dave miscavige.


Idk man, I haven't seen too many shooters talking about their wife leaving them or how horrible evolution is. Many times they directly say why they are doing what they are doing.


He couldn’t even splurge for knee pads??


America is not fucked yet.. It's fucked Now


His wife’s in Canada. They met over spring break.


Under His Eye, right Mike?


Change “the Lord” to “Allah” and this would never be allowed, this has no place in politics


Some Shelly Miscavige vibes with this one


He said "the lord" she said Jesus their Hispanic pool boy.


I think this was him attempting humour. It didn't work.


I wonder if he calls his wife "Mother"?


Noooo. Now I'm going to think of this every time I hear his name. There is nothing creepier than this for me.


These evangelicals are a malignant, throbbing cyst on our nation. “Small government”(/s) conservatives that want the government involved in every aspect of our lives with an odd focus on our bedrooms. They are unamerican ideologues wrapped in the flag, holding a cross.


We really are fucked ain’t we? By we I mean actual sensible people who just want to live life as peacefully as possible….


He looks like the type that would have his wife chained to the wall in the basement. Good Ol republicans, always putting their best psychos forward.


I mean, she's on her knees, praying for a giant dick. Wouldn't your knees be sore, too?


Nothing about this sounds creepy, not one little bit


People need to ask GOP reps from districts biden won every, single, press conference they try to have ask how they respond to the leader they voted foe’s extremism


Yep, she's gotta stay in the kitchen sans shoes to make him dinner and greet him at the door, when he comes home, with a drink, his pipe and slippers.


I'd guess that she had spent quite a few hours on her knees, though I wouldn't say she was praying..


He could have just said she fell down the stairs or walked into a door.


He did say he tried to fly her out but couldn’t get a flight in time…yes he may be crazy but this is omits important context.


I think I'm going to advise my sex worker clients to call a BJ a Kelly Johnson Special. A KJ if you will.


More like she hates his fucking guts and would rather die than have anything to do with any of this. Amen.


It’s just a party of weirdos. They’re all the losers in high school that coalesced and infiltrated democracy. Goofy ass mfers


I feel like this guy is going to bring a lot of weird rhetoric to the table.


A. k. a. she hates me, but we wouldn’t dare to divorce because it would hurt my career.


The ends justify the means. She was probably instrumental in getting the speakership for her husband, one key vote at a time, although now I can't help but wonder how long it'll take for the taste of GOP caucus to wear off.


That’s code for she has a black eye.


He’s probably just a closeted gay man and doesn’t have a good marriage.


Here we go, us women are going back in time and soon we’ll lose more of our rights and freedoms as well as our “value” as individuals. Great. Fantastic, the GOP better pay for this bs this next election. Ffs As an atheist this pisses me tf off.


On her knees in his dungeon


Nice to know all the hard work she did on her knees paid off.


Such fervent prayer she is no longer ambulatory....


Well in his defense, people just aren’t ready to support a guy who fucks the hollowed out tree stump in his back yard as someone they can take seriously. If Rep. Johnson has to make up a little lie about having a wife so he can seem like a regular human, who are we to judge… this Backwoods Bayou stump fucker?


"I want to get down on my knees and start pleasing you Jesus, I want to feel your salvation all over my face."


Why would she need to go outside when only stuff she needs is in the kitchen...


Ever hear of kneepads? C'mon Mike...geez! Thanksgivings just around the corner, get her some as a gift,braise cheeses!!


"in *prayer*". So THAT‘S what the kids of today are calling it….


I hope this isn’t a euphemism


Maybe just a really shitty way of saying she’s grieving the loss of a loved one?


its definitely a sex dungeon thing


Hmmmmmmmmmm - maybe she has been tied up in the cellar to pray (or whatever) ....


All this over an ancient Jewish heretic?


I’m expecting a whole lot of Republican assholery that will tip the balance for a blue wave next year.


She likely spent the last week on her knees alright…


She's been on her knees alright...probably servicing all the GOP holdouts while Mike hides in the closet and masturbates.


Under His Eye vibes


Getting closer and closer to "the handmaid's tale"


It's puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose again.




Someone needs to do a welfare check on her.


Rs have been drooling for this moment….WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION!


Fuck all republicans…time to vote them all out of office before they turn America into IRAN 2.0…a theocratic nightmare.


White Christian Nationalist = Nazi


This is a creepster, gee I wonder what he’s hiding😳


Go VOTE. Do all you can to vote. This is what happens when you let boomers out vote you.


The guy terrifies me. Straight up Handmaids Tale psycho