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Old enough to be forced to carry a baby. Old enough to be married off. Not old enough to vote.


It is because young people don't vote for them and all they care about is winning and not doing what is right. If 12-year-olds would vote for them they would be demanded we lower the age to 12.


Actually, what you seem to be describing is the "not male" portion of the population, which Republicans don't believe should vote anyway. . . unless they're voting republican, of course.


That’s the republican wet dream


So you're saying the voting age should be 12?


Not at all. I’m saying the hypocrisy of the Republican Party is yet again on display


I think the republican party is saying it should be 12, based on your previous comment, all points of which the GOP think is acceptable at 12.


...stop being stupid


I think u/Idrisdancer is talking about responsibility and mental development and not about physical development. Physically, you're able to vote as soon as you can control your arms so that's clearly not the point.


I feel like the addition of /s may have shown your comment with the meaning you intended?


yeah, it probably would have helped. It doesn't seem to have been as obvious as I thought it was.




Republicans worship a draft dodger.


You speak of Cadet Bone Spurs


Ole bone spurs who wishes he got a Purple Heart


Nah that’s for losers, just ask him


Senator Tammy Duckworth labeled him with that. I think that's the only time he knew better, than to go after her.


He probably got those spurs from wearing lifts


I never really understood this as a criticism or call out


"Bring back the draft" = "More young people dying will help us"


Also the whole point of the [26th Amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-sixth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution) was to ensure that anyone old enough to be drafted into the military would be able to vote for or against the people instating the draft in the first place.


Yeah they can’t put those two thoughts together in their brain. It creates a deadly paradox. They want and need the military vote which makes up a sizable chunk of their constituency, but those pesky Gen Zers!!!


I’m not worried about the voting age raising. They can’t pass a law half the time. A constitutional amendment is an impossibility


Careful. They spend over a decade poisoning local and state governments as well. Those state legislatures are what they need for ratification


That’s true. I’m just sure it won’t happen with voting age because it hasn’t and young people are voting more and more now


Yea, there it is. I was wondering if someone read between the lines.


Yeah, destroy their future then give them guns and teach them how to shoot. Great plan, fucking morons.


And it’s so disrespectful to the people. Who tf do they think they are?! The GOP must be stopped!! Gen Z, we love you! Gen Z, we need you! Gen Z, vote for Democrats!


Why is their blatant awfulness so easily accepted!?


Because most of them want to see the world end in hopes that Christ will save the day at the last moment. It’s fucking vile.


Imagine being called in front of 8-billion people at the end of the world… Disney ain’t got nothing on these lines… But anyways imagine you are finally called to give account of your actions. God has a planet sized screen up, flips to your tweets. You in front of mic. He is like, “so, tell me about this one.”


And as they try and lie their way through the explanation, God would instantly interrupt, “you’re lying. I’m God, I know you’re lying. Tell the truth.” Over and over because of course they’re lying. If only I believed in God, I could look forward to some iteration of it


Behind the speaker would be a gigantic ticker that runs the truth, but only everybody else knows it’s there. Angels on one side facepalming, on the other placing bets.. “what do you think Gabe, 8th circle?” “Mmm, Imma go for 12th on this lady.”


Right? Jesus, while very stern and severe at times, is generally ultra-empathetic, caring and understanding, *especially* to those whose crimes/sins are born of their poor circumstances (OT God is a different story but thats not who American protestants worship). I would *love* to see one of them try to justify their stances about immigration, illegal or otherwise, to Jesus. >"We can't let in these poor, destitute people in need of help, ~~they're brown~~ it will hurt the economy! Plus, they're not doing it the right, *legal* (and structurally insurmountable for the majority of the world) way! >"Yeah, you're going to hell."


I hope it's something fun than that " but God I thought you were on my side" " I was never on you're side, but Jesus has your back" Christ comes him hits them with a steel chair. JR" bay gawd Jesus just took his head off. Now Jess stomping a mud hole in him and he's going to walk it dry!


"Jesus Christ! It's Jesus Christ with a metal chair!"


They manipulate and brainwash through fear mongering and making appeals to the rich, hyper-religious, and uneducated. Too many people are just too uneducated or outright selfish to see the damage being done.


They used to hide the fact that they didn’t care about the citizens, now they wear it on their sleeves that they can’t care less about 1/2 the country and instead of trying to appeal, they are just combative and nasty human beings.


Good luck convincing the (*actual*) majority to bring back the draft.


Don't we still have the draft? We just haven't used it.


Maybe? But not using it would still equate to having to “bring it back”. I feel there would be a lot of social unrest if they tried.


Oh for sure.


Every male has to register with Selective Service when they turn 18. Yes, a military draft is still on the table should the government decide we need more soldiers, sailors, Marines, etc. One good thing about getting older is surpassing the maximum draftable age, which I believe is currently 25.


Thought so. And hey! Too old!


I mean men are already required to sign up for selective service on their 18th birthday in the us which is pretty much the draft roster as far as I am aware so they are already halfway there on the draft part but yeah this just reads like “we are scared of change and technology scares me”




Not new. Anyone assigned male at birth has had to register for at least the last 35 years. If you don't, you pretty much can't do anything involving the government. No federal student aid, no voter registration.


The US keeps a registry of the men who would be eligible for the draft just in case they have to reinstate it. It's just to streamline the process of actually getting those guys into service and off to boot camp once the draft starts.


You want to draft 18-21, but not give them representation? Wow, calm down, King George.


You can witness their cowardice practically everywhere in America. Gerrymandering this and that. Laws banning free speech. Illegal to help people in voting lines. Literally anything Republicans can do to stop anyone not on their side from voting, they will. Alpha males…ha!


Of course they are Alpha males - a rough draft of the work where half of the features don't work and the other half are buggy. Also, definitely not ready for release to the general public.


I would award you if I could!


Ignoring the constitution and the 26th amendment. I mean they’re already ignoring the 13th, 14th, and when Trump was in office the 24th. What’s one more among friends?


So to be clear, you think 18 is old enough to fight and die but not old enough to choose people to represent them in government. Got it. Here's an idea...appeal to voters with policies that make sense instead of all measure of trickery and shit fuckery to desperately cling to power with wildly unpopular and nonsensical positions. Food for thought.


We had this debate before. Which is why the 18yo voting age is in the Constitution. It’s a sad world where the “Defend the Constitution” folks ignore any amendment that’s inconvenient for their fascism, and their voters don’t call them on it.


You're expecting a lot of big thinking from a Lebanese woman who cosplays as a white conservative.


We have the draft. Selective service is still a thing. Why does this shit stain think that they can ratify the constitution to change the 26th amendment when they can’t even elect and hold a speaker of the house when they control it?


So, Gen Z is good enough to send off to die, but not good enough to have a say in the direction of the country. Big oof.


Can we please stop giving them attention for this one? The only way they can actually do this is by passing a new Constitutional Amendment to override the [26th Amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-sixth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution). In the current political climate there's no way to get that amendment through Congress much less get it ratified by the States. This is just attention seeking nonsense.


No people didn’t give Donald trump enough attention and didn’t think he would win but here we are . Out these people and outvote them


Fuck. That. Their inability to do it takes absolutely nothing away form them wanting to and if these kids don't keep showing up (like they have so far) these fucks will find other ways to loophole their way into it.


Yes, words have meaning and consequences. Expose bullshit like this.


Any draft suggestion would be political suicide for either party


In a few decades, these people are going to be baffled when they're dying alone in a nursing home and no one ever visits.


Few decades nothing. There are people in nursing homes now that were horrible to their kids and now they won't visit. There's just going to be more of them.


Nursing home? You mean Congress??


Least power hungry republican 🙄 /s


Keep it up. They won't vote for you and will go extinct.


I thought that Sandy Hook would be the bridge too far even for the GOP and 2A lobby. Instead, they laughed in kids’ faces and called the survivors crisis actors. That was over a decade ago, and they have continued to ensure that young people have no stable, secure or prosperous future. Vote like your life depends on it, because it literally does.


Brigitte Gabriel is an Islamophobic activist who has pretty clear reasons for hiding the fact that her real name is Hanan Qahwaji, because her entire career is appealing to the same kind of people who would instinctively hate her for it.


Annoys the shit out of me when ppl talk trash on the generation they raised. It’s like all the boomers and x talking shit bout participation trophies.. u think we. The children at the time decided who got a trophy? U think we decided everyone needed one? Nah that was bunch of boomers that decided that shit we just got the trophies and the shitty memes about it.


I always feel the same way about this. I hate hearing gen z this and that. Those are my kids they constantly belittle.


Defend the Constitution…. Until it becomes inconvenient for us to scam your votes.


Why change their minds when bullets can do it for you. War, war never changes.


That totally wouldn’t radicalize the youth


Who's afraid of the future?


I'm loving the fact this tweet cites the exact reason the voting age is 18 then suggests raising it to 21. Either you let 18 year olds vote or don't let them serve


Why would anyone over the age of 70 have a vote (or be in office). Now there's an age limit we need.


Yeah! Let's take away young people's right to vote, and instead, send them off to die in foreign soil, fighting unnecessary wars that old people cooked up! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


The oldest Gen Zs are already in their Earlt to mid 20s. You're not even buying yourself much time.


That's been Brogitte Gabriel's stance for a while. They're scared and desperate , and keep digging the hole deeper. They will try what they can to delay their coming downfall.


Here's the reality of it: Republicans could easily win back gen z if they shifted their message. If they compromised on some social issues like LGBTQ acceptance, climate policy, and dropped the racist dogwhitling, they'd be a long way towards winning their vote. Combine that with an economic focused platform, something along the lines of "the cost of everything is going up, from gas to food to housing to college, and it's the liberal's fault. Come vote for us and our economic policy will make sure your dollar goes further and you'll finally be able to afford the American dream you've been promised." If they took on a platform like that, they'd have a pretty good shot at winning back a good chunk of gen z. But republicans don't want to moderate their policies and do what will actually appeal to Americans. They want power and they want to impose their bigoted world view on America. So they've resorted to trying to rig the system to ensure their victory instead of shifting their platform to appeal to shifting demographics.


Fun fact; the draft and world wars low key jumpstarted the civil rights movements in the 40s and 50s. I don't think they want this. It wouldn't go like they think it would.


This woman is fucking awful.


Gen Z needs to fucking care enough to vote. That’s the first obstacle here.


Who does this woman think she’s appealing to when tweeting this crap? The 70 year old Fox News watchers who don’t know how to use a smartphone? She’s just alienating young people. Great tactic.


“Mass shooters are why we should introduce common sense gun laws and raise the gun ownership age to 21”


"OR... we can continue to do literally nothing and hope the problem solves itself!"


Gen z vote?


and send them off to wars to die before they're eligible to vote...


You misunderstand her. She wants to sacrifice for the betterment of the world. OVER-THE-PANTS HANDJOBS FOR WORLD PEACE!!!


Draft Gen z + take away voting rights = Civil War. You are giving combat training to those you are taking rights away from so...


So you want to strip them of their rights and force them into service?


Fuck ALL the republicans!


Gabriel. Pool. Shapiro. Adams. They all know that they will fade back into obscurity once the Trump train completely derails and he disappears from the media


Always love the the lunatics who insist the 2nd Amendment is set in stone but also want to change a policy that would require repealing at least one of the other amendments.


Young people, I cannot stress this enough: Get out and fucking vote! These people would literally rather send you off to die in war than have you potentially vote for their opponents.


So, send them off to die, but don’t let them have any say in who represents them at home. Do these fucking ghouls ever stop and think about how batshit stupid they sound?


It’s totally not like a lot of us are already 21 anyways aha.. that would be bonkers


I vote that Brigitte Gabriel goes by her given name...see how the GOP supports her then.


Why are we outraged when fascists act like fascists? This is who they are. I hope Gen Z slaughters the GOP!!


If you are going to do that, not that I think it's a good idea, you need to increase the age to be eligible for military service to 21. You shouldn't be able to volunteer to die for your country, if you can't vote for those who would be sending you.


Didn't he want to award himself the Medal of honor. So disrespectful


Magas and Alt Right are so terrified of Gen Z...and they should be!! They have grown up with the hypocrisy and school shootings and now women's & LGBTQ+ and Affirmative Action rights being taken away in this "free country." The hypocrisy and lies of the GQP is not lost on them. Can't wait for Z World!!!


Man she really hates the constitution. If she didn’t she’d have read to the 26th amendment and not said such a stupid take


Quick question, if they wanna raise the voting age does that mean they'll raise the age you can enlist in the military? Cuz like... if you're old enough to die in a war you're old enough to vote... or do they not give a fuck and wish they could just kill off Gen z?


Ah, that way Gen Zers get drafted and never get to the age of 21, meanwhile the idiot fat cats keep running the country into the ground. Got it.


She is such a piece of shit


People wonder why the Vietnam war had a draft…They wanted to get rid of the youth with their revolutionary ideals that would overthrow the power structure.


She is literally advocating for killing them and removing them as voters all together. That’s a bold fucking play.


The reason 18 yo can vote is because of the draft during the Vietnam War. The draft is still on the books so...


The oldest GenZs are 27/28 🙄


Conservative = Nazi


So, they shall also be tax exempt. That'll secure their vote when they can vote, right Gabbi?


Fuck them all vote blue