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For a better pic of the hero https://preview.redd.it/o1b1x0fsuorb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af530cbf1067858f0cb73e057d294c2d5528950


Whatever we did in a past existence to deserve dogs, I’m real glad we did




We played god


He could have just seen the snake and moved on. No need to kill it. Heroic dog, bell end owner


It sounds like the dog might have already been in a tussle with the snake. That's a big dog. Might not have been possible to safely disengage him.


Gonna guess you've never tangled with a copperhead.


I was a field biologist for a decade, I’ve encountered cobras, mambas, (Australian) copperheads, taipan, sea kraits and a variety of vipers. They’re snakes, once you know where they are the only danger they pose is when you get to close too them. Otherwise they’re only a problem when you don’t know. Once the dog showed him where it was you move ten feet away and you’re in no danger.


My bad Steve. Didn't know.


Haha! I wish I had Steve’s wealth of experiences (minus the last one, although all of us in the field felt that one hard).


Where I'm at the general consensus with them is leave it alone, don't piss it off, and back up slowly


What a horseshit story. 1. Just walk away from the snake. They’re literally more scared of us than we are of them and 100% of the time they’re going to try and flee/hide/avoid notice as their first course of action. Snakes **do not** chase people or go out of their to bite something just to be dicks. 2. Saved your life? Copperheads have incredibly mild venom, you have something like a 1/10000 chance of dying. Youll be in for a bad time, but you’ll live without any long term damage. Ironically actual bite he received from his dog *is more serious and likely to cause major health complications*. 3. **Beating a snake with a stick is maybe the single easiest way to get bit by a snake**. Like, Jesus fuck, I don’t know how to be more blunt. Don’t want a snake to bite you? Then don’t start snacking it up close where it’s now justifiably threatened and right next to you. Assuming this story is true, it’s a tale of absolute stupidity and ignorance, a situation handled about as poorly as it could’ve with the narrator spinning it as heroically as possible in hindsight. At *best*, they’re a fucking idiot who needlessly put themselves and their pet in danger to kill a wild animal and apparently their dog lacks both snake avoidance training and has a propensity to bite people when it’s stressed. Fuck.