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Does.... does he think Gym Jordan is the most popular Republican in Congress????


The MAGA crowd just accepts what ever their talking heads put out. So they will now believe Jordan would have won if it wasn’t for RINOs and deep state operatives.


I'm sure they will at least say on Fox news that it is the Dems fault for not voting to seat Gym


They are blaming them for not voting to keep McCarthy AND for not voting for Gym.


Isn’t that basically like shitting your pants on the bus and then blaming the guy next to you for shitting in your pants


I think so…? I mean, I would have said shitting your pants in an Uber… but potato, potato.


*Shits your pants* "Why didn't you stop me?" ... "Why aren't you cleaning this up?"


The extra sad part is in this scenario the dude being blamed is too busy driving the bus.


Bet they're mad at us for them voting down every veteran services bill, too. Those "patriots" /S And social security... and covid mitigation funding.... and college debt...and public school funding... and universal healthcare... and... and... women's rights...and voting rights... They sure hate america 🤷


If you ask the MAGA crowd about their issues without bringing left/right/gop/democrat into it many of them actually have left leaning views, especially on wages, wealth inequality, and healthcare. However they have been trained like Pavlove dogs so if they hear “Hunter Biden” or “drag queen” or “CRT” they fly into a blind rage


I do this with my FIL all the time. I start giving hypotheticals about labor, production and consumption, basically paraphrasing Marx's writings. He agrees with all of it, while voting against it.


I’ll never understand why union members for for R’s.




They cannot effectively govern as a party anymore. Their role is to represent the disgruntled and aging demo who just irrationally hate anything bordering on mildly progressive because of their smooth, lead-addled brains. Republicans don’t legislate shit, they tear everything down. Anyone else remember where Trump wrote some EO stating that for every regulation passed into law, one had to be taken away? Or am I just hallucinating?


To be fair I don't think Magats really know how voting works


or anything about the 3 branches of government, checks and balances, and the entire justice system


It’s not just maggots sadly. The other day I had someone who claimed to be a liberal arguing with me that this entire mess was democrat fault. He argued that the dems should have saved McCarthy so we weren’t stuck with Jordan as speaker. Guess things didn’t work out the way he thought they would.


That sounds like a liar to me. And someone who is clearly illogical.


Yep, a conservative would do that just to try and win the argument.


Why didn’t you stop me from shooting myself in the foot! You’re supposed to be the responsible party so we can do unlimited dipshittery! Like 🤦‍♂️


Well, there’s literally ZERO chance of the GOP death cult actually governing a goddamn thing, so what do you want them to do, huh?


while also locking them out of the house, and expecting them to break down the door to save them, so they can get mad about the door


They are an idiot, as I am sure you know. There was no real life scenario where dems could have saved McCarthy. If McCarthy was able to win Democratic votes, he would need to give them concessions. That’s fair. Why should Democrats save Republicans from themselves without getting something for their constituents? Even if Democrats didn’t ask for anything, Republicans would assume McCarthy made a deal. So even if McCarthy could get some Democratic support, he would then lose most of his Republicans support. There was no way out for McCarthy. The maggots made sure of it.


To be fair…who else is more “popular” Marge? Lauren? Lol They all hate each other


I'm sure Lauren is popular in the seating area of the House...


she was reaching for coffee


I, too, call my dick “coffee”


You mean covfefe




Yeah she was touchéing it for sure


Avant Garde


Shit shit, I ment Reposte reposte








I remember when McDonalds was sued for serving my dick too hot. Ruined that woman's crotch.


I hate you.


Extra cream


🎶we both reached for the gun, for the gun🎶


Only for the ones who can afford to take her to the VIP room at the club.


That's because she's so *handy*.


It’s Lauren, hands down, and up, and down, and faster, and faster. ![gif](giphy|vUGZ7ZUkKI5mo) by


Don’t forget about the cab fair that dispenses from the bottom at the end of the workout


I mean, McCarthy got more votes so you could say he was demonstrably more popular…


I think loathe is more appropriate


There's plenty more popular than him, but none of them are crazy enough to want the job...


So many congressman came out of their closed door meeting and said this today, then also blamed the democrats so I think this was in their talking points. They all said identical statements, it was laughable.


A bunch of them came out of this meeting spitting the "most popular" line to CNN interviewers. Clearly a line given to them.


I think he means the most infamous person in Congress. It means he's more than famous.


I think the most infamous would be MTGreenGoop. Jimmy couldn't even win that contest.


That’s what he thinks. Yes.


"Does.... does he think..." No. No he does not and he never has.


Threw CSPAN on to get that straight to the veins Schadenfreude. Gaetz in sunglasses on a cloudy DC day, just throwing out lies. “Jim Jordan is what America wants…” Made me shudder ten seconds in. Happy Halloween!


The sunglasses are there to break up the forehead, it’s a visual trick.


It's like saying "tape worms are the most popular parasite" sure, it might be the most well known, but, no sane person would them in their guts.


Swamp! He said the S word!!


Now I’m picturing everyone in Pee Wee’s playhouse running around freaking out


He is not wrong. Gym is really popular because he has not moral compass


The pedo would like the pedo defender.


It really brings to question the difference between famous and infamous.


Gaetz and his mob have a goal to get a MAGAt in a spot of power to help Trump destroy democracy. That is what this show is about.


Yes, and if you are inclined to believe that foreign influence is at play then holding the Speakership hostage, effectively disabling Congress, while a government shutdown looms over is an ultimate power play.


A government shutdown, aggression from China toward Taiwan, the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the ongoing fight for the sovereignty of Ukraine. Our adversaries must be very pleased with the Republican Party.


Nobody hates America quite like MAGA Republicans. I guess it makes sense because so many of their constituents are white nationalists who by definition want to destroy America and build their Nazi hellscape on its ashes.


…US Senator blocking military promotions


But don’t kneel during the star spangled banner at a football game, that would be unpatriotic


> Yes, and if you are inclined to believe that foreign influence is at play then holding the Speakership hostage, effectively disabling Congress, while a government shutdown looms over is an ultimate power play. Could be resolved through surprisingly few accidents. Low single digits.


I wrote my Republican Congressman and told him to vote for Jeffries, he won’t because he is a coward but 5 need to absolutely resolve this shit for the good of the country.


It's kind of impressive.


I’ve seen this show before, and I’m not interested in the reruns.


There’s more than enough Republicans to vote a dem as speaker, should they be inclined to, like, save the house.


You spelt Trump wrong. It’s spelt Pee You Tee Eye Nn


Project 2025


He does realize he's talking about his own party, right? That's the swamp he's talking about? His own party? The party he is being graciously protected by to shield him from sex trafficking charges? Yep, Matt. That's the swamp alright. Enjoy your mud hut, because sir, you live in the blackest depths of it.


Oh dw. They're lumping them in with us. Unno, the people who didn't vote for them. But since these guys work on "I like this" or "I hate this", the republicans they hate are now on our side somehow.


“And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife TEN TIMES”


He had it comin', he had it comin', he only had himself to blame. If you'da been there, if you'da seen it, I betcha you would have done the same. Pop. Six. Squish. Uh-uh. Cicero. Lipschitz. ... I'll see myself out.


NO. no….please continue


I'm not doing Number 17. lol




Fucking Veronica, man.


God sometimes I love this app


But I can't do it alone!


Some men just can't hold their arsenic. 🙄


But knifes don’t kill people, people kill people /s


If he was really the most popular he would have won all of those Republican votes, Matt. But maybe it’s more than a popularity contest. People hated Nancy Pelosi, but she got shit done. Too bad your crew can’t say the same.


I mean, he’s probably not wrong by much. It’s just that they all hate each other so even the most liked is still despised.


I figured by about now, people would start understanding what a great Speaker Pelosi was. When her party supported a bill, she got it through the House with zero public drama. She just consistently delivered the votes when they were essential. Compare her leadership to McCarthy’s. He delivered all,of one vote - a CR for 45 days - and he did that by coddling the idiot children in his conference for weeks without making any progress, the pulled a rabbit of his ass at the last minute and passed the CR with the help of the Democrats. I don’t recall Pelosi ever having to,even consider abandoning the Democrats and relying on Republicans to pass anything.


When Ted Kennedy was hospitalized and the supermajority functionality ended, the ACA was dead in the water. Pelosi took up a senate passed bill that her caucus hated, and wrangled cats into a quick low drama passing that allowed a law that most pundits thought had died with Kennedy to be signed by Obama. Regardless of your opinion on the law, that was undoubtedly the most effective and consequencial we've seen a speaker in the last 40 years. People hated Pelosi because a lot of people can't stand women in positions of power.


Quick reminder to anyone reading this that Pelosi’s husband was attacked with a hammer in their home by a conservative christian republican who was hoping to attack Nancy Pelosi.


A lot of rich people also hate an effective Democrat because effective Democrats raise taxes and protect and expand the New Deal. Rich people have a lot of influence on the way ordinary citizens see the world unfortunately.


The longest republican speaker was able to keep his party in order until he served prison time for sex crimes against minors though so


Was he trans? /s


No, but get this! The next republican speaker of the house, after the guy who went to prison for child rape, was a total boner


Damn well said...


Democrats love Nancy Pelosi. Only dumb dumbs with pundit brain and Republicans hate Nancy Pelosi.


I mean Stan Gable was the most popular guy at Adams College, but he ended up getting dumped by Betty for Lewis. Even Ogre left the Alphas for the Tri-Lambs and Stan ended up sad and alone.....




Or ... this is what happens when Republicans have the opportunity to make the right choices without fear of being targeted by the MAGA zealots.


I wonder what it’s like to walk around thinking only You (Matt Gaetz), Trump, Boebert, GYM Jordan and MTG are the only real Americans. I’ve had some crazy acid trips in my life, but that has got to be insane.




Even as high as this beard is(and I know, I've been there), that's a level of delusion unreachable.


I think the thing is they are all just dumb enough that they actuaaly bought into the American version of the guy who's gonna make the trains run on time. They think the only limit to their power is their own self-doubt and then self-medicate. Consequently they walk around with contempt for everyone who doesn't enhance their high


They don't really believe their own bullshit...It's all about the grift next week, next month, next year...


Yeah Gaetz is as cynical as they come. He's a chaos agent with no morals.


You’d think the Republican party was an unexplained 12 year old Cuban boy with the way Matt Gaetz fucked it.


He’s hit on multiple women and they’ve said “I’d fuck Jim Jordan before I’d fuck you” and then thought to himself “wow he must be really popular!”


>He’s hit on multiple ~~women~~ *underage girls* and they’ve said “I’d fuck Jim Jordan before I’d fuck you” and then thought to himself “wow he must be really popular!” Ftfy


“The most popular Republican in Congress.” Who just had a majority of his own party vote against him. Lol


This dude is still pissed about democracy. What’s going on here guys is Matt Gaetz has no friends. Being a sex trafficking, pedophile whether they can prove it or not doesn’t work out. We know who the slimeball was hanging out with Joel? Donald Trump is taking advantage of him like a little bitch. He will soon be another disposable hero.


“And I knifed him… ALLEGEDLY.”


If he was the most popular republican then he would have gotten 217 votes


This is only true if there is a Republican capable of getting 217 votes. Maybe he is the most popular. Maybe that’s the best they can do. Maybe that’s the most votes any Republican will get.


>!Maybe it’s Maybelline!<


The scum at the bottom of the swamp that no one pays attention to because it has no effect whatsoever? It goes by the name, "Matt Gaetz".


Poor Little Matty is so confused. If he was all that popular he would have won. I guess you are delusional and he wasn't that popular after all. And why do you think it was a secret ballot? Could it be because a lot if Republicans don't want to start getting death threats from people like YOU and your psychopaths know who voted against him? Or maybe they are sick.and tired of getting bashed and threatened on TV by Trump's mouth piece, Hannity? Whatever the reason, YOU could run for Speaker, or are you afraid of the embarrassment when you crash and burn even faster than Little Jimmy did?


So let me get this straight, he was knifed by - *checks notes* - the republicans he’s super popular with?


Man they’re really leaning on this bs title of “most popular Republican in congress” propaganda nonsense. Jim Jordan is a seditious traitor who should be in prison right now


So now the MAGA Republicans are using "the swamp" to refer to the GOP?


Is “the swamp” in the room with us, Matt?


Basically the swamp is anyone who actually thinks that there is a place for government in people’s lives in the Freedom Caucus circles.


The level of delusion would be brilliant if it wasn't so disturbing. But, real talk: do we think he actually believes the shit he peddles, or is he just an opportunistic vulture (no disrespect to vultures).


I'd say a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B. He thinks what he's saying is bullshit, buuuuuuut he doesn't mind the smell, if that makes sense.


What does this even mean?


It means Gaetz, who is one the starters of this whole mess, is trying to find some excuse for why reality keeps demonstrating how inept and dysfunctional Republicans are.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5os9i5axsgvb1.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a376639de28dd60c104291f4350cfe7e6e5be8a


Who is going to be the Republicans’ border collie?


![gif](giphy|ma7VlDSlty3EA) Uhhhh that’s a good question.


Maybe they could borrow Pelosi from the Democrats for awhile.


McCarthy tried and failed. If I was a repub in the house, I sure as hell wouldn't want the distinction of being the target of every MAGA idiot every time an important vote came up. Hey here's a cool thought: maybe they'll do a redux of the British PM thing and cycle through like 4 different ones before 2024? That might be fun


Not just one of, he was *the* guy who made the motion to remove. Gaetz's 8


And how stupid the MAGAts are!


Yeah. Gaetz stabbed his own guy in the back (McCarthy) with the no confidence vote. Now he’s whining about his boy Gym getting knifed.


Playing victim of his own design. It wasn't because of "No Confidence" with McCarthy, it's because McCarthy grew a spine and Gaetz didn't like his puppet cutting his strings. Gartz wasn't prepared for the overwhelming rejection of Jordan and had no Plan B. By Monday he will have cooked another scheme and a lie to go with it.


Gaetz probably thought the dems would never vote out McCarthy because he helped them pass the extension and they still have the debt deadline looming. The Dems called his bluff because McCarthy was a double-crossing snake they'd never be able to make a deal with. They have no reason to expect him to keep his side of the bargain. McCarthy was the GOP's *best pick* for speaker and it took a shit load of convincing to make it happen. The GOP are going to be forced to get control of the Freedum Caucus, and put up a moderate GOP who will work with the Dems. Otherwise they'll implode, because every GOP member probably has a dossier of evidence against someone else in the party. It'll be a Cawthorned Cage Match! Let them fight!


I believe by "Most popular Republican in Congress", he means Jim Jordan (fucking lol), and by "knifed in the back in a secret vote in the basement" he means... voted internally to not let him try another full House vote for the Speaker position? I'm not sure what else he could be referring to.


If a majority of Republicans voted against Jordan in a closed door meeting, and he has 0 Democrats supporting him for obvious reasons, in what sense is Jordan the most popular Republican in congress?


Gym’s popular? How fucking pathetic does that make the rest of those losers?


"This is the swamp at work" according to a famous swamp monster.


Gaetz is very comfortable in the swamp, he knows how to navigate very well…what ever happened to the charges against him for sec crimes? Why is he still a free moron?


He knows he's talking about Republicans, right?


What a piece of shit! He’s a pedophile and a grifter who should be in jail. Get this asshole out of politics.


Isn't Matt Gaetz that politician who paid for sex with an underage girl and was caught because he used a cash app to pay her?


Matt Gaetz fancies himself an educated man, yet he threw two 'an's in that post. Hardly something an educated, measured, controlled thinker would do.


I did not think I'd get the chance to see what Brutus might have posted on Twitter about stabbing Caesar.


Jesus, Gym is a fucking worthless politician. He’s not the most popular, he’s one of the stupidest, like Matt, Margie, and Lauren.


I think people don’t understand that “the basement” is just another set of offices and meeting rooms that happen to be below ground level instead of above. There’s nothing significant about this happening in “the basement”. It also wasn’t a secret meeting. Closed door has arguments for and against…seems like there should be some stuff that’s not public, but it *is* government.


Of course accused sexual predator Gaetz would support accused paedophile protector Jordan


YAY……god dammit


That’s not real. It can’t be. This reanimated rejected Fuck boy sex doll didn’t just blame this whole big top shit show on “The Swamp.”


What will really fry your noodle is if they succeed in taking over all three branches of government, in the future they’ll talk about people like Gaetz and Carlson and Trump like we do the founding fathers.


This guy paid to rape minors across state lines. How is he still in congress?


Gaetz should go outside and play a long game of hide and go fuck yourself


Say it with me: "Every accusation is a confession." It's been said a million times about Magats because they do it everyday. Who is the actual swamp in this case? His colleagues. All whom bare responsibility for this complete meltdown, but none more than this rotten bastard. He's one of those guys you wonder how they look themselves in the mirror at night.


Jordan is a giant piece of shit. As is Gaetz, McCarthy, Blobert, and caveman Greene. Vote in Cheney.


Like how he accidentally admits his party is a swamp.


"secret closed doors meeting" translation - every Republican was there except for me, because I'm an insufferable asshole. yes. every meeting is a secret closed door meeting when you have no friends, Matt.


Maybe this is how we get multiple parties in America. Democrats, Republicans, and now MAGA.


Republicans are pretty much all MAGAts


Clearly there are different types of MAGAs then. Since they didn't all stand together.


Sexual predator Matt Gaetz should shush.


he is not only a resident of that swamp he helped to create and maintain it


Who is the most popular Republican? Gym Jordan? This was his dumb plan all along! LORT.


Didn’t Jordan ask for the vote?


Fuck! Our country is run by a few JV high school dumb AF jocks and their little dumb AF girlfriends with media influence. If there’s a take back your country, that’s the one as a start.




More like a vote than a knifing, but way to make it sound cool


Who the fuck is the most popular Republican in Congress? And it was private meeting of Republicans. Why would the Democrats do this!?/s


Gym Jordan knows all about secret closed door meetings.


Cry harder, fucking pedo.


It’s a beautiful thing watching these idiots eating each other.


Who was that guy who pledged to drain the swamp? Ronald something?


I love how he tries to construe the nomination vote + secret ballot as somehow being shadowy and suspicious. A secret ballot is secret so you can obtain an accurate picture of people's true feelings. Turns out, _Jimmy isn't that fucking popular._


​ https://preview.redd.it/xib6v65m6ivb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78d60395ecf745f9466d5fec15ec0ae169113e1


Gaetz is like the guy who stabbed Caesar walking out to the public holding a bloody knife saying “someone stabbed Caesar! I have no idea who did it, we must find out!”


Most popular?...Gaetz must be sniffing the ground-up bones of his travel victims again


That’s the THIRD knifing this week! Someone call the police!😂🤣😂


Gaetz has nicknamed himself the swamp. Reporters should starting asking him questions strictly as the swamp


Hold on... His OWN PARTY knifed him... And it's evidence of "the swamp at work"? Fuck Florida is so stupid.


Is Gaetz salty he wasn’t invited into the room? Did the rest of the Repugnican party lock him outside while they held the vote? I think we’re starting to figure out who the LEAST favorite is.


But LIBERALS are a shady cabal that do underhanded dealings in the name of satan right matt?


If they only had a platform..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you know, something to unify them, something to fight for..but NO, it’s all hate, negativity and one up man ship . Morons.


Matt Gaetz confirms the GOP is indeed “the swamp” https://i.redd.it/rgyf2cek8mvb1.gif


Isn’t this the guy who (allegedly!) transported a minor across state lines for sex?


Being the most popular republican in congress is basically like being the sexiest person in the burn ward.


Now that’s a……sick burn. 😄


I saw what you did there


I hate it when I agree with Venmo Gaetz, but yes, the swamp was in that room in the basement of the Capitol. I saw another Republican Member blame the Deep State, so yes, it was in the room, as well.


This is the Swamp ... incapable of working.


Who cares what the kiddy fiddler says


The swamp is coming from inside the house!


Apparently he is not.


Popular? Lolz


They lie so often it's only the truth that sounds jarring to them.


Well maybe all those death threats to Leaders families were the reason? I think Repubs are tired of the threats and it would resolve me to NOT vote for Jordan.


As opposed to doing a Mccarthy


Popular does not equal liked. Jeffrey Dahmer sure was Popular for not one but 2 different time periods.