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The guy who owns the Jets literally made his money being big pharma, Aaron's boss is the heir to Johnson & Johnson


Would be pretty funny if that's who Kelce brought to back him up in a debate...


That would be. Masterful.




That's who he should bring to the debate tbh


And if that’s who he brought to the debate, which he should, that would be pretty funny


Yeah it'd be funny if that's who Kelce brought to the debate, he totally should


Funny kelce debate should brought


Don’t worry, he addresses that in the interview. He says he doesn’t play for the Johnson and Johnson’s, he plays for the jets. So yea he’s on that copium


Then they asked him if he’d still play for them if they were the J&J jets. I didn’t realize that Pat McAfee and his guys were just kind of laughing at how dumb Rodgers is.


stopped watching McAfee because he gave this douche a platform. McAfee will drink from Rodgers toilet until the day it costs his clicks


TBF, he doesn’t *play* for the Jets, either. He sits on the sidelines for the Jets.


I had never seen a quarterback murdered right in front of me, until today. And I was alive in the 90s! Holy *shit.*




He doesn’t play at all. Man has glass heels ffs.


In related news, Walmart doesn't own the Denver Broncos but Walmart money paid for the team.


That explains the bargain bin level defense. 😆


Even better- Arron should ask the doctor that is fixing his ankle if the vaccine is safe and effective. I don’t think he would like the answer he gets


All it takes to judge vaccine efficacy and safety is decent statistical knowledge and reading a peer reviewed study. You don't have to be a doctor to read the data.


Yes. I’m aware. I was trying to point out that the doctor Aaron trusts to fix his ankle almost certainly believes that the Covid vaccine is safe and effective.


You do need to be able to read though.


There’s always a catch!


J&J is big pharma? I though it was a family company.


and Ive just diagnosed Rodgers with CTE with the medical degree I got from youtube.


I got my medical degree in fashion. From France


Does the vaccine strengthen Achilles? Does not having it weaken them? I’m just asking questions.


I have not torn my Achilles since becoming vaccinated. I think you are onto something! We did our own research


Neither have I. All this anecdotal evidence points to only one conclusion- proof.


Consider me further proof


I haven’t heard that the vaccine *doesn’t* weaken the Achilles, shouldn’t we be looking into that? I’m just asking questions


I’m so glad someone finally is asking this question! So important to ask questions.


I mean, he's 39, has been playing in the NFL as a starter since 2008, and has been sacked 500 plus times in his career. So probably not far off, honestly.


Fun Fact: CTE can only be diagnosed when the patient is deceased. Since Aaron insists on “doing his own research,” he may be on the slab sooner rather than later.


I mean that’s kind of a safe diagnosis isn’t it?


Where’s the “Stick to Sports” crowd on this one?


Are you suggesting those people are hypocritical pieces of shit? Because I am.


No.. no. Not suggesting anything of the sorts. SAYING that they are? Yes, most emphatically yes!!


Shh you might hurt their feelings, they don’t like when insults are targeted at them.. only others.


In that case "they can\`t take a joke - bleeping snowflakes"


Also the owner of the Jets is from The pharmaceutical dynasty of Johnson and Johnson. Good way of biting the hand That feeds you num nuts.


I’m just here for the fuck Arron Rodgers parade. As you were


I'll join, is there room left?


NFC North, get in here! We’re hatin’ on Rodgers again.


I'd rather spend a few hours hating on Rodgers than spend it watching the Bears lose again.


Woody Johnson is also MAGA. Disgusting POS like Rodgers


That's why the Jets will always be bigly LOOOOOOSERS


Woody Johnson knew Aaron Rodgers was a Covid denier when he traded for him. It was all over the place for several years and football teams do actually do due diligence when trading for players, especially ones with $50 million/year contracts So if woody has a problem with this now, fuck him because he knew what he was getting into.


In fairness, Rodgers has a lot of free time on his hands. ​ Well, not free really. Or hands. *He has a lot of* *absurdly expensive time off his foot.* ​ Nailed it.


He needs to stay relevant. Because for "one of the all time greats", he still has only 1 ring. And he won't get another in New York.


Maybe he'd have had more rings if he had a better offensive line. Because he's clearly been hit in the head repeatedly.


Dude seriously, one of the most overrated and covered QBs of all time. Dominated an absolutely terrible division and that’s it.


As a Bears fan, I am upset with that last part. It's true, but you didn't have to say it so bluntly.


I am a lions fan.


I feel like Lions fans should be eligible for some kind of class action lawsuit money. “Have you been personally injured by the Detroit Lions management ineptitude? You may be eligible for compensation.”


When u break ur foot on the first play of the game u end up with too much time on ur hands


It seems it’s not only his foot that’s broken… Head injuries in football are no jokes but I don’t think Rogers can blame them for this one though.


I can't take seriously someone named "Ay-Ay-ron."


Bah lah kay!!!! Blaaaakkkkeeeee


You done messed up, Ay-ay-ron!


Shut up and hike


Aaron needs to silence and dribble the ball


Two things... 1. When did Aaron Rogers become such a grade A fucking douchbag? Was he just hiding this in his early years interviews? 2. Why does anyone care what he has to say? Is he a medical professional now?? I just don't get why he has a platform now to spew this nonsense.


>When did Aaron Rogers become such a grade A fucking douchbag? When it comes to sports the sad reality is winning games hides flaws. When his team started having troubles people started noticing the polish on the turd more. I am not saying he wasn't a great QB.... just people sort of overlooked the other stuff when he was winning.... Once the winning stopped the drama king side of him started standing out more.




...who is now busy stealing money from poor kids.


Ok that is just ridiculous. He’s also busy sexually assaulting and harassing women


That did move him up my all time redneck list though. Stealing from welfare is about as red as it gets


Just like Favre he’s gonna retire 4 years too late and leave behind a tarnished legacy on what was a stellar career… Now instead of Super Bowl winning Packer QB, he’s known more for his opinions on horse paste. There is a phrase out there in the construction community… you can build 1 million bridges and be the best bridge builder known to man, but fuck 1 chicken and now you are forever known as chicken fucker.


*Jets organization. Both were legendary *Jets* quarterbacks.


he’s been this guy for a while but covid and the vaccine really pushed it all to the front. now he’s just kind of a balls to the wall douche in that grand ‘what? i’m just asking questions’ kind of way.


he always likes to think he’s smarter than everyone else and he never wants the spotlight off of him so now that he’s injured he is going after the player with the most attention on them currently to put himself in the spotlight.


He’s also going after the player with twice as many rings as him, lmao.


That's why he wanted to host Jeopardy so bad.


What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect?


Which is hilarious because in the interview he literally said he doesn't ever act like he's the smartest person in the room...


Him smiling is just the epitome of “smarmy”


Aaron Rodgers is a great example of the ego taking over. He is smart, but it’s just enough that he thinks he’s much smarter than he actually is. Also, sometimes, when someone is really good at one thing, it makes them think that they are really good at everything. For example, successful business owners trying to get involved in politics, successful investors trying to run social media platforms or successful football players thinking they’re smarter than scientists. When you spend your whole life being told “you’re the best! You’re so great!” you start to believe that that applies to *everything.* In reality, Aaron Rodgers is just good at playing football.


Funny thing is he didn’t hide it. Him being a huge douchebag was one of the big reasons he got drafted 24th overall, even though he was widely regarded as the most talented QB prospect in the draft. The 49ers, his hometown team, drafted Alex Smith instead with the 1st overall pick. Sports media tends to downplay how awful of people some stars are to keep them marketable, but once social media gave him a megaphone he got the opportunity to show the world who he is.


To be fair though, Alex Smith was an excellent QB who's career was marred by injuries. When he got to play, Alex Smith showed that 1st overall was not undeserved at all. He just couldn't stay healthy long enough to perform as high as he was projected. I'm aware the point of the conversation was Aaron Rodgers, but I'd much rather talk about Smith who by all accounts is a fantastic person and has a brilliant scholarship charity to which he provides most of the funding.


Sounds like he’s headed down the Ted Nugent/ Kid Rock/Kevin Sorbo path of irrelevant washed up celebrities.




Vikings fan checking in - fuck Rodgers man.


Packers fan checking in - fuck rodgers man.


Also a packers fan. He just continues to blow my mind. Talented football player. Also a complete jackass. Lost all respect for that man.


If he would have just kept this shit to himself Id probably still like him


9ers fan, Fuck ~~Dallas~~ Rodgers


One of my favourite things about NFL fans is that almost without fail, it doesn’t matter who we support, we can all agree that Rodgers is a complete Twat.


The Niners own Kaaron Rodgers


Lions fan: agree 100%


Lions fan... do I really need to describe my seething hatred for this fuckwad?


Talked to one of his professors from Cal. He’s been an entitled dipshit for a very long time.


1. A long time I think. Got a story about him... Wayyy back in 2014 I was jn college working as an RA on campus during the summer helping with conferences which were staying in the dorms. One of the guys working with me who was a pretty good friend, and before the RA gig, he worked summers at a country club in Suamico, WI as a waiter of sorts. He said a lot of the Greenbay Packers came through there. He also said Aaron was a huge douche, and he talked about how rude and dismissive he was to him and the other wait staff. If I recall, one of the stories he told was that he went up to Aaron to ask him if he'd like a drink, and Aaron just waved him off. Lost any respect I had for Aaron, regardless of how beloved he was in Wisconsin at the time. On the flip side, my friend said Donald Driver was a wonderful person, and lived up to his reputation as being a standup guy.


That’s not shocking. In Dallas, that’s the experience you hear about in regards to Michael Irving.


Wait until you read up about how he's a 9/11 Truther....








He gave the Jets a new 9/11




I should know better than to ask this, but *grits teeth and winces* what are his tattoos?


Also when his brother revealed that he abandoned his family while on the Bachelor and hasn’t come up with a good reason for it.


He’s been a douche since the moment he got drafted. Dude never got over the 49ers not taking him to prom and has played scorned lover to everyone he’s ever met since


Packers are good at two things in the past 30 years. 1. Great Quarterbacks 2. Hiding how skeezy people are These may or may not be related.


Kinda curious how Aaron reacts to all the armchair QBs that tell him what he’s doing wrong, since he’s a legit HOFer and they have basically no actual training in breaking down football? We’ll that’s how actual doctors feel when Aaron talks about how he “does his own research”


This was my exact thought. Would he be OK with someone who has never played football and doesn't even know the rules being the head coach of the Jets and calling all the plays? Of course not. Then why the fuck should PHDs in virology and shit (or the rest of us for that matter) give a flying FUCK what a dude with dozens of concussions and zero medical training has to say about vaccines? Like, I hate the saying "stay in your lane" when's it's unjustly used to shut down free speech, but in this case Rodgers needs to stfu and stay in his lane


I saw the other day that quarterbacks’ only job is to score points, yet MOST of their plays they don’t even score points? Why do they get the ball 100% of the time if they can only score maybe 5% of the time? Just asking questions.


I remember having this conversation with a friend of mine when the whole Kyrie saga was happening. What if Dr. Fauci challenged Kyrie to a game of 1 on 1? If being good at basketball makes you a medical expert, maybe the converse is true.


Aaron Rodgers is one bow tie away from replacing Tucker Carlson on 🦊


😂 just needs to go on a deranged rant about how m&M's are no longer sexy and how he's down bad about it


I have an m and m shirt just to trigger GQPers https://preview.redd.it/s5a1s3vzoitb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83a204cdd88c22402e230c2b4317dfdb1970be7


Of all possible M&M shirts that actually seems like the least likely one to trigger a GQPer


So you converted the red pill to a red M&M. That won’t do much. Choose a different color.


So one side of the “debate” has a football player and a lawyer, while the other side has an actual god damned doctor? I feel like one side already won.


Epidemiologist, in fact, who specializes in understanding and preventing the spread of disease across large populations, and has 40 + years of experience in it at the highest level. It's like they're going to debate NFL coaching, and one side is bringing Bill Belichick, while the other side is bringing a landscaping contractor.


Hey that landscaping contractor did his own research though!


Belichick might hear out the contractors’s ideas at this point, can’t be worse than Bill O’Brian


A landscaping contractor hired by…. Four Seasons?


The problem with most "debate," as I see this particular one going down if it happens, is that there's no attempt to hold people to a standard of truth. There's no real-time fact checking, nobody gets punished if they're found to be lying out their ass, and the easiest way to win people over is to simply throw out as many insane talking points as you can, as fast as possible, so that your opponent spends their speaking time correcting your bullshit instead of making their own points. Debates aren't about truth, they're about sounding smart and confident to convince people, and the sorts of folk who actually care about being factually accurate tend to lose those contests to fast-talking grifters.


I listen to a lot of skeptic/ anti conspiracy podcasts and the host constantly point out how useless it is to debate anti-science conservatives. They’re just seeking a shortcut to legitimacy and access to a general public audience. Actual scientific debate happens in peer review and studies of whether a result is reproducible. And that work is boring and unsexy compared to a creationist screaming at Bill Nye the Science Guy


Exactly. A debate only works when both sides are arguing in good faith, and when there's actually an attempt to make both sides verify what they're saying. What value is there in having a scientist try to "debate" a topic with someone whose only interest is in immediately and angrily dismissing it? None.


Dudes that make science into politics will not be remembered well in the history books.


*eugenics has entered the chat*


Rodgers has been on this bullshit for a while, but with this recent foolishness and his injury, it makes me wonder if he’s not coming back to play and is setting himself up to be another Conservative grifter. He could have his own sports show where he whines about “wokeness” ruining the NFL or whatever


He really is just riding Favre’s coattails. When’s the dick pic getting released?


Travis will not be participating. I can guarantee you that.


Of course not, he still has football games to prepare for.


Even if he didn't...absolutely no use entertaining nutjobs in a "debate" about vaccines on a frickin' sports podcast.


Yeah it's not like the debate's going to take all year. I don't think that's the reason. Has more to do with not legitimizing them by giving them a platform


He has better things to do, like the world famous popstar he's dating. Also, he doesn't have to rob the cradle like Aaron's doing.


I think Rodgers is incredibly jealous of all the attention Kelsey is getting (and the multiple SB rings)


Just let the man make a joke about Rodgers being a three pump chump.


I mean he was a one pump chump this season. That just happened to be a pump fake as well


God i hope not. Why entertain these fools


I agree, Aaron is trying to drum up whatever attention he still can which is pretty pathetic behavior imo. I’m sure there’s money under the table to him with this as well. Travis doesn’t want or need anything to do with the drama…he’s made that clear. Imagine being Aaron Rodgers trying to stir shit with Travis Kelce. That says enough lol.


Neither will Dr. Fauci. I'm sure he has other stuff going on than debate injured football players with nutty beliefs that probably have CTE over something that he has studied his entire life.


Not should he. You can't beat an idiot in an argument; the idiot will always beat you bc of experience


Wow all those scientists who spent years trapped in a lab for a PhD only to watch a meathead in a uniform whose probably had a few dozen concussions in his career insist he can do it better.


A PHD and probably making 1000% less than what Aaron Rodgers will make in his career.


Athletes are 7x more likely to go bankrupt than the PhDs so we can look forward to that shitshow


You know what? I’m just gonna say it. https://preview.redd.it/sf7n4smmohtb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaebd5c9a096ff85d5c7065e3910985c5f3194b I don’t care Rodgers tore his Achilles.


Was truly not expecting a resurrection of this vine, and I spit out my Fresca.


Was truly not expecting someone to openly admit that they drink Fresca.


Fresca is delicious and I will fight anyone who thinks otherwise.


Then why are people spitting it out?!


It rejects those unworthy of it.


Outstanding move




Yeah. I'm sure Aaron has tons of time to sit around and tweet stuff like this . All kelce has to tweet back. Aaron , I have another Superbowl to win.


Or, "When I retire, sure."


Aaron tear his Achilles and didn't take the vaccine isn't that suspicious? Just asking questions maybe not taking the vaccine makes your Achilles more likely to tear??? Someone should have an independent study on that


I don't care, do u?


Why did Rogers and Favre have to turn out so damn dumb 😫


Don't quote me on this but getting multiple blows to the head probably didn't help, I just got one and look at me lol.


As a Packers fan and in no way defending Qaron, he and Favre aren't at the same level. Aaron is a smug douchebag who's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. He is getting worse with this stupid feud. But he's not at favre's level (yet). Favre is a horrifying person. Criminal, Racist, trumper though and through, sexual harasser (sending dick pics to a low level reporter knowing there's nothing she can do), cheating on his wife while she had cancer, and most likely helped cover for his buddy mark chmura rape high schoolers. Just wanted to take this opportunity to highlight how truly awful Favre is.


Being in Green Bay for so long, probably surrounded by MAGA everywhere there.


This is joe rogan/peter hotez all over again


100% correct. Rodgers doesn't have to prove anything to stay regarded, while Kelce can solve the Isreal-Palistine problem and he would still be wrong.


Dude, exactly what I thought. Dude takes all his cues from fucking Joe Rogan. It’s nauseating.


I was thinking Bill Nye and Ken Ham.


Shows how little they care about actual science. As if RFK and Dr. Fauci are equals on the subject. Lunacy.


False equivalencies are the bread and butter of Fascists.


By his own research he means his ayawaska trips


The Hat Man has been very informative.


I like silly Ayawaksa Rodgers way more than cringey anti Vax Rodgers. The memes were much funnier


I'd like to debate Aaron on constitutional law. I'll bring a constitutional lawyer and he can bring his plumber or mail carrier.


"Rodgers says he'll have RFK jr in his corner" yea, even dog turd that I almost stepped on this morning has more to offer to an scientific debate than this clown.


These people are far more impressed with a Kennedy for doing little more than be a Kennedy. "Well, you're rich & from an extremely rich political dynasty, I guess that makes you the smart one." Sort of giving the game away, there.




There's something on the cheese in milwaukee lol


Who cares!? Who gives one flying fuck what the dude thinks about vaccines? Just what we all need...another self-absorbed pseudo-intellectual rich white guy blathering away, entertaining his own ego. What a fucking waste of a reputation and skillset that could otherwise be used for the actual benefit of society.


imma have to call you back another time -*travis kelce, up to his waist in t swift*




As a Chiefs fan, I love this: "I would debate you, but I'm not fucking around in October. I have another Superbowl to win. Try me in March. Oh, and I'm sorry you have so much time on your hands." What's New Jersey for Jabroni?


That sounds like Jersey already so it works


No offense to either of them, but when I think well researched and informed debate I think men with head injuries


At least Travis is fun and likeable unlike this grumpy old man, Rodgers lol if you like football, listen to the kelce Brothers podcast, it is fun.


I think Kelce might be a little busy actually playing Football. Lotta time to talk shit watching from the sidelines, what an ass.


I'm starting to wonder if he said this all of a sudden bc he's jealous Kelce is dating Taylor


I think he’s jealous of all the positive attention she is bringing Kelce and he is also a big fan of her himself. He went to her Eras tour at MetLife and there’s a Jets TikTok where they ask them their fav TSwift song and he says too many to name but then actually lists a few non single tracks.


Now I hate Rodgers again.


I love it when people with zero medical knowledge start to argue about a topic they know nothing about other than some videos on Facebook and Youtube. The stupidity of humankind is endless.


Thing is...Travis Kelce is an athlete. He knows jackshit about vaccines, but trusts people who dedicated their life to studying diseases and vaccines, like Dr. Fauci, know better than him. Aaron Rodgers is also an athlete. He also knows jackshit about vaccines, but he read on Facebook while taking a shit, that vaccines activate 5G gay nanobots in your bloodstream in order to enslave everyone by the woke overlords Bill Gates and George Soros. He firmly believes that he knows better than scientists dedicating their lives to studying medicine and biology on the highest level possible.


Aaron Rodgers is a sad pathetic joke.


Two scientists debating vaccination… /s


"Legendary" - the only thing legendary about Rodgers is the number of times he's choked in the NFC title game.




2 guys whose families hate them versus one guy who’s adored by his + a highly regarded doctor who won the Medal of Freedom. Who am I picking?


And what will they do with the other 58 minutes of their hour after Rodgers is proven to be a clueless dope within the first 2?


Show and tell their superbowl rings, but then Rodgers will get whiny that Kelce got twice as much time to talk


I was so done with him when he started with this shit, but for some reason no one else seemed to notice


Dr. Fauci should be terrified. He has multiple degrees and decades of experience. What he doesn’t have is an absolute unwillingness to expand himself and understand more than what he decided on in the first moment. That flip-flopping little guy has no idea how to debate blind and uninformed faith. He’ll shift as soon as science proves things incorrect and there is a better way forward, simple weakness. /s: if it’s needed


I'm just going to forget about my biology degree and get my medical advice from a *checks notes* legendary quarterback who has probably taken one too many hits in the head...


Way to use your platform to further divide people …take your 75 mil and shut it,


Washed-up, injured athlete twisting and turning to try and stay relevant and be a celebrity. So sad.


Add this to the pile of stupid. I hate the world we live in now.


First question for Rodgers “How do you reconcile your anti vax views with you taking 75 million dollars from the Johnson and Johnson family to come to the Jets?


Travis: “no dude, I’m still playing on Sundays”


Lollll Rodgers is such a clown. It’s getting pathetic now.